Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily up Sep 29 2017




Puerto Rico In Crisis: Supplies Sit While Thousands Line Up To Evacuate | TODAY - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Puerto Rico In Crisis: Supplies Sit While Thousands Line Up To Evacuate | TODAY - Duration: 2:40.


How to Lose Weight and not give up Alcohol - 3 Hacks + 3 Challenges - Duration: 7:11.

so how do you lose weight and drink alcohol I got three hacks for that

coming up as well as three challenges that you should be ready for when going

out and if you're ready for them it's really going to help you actually

succeed at this and really increase your chances so I got that for you

coming up what is up 4 Faith nation thank you again for tuning in a video if

you're new around here and you found us through search make sure to

subscribe to the channel and click that little Bell icon to get all of our

videos because I talk about weight loss and fat loss and that is it my only goal

is to help you reach yours and to finally help you get over that hump and

to start losing weight so let's hop right into the tips tip number one is to

pre log your alcohol yes you can log alcohol some people don't know that you

can go into my Fitness Pal and log alcohol and a lot of times you know if

I'm drinking beer or something like that then I'll just log a logger you know in

16 ounces I'll just make sure to get the appropriate ounces I multiply that by

three and that's what you have there now the problem is alcohol is a high number

of calories per gram it's second only to fat it's seven calories a gram so you

are gonna see a huge dip in the calories that you have available for the day if

you pre log like this but it's better to know than to not know and get caught and

feel guilty so pre log your alcohol tip number two and this one is awesome super

helpful you've heard this before but just make sure to do it and that is have

a rule where you drink a glass of water in between every drink it will help you

span it out you'll realize that you don't need to be slamin' alcohol left

and right that you can just span out your alcohol a little bit and I'm guilty

of this more than anyone drinking too fast and so that will really help slow

you down and it'll help keep you sober increase your judgement tip number three

now this personally I actually don't follow this tip because I'm a beer

enthusiast a craft beer enthusiast I just love those heavy IPA stuff like

that and trying new things but if you can you want to stick to mixed drinks

diet soda and some type of alcohol or just straight hard alcohol now if you're

a hard alcohol drinker and you just really love drinking you know whiskey or

something like that then you might want to be careful with that I caution

you on that because the point of just drinking straight hard alcohol is that

you're gonna sip on it it's going to slow you down so if it doesn't slow you

down and that defeats the purpose you might want to go the mixed drink route

but the reason that I'm saying this a lot of hard alcohol has antioxidants at

the very least you're getting a little bit of health benefit from it and then

also it's gonna slow you down a little bit more than beer the beer comes with a

whole lot of carbs with it at the same time it makes you feel bloated makes you

feel more guilty but then the hard alcohol can sneak up on you and so you

want to be careful you just want to be cautious if that sounds like a good plan

to you that is a good tip I would go with that and a "hack" for you on that one

so let's jump into the challenges these things I want you to be the reason this

is going to be in the video is because if you're ready for this if you go into

the night ready for these challenges your chances of success go way up

because you're prepared it's like going into battle knowing your enemy you want

to know your enemy if you're not going in there knowing then you could be

caught off guard you might be defeated you might feel guilty and then the cycle

starts and so you want to prevent that challenge number one and the most

obvious I mentioned this earlier is that alcohol impairs your judgment so be

ready to be impaired set resolve resolve with yourself I am NOT going to let

alcohol dictate what I do I have a plan here I'm gonna stick to that now it

might not always go according to plan but if you know that heading in you have

a better chance at success and that segues into challenge number two

challenge number two is knowing that you are going to fail and you have to

overcome the challenge of feeling that guilt and so I guess the challenge is

the guilt is overcoming alcohol to begin with

but just know that you're gonna fail you're probably gonna fail many more

times than one at sticking to your plan but I bet you did better than if you

just went in there saying screw it I'm gonna drink whatever I want right and so

your goal here is to get better and better not to be perfect especially not

within those first three to four times you're attempting to resolve yourself to

be a better alcohol drinker while losing weight challenge number three is

the comments be ready for those comments of people saying that you're no fun and

they're just kind of joking but there's a little bit of truth to it because

there's always truth behind every joke and so just be ready for people just to

poke fun and it's fit shaming sort of even if you're not extremely fit and

you're trying to become fit it's still a sense of fit shaming it's like man guys

I'm trying to make this change it's good for myself and you're you're making it

even harder on me just know people don't mean anything bad by it especially your

friends they don't mean anything bad by it just let them know have prepared

responses something along the lines of this is something that makes me feel

really good I want to keep doing this and I love this you should join me but

at least I'm out with you guys I could have stayed home you know and usually

they're like oh yeah I guess you know at least in my experience with my friends

they're like yeah glad that you're here with us and they just kind of drop it

and you have to remember with alcohol if you give it enough time they're gonna

forget they even brought it up in the first place so just have your water in

between each drink follow these tips and resolve with yourself have responses

ready be ready to fail on your plan all these

things are really gonna help you continue to lose weight even while

drinking alcohol which don't get me wrong it is still a challenge because

like I said earlier in the video alcohol is the second highest calories per gram

next to fat so if you're a big alcohol drinker it is gonna be a challenge and

you have to find a way to reduce your consumption this video doesn't mean that

you can drink any amount and anything you want and still lose weight this

video is hacks on how to drink less on how to control yourself

and that is what's gonna lead to your weight loss if any video out there tells

you hey you can drink anything you want if you go out and drink 16 beers you

will not lose weight if you do that once a weekend you're not gonna be losing

weight most likely I mean I can't guarantee that but you're probably not

going to be losing weight so this video is to teach you how to do better and

drink less but you can drink you can go out and enjoy yourself with your friends

just be careful drive safely try not to get drunk and

just stick to your plan well that is all for today's video guys thank you again

so much for tuning in I just really appreciate everyone's support and all

the love and all the likes and all the comments question of the day what are

your best tips for going out drinking alcohol and still losing weight

have you found success with it have you not has it been a struggle for you

I'd love to hear with you hear from you in the comments section and connect with

you guys there please share this video out on social media networks get your

friends to subscribe to this channel if they are trying to lose weight I want to

grow this channels influence so I can help more people I love that I am able

to do what I love to help people and to actually get people results it's just my

oxygen it's what I live for so thank you guys again so much have a great rest of

your day everyone and as always God bless

For more infomation >> How to Lose Weight and not give up Alcohol - 3 Hacks + 3 Challenges - Duration: 7:11.


Military Gears Up To Help Puerto Rico - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Military Gears Up To Help Puerto Rico - Duration: 0:37.


City Ramps Up Efforts to Stop Hep A - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> City Ramps Up Efforts to Stop Hep A - Duration: 2:42.


Crews Continue Clean-Up After Train Derailment - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Crews Continue Clean-Up After Train Derailment - Duration: 1:45.


Dancehall Mix / Oh Yeah (Run Up) Alkaline, Vybz Kartel, Masicka, Tommy Lee, Popcaan, Aidonia, & More - Duration: 1:00:21.

🔥Subscribe For More🔥Dancehall Mix 🔥Music

For more infomation >> Dancehall Mix / Oh Yeah (Run Up) Alkaline, Vybz Kartel, Masicka, Tommy Lee, Popcaan, Aidonia, & More - Duration: 1:00:21.


Shorewood family sets up YouTube channel to shame speeders - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Shorewood family sets up YouTube channel to shame speeders - Duration: 2:09.


Saints superfan gives up tickets for a purpose - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Saints superfan gives up tickets for a purpose - Duration: 1:40.


Popular restaurant trying to clean up after fire - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Popular restaurant trying to clean up after fire - Duration: 1:17.


'I Grew Up Poor And Now I'm Not': Mystery Couple Regularly Picks Up Tabs At Washington Restaurant - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 'I Grew Up Poor And Now I'm Not': Mystery Couple Regularly Picks Up Tabs At Washington Restaurant - Duration: 2:30.


Up to $100,000 reward offered for information in Rachel Cooke case - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Up to $100,000 reward offered for information in Rachel Cooke case - Duration: 2:31.


Jason Sterlacci: 'Jeopardy! Opened Up Unexpected Doors' - Duration: 0:46.

I'm so grateful for Farmers insurance

and this grant that they gave all the

teachers in this tournament. With the

money I was able to get the funds

necessary to start a publishing club that

will hopefully be beginning next school year.

I purchased a number of Amazon Kindles

that are currently nestled away in our

school safe for publishing purposes.

In addition I managed to use leftover

money to buy magazine racks, storage units,

brand-new books for my library,

magazine subscriptions, plays, and donate

to schools that are in financial need. I'm so

grateful for everything Farmers

has done. Thank you so much.

For more infomation >> Jason Sterlacci: 'Jeopardy! Opened Up Unexpected Doors' - Duration: 0:46.


★ Nightcore - Talk To Me | Hands Up Remix | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 2:43.

Talk To Me Hands UP REMIX

Sugu Music Nightcore

For more infomation >> ★ Nightcore - Talk To Me | Hands Up Remix | Sugu Music ★ - Duration: 2:43.


☝ VLOG #5 - Lift it up! ☝ - Duration: 3:28.

Lovely, our hight difference..

Yes looks nice right?

A very good morning

A new day today.

The past few days

Our Sjors did his very very best

To get this specific container to the buildingsite.

Hours of calling, e-mailing...

and more calling.

and now it is finally here.

We are going to start

You have 300 sunny days a year

and now that we are here

we have rain.

We had a great idea

because people keep asking who we are

So we were thinking

Let's just show them who we are!

[Raymond being happy as always]

As you can see, we are finally getting our bathroom out of the container.

There it goes..

Hi people...

As you can see..

I am sitting on the toilet

With Harold...

The bathroom arrived. Nothing broke.

Look at that guys...

completely finished

And that will be the end of shift 1.

We are going home!

I still have carrot between my teeth

Look at that. Same colour as my vest.

Hey Janiek...

On which side are you on?


Shame on you!

shift 2 just started

I am on a scaffolder...

And together with my colleagues

I am collecting and lifting all the slats

of the Deraco system.

Guys how are you doing?

We are great!

It is getting pretty dark now....

[Cameraman Jurjen shuts off his phone light]

I am here with Robin..

Robin.. What are you doing?

I am anchoring the floor!

Doing great man!

Always nice to see our cameraman Jurjen in action

[Harold being busted]

We got ourselves frist class tickets..

For the spectacle of the year..

We are lifting the frames.

As you can see

shift 2 is still soldiering on..

Unfortunately we had a small hiccup

we were hoping to finish the roof today

and that did not happen..

So, putting on the Selficient flag needs to wait for a bit...


We are going to try to do that tomorrow..

and it will all be fine!

For more infomation >> ☝ VLOG #5 - Lift it up! ☝ - Duration: 3:28.


Deaths & Vaccinations up in "Hep A" Outbreak - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Deaths & Vaccinations up in "Hep A" Outbreak - Duration: 2:09.


What's Up for October 2017 - Duration: 2:22.

[ ♪ ]

What's Up for October

International Observe the Moon Night,

planet and moon pairups,

and a meteor shower!

Hello and welcome! I'm Jane Houston Jones from

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

You can't miss bright Venus in the predawn sky.

Look for fainter Mars below Venus on the 1st,

really close on the 5th,

and above Venus after that.

Midmonth, the moon is visible near Regulus,

the white starry heart of the constellation Leo.

In the October 8-11 predawn sky

watch the moon glide near the Pleiades star cluster

and pass near the red stars

Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus

and Betelgeuse in Orion.


After dusk in the early part of the month

look for Saturn in the southwest sky above another red star:

Antares in Scorpius.

Later in the month

find the moon above Antares October 22 and 23.

Saturn will be above the moon on the 23rd

and below it on the 24th.


Uranus reach opposition on October 19th.

It's visible all night long

and its blue-green color is unmistakeable.

It may be bright enough to see with your naked eye--

and for sure in binoculars.


The Orionids peak on October 20 a dark, moonless night.

Look near Orion's club in the hours before dawn

and you may see up to 10 to 15 meteors per hour.


Use binoculars to look for bright asteroid 7 Iris

in the constellation Aries.

Newbies to astronomy should be able to spot

this magnitude 6.9 asteroid --even from the city.

Look later in the month and sketch its positions

a day or two apart-- to see it move.

Finally, celebrate International Observe the Moon Night

on October 28

with your local astronomy club,

Solar System Ambassador,

museum, or planetarium.

The first quarter moon that night

will display some great features!

You can find out about all of NASA's missions at:

That's all for this month. I'm Jane Houston Jones.

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

For more infomation >> What's Up for October 2017 - Duration: 2:22.


OCTOBER 2017 Plan With Me | BULLET JOURNAL monthly set up + weekly log | bluelahe - Duration: 4:07.

Hello everyone, I'm Yu and welcome in a new video.

It's near the end of the month so here's an October 2017 plan with me.

I love the colours of Autumn and its cozy vibes so I tried to recreate this in the spreads.

For the cover, first I'm sketching out some shapes and composition ideas.

I want to draw pumpkins because they're just perfect for October and

they also don't taste bad at all.

Then I'm adding flowers because it's just not the same without them in my spreads,

and also some random leaves.

After the sketch, I started doing the lineart in a not really precise way.

I guess that having messy bits can make the design more personal and comfy.

Anyway, I used a waterproof fine liner because I want to use watercolours next.

A normal one's ink will feather really badly in water, so make sure to use the right pen.

For the watercolours, any brand is fine as we are just using them for the bullet journal

and the difference won't be really noticeable on normal paper.

Just make sure not to use too much water as the page may be damaged and get wavy.

Testing in the back of the notebook is always recommended.

So, you don't have to be precise here too, just have fun with the colours.

Now let the paper dry or use a hair dryer to make it faster before going to the next step.

I'm just using some light markers to add some details and more saturation, and then

I used a white gel pen for highlights.

The drawing is finished but I still have to add the usual gradient title.

If you are interest in this effect check out my titles tutorial, I'll link it in the cards

and in the description box where you can also find the list of the supplies I've used in this video.

So let's continue with the calendar and the monthly to do list.

It's the usual layout but this time no black lines as I decided to use coloured pens.

I really like how it turned out because everything is more bright and warm. And happy

and... I think I'm just too in love with yellow and orange lately.

Anyway I added another pumpkin but this time I coloured it using markers and fineliners

so that's an option if you can't use watercolours.

Coloured pencils are great too and they guarantee 100% no bleed through.

Now that this spread is finished, I'll show you the monthly recap page and a weekly log.

You may already know but I used to write a little recap under each week's page but

for this month I decided to group them in a single page.

The layout is really simple and I've used the same colours as before.

Of course I added some doodles too.

The weekly log is also really simple as the design is focused on the header and the colours.

Then I wrote a little quote at the bottom and left some blank space that you can use

for weekly trackers or doodling.

I'll probably decorate the page as I use it, and if you don't want to miss the final result

you can follow me on Instagram @bluelahe were I post every spread I make, more weekly logs included.

So, the October set up is finished.

I hope you liked it.

Also if you want to see a particular theme for November, comment below your suggestion.

I promise I'll read it.

Thank you so much for watching and see you next time, bye!

For more infomation >> OCTOBER 2017 Plan With Me | BULLET JOURNAL monthly set up + weekly log | bluelahe - Duration: 4:07.


USA up, former POTUS' & Saunders 59 - Duration: 3:00.

When International bragging rights are on the line…

The Aussie with a hug for the Canadians and the International fans!

There's more where that came from!

The fans were all fired up to tee off the 2017 Presidents Cup on Thursday at Liberty

National, which featured a few presidents in attendance…

Bill Clinton, George W Busch and Barak Obama came to help kick off the team competition

in New York…

The fans weren't the only ones that were pumped.

Phil Mickelson even attempted his first ever selfie for the occasion…

Phil might need to work on his selfie game but the fans were on point with their chants…

And it must have worked because Vegas had the flat stick going early…

We also had all kinds of chip-ins during the Foursomes format.

Rickie Fowler for birdie on the 3rd….

Uh yeah, that one went in Rickie.

Dustin Johnson fired up the crowd on 3 too!

JT and Fowler put up the first points of the competition, defeating Charl Schwartzel and

Hideki Matsuyama 6 & 4.

Patrick Reed and Jordan Spieth quickly followed suit…

Spieth had a clutch 33-foot par save on the 11th…

Team Captain America defeated Si Woo Kim & Emiliano Grillo 5 & 4.

But it was the late matches that came down to the wire.

Kevin Kisner and Phil Mickelson were up right away, with this 34-foot birdie on the 1st…

When the US would stumble…

The Aussies had an answer…

That match was halved, after Presidents Cup rookies Daniel Berger and Brooks Koepka topped

South Africans Branden Grace and Louis Oosthuizen 3 & 1.

The United States leads three-and-a-half, to one-and-a-half after Day 1.

But there's more!

The TOUR is also in action this week, for their season finale -- where Sam Saunders

shot a 59 in Rd 1 Thursday.

Catch those highlights of the TOUR Finals from Atlantic Beach on

and TOUR social media.

You can also find the pairings for Friday's Four-Ball at the Presidents Cup on

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