Time To Dig A Hole
What Happened To You? - Duration: 14:11.is life happening to you or for you stay tuned this is Damon cart from NLP
Gym the video you're about to see was taken from my NLP practitioner training
if you like the video please click like down there and if you want to get more
of these videos please click Subscribe right down there too and hit the bell
also leave a comment or a question I will follow up with you this kept coming
up where I think I felt like things were happening to me and I don't we get upset
and I get reactive about it and then I would eventually solve it but I'm good
through this whole process of getting angry about it thinking about it in
terms of being not fair that this is these things just happened to me it
sucks and it's slowing me down and oh no I'm making whatever story or narrative
about it so of course whenever I started uploading or downloading the video from
the camera to my computer and I realized there was no sound I was just so angry
and I was just like oh this so this sucks
shit like this happens to me and it just and I was you know going into this
narrative and I was angry and it's nothing wrong with getting angry about
something like that I think I'm not I'm not saying that
there's nothing wrong with that because do you have an expectation you put some
work into something and it doesn't turn out like you expect it is natural to be
angry and if you're not your core if you're likely pushing that away and not
accepting the reality of our not accepting your feelings or your emotions
I'm not in any way suggesting that we shouldn't get angry it's just something
that happens we get angry it's our emotional response but what do you do
after that what do you do after that initial emotional response and I stopped
myself because I realized I was engaging in that type of thinking going down this
hole of things that suck happened to me or shit happens to me things I don't
like happen to me and I'm really still had to stop myself and say okay well
what kind of person would say that a person who feels like they're being
victimized by something okay well what am I being victimized
I'm an atheist I don't think God or the devil is out to get me
am I being victimized by just like universe like this that New Age kind of
idea about the universe that kind of sucks like that that doesn't that
doesn't fit I don't believe that so why not things happen and then I respond to
them and that immediately started creating solutions as soon as I did that
I was I was thinking okay well what do I do now I go solve the problem so instead
of tying myself up and all this stuff about oh this happened to me then I'm
now the victim then getting passed on I could go and solve this problem that
things became more practical so I started breaking down the equipment okay
where's where's the piece that doesn't work initially I found that the battery
was the thing that didn't work it is actually an egocentric thing to think
that things happen specifically to you because you know as a universe all your
for me and it's it's doing things for me sometimes and it's doing things against
me sometimes and things that I don't like this absolutely ridiculous and
absurd if you really think about it so things are happening and then I'm
responding to that and what that does is it empowers you to say okay well how do
I want to respond to that instead of getting caught up in a story that some
powerful force is acting against you or even for you
the other way that you could look at this as people who are psychotically
optimistic they tend to be sociopaths you know they think the world is kind of
there for them the world is happening for them and then you know the victims
who are feeling like the world is happening to them mm-hmm but we can and
we don't want to be too detached from that we don't want to say well know that
the world is happening and on this other entity who sort of thrown in the mix
well no we're we're definitely a part of this whole thing and things aren't
happening and sometimes we we do something and then the response to that
what we do is something that happens to us so I don't want to say I don't want
to clear and say that well that never happens
nothing ever happens to you well it does if you're engaged in that thing what
happened here with the microphone is once I would not allow myself to go into
that story and I got very practical about how to solve the problem
ultimately I was responsible for that there I should have had another battery
I should have checked the battery I should have kept tabs on how that was
working and I chose to not do that probably to put my attention on
something else well going forward after loosing all that video you can imagine
my attention will definitely be on that at all you know and periodically to make
sure that the battery doesn't fail so when you're thinking when you're
listening to the language of how do you think check in with that or is your
language indicating that things are happening to you for you
or more like things are happening and
you have choice and mainly notes about responding or how you respond so
definitely I clogged in my language this and this happened to me
and I stopped myself and got back to okay well this happens how do I choose
to respond to this well I could go into this victim phone would create a whole
story about how the universe is out to get me and still justify and my feeling
or I could say no I'm gonna I'm gonna look at this as this happened and now I
have a choice about how I want to respond this freed me from the emotional
part of it in the story part of it and said okay well now I can choose my
response I want this thing to work I want to figure out what happened I don't
want to be a potential mystery and always be something in the back of my
mind that I fear because I'm gonna do more video and I'll never quite know if
the sound is going to fail or not and that's gonna create some sort of
insecurity which continues to feed this emotion that things happen to me and I
don't know what's going to happen to be next and it could be really bad and now
I'm gonna fear that and then when it does happen I'm gonna say because things
will inevitably happen that I don't like and then I could say you see I knew it
thing bad things just happen to me so I get caught up in this belief in this
narrative is that just professionally feeds itself break that and get back to
things happen and now you have a choice how you want to respond to that know you
could definitely make the argument that this happened to me you can I'm not
saying that this is necessarily not true it's more you have the choice to decide
how you want to go about that how do you want to respond to that and when you
catch your language indicating any of these things that should be like an
indication that stop and say okay I don't want to go into this story I don't
wanna go into the emotion I want to go into the choice a choice to what what do
I want to do here and you may choose to you want to be a victim I'd rather be a
victim than solve this problem or I would rather be I'd rather just have
this idea that everything is just going to work out and the universe is going to
give me whenever I need to make that happen
and because universe is working in my favor and I don't think that ultimately
serves us I think it's probably a better way to think about it from this but I
think ultimately either one of these is egocentric and it's feeding a false
narrative and inevitably I think this will at some point shatter unless you
are but if a sociopath one of the I keep using that word that is one of the
traits of somebody who's a sociopath or what they call antisocial is they're
very charismatic oftentimes and it's because they have sort of a detachment
from the people and they tend to you think like Ted Bundy they tend to be
very charismatic they tend to feel like the world is happening for them and they
feel like they can't get caught and if they do get caught if they were talking
way out of it so I think that's that's what I'm indicating with the danger of
this like they're they can't be touched and because the world is always working
for them if you go too far with that it's dangerous if you tell you know any
one of these you can do it we probably do all do to a certain extent it just
depends on how far you go into it but the more you can be tennis from that
story of emotion and get back to the you know what is the ultimate outcome of
what I want out of this how does this relate to NLP and
what we're learning I think that's one of the reasons why an opium was created
is to come to the understanding that I live in a world where I don't have the
world is not happening to me I live in a world where I have choice and I know
that that's not necessarily going to come from seeking something external I
have to look at how I process information how I create my own reality
and that is the key to understanding or creating a world where I do have a
choice and I can do different things and I don't have to respond according to my
old programming or the stories that my parents told me or the stories that my
culture told me or the stories that other people are telling me I can be
practical about this I can look at the ways that I've responded in the past and
noticed patterns and then said okay I'm not going to indulge in that anymore I'm
going to create a new pattern I'm gonna focus on what my outcome is I'm going to
have a choice about how I how I do things one of the one of the reasons why
John rendering Richard Bandler got him long is because they were attending
these student meetings at various times and it was random they weren't like
meeting each other there was just these four student means that were happening
at the University of Santa Cruz that they were going into these dialog
through these groups of people who go into these dialogs and one person would
say something or bring up a an issue and then somebody else would stand up and
say you bringing up that issue or saying it the way that you did makes me feel
sad or makes me feel bad and they were engaging in all this and putting their
banner where they're kind of throwing up their hands and like why you know that's
the victim mentality is you control me by what you say that you control me by
your actions because you're making me feel a certain way and they were saying
no we we can have control over that and they got very frustrated by that and
that was one of the things that kind of brought them together they didn't like
the way that I guess the culture was moving at night and at the University
and so they actually started speaking out about it but that was one of the
things that the common ground that they found to work together is this idea that
no you you do have choice nobody else controls you those that is within your
control so
when we feel like outside events are controlling us because they're happening
to us then we're not in control and that perpetuates that feeling of being
hopeless and helpless and not being able to do anything of course we don't have
complete control if you feel like you have complete control then then you're
going in you're indulging the other one the one that where the world is working
for me and everything it's happening for me and I control everything and again
now you're still caught up in that egocentric mentality step out of that I
know that things happen and I have my responses and my responses can alter the
way things happen and what things are going to happen outside of my control so
it goes both ways
so basically the best solution is choice being able to choose when it's most
appropriate or most useful for you to view life as working for you or
happening to you if you want full engagement or sometimes it's good to be
sort of detached so you can solve problems better it all depends on the
situation there's no right or wrong way just what is most useful to you check
out my website NLP-gym.com there's some free NLP training there for you if
you want to check out what it's about also I have a live event coming up in
Santa Cruz California you can check out the Facebook page or my youtube channel
for updates on that live event with dr. Matt he's an international NLP and
personal development teacher coach trainer author of 13 books speaks and
lectures in seven different languages quite an extraordinary talent he'll be
coming to Santa Cruz November 4th and he'll be giving free talks throughout
throughout the day on personal branding also on persuasion and on how to create
or basically design your identity if you like this video remember to hit the like
button and also hit subscribe and hit the bell so that you can get
notifications when new videos come out take care
have an easy fast [ what time is yom kippur 2017 [ what time yom kippur 2017 ] - Duration: 3:53.Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, begins at sundown on September 29.
Those that observe the "day of atonement" will fast for 25 hours, until sundown on September 30 this year.
Reflection is a key theme during the Jewish High Holidays — which take place for 10 days between Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year which began at sunset on September 20, and Yom Kippur.
Whether you're Jewish or not, reflecting on the past year and looking ahead at the one to come is a valuable exercise — one that's even easier with an increasingly popular website: 10Q.
Every fall, beginning on Rosh Hashanah, 10Q participants are emailed a question a day for 10 days, and answers are recorded in the site's "vault."
The following year, your responses are emailed back to you, so you can reflect on how your year played out. Then, the process begins again. Think of it as one of those school assignments where you had to write a letter to your future self, and your teacher mailed it to you a year later.
It's not too late to participate this year, but you have to finish all 10 questions — and officially submit them to the "10Q vault" — within 72 hours of nightfall on September 30, when Yom Kippur ends this year. At that point, the vault closes, and your answers are stored and saved until next year.
The 10 questions (plus one bonus question) cover a variety of topics. You'll be asked to describe a significant experience you've had in the past year, and if there's something you wish you had done differently. You'll also be asked to choose one thing you'd like to achieve by this time next year, and how you'd like to improve your life over the coming months.
Your answers can be short or long, and you can skip questions that don't resonate with you. If you miss a day, you can catch up whenever you have time. Everything you write is private, unless you choose to share it, and subject to the highest industry standard encryption, according to the site.
This year marks my eighth year using 10Q as a tool for self-reflection and goal-tracking. As a financial planner in New York, it's a habit I've seen work with my clients as well.
If you like this video, you may like the video below and subscribe to my channel to watch the latest videos. Thank you for watching this video. Wish you always fun and success!
What does quasi mean? - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
#VisitorVoices - What Freedom Means To Us - Duration: 1:04.My name is Amara Chikuqueensly Onyekwere and I'm a first generation Nigerian-American.
I am Cindy Onyekwere and I am her sister.
I'm Mona Lisa Onyekwere and I'm their sister.
I am Mecca Linda Onyekwere and I'm a sister.
I'm Samia Adaisy Onyekwere and she's my mother. (laughter)
In six words define freedom.
Rappelz THE RIFT : What about the stuff ? - Duration: 6:28.
Hello every one it's WantMyTip !
Today's video will be about gears on the new Rappelz : The Rift
It's a new system, a bit odd
and I wanted to show it to you
You should know that the stuff on Rappelz : The Rift
Contains what we call CP
Let me click here, you can read "CP"
What are they used for ? Let me explain
Before explaining how to level the gear, let me talk first about CP
The CP system is used to determine your ranking on the server
They depend on the level of your character,
the level of his skills
and depend on the equipped gear
The more the gear is leveled, rare and high level,
the more it gives CP
CP here are not to be mistaken for the classic Rappelz CP system on the french servers
Let me show you the leaderboard and how does it work
Can't quite find it but I'm sure I will
I'm still not used to the interface
Ranking, here it is
You can see it is determined based on CP
more than 404k CP for this one
Let's go check out the top 30
If I recall, Holyblood should be in there
Well seems like he's not in the top 30 anymore
To summarize, CP determine your character's rank, you can find a ranking by CP and by level
This is for the first part of the video, it's an important notion to acknowledge before leveling your gear
Now, to level and enhance your gear, it's very simple
Enter the activity menu,
then click on main equipment
Once it's done, you'll find the two major tabs, that i'll talk about today : Smelt and Strength
I'm sorry for my bad accent
Smelt, what is it ?
To the right, you'll find your equipped gear
And you'll be able to increase its level
Like going to the blacksmith on the classic Rappelz
You have two option, Smelt, that will level your gear a level at a time, or smelt all
Smelt all will directly enhance your gear to its maximum level
Let me equip my gear
Yes, because i actually have fresh new gear!
*WantMyTip trying to find and equip his gear*
Finally done, it's all I had to equip, my new armor and axes
Once they are equiped, my CP increases
You can see it's not bad
Let's go back to the equipment page, then click on smelt
I'll choose the axes, then click on smelt all
The CP increases with the gear level
This was for the gear leveling, now let's talk about the enhancing/enchanting system
Exactly like the classic rappelz system,
The cubing system !
You'll find cubes and protection powders (epros)
However, the fail enchant mechanics are different here.
On Rappelz PC, when you fail to enchant, the gear breaks
But on Rappelz : The Rift, failing to enchant will simply result in the gear losing an enhancement level, and not being destroyed
I like that part
To enchant my axes, i'll need a strength cube
The stuff on the left and the cubes on the right, let's strengthen it !
As previously said, the CP increases.
To get to +2, you now have 95% chances of success
After that 90% etc..
You get it
The more then enchantment level is high, the more you'll need cubes
and the more it'll cost
We can see a big increase in CP
Let's stop here for now
This is the system that'll enable you to level up and enchant your gear, while increasing your CP amount
The first fail, my CP went down
So this is how the gear system works, with CP increasing when leveling and enhancing the gear
On Rappelz : The Rift, you don't lose/break gear
The CP variations and the leveling/enhancing of gear are the two main axis of this new gear system
Very important to know in this game
The CP not only help you get a better ranking, but also better stats
We don't have much info about it, but CP do increase your stats
It's a vicious circle : The more your stuff is leveled, the more CP you get, the more your stats increase
The more easier it'll get to farm monsters, so to level your gear
It's kind of an infernal spiral found in this game
that enables the player to level his gear without much risks
and to have an attractive CP system
For a good ranking and for a good increase in stats
NOT to be confused with the skill system we'll see later on
On the next video, or during the next test session
I hope i've been clear
Thank you for watching, we'll see you guys later on our channel with the upcoming news
Don't hesitate to subscribe and to visit the links in the description
See you later !
WHEN JUDGE ROSS SAID "SHUT UP", SHE KEPT TALKIN', "GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT"!! - Duration: 13:47.-------------------------------------------
What is the Eurovision Song Contest? - Duration: 8:30.Sorry about the long hiatus, but you probably don't care anyway.
I wanted to make it back with something big, something that you would enjoy.
That's why I decided to make this video.
If you didn't know, I'm a big fan of AlternateHistoryHub and follow them on a regular basis.
I even made a preview video for an episode that never came out,
and it still holds the record as the most watched video on my channel.
Seriously, a forty-second video beat out all of my Let's Plays,
all of my reviews, and every other zany adventure I had planned.
Hopefully, this video will change that.
In honor of AlternateHistoryHub,
I'd like to make my own video using a similar art style to what is used, or at least was used,
in AlternateHistoryHub, to cover one of my favorite topics:
the Eurovision Song Contest.
If you never heard of it, that's okay. It's not an American thing, anyway.
However, since it usually reaches 200 million views,
it merits a bit of explanation.
The short version is each country sends in a song and a performer to perform it,
and competes against each other for points.
The winner walks away with a big shiny trophy
and the honor of hosting the event in his or her home country.
Simple enough, right? Well, here's the longer version.
The contest was launched in 1956,
in an effort to bring the war-battered people of Europe together around a single event,
brought to you by the newly-launched Eurovision Network.
This network would allow events to be broadcast across all of Europe,
or at the very least, Western Europe.
The contest was very different from today:
Seven countries each sent in two singers who would perform original songs
in their home languages, and juries determined the winner.
The event was hosted in Lugano, Switzerland,
and ironically was also won by Switzerland.
Germany would host the next contest,
but only because the original intent was to rotate the host.
With the number of countries competing even in 1957, which was ten, by the way,
that would be a bit impractical,
So the next time, it would go to the winner of the last contest,
which made the Netherlands, the winner of 1957,
the host of 1958.
After 1957, a rule change came in that forced people
to make their songs at most three minutes long.
Italy scoffed at the original "recommended" three-and-a-half-minute song requirement,
so in 1957 Italy sent in a song that was over five minutes long.
With all the rule changes in the contest,
the length of songs in the modern contest still stand at three minutes max.
The contest changed a lot since 1956. For example,
there was no rule in the early days governing the use of languages in the contest.
It was just assumed that people would stick to their native languages...
until 1965, when Sweden sang in English.
From then on a rule had to be introduced
to force people to sing using only the languages that their countries used.
Socialism at work, ladies and gentlemen.
The rule was lifted in 1973 and Sweden won with ABBA in 1974.
(Remember those guys? They did "Dancing Queen"?)
However, the quality of the songs was put on the back burner because of the popularity of English,
so the language rule was reinstated for the 1977 contest.
However, that wouldn't last.
In the 1990s, Ireland won four times in five contests and the United Kingdom won one too.
Notably, they both used English.
The other winners of the decade relied less on language and more on melody,
to the point where Norway won in 1995 with what was mostly a violin solo....
apparently. (I can't find any video of the live performance.)
The language rule was removed for the 1999 contest,
and over half of the acts performing in Jerusalem sang in English.
This time, it stayed removed, and since then,
only the winners of 2007 and 2017 used no English in their winning songs.
Another thing that changed since then is the number of countries that competed.
Seven countries competed in 1956, ten in 1957, ten in 1958, and then it gradually grew.
Many countries entered the contest by the 1960s, bumping up the total to 18 in 1965.
A twenty country contest was held in 1978 and 22 in 1987.
From there, we reach an impasse,
because the European Broadcasting Union did not want to grow the contest any further
for fear that contest eats up too much primetime and messes with people's sleep.
Malta, of course, was upset about this in 1990, when they weren't allowed in,
and even more upset in 1992 when the Netherlands brought participation up once more.
Favoritism, perhaps?
But that was nothing compared to 1993.
Because of the fall of the Iron Curtain, more countries wanted to compete than ever,
so the EBU decided to invite the best three of a qualifier round to join the other 22 contestants.
You guessed it, that makes 25.
What about the other countries? Let them come next year.
We'll kick out the countries that did the worst to make room for them.
And so it was in 1994 that Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Slovakia,
entered for the first time at the expense of Belgium, Denmark, Israel, Italy, Slovenia, Turkey, and Luxembourg,
and as for the last of the latter, they have never returned since.
In 1996, the EBU tried something.
Instead of relegating the bad songs every other year,
why not listen to each song and select the best to compete that year?
Sounds good, and 29 countries sent out their entries.
The problem, is six songs had to go, and Germany was one of them.
Not only was Germany's otherwise flawless attendance record tainted,
but with no Germany, EBU funding was less secure,
so in 2000, to fix this problem, four countries --
Germany, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom --
were allowed to automatically stay in the contest without risk of relegation.
In 2003, if there weren't already too many countries applying for the contest,
four more who have never played before wanted in.
The EBU was supposed to relegate 10 countries from 2002 and find places for all the new countries,
but only Ukraine got to sit in for the first time.
Turns out that the EBU only got around to relegating 5.
That means 16th-placed Turkey could compete and win in 2003.
Also, without relegating more countries, the EBU had to make a schedule with 26 countries.
So guess what happened for the 2004 contest?
In the 2004 contest, the EBU got rid of the relegation system and created a semifinal.
Any country that wasn't part of the Big Four or otherwise placed Top 10 the previous year
had to go through the semi-final. The Top 10 of the semi-final joins the others in the final,
and for 2004, it worked wonders.
36 countries played in total, so the deficit in seats was definitely covered.
The contest suddenly could accommodate up to 40 countries.
Now, there's no way we would have that many, right?
But in 2007, 28 countries competed in the semi-final.
That still holds the record for most songs performed in a show.
But how about the grand total of 2007?
Get this: 42 countries participated.
Also, Andorra didn't qualify for the final. They still haven't.
But things changed for 2008. Now there are two semifinals,
and if you're not the host nor a member of the Big Four (or Big Five when Italy plays),
you have to go through the semi-finals.
The system is still in place, and it tends to work...
most of the time.
I could talk about the other ways the contest had changed,
like the switch from orchestra to backing tracks for each song,
or the transition from having one person on stage to six,
but I feel understanding the voting system will help the most.
Voting systems pre-1975 varied from contest to contest,
from having each jury member vote once,
to each jury giving ten points to any variety of songs they want,
to ranking each song out of ten.
But in 1975, that changed.
A new system allowed each country to give points to their 10 favorite songs.
One point went to 10th place, two to ninth place, three to eighth place,
and so on until eight points were given to third place, ten to second place,
and the ever-popular twelve points were given to their favorite song.
Rinse and repeat for every country.
Even that history has its own intricacies, but all you need to know is this:
First juries from each country send in their votes.
The public has their own set of votes, separate from the jury since 2016.
The points given to each country are then counted up and given from lowest score to highest score.
The one with the highest overall score wins.
Getting zero points however, is a huge dishonor in the contest.
It's not likely to happen with this system, though.
And there you have it.
I could explain a bit more about the contest, a bit more about the rules, or notable moments,
but I'll leave that up to you to decide if I should make another video.
For now, this covers a good chunk of what you need to know about the contest.
My next video hopefully will cover another of my interests, and hopefully will follow the same style.
Thanks to the solid few who subscribed to me and to those who liked this video,
and I'll see you next time.
(sound effect)
How to Pick a Niche on Youtube and How to Decide What to Make Videos About - Duration: 1:49.How to pick a niche on YouTube and how to decide what to make videos about.
Chose a niche which you are really passionate about and which you really love to talk about,
because then you will have a lot to say.
And the same applies to what to post on social media.
Your posts on social media should be about topics and questions
which are really interesting to you and which you are really interested in
talking about or writing about.
If you are curious yourself the videos and texts you produce
will be more interesting for you to make and they will be more
interesting for your audience as well.
So try to make videos and write about topics you're really curious about!
I hope you enjoyed this video!
And you're very welcome to write a comment below.
And you're very welcome to subscribe to this channel … and yeah, you can like the video
if you got something of value to this video!
Thank you for watching and see you in the next video!
What is Project Summer Body? Pilates Workouts, Nutrition, Diet Tips, Wellness, Healthy Recipes 💖 - Duration: 8:34.Hi guys, I'm Bailey and today we're going to talk about Project Summer Body! What is it?
What can you expect from my channel?
So Project Summer Body started because I had just gotten back from a holiday in Byron Bay and
My boyfriend and I and totally fell off the wagon, like it was happy hour,
margaritas, champagne for breakfast... cheers, babes!
I got back feeling a little bit sluggish and really unmotivated and I
Ended up posting on Facebook being like oh my goodness, does anybody want to do a
workout and nutrition
Kickstart to get ourselves back on track and the response was overwhelming
From that I started a Facebook group the Facebook group is
Project Summer Body!
it's like when you go to brunch with your girlfriends
It's a bunch of girls all sharing their real-life struggles
And we'll give each other support and motivation give them my tips and tricks
But everybody shares theirs, so I get a lot of good advice to what I was doing was I was sending out these
workout calendars to everyone in the group and then
Everyone was like well, It would be so much better if we could train with you, so I started putting together these full-length workouts
So that I could basically work out with anyone anytime anywhere
In the world. I love connecting with everyone
It's been so amazing getting feedback from people who are doing the workouts
And they're seeing results and it's really at the end of the day what I want to do it for
Hey guys. Hey guys! hey guys! hey guys it's Bailey and today. We are doing a yoga Pilates fusion workout
Sydney has so many good landscapes. We can shoot on beaches all over here and
even if you don't want to workout. I would watch it to watch the background
Personally I've never been so sore in my entire life
So if you are doing the workouts make sure that you're watching the outtakes
because you'll see that I
Struggle a lot so the best thing that I think about the workouts is that you really can do them anywhere
Anytime. You can do them at the gym you can do them with your girlfriends, like me and my girlfriends will get together and we'll
Pick a workout, and we'll go do it down at the beach or something and then we'll go get brunch. I have clients who
Come to me, and they're like
So stressed out they have their normal nine-to-five job, then they have a side hustle
And then they go right from not to happy hour drinks
no matter
How busy your day is no matter how stressful your week is you can pick something
That's ten or twenty minutes get it in feel good about yourself and know you're gonna get results
I like to do one of my videos or workouts every day
And I find like if I can make 10 to 20 minutes for myself
It just changes my entire mood and my entire
outlook on life for the rest of the day and
Making one good choice for yourself leads to another good choice, and then that's how healthy lifestyles are created
Project summer body is for busy babes who has a very active social life, they love
kale smoothies just as much as they love a glass of wine,
Maybe a little less
They want to feel hot and healthy all year round
It should be fun, it should be realistic
It should be something that you should be able to do all year round take
The stress out of it all takes the drama out of like carbs are bad. You need to eat paleo
You can't drink you need to count calories weigh your food
Sprout your almonds who has time for that
life's too short
Think of a time in your life when you felt really confident you felt fit you felt good in your own skin
your summer body is not just
You know working out to get in shape for
Three months of the year your summer body would be the time in your life when you felt the best
Projects summer body is about that. It's about keeping
Yourself in this amazing shape where you feel fit and confident and beautiful all year round
And I really want to help you guys do that?
I'm all about toning
While we're burning some back so we can see all those sexy muscles that were sculpting with the workout
So I started teaching Pilates and barre back when I was in university my focus has always been
working with women and
It's something that I feel really strongly about because I've had my own struggles with my weight
And I don't know what woman hasn't had times in their life where they don't feel confident
And they don't let their body and get women all the time who come to me
and they're not feeling good about themselves and it breaks my heart because I think
Everyone deserves to feel beautiful and confident, and if I can help people
all over the world feel better about themselves and
Have fun getting fit and healthy and I know it'll mean the world to me. That's my main goal
What to expect coming up is all my
Secrets and tips and tricks that I share with my nutrition clients and with my Pilates
Clients that can really help you at home, and you can take them through your day to day lives
diet tips little tiny hacks that I make that makes such a difference in finding balance with food and and
Tips to quit dieting a lot of people. Do you love working out, but then it when it comes to diet?
That's when there's all the drama and the guilt in the anxiety. I want to start filming some more videos that will
sort of show my diet philosophy
I want to do some more things to sort of teach you what I've done
To help myself really come to a place where I don't diet. I don't
Restrict myself of anything I don't
ever you know feel bad about my
choices or like beating myself up if I ate a square of chocolate I have been there, and I've
Extreme dieded and then ended up binging on
The world covered in chocolate, and it's not fun. You don't feel good after it so
Let's make this
Something that we can do forever very
realistic think living a healthy lifestyle fun and easy and
That's what I want to help you do maybe I'll bring you guys along on like date nights
Or a girls night out see just easy things that you can do because we're all in this together right we're all busy babes
We love
To have a good social life
And that's the best part of life like life is too short to not drink the champagne so if you think that
Sort of more nutrition blogs and information would help you please leave me a comment
Let me know what you guys want
And what would help you more on your journey to feeling hot and healthy all year round. Please Subscribe!
Just a handful
What CBOs Need to Know to Be Successful in VBP - Duration: 4:22.Welcome.
My name is Jason Helgerson, I'm the New York State Medicaid Director, and I'm here
to present the latest in our series of New York State Whiteboard Presentations.
Today's important topic: Community Based Organizations and Value Based Payment.
Really important topic, lot of interest out there amongst community based organizations
to become part of our efforts to improve the health of the population in New York State
through the move to Value Based Payment.
And a lot of unique opportunities, things that are unique to New York, not being tried
anywhere else in the country, to really actually integrate the CBO's in a very formalized
way into our value based payment efforts.
So we'll start at the top.
Understand if your organization is a tier one, tier two, or tier three CBO.
Lots of organizations see themselves as CBO's, but when we launch this initiative we wanted
to sort of differentiate between those that were providers of Medicaid services, that's
who you'll see at the top, a higher tier, from those who really have mostly been local
government funded or run on a philanthropy and haven't been billing Medicaid services.
That's where you find your Tier 1 CBO's.
Important to know this because within the roadmap for Value Based Payment there is an
explicit requirement that the more advanced value based payment contractors must contract
with a tier one CBO, use that tier one CBO hopefully to address social determinants of
It's a way for us to really begin to formalize the relationship for what we think are some
very culturally competent, linguistically competent organizations.
It can really help us address those social determinant of health issues.
So it's really important for you to know, "what type of CBO are you?".
Next up is, "know your value proposition".
Understand the services you provide, know the impact.
Be able to take that information to either a provider or a health plan, to really make
the case as to why you could be a key part of their success in lowering costs and improving
It's really important for you to develop that value proposition.
Which then relates to the next question.
So what should we as val, er, what should we as community based organizations be doing,
ah, in terms of how they build off what they've done and hopefully the successes of the past.
We think the best place to start is within your existing business model.
The services that you provided, look to expand them, or to adapt them, or modify them, um,
so that they can actually help the contractor, help the plan achieve their goals in terms
of improved health outcomes.
We don't think it makes sense for you to try a whole new business line, something you've
never done before.
Maybe in the future, when there is new opportunities, and you've had some success and existing
relationships become stronger.
Then there will be an opportunity to sort of challenge the business model, but we think
it makes sense to start with what you have historically done best.
Next, apply for innovation funds.
There is a unique opportunity that many PPS's are now offering which is funds that go out
to organizations including CBO's either on their own or in partnership with others,
to really work to improve... help the PPS's be successful.
Great opportunity, if you haven't yet, to develop that value proposition.
To really begin to test some of the concepts, some of the programs, that you've been operating.
See how they work in ways that are consistent with the PPS goals, which are also the same
goals that we have in value based payments.
So great funding opportunity there.
And then lastly, network.
We really think that it's important for community based organizations to build relationships
with health care providers in their community.
A great place to start is within the PPS itself.
If you're attending a pack meeting or you're going out and participating in one of the
projects that the PPS is running and it's being done in concert with providers, it's
really a great opportunity to build relationships with those organizations because we think
those are the relationships you could leverage, that will turn into contracts at some point,
where you could really assist them in being successful in Value Based Payment.
So that's it.
Five points.
Opportunities are out there for CBO's, we're very excited, we think it's a key, unique
component of Value Based Payment in New York State and we look forward to future whiteboards
on this topic, and on other topics, in the future.
Thank you very much.
4 Internal Problems The Pimples On Your Face May Be Revealing | What Causes Pimples - Insta Cures - Duration: 3:09.-------------------------------------------
What's new at the Tulsa State Fair this year? - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
What causes rockfalls like the deadly one in Yosemite? - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
FIND WhAt yOu LOVE Doing & DO THAT / Find Different ACTIVITIES to Achieve FLOW STATE / CPA Strength - Duration: 5:31.yo yo what's up everybody you know who it is CPA strength here I'm gonna take
you around this is my office office building we've been over here before
George English park we did a video there before so this is just a way around this
is what a where a addict to meth addict roams former meth addicts strongest CK
in the game former homeless person certainly there's the Galleria Mall
because we're gonna post up for a second here holy shit I probably have like 800
people looking at me probably way more people looking at me now than when
they're gonna view the video but I don't care because I love to do this I am
passionate about my YouTube game right now hey you cannot stop me from this
like I don't care who sees me or who knows anymore because I feel like I'm
delivering an important man I feel like I'm doing what I'm meant to do I love
this witch comes to a certain topic that I want to
touch on today the main the main topic of the video is gonna be you know do
something you do something you love you
know stop worrying about how much money this is gonna get this is gonna make you
because I get that all the time how much how much money am I gonna make how much
money am I gonna make so you know you gotta do something you love when you
will you wake up in the morning you're passionate about it I'm telling you your
life will be enriched so much you can go so much harder and get so much more out
of it I think when you are passionate about it you know like I used to work
the nine-to-five I didn't really enjoy my job I didn't wake up you know I hated
that was that Monday you know Monday's the worst thing in the world
Friday's the best thing in the world and I'll look at that marina so I didn't
I didn't enjoy myself now currently and I wake up I go to the office and shoot
videos sometimes I wake up and go to the gym so I love the gym it's my place it's
one of my flow states making YouTube videos is a flow state for me working in
a nice juicy tax return or when I'm in them QuickBooks for accounting is a nice
flow for me and I mean flow State this is also gonna it's I also wanted to
tie flow State in with this because I think it's important it's like when
you're doing something and you lose track of time
that's a flow state like I get no flow state with gym I got enough Oh state
with youtube I get a flow State like I just said with certain activities
I think uni I think it just sounds so cliche to say do something you love wake
up in the morning do what you love to do
yeah that's so cliche like how do I do that like I'm stuck like I can't do that
like you know and I think that's so like when you hate your life or I'm just
coming for me when I hate when I hate just every second over my every being
it's freaking hard to be like oh I'm just gonna do stuff I love like I don't
love anything so I think a good point is just get a flow State that's why I'm
always about the gym like if you don't know what to do start exercising like
you could get into a flow state with the gym you could learn to love it
you'll help it'll open doors for you there anyways I got that from a couple
people now I've learned it in my own life that if you love what you're doing
you'll be wildly successful like that's the best thing you do you got to wake up
and love what you do something that that that you get dialed in by that that you
get hyper focus that you can't stop thinking about that's what you do okay
so that's what Gary Vee said Gary Vaynerchuk that's and that's why I've
been doubling down on the youtubes because he's like if you love something
and you can get and you can make a little bit of money out of just do it
just keep doing it so that's what I'm doing
and also my friend Mark who I kind of was crushing it who I kind of he's on
he's on the upper level for me he's on he's leveled up he's stepped up so it's
the Alistar you got to surround yourself with people people who are stuck with
leveled up from you you can't always hang around with people who are lower
than your the alpha dog of the pack you know in certain sectors so anyways
someone was asking him was it a good time to get into the the real-estate
game right now the real-estate game and he said you
know you got to love it man G well you gotta love what you're doing and that's
this key so anyways I think we're gonna do we're gonna do a one take Timmy this
is it this is CPA strength like comment share subscribe my life is being changed
on the day look at this confidence I can have over here I was a fat shy kid who
got picked on had a voracious drug addiction for 20 years and you know what
I'm here now baby juice
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