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Nokia 8 Things You Want To Know about nokia 8 | its awsome features and price - Duration:'s my first video on this today I'm going to tell you if you want to buy a
smartphone I prefer nokia 8 if you want to know why watch this video till the end
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you want to know really watch till the end
nokia had launcher their new for Nokia 8 on 26 September 2017 with
lots of awesome features I am here to tell also the awesome features the os
used in Nokia 8 is Android 7.1.1 nougut and can be upgraded to orieo when its
available the screen of the nokia 8 is 5.3 inch HD display with Gorilla Glass
and can't be broken at any purpose the processer of Nokia 8 is octa-core
processor of Paul Qualcomm MSM8998 Snapdragon 835 and it it's a good processor
so we dont hang when we use nokia 8 has a set of RAM and 4gb RAM and 64gb internal and other
set is 6 GB RAM and 128GB internal its good its use it we can use single sim or
hybrid dual sim the primary camera used in Nokia 8 is 19mp the front
camera and primary camera are also 13mp a memory card we
can use a memory card and it can be used up to 128gb the sound system used in
Nokia 8 is 3.5 mm Jack the main sensers are used in Nokia 8 is finger
print sensor accelometer gyroscopic sensor proximity sensor and
compass its batteries the battery life is said to be 78 hour by Nokia
because of the lithium-ion 3090 mAh battery in standby so if you if you want
to in you have to hang out with some more hours within it if you want
if you have a medium budget and if you want to buy a smartphone by this Nokia
8 because it's some features we'll hang out you for many years super phone please put your
comments and suggestions below I think that you liked this video bye bye if you
like this video don't forget to Like share and subscribe and click on the
bell icon bye-bye see you later on new videos on TYWTK the things you want
to know
25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your 20s - Duration: 6:30.25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don't Want To Regret Your 20s
Have the courage to say when something isn't working.
Have the courage to commit when something is.
Take a look at yourself and ask: If I stopped growing tomorrow, is this the person I would want to be for the rest of
my life?
Decide what doesn't matter, so you can invest your time and money into what does.
Think regularly about how you would live your life if social media didn't exist,
if you weren't documenting your every move, or if you didn't have glossy, edited pictures to compare yourself to.
Stop overreacting.
Have something to talk about that isn't other people, and your judgments of them.
Stop worrying about inane things like whether or not you are "fat." Nobody will be at your funeral blessing your life
because you maintained one pant size.
How you look is not an accomplishment.
Ask questions about other people more than you make statements about yourself.
Stop trying to have the most nuanced, complex opinions more than you try to be the kindest,
most empathetic person you know.
Cut yourself some slack.
One of the biggest regrets most people have about their 20s is that they didn't enjoy them more.
And I'm not talking about "buy more expensive dinners, take another trip to Thailand" type of enjoyment.
I mean having the ability to take a deep breath and sip coffee in the morning knowing that you have done,
and are doing, your best.
Read books.
Learn how to be nice.
This is the most insanely powerful life hack, and yet the most overlooked.
Learn how to genuinely be nice to people.
This will get you farther than anything else.
Live so death has nothing to steal.
Leave everything on the table.
Don't hold back your thoughts, your love, your creativity for another day.
That path leads you to becoming a fraction of the person you were meant to be.
Stop saying you want to be in a forever relationship, and be in one.
Your soulmate relationship is something you build, not something you stumble upon.
If you don't figure this out, you will be perpetually disappointed by the person you end up with.
Live within your means.
If you don't learn to do this when you have little, you won't be able to do it when you have more.
High-earning people can also be the most indebted and financially unstable,
because they are always living just a bit outside of what they can afford.
Accomplishments don't change your life, habits do.
Write a mission statement and use it as your guideline.
Define your most essential values and make sure your thoughts, actions and decisions align with them.
This is how you live an honest life.
Don't burn bridges.
Learn to bow out of friendships, relationships, jobs and parties with grace.
Ask for the truth.
Be in the discomfort that's leading you to your bad habits.
Whatever it is that's holding you back in your life is actually a symptom of some unmet need.
Figure out what it is, and feed it in a healthy way.
Your external issues will start to dissolve as you do.
Recognize the ways in which you've projected blame onto others.
"What you love in people is what you love about yourself; what you hate in people is what you can't see in yourself."
Learn to seek purpose more than you do pleasure.
Pleasure does not change your life, it makes discomfort bearable.
Purpose makes discomfort worth it.
Don't let comfort be your first virtue.
Home is where you make it, so make it somewhere.
Break free from the illusion that what you see on Instagram is "real life." It is not "real life." It is a highly
curated, aspirational, photoshopped, filtered vignette.
Learn to be happy here, now, today.
If you do not learn how to be happy in the present, no job, no partner, no success, no trip, no money,
nothing that you are working for will be as enjoyable as you think.
You cannot save up your happiness to be released when you think you deserve it.
You either have it now, or you have it never.
Tony Stark "You Want My Property, You Can't Have It" Scene | Iron Man 2 (2010) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:20.He asks us to trust him
as we cower behind it.
I wish I were comforted, Anthony. I really do.
I'd like to leave my door unlocked when I leave the house,
but this ain't Canada.
You know we live in a world of grave threats,
threats that Mr. Stark will not always be able to foresee.
Thank you. God bless Iron Man, God bless America.
Well said, Mr. Hammer.
The committee would now like to invite
Lieut. Col. James Rhodes to the chamber.
Hey, buddy. Didn't expect to see you here.
Look, it's me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on.
- I just ... - Drop it. - Alright, I'll drop it.
I have before me a complete report on the Iron Man weapon
compiled by Colonel Rhodes.
and Colonel, for the record, can you please read page 57, paragraph 4?
You're requesting that I read specific selections from my report, senator?
Yes, sir.
My understanding that I was going to be testifying in a much more comprehensive and detailed manner.
I understand, a lot of things have changed today.
You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect the summary of my finding?
Just read it, Colonel. I do. Thank you.
Very well.
As he does not operate within any definable branch of government,
The Iron Man presents a potential threat to the security of both the nation
and to her interests.
I did, however, go on to summarize that the benefits of Iron Man far outweigh the liabilities
and that it would be in our interest
to fold Mr Stark into the existing chain of command.
I'm not a joiner but I'll consider Secretary of Defense, if you ask nice.
We can amend the hours a little bit.
I'd like to go on and show, if I may, the imagery that's connected to your report.
I believe it is somewhat premature to reveal these images to the general public at this time.
With all due respect, Colonel, I understand. And if you could just narrate those for us,
we'd be very grateful.
Show the images.
Intelligence suggests that the devices seen in these photos
are in fact attempts at making manned copies
of Mr. Stark's suit.
This has been corroborated by our allies
and local intelligence on the ground
indicating that these suits are
quite possibly at this moment operational.
Hold on a second buddy, let me see.
There's something here. Oh, boy I'm good.
Now can I get more screens.
I need them. Time for a little transparency.
- Let's see what's really going on. - What is he doing?
If you'll direct your attention to said screens,
I believe that's North Korea.
Can you turn that off? Take it off.
No grave, immediate threat here.
Is that Justin Hammer?
How did Hammer get in here?
Justin, you're on TV, focus up.
Wow. Yeah, I'd say most countries, 5-10 years away.
- Hammer Industries 20. - I'd like to point out that that test pilot survived.
I think we got the point that he's making. I don't think there's any reason...
The point is you're welcome, I guess.
- For what? - Because, I'm your nuclear deterrent.
It's working. We're safe. America is secure.
You want my property? You can't have it!
But did I you a big favor.
I've successfully privatized world peace.
What more do you want?
For now!
I'm tired of all of these ass clowns!
Fuck you Mr Stark. Fuck you buddy.
- We're adjourned, we're adjourned for today. - Okay
You've been a delight.
My bond is with the people.
And I will serve this great nation
at the pleasure of myself.
One thing I've proven is that you can count on me... pleasure myself.
Top 10 Spider-Man Secrets Marvel Doesn't Want You To Know - Duration: 7:55.This is more so a video about the things Marvel would rather you forget.
Because, let's be honest, if they didn't want you to know, this information wouldn't
of been accessible in the first place.
Just saying.
10 Creator Controversy Let's start off with the painstakingly frustrating
debate of who Spider-Man's true creators are.
According to comic historian Greg Theakston, Kirby had approached Lee about a character
idea that he had initially formed with Joe Simon in the 50's, but the story aside from
the protagonist living with an old couple, was quite different.
After Kirby whipped up a few pages, Lee wanted to go in a different direction.
Ditko, who was suppose to ink the story, was then turned to, and he formed the visual style
of the character, which has pretty much remained consistent ever since.
While there's no doubt that Ditko should be credited as a creator, Kirby contended
Lee's involvement, which was seconded by Eric Stanton, who had shared a studio with
Ditko at the time of the character's creation.
9 The Amazing Spider-man 1978 Here's another one you guys are probably
pretty familiar with.
This one makes the list for being an adaptation that Marvel likely would rather you forget
Unlike the glorified 60's Adam West Batman series, here we have a product of the late
70's that produced a whole lot of cringe campiness as opposed to adored campiness.
Producer Daniel R Goodman helmed the show, and consistently clashed with Stan Lee over
the direction of the show.
Lee even called it "too juvenile".
The show was eventually canned due to CBS wanting to not be perceived as a one-dimensional
'superhero network', having the likes of the incredible hulk, wonder woman, and
others also under it's belt.
8 His parents Back in 1968's Amazing Spider Man Annual
#5, it was revealed that Peter's parents were accused of treason when he was a small
They were secret agents infiltrating an organization headed by the 3rd Red Skull and KGB.
They died in a plane crash because their aircraft was sabotaged by that organizing.
Flash forward to Amazing Spiderman 365 in 1992, and the Green Goblin has created robots
to impersonate his parents.
THEN in 1997, in Untold Tales of Spiderman minus 1 (minus since it was a flashback issue
month) it's revealed that they are agents of shield who were once tasked with saving
With a story that has fluctuated so much, it's easy to see why the whole silly cyborg
plot was written off as it was, and only turned out to be an evil personal ploy by The Green
7 Spiderman Kills Peter Parker isn't perfect.
Yes, he's a relatable hero whose thematic battle with inadequacy and coming of age spoke
to a lot of readers.
But sometimes, he's a bit of a dick.
And as we've seen with Batman, even when a hero has a code of morals they try to stick
to, sometimes things get a little on the grey side.
Which happens - when Peter accidentally punches Wolverine's friend charlie in the face so
hard that it kills her in Spiderman vs Wolverine, that's one of those times.
But let's take a look at that time he killed Moodark.
When on vacation grieving after Gwen Stacey's death, Peter kicks Moondark through a portal
above the golden gate bridge, killing him.
Upon saying "guess nobody but me will even remember what went on tonight!
He feels its appropriate to crack a joke about it.
Harsh, dude.
6 Spiderman killed MJ with sex, radioactive sperm
Speaking of killing!
During the Spider-Man Reign story arc, Peter gives Mary Jane cancer.
From sex.
His sperm is radioactive and gives her cancer.
And fans were like, are you fucking kidding me?
5 Fan Rage So these days, many of you probably know the
black spider symbiote suit as one of the more popular suits Peter has ever donned.
But there was a whole lot of controversy about it before it even made it's debut in Secret
Marvel was getting a lot of hate mail about it, so writers had to come up with a way to
remove the costume.
Enter the symbiote story line.
But then the tide changed - fans loved it, but artist Todd McFarlane told Marvel he didn't
want to draw it.
So the story changed further more - Peter rejects the suit after Reed Richards helps
him get it off, and it's real sad, and finds Eddie Brock, bonding with him instead.
4 Norman Osborne Gwen Stacey weird affair In Amazing Spider Man 509, a mystery starts
to unravel concerning the now deceased Gwen Stacy.
Over the next few issues, Peter discovers that Gwen was pregnant and secretly had twins,
who, although were birthed prematurely, had grown to full adulthood incredibly fast, and
targeted Peter.
After DNA tests he finds out the two attacking him are 100% her children.
When telling MJ about this, she reveals she knows the truth of who the father of Gwen's
kids really were, having overheard an argument between Gwen and Norman, that Gwen then explained
to her afterwards.
And she retells Peter the full story.
And naturally he's horrified.
Moving on.
3 Randian Objectivism - Peter Parker student protesters - Steve Ditko's ayn rand ideology
It may come to you as a surprise that Steve Ditko was greatly influenced by the Ayn Rand
philosophy of Objectivism.
If you're unfamiliar with what that is, let me break it down for you as simply as
I can.
Objectivism is the belief that the moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's
own happiness through rational self interest, that reason is the means of human knowledge,
and that the individual's primary moral obligation is to achieve his or her own well
being - the philosophy rejects the ethical doctrine of altruism.
Yeah, a mouthful there.
So how did this influence his run on Spiderman?
Subtly, of course.
Towards the end of his run, there's one infamous scene where Peter remarks on the
lack of productivity protests actually have.
This ideology seeped into some of his other work, like Hawk and Dove, too.
2 1984 Spiderman molestation So if the radioactive splooge wasn't enough
for you, or the weird love affair between Osborne and Gwen Stacey, this one takes the
Which is terrible because it's actually a pretty well done PSA on how to deal with
sexual assault which is incredibly important.
And for some fans, it had a positive reaction.
To others, well, it's gone down as a what the hell moment.
So the story is that Spidey overhears a babysitter trying to molest a young boy - in a very untactful
and blunt way, might I add.
Anyway, he then tells the kid about "a boy I know".
He starts a friendship with an older man who then shows him nudie mags and wants to conduct
an experiment of his own with Peter.
Good thing is, the boy Peter tells this to is inspired to talk to his parents about his
baby sitters.
So that's something?
1 Where the money comes from It's easy to see why Spider-man is iconic.
And why he's been one of the best selling Marvel superheroes of all time.
So much so that he's the most profitable superhero for the company in general.
But that's not where he rakes in the dough.
Oh no.
Not from the comics or the movies, but rather because of the merch.
In 2013, Marvel sold around 13 billion dollars of Spidey products.
Which greatly surpassed other Marvel and DC heroes, at the time, none of which had surpassed
the billion dollar point.
there we have it!
Did you guys know any of these facts?
Which ones do you think Marvel regrets the most?
Let me know in those comments below! but for now I'm Kelly Paoli for top 10 nerd and
I'll catch you guys in the next one!
IF YOU WANT FREE COINS, DO THIS NOW!!!🤑💰 (FIFA 18 coin method) - Duration: 8:59.-------------------------------------------
Congressional Democrats want Arpaio pardon declared invalid - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
Megyn Kelly Asked Jane Fonda the One Question She Didn't Want to Answer - Duration: 2:40.Megyn Kelly Asked Jane Fonda the One Question She Didn't Want to Answer
It's day three of Megyn Kelly's daytime talk show, Megyn Kelly Today, and the former Fox News commentator has already hit a few bumps in the road.
On Wednesday she welcomed actors Jane Fonda and Robert Redford, there to promote their new Netflix film, Our Souls at Night.
All was well until Kelly attempted to change the topic to Jane Fonda's plastic surgery, causing Fonda to switch the topic right back.
"You've been an example to everyone in how to age beautifully and with strength and unapologetically," Kelly began. "You admit you've had work done, which I think is to your credit, but you look amazing."
She paused before stumbling her way to an actual question. "I read that you said you're not proud to admit you've had work done, why not?"
Fonda took her own pregnant pause before answering, "We really want to talk about that now?"
Kelly recovered by saying that many people who look at Fonda comment on how "amazing" she looks. Fonda entertained Kelly briefly before not-so-subtly turning the subject back to the film.
"Well thanks. Good attitude, good posture, take care of myself," she said. "But let me tell you why I love this movie that we did, Our Souls at Night, rather than plastic surgery."
It's not the first awkward moment Kelly's faced during her new gig, in which she's donning cozy blouses and de-emphasizing politics in hopes that viewers will forget the years she spent repeating the conservative party line on Fox News.
While she had the cast of Will & Grace on for her debut episode on Monday, she surprised a longtime fan of the series, Russell Turner, with two tickets for an upcoming live taping of the show.
Kelly asked Turner, "Is it true that you became a lawyer—and you became gay—because of Will?"
Turner laughed off the comment saying, "I look at Will Truman and I'm like, 'He has it made!' Lawyer, best apartment in New York City, and gay? Come on, trifecta."
After telling Turner that he won the tickets, Kelly added, "I don't know about the lawyer thing, but I think the Will & Grace thing and the gay thing is going to work out great."
An Instagram user later commented on a photo Debra Messing had posted of a bowl of cucumbers (one must seize the moment at any available opportunity), and asked "Why did you guys do the Megyn Kelly show? That's a fail!"
"Honestly I didn't know it was MK until that morning," Messing wrote back. "The itinerary just said Today Show appearance. Regret going on. Dismayed by her comments."
Fonda hasn't given any update since the interview Wednesday morning, but maybe keep an eye on her Instagram comments just in case.
Jim Rohn going from where you are to where you want to be- financial laws to live by - Duration: if you have not done so in a while
or if you have never done so put
together a financial statement when I
first met mr. shelf and we talked about
financial independence he asked me if I
had a current financial statement I said
what is a financial statement so I got
my primary education in taking a picture
of where I was financially mr. Schiff
explained that it is very important to
know exactly where you are without
kidding yourself so that you can then
come up with a good plan for going from
where you are to where you want to be it
turned out to be fairly easy to put one
together you merely list the value of
your assets on one side of a piece of
paper and the total of what you owe
called your liabilities on the other
side of the paper then by subtracting
one from the other you come up with what
we call your current net worth now it
doesn't tell you what you are worth as a
person but rather what you are worth in
money I said to mr. show my financial
statement isn't going to look that good
he said it is not important how good it
looks what is important is that you do
it so I put that first financial
statement together I had plenty of
liabilities money I owed my parents
budget financed my car and all kinds of
other debts now on the asset side I
really had to scrape the bottom of the
barrel I even put my shoes on the asset
side they were worth something Wow how
embarrassing after six years of working
but it must be done you don't have to
put the results on a public bulletin
board because it's not important that
the community knows how you are doing
it's not important that I know how
you're doing but it's desperately
important that you know how you're doing
here are some other points first keep
excellent books not only for tax
purposes but for yourself your financial
future and for your own sense of
self-worth have you ever heard the
expression I don't know where it all
goes well from now on make a new
commitment to financial independence and
to the value and the feeling that comes
from knowing where it all goes and where
it all comes from it is just one of
those important disciplines that cause
you to prove to yourself that you are on
a new road walking in a new direction
becoming a new person and arriving at a
new destination without that effort you
will keep falling back hey I found out
you can make $5,000 a month and still go
broke you say how could you go broke
making $5,000 a month it's easy spend
six thousand and when you make five
thousand spending six thousand is not
that difficult
someone once said if your outgo exceeds
your income your upkeep becomes your
downfall so be the master over whatever
you have and whatever you are that's
where the seeds of greatness are sown
great wealth great health great results
great influence and great lifestyle take
interest and even delight in doing all
the small things well it makes you a
sophisticated person who knows where the
beginnings of wealth and happiness are
there's a Bible phrase that we could
quote here that would be appropriate it
says if you will be faithful over a few
things the small things you will someday
be ruler over many things and major
things that's it that's the philosophy
that counts surely life is reluctant to
hand a fortune to someone who constantly
messes up his paycheck it's not the
amount that counts it's the plan and the
faithful discipline of that plan that
counts the disciplines are those in gene
keys that unlock the door to the kind of
person we really want to become and
becoming attracts all those treasures
and values that most anyone would call
the good life life and abundance life
and productivity life and enterprise
life and influence life in style now to
wind up this rather lengthy subject let
me close with this
mr. shelfs the best instructions to me
in those early years were to develop a
new attitude a new attitude about myself
and a new attitude about all the
principles that it takes to make life
unique develop a new attitude about
taxes about paying your bills about the
marketplace opportunity your chances
wealth activity prosperity service
productivity let me give you a good
example of my old attitude I used to say
I hate to pay my taxes chef said well
you can live that way if you want to
that's one attitude I was a bit
perplexed I thought it was the only
attitude how strange I used to say I
hate to pay my bills and he said well
you can live that way if you want to I
thought it was the only way I used to
say I hate to part with my money
he said that's one choice for lifestyle
in attitude I thought could it be that
there is another way to feel about it he
said what if you said I love to pay my
taxes knowing it's the care and feeding
of the goose that lays the golden eggs
what if you said I love to pay my bills
reduce my liabilities and increase my
assets what if you said I love to part
with my money put it into circulation
help build this dynamic society wouldn't
that be a better way to live if you love
to instead of hated - what an incredible
way to look at it
I bought the idea and started the
practice I will admit that it took me a
while to actually say truthfully I love
but when I did I found a completely
unique new way to live - love - instead
of hate - chef even taught me to pay my
bills with enthusiasm he said the next
time you pay $100 on an account put a
note inside with your cheque that says
with great excitement I send you this
hundred dollars he said you won't
believe what happens on the other end
they don't get many notes like that but
best of all you won't believe what
happens on your end the new feeling of
being in control and having a philosophy
of life that brings joy instead of
frustration this whole new attitude will
create for you a whole new world
remember it's something anyone can do
mr. chef got me to open my first savings
account he said do you have a savings
account I said I don't have enough money
and he reminded me it's not the amount
that counts
it's the plan the important thing is to
begin wealth is a plan not an amount he
asked me if I had ten dollars I said
well yes he said then open up your
savings account and do it with your new
attitude and enthusiasm well that took
some doing I went to the bank in the
town where I lived and walked in to open
my account I went to the window and told
the lady I wanted to open up a savings
account she said great what is your name
I said Mr Rohn she said fine mr. owned
just fill out these papers I filled him
out handed them back to her and she said
that's all in order now how are we going
to get this account started I said put
ten in she said ten what I said ten
now can you imagine the scene I'm a
grown man 25 years old I have a family
I'm working and opening up my first
savings account with ten dollars I said
hey this may not seem like much but I
have a great plan in fact before long
I'll probably have the largest savings
account in this Bank she said well if
you say so
was a bit embarrassing I must admit but
chef said get excited about where you're
going and excited about the fact that
you are one of the few who have a wealth
plan in place and working to make a long
story short guess what within less than
three years I did have the largest
savings account in that Bank now it was
just a small country bank but I did
reach my goal what magic and how quickly
it works once you develop a new plan and
a new attitude and commit to the
discipline to do it
wealth plans anyone can have them wealth
goals anyone can design them wealth
habits and disciplines anyone can
develop them why not start today this
can be a new day that opens up a new
future and creates a new excitement
about life and its possibilities for you
the management of time wouldn't you
agree this has to be one of the master
keys to wealth and happiness I was in
South Africa for a lecture tour some
years ago and I picked up this short
article by Arnold Bennett on the subject
of time I thought it was excellent and
I'd like to share it with you now time
he wrote is the inexplicable raw
material of everything with it all is
possible without it nothing the supply
of time is truly a daily miracle an
affair genuinely astonishing when one
examines it you wake up in the morning
and lo your purse is magically filled
with 24 hours of the un-- manufactured
tissue of the universe of your life it
is yours it is the most precious of
possessions no one can take it from you
it is unstealable and no one receives
either more or less than you receive in
the realm of time there is no
aristocracy of wealth and no aristocracy
of intellect genius is never rewarded by
even an extra hour a day and there is no
punishment waste you're infinitely
precious commodity as much as you will
and the supply will never be withheld
from you moreover you
draw on the future impossible to get
into debt you can only waste the passing
moment you cannot waste tomorrow it is
kept for you you cannot waste the next
hour it is kept for you I have said the
affair as a miracle is it not you have
this 24 hours of daily time to live out
of it you want to spin health pleasure
money content respect and the evolution
of your immortal soul it's right use its
most effective use is a matter of the
highest urgency and of the most
thrilling actuality all depends on that
you are happiness the elusive prize that
you are all clutching for my friend
depends on that mr. Bennet continues if
one cannot arrange that an income of 24
hours shall exactly cover all proper
items of expenditure one does muddle
one's whole life indefinitely we shall
never have any more time we have and we
have always had all the time there is
isn't that well said let's consider some
approaches to managing our time most
effectively the first approach is to
ignore the subject altogether the man
says I've been laid all my life I can't
ever seem to get a handle on my time
heck with it
I'll just struggle along the best I can
that's okay it's your life right you can
do with it as you please but consider
what this attitude might be costing you
here's the second approach step down to
something easier
again that's okay to a man works for a
company then decides he wants to own one
when he gets that responsibility comes
to work before everyone else leaves
after everyone else he now says I would
rather work for someone else's company
hey again it's your life success is not
a stereotype there isn't just one model
know clearly what success means to you
and be comfortable with the price you
or it you might have heard the story of
the little girl who complained to her
mother that her daddy never had time to
play with her she said why doesn't my
daddy play with me he comes home from
work goes to the study and works comes
out for dinner goes back to work again I
want to play with my daddy so her mother
explained to her
your daddy is very busy he loves you
very much and that is why he worked so
hard at his office he has so much work
to do that he has to bring the rest of
it home and finish it here that is why
he can't play with you
the little girl thought for a moment
trying to solve this problem and came up
with the answer she said well why don't
they just put him in a slower group hey
not a bad idea don't throw away other
important values in your life just going
for one I went for some things in my
life and found out later I had paid too
much if I had known how much they were
going to cost I never would have paid so
that is a consideration the next
approach to time management is to work
longer and harder and we all know the
dangers there right unless you aren't
working at all then you probably need to
work longer and harder but for some
people if 10 hours won't do it in a day
they work 12 and if 12 won't do they
move it up to 14 some people even take
on two jobs and there are some very real
dangers here not least of which is
health problems that result from not
being able to handle the stress so
you've got to be careful with this
approach the last approach I think is
the best and that is to get more out of
you in the time you have assigned to
labor make the hours more valuable the
key is not to work harder but to work
smarter if you're putting in about eight
or ten hours a day six days a week
that's about it
you can't work much harder but remember
it's not the hours you put in that
counts it's what you put in the hours
get more from you to make the investment
of time more valuable
and no telling how valuable you can
become we don't lack the capacity we
only lack the ideas and the will and the
discipline to carry them out in
considering the subject of time
management remember that a big part of
the key for changing is to take it in
small steps most of us don't make
revolutionary changes we change a few
degrees at a time when you get some life
momentum rolling it's not that easy to
make all the changes all at once hey you
can't flip a u-turn with the Queen
Elizabeth - when that big ship gets
moving they say it takes seven miles
just to get it stopped so when it's
really moving you just have to nudge it
a little nudge it a little and finally
you get it turned that's a lot like our
lives a few nudges at a time but if
you're consistent you can't believe the
progress you can make in a fairly short
period of time
here is my first key point on the
management of time either you run the
day or it runs you that's fairly simply
put but it is so true everything in life
is a lot like that emotions are a good
example either you master them or they
will master you something is always
going to master and something is always
going to serve whether it's your
emotions your enterprise or your project
difficulty will serve or master fear
anxiety inclinations they all serve or
master we must learn to send our
inclinations to school to teach them how
to behave how best to serve and to learn
their true value so that is key one get
in charge you be the master it pays to
take a look often and examine all the
parts of your life and all the things
that you are involved in and all the
things that are affecting you so that
you can get an intelligent answer to the
question who's in charge here it's so
easy when you get something started to
unwittingly relinquish the reins of
authority so that it begins to subtly
but surely take over soon you become the
servant it dictates it demands and you
respond so let's turn this whole
challenge around you take over the reins
of authority you subtly but surely take
charge you dictate you demand and you
will be delighted to see early signs of
positive response from your enterprise
your business and your life the next
time management essential is to learn to
say no I had some difficulty here it is
so easy to say yes to everything trying
to be a nice person and then have to
spend all that time trying to come up
with excuses to get out of the
obligation it's one of the great time
wasters how much better to say no I
don't think I can but if that changes
I'll give you a call and isn't it a
better feeling to call someone with the
good news I can come then with the bad
guess what I can't come when in doubt
learn to say no a friend of mine Ron
Reynolds has a good saying don't let
your mouth overload your back that's a
great thought to keep in mind when
scheduling your time here's the next tip
when you work work and when you play
play for time efficiency and for that
good feeling that comes from doing
something without any guilt feeling
don't mix the two many years ago I used
to say I've got to get my family to the
beach I've been promising to take them
to the beach what are they going to
think if I don't take them now guess
where I am while I'm thinking about the
beach right at the office now I finally
get my family to the beach but at the
beach I'm saying I should be at the
office I have so much to do now I've
messed up my beach time with the family
by thinking about the office so I
learned this lesson make a play day a
play day and a work day a work day don't
mix the two sure enough if you say I'm
going to take off at three o'clock and
go play guess what you are thinking
about all morning taking off to go play
so don't play at work and don't work at
play it's a great rule to follow to
ensure that your time is used more
effectively now I know all of this has
to be modified to fit your particular
situation no one rule will apply to all
but keep the main thought in mind
separate work and play when I take a
lecture tour to Spain or Africa or
Australia I make it a work trip every
day is filled with lectures speeches and
business conferences then I arrange a
plate trip because when I play I really
want to play a builder friend of mine
now has the luxury of working a week and
taking off a week that's what he calls
it work a week play a week
however with weekends on either side of
his play week it's really nine days so
he works five and takes off nine that is
luxury right
however the five days he works he really
secretaries accountants architects
superintendents long days around the
clock into the night five heavy full
days then he's off to play so when he
works he really works so that he can
save all the play time for a longer
stretch now perhaps we can't all do that
but we can learn to practice the skill
of separating work and play the next
time management essential is to analyze
how you are then if the challenge calls
for it you must either change how you
are or change your procedure that is
productivity waiting to make time pay
self analyzing the first thing to
analyze is your periods of greatest
productivity throughout the day if you
are a morning person who wakes up early
ready to start the day that is the best
time to do your creative work you can
get more done when you're at your best
some people are night people fuzzy in
the morning late to get started but
alert and awake long into the evening if
that's the way you are then this is the
best time to pack in the activity and
creativity the key is to find your best
time and use it to its fullest next
analyze your habits if for example
you're not good at keeping records get
someone to do it for you if you have
promised yourself that you're going to
keep your records or balance your
checkbook and this has been going on for
a few years it looks like you aren't
that kind of person nor are you likely
to become that kind of person you may
say no I'm really going to do it this
hey I would suggest that a few years is
long enough don't promise yourself
just say maybe the smart thing to do is
to get someone to do this and make me
look good you would be surprised at how
often you can remain a lot like you are
in many areas if you will just make the
arrangements to have it covered
some years ago my office came to the
conclusion that I was a poor courier
someone would ask me to take a cheque to
San Francisco since I was going there
I would say sure no problem put the
check in my pocket and fly off to San
Francisco guess when I would next hear
about that check from my dry cleaners
next time someone says this document has
to go to New York will you be sure to
give it to them this time I'd say of
course you can count on me this time
I'm not flaky so I put the document in
my briefcase and head off for New York
guess what right it would still be in my
briefcase when I got back to the office
the following week so there is a saying
now in my office don't give the chairman
anything he's good at some things but
he's a poor courier make other
arrangements and that is my point there
is nothing wrong with admitting that you
just aren't going to do certain things
as long as you are clever enough to make
arrangements to have them done it's much
better than continually promising that
you will when the chances are good that
you won't next time management essential
the telephone what an incredible
instrument for business social and
emergency situations the job it can do
for you is unbelievable however there
are some tips for using the telephone so
that it won't use you here's the first
one before you make a call make an
agenda an agenda is simply a list of the
items you want to talk about especially
if it's a business call it is one of the
better habits to develop did you ever
make a call and toward the end of the
conversation say let's see there was
something else I was going to talk to
you about I just can't think of it right
but if I think of it later I'll call you
back a great time-waster and for a
business call not very sophisticated on
your part making an agenda before you
make a call serves to keep your
conversation on course so that you cover
the essentials without missing any of
also it helps to keep the conversation
on track and control the tendency to
wander into non-essential chitchat it is
also a money saver the extra minutes
saved by keeping to an agenda and a few
pleasantries is major I know my business
telephone bill just in California got up
to $13,000 a month and this was one of
the problems doing business
internationally we have learned the
incredible savings of both time and
money by taking the time to write down
an agenda before we begin to dial and
here's another benefit if you have made
an agenda when it comes time to recall
that conversation you had you've now got
the details in writing when you say John
how are you doing on those four things
we talked about the other day and John
says what four things we didn't talk
about that you now have a written record
to show that you did remember people can
talk you out of what's in your head but
it's hard to talk you out of what's in
your book next if you can afford the
luxury have your calls screened then
when you pick up the messages you can
decide who to call and when to call and
have the time to formulate the important
information before you make the call now
this is a luxury I will admit it may be
that you just have to answer the phone
when the call comes in but at least file
this idea away for the future when you
might be able to use it and one more the
telephone at home here you have to
exercise great care to not let the
telephone intrude during social time
with family or friends my suggestion is
that you shut the phone off they have
all those neat devices now so you can
put on the recorder to take messages or
just pull the plug
family is a high priority take care that
valuable family time is not subject to
frequent intrusions if you set up this
rule you will not only have
uninterrupted time with your family and
friends but also they will give you high
marks for caring about
enough to make them a priority every
situation calls for an evaluation of
values you've just got to weigh
everything and make the necessary
adjustments if you want to get full time
and full value out of your life
the next time management tip I have is
to listen to the cassette programs and
read the books on the subject you can't
possibly get all the ideas you'll need
from any one cassette program or person
remember you have to go in search of the
ideas they don't just come by make a
thorough investigation of the subject on
your own sort out the ideas choose those
that you think are most valid and put
them to work in your life
next point be more alert and analyze all
your procedures and tools old filing
methods old bookkeeping methods some
things we do can become quickly outdated
especially these days check for all the
new tools that can help you to use your
time more efficiently dictating machines
tape recorders answering devices
computers calculators there is just
about every tool imaginable in today's
marketplace I now have a fabulous
computer in my office that can do the
most amazing things and save a great
deal of time I also have a portable
computer typewriter that I can take on
an airplane or in my motor home then I
merely transfer what I have typed onto
special cassettes or send the
information via telephone back to the
main terminal when I get home all of my
letters and scripts are typed and
waiting for my signature of my attention
so take a look
do some research do some shopping find
out no telling how much you can improve
your efficiency or multiply your skills
by eliminating the barriers and the
hindrances so that you are now free to
do all the creative things that make for
fortune and lifestyle now here's an
important time-saver learn to ask
questions this habit will serve in so
many ways have you ever talked to
someone for an hour and then ask some
questions and found out that you just
wasted the last hour
make a note almost everything is
symptomatic of what's really wrong
surface details don't usually give us
enough information to effectively
so ask questions before if John isn't
making sales we say okay let's get on
him about making sales but perhaps we
should ask why isn't he making sales
someone says he isn't making enough
calls we say okay let's get on him about
making calls
well maybe we should ask another
question first why isn't he making calls
well it's because he isn't getting up
early and getting out into the
marketplace we say okay let's get on him
about getting up early and getting out
into the marketplace well perhaps we
should ask just one more question why
isn't he getting up early and getting
out into the marketplace now we have
probably gotten to the heart of the
problem perhaps it's something personal
problems at home not his sales skills
the real problems are usually about
three or four questions deep so if you
get good at asking questions you can
save yourself a lot of time by getting
right at the heart of the matter when
dealing with other people otherwise you
tend to waste valuable time just finding
out what the problem really is now here
is the last part of time management
learn to think on paper from all of my
experience working on many projects and
in many countries
one of the major time savers is thinking
on paper it is so important to take
things out of your head and put them on
paper then work from the paper building
your business is a lot like building a
house you take the ideas out of your
head put them on paper and then build
from the plan we have a saying on this
idea operate from document not from
thought it's just about over when a
person wakes up in the morning and says
let's see what shall I do today too late
right the best thing you can do now is
to take today off and at least plan
tomorrow let me give you four major ways
to think on paper the first is a journal
I spend a lot of time
talking about journals in my lectures
and programs primarily because it is
such an invaluable tool for the serious
student of the better life a journal is
merely a gathering place for all the
good information that comes your way
from sermons from books from lectures
from business conferences magazines
thinking time research any source of
information that you feel is worth
don't let the good ideas of life escape
you remember most good ideas usually
only come by once get into the habit of
capturing them with pen and paper by
making daily use of your journal now
maybe you won't write in it every day
but at least make sure it's with you
every day here's the second way to think
on paper a projects book this is simply
a ring binder with tabs in it to help
you keep track of all the current people
and projects you are involved with and
need to work on to make all the parts of
your life work to the maximum if you are
working with people give them each a tab
in your projects book then under this
tab you keep a running account of all
the current information you need to know
about that person performance family
goals strengths needs perhaps even some
graphs showing recent progress or
comparisons to past performance
essentially you make a note of all the
information you need to know so that
when you sit down to have a meeting with
this person you have all the pertinent
facts there before you in order to have
a meaningful and productive conversation
without this habit it's so easy to take
up time talking with someone and get so
very little accomplished because most of
the meeting ends up by being devoted to
bringing you up to date on the facts you
could have already had in your projects
book now depending on your particular
business or enterprise you might want to
have a tab for each office or each
department or each ongoing project on a
more personal level you might want to
have a tab for each family member or for
your personal projects investments
plans and so forth it's just an
effective way to keep all the key pieces
of information readily available so you
won't have to be continuously hunting
through files and drawers for the data
it is the best way I know of to study
your business and life projects a
projects book is a guideline for this
study we simply don't study files they
are for storing information the
project's book is for the daily or
weekly summary accounting of all the
pieces like a financial statement of
your business at the end of the month in
fact that is one of the sections in your
projects book and another secret with a
guideline to study it keeps you on good
mental track if you try to study your
business and your life in your head you
will for sure miss something
miscalculate or let your mind go
undisciplined in those high thought
areas were the ideas and plans and
inspiration for fortune lie it's the
organized better discipline thought that
produces abundance everyone is thinking
but mostly about how to get by I'm
asking you to develop these tools and
disciplines to think about how to become
wealthy and happy powerful and
influential sophisticated and unique
If You Want To Shut The Jails, Open Schools - An Inspirational Story - Duration: 3:23.Location: Posalia, Sirohi Distrct, Rajasthan.
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day Ideas You Don't Want To Miss! - Duration: 5:35.Hey!
Welcome back.
As promised here are the top ten ways to celebrate Peanut Butter & Jelly time without a sandwich
getting in the way.
PB&J Wafflerama
3 Start the day off right with a taste sensation that will keep you fueled all day long and
get you four food groups in one single serving.
You have your peanut butter for protein, jelly for fruits, waffles for carbohydrates and
of course a big glass of milk to wash it all down.
I'm sure you an figure it out but lay the waffle on the plate, slather on a nice thick
layer of peanut butter than top the entire thing with your favorite fruit jelly.
If you're super hungry, Top the entire thing with another waffle to give it a nice feel
and keep at least some of the peanut butter from sticking to the roof of your mouth.
PB &J Cakes
Waffles are great but not portable which is one of the most beautiful things about the
PB&J sandwich so you can try PB&J Cupcakes if you want.
There's lots of great recipes online – I'll add the link to my favorite at the end.
Just make sure to change the recipe to add a little more peanut butter and a lot more
jelly and you'll have a PB&J treat that can't be beat.
Monster PB&J Cookies
10 If cookies are more your thing you can whip up a monster batch of PB&J Cookies though
I don't guarantee they'll last much beyond the cookie sheet stage.
You can use pretty much any peanut butter cookie recipe you love and add your favorite
jelly or use the recipe link I like the most.
I skip the reduced sugar grape jelly and go straight for a full sugar raspberry jam but
you do what suits you.
PB Burger with Berry Jam Relish
PB&J doesn't have to be all about the sweets.
Foodness Gracious has a recipe for an amazing Peanut Butter Burger with Jam Relish for the
meat lover inside you.
If the idea of a peanut butter burger freaks you out, don't worry there is real meat
In fact, there's double meat since bacon plays its part in creating the taste sensation
that might be the best PB&J day find yet.
15 The recipe calls for burgers, onions, bacon, and cheese as well the necessary strawberry
jam relish and peanut butter toppings.
Check the link for complete instructions or just brainstorm your own but send me a picture
of you taking the first big bite.
PB&J Pavlova
Just in case the meat and peanut butter recipe freaked you out, lets move back to the sweet
side and give the classic Pavlova a new twist by transforming it into a Peanut Butter and
Jelly masterpiece.
What's Pavlova?
Normally it's a meringue based desert topped with fruit and whipped cream all nestled in
a light, flaky crust but for PB&J day it's a peanut buttery masterpiece with a light
fruity jam.
If you've never had pavlova the traditional way – try it after you try the PB&J version
– I think you'll like it.
PB&J Shakedown
21 Not as portable but certainly smooth would be a Peanut Butter and Jelly shake.
Unless you have super stirring skills, this recipe requires a blender.
Shakes can come in all shapes and sizes but I recommend 2 cups of vanilla ice cream, a
quarter cup of milk, two tablespoons peanut butter and strawberry jam or syrup to taste.
Grab a straw and slurp up some cool peanut butter and jelly goodness.
Popcorn the PB&J Way
Carmel corn is good but PB&J corn is something else.
Even better, you can make it in the microwave for less mess.
Grab an ordinary brown paper bag, toss in about three cups of plain popped popcorn.
Then sit the bag aside for a minute.
Put a tablespoon of peanut butter, a tablespoon of your favorite jelly and a teaspoon of butter
in a bowl and heat it until it melts.
Whip the softened mix and pour it over the popcorn in the bag.
Shake your heart out, allow it to cool and you have an on the go popcorn treat your friends
won't believe.
PB&J Pizza
29 Believe it or not, there is a way to improve on a pizza.
Start with regular pizza dough spread over your favorite cookie sheet.
Soften some peanut butter in the microwave and pour it onto the pizza shell.
When the peanut butter is perfect Drizzle, swirl and glob your favorite jelly on top
and then bake the whole thing for 8-10 minutes on 375 and slice yourself a perfect PB&J pizza
Winged Out PB&J
No list of snacks is complete without wings, the ultimate paw er finger food and yes, the
ultimate base for a PB&J treat too.
Seriously, what is better than combining two amazing classics like the PB&J and spicy wings?
Maybe a lot but I've included a link to a recipe that does get it right in a strange
new way.
Check the link for exact measurements but before you do let me share the surprise – not
only is the wing recipe created with peanut butter and jelly but the base is instant mashed
potato flakes.
If you try it – send me a picture of the results.
Deep Fried PB&J
When I started the PB&J countdown, I did say no sandwiches but no list is complete without
a deep fried version and this list is no exception.
Create your favorite PB&J Sandwhich combo and then whip up a batch of pancake batter.
Dip the PB&J sandwich in the batter like you do with bread and eggs when you make French
Toss the whole thing in the deep fryer for a minute and enjoy one of the most amazing
PB&J sandwiches ever created.
Now you're ready to celebrate Peanut Butter and Jelly day in some very curious ways.
Don't forget to click subscribe because I'll be back tomorrow with more curious
facts to share and if you try any of these PB&J ideas – let me know how it went.
Reagan Tokes' parents: 'She would want us trying to make something positive from this terrible trage - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
Dr. Phil To Guest: 'What I Want You To Do, Is Recognize That The Only Person You Control Is You' - Duration: 3:27.-------------------------------------------
Working More Than You Want? - Duration: 3:32.Hi...Jared Brubaker back again.
Here's how to trade the 9-5 for a great lifestyle.
Question: Is it worth it?
This is a question a guy recently asked on a popular online forum.
He "thought" he had quit the job force.
But, he was still working 11 hour days, sacrificing the weekends and his social life.
He had one employee, and he didn't see his business or income growing at all.
(No surprise as he said he didn't even have an online presence yet)
One little mishap, like a piece of machinery breaking down, would put him into full on
panic mode.
It would mean him dipping into an entire year of his savings.
Money he couldn't afford to give up.
His question.
Is it worth it?
Or, should I go back to the j-o-b?
So here's the thing…he doesn't have a business.
He quit a job, and hired himself into another job.
But now all the pressure is on him.
And he's feeling the burn!
Now, I feel for him, I really do.
He's been doing this for FIVE YEARS!
That is a lot of days he'll never get back.
Yet, he can take all of this as a learning experience and grow from it.
A critical mistake he likely made…?
He didn't build SYSTEMS into his business.
(A great book on this is The E-Myth by Michael Gerber.)
He didn't start his business with a big enough "WHY".
If you're doing it for your kids, your spouse, your lifestyle, your freedom, and for yourself?
Then you wouldn't make decisions and choose a lifestyle or business that sacrifices all of that.
When things go bad the second or third week of working too much, and we're letting our
dinner plate go cold at home night after night, we should stop immediately and question what's going on.
But we think it'll end soon.
Then life happens.
We keep hoping it will get better.
We get "to that point" before we even realize it.
It's then up to us whether we continue on with the current journey, job, or whatever we're up to.
Or…we build a powerful WHY we want to pursue something.
We build a system to give it to us, and we let that why drive us forward to reach it.
That's literally all it takes.
No books or hoo-rah seminars required.
If your kid or a loved one is held for ransom, and they ask you to go do something you fear,
like speaking on stage, or, to do something you've been putting off…
…And if you don't, they are a goner.
Would you need to go read a book on how to do that thing?
You'd just go do it!
Because your WHY is strong enough for you to do anything.
It's not about needing motivation, knowledge, or anything else!
Results are all about movement.
Just doing it!
It's about the why.
So, I hope this makes sense, and truly helps you out on whatever journey you're on.
And I'm not sure, but…if powerful systems for income come into play for you, without
needing to sacrifice your life and all your free time.
Then I invite you to check this out…a system that earns up to $10,000 months or more, working
part-time, without stress, overwhelm, or sacrificing your life.
I'm passionate about this.
This cuts the five-year learning curve for our hurting friend down to less than one year.
It's all about finding powerful systems like this and leveraging them for as long
as we can.
Just click on the link below to get instant access to the system I recommend to help take
you there, step-by-step.
Get ready parents, kids want to talk to you about drugs - Duration: 0:16.V/O: Where do kids go for advice about drugs?
Parent 1: Hmmm, drugs, um...
Maybe their friends I guess.
One in three kids say they'd turn to their parents for advice.
Be ready for that conversation.
Authorised by The Australian Government Canberra
YOU WANT TO IMPROVE? - MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO FOR 2017 - Duration: want to get better you want to self-improve stop looking for a shortcut
and go find your alarm clock you find your discipline and fling your guts and
your passion and your drive and find it you will and then and then you will find
your freedom
if you're afraid of heights work on some rock climbing climbing if you're afraid
of the water the time to swim it's time to surf it's trying to get out there if
you're afraid of pull-ups if if you're prey to pulps do pullet if you're in
squats do squats if you're afraid of public speaking go speak in public if
you're afraid to start a business start a business
and eventually you will overcome that fear but the hard part is you got to
take that first step you've got to take that first step
got to take that first step against the fear against the fear of the thing
if you die today what dreams what ideas what books what leadership what voice
what story we die
of the dreams the ideas the abilities the talents given to you by life but you
for whatever reason you never pursued those dreams you never
use those talents you never use those gifts you never use those abilities and
there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes
saying we came to you only you could have given us life and now we must die
with you forever and the question is if you died today what dreams what ideas
what books what leadership what voice what story will die with you the
wealthiest place on the planet is the cemetery there you'll find potential
never realize there you'll find books never written there you'll find
abilities and skills and talents and gifts that the world never had exposure
Content Marketing | What? Some people want to call me? | Social Media to get Calls by Mark Mikelat - Duration: 1:46.Hi, this is Mark Mikelat from Building Aspirations with a quick tip for your Social Media Marketing
Your phone number.
Social Media is a conversation.
It is about engaging with people.
But, sometimes, there is a subset of the marketing place that just wants to talk to you.
They see your great information on your website and they could read all of that stuff, but
sometimes they just want to call somebody.
So, if that is part of your business model, if that is important, make sure that your
phone number is readily accessible.
And, here is an important tip, do not put it up in the form of a graphic.
If it is text based people can click on it on a phone and call you directly.
It just happened to me yesterday.
"Oh, my gosh Mark sent me this message.
Let me just call him."
They might be in their car.
It might be harder for them to text or reply to an email, bu they can just click and call
me right away.
So, bam.
If that makes sense for your business, include your phone number in your social media marketing.
This has been just one little tip for your social media marketing success.
And, there are so many more that share in the Social Media Marketing Success Kit.
This is a comprehensive ecourse that teaches you what you need to know to be more successful
with your social media marketing.
There are 20 plus hours of content, step-by-step practical and results oriented things that
you need to know to be more successful.
All you need to do is click on the link below this video, or the link that popped up in
the video to learn more about how you can take advantage of this comprehensive online
This has been Mark Mikelat from Building Aspirations.
Thanks for listening.
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