Over the last couple weeks we've talked about havingness and allowing things to
come to you, and today let's continue that and talk about what gets in the way
of us drawing to us what we want and also a trick, a tool, a technique to
increase the possibility of it coming. Sure. So one of the things where we've
been talking about is this place where you get quiet and everything comes to
you. Now for the most part that's just an interesting concept because 'I'm so much
in motion, I, you don't understand, I have to.' And earlier we talked about the train
at 90 miles an hour and all we're really saying is: just turn right. And there's so
much motion in people's space that it's a real difficult challenge just to turn
right. So this place where everything comes to you,
it's a, I refer to it also as a place where the answer lies where the question
is asked. And what happens is if you get quiet and just simply ask the question
and allow, all of a sudden-- and everybody has this experience occasionally-- it's
like: Oh, I know what I can do. And there it is. But for the most part what people
do in motion is they say, "Oh I really would like to go to the movies on Friday
night," and then immediately move away from where the thought was thought. And
quite often people say, "Oh I would like a new car, I'd like to go on a vacation, oh
I really want to get a new house." And then years go by. On to the next thing.
And they say, "Oh I wanted that but it just really never came to me." Well, no. It,
it could have come to you but you moved. You weren't where you asked and the
answer lies. It's sitting right there for you. Right there, it's simply 'ask and
you shall receive' as they say. The question is asked, the answer comes to
where the question is asked. But we're in this motion. Yeah. So one of
the pieces is: how do you unravel yourself? And again I go back to
Mastering Alchemy-- this isn't about selling Mastering Alchemy but to go back
to, you, you get a set of tools and I watch people get excited. And then they
begin to practice the tools and they realize, the Rose for example, gives them
the ability to define themselves here and everything on the other side of this
point of delineation is Shakespeare's theater to entertain me or to disturb me
depending on how you wish to see it. But when you basically begin to realize: I'm
here and I don't have to be the effect of or engage with what's out in front of
me, you start to get into present time and the only place that things get
created. So when you can begin to recognize: I don't have to go there, I
don't have to be a part of it, I can stand in the middle of it and it passes
me by, the noise, then you're starting to be in a place where you can recognize: I
would like to have for myself. And you have the room to focus your attention on
that thing you want. When you're out there bumping around and going to, your
focus isn't on the single point of attraction. Right and we've talked about
in previous times but time is an application it's not a fixed concept. So
this sense of past and future, past and future. People are constantly in the past
in the future. Very little time is spent in allowing the answer to come to me in
present time. So, but when you can begin to back out of the television back, out
of the noise, start to recognize a huge advantage of this Shift where it is
disruptive. And so you have people focused in fear and in lack and in loss
and in worry, very much over here trying to maintain some level of status
quo. But for the most part nothing's really threatening you in real terms and
if you step over here and begin to ask yourself: "What is it that I'd like now
that things are not flowing in the same river of status quo?" Much more can come to me.
And there's a trick that we used to teach years ago and we haven't really
talked about it for a long time and it's something that we used to call the
mock-up. Mm-hmm. And it's it's a very fun easy tool that,
do you want to talk about it? No, go ahead. Okay so what you do is, is create a
bubble, a space out in front of you and you put the image of the thing you're
wanting to create, a new car, in this bubble and you're staying in the center
of your head in your higher mind behind your rows amused and neutral. Neutral is
really important here. And you make it really fun and you put this car in the
bubble and you really see all the details. You kind of roll around in it
and feel the upholstery and smell it and and just get it all over you in a really
fun, not pressured way. It's not, "Oh it has to come next week." It's, it's just a
playful "Here's the bubble, here's the thing I'm wanting to create." And once you
get it to a place where you're really smiling and enjoying rolling around in
this thing. Then you release it to the universe and not forget about it, but no,
okay, Monday I did that. Maybe on Wednesday you come back in your
meditation space and you bring that bubble down and go, "You know I don't want
red I want green instead." Snd so you roll around in it all again and recreate and
have fun and really get a-- put your emotions into it. Because the emotions is
the fuel that sends it off and then you just watch. And all the times I've done
this, a hundred percent of the time I let it go, I fine-tune it a few times and I
look around my life, and there's that green car. Everywhere I go is the green
car I'm mocking up which is a wonderful validation and then the key is to really
have fun with it with no needing, no needing. Yeah, yeah just allow it, allow it.
Make it a fun experience. Now where I watch people get frustrated
is they want and they believe but-- can they have it? And so it goes
all the way back to this having piece: can I have this? And so in a way, that
part is real valid and it works. There's another aspect of backing out of your
circumstances. It's like, okay here I am and I want this new car. The first thing
that comes up is the "buts". Yeah. But I don't have enough money, but I can't, it
but, all the buts. That's a really good find because you have the tools to clear the
"but" side of your space. Where in my space do I hold this belief that I can't
have a green car? Right. Using the Rose, using the grounding cord and your
meditation space just-- all the tools in Mastering Alchemy are designed to clear out
the buts and to basically open up the flow to allow. And right here though for
the person who's listening it's really, okay I would like this and at the same
time here's the flow of my life. Here's my 90 miles an hour, my train that says
no I can't because, I can't because. Well what if you could? What if you were the
last person on the planet? What if you were just simply naked all by yourself
and all the stores and everything was there for you. Or, it's like the
people who win the lottery. It's like, oh I'm gonna pay off my car, I'm gonna get
this, I'm gonna do this. Okay what are you going to do with the other 7 million dollars?
I don't know because I've never had circumstance that allows me to consider.
What many of us do is we accept our realities and then allow it and then
just continue to progress in it. Status quo. Your ability to change everything,
particularly right now, is really available. So it's a piece of not getting
caught up in: well this is my circumstance. Well what if you change the
circumstance? Well I can't. But what if you could? Well I can't. Well how would it
be possible? Well you don't understand. Count on it-- you'll come up with 50
reasons why you can't until finally it's like, well, what if you could? Yeah. What
would it be like to go on a cruise? So what would it be like if you could do X?
So the real key to all this is: what if I could have that, what if I did do this,
what would it be like? Here's here's another trick when I was, when I was
teaching years ago I taught it at creating abundance class. And one of the
pieces of homework I gave the students for that week is to go to a really,
really expensive restaurant. One, a restaurant that they would never
consider going because it's way too expensive and fancy and,
but to get dressed up and really own this space. Do some energy work to
prepare and you go to this restaurant and you just order dessert. You just
order a cup of coffee. You just-- just to be in the energy of that high
havingness you don't have to spend a lot of money. Right. And when you're in that
restaurant having coffee and a doughnut or whatever you absorb it you step into
it: I can have this. Own it. I'm gonna match this energy. Yeah, own it. Just
simply, you're not spending a lot of money and nobody's going to get upset
with you having dessert and a coffee, so you go in there and, literally get
dressed, go into a real high-end restaurant and sit there and spend four
dollars on a cup of coffee. You'd do that anyways at Starbucks. Go in and whatever it
takes, but then sit there and own it. Be there. Don't be in
a hurry. Get a second cup of coffee. You can simply say, "I'm just gonna have
coffee, I'm waiting for somebody else to come." 20, 30, 40, 50 minutes later you say,
"Well let me have the bill. I'm sorry I guess the other person is not coming." The
restaurant, the waiter, they don't have any, they don't care. So it's a matter of
doing something that pushes your limits that's completely safe, that's very
validating, walk out of the restaurant, just, "Good job, I had a success." Take a
Mercedes Benz for a test drive. Oh, great example. You just simply, you know, dress
decently, go there in certainty, in ownership, and say, "I'm interested in a
new Mercedes could you please tell me about it?" Sit there and talk to the
person about the Mercedes. Can I take a test drive? Go drive the Mercedes.
Sit there, own it, feel it, get all out and say, "Thank you very much I'll get back to
you, I'm gonna think about this." Begin to do things that increase your havingness
but increase your engagement with havingness. And that's the piece that all of a sudden is
like: I can have this, this feels pretty good, I like this, I like myself
today, I had fun today. Stay out of the 'no I can't, I don't deserve, oh my god, what
if? No-- third dimension. Here is the space where you begin to just give little
things to you. It doesn't cost you any money, you go have a good time, walk away.
Own it. Own it. These are the pieces-- this is a really big piece. Simply begin to
start giving to yourself in ways that are comfortable, that are fun. You begin
to interrupt your patterns of 'I can't', the freight train at 90 miles an hour.
Yes, you can. Mm-hmm. Yes, you can. Absolutely can. This is a new world
you're stepping into and these are the baby steps that allow the world to give
to you. So play them well. I think you'll like them. Mm-hmm. Good. Have a good day.
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