top 5 artist perfomance
Best Of Jean Ferrat - Les plus belles chansons de Jean Ferrat - Duration: 1:09:44.Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
Samsung Galaxy J7 Plus 2017 | Samsung Galaxy J7 + Specs, Price, Release Date - Duration: 2:23.Samsung Galaxy j7 + 2017 Specs, Price, Release Date,
Jeet Das Perfome On Stage 27 August 2017 Episode in Dance plus Season 3 - Duration: 3:16.jeet das performance on the stage
4 TERRIFYING POWERFUL WOMEN - Duration: 9:37.Yo the Trasheurs! The story traces the life of some of the most prominent men,
in good as in evil! Saviors, dictators, killers, there were some ... but
does not tell you too much is that women there were also some! And what
you even less, is that some among them were among the most
dangerous and violent effects of humanity, their male counterparts
for bisounours! It was therefore decided to introduce you to four of the most
killers of history, acting for the mostly by more sadistic pleasure.
Messaline - the imperial wh**e
Empress of the first half of the 1st century in Rome, Messalina is the fifth
wife of the Roman emperor Claude, mother Britanicus and Octavia. She is a
the intriguing personality of antiquity, beautiful, sulphurous and inevitably a danger
on legs.
Messaline had very many lovers in the course of her life, lovers whom she chose
with his slaves and freedmen Imperial. If a man refused to be
her lover ... * couic * Are you saying she pushed the vice far enough by disguising himself
as a slave in the lupanars of Rome, the brothels, to trap his suitors.
It also encouraged young women to abandon oneself in the arms of others
men ... all under the eyes of their husbands ... in the heart of the Imperial Palace! If the
husbands accepted, a reward was given, if they refused, * couic *
Beyond his little sadistic pleasures, Messaline also had recourse to
assassinations more "conventional". of the killings that were sometimes motivated
by political reason, what was which was almost normal at the time, such as
Caligula's sister and one of her cousins, both very famous for their beauty.
She also put to death her lovers if they had a more beautiful garden
or simply if someone had too much influence over her husband. Often,
the killings were still good less reasonable and purely subjective
it was enough that the person displeased and hop hop hop to the scaffold.
The list of victims of Messaline is today impossible to enumerate. Too long and above all
too old to be precise. However what must be understood is that
his criminal temperament so terrified the slave and his entourage that all
to plot against her! It is said allegedly attempted to commit suicide,
those who wanted evil. An attempt missed, since it is a soldier who will come
complete it coldly
Agathe Habyarimana - Akazu's thinking head
Agathe Habyarimana is the widow of the former president Rwanda's Juvénal Habyarimana, dead in the explosion
of its aircraft by two ground-to-air missiles at the time of its landing on April
the 6th. The guilty parties are : Hutu considered to be an accomplice of the
rebels of the Rwandan patriotic front. AT barely enough time to do their
the next day the family of President Habyarimana has only one slogan: to execute
political enemies. Agathe Habyarima prays then the Interahamwe militia to help him
to get rid of the enemy. kill all Tutsis. Thus The Widow of the President
is it directly suspected of being involved in the genocide of Rwanda. A
sub-mediated genocide in which less than 800,000 Rwandans, Tutsi and Hutus
moderate, were killed during the 3 months of the conflict, from 6 April to 4 July
Either, hang on, not less than 10% of the population of Rwanda and this without counting
the succession of successive conflicts this drama, bringing to 4 million the number
of victims if Burundi is added and especially the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Insecurity is still very high, in 2006 the number of
died at more than a thousand a day. It is said Agathe and her close family rejoiced
in private to each political enemy eliminated.
Often presented as a thinking head of the Akazu, the first circle of power
Hutu who planned the Rwandan genocide, Agathe Habyarimana is considered
principal responsible still alive. She is also accused of organizing
the attack of 6 April 1994, in which his husband was assassinated in his personal plane.
She was later evacuated to France by the French army where it
established in 1998. Today she is waiting to receive her residence permit.
Elisabeth Bathory of Hungary - The Countess Dracula
Also named the Bloody Countess, and you will quickly understand why,
see also the ogress of the carpathians, Elisabeth Bathory of Hungary shall be considered as
one of the worst criminal in history, a killer with terrific urges! Married
very young to Count Ferenc Nadasdy, whom we nicknamed the black prince because of his violence
in battle, a fight he never leaves Moreover, since it rarely
his wife, it is at the death of the latter that the crimes of Elizabeth will be more frequent
and especially more glaucous.
For example, the bloody countess liked to many sadistic practices, such as
beat his servants who displeased him and this at the slightest pretext: they are whipped,
burnt, disfigured and then abandoned cold and hunger. But they are not
these practices that earned him his nickname of Countess Dracula. Elisabeth was paralyzed
by a visceral fear of aging. His taste for the blood she gets it while she
beat a servant. This one began to bleed of the nose, blood that also flowed on the
hands of the countess. It is then said that Elizabeth would have had the impression that his skin recovered
little by little, thanks to the blood, its whiteness of old.
She surrounded herself with characters all as twisted as it is to recover
"Prey", young girls, children and adolescents who will be used as livestock for
his orgies of blood. The girls were beaten With violence. Some had neck pierced.
Others were linked with strings then twisted so that they could sink
in the flesh, which allowed them to open the veins and make the blood flow
on the Countess. Some of the girls survivors recounted that the Countess was
blood baths and at the exit of domestic workers had to lick the blood for
to dry it, lest a towel his skin. The servants with high hearts
and unable to do that were then intended to fill his bath.
When the authorities entered the castle of the countess, it is estimated
100 to 200 bodies identified and withdrawn. Elisabeth will not be interrogated, but locked up
without further trial in a room enclosed by the castle. Four years later,
on August 21, 1614, she died at the age of 54 years.
Wu Zetian - The Empress Dragon
Between 12 and 14 years old, Wu Zhao becomes one of the concubine of Emperor Tang Taizong
under the name Mei. Notable for its large beauty as for her strong character, she
quickly attracts the attention of the emperor as well as his son and heir Li Zhi.
On the death of Taizong, she and the other concubines of the emperor were taken to the convent,
Wu Zhao stayed there 3 years before leaving by the heir to the throne Li Zhi. It is
from there it sets up its own terror.
Li Zhi, madly in love with her is already married to the Empress
Wang, sterile, who sees a good look at the arrival of Wu Zhao as
concubine, both to allow the arrival of a successor but above all to undermine
the influence of Xiaoshufei, the second wife. Grave error. The Emperor will give a first
child to his concubine ... who will be choked by her, blaming the Empress
Wang to destabilize it.
This case, however, an influence when it accuses the
AND the second wife of the emperor of sorcery. Trusting her concubine is
she who will be chosen as first woman, the other two being killed in
of atrocious suffering by Wu Zhao. becoming Empress she will be named Zetian
means "according to the will of heaven".
Her husband to frail health, Zetian will benefit to grab gradually the power
in an ever more sordid manner: elimination political opponents and decapitation
mandarins obliging their daughters and wives to become his slaves. The Emperor Died
face the disease (even if one suspects in fact Wu Zetian to be responsible)
and it is his son who will take power, while taking care to return it between
the hands of his mother. Shortly thereafter it degrades its children to the rank of simple
heirs, to take definitively the power and is called Holy Mother and Emperor
divine. It creates an order of inquisitors responsible for interrogating and torturing
enemies, thus getting rid of his opponents in large families. The institution
being criticized, it will eventually in turn, by having them executed.
Finally, on the night of February 22, 705, conspirators rushed to arms
hand in the apartments of the old empress. They murder his favorites
and oblige him to abdicate. The old Empress dies a few months later, leaving the
throne to his son, Zhongzong. She immense China for half a century
These four women all share a common : their taste for blood and methods
to say the least ... radicals. They will all thanks to that sure to rise in women
powerful, trembling with terror. opponents. Yet it is quite complicated
to gather the historical sources of their existence. Note that many
of what is told here unfortunately no historical veracity certain: it
There is a real lack of interest on the part of of the historian body which tends to eclipse
the history of women to the profits of men, suggesting that only men participated
to the writing of our past, which obviously is wrong. Well, it turns out that there
a bit special, with Anaïs Drapier, who helped me to gather all the sources,
we really wanted to find bloodthirsty women, for the sensational game! However,
women who had had, in the shadows or directly, a hand of iron in
the management of their State there have been!
Catherine de Médicis, who could have here if its actions were not only
motivated by pure and hard politics, or Queen Victoria and well I will like
one day in a future video ! And for that, there are no secrets,
let a good blue thumb of families and share the video everywhere! think
also to follow us on our networks and subscribe if you do not
not yet done, I would like to thank Anaïs which has striven for research
of this video, I kiss you hard...
Wait ! Before leaving, we have a quick message to you for BattleTube !
On the occasion of the re-entry we propose you small sales on our website
online. The booster goes to 4.30 €, the batch of 8 to 29.99 € and the displays to
81 € (if you are determined to take 24 boosters at a time). The links are all
in description then hurry, the offer will end on September 10, there will not be any
for everyone. Ciao!
Smartphone Photography tips you should know - feat. Moto E4 Plus| 2017| - Duration: 6:54.hey this is Sri Hari from mr. phone and I have a very cool video for you today
so you might have guessed that it's about camera or pictures but let me tell
you what exactly it is so when you go to Facebook or you go to Instagram and you
see these beautiful pictures these exquisite landscapes and you think to
yourself well it has been taken using a DSLR or a very expensive camera you are
right but do you really need to spend so much to take a good-looking picture well
I don't think so in today's world we have very powerful cameras in the palm
of our hand so why not take advantage of that so I am going to show you how to
take any good-looking pictures using your smartphone and a tiny bit of
anything so let's jump into the video but before that subscribe and hit that
bell I can so that you get notified for all our videos now let's go and take
some good pictures now when you go to shoot pictures the first thing that you
need to keep in mind is that you should always try and shoot in landscape you
can also shoot in portray depending on the type of picture but whenever you're
clicking pictures of a wide area you should always take the pictures in
landscape mode so when you clean the pictures when you're using a very basic
camera you should always tap to focus the area that you want to show in the
pictures what that will do is adjust the focus and even the exposure of the image
so you can find a lot of good camera apps with the pro mode in the Play Store
and camera MX is a very good app there are a lot of other apps I'll link them
in the description and you can go there and download them but if you have a
camera with the pro mode what you can do is you can change the exposure you can
see in the ISO you can see in this chart a suite and you can see a lot of things
but many start playing with them that's when you actually understand what goes
on with each setting so there are a lot of other things that I can tell you
about shooting a picture but to keep it short I will tell you just one more
thing which is you should always try and shoot a lot of pictures of the same
thing what the heck you do is give you a lot of variety when you're editing the
picture so you can actually choose the best ones out of the bunch so now that
you've taken the pictures the 50% of your work is done now what is the second
half it's anything now editing is where a lot of people have mixed feelings some
people just don't like to edit their pictures and they want to upload it or
show it to other people as raw as they can well if you are one of them stop the
video right here go down and subscribe and do whatever
the hell you want but if you are not and you want to know how to edit these
pictures say with me I'm going to show you so you can find a lot of apps on the
Play Store for photo editing I usually use Pixlr for all my stuff but I
recently stumbled upon Snapseed and I have never looked back
so let's choose the picture first so this is a picture that I took yesterday
while walking home so it was almost sunset so that's why the picture looks
so good so you might agree that the picture is very good looking even as of
now but I'll show you what a little bit of editing can do to it so for
everything first you click the pen I can or the editing icon that you see down
there you click that and you see a lot of options here so the first one that
you see is called tune image according to me this is the only thing that I need
to go through editing other things are just secondary this is the primary thing
that I go to for editing so when you go into tune image the first thing that you
see is brightness there so when you place your finger on the screen and you
swipe up or down you can see that you can easily and very intuitively so I
drew all the different options now we select one option so we are on rightness
now if you place your finger on the screen again and swipe from left to
right you can easily change the brightness of the image so in this image
I would not like to change the brightness much it's pretty fine
according to me I will just push it a little bit on the upper side now next we
go to contrast for this image I'll push contrast just a little bit to not too
much the picture looks well balanced to me
so saturation is something that I like a lot I like my
just saturated and that's why I will push it to at least a 30 or something
but if you don't you can stay on the lower side of the spectrum now the next
is the coolest one on the road it's called ambience so it sounds cool
to UM Beyonc so what it does is it gives an HDR HDR plus like feel to your
pictures so when you push it up you can see that it immediately creates magic in
your pictures the things just pop out of the image and how I usually like to put
it at 50 or something but even if you go all the way to 100 the picture still
doesn't look too bad so my sweet spot is 50 but you can go even higher so the
next two things are our highlights and shadows now what are them highlights are
the brightest areas of your image so when you push it up or down you can see
that the sky that is the brightest area in my image is going up or down now what
are now what are shadows shadows are the exact opposite of highlights shadows are
the darkest areas of my image so in this image you can see that the grass and the
trees in this image are the darkest areas and when I push this up you will
actually see magic happen when I push this up you will see that the trees just
come out and the image just looks so when I took the picture it was a warm
environment so I put it to the warmer side of the spectrum now this is the
basic now we done with the basic editing now there are a lot of extra features in
Snapseed that you can find there is perspective which lets you 3d swivel or
turn the image in whatever angle you want that is if your image is not framed
properly you can use this feature to frame that properly my image is framed
well so I don't need to do any bit of editing on this side of things now the
next option is one of the coolest that you can find on snap see it's called
selective editing now what that does is when you go into selective and you click
a part of the image and when i zoom out you can see that the specific part of an
image is selected the red part is where you can edit now in these specific parts
you can control the brightness you can control the saturation the contrast you
can even control the sharpness or the structure of the image this is really
cool with the variety in these pictures if you want to highlight a person in an
image you want to highlight another object you
can do that using selective editing now you can see when compared to the
original image the edited image looks like magic so that's how you can take
good-looking pictures using just your smartphone and a little bit of editing
now I'm going to show you some pictures that we took earlier and the edited
versions of them and you can see for yourselves how the images look after
so with that I think you believe that you can take good pictures using just
your smartphone and a little bit of editing I hope you guys enjoyed the
video I hope you learn something from this and make sure to subscribe if you
do like the video and hit that Bell I can so that you get notified for all our
videos this is free hurry from mr. foon and I'll catch you guys in the next one
IFA 2017 : Sony Mobile、スーパーミッドレンジモデル「Xperia XA1 Plus」を発表 - Duration: 4:36.-------------------------------------------
Mitsubishi Outlander 2.0 INVITE PLUS - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
Hurricane IRMA could produce 50ft plus Wave Swells! - Duration: 1:46.Wave Current Swells as high as 19FT
Wednesday 9/6/2017
Over 40FT Wave Swells
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50 FT Plus Swells using current ICON MODEL
Volkswagen Passat (8) GTE Connected Series Plus Passat 1.4 160 kW / 218 pk PHEV Limousine 6 versn. D - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
BMW 5 Serie 530i xDrive High Executive Schuif-/Kanteldak | Driving assistant plus | Comfort access | - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI PRO LINE PLUS 2x S-line | Xenon | Navi | 20 inch | Carbon afwerking | Bose - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI 150 pk S-tronic PRO LINE Plus Navigatie / Climatronic / Cruise controle - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
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Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.4 TSI HIGHLINE *** AUTOMAAT-NAVIGATIE RNS510-SP WIELEN-CLIMAAT CONTROLE.**** - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
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Volvo V70 bjr 2013 2.0 D4 5-CIL 120kW/163pk 6-bak R-EDITION PLUS CLIMA + CRUISE + ADAPT.BI-XENON + N - Duration: 0:54.-------------------------------------------
Moto G5S Plus camera review and comparison with Moto G5 Plus - Duration: 6:59."Music"
Hey guys its Sagar from Tecworkz.
The last video I uploaded, was the unboxing and overview of the Moto G5S Plus.
Most of the comments on that video, were questions about its camera performance and comparison
with the regular Moto G5 Plus.
So in this video, we are going to take a detailed look at these dual cameras, and I am also
going to compare some of the shots from the Moto G5 Plus, to check, wether we are really
getting improved camera performance, with this new phone.
Usually I travel a lot with a new phone, and take some time to make the camera review,
but since you guys are really looking forward to it, I went out and took as many pictures
in various lighting conditions as possible, to put this video together.
But before we get started, make sure to hit the subscribe button, so you don't miss out
on any of the amazing videos, coming up on this channel.
Both cameras at the back sport 13 megapixel sensors with f/2.0 aperture and phase detect
auto focus.
One of these cameras capture normal coloured images, while the other one captures monochrome
or black and white images.
You can shoot 4K videos at 30fps, and 120fps slow motion videos in 720p resolution, sadly
again there is no optical image stabilisation.
The regular Moto G5 Plus had a 12 megapixel camera with F/1.7 aperture, and can also shoot
4K videos at 30fps, and 120fps slow motion videos in 720p resolution.
The front facing camera on the G5 S Plus, gets a 8 megapixel sensor with f/2.0 aperture
and it also gets a dedicated flash, whereas the Moto G5 Plus had a 5 megapixel camera
and a narrower f/2.2 aperture.
The camera still sticks out of the back quite a lot.
You have a glass housing over the camera, so it wont scratch as easily, as the one on
the Moto G4 Plus did.
Interface of the camera app is mostly similar to the regular G5 Plus, with the exception
of a new mode, that allows you to enable the depth effect feature.
This mode lets fix the focus on a particular subject and the remaining background is blurred
The preview, while taking the images doesn't look very good, but the actual images turn
out really good.
These images have a depth enable mark on the top.
If you go to the editing options, for these images you get depth editor that gives you
various options like, selective black and white, and selecting the focus and even adjust
the amount of blur after you take the images.
You can even replace the background or foreground from these shots with some other images that
you have in your phone.
When used properly, you can get really creative with all this.
There is the professional mode, which lets you adjust all the settings according to your
liking, and now this mode is also available for the front facing camera.
The only thing that I don't like, is the lag between when you press the shutter, and when
the actual image is captured.
This is even longer while shooting in low light.
And when you take images in depth mode, it take at lease 3-4 seconds to process those
I hope Motorola will address this lag with software updates.
Now lets take a look at the images and videos from the G5S Plus, and compare a few of them
with the images from the G5 Plus.
It takes really good pictures in bright lighting conditions as you would expect.
Colours are vibrant and, there is a good amount of detail in shots that you see here.
Now here are images from the G5 Plus and G5S Plus, side by side.
Both look detailed and good in such bright light.
Colours in this image are mostly similar from both cameras, but if you look closer, there
is slightly more detail in the background of the shot, that is taken with the Moto G5S
But overall both the images look equally good.
The G5S Plus captures skin tones very well, even in such bright conditions.
Now we have are a couple of shots with and without the HDR mode turned on.
A lot of details in the shadows are brought up, and highlights are also preserved to an
extent, which make the overall image usable.
Here is a quick focusing speed test with the camera of the G5 S Plus.
It still lacks laser assist and only relies on phase detection for autofocus.
And the focusing speed on the new camera is mostly similar to that of the G5 plus.
Thanks to the f/2.0 aperture, you can take some really good close up shots with the background
blurred out.
Regular G5 Plus has an even wider f/1.7 aperture, so it captures slightly brighter images as
we see from these shots.
Here is another shot, the regular G5 Plus took longer to focus, so i had to make quite
a few attempts to get the perfect focus.
Now these are some images shot with the Depth mode enabled on the Moto G5S Plus.
I was not too sure about the results while taking these shots, but the actual images
turned out really really good, even in low lighting situations.
It is definitely not perfect and struggles at times, but because it is a software feature,
I think it will definitely improve with future software updates.
G5S Plus also takes good low light images by itself, but the G5 Plus has a small advantage
thanks to the wide f/1.7 aperture.
The S Plus captures detailed shots, but it also captures more noise, G5 Plus captures
less noise and slightly brighter images.
Again in this shot we see the new phone capturing a bit detailed and sharper image.
With the flash turned on, you can eliminate the noise and take even better images from
the G5S Plus.
If I had to choose, I will go with the regular G5 Plus for low light shots.
The front facing 8 megapixel camera, now takes detailed and good looking images.
And the front flash also helps a lot, so we definitely have an improvement over the G5
Plus while taking selfies.
Coming to the video performance.
I still think that the videos a bit sharper and has more contrast for my liking, but the
overall video is pleasant to look at.
It handles the change in exposure very well, and the Electronic stabilisation keeps the
video extremely stable.
The camera on the Moto G5 Plus really impressed me, when it came out, and the G5S Plus has
an equally impressive one with a few more features added.
It is definitely amongst one of the best camera on any smartphone in under Rs.20,000.
Leaving the depth effect aside, there is not a huge difference between the images of the
G5 Plus and the G5S Plus.
So if you have purchased the G5 Plus in the last few months, don't worry, you still have
a very good camera on your smartphone.
But If you are looking to get a new smartphone at around Rs.15000, I would suggest you to
get the G5S Plus, not just for its camera, but also for the other overall improvements
that it offers over the previous G5 Plus.
In a few days, I will compare these dual cameras with the ones on the OnePlus 5, and just for
fun, if you want me to compare these cameras to the ones on the iPhone 7 Plus, do let me
know in the comments section.
That is it for this video guys.
Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and subscribe to the channel for
more quality tech videos like this.
You can also check out some of the other videos on this channel.
This has been Sagar, and ill catch you guys in the next video, Take care.
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