Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily plus Sep 2 2017

Pearson: This is the Friday, September 1, 2017

version of the Market Plus segment.

Joining us now is Sue Martin.

Sue, welcome back.

Martin: Thank you, Mike.

Pearson: Hard to believe we're already into


Martin: I know.

Pearson: While we're coming into September we

have seen lean hogs on a pretty aggressive selloff

here for the past several weeks.

Sue, do you anticipate us getting a bounce here

before too long or are we looking at last year's

lows again?

Martin: Well, I think what has caused the market to

have, first off, the market came in with a big

discount to the August contract.

So then when you got the August off the board on

the 14th, the October was so discount that I think

it just had to do a little bit of alignment.

Then it kind of fell apart because 71 was a pretty

good ticket, we thought maybe might get to 74 but

wasn't sure about that.

And then of course you also have the selling hit

in the cattle, which kind of helped drag it down


And you've got more poultry, chick placements

are up, hog numbers are expected to be up, you

have a quarterly hogs and pig report at the end of

the month, that is expected to really confirm

that there is more numbers and expansion.

And so the whole gamut I think has weighed on the

hog market and kind of kept a lid on it.

Pearson: Demand hoping going to pick up?

Have you been seeing any indication?

Martin: Well, I think export demand will pick


I think that you look at around the world and even

overnight the PMI's that were coming out were

really good over in Europe and into Italy and so I

think that's all good signs.

But I also think that when you look at the hog

industry yeah we're probably still going to

push a little lower but the killing capacity has

been ramped up and the dollar has been on such a

demise that maybe we weren't getting as many

hogs coming into the U.S.

as we could have if the dollar had been stronger.

Now, we've had a bounce this week in the dollar

but I kind of think the hog market is going to be

held at bay a little bit.

Pearson: We're facing some headwinds.

Well, now I want to turn over to our questions from

our followers on Facebook and Twitter and encourage

all of you to send in a question.

Whenever you've got one just shoot it over to

Market to Market.

But this first one is from Jared in Mattoon, Illinois

and Jared references last week's episode when Darin

Newsom was on and he says, Darin was very bearish not

only on the corn market but on wheat as well.

And Jared says, if he understood him correctly

he encouraged planting fewer wheat acres.

Jared in Illinois says, for those of us in corn

and bean country trying to avoid a saturated bean

market like we're seeing in wheat, what do you


Martin: Well, for one thing farmers always have

a tendency to market their beans and hang onto the


And so I don't see supplies that aggressive.

The one concern I would be, I would have is that

the yield, okay F.C.

Stone increased their yield on the beans, and

the Pro Farmer Tour kind of told us what they've

seen out there to kind of fall in line with the

USDA, so if the USDA was to just come in and push

that yield up a little bit, remember that yield

that they came out with in August was as of August

1st when they didn't even know squat what was out


And the weather in August has been not hot and dry

but cool and maybe some showers, it seemed like we

did pick up a little more shower activity.

So it would have the feel that beans should be doing

better, maybe there's a lot of disease out there

too from what I'm picking up, but regardless what is

out there right now is perceived to be better.

You've had crop condition ratings start to inch up.

So I think the USDA will raise the bean yield.

I think they'll lower the corn yield but they'll

raise the bean yield and if they do boy it wouldn't

take anything to have a carryout on new crop that

could all of a sudden jump over 500 million bushels.

So we need good demand.

Brazil's exports were record high.

It is estimated they have exported about 56.9

million metric tons so far from January through


It was estimated they'd export 63 million metric

tons this year.

So they're kind of getting on the downhill slide of


The U.S.

is very competitive against Argentina and

Brazil so we look to be in the market of favor.

But boy when you look at our export sales we're

running behind on corn and soybeans.

Wheat has caught up pretty close to the five year


But the corn and soybeans is running decisively


We need to see this pick up continue and of course

record exports in corn as well out of Brazil.

So the farmers, not only in the U.S., but in Brazil

and in Europe are so frustrated with the cheap,

cheap prices that they're hanging on.

That might give you a little bit of support to a

market temporarily but it also says competition is

looming down the horizon.

Pearson: Right, any bushel not sold today is a bushel

that can be sold in the future on any kind of a


Martin: But then we have dirt cheap prices.

So, if we're going to see prices coming down in the

future over the course of this winter and what have

you I would have to say it's because of carrying

charge markets just dwindling and lining up.

I think we're seeing the worst.

Boy with wave 4's and then corn close to a wave 5 at

the $3.40 level, very close and the response we

got was very typical of coming out of something

like that on a wave 5.

But we need to see a little more proof and,

like I say on the show, I'm just, I'm not sure I

trust everything just yet.

Pearson: Right, need the combines to roll.

Martin: Exactly.

And when I talked about the 84 year cycle low

coming due in August, what is that saying?

It's saying I expect the market to go down, it is

to be a low.

So the markets have to fall to fulfill that.

And we've gotten that, now we need to see it


But again, boy beans are acting awful lackluster

and they are the better price of everything.

Pearson: Right.

And that leads right into our next question from

Dustin who is in Andover, Iowa.

He wants to know, what does your strategy look

like for managing unpriced bushels that will need to

be sold this fall in the corn and the bean markets?

Martin: Well, that's a tough one.

I would retain ownership if that's the case and

you're moving that grain.

I would come back and try to have some call option


Maybe you sell some out of the money puts and then

turn around and own some calls back knowing that if

the market breaks down you could be exercised on

those ones that you sold that are below the market

but then that lets you be long from a cheaper price.

And then of course your calls that you bought

didn't pay as much for but they're going to be worth

less, they aren't going to be worth anything.

But that's one way, that's one way to maybe work

yourself in to have a cheaper price in case the

market breaks and if it doesn't you're going to be

happy because you've got the calls on to help you


Pearson: Move it to the upside.

Martin: Yes.

Pearson: Our next question comes up from North

Dakota, comes down from North Dakota I should say.

This is from EZ$ in the Red River Valley of North


Martin: I like that name.

Pearson: Exactly.

He's on Twitter @bankerfarmer1.

He wants to know, what is the cards for diesel fuel

prices this fall with Harvey's impact on the

Gulf Shore?

Do you expect short-lived gauging hysteria?

Or could this be a longer-term impact?

Martin: I think diesel prices could have a

longer-term impact here.

Yeah, it's expected you might push the price

higher because everybody is going to need to get

stuff loaded, or taken in and I think a lot of

people didn't think about booking with Hurricane

Harvey coming in and Hurricane Harvey was way

worse than they expected too, going off shore,

coming back on, they just kept getting hammered.

Pearson: Hitting all the crude oil refineries.

Martin: Oh my gosh, yes.

And so I think that that is going to cause some

shortages maybe temporarily.

But here's the kicker, corn is behind.

If we get a frost or we stay abnormally cool now

the next thing is going to be it's still going to be

slow to come around, we very well may have a crop

that you have to dry down this year and that's going

to put a little added demand in there too.

So I'm thinking prices of diesel could hang in here

a little longer than you think.

Pearson: Alright.

Well, Vance in Nebraska City is trying to find

some positives.

Vance is on Twitter @Proverbs2_6Dad.

And he wants to know, is the price we're at, an 84

low in soybeans, is that low enough or a wave 5 in

corn to reduce expansion of acres in Brazil?

Martin: I've heard talk that acres for corn is

going to drop down a little bit.

Bean acres I think they might try to hang in


Bean acres are expected to be pretty decent again.

But the bottom line is it is thought that the

production could drop back this year.

Now, we're looking at right now a forecast for

Brazil as being warm and dry, some areas almost

drought like.

And then you look at Argentina and Argentina

may be, some areas up to the north may be a little

bit on the warm and dry but the rest of it almost

too wet.

So we'll see what happens as we go in, Brazil

doesn't start planting until at least the middle

of September because of Asian rust.

If they're warm and dry they may not have a

problem with Asian rust.

And they didn't have a major problem this last

year either.

But they always spray ahead of time because if

they wait until you see it, it's too late.

But if it turns wet they might have more of a

problem with Asian rust than they've had and that

could knock the yields a little bit too.

It just depends on how good those fungicides are

going to hang in there.

Those crops could mutate, you never know.

It just depends.

But we'll have to watch the weather.

I think we'll see a little bit of a pullback.

But they've got the acres, it's going to go to


We've been seeing CONAB do the subsidizing to farmers

in Mato Grosso, about 28% of that crop has been

getting subsidized already.

That is helping those farmers out a little bit.

So it's going to be an interesting year ahead.

I still tend to be an optimist for the next


Remember, it's a year of an 8, years of an 8 tend

to be more price positive and the USDA raised prices

a little bit here in a recent estimate.

So that's a good sign.

So they must be thinking, let's put it this way,

they raised farmer income.

Now, how do you do that unless you're thinking

prices are coming up?

Pearson: Right.


Now, our final question from our viewers comes

from Shelby in Decorah, Iowa.

Shelby is on Twitter @Cornelius_1993.

And he wants to know, will we see Harvey impact our

commodity markets, corn and beans, as the farmers

in the South take the hit from this hurricane?

Martin: Well, it would have to be because of

wetness slowing up harvesting.

Beans don't like wet feet, that sort of thing.

And they are going to get some of that.

But so far the market hasn't really cared.

It's just like I say, the market has got a funky

feel to it.

It's just negative.

But then that's everything.

You look at politics, it's negative.

The media is negative.

The attitude towards market, negative, or

watered down on reactions.

So I think that we're going to have to let this

market play its hand here a little bit.

It would be wonderful that we've just sort of

coincidentally had another again.

I just am not sure I believe it.

I think we're going to have to get those combines

rolling and have it proven because there is another

wave 4 on beans at $8.90.

Pearson: Okay, that could be in the cards.

Martin: Yes.

Pearson: Alright.

Well, Sue, before we let you go we want to get our

final question from an Iowa State student.

And before we get to that, I want to tell our

audience that we are at the end of our stockpiled

questions from Iowa State students.

So now folks, it's over to you.

We are looking for long-term questions.

What are you thinking about the future of

commodity prices that you want our analysts to


If you have one of those questions DM us on Twitter

or send an email to

and we'll work out the details about how we can

get you on Market to Market in the Market Plus.

So Sue, for you we have a question from Craig up at

Iowa State University.

Here it is.

Craig: What is the biggest hurdle for someone

starting out?

Martin: The biggest hurdle for someone starting out

in farming?


Pearson: Money.

I was going to say, it's a big question but it has

kind of got one answer.

Martin: Yes, but there are some really good

incentives for a young farmer getting started

where if your net worth is $600,000 or less the

person who rents to you can get, in the state of

Iowa, can get I think it is 7% off their state tax,

the same is true with someone helping you out

with equipment, sharing equipment with you, they

have tax benefits as well.

It's a two to five year program.

There are things out there.

But I think one, a student out of Iowa State, you

know they've got to be taking marketing and

that's a step in the right direction because

marketing is one of your biggest hurdles in


Pearson: Yep, you don't make any money growing a

crop, Sue, you make it selling a crop.

Martin: That's right.

Pearson: Well, Sue Martin, thank you so much for

taking the time to talk to us this week.

Martin: Thank you for having me.

Pearson: Join us again next week when Don Roose

will sit across from me at the Market to Market table

and we'll explore the battle for GMO oversight

in Oregon.

Until then, thanks for watching or listening.

I'm Mike Pearson.

Have a great week.

For more infomation >> Market Plus: Sue Martin (September 1, 2017) - Duration: 14:24.


Umi Plus Android 7.0 Unboxing and Review! Best Budget smartphone?!?! - Duration: 8:38.

Hello there guys!

It's CoolFox over here and today I'm bringing you an unboxing and review of the Umi Plus.

Before we begin, I would really appreciate it if you subscribe as we are trying to hit

500 subscribers by the end of the year and I would appreciate the support of each and

everyone of you a lot!

Starting with the unboxing, you can see the the box itself is all made out of plastic.

On the top we have the phone itself and under the phone tray, we can find some paperwork

including the manual.

Other than that you have the fast charger and the cable which is nicely pegged with

plastic pegs.

Taking a quick look at the manual you can see that you have a few diagrams of the phone

including the specifications.

This phone comes in Gray or Gold, Android 6.0 which you can upgrade to 7.0 as you will

see later on in the video, the Helio P10 processor which is also known as the MTK6755, the Mali

T-860 GPU, 4GB of RAM, 32 GB of ROM, a 4000 mah battery and a front fingerprint sensor.

The Display is a 5.5" IPS 1080p screen made by SHARP and has 441 ppi.

The rear camera is a 13 MP Samsung one with PDAF and on the front you have a 5 MP camera.

It does charge through a USB-C cable which is nice to see but it is not standard as you

will see later on in the video.

All of the supported bands are also listed on there and it also includes the sensors

inside the phone and the contents that should come with it.

The charger is pretty hefty and is supposed to be a fast charger.

The USB-C cable as I said before isn't standard as you can see right here as it is 7mm instead

of 6mm.

When plugging in the cables, you can see that the original fits perfectly while the normal

cable stays loose.

The screen to body ration is average and it gets scratched very easily.

On the bottom of the phone you find the USB-C port, a speaker on the right and a microphone

on the left.

On the back you find the camera which does protrude quite a bit, an LED flash beneath

it and a microphone on top.

You also find the antenna lines which are white and the parts on top of those are made

of plastic.The right side has the volume rocker and the power button which do wiggle quite

a bit and do produce some sound as well while wiggling.

On the front you find the front camera, the speaker and a few sensors next to it.

You also find the home button and fingerprint sensor and the back and menu key.

On the left you find the sim card slot and the extra key which can be used to open different


On the top, you find the headphone jack which is the only thing on there.

Opening the sim slot is very easy and it does double up as either 2 sim cards or a sim card

and an sd card up to 128 gb.

To close it you simply push it inwards and it should snap into place.

As you can see I do get 4G signal but keep in mind that I live in Malta.

Booting up the phone you can see the Umi logo and the android logo, nothing else really


As you can see, I do have Nova launcher installed so this is not the default look but I can

assure you that it does come with stock android and it doesn't have any bloatware included.

Something that I did notice though is that sometimes, when I move my finger around on

the screen, it doesn't pick up and ends up not tracking your finger perfectly.

Apart from that the phone is very smooth and there are almost no hiccups at all.

I never experinced any apps crash on me but I did experience a few minor hangs which are


Do keep in mind that i have owned this phone now for over 5 months.

Although I did install a custom launcher it doesn't have any hiccups still.

As you can see I did upgrade to Android 7.0 and you do that through the wireless update

service they included in the settings.

The home button does have a feature which is actually quite annoying that when touching

it, it takes you to your home screen and when pressing it, it takes you to the defualt screen.

There is no way to turn this off and I wish they can release some kind of update that

fixes this issue.

Going through the settings, you can see everything is normal and the extra button

here can be assigned to open different apps.

The screen isn't particularly bright coming in at 433 nits but it does the job even in

broad daylight.

The languages are as usual and nothing to complain about here.

The Wifi is also as you would expect and doing a quick test here will reveal that it does

work at the supposed speeds without any problems.

Gaming on this phone is also quite ok and testing it out on Badland here you can see

that it works perfectly without any hiccups.

You can also tell that the screen does have quite a bit of contrast and vibrance to it

and looks overall pretty good.

Moving onto Antutu benchmark you can see that it did score around 43000 which is also average

at this price point.

The temperature does go up quite a bit though, reaching a maximum of 40 celsius while recording.

It sometimes gets even hotter while charging and playing a video at the same time for example.

The fingerpint sensor works 9 times out of ten and I am very satisfied with the

quickness of it.

Sometimes when putting your finger in a weird angle, it might not detect the fingerprint

well and you will have to input the password.

Once, it actually opened up to my brother's fingerprint although that was a one off and

probably becuase the sensor was dirty from smudges or previous fingerprints.

Taking a look at CPU-X you can see that it does work at the given specs inside the manual

and that they did not lie about them.

The only thing that they do lie about in he settings is the ROM adn RAM.

For some reason they show that it has exactly 4GB of RAM and exactly 32GB of storage which

is almnost impossible as almost every phone will have a slight variation form that number.

I see this as pretty scummy but at least it doesn't take away from the overall experience.

Taking a look at some other scores this time from Geekbench, it is actually very disappointing.

It onyl scores 535 on the single core and 1501 on the multi score.

This is pretty bad considering that the Vernee Thor E which goes for around a

100$ scored way more and has the MTK6753 which is an older generation CPU and should be less

capable of the one present on this phone.

This might be because on this phone, the CPU is clocked at 1.8 GHz instead of the usual

2GHz which the reasons for are unknown (unless it's for heating issues) Taking a quick look

at the sensors, you can see that all of those lsited in the manual are also included on

the phone.

Testing out the GPS, it is also pretty disappointing tho see that the signals are pretty weak and

when using something like Google Maps, you can really tell the the GPS fix is very weak.

It struggles to pin point where you arw which I do find as a bit shameful.

The screen is a true 1080p one as shown here by the YouTube app and it does support 60


Something to keep in mind is that it struggles to keep up with the 60fps while charging and

you would usually have to downgrade to 480p to resolve the issue.

The speaker is flat out horrible.

It sound extremely thinny and lacks any hint of bass.

The only thing going for it is the loudness as it does

get quite loud.

Looking at some pictures taken on the Umi Plus, You can easily tell that it does have

a very capable camera although it is not that vibrant and lacks a bit in contrast too.

Panorama shots are also very good although since it lacks in Contrast, it does sometimes

end up having a few parts of the photo with different contrast.

You can also get some lens flare if you are a fan of it.

The front camera isn't that special but it does take ok quality video.

The back camera is better than the front and when zooming in, when in good lighting conditions,

you do not lose a lot of detail and grain wouldn't be as noticable.

A quick note to keep in mind is that the camera isn't really that good in low lighting conditions

and will look very smudged up on the preview screen.

I hope you enjoyed this video guys, if you did, please leave a like and subscribe for

more content.

This was CoolFox and I'm out, Peace!

For more infomation >> Umi Plus Android 7.0 Unboxing and Review! Best Budget smartphone?!?! - Duration: 8:38.


Dr Ben Carson Uncovers Filthy Obama Skeleton! $ 400 Plus Billion Fraud Just Erupts - Duration: 19:56.

Dr. Ben Carson Uncovers Filthy Obama Skeleton!

$ 400 Plus Billion Fraud Just Erupts

Amid the later years of the sad Obama era, the president pushed a wide range of radical

policies through different offices.

By enabling his confidants all through the administration to definitely change guidelines

and laws all alone, Congress was effectively evaded.

It's sufficiently terrible when our imbecilic government officials push poo down our throats

however it's far more atrocious when unelected civil servants do it in mystery.

That is quite recently the embodiment of corruption.

One of the organizations most blameworthy of mystery mishandle is Housing and Urban


HUD has a terrifying measure of influence in forming our country's groups and not just

that, adequate open door exists for it to waste taxpayers cash.

What's more, they didn't recently waste your cash under President Obama; they tossed mammoth

wads of it down the can.

As announced at Yes I'm Right, as the new head of HUD, Dr. Ben Carson required a quick

review to reveal any inefficiency and abuse.

Shockingly - however regrettably - the Inspector General accountable for the survey discovered

a large portion of a trillion dollars in unaccounted stores.

Clearly, HUD'S books are so terribly dealt with that a full review couldn't be finished

amid an underlying request.

It's bad to the point this is looking less like inadequacy and more like by and large

corruption and kickbacks.

That, and there's a large portion of a trillion dollars in errors, which would loan belief

to the IG's decisions.

At the point when Trump initially tapped Carson for the HUD position, the commonplace carnival

of leftist jokesters turned out and bashed the decision, with Senate Minority Leader

Chuck Schumer being a standout amongst the most basic.

"I have serious concerns about Dr. Carson's lack of expertise and experience in dealing

with housing issues.

Someone who is as anti-government as he is a strange fit for the Housing Secretary, to

say least,"Schumer said in a statement.

That is entertaining where's his honest worry over the crazy measure of cash his quite qualified

ancestor lost?

Nancy Pelosi additionally mouthed off, saying Carson was a "Disconcerting and disturbingly

unqualified choice."

Yes, well's, truly perturbing that Pelosi's excessively botoxed confront is as yet invading

Congress following quite a while of demonstrating she has the mental limit of a kid.

Abandon it to the Left to demonstrate zero worries over a large portion of a trillion

bumble when one of their folks is in control.

Carson is more than met all requirements for the employment, particularly if he should

simply not lose billions of dollars because of poor bookkeeping.

Possibly he'll really SAVE American residents some money.

Wouldn't that be a decent change of pace from the Democrats?

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.

For more infomation >> Dr Ben Carson Uncovers Filthy Obama Skeleton! $ 400 Plus Billion Fraud Just Erupts - Duration: 19:56.


Smart Forfour 52 kW Automaat Passion Plus - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 52 kW Automaat Passion Plus - Duration: 0:58.


Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor - Duration: 0:31.

Click the link at the bottom for a discounted price on this Today!

For more infomation >> Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor - Duration: 0:31.


Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.4 TSI 90KW Comfortline - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf Plus 1.4 TSI 90KW Comfortline - Duration: 0:56.


Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 EcoBoost Edition Plus 126 PK Navigatie, Lmv, Pdc, Airco (ECC) - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus Wagon 1.0 EcoBoost Edition Plus 126 PK Navigatie, Lmv, Pdc, Airco (ECC) - Duration: 0:58.


Smart Forfour 52 kW Automaat Passion Plus - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 52 kW Automaat Passion Plus - Duration: 1:00.


Best Of Edith Piaf Playlist - Les plus belles chansons de Edith Piaf - Duration: 56:48.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Best Of Edith Piaf Playlist - Les plus belles chansons de Edith Piaf - Duration: 56:48.


Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 320 CDI Prestige Plus - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 320 CDI Prestige Plus - Duration: 0:58.


Smart Forfour 52 kW Passion Plus - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Smart Forfour 52 kW Passion Plus - Duration: 0:54.


Kia Sportage 2.0 X-ecutive Plus AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Kia Sportage 2.0 X-ecutive Plus AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:59.


Eid al-Adha 2017 - when it falls in the UK plus how to say Eid Mubarak wishes and Eid al-Adha prayer - Duration: 5:33.

Eid al-Adha 2017 - when it falls in the UK plus how to say Eid Mubarak wishes and Eid al-Adha prayer

The last day of August signifies the start of an important celebration for thousands of Muslims in Huddersfield and West Yorkshire.

It is when the annual Eid al-Adha celebrations begin after the end of Hajj, the month in which devout Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The festival is often confused by non-Muslims with Eid al-Fitr, the day immediately after the month of Ramadan during which observers fast during daylight hours.

Eid al-Adha begins with morning prayers at the local Mosque followed by the exchange of gifts and cards among friends and family.

The festival lasts for four days but the duration varies around the world with Arab nations enjoying a nine-day public holiday. There are specific greetings for the festival also know as Greater Eid.

What is Eid al-Adha?. The Muslim festival is also known as the Feast of Sacrifice or the Greater Eid and honors Prophet Abrahams sacrifice of his son Ishmael, as an act of submission to Gods command.

When is Eid al-Adha 2017?. In the Islamic lunar calendar, Eid al-Adha falls on the 10th day of the 12th month and lasts for four days until the 13th day.

In the international (Gregorian) calendar, the dates vary from year to year drifting approximately 11 days earlier each year.

The exact date and timing of the occasion varies on the positioning of the moon at the beginning of the Islamic calendar month, better known as Dhu'l-Hijjah.

As a result of this, Eid al-Adha often falls on different days around the world - depending on your location and region.

This year the celebration of the festival will be marked on the evening of thurday 31 August and end in the evening of Monday September 4. How is Greater Eid celebrated?.

On the commencing morning of Eid al-Adha, Muslims will attend morning prayers at local mosques – often embarking on a different route back home, as this is following the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

Some Muslims also pray as part of community-led events in public places, such as parks - here are the events taking place around the UK for your family to get involved.

As its a celebratory festival, men and women will also dress up for the occasion, often wearing new outfits, or their best clothes.

Its tradition to gift and be gifted new clothes during Eid al-Adha, families and friends will also gather together to exchange gifts, money and eat traditional food.

Sacrifice is also part of the tradition - in some countries, Muslim families buy, keep and slaughter their own animal, anyone the UK wishing to sacrifice an animal has to do so humanely.

Islamic rules also state that the animal must be an adult and in good health.

The Qurbani (sacrificial) meat is then divided into three equal parts – one for the household, one for relatives and friends, and one for the poor - a meal will then be prepared with this sacrifice.

The meat can go to anyone, even if they're not Muslim themselves. Aside from curries and traditional dishes, cakes, biscuits and desserts such as Turkish baklava and Indian rice pudding will also feature in the indulgent feast.

How to perform Eid al-Adha prayer. Eid is a unique occasion and one of the things which makes it so is the Eid al-Adha congregational prayer on the morning of the opening day.

A priest or Imam will be present, and as a guideline, worshippers should follow the Imam in prayer and mark his actions accordingly.

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