Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily make Sep 25 2017

hello everybody welcome to crazy Tutorials by and teached by Kubra Abrar

today I'm gonna show you how to make a setup wizard by using Inno Setup 5.5.9

this video is part on its 2017 hmm this version is 2017 and this video 2017 so

you think it to this is update version so at first you have to install this

Inno Setup 5.5.9

and I want to talk something that some computer user when see the program file of any

software the think that how will they create the Software setup wizard (.exe) file So, I hope

this video is for them

okay I don't wanna talk long at first we have to install this is inno

setup oh yeah if you want this software for free just check out

our video description or visit in so let's go how to do it ?

how to do it so first we have to install this in step I'll click on right in

button and click on run as administrator click on a small where you can see this

set awaited pair on the select or the line goes to use during the installation

that this is noise click on OK you can see this pop-up a treatise which called

or setup wizard this is the License Agreement which is very important for

your setup file main setup wizard and here I accept the agreement into the

form wise of the soldier this is very important ok click on next then click on

Harrigan CD here you can see the install initiative we for sure

click on aged recreates the sub 12 cards associate in a sec await the clock ISS

violence and song recognized ready to install era this is the future of this

this is the welcome welcome it

before it's endless then click on next okay this is tall

hair complet then click on first is a point in a sitar click on finish I can

see ok here it is your project click on that what you want to do we have to

choose what's up their way to your subject I think this is my software

which targets call management system processor 2 + 5 c 2 pi point voice call

management enable content this is log in fact very consider user support this is

your soft chair

okay I'll come back coming let's go male 1 you can see our is commenting system

Pro call game runs Li shuo real cheap to show relative square wave result and a

different object wrapped it ultimate you can see the developments this is okay

back cause this sorting

okay this is your sub tab you can choose your subject please eat by subject and

you choose your subject okay you choose your subject

so first heritance is some very important is this it takes please make

it bigger this is the oh yeah you can hear it tells okay okay you can see this

goes this is common in system Pro going this is the page of license agreement

which is called the rich text format this is really straightforward

I will show you how to creat a rich text format okay this is your excavating

system Pro license agreement okay click on it and open it this is your argument

is we can see a license agreement paper see okay close

this is the oil come to women system opponent you can see just we have to you

have to type these things and type those things to complete your set up waiver is

very important for your cinema and this is complete we is it up your complaint

it will solve this is your text so how to create breaks the promise approach

for desktop we will create a simple page Microsoft odds are immense void age ace

containment type anything else click on time then click on save all this is safe

okay soit I can save it then click on browse takes up yes

then click on save as time with your type of your document let's look for me

to be spell here you can see the wrist a storm it

here please takes comment click on head click on it and then click on save okay

in close this page here you can see two different types of documents so here we

teach take c36 from it this with text duration form it is luggage something

different from this simple word document or you can see by clicking on my T's

this Archie a main three states for this country can envisage sinkhole by created

do see X table you see X and Microsoft are job it's about you then

we have to do here conspire Oh Harrigan sell crack I turn image file okay and

here you can see the logo our logo agency logo this is a Logan here you see

the logo poster or for software processes +5 to main system control

buttons at the people corporation closet here it is open perpetual software visit

Go back to setup compilerLastly I'll remind you that

Please Watch The part NO 2 How to make a setup wizard easily with inno setup 2017 Part 2 - Crazy Tutorials

Just Check out our video description and see you in part 2 or visit in

and take care everybody see you next time

For more infomation >> How to make a setup wizard easily with inno setup 2017 Part 1 - Crazy Tutorials - Duration: 8:11.


Superhero irl Frozel Elsa Challenge Make up Face w/ Baby Elsa Superman Snow White Fun With Birth Day - Duration: 11:07.

Superhero irl Frozel Elsa Challenge Make up Face w/ Baby Elsa Superman Snow White Fun With Birth Day

For more infomation >> Superhero irl Frozel Elsa Challenge Make up Face w/ Baby Elsa Superman Snow White Fun With Birth Day - Duration: 11:07.


Sabudane Ki Kheer | How To Make Sabudana Kheer | Tapioca Pudding | Navratri Vrat Recipe - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Sabudane Ki Kheer | How To Make Sabudana Kheer | Tapioca Pudding | Navratri Vrat Recipe - Duration: 2:51.


How to Make Foam Cutter |Very Easy| - Duration: 2:22.

How to Make Foam Cutter |Very Easy|

How to Make Foam Cutter |Very Easy|

For more infomation >> How to Make Foam Cutter |Very Easy| - Duration: 2:22.


Satisfying Slime Stress Ball Cutting - That will make you relaxed - Duration: 6:00.

Satisfying Slime Stress Ball Cutting

For more infomation >> Satisfying Slime Stress Ball Cutting - That will make you relaxed - Duration: 6:00.




A number of scientists around the world are publishing studies, and examining what can

happen to our biology when we experience physiological coherence, or heart coherence. Physiological

coherence refers to the biological state the human body experiences when the heart and

brain are well-coordinated, working in synchronicity, and united by our positive emotional health,

which results in the �increased synchronization, harmony, and efficiency in the interactions

within and among the physiological, cognitive, and emotional systems in the body.�

Perhaps the leading scientists in the field are the ones over at the HeartMath Institute,

whose research findings have shown that when we practice heart coherence, and take on more

feelings of gratitude, compassion, appreciation and love, our heart �generates a coherent

electromagnetic wave into the local field environment that facilitates social coherence.�

This means that our electromagnetic field could carry biological relevant information

that can effect those around us. Proponents in this field have shown that, theoretically,

�it is possible that enough people building individual and social coherence could actually

contribute to an unfolding global coherence.�

Not only that, and the main point here, is that a state of coherence can cause nervous

system chaos, and the opposite can have a positive effect. Their research has shown

that when we experience negative emotion, the heart sends very different signals to

the brain as opposed to experiencing positive emotions. In turn, this influences our nervous


Dr. Deborah Rozman, the President of Quantum Intech, explains that it�s �an alignment

within and amongst systems � whether quantum particle, organisms, human beings, social

groups, planets or galaxies. This harmonious order signifies a coherent system whose optimal

functioning is directly related to the ease and flow in its processes.� It�s similar

to the studies that have been conducted regarding mass meditation and prayer. As far as their

effects on physical systems, numerous publications have yielded statistically significant results.

For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies of this

type of phenomena, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click here.

The role of heart coherence and how it related to our biology is growing in all fields, including

dentistry. This comes in the form of a publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of ICDRO, the

International Clinical Dental Research Organization, by longtime dental surgeon Lynette Wallace

titled �What is the role of physiological coherence and epigenetics in the etiology

of dental caries?�

It�s a short piece, explaining and citing research that shows how high heart coherence

causes an increased order and complexity in crystallization patterns in human saliva,

which in turn releases the intelligence embedded in the proteins. Here�s a study showing

how in 18 out of 20 participants, heart coherence actually increased the ordering and complexity

of crystal structure.

She states:

�When there is physiological incoherence such as in mouth breathing, the salivary proteins

become dysfunctional; and thereby, allowing carries unopposed access to the tooth surfaces.

It is proposed that should this be the case then caries management should be directed

to include methods to regain coherence so as to harmonize the body systems to regain

correct signalling and function.�

�Caries� refers to tooth decay and cavities, and overall mouth health in general.

It�s great to see this type of thing, what some call factors associated with consciousness,

examined in the health field. There are many who are doing so but this seems to be the

first time it�s being examined with regard to our mouth health.

Dentists have been trained to believe, and rightfully so, that the predominant cause

of dental caries stems from refined sugars and starches and a poor diet. But there could

be multiple contributing factors to dental tooth decay, as there is with many other health

ailments. For example, when it comes to dental decay, research has hypothesized that it�s

also an absence of vitamins and minerals which are devoid in processed foods, something a

large majority of the North American population consumes on a regular basis.

In her short article, she emphasizes the research which has �established a significant, complex,

and highly sophisticated connection between the human heart and brain, which is driven

by our emotional health.� When we are in heart coherence, there is more efficiency,

harmony and synchronization within and among our physiological cognitive and emotional

states within the body.

The implications for dentistry, says Wallace, comes in because of multiple factors. One

is physiological incoherence in mouth breathing, which causes salivary proteins to become dysfunctional,

allowing tooth decay and cavities to develop, and the craniofacial region, which produces


Some of her main points, backed by science are:

Mouth breathing causes incoherence in the physiology of the body.

Incoherent breathing causes a change in structure of the salivary proteins.

Salivary proteins become nonfunctional and are unable to fulfill their protective role.

Other regulatory protein and signaling dysfunction throughout the body leads to systemic degeneration.

she also goes into the importance of breathing, and cites research (there is a lot) of how

proper breathing can do wonders for our biology, and this is directly related to the mouth

health, so it�s a no-brainer why she brings that up.

But her main strong point is the fact that heart coherence has a direct effect on saliva,

and now that this has been shown, she posits that diminishing heart coherence �might

precipitate dysfunctional saliva, which can no longer bathe the teeth with functional

immunoglobulins.� (Immunoglobulins are anti-bodies in your blood).

She explains:

�In turn, interproximal decay takes over as a predominant cause of caries, allowing

it to progress rapidly and unopposed. In contrast, with enhanced PPC there is fully functioning

saliva, and the decay is much less rapid, darker in colour, and affects fewer teeth,

mainly in the pits/fissuers and smooth surfaces. Therefore, this article provides some preliminary

thoughts to support the contention that PPC might benefit the dental professions to prevent

or retard the progression of dental caries.�

Tips on How To Develop Heart Coherence

According to the HeartMath Institute, we can all easily create a state of coherence in

about 60 seconds. Remember, this is now measurable. Collective-Evolution has also practiced heart

coherence, using measuring devices directly from the institute. Coherence is accomplished

by �releasing stress and stopping draining emotions such as frustration, irritation,

anxiety and anger. When you are in a coherent state, your thoughts and emotions are balanced

and you experience ease and inner harmony. Proper breathing, meditation, shifting your

perception, observing how you react to beliefs, people and statements, and controlling your

emotional response are all keys. Finding techniques to loosen your buttons so they can�t be

pushed, helping other people, being grateful and more are all included.

Visit the institutes �Quick Coherence Techniques for Adults� to listen to an audio and more

tips on how to do this. They know what they�re doing, as their publications have attracted

attention from both corporations, governments, and more. It�s a great place to start.

Sure, you can�t really be in a �positive� state of mind all the time, but you can cultivate

an in-between state, a state of peace, one where you are not triggered by that which

bothered you anymore. Easier said than done, but by practicing this, I believe you will

experience more instances of joy and positivity in your life, while drastically reducing

the opposite.



How differences in color can make a still image move (The rotating snakes illusion) - Duration: 2:30.




Either (A) your mind is melting.

Or (B) you're looking at a peripheral drift illusion.


The answer is (B)….

But, your mind is also melting.

Here's how:

Look around the image.

Each circular snake like shape seems to be rotating, right?

But, this is a still image—not a gif, not a movie…

It's actually your brain that's creating the motion.

Let's try an experiment.

Stare down one circle.

Go ahead, really focus on it…

Keep staring...keep staring.

Notice how everything stops.

Now while still looking at the image,

move your gaze ever so slightly

from the point of focus.

The snakes.




The image here was made by Akiyoshi Kitaoka, a psychologist at Ritsumeikan University

in Kyoto, Japan.

Neuroscientists think the shapes within the image mess with the way our brain adapts

to disparities in color contrast.

The black and whites have a stark difference, which causes a specific set of neurons

in your brain to fire all at once.

The paler blues and yellows trigger a slower, longer-lasting response.

This difference in timing sets off motion-detecting neurons in the visual cortex,

making the image appear animated even though it is perfectly still.

And humans aren't the only species that can see this.

In 2014, the journal Psychology published a paper called "Cats and Illusory Motion."

It presents evidence that non-human animals can also see optical illusions,

or at least this one.

Wait a second, why do the snakes stop when you stare directly at them?

The center of your eye contains the densest group of cones, a type of photoreceptor.

This cluster allows us to see fine details easily, which prevents our motion detecting neurons

from jumping into action when they shouldn't.

But once you start to look away, the image becomes slightly muddier, and your brain

is deceived into "seeing" the snakes move.

For more infomation >> How differences in color can make a still image move (The rotating snakes illusion) - Duration: 2:30.


[ Video Lighting ] How to Make a CHEAP Powerful Softbox - 480W! - Duration: 11:54.

do you have zero clue on how to make lighting equipment well I don't neither

but in this a tutorial I'm gonna show you guys how to do it so whether you're

deciding to become a youtuber whether you're deciding to make videos for

whatever reason lighting equipment is actually very important I'm actually

using it right now but either way you're gonna need it for whatever videos you're

trying to make I actually just got back from Nepal and be showing you guys

exactly what I bought and how to make your equipment and I think it's it took

me literally like five minutes to make this equipment each lighting equipment

cost me around I think twenty something per lighting box and it's actually

pretty good because they're each 120 watts means they have a lot of power and

make sure you get them each in 5k Kelvin 5000 Kelvin so you have yellow light you

have white light so this I think this is the widest it gets I don't know if

there's more than five thousand but this is actually pretty good this is like

daylight right here so if you look at the receipt

so I spent fifty five bucks on four lights each 120 watts and five thousand

Kelvin these are the lights so as you can see it says daylight it's a 2-pack

it's a hundred 2000 watts they're also equal smart enough that I

care how much they spend because I'm not like filming for 24 hours and then if

you look in the back right here it says 5000 Kelvin you want to make sure that

both if you get more than one box if you're gonna get more than two of these

so typically you want to do three-point lighting with three prong on you

obviously need one more box make sure that the other box that you buy is also

5000 Kelvin because the other one I bought I had to go back and return it

because they look exactly the same but it was actually

Kelvin's so make sure you get them both at the same light appearance and try to

get them as high power rated as possible something more watts the better they

have more than also eat more power so I thought these like tents right

yeah the on/off switch and you have the clap which are awesome

they're so strongly clamp onto anywhere you can twist it here so I can turn I

can turn down go up and down and these worksheets and all that bad either

I spent 36 bucks and I bought four of them so if you add the 36 plus the 50

something it comes up to like 90 bucks 90 bucks divided by for each one costs

around what is that twenty two point five so 22

bucks and fifty cents that's not bad I'm gonna they make these bulbs more than

120 watts but this cable I do electrical engineering so I'm a nerd geek for all

this stuff these cables are rated for only what is it a hundred the rated for

a 150 watts so make sure yes is right there 150 watts make sure that the light

bulbs that you buy are not rated for more than 150 watts

even though under 20 s drawing light because that's like the max max let me

look at you once so what happens is that if this is too consuming too much power

the cord will actually since there's so much electricity passing through it okay

hot and they can actually burn through and you don't want that to happen

obviously so make sure they're not rated for more than whatever your cables are

you before just a precaution of safety never be too

safe and now I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make these

here's the magic you ready to there's no one there all you do is screw it on my

screen tactics I did not mean that in a bad way BAM just like that yeah so this

stuff will actually blind you right now I actually have I'll show you that I

actually have two of these setup there's this one here

and there's that one right there we're gonna do is we're gonna cut these up

into trapezoids and then tape them up with this and just make him into a nice

box just a cycle for you guys lighting is actually a very important you're

gonna be doing videos for any sort of reason lighting can actually affect

people going away or watching your videos or not watching your videos so

you want to make sure you have this down right even if at least have the three

point lighting you can go on YouTube like I'll put some references on three

point lighting how to set that up but I mean for a TV what is it it's gonna cost

you three lights you're gonna cost you 80 bucks total

it's certainly worth it you know you want to make sure you have this down

just to make sure you have quality videos and that people stay around they

watch these videos

I made it past kindergarten I suck at Cuddy

all right so now that we have all four pieces right we are going to move on to

the next step I'm going to decide by the way it's called duct tape not duct tape

I am not the only one who says that I'm pretty sure there's more of you

all right so now we're just gonna plan together

man just like that we have our cover for softbox so we now have it built this is

how it looks like now the next thing we're gonna do is I'll go minam foil so

the reason we're gonna use a little flow is because on the inside we want the

light to reflect as much as possible so it can all come out to light you up the

thing is that this material this type of material absorbs a light and it's you're

gonna lose some of the light and you don't want that you know you you paid to

have these strong bulbs you want to make sure that you're getting all the power

and all the all the luminol so you can possibly get so aluminum being

reflective of course we're gonna put on the inside that's gonna reflect up the


so now we're gonna take a piece of cardboard no we're gonna take our coal

and we're gonna put it there in the center try to Center it out you're just

gonna draw a draw a line inside I already drew it

then from here this is for the base of this by the way of course so this is

gonna go here it's just to make sure that this attaches off

so with this one now I'm gonna cut from the edge each corner the edge here so

that this came out fold and latch on to that

shut up we're just going to

but you're gonna want to cut towards the inside of it not on the line towards the

inside just it's a little bit smaller we have more space to tape it over here

so now we're gonna fit

we're just gonna tape it

all right so now that we have this and we have that we're gonna piece them

together just like that and this will wrap around here now we're going to tape

that up

that's it all that's missing is just the waxing paper

For more infomation >> [ Video Lighting ] How to Make a CHEAP Powerful Softbox - 480W! - Duration: 11:54.


커스터드 크림 만들기 :: How to make Custard cream :: カスタードクリーム - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> 커스터드 크림 만들기 :: How to make Custard cream :: カスタードクリーム - Duration: 2:17.


"Gobi Prantha", how to make gobhi ka prantha, Punjabi pranthe recipe, By Anuradha - Duration: 4:37.

Cauliflower, spring onion, ginger, green chili, corriander, onion.

Shredded cauliflower, chopped coriander, spring onion, ginger and chili

Ajwain, cumin seeds, red chilly, dhaniya jeera powder, salt as per taste

Shredded cauliflower

Chopped spring onion

Shredded ginger and chopped green chilly

Ajwain( carom seeds)

Cumin seeds

Red chili powder

Dhaniya, jeera powder


Mix well all the ingredients

Fill the stuffing

Lock the stuffing nicely

Roll the prantha gently

Serve hot crunchy prantha with Butter or curd....

Thank you so much for watching..

For more infomation >> "Gobi Prantha", how to make gobhi ka prantha, Punjabi pranthe recipe, By Anuradha - Duration: 4:37.


How did you make the decision to have HSCT? - Duration: 3:09.

Hi, my name's Dave Bexfield and I run the website,, to help people with

this disease stay active physically, intellectually

and socially.

And I started it ten years ago.


So the reason we're talking to you today is because you have been on HSCT

treatment, so my first question would be, how did you make the decision to have HSCT?

I didn't really make the decision to have it, I was kind of forced into it.

About eight years ago, it was actually in the spring of 2009 when

my MS was just burbling along fine, I wasn't too

disabled, a friend sent me an email and she had this clinical trial on HSCT and I said

no, you're crazy, you're batshit crazy.

And six months later I couldn't walk across my living room

floor, I was using a walker, I was incredibly disabled and I needed an emergency treatment

and I needed it right away.

So it was, it was really a must-do at that time, and I tried to get

into a clinical trial on Lemtrada, and I failed that, and this trial was the one thing that

could save my life.

So would you say then the anxiety associated with what might come with the treatment sort

of overcame the potential benefits you saw in the treatment?

Yeah, I mean the risks were substantial but I felt at the time I didn't really have

a choice.

It was intense.

I mean I couldn't use my underarm deodorant, which really bothered me,

because I couldn't do the squeezy thing to spray under my arms and I was too weak.

It was challenging to stand, I couldn't tie my

shoes, I signed my name almost using my fist, it was

that bad.

When I had to sign consent forms, I just put a pen in there and I just kind of barely

was able to initial.

My MS had just ramped up in an incredibly fast manner.

For more infomation >> How did you make the decision to have HSCT? - Duration: 3:09.


How to make a Paper Purse Handbag - Origami Purse easy making tutorial - Duration: 6:17.

Welcome to Colors Paper, Enjoy, How to make a Paper Purse (Handbag)

You need 1 piece 21cm x 21cm paper and 1 piece 0.5cm x 29cm paper for making origami purse.

Now follow the video step by step for learning how to make easy origami purse.

For more infomation >> How to make a Paper Purse Handbag - Origami Purse easy making tutorial - Duration: 6:17.


How to Make Simple Flyback Driver - Duration: 2:10.

in this video I am going to show you how to make an flyback driver with the only

single transistor let's get started now I will explain the secure this is

actually a IRfz44 for an transistor which is MOSFET and this first pin is

the gate middle pin is the drain and third pin is the source and I connected the

nee to 10 ml of the power supply that is the L o y2 this source and they pass to

to the center tab and here we can see the coil i wounded eater 14 turns with

the center tab the center hub is connected to the positive of the power

supply and the first while of the coil goes to the resistor which is connected

to the gate and the end another end of the coil goes to the well pin that is

the running this is actually a simple circular will for our phone in the

internet on this is efficient one you can see the ready will be off to

centimeters gap this jumping from but be cautious while doing this because it is

a highly dangerous high voltage which can cause death of a person so please be

careful and be performed in an expedited manner that's all guys don't forget to

Like share and subscribe

For more infomation >> How to Make Simple Flyback Driver - Duration: 2:10.


Top 13 Quick and Easy Bacon Recipes Videos | Tutorial to Make Lunch Recipes at Home #3 - Duration: 10:35.



For more infomation >> Top 13 Quick and Easy Bacon Recipes Videos | Tutorial to Make Lunch Recipes at Home #3 - Duration: 10:35.


Hughton: 'We need to make AMEX a tough place to come' - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Hughton: 'We need to make AMEX a tough place to come' - Duration: 1:10.


Top 13 Quick and Easy Bacon Recipes Videos | Tutorial to Make Lunch Recipes at Home #1 - Duration: 10:39.



For more infomation >> Top 13 Quick and Easy Bacon Recipes Videos | Tutorial to Make Lunch Recipes at Home #1 - Duration: 10:39.


How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Oil | Hair Loss Treatment | Hair Loss Cure - Remedies One - Duration: 3:09.

to obtain the best results that is fundamental that we look for high

quality natural oils and in whatever measure possible that we opt for organic

oils today's video will discuss five natural oils to promote healthy hair

growth before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our

YouTube channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon

so you will be the first to know when we post new videos daily

having a long full head of hair as many people's dream the problem is presented

when the hair does not grow enough or becomes thin weak and lifeless 5 natural

oils that favor hair growth 1 olive oil olive oil is another of the treasures

that bring many benefits when used in the hair its hormone to hydrate Estrin

DHT reduces the hair follicle which helps prevent balding and men to castor

oil castor oil is utilized as a natural laxative nevertheless it is also very

effective for treating hair loss this oil is rich in recently accosted and

omega-9 fatty acids as for the omega-9 fatty acids thanks to their great

moisturizing ability they hydrate and nourish the hair leaving it thick strong

and shiny 3 lavender oil lavender oil is very well known for its

aroma which serves to treat stress distress and insomnia however it is also

a potent treatment for alopecia areata lavender oils properties when used

regularly considerably help in the growth of hair this oil is an equally

powerful antiseptic its disinfecting properties serve to treat scalp

infections and to fight fungi microbes and viruses poor almond oil almond oil

has a great ability to protect and hydrate the hair although it is not

known for its properties for making hair bro it does protect and stimulate the

growth of hair follicles this makes them grow back stronger and be less

susceptible to tears but hair massage with all men go away or

eliminates the accumulation of dead cells and cools the scalp reduces

swelling five rosemary oil rosemary oil has excellent properties that help hair

growth it helps to dilate blood vessels and stimulate cellular division which

activates hair follicles so that new hairs can grow plus it is also said that

this oil prevents hair loss and the appearance of gray hairs helps eradicate

dandruff and hydrates dry flaky scalp how you get healthy hair let me know in

our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up and share

with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel below thank you

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster With Oil | Hair Loss Treatment | Hair Loss Cure - Remedies One - Duration: 3:09.


Good Carbs, Bad Carbs - This Is How You Make the Right Choices - Duration: 4:55.

For more infomation >> Good Carbs, Bad Carbs - This Is How You Make the Right Choices - Duration: 4:55.


How to make a robot | Solar energy surf bot | Surfing toy robot - Duration: 13:18.

Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more videos!

Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more videos!

For more infomation >> How to make a robot | Solar energy surf bot | Surfing toy robot - Duration: 13:18.


DIY how to make lanterns from drinking straws super cute | DIY straw - Duration: 19:05.


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SUBSCRIBE THIS CHANNEL to follow new videos and support me! Many thanks!

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