7 Best Golfer's Elbow Pain Relief Treatments (Medial Epicondylitis) - Duration: 13:38.Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you my top seven
treatments for golfers elbow. so let's get started.
so golfer's elbow, or medial epicondylitis. is when those wrist
flexors get irritated. and when I say wrist flexors and point up here. that's
because those muscles down at the wrist come all the way up and attach on that
inside elbow there, so when it when you do a lot of stuff and overwork those
muscles, it can get irritated right here. so the first treatment is just going to
be getting those muscles warmed up getting them moving, some active range of
motion to kind of get them warmed up before you start doing some stretches. so
a simple way to do that is just kind of put your arm out.
you can either bend your elbow if it's really irritated, or put your arms
straight out which is going to get a little bit more stretch in the movement.
so make a fist, and then just at your wrist, go up kind of stretch that area
and then come down. so since this is active range of motion that's not quite
a full stretch yet, do either continuous or just a little pause maybe three
seconds at each side. so this isn't quite going into a full stretch yet this is
just getting some motion in there in there to get those muscles warmed up and
loosened up before you go into some stretching, so I would just start off
with maybe five each way, ten total, just to kind of get again those muscles
ready to go. so after you kind of feel it a little warm in there, you're getting
them loosened up, you're going to go into a stretch to stretch out those wrist
flexors underneath. so to start off, put your arms straight out. so this time you
want your elbow locked out to get the stretch. we're going to go into a
progression, so if you're really sore, start off with a fist and just bring it
up this way. so you're gonna feel a little stretch underneath there if you
want a little bit more, take your other hand and just kind of pull on it so this
is going to be a full stretch, so you want to hold that stretch for thirty
seconds. if you get to the thirty Seconds and you don't feel like that's really
stretching it a whole lot, since those wrist flexors are all the
way into the fingers, open up your hand with your finger straight out and then
go into that stretch and you should feel that one a lot more. so again holding
that for 30 seconds and doing that 3 times. so if you are a little
uncomfortable using your other hand to push that way, you can go up to a wall or
if you're at your desk or something and you've got something flat, you can just
push your hand into it and get that stretch as well, so again 30 seconds 3
times. another great treatment is using an elbow support or a brace and so
Simien has this great elbow support for golfers elbow, and so you can see here on
the inside where the blue is there's just this pressure point where it's a
little bit firmer, this is where you want to put right on the muscle belly. so a
great rule of thumb of putting on the strap is actually using your thumb, so
the muscles here when you press on it is about where you want that blue spot to
be. so a good rule of thumb is take your thumb right where your crease is and put
it there, and then you want to start the brace right after your thumb, so that
spot gets right on that muscle belly where it's irritated, and what this does
is it puts pressure on that muscle belly to take the pressure off of that medial
epicondyle right there, so it just makes it so it's not pulling on it constantly
and helps get rid of some of that irritation. what's also cool about this
brace is they have a long strap and they have a short strap or small and a large,
so it also comes with two which is really nice as well, so if you got it on
both sides you can use that. I am probably a small that's what works best
for me, and it also comes with a cool little sweat wristband which is very
nice, so what you want to do is just kind of put it nice and loose to get it on
first, and then bring it around so again here's my crease I want to kind of put
my thumb there and know that's about where I'm gonna put the brace. so
bringing it up nice, thumb in between, and so that blue spot underneath is
going to get right on that muscle belly. you want it to be tight but comfortable,
so this is a really nice comfortable strap and in it and it's very
comfortable there but you want to make sure it's not too tight. you don't want
those fingers going cold or numb, but you want to have some nice pressure on there.
but you can see it's not right at my elbows so I can still move I've got
freedom there it's not preventing me from having that movement, but that's
about where you want you don't want it right at the elbow, you want it just
below on that muscle belly to get that pressure on there and take the pressure
off of that epicondyle there, so this is a really great support and something
extra to use just to help that healing process. so if you're interested in
purchasing it, make sure you click up there. so the next thing we're gonna go
into some actual strengthening stuff, so after you've stretched it out after
you've gotten everything loose enough you want to do some strengthening. when
you start off with this strengthening, you don't want to go a whole lot of
weight because again this is already a little bit irritated, might be a lot
irritated, so if you do a lot of weight is just gonna irritate it more. I like
soup cans or vegetable cans because they're only about a pound, and they fit
it really nicely in your hand, so you can have some good support while you're
holding it. you don't have to squeeze on really tight, you can just kind of hold
it in your hand. if you have a tabletop that you want to just place your elbow
on that works well, just have your wrist so it has movement, but if you feel
comfortable you can just kind of hold it in the air. this time you want to keep
your elbow bent, just to take some pressure off the area. so with your palm
down, you want to just at your wrist. go down and then nice and slow coming up. so
just starting off with about ten of these, you want to do a nice slow
controlled motion going from each end as far as you can. this is going to make
sure that you get that full motion so you're not sitting here going back and
forth you're going all the way up and all the way down, nice and controlled
going down that's working that. after you do ten that way, turn it over with your
palm up and then go down getting that stretch there, and
then coming up, strengthening that inside there. so again as far as you comfortably
can without a whole lot of pain, it might be a little bit of pain just because
it's irritated and you're working in, but you don't want any sharp pain in there.
just that kind of soreness pain is okay. so again I would just start off with ten
of those maybe two sets of ten, don't go overboard because it might not hurt
while you're doing it, but it might hurt later, so just give yourself a day, see
how it feels. if it feels good, and you don't have any soreness, then you can go
up to three sets of ten, two sets of fifteen, if you get to 20 - 25, and it's
super easy, then you can get a heavier weight to do that. number five is going
to be also a simian product which is their armbar. this is really really great
for the shoulder the elbow and the wrist, just kind of the arm in general, and what
I really like about their armbar product is it comes with inserts, so you can
start off with the lightest and then as it becomes easy, you can put the extra
poundage in there and it makes it harder as you go, and it gives you more
resistance. so it's kind of an all in one piece, so it's nice because then you
don't have to keep getting more and more arm bars, you'd have it all right there,
so make sure that you start off with the lightest one because this is going to be
eccentric motions, and its really works the muscles even more than the
concentric, and what eccentric is it's the controlling going back down. so it's
it's really more stressful on the muscles, so you don't want to do a whole
lot. sometimes the protocols say three times fifteen, I would start off with
just five at a time, so maybe three sets of five and see how you feel the next
day because you can always go up easily, but if you start off with too much, then
it's really hard to come back down because you're already irritated and
then you're gonna have a hard time doing it. so this is kind of an interesting
movement, so I'm just going to go through it step by step, and then I'll do the
movement fluidly so you can see it. so what you want to do if you're
working your left hand, bring it up like this and put your wrist into flexion. so
you're coming in like this almost like you're
making a muscle, but you're doing it in front of you. so holding on to the bar
coming in to wrist flexion, so while you're holding it here, your right side
should feel pretty good so you can you can move it freely because the point of
this is to get the bar twisted. so you have a lot of resistance on the other
side, so the higher up you can grab it higher up you can bring your elbow, and
grab underneath the more you're going to be able twist it, so you're going to come
up high like this, and twist it into extension. so you've got flexion here
wrist extension here, so again here come up twist it and as you come down
straighten out your hand. and then as you're holding it with that left side
slowly come back into wrist extension on that side. so you're going from flexion
to extension and you should really be able to feel it here. so again don't do a
whole lot the first time, but up here bring the other hand with your palm
facing out, curl it in hold, and then go in like that, so just really getting that
motion through there. so number six with the arm bar is going to be some
stability of the elbow. so this movement I really like because what it does is it
makes your muscles activate and prevent your arm and elbow from moving around a
lot, and this is a great way to strengthen that area the whole arm in
general, so the shoulder the wrist and the elbow, and a lot of times you have
problems at the elbow you're gonna have a little bit of problems at the joint
above and the joint below because they're compensating, so with this one you want
to keep your elbow bent and the most of the movement is gonna be at your wrist.
so you're not moving your whole arm when you're doing this, you're really moving
at your wrist and trying to keep the whole arm stabilized. so as I started
doing this, look here you you'll be able to see my muscles start contracting. so
what I'm gonna do is just kind of take that so the top part is moving, my wrist
is moving a little bit, but my arm is staying in one spot, and so it's really
just making all those muscles kind of contract and making them work, but not
making them do big movements that might irritate even more. so I really like using those.
You can go this way, you can then hold it up top and go
back and forth this way, which is going to get that pronation supination which
is also important to help strengthen that area. so again trying to keep that
elbow still and just wiggling back and forth. so it's a really great way just to
kind of get all that movement in there make that those muscles really work and
stabilize everything but not getting those big movements as so might irritate
the area. so this is also really nice because you can see it's got some edges
on it so you can also kind of do some massaging and stuff as well. if you're
interested in purchasing the armbar make sure you click up here. so for the
last one is going to be a soft tissue massage or mobilization kind of thing. so
some people call it massage, you're really mobilizing the tissue and so what
you want to do is try and break up some of those adhesions or scar tissue in
there. when you have a lot of inflammation that builds up those
adhesions scar tissue, and it just causes a lot of problems if it stays in there,
so what you're trying to do is actually move or mobilize the area. so it's not
rubbing just kind of massaging the area, you can do that, but for this purpose
you're really trying to move that whole area along that inner elbow or that
medial epicondyle to get that scar tissue broken up. so you can go side
to side, up and down that area, you can do circles in that area, but see how I'm
actually moving the skin? I'm not just rubbing it moving it around, and you can
go up and down as well. if you want to you can use a lotion or a cream with it,
just make sure then it so you don't have as much friction so make sure you're
still moving the tissue that you're not just massaging the area, and again
massaging it is fine, but for this purpose you really want to mobilize that
area which is which is nice. and if it starts getting a little bit red that's
okay that's just getting blood to the area there and that helps increase the
circulation and move inflamation out, so that's kind of what
you're trying to do. so there you have it those are my top seven treatments for
golfer's elbow. If have any questions leave in the comments section, if you're
interested in purchasing any of those products, make sure you click up here, and
don't forget to subscribe by clicking down here. and remember, be safe ,have fun,
and I hope you feel better soon.
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Spirit monkey business
You ready if I had a seat I'd be on the edge of it um. I was talking to Elena zuzo ready
Whoa princess Thanks, not bad the more I practice using the scepter I
Wish my scepter Hey you blasted that planter I was aiming for the armor
that's because you're all tense and worried you gotta be calm be confident and
Don't worry, I'm all right Elena. That's the last time I try that power
I can't let you quit princess. Nope not gonna happen. You said idealist Brothers cookies again
Wait you're a spirit guide to other people
Oh, yeah
but most people don't get to talk to their training wheels like you do more like wizards do when they conjure us up I
Wonder what animal your channel is probably something quick and strong like a Jaguar in Luminara humans
So you're my spirit guide who me Oh?
Tambour Rita, I've heard about those. Oh, please get back to me. It's very powerful
So is this it's a magical magic spirit code to the spirit world to meet them
Okay off to help some more humans and earn my magic stripes a
Spirit guide would never send a human to the spirit world. It's against the rules and kind of dangerous well
He did say he wasn't exactly a spirit guide his name was Bob wouldn't have to call him some backup
But what about Matteo? Oh right I better find him first wait. Take me with you
Oh, I'd love to princess, but only spirits belong in the spirit world
You can open Europe not so good spirits - you left
Like orizaba, yep, you better avoid that part of the treatment she holds a grudge up there you got ancestor nation
That's the spirit guide branch
Stair kites have their own branch our own branch our own school bunch of other people in the human world
Overseeing the well-being of every banger first study with a buddy at your new school
Learn the lessons don't be messin vulgar play and dream it were there to steer you right. We're always on your side
Look they're often out there humans
The wat de caca Wattay hey zou zou
Welcome to the worst day of my life don't worry buddy, we'll get you out of there
You look like a real human. That's because I am
This is princess Elena
CSUN we also used it to send Mateo here to the spirit world
So if you tell us where Mateo is I can get everyone back where they belong I can't
Popo I gotta tell you you're lucky Suze owes your spirit guide Mateo is a great wizard
So you must be doing something right?
They should do the trick Muslim
Oh, No
Matteo's in the loop with the same ease
Pennies I'm Chavo, that's Chico
Julie are you Doron and steam? Yo, what shall we call you your royalness. I'm Matteo, but I'm not without
Some simple is that but Mateos at the loop?
And and I don't match for a bunch of wild Sadie's I couldn't even stop Bobo Kaka whatta you don't give up
How about a little extra floor wax if shiny is good then shinier is funnier
So I'll jump on it great minds think alike
Are you here to see all the great work, I'm doing and make me a spirit guide no
Bananas give me one grapes
Why did you even put the helmet on in the first place
You asked for it you got it the loop
That's near him
Can you move faster Suze oh?
Yeah, but not if I'm carrying you and I need to hold on to both of you to bring you back to your
Okay, here's the plan I'll shoot my earring at Mateo to get his attention when he sees me you swooped down scoop him up and
Off we go
Meets the shadow spirits
Once they're inside they could pop out anywhere or be lost forever
Then we have to stop them before they get there. Oh, what's the point look at mine?
Help me save him, but what if I blow it again?
What if you don't?
You can't let fear of failing stop you you just have to believe you can I can get us over there quicker
Princess and I think I have a plan that isn't a complete waste of time
Look at you being all positive huh now here Queen we don't have a queen you do now
Isn't that right King Matteo?
Ah, yes, that's right princess. I I mean um
Elena watch what you're doing with that thing
You know what though, I think there's something else you might be very good at
Well that's all taken care of multi-world crisis averted Matteo I'd like you to meet for you
I would have given up oh you helped her, too
You know I did you weren't the only one who needed to keep trying till you got it right that see what I did there
Thanks for coming after me Elena anytime Matteo
Finders leapers
Did my coconuts do you?
Guys know something down there hey I can help you log in the ship's dad Naomi
We have an emergency grand council meeting the jet the rest of the council is here
Professor Mendel çiçek summoning decided right now
Which I've never seen really that is so cool it is not cool
If you're trying to get to the VM in together. This is a busy street. I recommend
We remove anything real, but this chamber is special. We should take the time to properly
Explore it you
expect us to stop everything and dig up an old ruin in the middle of the sea 9 cancelled just like you ah
But she's not just like me or the rest of us you are not a royal
You know nothing about governing a kingdom you have no degree you are
That's right, Naomi. We'll work with Professor Mendoza starting
When can use their professor Mendoza first thing in the morning first thing in the morning - if it'll make you feel better what?
Is it all that stuff is Stefan said about me not belonging on the Grand Council. What if he's right I
May not be royal. No honors or degrees
But I'm more than a kid everybody's seen it
Nice save Naomi dad you won't believe it. I believe a priceless treasure could be
underneath the very
I gotta do some things that show
Me after tomorrow, I will be to everyone
So special should we see what's behind it up first things first?
Carefully chip away a small section so we can examine it right good idea, and I'll start old stuff
Okay, sounds like a plan
Here's something this is a very rare glyph
I've only seen it a few times for thought the Duende brothers and locked them in three separate chambers to keep them apart
No, no, no you are doing it all wrong
It will take us a year to get through the wall if you go watch and learn
What did you do?
To catch him before he frees his brothers the other two chambers are right here in avalor city
They'll cause chaos all over the kingdom come on
Hey look at these golden glitz now is not the time to look at pictures
How are we gonna find him oh, I know where the aperture ruins, are we can take the Royal coach, don't worry Elena
Duke here Duende I am Chancellor Istavan, and I command you to stop this instant oh
No wait, there's a quicker way a rowboats. Are you serious? I live in a harbour. I know how to row fast
She's in charge
This rest assured everyone, I will apprehend the Duende wait
We should make a plan no no we do not have time. He could release his brother any minutes
Retreat your
Choice but to alert upon us I'll be easy since the third one day chamber is beside the palace waterfall
I know a shortcut hey you guys should really take a look at the 'days are gatekeepers
each one bearing a magic gem
When all three gems are put together they form a key that will unlock the tunnel to the Duende world allowing his turn
We can still stop them. They haven't freed the third to one day yet
You said you knew a shortcut to the last chamber sure do follow me
Well it looks like we beat the Duende x' here so how do we stop them?
I will summon the Royal Guard they may not get here in time and the duendes can go all invisible on us spiny lobster fishing
But we are fishing for 10 days, and we're standing on the perfect hot spot. Okay, so what should we do hmm?
I can build a trap of a biga
Lady golly lets them both know I won't North waiting Esteban I
Cut you through in this
You were the one who let the first one day out you ignored Naomi at the park
And you sprung the trap too early the problem hasn't been Naomi. It's been you
Yeah, all that. I let him knock the wall down, and then I didn't stand up to him like a good leader would have I
Wanted to prove that I belonged on the Grand Council, but it turns on days
But what good will all that do us now stuck down here?
Because I'm counting on you to figure out a way to get us out of here
We need you now Yomi and a piece of crystal
You guys still owe me a bag of coconuts you know
Now it's twice as long
Nice time more like little thieves they were making off with a bunch of ropes and cargo hooks why would they need that stuff?
It's climbing here. There's only one Ruby in Rouen on
It will close the tunnel
You are professor Munoz that goal for the team. I need you to help me get there climbing ropes. You'll see why just do it
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Princess adventure club
Course nevermind sure it's all yours. We're just leaving for band practice oh
Thanks well my family used to travel all the time
So I just had private tutors until now so this is your first day of real school ever yep
I've crossed the person II it's your first day. These are my friends Hildegard welcome Clio. It's good to meet you Carrie
Hey there and Laxmi hello Zoe nice to meet you all
For diving you just need a special
To rock papel all the way from outer space
Okay, but I didn't I was talking when you walked up excuse me
But I'm still talking please wait your turn
Thank you first
Sorry about that. I thought I was finally starting to make friends until that princess came up interrupted me
We won't know until we ask them
So if you join the princess Adventure Club not only do you get to gone amazing adventures after school
Great super. Thank you. Don't forget to take a pair of permission form
It's two more members oh
There's the invar I bet still wanna join Tara wait. I don't know I just got to convince Oni to give amber a second chance
Welcome to the princess adventure club's first adventure climb the board everyone
We're gonna be going fast so keep your eyes open for mist what's so special about the mist. It's not just mist it's
This is really fun. I'm so glad you think so you know who else would think so - amber
It was so much fun and look what we brought back
a princess Adventure Club I
Heard all about your club Sally Zoe and luckily for you. I want to be in it
So I heard you started a club
I'm sorry the club is full what it is since when since just now sorry you do
Here use the crowbar amber your new friend isn't very friendly Sofia
Feel left out, and now she's leaving me out on purpose mallet please oh
And my club is going to be a hundred times better than Zoe's club was it's precious little knickknacks
I mean what's so great about those golden? Thanks amber? I?
Guess I can be in both clubs, but you like mine better, right?
I'll join your club amber I
Have a great idea. Why don't you two join your clubs together? It'll be the one big
Happy adventure club doesn't that sound great no to the Diamonds tide pools of Albini Island Wow
Gasp of joy and we're going to take my new hot air balloon hydrofoil to get there
We'll do something else with you soon. What about you Sofia?
Sofia we started this club together. You are my first member
oh, don't be disappointed Sofia you and I are going someplace even better than those rinky-dink tide pools where
They warn that that does sound like a good adventure it will be the best
Now all we need is a few more members, but everyone else nope sorry. That's okay
I've still got a whole hydrofoil friend
My salon the club of course where tat
Are you sure you're okay, oh, yeah, really excited for this adventure, um it's just I
Wish Sophia were here. That's all
The hydrofoil is too high real adventure now
Do we
Really amber Zoe's in trouble is so are the others?
Maybe you can be the bigger princess here and help her even though you two aren't getting along
We're never going to get home. We're never going to get home. We're never going to get home
It's Sophia amber what they're flying right toward us
Sophia amber we are so happy to see you. What are you doing all the way out here?
Don't worry
Hmm does anyone have a screwdriver oh
Thanks Zoe if I bring you out to your balloon, can you fly it back here, it looks like I will thank you I
I don't know what I would have done without you both of you
We have to catch it before it disappears into those clouds we need to go faster
Be careful always
Are you okay, yeah, I think so Oh so we be truthful I will
Good news I found enough wood to make a raft wheels all fixed. I'm sorry. I didn't let you into my club
I I was just afraid that if you were around no one would pay attention to me. Oh I
Understand oh, this is a handy little knick-knack welcome to the club actually I have a better idea
Why don't we join our clubs together? I'd love that Oh
Feel that one's mine
Bailiwicks Dale
Good morning princess Sofia
Good morning Buick what's that a little drink is it going to be a party? Oh? I should say not a job well done
It's celebration enough
Off I go enjoy your breakfast Sofia
Everything's ready for your royal playdate children your friends will arrive any moment, and I'll be on hand in case you need anything
Oh, no, you won't baileywick your mentor Nigel does
But today I have big plans what kind of big plans Nigel?
Thanks Wicky, it's basketful yet nope but my belly is
Cap off the day after we're done wiping ice cream off your nose a boy oh
What fun we used to have I can't think of a better way to spend the day sounds like you're going to have a Greek
It's so great to see you again
I know amber James, and I eats plans and activity for all of us my activities loudly
I just need to fetch my things and we'll be off
Excited for your day all fire you mr. Baileywick indeed violet. I can't remember the last time
My ship, maybe we can fix it how
Hey, maybe baileywick can fix it ah no can do we have to leave now
Or we're gonna miss our ride to the apple orchard come on Wicky James is more important besides
We have the whole rest of the dip
We could really use your help
I'll have your treehouse and just be fixed
Now can't be fixed nonsense. We can use my walking stick as a splint a what. I'll show you
Hey Jake best two out of three
Thanks, baileywick anytime James. We can still make it to the ice cream cart for a scoop of Sorcerer's soul
One for each of you
They're so cute wait until you taste the cookies they are simply
Princess amber should know it's your day off. I must see what's the matter?
sorcerers swirl
Wicky Emperor is more
Important do it all
Go to the kitchen. Oh, Wicky let someone else handle this. It's time for us to get our ice cream
Princess amber how does this look it could be a bit more pink you heard the princess more pink, please
Finally not quite yet now we must put the frosting on the cookies
Enjoy the rest of your day off
Well, we missed the apples and now we've missed the ice cream - ah
But we still have an afternoon of fishing ahead of us now
Wiki oft I'm bored what's next my activity it's just over here in the garden brilliant
Great idea Sofia I'm gonna paint that yellow one. I'm going to paint all of them
The hole I'll be right back look the boat the boat will be here any moment
hurt chop chop
Would someone, please make my butterfly stay still in my castle the butterflies you
Stirred all the butterflies away. I didn't get the lizard either
Now I do we paint oh
There's baileywick. Maybe he dating butterflies in the garden, but they flew away
Do you know where we could find more and how we can keep them from flying away?
If it's butterflies you need then butterflies you shall have
No fear what kind of butterfly, would you like well? I was painting a purple one before say no more
hold still
You're the best you're quite welcome, and now I really must go
Idea why don't we fish right here?
Now there's an idea mr. Beiley wheat you're back
Well, actually it's time to stop preparing the Royal so everyone let's bring our paintings inside to dry
Shouldn't you be on your boat ride wouldn't but it was your birthday. Oh, I'll have another next year. See you at supper princess Sofia
Hey, your friends are about to leave you should go say good three of you all day
It's because of us
I have to find emerging
Good bye, everyone make new cookies for your Tea Party amber. Oh
Well, we should do something to make it up to him
Maybe we can give him tomorrow off, but his verb can you get more apples from the kitchen? Oh sure great amber?
Can you get ice cream of course Suzette? Can we get some ice cream right away miss?
What are we going to do not getting his day off? I wanted to do something special for him, but we need your help
We need you right now
Up there the tree house again
Your Majesties what's all this. We're so sorry we didn't let you take your day off
We should have been more thoughtful if anyone deserves a day off. It's you baileywick, so will everything you wanted to do Reiki act
Apple picking ice cream and since we are in a boat more of us
I brought our fishing poles in case we seaton have gone to all this trouble you'll be late for your royal supper
Baileywick is more important
to baileywick
Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 6 - Duration: 15:06.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE video! Thank you very much!
Blue Ribbon bunny
Your Majesties welcome to the
This is so exciting. What do we do first haven't you been to the fair before I always wanted to go?
But mom and I were too busy working in the shop oh
Well tomorrow we'll find out if that's true because right here on this very stage
There is going to be a pet contest
Haley's wanted to ride in that parade well
You'll have to wait a little longer because I'm entering my pet baboon in the contest and he's the best pet in the kingdom
Second clover if I were you I'd go to the castle Zoo and pick out a better pet come on James
Let's get ready for the contest
Thanks princess, so guess what they're having a pet contest at the valeu ribbon for being the best pet in the kingdom
Then blue ribbon huh, and the winners get to ride in the parade
How great would that be the two of us riding on a big float?
And strut and strut and pose looking good free lean
We gotta work on the landing all right clover, let's get you ready for the contest. What are you talking about?
Does clover even have a special talent other than eating oh, no he's going to get all dirty now
But I'm already bringing clover, oh, it doesn't really matter, which one you bring since praline enough
Hildegard Vivian
Hi, Sophia. Hi crackle. Where's my clover?
Where is it as long as you are here?
We might as well. Have a cookout lightly grilled or
extra crispy crispy, baby
How did you teach crackle to righty here do you have any special talents besides my natural good looks and charm
I can dance freely. That's great. Can you show me sure?
You can show me more later, we have to get you cleaned up first
No no no no no time to go to the contest
The parade
Hey, clover. I was thinking you don't have to go to the contest if you ginger at the castle Zoo
Yeah, well sure without a dimension I was only going because you asked me to I really didn't want to go
Excuse me ginger how would you like to go to the pet contest of me you can tell I do love a good pet contest?
Let me get my bow you like wearing bows do I?
It's me you don't want to go. I do. I mean I did but
Sophia wants to take another rabbit, but you're the you have fun
Where is Sofia
Clover and I play this all the time, I toss the blueberries in the air, and you catch them in your medal. It's fun
Me you really hurt clovers feelings, and if you hurt clovers feelings. You've hurt mine. I didn't hurt his feelings
He said he didn't want to go. He was just being nice. Whoa your pecks really cool
How long have you had her oh not long I've had max since he was a puppy
But he doesn't do need tricks like yours then
Intestines the show is a
Ginger I made a big mistake, please I need to find my friends
My show than any other bunny, yeah, what's that? You're my best friend are you?
I should have brought you to the contest like I said
I would I'm sorry and it's no contest a blue ribbon bunny, I know
Crackle do the hoop of fiery flame?
strut and strut and strut and pose
Now give
It's not over yet coachman get us as close as you can
Since that was all
Pretty good he makes the cutest noises
Now for the big finale
Rates I'm so glad we got to do that
Leedy clover. I just wanted to say is one talented bunny to another that was
And the most magnificent edit
Anything for my blue ribbon bunny
The new stained glass window looks outstanding baileywick can't wait to show it to Queen Miranda
The golden wind circus is in town can we go dad can we please please?
James you know the rule no playing ball inside the castle there are too many things that could break
Like the new stained-glass window no playing ball in the castle
I just want to show you one more trick, but dad said worried. It's as easy as one two
If he finds out I broke a castle rule he'll never let me go to the circus oh
It doesn't matter whether we tell him he's going to see the window when he comes back
Pretty pretty, please
Maybe we should help him. He really wants to go, but he broke my part of the window come on amber
I do it for you
You're not even pushing is it enough. I'm not telling on you amber, okay?
I know, I'll keep him from coming in but hurry and cover up to hear it, but first
I want to show your mother her surprise for daddy, please
Well I suppose the surprise
There Wow you can't even see that it's broken see I told you problem solved
Thank you so much and now some for my beloved parents number
Two actually amber. I think it's time we go to the throne room my new tiara pretty, please
How can I say no well it's very simple really I say it to the children all the time oh
It's in my room come on. We can take the long way
It's all cracked
Now what do we do now we tell Dad and miss the circuit ature can fix the window with magic great idea?
Let's go ask him
Tycoon if I didn't have a thousand more important things to do you have a thousand things to do
Bah, but it is going to get me Sophia's precious
Sofia's amulet is nice and small and once I have the Amulet of avalor
I can use its magic to take
You'll see you'll see now just stand perfectly still don't move
I really hope this works
Me too, at least the cracks not there anymore, but mr.. Ceedric is this is just getting worse and worse
With Tara no opal tiara no burn tear we're happy to see all your tiaras
But right now. It's time for your mother's surprise
James mr.. Ceedric is stuck in the window. We really have to tell Dad
I can't look boom dad look at the new ballet steps. I just learned and plie and jete
The window oh, it wasn't me your majesty it was the church you're surprised
I had it made just for you. Oh Rollie. That's so sweet
I guess I have to tell them I broke the window, but then you won't get to go to this view did this Sofia
I'm sorry, so are we this this seems so unlike you and it seems a lot like you
Sofia could you escort her to her room? Please of course your majesty?
No shall we love the circus I wanted to make sure you got to go Wow
Thanks you better get going James, or you'll be late
go on
Blame for him that was very kind of you, but a lie is a lie even if you're trying to help someone
Like this it's too bad. She broke the window. I hear the gestures are your favorite James. Yeah is something wrong
It's just amber were you playing the harp and showing us Tiaras to keep us from seeing the window maybe
Yes, it's true. I think it's time we all winner. I'm sorry me too
Very sorry when one of you makes a mistake you need to tell us otherwise the problem can get worse a lot worse
Families need to be though. What are we gonna do with the rest of the afternoon?
I could play song for my beloved parents number three
Your Majesties someone is at the door who would like to have my king my queen ah greetings
What brings you to the castle we saw you leave the circus early were you unhappy with our show?
Okay, hmm. What do you think Miranda? Well the children seem to have learned their lesson hmm?
hmm sounds marvelous
But Ragan
Isn't it lovely don't try it inside all right all right
THE 3 BEST BICEPS EXERCISES ACCORDING TO SCIENCE | RUSS HOWE PTI - Duration: 8:57.-------------------------------------------
Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part138 - Duration: 12:35.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBSCRIBE Video! THANK YOU!
And already ahead of us in Lyme, oh hush wormy it will be worth the wing
We shall get the honor of helping me demonstrate my latest feats of sorcery the world will finally see what makes Cedric the sensational soo
Do you think grim tricks will be here yes
To some an
invitation for Cedric to the sensational let's see what it's
Please join us in the enchanted portrait power up for secret meeting
Have you seen mr.. Cedric? We're supposed to demonstrate his new spells Oh over there there. He is
Six-week old chum
You made it
Sorcerer such as yourself may want to stick around and hear my plans
Powerful you say and I have a way for you to gain even more power
How often has her magic gotten a king out of some pickle only for him to take all the credit?
We Wizards a wiser than Royals exactly
How are we supposed to do that with these?
Medusa stones the legendary my two sisters I didn't think they existed, huh
What do they do once you put a Medusa stuck begun?
Which is why I want no part of this plan
Break the spell
Toki queen prince princess or jester will tell us what to do?
Slowly I
have an
Idea, oh, just tell her Cedric
Tell me what that I intend to stall Grimm tricks and his evil friends while you through in a perfectly frickin plan
I'm not ruining anything wormy. I only said all those things to get Sofia to leave then you're going through with the plan yes I
Thought I would show them just how her life would be
But now the day has come and that
kingdom can be mine
The princess may be nice to you, but what about the rest?
My guest mr.. Cedric wasn't able to stall them. I hope he's okay
Looks like though, it's exactly what it looks like he's taking over your kingdom princess that can't be true
Tell me that's not true mr.. Cedric once. I am king everyone will finally see what's a great sorcerer? I truly am
Know you don't want to do this
Cédric how could you I never thought you were capable of something like this you never thought I was capable of anything
no one did all I wanted was for someone to finally see that I
Am a great man, then maybe you should have tried doing something great
There is no best to see
You even let Morgana catch you so I could get away only a great sorcerer could do those things and a great friend
Excellent trim tricks with green tricks
Why hello princess Sofia?
Lovely to see you again now goodbye
Wait sorcery
That is true growing up in the shadow of a famous father is no easy thing
All right Cedric. I will reinstate you. Thank you your majesty and
Thank you princess Sofia. Hey mr. Cedric now that you got your wand back
To detain you
Meet you I've never been to tangu before you'll love it Sofia Zander always has the best surprises for us
Party's so huge. You'll need a map to find your way around
Pretty awesome right it might be oh it will be you'll see all right
Let's fly so how do we ride these things you just tell them where you want to go?
And how fast you want to get there?
Hi there
Can't we just take the coach oh we can take it coach any time, let's try the carpet. We'll have a great time. I promise
They're beautiful just tell me what they're gone
No Sofia it was terrifying just like I said it would be we should have taken the coach
Then probably exploring the kingdom there's so much to see and do in the land of tangu
I will tell you your future. Let's go
Excuse me oh
Great, can we have the directions first, please?
We're kind of in a hurry first. You must head south past the Hanging Gardens to the elephant river you
Much running in your future. Why because your flying carpet just took of
How are we ever going to find our carpet now, I don't know
Oh, no you're not getting away I
Got it I got it that's right. I got you, and I'll take that back. Thank you very much
Do we still have the carpet yes, I do
Great now all we need to do is find a way out of here and get this puppet under control
Stuck stuck, maybe we can't be stuck. It's okay amber. Don't worry there has to be some way out of here
flying carpets
But is it awesome I don't know she doesn't know
Well Zend are you tried and I'm not done trying in tangu
There's no such thing as giving up no we are stuck
totally stuck
What are we going into?
Princess Jasmine
Where did you come from?
Did you come from I don't know?
Commish fight let me see this carpet
Girls what you've got is a wild carpet wild
It's easy to be frightened when you've never flown before
But to tame a wild carpet leave your fear down on the floor
Ready let's jump on and fly we believe now
It looks like everyone's leaving
The party's over you were right we should have taken the coach. I'm sorry amber
I promised you we have a great time but
Hey, what happened to you guys we got a little lost you missed a great party
Well we had quite the adventure
ready for another adventure
Yiruma Greatest Hits | The Best Of Yiruma | Best Instrument Music - Duration: 1:45:24.Thanks for watching! Don't forget to SUBCRIBE, Like & Share my video if you enjoy it! Have a nice day!
Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 7 - Duration: 15:26.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE video! Thank you very much!
What Kind of Dance do you think will miss Flora because Instead you'll be Preparing for A very Important Test the
Princess Jest
All, we Can tell you except that it will Take place Friday after School right but that's the in The Ballroom right
After School in The Ballroom and That's all over Cell Member Hildegard Amber and I Already know Everything About being a princess
But We Should go with Them in Case They Have Any Questions?
Which They will so I have an Important Test Today and We all need to do
Well do you have any Books About being A good Princess, oh yes I have a whole wall of them?
do They Really Expect us to know all These things
I mean Banquet Manners Learn Those When I was Three teep Dad and locked, oh?
So i'll have you know everything Already
Oh not
Everything I Can Only Name
138 Kingdoms but Amber that's all There are the princess Test I'll show you what Really Matters come with me
Take it from me Sofia and you'll do fine, oh that's it not Quite
Inside This Box Is the key To being a, great Princess my great a curtsy
And Dance One Two Three one Two Three one Two Three one Two Three
Down Fan Curtsy
Jeong Daeun Curtsy Dance Princess Amber Hello Dear Can you Help me
oh all right Dear a princess here to guard Excuse me Princess Hildegard, oh
Dean Curtsy Difference' Sofia Can You Help me dear A, wee bit Just A, wee bit
Oh mrs. Higgins the Princess Test is starting soon
But Help mrs. Higgins but What about the princess Test mrs.
Higgins Doesn't live far I Can Make it back in Time
Well You better being Late Is not a good way to start the test don't worry
Rosy Alter The end
Mrs. Higgins Maybe you Should wait until you get Home before you read back I suppose you're right
My Cottage is Just longer when but that might Make me Wait for the Princess Test
oh Sofia dear I
Understand if You need to go back I'll be okay Princess is just rushed right past me
Yeah the wrong Girls the princess Test will now Begin
As a kingdom of Wei-Ling how Would you greet the Emperor I know this I would
you Know I would Just
Then I would Beginning I'm Sure He'll do Better in The next Part but what if I do Worse
Hildegard, oh
Where's Sofia She isn't A Sex and weird this circle over Here
then Just put an X Here and an X Here and Tic-Tac-Toe I win I
Love A good Game
After you my dear Thank you, oh
I'm so sorry a proper Princess Would have done the Polite I have to Keep Proving They belong I
What I'Ve Seen Sofia I think you'll Make a wonderful Princess Thanks mrs. Higgins
oh Impressive
Hildy What's Going on why are you here
Wiring I know but what if I mess up again I'm Better off not Trying at all, oh?
We don't need a prince, we can just Walk across the rocks Walk across the rocks
Okay, let's go
How's the Card Set Fan Fluttering Is Here mrs. Eakins I
Said I'D help you get Home so I'm not Leaving until, We get There, oh are you sure your Cottage Just
Through Those Trees
We're not far I
Told you
I don't want to take the test not if I'm going to get everything Time to test your Posture Ladies
Here's a book for you then for you
Now Everyone Try to Walk to the
Lovely Forum Everyone but a princess Needs to Keep her good Posture in all Situations
Keep up Hildy Straight and Tall
Amber Said my Gown Had to Look perfect for the Princess Test if I get, mud on it no I
Know I'll just hold my dress up like This
All Right mrs. Higgins Ready to go, oh but if We move Slowly We Should Make it Just fine, oh?
I'm so sorry Sofia
Please We got you home?
Don't give Up on that test yet, We may Still get You back in Time Really but How I know
Need, we are welcome to the princess Test Sofia but but how, did We get here Wait
Mrs. Higgins so I was Helping you Carry Those Books all this Time yes You were?
I was here at the school the whole Time for your Curtsies Are
Commendable Thank you miss Flora and Jude your fanning is Flawless
And Hildegard's Posture Is helps a Person in Need Even if it means Giving up something very
Important To you
Now all you other princesses Pass the Princess Test with the highest
Honors I passed and Because of your excellent Work Today
We're Awarding you A very Special
The Shiny Princess
Sofia I don't know why Anyone Would want to Paint me I'm not very Tall
My mane Needs a, trim I've Been hitting the oat Bag pretty Hard Lately
I must be Having a good Main, day now Let's Move on to our next Art Project
Building your very Own Drew the Class for Showing - and Because This is Such a Bad Project
We're Going to pair you up because working With Others Makes everything more fun
Guarded Amber Perfect James and Zandar
Video and Hugo
Jun and Rupert and Finally Sophie
Hi I don't think, well I guess, We have to Work on the Project somewhere great?
Today okay
Sure I gotta go bye I've Heard that her Parents Are gnomes and She lives in A cave will Glow-In-The-Dark bats
I heard she has A Pet Dragon Really
Hey are you Guys Working on your Dream Castle yep we're not Sure What
We're Gonna Make yet but Whatever it Is it's gonna be Really Really Sad I need me Right Guys Nope, we're Good
Okay, I Guess I'm Ready to go then
Wolf Says Vivian a strange
Hmm why do they Say that I don't know no one Really Knows her
Well have you tried talking to her Mm-Hmm but She Barely Said A word
Hmm she Knows an Escape Plan what you need Is some Backup Princess I'll go with you
Little You are
Just, don't let The Batson gnome Scratch clover Behind the Ears
Wow this is Definitely not A cave?
What, was that Dear I said you have a lovely home, oh thank you?
Vivian why don't you Show Sofia your room
Clover You Can Relax now no cave no that's no gnomes I don't think Any of Those Stories are True, okay
She's Adorable Thanks I'm sorry if I was acting a little Nervous before I was well I?
Yeah That's okay I understand so should, We get to Work on our dream Castle yes Great Idea?
We Can Work in My room come on?
I'm Crackle and I'm Really excited to meet you
Sparky what's with the Flame-Throwing, oh, sorry I breathe fire When I get
Everything Together The Grass and Have a Picnic and Chase
Wait did You Say Picnic pheasant with Food
Let's See, if I could put Anything in The World in our Castle I choose a sorcerers Workshop for Short There
This is my Music room wow
It's my favorite Spot in the Castle, oh really
Now I'll sing if You play, We Can sing about all the things we'd put in our dream Castle, well I guess I could
Vivian you're Really fun to Work with, oh thanks I've Never Ever Heard Anyone Say that before that's Just Because they, don't know you I
Think I better get going but I'm glad I came over Today and I'm really glad, we're Partners me too
See you at, School Tomorrow
Wow Seems like Crackle Really likes you yeah
What if Static table Rage we've giant Sea Horses that you Can Ride across the castle Moat
No more mates Show them what you're Really like you?
Mean to talk to them Just be Yourself and Everything will be fine Really you can do it
Why, did 50 and run off She's Just Shy but trust me you'd like her Once You got to know her if You Say so
Sofia Shall We eat Lunch Ladies?
Clover, oh I'm worried About Vivian She ran away from me at lunch and I couldn't find her all day
you're Clover You're her Friend She Breathes Fire You're her friend fire I
Could See why Come in Come in Tell you
What's all This?
I've Been Planning it since the Mini hole
Mmm nice Smoky Flavor I like it you, do you really, do
It Makes me so happy girl, over here you have a Visitor
What happened to you today I wanted to talk to the other girl Sofia and it's going to do the talking we both are?
It's part of the assignment how about I do the Show part and you do the toe
Vivian you're Going to have to start Talking to People, Sooner or Later I please
I'm sorry
We've got roasted Carrots and Toasted Almonds too I am so glad you Made me Come Back here Princess Cuz Fire-Breathing
Not so Bad
I have an Idea, well sing About our dream Castle Instead of Talking then you weren't Nervous Anymore?
But to do it together A friend may be all you need
Thank You Thank you so much what a lovely Presentation
Now it's James and Sanders Jerk of the Cannon Boo that's it
Thank you James and Zandar it's A very nice Cannon i mean
You're Gonna Be Great I hope you're right Sofia Because There were A lot of People Watching hey
Pretend it's Just you and Me in your Music room Just the two of our Castle We Would Float?
With The Dolphins in the Moat we'd Paint all the towers blue?
Now I hand it out to you
And that's our dream Castle
Better Let's go to a playdate right away, ah, We should have Made the Cannon Bigger you?
Okay, I am I really am
Thanks Sofia
Best Attack Animal Zebra Attack Crocodile - Lion ,Big Cat ,Dog Compilation - Duration: 13:36.Best Attack Animal Zebra Attack Crocodile - Lion ,Big Cat ,Dog Compilation
Best Movies of All Time - Duration: 6:24.One of the things we like to do is watch movies in fact a lot of lot of nights
What are we doing? We're talking about movie. This is we're talking about movies
So one of the things we like to do is that your stomach?
Sorry I just
downloaded the Fandango now app
Which is kind of what sparked this whole thing?
They had a list on there, and it was like the two hundred most essential movies to watch
Which I thought was actually cool because
a lot of times we do this you do this
you know
It's like
You scroll through you scroll through you scroll through it got us talking about movies that we really like and I keep thinking about doing
a my top 10 or top 20 or top 30, and and the problem is I don't know that I can limit my
favorite movies over time to just a few so I thought we'd talk about
just a few of the movies that that for us are those essential movies movies you can watch over and
over and over again
Or as a buddy of mine bill Jordan says if you're turning on the TV and movies on you'll watch it
Even if you've seen it a gazillion times. What are some of your essential movies?
The rocky series I won't let her see rocky 5 Sylvester Sylvester if you're watching this and I'm sure you're not
It's really horrible. It's
It's a wonderful life. Yes
Rocky and it's a wonderful life. I like the wind yeah
I like the Taken series that taken seriously. Liam Neeson I'm really good at what I do
That's it if you close your eyes, would you think Liam okay? All right? They take it you know?
But except Liam set Liam so I will say the first taken is really good after that yeah, they're okay
And and these are in no particular order except your two favorites rocky, and it's a Wonderful Life you mentioned oh
Yes High School Musical that's another one of my
Oh, we used to watch it a lot. It was it's a classic for people who my what other movies
Do you really are you're like in your essential movies? I mean what you just watch
I watched The Sound of Music last night
But I don't it wasn't really what I thought it was gonna be but it is really a good movie. It is and I love
like I knew the I knew the
Like what is it? But what was the one song that you always would?
Which I didn't realize came from that movie, so see you'll learn something new all the time one of my
Absolute favorite movies of all time and would probably be my number one is Saving Private Ryan
So your take on Saving Private Ryan? I don't I said the word boring, but I don't think that's the right word
I don't think it was my type of movie like it wasn't it was like
full on another question it was like a full-on just
That that's fair she can be wrong, but others on my essentialist would be The Dark Knight trilogy
I remember when the second one came out the Dark Knight, and I heard all this buzz about Heath Ledger
And I thought yeah, you know it's probably buzz because you know unfortunately he had died before the movie was released
and he is
Absolutely phenomenal in fact if you ever get a chance to see some of the behind the scenes to the making of that
Watch it because it's crazy in a couple of scenes how Heath stayed in character the cameras still rolling
And it was like a one-take scene when there when the when the hospital is blowing up
amazing Lord of the Rings trilogy
Absolutely loved it never read the books. I'm not a big book reader. I'm a movie watcher Jason Bourne trilogy now
I didn't see legacy because I heard it was horrible haven't seen the last one but the first three
phenomenal True Grit
But the remake the Coen brothers True Grit
Yeah, yeah the first ones a classic
But oh this one with Jeff Bridges is absolutely phenomenal another Western 3:10 to Yuma again the remake with
Russell Crowe and Christian Bale
absolutely phenomenal
Raising Hope no not raising. Hope raising. Here's them Raising Arizona raising hopes the TV show which is actually pretty funny, but raising
Arizona absolutely funny of course like Star Wars the original
Raiders of the Lost Ark Silverado oh my word I loved
Silverado and then a couple other ones that come to mind the rookie
The Princess Bride
Inconceivable you like the inconceivable or my name is Victor Montoya
You killed my dad prepared to die by the way I can do those all day long
So just let me know if you want to hear more. Are you embarrassed? the road warrior
Which was the second one what you haven't seen it? Oh?
Phenomenal movie we can keep going on and on so those are some of my essential movies
I think we're gonna do a video of
the movies that I absolutely
Can't stand I don't want to say what they are now III don't like a lot of movies that some other people like I tend
To just kind of like what I like those are some of our us
Don't don't encourage the dog
Go go out get those are some of our essential movies those movies that you could watch over and over and over again
That you would stop what you're doing if you turn TV on and they were on so what are your essential movies?
What are the movies that OH would make your list whether they're tough?
What do you are you done? I'd love to hear from you
I'd love to hear what your essential movies are what are those movies that you love what's on your
Essential list hit the comments below and let me know
Did you hear can you hold on for just sayin?
So thanks for watching until next time kay - peace out have a great - day in fact go see a movie
I'm going right now
Best Budget smartphone under 50$?? Blackview A7 Unboxing, Review and Test! - Duration: 8:00.Hello there guys!
It's CoolFox over here and today, I'm bringing you an unboxing and review of the Blackview
A7 smartphone!
Before we begin, I would really appreciate it if you can subscribe as we are trying to
hit 500 subscribers by the end of the year.
Starting with the unboxing, you can see the specs listed at the back and opening the box
you can see the phone on the front with a silicon cover, under that you have a little
divider and then you will find the manual, the charging cable and charging plug.
The charging cable is a normal Micro USB and the charging plug is a nice travelling charger
since it can become smaller by retracting the 3rd plastic prong.
The phone itself comes with a screen protector on the front and they throw in a free silicon
case as I said before.
The back has a very nice texture on it.
It has very small ridges which improve the grip a bit more than a smooth surface, on
the bottom you find the micro USB port, on the right side you find the volume rocker
and the power on/off button.
On the top you find a headphone jack and the left side is left empty.
On the back, you find the dual camera which we will talk about later on in the video and
the speaker at the bottom.
On the front, you find 3 capacitive touch buttons and the front facing camera along
with the speaker unit.
Popping off the back, you find a detachable battery which comes with a small tab which
you have to pull out before turning the phone on and a dual sim slot alongside a micro SD
card slot.
The setup is just like any other smartphone.
You have the default Android languages to choose from and after putting in your email
address, wifi password and a security feature, you are all set up.
The UI itself is very similar to stock android except for the drop down menu which has a
skin on it which is commonly seen on other Blackview devices.
It is pretty snappy for the most part and the surprising thing is that the phone comes
equipped with Android 7.0 out of the box.
It also came with an update once I switched on the phone which is very good to see.
Battery life is actually very good.
For a 2800 mah battery, it easily stays on the whole day which is great to see at this
Going through the settings, you can also see that there is a skin applied, but other than
that, most items found in the settings are as default.
Something strange that I did encounter though is the fact that the storage was first listed
as 4.26 GB and after pressing the storage icon and going back, it showed exactly 8 GB.
This was very strange as I have never seen anything like it before.
Once I connected it to my PC, it showed that it had 8 GB of storage.
But I am still not sure which to believe.
The memory is listed at 893 MB which is just as advertised.
You have bundled in gesture unlock which isn't present usually on default android, one handed
mode which is also not usually present on default android, and everything else is default.
Now moving onto Antutu, you can see the specifications listed.
It has Android 7.0 as said before, the MTK 6580 which is a budget Mediatek CPU, the Mali-400
MP GPU, a 720p screen, a 5.3 mp back camera and a 1.9 MP front facing camera.
After the test was done, It scored a total of 23599 which is mediocre but considering
the price, it is pretty much acceptable.
I also tested Geekbench 4 and it scored a measly 399 on the Single core and 1118 on
the Multi core.
This is a pretty bad result but as I said before, you cannot expect big things from
a budget smartphone.
Taking a look at the sensors present on this phone, you can see that most sensors are disabled.
This was pretty confusing considering that even the gyroscope and orientation sensor
is disabled which means that you cannot use maps on this phone.
The accelerometer and sound sensors where the only ones that worked correctly and even
the light and proximity sensor weren't acting normally.
After seeing that the gyroscope and orientation sensors were disabled, I ran GPS Test and
it yielded a great result.
The only thing which was very strange was that the orientation wasn't picked up and
so the great pin point accuracy was all for nothing since you cannot use maps with this
As you can see in the compass below, it does not move therefore, it cannot show you were
you are facing even in a map app.
Doing a quick video test shows you that the phone cannot handle 60 fps video.
This is very disappointing to see although this is commonly seen in Mediatek chips.
The speaker is pretty thinny although it does exceed my daily driver which is a UMi Plus
which costs 150$.
Moving onto a Wifi speedtest, everything is as expected and the speeds are as they are
supposed to be.
Opening up an application such as Alto's Adventure which is a game, does take quite a bit of
time to load up and I also saw a bit of artifcating before the game itself started.
Other than that, gameplay was smooth and this would handle light games such as this one.
Now moving onto the camera, you can tell from the pictures that he quality isn't really
that good and although they did advertise a dual camera, I believe that the second camera
is fake.
Form this close up shot, you can easily tell that it looks very different to the main camera
and that something is not right.
Once I covered up the second camera itself, the 2 x zoom made no difference which easily
shows that the phone only uses 1 camera or has only 1 camera.
The blur mode as you can see here is very bad and the phone should utilize both cameras
to detect what is in the front and what is in the back.
That is why the blur ended up happening to everything except the focus point.
Mono mode works very well and just as expected and the 2x zoom is as I said before, done
with 1 camera.
The front camera is nothing to run home about and the back camera in terms of video quality
is also nothing special.
The microphone though is actually pretty good.
I hope you enjoyed this video guys, If you did please leave a like and subscribe for
more content.
This was CoolFox and I'm out, Peace!
Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part136 - Duration: 16:26.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBSCRIBE Video! THANK YOU!
Minding the manor
Chilly I'm here and chilly I heard you the first time
Why do you keep this in a bird poop?
That's okay, it's good to let them get out and flap their fins all right. It's nice to meet you mr.
Space the pleasure is mine
Sure we get things ready for the party now my dear
Not yet dear
Tidy up the house especially the music room. What's this? I'm a magical music box. Oh you
Right now we just put one in the music box and let the fun begin
Thought we were setting up together. We are just not in the same place spruce will be here to help
But you'll be in charge while I'm gone
But I've never been left in charge this trouble often will arise right before your very eyes
I am so I know so
Coz being in charge is not so tough if you're confident enough to you
Ready when you are
Mr.. Spruce look it's a secret tunnel that can use a thorough cleaning don't be so sure
After you princess then we'll pick the vases and take the rug for a walk, Oh delightful
I'm going to put another role in the music box while be clean oh
my - I can't remember
It's okay. Let's find out
Watch where you flap and go sorry Mac
Wait we don't have any stuff do we listen up dunk first we gotta make sure we get that magic
That's weird the song ended, but nothing happened
You hear that?
House they're trying to find another way in the dog
Alright Jensen find me that music box ray try again. I
Insist you leave at once
How about we insist you leave?
Prepare to receive the cleaning can you turn the gargoyles back to stone yes, yes?
I can there's a music role that will turn the gargoyles back to stone
Mr.. Gargoyle you can't Tilly's
And neither is the house
Shawn out where you'd gone, it's a lot
They locked it. Can you open the door? No I'm the door knocker not the door opener
Brady music box
We can't do that one of those songs will turn us back to stone remember
Mr.. Spruce
Antilles going to be so upset with me. I messed up everything you thought Princess Sophia
She said to fix them, but how you're the one in challenge princess you tell me okay fellas
Music role will turn them back to stone, Oh tis a good planning princess, but how are we getting a house when everything's locked?
Come on mr.. Spruce let's go
Yes, right
We've had just about enough of you garland I assure you the feeling is quite mutual
Looking for this she some feels like it's made of stone green roll green gargoyles stone roll stone gargoyles
If the green roll made them come to life, maybe the stone roll turns them back to severe rock
Time for a new song
Word no you save my tutu
Huh, you certainly show those gargoyles oozing challenge yes, I did
Well do you work really fast mr. Spruce now what's next
They're just too heavy
Are those
Gargoyles it says the test. I'm so proud of you as am I test
What test why the text that your auntie Tilly just gave you each?
Music role my destiny what you're meant to do with your life your future one must be prepared
But what is my destiny Oh?
Only you know the answer to that when I was a little girl. I had your exact same bedroom
You did oh, yes, I used to read in that window seat for hours, but what should we do that the gargoyles?
Oh leave that to me dear
All right
I want you all back outside. Where you belong
But if you promise to behave, then you can join us in the garden for a little party before we turn you back to stone
Are there any more surprises I should know about oh, let's hope so
The princess stays in the picture
Alright class today, Oh Sophia
You don't know an enchanted painting is a painting you can
Magically jump into and once you enter it it comes to life place. You'd like to visit
perhaps an exotic desert oasis
Lucky you alright children take hold of your enchanted paintbrushes and begin your works about
things oh
Okay, I want to visit the golden tea room in the palace of gaudí's a tea room come on amber
Do we see those every day? I'm gonna go on a safari
marvelous work
Now to leap into your painting all you do is point your paintbrush
Directly at your paintings and trying to listen the most famous artist in the tri-kingdom area painted them all just for me
He said it was because I knew so much about his work now to get relaxed Sofia like I said
I haven't chanted paintings all over my castle. I already know the spells okay class feel free to
Perfect now amber, and I will both have the painting we want in Tahoe pink Sabo
Enchanted paintings and Thabo pancamo
It's time in an enchanted painting after all okay
But I think we should go back to class and jump into our painting like we're supposed to well if that's what you want
exito exacto
My paintbrush must be broken or maybe that's not the exit spell this sure is it
The only painted wooden chair, that's okay
Sir we actually have to get going
Except that neither of us seems to know the exit spell oh, no you see that dog and the painting of the mountain me
Uh-huh, well I figure he gets lonesome all by himself down there
Just like I induces you see
Once you're in an enchanted painting all you have to do is point your brush at the edge of the painting and a path
Opens up to the painting next door fine. It's a deal. I'll get the dog for you. Sir. No. I can't thank you enough
It's only four paintings over right down the hall. Okay, then come on Sophia
That's why they're called here we go oh that looks like a c'mon, let's jump
Hello they derived white yes, actually help over here, please yeah
Thanks for the ride anytime miss
I must be saving things
Off we go
Hildegard we have to lift the anchor first
Yes, now we have to push off and catch the wind in a sail
yes, of course push off and catch the wind in the sail I
Don't like the look of those clouds. Oh, it looks like a storm's rolling in
I know how to sail around big waves so do I if that were true then we wouldn't have been thrown out of the boat
There was no getting around that wave
We only have one more painting to go through
I know what it means and bulls do not hibernate of course
They do I know all about Bulls because the most famous bullfighter in the tri-kingdom area Tomica bright-ass
We need it now where's that dog?
Hey boy come here time to get out of here, let's go
That's okay, I'm an excellent climber up here
Don't worry Sofia I know how to find him really how?
Well we could
Thank you James aren't you going to join us yeah?
Why because princesses are supposed to know everything if they want anyone to like them, that's not true Hildegard
Why haven't you think such a thing?
This was kind of hard saw my big sister there in the Sun so I ran up to
join the fun
That was the day I found
If I was gonna make new friends I have to know it all body
I'm sorry you had a tough and
Nicer, and that's a better way to make friends than pretending to know it all maybe you're right. This is one thing. I definitely know
The dog come on
He's held a guard no, no I really do this time. We just need to get closer. Okay? Oh?
Mr.. Bull how do you like my fan come and get it
I got the dog way to go so hmm. What's wrong with these things?
Okay mr. Bull
Wow you're really not how to use that man
You better steer Sofia. I really don't know anything about sailing. Well. How would you like to learn?
For that fairy and we brought the dog oh
Hello, buddy
How'd you like to run around these hill just point your brushes out of the painting and say the words out old paint
Tuvo, thank you sir come back and visit any time
We will look a real adventure, and I learned a lot more than I thought I would glad to hear it
That was the best tea party ever yeah
Oh Hildegard's never helped me like that before are you okay miss vana?
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