Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily land Sep 26 2017

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Was that never shirks in only one way to know for sure and check out the local marine life


Do machines

There's only one evil how do you think of my undersea salvage operation?

It's a real clock stopper

Isn't it? I don't get it. Why do you want all that sunken junk even more


Wait a clockwork minute is that?

magnificent vessel your ship

No way Undergear. I will never let you destroy the Colossus oh

you can try to stop me, but let me warn you my

Mechanical minions your master speaks and his order is this sink the Colossus

That crap

Where you go

Unless of course I catch you time to nip this vicious for my shark sword

But to be careful captain Jake my shark sword

If anyone is in trouble you

Dr.. Undergear

Timing is

Crankshaft Salvage, it's precious

Captain of the ship now and all its precious parts belong to me if you dare

Judas oh sure it's a barrel of laughs actually a bunch of barrels

My shark suit cannot be stopped by your silly sword the maybe I could borrow your

Sword now sorry under gear your plan is officially sunk

That was my best shark suit mention to my evil plans this time

But next time there will be no stopping

Yoho way to go mateys for stopping the devious dr. Undergear from singing the mighty, Colossus we got

Then I the evil doctor Undergear will plan my evil

Captain hook's colossal collision


Colossus only hidden secret stripes are full of fireworks right and the let's mark the stinkpot plants

Exploding this thing Falls and the ones with stars


Careers mateys


Captain Jake how dare you bombard an innocent Mariner?

It's an outrage these cannonballs do want flimsy excuses

However now I do would like to know what these curious cannonballs

It's a twirly whirly ball

Too many contracts

As he trackers what is called those I don't know but I call them super fast oh

Okay so cat who knows what it might crash into so Yoho. Let's go

We better catch up soon the mighty Colossus is heading toward crazy crackers

You tricked me

What should we do captain Jake? We can't take many more of those pesky cannonballs. We've got bigger problems than that oh

Dear that big old boat will be smashed to smithereens

I didn't destroy our hideout. I'm not gonna let that happen am I too fat hold this runaway be before me oh


It's entirely the fault of that mechanical menace I

May I've a

Hobby see if you can figure out the controls

skully keep an eye on our course easy you and I will put hook out of harm's way I

Can't figure out what this was

Well hook said he broke off some kind of lever

There's got to be some way to get it to work again

Way to go captain Jake don't break out the pirate punch yet. We're still moving too fast

Now let's get this over to the stern

What ah your puny pirates going this is no time to mend sails

Prepare for attack

ikkaku, okay mateys on three

Coconuts, no is there any way to slow down my heart. It's nothing like a beating drum

Good night what took you so long. Oh, I shall take a coma

Nine gold doubloons, let's put them in our team treasure chest

Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

One more time

Blundering buffoons, I need my wind sock hawk to see which way the wind is blowing no

Captain's got some lovely hooks you clean this one, and you clean this one

If the captain finds out you two will walk the plank though the boys are working very very hard

You know

Now where'd he go he made off with eight of captain hooks hooks

And if the captain finds out we're gonna walk the plank

That is bad news

Don't worry mateys we'd be glad to help you get hooks hooks back

for us

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Is everybody ready?

Hey there octopus um maybe we all just need to be a little bit taller

Like say as tall as those palm trees

Look alive me hearties no way to go is

It's me my fishing rod

Hope but captain that's one of the hooks the boys are working so hard to return it to its former


Well captain. It's actually a funny story


Would take that octopus mateys follow those hooks

And decided to go in order of their history

Footprints are inside

goofy, but

How did we get him out? Maybe if we tickle him? He'll laugh so hard. He'll let go of the hook

Quick bones to the dinghy we got to return these hooks to the Jolly Roger paronto Izzy this looks like an emergency

Smee does this funny story of yours have a point or an end

Well captain the truth is the boys

Wealthy is your hooks captain clean as a whole bunch of hooks

Why that even more filthy, I'm just come on count with us

It sure felt good helping Sharky and bones and even Captain Hook he really loves those folks of his


Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

One more time

Step lively crew save the ship aye aye captain Jake

I say Smee don't those puny pirates. Don't worry matey captain Jake will take care of


Nice captain look did you see Jake's feather that one has a real pirate pizzazz?

As you say huh, she'll give you a new feather all we have to do is go to where the sing-songbird lives on Never Land

Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Yo, ho mateys away, they'll be treasure and adventure today

And she can't even fly

Yeah, give me your highness

The sing-songbird looks scared and I know why Captain Hook both of me way puny pirates

I'm going to grab the feathers off

We'd better help her get away from hook

All forward I come on you to tell me where that word when

Backers hooks trying to get help from the Tiki trees, but the Tiki trees won't help him for the last time

Where did that birdie look man?

Heard you were looking for directions

finally trees I can talk to

Back we've got to keep him busy, so he doesn't scare the sing-songbird away again, but if hook can hear her singing

He'll just keep chasing her

Maybe now I can ask her for a new feather for my hat come on

Mateys we need to keep hook away from the sing-songbird is he I'm on it

Yay-hey yes way we stop Captain Hook from scaring the sing-songbird and taking her feathers

five more gold doubloons

I kind of feel sorry for hope you learned ask for things nicely someday, but I can do it for him today

Thank You sing-songbird, oh boy Captain Hook, would you like a new feather for your hat?

Yoho for solving pirate problems today, we got 12 gold doubloons

Isn't my new feather

Magnificent it's so much nicer than that our old one gee it looks just like your old credit

It makes you look

much more great and glorious and cool

Right you are boys oh


For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 92 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:28.


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Stops In Philly For 'Best Cheesesteak In The Land' - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Stops In Philly For 'Best Cheesesteak In The Land' - Duration: 0:44.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 94 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:50.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 94 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:50.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 45 - Duration: 13:03.

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Great to start Today's Adventure Everybody Say The pirate password yo-Ho-ho

One more time so Who's ready to trick or treasure me i mean


peter Pan's trick or treasure Map

awesome It has all The Places we're gonna Visit tonight Mermaid Lagoon

Tiki tree Forest

Fun Booby traps to trick anyone Who tries to swipe the halloween treat-Treasures i sure don't want

To get tricked by any Tricky tricks we'll be fine as They'll Appear then we'll collect them and Put them in our team treasure chest

is everybody Ready i Got My Sword i Got My

Great Pirate Pyramid

Mr. Smee where did you Get that treasure map oh They Just

Hand Out treats Rustles oh yes and locks into Knots


My favorite

How did you know it was me Just remember the rules

Start By Saying trick or treasure never take all The Treat-Treasures and Always Say Please

Shiver me Bones we can't Go in there to see

We Saved Stormy's Bowl Of Treat-Treasures and We Got Two gold Doubloons

We don't want to spring another Halloween Booby trap of course not so you distract

Oh you're never too old for trick or treasure

and i betcha he's gonna trip another One of Peters Tricks

Excuse me

mr. Tiki tree could You please Help us get Jake down

Shorting Lad Come on Boys aren't you forgetting something Man

Taking a Break from all This Halloween


May i suggest sir It might Be more fun if we Try to get Drown yes

you see i won't Steal all the Treat-Treasures from the bowl i'll let Jake and his puny pirates Get Players first

Step Aside mr. Smee

sure is being Nice

What might he be doing Here maybe you don't

Know me down

I wouldn't do that If i were you

We Got back Our trick or treasure Bags and We Got Three gold Doubloons Let's grab Em and go

Come on count with us

1 2 3 4 5

This Ridiculous Halloween night is Over


Mr. Sweet hate that Silly costume off. Oh?

Hi mateys do you want to Join My pirate Crew

we're Wheeling fun

Just Exactly How far have we Walked we Didn't Find a single treasure

Captain We Still Have to Walk all the Way back to shipwreck Beach where the Jolly Roger is Anchored

It would be to ride Rather Than Walk i must have that Marvelous Wheeled riding machine?

Well Don't Just Sit There smee make it go go go you sir

Say Matey's Will You Help Us Get our bicycle back

Great Remember to keep a Lookout for gold Doubloons Whenever we solve a pirate problem

- Run fast and Think Smart if we're gonna Catch Up to him

That Will Get us to have a Banana Grow faster come on Crew follow me on the shortcut and we'll Catch Up?

In no time

Try to get across They'll Be slippin and Slidin for sure i'm Glad i thought of it

Are we gonna get past all Those banana Peels Without slipping i want to swing on let's go

Wondering Everything so Bloomin Big

Give us our bike back please Say so love you

Barnacles Hooks Way ahead of us again Whoa good eye we can ride in the big seed pod like a Sled

Climb Aboard

Safety first

Whoa i've slowed down if i were them you said it They're Headed right for Deeper Speed Daniel

Looks Like Our Bike went Overboard Big time Where is it down there

Whoa mike take a Handful of Pixie Dust I'm ready to Throw it

Hey maybe Thanks you Helping us we Got our bicycle back bloom

i Shouldn't Have done this

Come on count with Us 1 2 3

Pity me mr. Smee

Now i have to go all the Way across

Neverland to get back oh i know Just how you Feel Captain Indeed i do

Check This Out Cubby What is It soccer Ball away


Good Try Skully hi scat Why is it we don't. Have any fun Around Here mr. Smee?

Because you're no fun cap'n oh Good guy that is it's so high

Bring me my cabinet of Hooks

Right Wheeze

Here you go captain how about this one set sail for pirate Island

Call It right we're gonna stick together and find a Way to get our soccer ball back

Hey Matey's Will You go with us to neverland and Help us Get our soccer Ball

Just me i think this Round Bouncy Thing is Broken on

Pirate Island It Was Rolling and Bouncing Around la dee da da but now it doesn't even move oh?

Captain hook and Mr. Smee are on Their Way to never peak Mountain?

We've got to catch Up to them cubby What's the fastest Way to never peak?

Let'S Check Around The Red path and That's the one that Will get us to never beat mom the fastest

Yay-hey we Found the best Way to never peak Mountain mr. Smee you're wasting Time

move It This is big bug Valley

What if we Run into a big bug Just Be careful and What's wrong Ice pirates

Seems They're Following Us but i've Got a Tricky Idea of My sleeve Mr

Smee they Wake Up the big boss over here?

Our Soccer Ball is look alive me Hearties down there oh?

A watched all Smelly hook Mister did i've Got a Great idea

This is like a Great Big Water Slut how about we slide down

Good Idea Jake Let's all Sit down

Yoho Way to go

We did it we Got down the slide and past Captain hook and we purse our Soccer Ball

Come on Crew Let's Go Get the soccer ball out of the cave?

Hey i've got an idea if we Could Fly Now that we've Got the ball we could Fly Out of the hole in the roof

What can Help Make us fly then You'll Need to come to pirate Island

Yo-Ho! Weddings come on count with us

1 2 3 and our soccer game

Oh Round Bouncy, Thing. To play With did you Really


For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 45 - Duration: 13:03.


RI leaders hail groundbreaking for Wexford innovation campus on 195 land - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> RI leaders hail groundbreaking for Wexford innovation campus on 195 land - Duration: 4:14.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 93 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:30.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel

The creature of Doubloon Lagoon


Solving The Mighty Colossus

Crackers It's the Mighty Colossus Emergency Signal flare oops Sorry

Set it off Captain Jake That's ok Cubby

Huh guess i Missed a Spot did you guys Hear That?

Narration them Who stories are true

Here's a Tale of The Neighbors see it's what you may not know

Some Kind of Burbling Guild guy What do you think he wanted crackers Luck

Old Feather Hats After Him Boss talia Louis Better follow Along and Make sure he doesn't bother the creature

Or Steal his treasure


The Monsters Flippers May Help Him swim but on land They leave footprints That Lead right to him come on

Metis look Alive What is this Place

mock coconut Shake The Kill Guys leading Us Toward

We Seem to gone Astray sir

Rising to an icky Sticky old oh?

Mr. Froggy speaking Froggies he Says he's never ever even Seen a gill creature come this one?

And You creature for Moments he's pretending to be afraid

That tree it's in

Wouldn'T wanna be last yeah

Popinjays Man grab a vine and follow That Monster Run for Your life brainy


See party

Coconut a Lovely spot The Captain we never Found treasure here before

Because That Monster Has Hidden it

It appears You are the catch of the day i'll show me what i'm is freedom for the treasure

Shiver me Timbers Hugs ned abigail guy izzy This Looks like an Emergency

Pixie Dust

My Goodness How Rude of me to take It by all means

Captain Jake Allow me to give it to you

Colossus When he sold the Emergency flare Today he thought the Captain had returned so That's Why i came aboard her ship?

Captain Jake The newest skipper Turbulent Seas

demonstrating Thanks Kelly Now i've Got another cool sword

Yoho Way to go for helping Out our new Matey Gilly We Got 10 gold Doubloons

To sing this plastic swab Captain Why not Try to imagine what Jake and the sea pups would do

Minotaur Mix up Crushed coconuts I lost three Games of pirate checkers in a Row

Sorry Cubby but i never lose a Challenge i Just had Good

Calls The Govern This Island if You the Minotaur are

Challenged to a contest You Must accept Aye

Tis all true But That's never Could Happen Because i've Never Been Beat

Horace Plywood Checkers for Your Speed

I challenge you to the ultimate test of skill and Daring

fire and Shadow Ball

Whoo That's no Fair

It's busted no you broke it with your brute strength i ran

Em so according to the rules

What Just Happened to me

Once You become the ruler

you also become The Minotaur the most powerful Would shame and Second Clause


No really i always Thought being a myThical creature It made me feel so so

There's gotta be a Way you could Turn back Why not challenge Captain hook to another contest


If i'll bait hook we'll both change back ah

It'S a Race Across the Island Through Dangerous traps how it's tough all right

I've Run at all The time and i'm good at It i am

The first obstacle in the

Half-Windsor for You through The Golden Apple or

There's Just no Way i can Run faster Than a Minotaur hold on did you see the Golden Apple Orchard

Hello it's about time you got here mini man first one to the finish line Wins?

Chloe be an apple made of



wow amani the minitor We Got 10 gold Doubloons Let's Put them in our team treasure chest

Ahoy Mateys do you want to Join My pirate Crew

Great to start Today's Adventure Everybody Say The pirate password

welcome to mermaid lagoon

That's right huh the Crew of the best Ship ever Forced oh upon you the Greatest otter Ship can Receive in

Recognition of Your Bravery at Sea What are those Popinjays Up to now oh?

Golden Anchor so shiny so new Ackers What's that noise

Crackers Lucky's Moving Like He's on a Mission

Will You Help Us catch Up to bucky is Everybody Ready

I've Got My sword i Got my mouth and i've Got my pixie Dust

Fairies gave It to me so that We Can use it to fly Good Idea Marina

it'S no but but i think we can Make you Work

Barnacles Your Fan is Working Captain

What do you know Below

Thanks Mr. Octopus Yay Hey we're on our Way yeah we got three gold Doubloons


Luciano's on our face in that fog if we can't See anything Neither can the itty-bitty

Pirates Into The Fog

We're out of the fog and we lost the sea pups

Oh getting away but bucky's nowhere in sight maybe he's lost in that thick fog?

Ahoy dolphins buck He's heading for the swirling Whirling-Pool

Got Five more Gold Doubloons Let's grab them and Go Get bucky

Wild dolphins Captain They talked me had imagined

I thought i lost you in the fog we're here to take back this Calls for a Little pixie Dust

Put That Down

yo Watch your puny pirates blah yo

Yo ho where'd it Go we Got fuck you school tonight you're back

Come on count with US 1

2 3 4 5 with you on this crew but you will always be shipshape oh?

Good Thing i got My inflatable Dinghy


Great to start Today's Adventure Everybody Say The pirate password yo-Ho-ho

One more time i don't know what to do next i want some real Excitement is something fun

Watch This

Awesome stellwagen cheek and i love Yours Foreign Sale Thanks Suzy Around our the race to Race-Around rock

We Said wow rock i've Heard Many a pirate tale about it Captain tis said to me one it will Help fix Yourself a gun

Ready Is he

Stand Clear Party's

Here at Race-Around rock Thanks cubby hey Matey's wanna race with us to race-Around rock, oh?

Sure Captain hook The more the merrier Glad to hear it

no one office Captain hook Little Jake

Shiver me Timbers


Thanks izzy anytime We Made It across

Let's go

Look it's the old Twisty tree It Makes a Big loop the loop

It's nothing back As They Enter the home

It's not Exactly Captain hook

Checkout Race-Around Rock

The Windiest Place on never Land

Perfect for racing our awesome

Race-Around Rock Mateys Now Let's count our gold Doubloons and Put them in our team treasure chest


One Two three four five six Seven eight

Good Idea Cubby a Race to coconut grove

Last One There's a Rotten coconut

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 93 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:30.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 43 - Duration: 13:10.

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Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

One more time it sure does


Stormy a high tide a Hawaii to all our pirate friends and a special visa

We're great at finding stuff. Especially treasure. What are you looking for?

Neptune's golden trident

This special to be on an underwater mountain in the middle of a giant lake

We can't seem to find this Lake or Mountain anywhere on underwater Mountain. That's called Mount Vesuvius

And I think touched Neptune's trident, and we can't swim through the desert sand now. We'll never get the Trident

Hmm sounds like you need a mermaid with leg

I'm not sure what those puny pirates and guppy girls are up to Bobbi

Hope will lead you as far as the desert, and then you and your mates can take it from there. No worries marina

We love to help say matey's wanna help us find in

Every buddy ready, I got my sword

I've got my pixie dust

Fairies gave it to me so that we can use it alive me hearties

sandbar straits

Bennett I don't like the looks of that can we go around it. I wish we could


On our tail I

Bet he wants to get his hooks on Neptune's trident steady old mr. Smee

Teddy's head the sandbars. Do look a little tricky to sail through

Then we don't have any mermaids to help us well

Hey, I dunno a dog thing begging your pardon captain

But how are we supposed to follow them now when our ship stuck in the sand?

Your right cheek look alive me hearties


Hey, you blasted river raft?

Then this current is pretty strong. Why are we going back? Whoa our paddles aren't strong enough?

To rob the strong current of this quickly flowing stream too bad. We're not mermaid

In that mountain must be mount mer-suvias

The last known resting place of Neptune's trident. We can't go any further

Behold I shall conquer yon River all the way sailors have always conquer the Seas

With fails and the power of Windows I guess we beat old feather head to the treasure once again

Yeah, I wonder whatever happened to Captain Hook

Its trident and you're not a mermaid neither are you?

I'm an honorary mermaid then I suppose you can call me

Looks like an emergency to me

Let's grab them and go bring the mermaids their treasure

As honorary mermaid I present to you

Matey's, thanks for helping us find Neptune's trident now. Let's count our gold doubloons and put them in our team treasure chest

Come on count with us

1 2 3

4 5 it says for our honorary mermaid Izzy, we give you

Now which way is the wind blowing I believe it's blowing you


Hi mateys do you want to join my pirate crew

Happy book day how much longer can I look yet, okay?

Happy birthday to

Look Jake and his pirates a wasting perfectly good treasure by giving it to that squawky

Family's the treasure mr. Smee and birthday presents our treasure


Hereby declare today to be happy hook day. Let us celebrate this glorious occasion with a party mr.. Smee. Oh

Will you help us get skully's presents back

Price remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we solve a pirate

Yoho, let's go

Welcome to my happy hook day


Sharky bones

Front and center boys today's I use your Happy Hooker presents captain

Would you get?

Let's see you. It's hard to pick which present to open

The step lively boys will continue all the birdbath Bluff the nests straight on to shipwreck Rock

Yoho, let's go I

Don't want to get bonked by a giant ACORN

Hmm, maybe we can use a giant mushroom

We got through big tree forests, and we got two gold doubloons, let's grab them and go

Lasso knowing and more gold going mr.. Freeze

I've got an idea

Maybe we can hop over the geysers when the water stop ready one

So far so good now. Let's go. They'll never find us up here on shipwreck. Oh

Coconuts, we'll never reach him in time

Let me try I can fly out there

But you can't handle hook on your own ah but Scully you won't this one of these Swan perhaps oh?

this one Olli, those is funny-looking Birds I

Said this is disappear, sorry

Presents aren't for you personally. It's my birthday birthday

Thanks for helping us get skully's presents back mateys now, let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest

One two three four hey Scully it's time token your friends finally I

Drew it myself

Crackers, it's crackers my favorite. Thanks me hearties

this is the best birthday birthday ever I

Don't have a single happy hook day present you see there captain. I've got just the thing it's

Mr.. Smee, I love it

No reserves

Let's see would see washed up today all I see

That's no plain old stick it's a boring when you throw it it comes back to you watch

With a you said it cubby. It's a really cool treasure

Look at this mr.. Smee those pint-sized pirates are having silver

Huh, yay-hey, no way the boomerang didn't come back what happened I happened

We'll have plenty of room to play with

That sure was a scurvy thing for Captain Hook to do we gotta get her I

Can already tell this throwy-stick thing is going to be fun

Asia I

Think Jake and his puny pirates

Should have this treasure Cap'n sir, then we'll go this away, too. I

Can't tell which way Captain Hook went

Mate look that plank was cracked. We've got to be careful

Not to step on any cracked planks when you see a plank with a crack in it. Yo look out. Oh mateys

No clothes - Jacob is swabbies that I can almost smell it

I don't think that's what you're smelling sir this pond is we were

Might need to scrub extra hard tonight with that. Fancy smelling joke cap

That be business so peaceful it makes you want to bunk down and sleep ears

It's working I can't hear the snoozy bees buzzing and I'm not sleepy anymore

Me neither, yeah

Good bye was a lovely


Oh coconuts stand up raise your arms

On the captain's behalf, I'd like to say you're welcome come on count with us

Now let's all take turns throwing our boomerang boomerang zoom

Hey mateys the most smee that throwy-stick thing was no fun

Cheer up captain. I have something much more fun than an old stick

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 43 - Duration: 13:10.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 44 - Duration: 13:23.

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I found my puzzle box hey look What i found what are those

Golf Clubs He Says that he built a place on neverland Just for Playing pirate putt-Putt

Say Mateys want to Play pirate Putt-Putt With us today


Demand a Chance to Defeat you in a Game of Wooden Clubs and Holes

Me against the three of you this is it Mr.

Smee my chance to finally be a Winner oh?

Okay cubby to take Your time concentrate

Remember Captain Take Your Touch and hope Needs no, advice from a Pint-sized potter

I need a real Challenge Like me

So wet a point you have to hit the ball past the shipwrecks through The lighthouse Door?

you Got One Point for putting the ball in the hole that Gives Jake's Crew


Careful Captain Belch Mountain is tricky don't you Worry about me lad

Boss They Said battle Shaking it's Keeping me perfect pot from Falling into the hole

It might Be the volcano's Fault

Izzy This Is an Emergency then it's pixie Dust Away Let's grab them and go

I'm so Glad you're all right

Thank you sea pups

Never Mind That's me

Everybody Got a Point but me i

Love Ya

Don't be Sad Captain The last pirate putt-Putt hole isn't as team Captain i'll Play This hole you get

Take Your Time

concentrate Aim


Watch My Boys i never win oh?

you can Do It sir Mama hook did not raise a quitter you are captain hook Whoa


Didn't Captain hook Makes the shot and gets four

Points Jake's team made Three Points What What Metals is that i am Finally a Winner

Thanks for Playing pirate Putt-Putt With us Mateys

One Two three four five


Seven Eight Nine

Ten What is all That Racket oh?

Sharky and Bones are Below Deck Making a Pirate Putt-Putt course oh?

and What'S that Drilling They're Drilling Holes for the putt-Putt Course

in the bottom


Hi mateys do you want to Join My pirate Crew


Izzy'S pirate Puzzle

Way-hey This puzzle is fun

That Is one Good-Looking Puzzle Wow izzi

That's the Puzzle You see there's a Special Way to open this box

i found a treasure chest


Hook That box might Look like a treasure chest but it's not it's a puzzle box the box

Say Matey's Will You Go to never Land with Us and Help us get Izzy's puzzle box back

Great Remember to keep a Look Fairies gave it to me so that We Can use it to fly but Only in emergencies

Yoho Let's go

Blathering Wolfish This chest Won't open The treasure inside must be very special

Now What's waited Captain hook Go with My puzzle box he said he was taking it to his treasure cave

I've Seen footprints like these Heads Up Mates Captain Hook's Hidden treasure cave Dead ahead?

Come on Mateys Let's Go across It Whoa be careful everybody Watch Where you step oh?


Village The Water if we Walk on the right tiles

Hmm i wonder Which are the right Ones

Captain hook Tiles with us stand up and Get ready to hop but Only hop on the tiles that have?

After Nuts picture on them Ready gold Doubloons Let's grab them and Go find My puzzle box

Boiling Bilgewater What's wrong That i'll smash It open It Will Be hey hey no Way

The Only Way i can Get to my puzzle box fast enough, to save it is to fly

in places

No more Gold Doubloons Let's grab them and go

You can't Go yet Show me the treasure

It does look Like fun son it'S some Kind of a trick i want to see that Thing for Myself

Not to worry smee we are safe under Here?

Is these puzzle box back Let's put all our gold Doubloons into our team trip come on count with us

Stop Moving About It's not me

Neverland Games

Shipwreck Beach oh sure That's gonna show will test the pirate teamwork Skills

awesome i know our team can Pass Any test and i Invited Captain hook in is rosie

Is that to never Land teamwork Trophy

you okay cubby yeah but i'm

Glad You could Make it ah

I want that Shiny Golden treasure so win that trophy all by Myself

Then it's settled

Shall We Begin They'll Appear then we'll collect them and Put them in our team treasure chest

Yoho Let's go

Down the rail pop off it's sticking awesome Landing Across the finish line Let The Games Begin

Kaboo Shouldn't You be Climbing By Now sir how don't bother me mr. Smee i can


met Charlotte

There's no Wind to fill our sail

How Will we move across the Lagoon with Teamwork

we'll Make our own win by Blowing into

Yoho Way to go we Sailed across the lagoon i have my Egg Beater hook?

Smee Sharky Bones Where are you right where you left us cap'n

That's challenge of The never Land Games Is

Ultimate Walk the Plank

Right Skully Each Team Must Help Their leader Across the Planks Jake

But sure hope i don't trip and fall like i did before

Steady on Cubby Your Crew Will be right behind you

What's up Matey

Just Realize I'm on a Plank Really High off the Ground i'm

So scared i don't think i can make i did it thanks to my team Jump for it cubby

Teamwork to complete the never Land Games

and Now the teamwork Trophy is ours

Not so fast

I'm tired

Come back with that program we Wanted fans we're with team Boys come on count with us?


One Two three four one more Challenge one Two three Lift

It's the perfect Place for our trophy Always Reminding me and i shard rest Until i get one

surprise for You i made it my School Work

Oh Dear oh Dear out of my Way i

Found it

Perhaps i Should Have made a Trophy for World's tastiest Captain

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 44 - Duration: 13:23.


5 Ways To Land A Job! - Duration: 3:51.

Many students and parents consult me about finding a job.

There's always great

anxiety about choosing the right major and conducting a job search.

Although there are many resources such as job boards and recruiters, many job

opportunities still remain hidden.

Check out these five ways to find those


Today I'm at Temple University's Career Center, which helps thousands of students

successfully find jobs and internships.

I can think of no better place to learn

about how to find a job.

The single most important factor in finding a job is

talking with people you know.

Our parents, teachers, relatives, friends, and

classmates all know people.

Review your network.

Make a list of the 25 most

influential people you have access to and visit with them to learn about

career paths and job opportunities.

Hi I'm Rosalyn Shemmer.

I'm the senior director of Temple University's Career

Center and I'm here to tell you about the second most important step in your

search for a job or an internship.

And that's your resume.

It's very important

to update your resume for each job or internship that you apply for to make

sure that your experiences and your skills match that role.

At Temple University Career Center we assist our

students whether they're building their

resume or updating it to make sure that they are effectively showing those

accomplishments, experiences, and skills.

We do that in a variety of ways--online and in print materials.

We also meet with students individually and during workshops.

Once you have a resume, create a LinkedIn profile.

Many employers will do internet searches on job applicants. And having a

LinkedIn profile can support your application materials.

In building your LinkedIn connections you are creating a

platform that will become a powerful networking and job search tool.

Conferences hosted by universities and professional organizations are terrific

places to meet people and learn about jobs.

They often welcome students to attend sometimes at no cost.

For example, students can network with thousands of

attorneys at the American Bar Association annual meeting for tech

entrepreneurs at Philly Tech Week events.

Attend as many events as you can and try to speak with at least three people you

don't know at each one.

Study abroad.

The job market is rapidly internationalizing and many employers

need bilingual talent, skills and handling global matters.

As an example, for Chinese students I suggest studying

in the United States.

China and the United States are both economic engines

and there will be many opportunities in the Sino-US market in the future.

If it's not feasible for you to study abroad at

this time, try your best at learning English or another foreign language as

employers around the world need bilingual talent.

So my friends, these are our tips on helping international

students find a job.

Use your network.

Draft an effective resume.

Use LinkedIn.

Attend conferences.

And study abroad.

There are no shortcuts, but if you follow these tips you'll be able to achieve

more in less time.

I wish you the best in your job search.

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