You're alone, you're on your own, so what?
Have you gone blind?
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
So Here's Why You Don't Want A Comedian To Babysit For You. LOL - Duration: 1:07.- I bet you I could keep,
I could keep three kids alive.
- I could do seven.
- I could probably keep an infinite number alive.
- Two, one, because I'm traveling all the time.
One, one baby maximum.
- Wow, one's a lot.
- I wouldn't know until my sisters got home
and they're like,
hey where are the kids?
I'm like, they're all out.
And then like, here's a dead one.
And I'm like, oh.
- 423. Outsourcing, division of labor, and delegation.
That's what Indians are good at.
- Name a number, and I'll say yes to it.
- I'd tie a piece of cloth around all of them.
So they can't move without each other.
That way no one's running away anytime soon.
- Duct tape them all to the wall
and just feed them in order.
- Cause you gotta run after them.
I'm getting older you know.
Running after a two year old is tough business.
- I mean for sure I would lose the kid.
I don't know how long I would lose him for,
but like, I would just be texting and be like,
where did he go?
Then the mom would be so mad at me.
We wouldn't even be a caring family,
she would hate me.
- For 24 hours.
I mean, I assume I get a million dollars in the end right?
Is that the prize?
Then yeah, 20, 50.
I could do 50.
That would be easy.
Jesus says, If You Don't Believe that I AM GOD, You'll Die in Sins! - Duration: 4:36.Peace be with you.
YHWH God the Almighty is Jesus Christ because He spoke the following words which Prophet
John testified that He came forth from the bosom of His Father Alaha, the title of YHWH.By
analogy, the hair is black is a correct statement but to reverse the statement as Black is the
hair becomes a false statement as Black can be anything Black in color.
Lord YHWH the Almighty is Lord Jesus Christ and not Jesus Christ is Lord YHWH because
the Word became Flesh and not the Flesh became the Word.
With this precept in mind, YHWH God Almighty is Lord Jesus Christ.
John 1 : 18 Prophet John declared: ALOHA no man hath ever seen: the one begotten God,
He who is in the bosom of his Father, he hath declared him.
John 6 : 46, Lord Jesus said: Not that any one hath seen the Father, except him who hath
come from God; He it is, hath seen the Father.
John 14 : 9 Jesus said to him: Have I been all this time with you, and hast thou not
known me, Philip?
He that seeth me, seeth the Father: and how sayest thou, Show us the Father?
John 14 : 10 Believest thou not, that I am in my Father, and my Father in me?
And the words which I speak, I speak not from myself: but my Father, who dwelleth in me,
he doeth these works.
John 14 : 11 Believe, that I am in my Father, and my Father in me.
And if not, believe, at least, on account of the works.
John 16 : 26 Lord Jesus said: In that day ye will ask in my name; and I do not say to
you, that I will pray to the Father for you; John 16 : 27 for the Father himself loveth
you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I proceeded from the presence of the
John 16 : 28 I proceeded forth from before the Father, and came into the world; and again
I leave the world, and go to the Father.
John 6 : 38 Lord Jesus said: I descended from heaven not to do mine own will, but the will
of Him who sent me.
John 8 : 23 And He (Jesus) said to them, From beneath are you; but I am from above: you
are of this world; but I am not of this world.
John 8 : 24 I said to you, that you will die in your sins: for if you believe not that
I AM, you will die in your sins.
John 8 : 42 Jesus said to them: If God were your Father, ye would love me; for I proceeded
and came from God: I did not come of my own accord, but he sent me.
Lord Jesus Christ is sinless as He challenges who can convict Him of sin?
John 8 : 46 Which of you convicteth me of sin?
And if I speak the truth, why do ye not believe me?
Lord Jesus said: I and My Father are One because I am the Son of YHWH and that My Father is
in Me and I am in My Father vide John chapter 10 verses 30, 36 and 38.
To conclude, Lord Jesus Christ came forth from the presence of His Father YHWH based
on John chapter 16 verse 28 and other verses which He spoke explicitly that He proceeded
from His Father.
As the angel of YHWH came from the presence of the Father YHWH as well and the children
of Israel namely Jacob and Gideon called the Angel of YHWH as Elohim and YHWH Elohim respectively,
then it is right to say Lord YHWH is Jesus Christ.
Genesis 32 : 30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen Elohim
face to face, and my life is preserved.
Judges 6 : 22 And when Gideon perceived that he was an angel of YHWH, Gideon said, Alas,
O YHWH Elohim! for because I have seen an angel of YHWH face to face.
Lord Jesus Christ issued the strongest warning in John 8 : 24 I said to you, that you will
die in your sins: for if you believe not that I AM, you will die in your sins.
All listeners are hereby warned of the consequence for failing to believe that Lord YHWH is Jesus
Tommy Ice & Don Perkins on the Rapture and Millennium - Duration: 28:31.>>Is the Rapture the same as the Second Coming? And, if
not, then when is it most likely to occur? And what
about the Millennium? Are we in it now, or is it a period
of one thousand years that still lies a head of us? And
why should the promise of these two future events give
us a sense of overwhelming hope right now? Stay tuned.
>>[music] >>Lamb and Lion Ministries presents
Christ in Prophecy, a program that focuses on the
fundamentals of Bible prophecy, showing how current events
in the news relate to Biblical predictions of end
time events and the soon return of Jesus.
Now, here's your host, Dr. David Reagan.
>>Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and
welcome to Christ in Prophecy. Each year our ministry
sponsors a Bible conference that is held in the Dallas,
Texas area in mid-July. In 2017 our conference theme was
"Living with Hope in the End Times." Our keynote speaker
was Dr. Ed Hindson, who presented an overview of God's
promises for the future, promises that should give us
great hope in the present. He was followed by Dr. Tommy Ice
and Evangelist Don Perkins. Dr. Ice spoke on the glorious
promise of the Rapture of the Church, and Evangelist Perkins
spoke about the wonderful promises of the Lord's
Millennial reign. I want to provide you with excerpts from
both of their presentations, and we are going to start with
Dr. Ice and what he had to say about the Rapture of the
Church. The segment I want to share with you is where he
goes into detail proving that the Rapture is an event
separate and apart for the Second Coming. Dr. Tommy Ice
founded the Pre-Trib Research Center, together with Tim
LaHaye, in 1994, and he serves today as its director and
spokesman. Here now, Is Dr. Ice.
>>So, when you look at the Rapture if you
put all of the passages on the Rapture on one side, and you
put passages that relate, and these are only some of them to
the Second Coming, and you compare, you summarize and
then compare them you'll see that there are differences
between the Rapture and the Second Coming. As illustrated by
the graphics. You see that the Rapture is Christ coming in
the cloud, not all the way to planet earth, and we go up to
meet Him, and then we are taken to the Father's house to
heaven. The Second Coming is where the Church is already up
there returns with Him all the way down to terra firma, to
planet earth and we remain and reign and rule with Him for
1,000 years. So, those are two totally different events,
qualitatively when you start analyzing them. At the Rapture
you have the translation of all believers. You know
whether they want to or not, right, kicking and screaming.
And there is no translation mentioned in Second Coming
passages, they are all staying here on planet earth. By the
way it's the unbeliever who's removed and prevented from
going into the kingdom. And at the Rapture you have
translated Saints that go to heaven, but translated Saints
return to the earth at the Second Coming. The earth is
not, there is not judgment language in Rapture passages.
But there's all kinds of blood and guts and judgment and
stuff at Second Coming passages, that's the purpose.
See God's not going to set up any old kind of kingdom. He's
going to set up a righteous kingdom, so that means
unrighteousness has to go. You know these people who says,
"Oh, I wish God, why does He allow evil?" They don't
realize that if He didn't allow evil they would be the
first to go, unless they knew Christ. The Rapture is said to
be imminent, any moment, and signless. There are no signs,
it could happen at any moment. And this is why you can't date
the Rapture. I mean I asked it out for a date once, and it
said, "I don't date." You know. But nevertheless is
because you're always to be anticipating Christ. Just like
the bride didn't know when her groom was coming in the Jewish
wedding, you're always to be ready. If you had a date then
you'd be a slacker at times. You know He's not coming until
October you know, because of the fall feast stuff. Those
fall feasts I think all relate to Israel. You know, you can't
pick the times or the seasons as Jesus said in Acts 1. And
so the Rapture could happen. So, we're always to be ready.
We're always to be waiting, watching. And then we see that
the Second Coming follows all kinds of signs. I mean you've
got the Seal Judgments, the Trumpet Judgements, Bowl
Judgments, Antichrist, signing of the covenant, the
rebuilding of the Temple, you know the angelic witnesses,
144,000, you know all of these things proceed this. It says
in in Matthew 24:29 it says, "After the tribulation of
those days then the sun will be darkened, the moon will not
give its light." You know He darkens the stage, and then He
comes back with His sign, the Shekinah Glory in some way
that floods the sky. And so, it follows, there are all
kinds of events leading up to the Second Coming. But at the
Rapture it's not predicted in the Old Testament as we've
said but the Second Coming is predicted often in the Old
Testament. It's for believers only, the Rapture is, true
believers. The Second Coming affects all mankind. We see
the fact that it is before the Day of Wrath as we'll point
out here in a moment, before the Tribulation period. There
are 22 terms in the Old Testament, many are carried
over in the New Testament that describe the 70th week of
Daniel, it's called the Tribulation, the Wrath, Great
Tribulation, Day of God's Judgment, etcetera. But the
Second Coming concludes a day of His Wrath as I just quoted
in Matthew 24:29. And then we see there is no reference to
Satan, he's not found in relation to the Rapture, but
Satan is bound at the Second Coming. And we see that Christ
comes for His own, but He comes with His own at the
Second Coming. And Christ in the Rapture comes in the air,
He doesn't come all the way to planet earth, it is totally
qualitatively different event as we've been saying. But
Christ comes to the earth with His bride as Revelation 19
describes. Then we see Christ claims His bride at the
Rapture. And then Christ comes with His bride at the Second
Coming. And only His own will see Him at the Rapture, but
every eye will see Him at the Second Coming. And then the
Tribulation begins at the Rapture--after the Rapture,
and the Millennial Kingdom begins after the Second
Coming. So these are qualitative difference, and
the more you see the differences obviously the more
you are going to be Pre-Trib. And I believe there needs an
interval of events between the Rapture and Second Coming. You
have the 24 elders in heaven. You have the Bema Judgment.
You have the bride is prepared. We are going to have
a whole lecture on that, leading up to then the Second
Coming. So there has to be some kind of time interval
between the Rapture that gets the Church up there, and the
preparation for the bride to return with Christ. And you
have the doctrine of imminence, another Latin
world. I think it's never used in the King James, but it is I
think once used in the New American Standard in
Philippians or something. But, and it means an event that
could but not necessarily take place at any moment. So a
soon, is not the same as imminent. An imminent event
could happen soon, or it may not occur for 2,000 years. No
prophetic event must take place before an imminent event
can happen. You know Israel's back in the land. Hundred
years ago Clarence Larkins speculated there'd be a 50
year interval between the Rapture and the start of the
Tribulation because he said, "Well, Israel's not back in
the land, Babylon has to be rebuilt, etcetera." And he
gave a lot of reasons. Well, some of those things have
already happened, but they didn't have to happen, you
see. So, we don't know what's going to happen. Are they
going to rebuild the Temple before the Rapture? We don't
know. So, the Rapture is imminent, while Christ's
Second Coming is not. And some of the passages that teach
imminence is 1 Corinthians 1:7 for example, "Awaiting eagerly
the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ." See, we are
waiting for Christ. In fact the leading
Post-Tribulationist Robert or Bob Gundry wrote a book in the
90's entitled, "First the Antichrist." See he's waiting
for the Antichrist because he is Post-Trib. And he's right
if the Rapture is Post-Trib then the Antichrist has to
come first. But since the Rapture is not Post-Trib. And
this means that they cannot follow these imminent
passages. We're waiting for Christ, not the Antichrist.
That's why we can comfort one another with these words. Then
we see the word Maranatha, means our Lord come. It is an
Aramaic term but it also anticipates an eager
expectation of that. And then we see Philippians 3:20, our
citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for
a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And we see the Lord is
near. That's the Greek word "eggus" meaning at hand, like
you can reach out and grab it. And I use, I like the use the
illustration, you know the Minnesota Vikings have been in
the Super Bowl four times. The NFL championship has been at
hand, within reach, along with the Buffalo Bills, they were
there four times and lost all four times. But they've never
achieved that, you see, so something is near, meaning at
hand is the idea there. But it doesn't mean something has
arrived yet. So the Lord is near. We see in
1 Thessalonians 1:10 how they turn from idols to serve the
living and true God, and to wait for His Son from Heaven.
This is in the second epistle that Paul wrote. They're
waiting for His Son from heaven. See why are you
waiting? Because there is no signs, there is nothing to
look for. The looking passages occur like in the Olivet
Discourse leading up to the Second Coming and all of that
where you can see events if you were in the Tribulation.
And we see looking for the Blessed Hope and appearing of
the glory of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus. Actually
that should be translated it is the same word for waiting,
but it was translated looking for the Blessed Hope, but
actually it means waiting for the Blessed Hope and appearing
of the glory of our great God. We are looking for Christ. And
so this idea of eagerly waiting pictures eager
expectation indicated by the head bent forward to catch the
first glimpse of an advancing procession. It also notes one
staying up late in eager expectation of seeing a late
arriving guest. You know how you were when you were a kid,
at least we were. Oh, your cousins are coming today. You
know at 7 o'clock you are up waiting, and about 9 or 10 PM
they show up. And every time a car goes by, you know, is that
them? Is that them? You know? Well, that's the picture. In
James 5:7-9 the oldest book in the New Testament, the first
one ever written says, "Be patient therefore brethren
until the coming of the Lord. For the coming of the Lord is
at hand, behold the Judge is standing right at the door."
So, this idea of standing right at the door means it's
the next event.
>>Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our review of
excerpts from the presentations that were made
at our 2017 annual Bible conference, whose theme was
"Living with Hope in the End Times." Dr. Ice proceeded in
his presentation to present detailed biblical evidence in
behalf of his contention that the Rapture will occur before
the Tribulation begins. I want now to share with you an
excerpt from Evangelist Don Perkins' presentation about
the Millennium. Don is the founder of a Bible prophecy
ministry called According to Prophecy. It is headquartered
in San Diego, California. Here now is Don Perkins speaking
about the promise of the Millennium.
>> Now, I'm a topical teacher. I'm going to give you seven
topics. We are going to cover them pretty fast. But I am
going to give you seven topics regarding the Millennium.
First we are going to see what is the Millennial Reign of
Christ? I like to define the study. Then we are going to
see the order of events leading to Christ's rule. Then
we are going to look at different views taught
regarding this period. There are different views out there
and I want you to understand that there are some views out
there. Then we are going to see promises of His reign in
the scriptures. We are going to see that the Word of God
declares that Christ our Savior must reign. Then we are
going to see promises of the Saints to reign with Christ.
And I love this part because it talks about we, the
redeemed, we are going to literally reign with the
Savior, and I love that. Then we are going to see the living
conditions of the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom. We are
going to see that the Millennium will affect the
world in a way like no other event. Then last we are going
to look at the scripture text of the Millennium in the book
of Revelation. What we are going to do is we are going to
see some amazing things as we look at the text, Revelation
chapter 20 we're going to see what is going to happen. And
then I'm going to sum it up. So, first of all what is the
Millennial Reign of Christ? Now, I know in a conference
like this I am talking to a lot of prophecy buffs. But I
know we have a lot of people that are listening, or maybe
first time here who don't know what the Millennium is. So
what is the Millennium? What is the term Millennium? Let me
first define that. The term Millennium is taken from two
Latin words, "mille" which means a 1,000, and the word
"annum" which means years. When the words are combined,
the words simply means 1,000 years. So, we are going to see
this Millennial Kingdom is a 1,000 years event that the
Word of God has predicted in prophecy. Now, this will be a
period of time in which Jesus Christ will reign on the earth
for 1,000 years in fulfillment of many prophecies. During
this rule Christ--during this rule--during the rule of
Christ Satan will be bound and sealed in the bottomless pit,
so he will have no influence in the earth to deceive
mankind. That is going to be a wonderful event! A wonderful
time, the binding of the Devil, and I am show you that
as we go forward in the teaching. At this time Jesus
Christ will rule the entire world, and He will be King of
kings, and Lord of lords. He will sit on the throne of King
David ruling over Israel, and again the entire world. This
is a wonderful event that we are going to see in the
scriptures. Again they all kinds of wacky views out
there. Some people believe that the Millennium will never
come, and again we are going to talk about that in a little
bit. I am going to show you, it's a promise, it's going to
happen. Just like Ed Hindson, Ed talked last night about the
Rapture, you know a lot of people they say the Rapture
will never happen they're really coming against the
scriptures. I mean their problem is the timing of the
Rapture. If you deny the Rapture you're denying the
Word of God. We are going to see the same is true with this
1,000 year Millennium Kingdom. Now I'm going to quote Dr. J.
Dwight Pentecost from his book, "Things to Come." Listen
to what he says about the Millennium, he says, "The
Millennium will be the period of the full manifestation of
the glory of Jesus Christ. There will be the
manifestation of the glory associated with the glorious
dominion in which Christ by virtue of obedience unto death
is given universal dominion to replace that dominion which
Adam lost. There will be the glory of the glorious
government in which Christ as David's son is given absolute
power to govern. There will be the glorious--there will be
the glory of the glorious inheritance in which the land
and the seed promised to Abraham are realized through
Christ. We are going to see again that Israel will
experience everything that was promised to Abraham. We know
Israel never experienced the full land grant that God
promised them. But, Israel will have it during the time
of the Millennial Kingdom. I also want to quote John F.
Walvoord from his book, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ."
Listen to what he said, he said, "Advocates of this view
hold that the Millennium is a period in which Christ will
literally reign on earth as its supreme political leader.
And that many promises of the Old Testament relating to the
kingdom on the earth in which Israel will be prominent, and
Gentiles will be blessed, will have complete and literal
fulfillment." I love that. We are going to see prophecies
that must be fulfilled. Christ the Bible is going to give us
that He will be the political leader of the world. Now, how
many would agree with me that we need a political leader
like Christ? Oh, yes, we do. We do. As a matter of fact
right before my session I was watching the news this
afternoon and one of the federal courts just said that
prayer before a civil council meeting, they said that it was
unconstitutional. I'm thinking, yeah, we definitely
need the Millennium. We need Christ on the scene because
we've got wacky leaders in power. Now, let's look at some
of the order of events leading to the Millennium, and what I
am going to do I am just going to hit a few of those things.
But, I am going to show you there are some significant
events that must take place before the 1,000 years
millennial reign coming to the earth. So, I bring you back to
our prophecy chart and the first one well we are in the
Church Age here, but I want to first deal with the one called
the Rapture. The Rapture again is one of those events that
must take place before the Millennium. First
Thessalonians chapter 4:13-18, I'm looking for that. I preach
all across the country. I believe in the Rapture. I have
Rapture dreams, you know I'm looking for the Rapture. I'm
ready for this event to take place. You know we are going
to be changed as Tommy shared. I love it. I cannot wait for
this wonderful event. You know the Rapture is going to
deliverer us from backaches, pain, Tylenol, Advil. I can't
wait for the Rapture. But one of the blessings of this event
that we'll have a glorified body, we will be delivered of
that sin nature. We are going to find out a little more
about that in reference to being tied to the Millennium.
Now going a little bit further with the chart, another event
is that seven year of great tribulation. Now, the Bible
predicts this event, 21 judgments, 7 seals, 7
trumpets, 7 vial judgments, plus Antichrist and his
economic system with the Mark of the Beast. A lot of things
will happen, but these events must happen. God will allow
the Antichrist a season to wreak havoc in the earth, but
God has put a time limit on his reign. And what is going
to happen Christ will come back in that Second Coming.
Here in the Second Coming at the Battle of Armageddon
Christ will bring an end to the Antichrist's kingdom, and
then He's coming to set up His kingdom. But look at this, I
love this, Revelation 19:11-16 it talks about the literal
return of the Savior. And I love it saints. I love the
Rapture, and I love the Second Coming. Both of these events
will be a blessing for the redeemed. And I love this
picture, everywhere I go I talk about this picture
because I really like this picture. Let me show you
something. Follow the arrow on this picture, you see that,
see right there where I am pointing right there that is
Brother Perkins riding that horse. Yeah, I believe it
saints. I've said from coast to coast you know it is time
to name your horse's saints. Christians need to name their
horses. Well I believe that Christ is coming back, and we
are going to come back with Him. We are going to come back
as the glorified. We are going to help Christ govern. We are
coming back to go into His government as His
administration. And we're going to see some beautiful
things. Again as a result of the Second Coming the Bible
talks about the Battle of Armageddon. Christ will come
back as a man of war to take authority in the earth. He is
going to take authority in the earth. Christ is coming back
in a different capacity. He's coming back to take full
authority. He's going to deal with Antichrist. The Bible
says the Antichrist and False Prophet will be cast into the
Lake of Fire, and then God is going to bind the Devil in the
bottomless pit. We're going to see it in a little bit. But we
are going to look here at this wonderful 1,000 year
Millennial Kingdom of our Savior. And again saints, I
long for this wonderful event. Now, before we get to those
different aspects of it I want to show you some different
views that are taught regarding the Millennial
Kingdom. And you must understand that these are
views out there. The first view is called the Amillennial
view. The Amillennial interpretation is a denial
that there would be a 1,000 years reign of Christ after
His return to earth. It is an Amillennial, or non-Millennial
view because it denies such a literal reign of Christ on the
earth. This view was developed in 400 AD by Saint Augustine.
It was adopted by the Roman Catholic Church in 431 AD at
the Council of Ephesus. So, they don't believe in a
Millennial Reign, or a Millennial Kingdom. A- is no
Millennium. Well, to do that you have to get rid a lot of
scripture that I am going to give you in a little bit.
Yeah, the Millennium we're going to see it's biblical.
We're going to see that the Millennium is an event that we
must talk about, and it's a promise that we must look for
and expect. So, this is one of the views the Amillennial
which does not stand the test of scripture. Here's another
view it is called the Post-Millennial view. This
view basically suggests that the world will get better and
better until the whole world is Christianized, at which
time Christ will return to a kingdom of peace. This view
was originated by Daniel Whitby in 1638-1726, a
Unitarian in England. Although he was censored for some of
his heretical views, many conservative theologians
rapidly embraced, and propagated his viewpoint on
the Millennium. Now, again, this view again has a lot of
problems because they are depending on mankind to cause
the world to become better, and better, and better, and
then Jesus will come back. Well, you know if man could
fix the problems Jesus didn't need to come. God understood
that mankind could not fix this world. Mankind cannot
handle it. You look at all the world governments today, all
we see is the arm of flesh, men trying to do it but they
can't do it. Yeah, this Post-Millennial view has a lot
of problems, a lot of problems. Now this is a view
that I hold to and I teach and I believe it stands the test
of scripture. It is the Pre-Millennial view. This view
hold that Christ will return to earth, literally and bodily
before the millennial age begins. And that by His
presence a kingdom will be instituted over which He will
reign. And all that of Israel's covenants will be
literally fulfilled. It will continue for 1,000 years after
which the kingdom will be given by the Son to the Father
when it will merge with His eternal kingdom. Generally
speaking ones view of interpreting of scripture
determines whether or not he or she is a Premillennialist.
For the most part all who believe the Bible to be
literal are Pre-Millennialist. Now I am a Pre-Millennial
teacher. I believe in it. I believe in a literal text of
the scripture. This view stands the test of scripture
and gives a clear and balanced perspective on God's end time
program. With clarity it makes plain sense of the scripture.
As a colleague once said, and we've heard it many times,
"When the plain sense makes sense, there is no other sense
lest you wind up with nonsense, or confusion." And
again there is a lot of confusion out there. I meet
people all across the country. I've debated with people who
tell me, "Man, we're in the Millennium now." And I show
them we're not in the Millennium now, and we're
going to see that in a little bit too. But there is some
wacky stuff out there. And again I like to stick with the
authority of the Word.
>>Don't you just love Don Perkins' enthusiasm
for God's Word and the promises contained in it?
Don proceeded to discuss the biblical promises of the
Millennium, the fact that the saints will reign with Jesus
during the Millennium, the living conditions that will
characterize the Millennium and what the book of
Revelation has to say about the thousand year reign of
Jesus. The complete presentations by both Dr. Ice
and Evangelist Perkins are available on our 2017
conference album, titled, "Living with Hope in the End
Times." In a moment our announcer will tell you how
you can get a copy of this video album. Well, folks,
that's our program for this week. I hope it has been a
blessing to you, and I hope, the Lord willing, that you
will be back with us next week. Until then, this is Dave
Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries, saying, "Look
up, be watchful, for our Redemption is drawing near."
>>Folks, I am delighted to announce that the video album
of our 2017 Bible Conference is now available for
distribution. The theme of the conference was, "Living with
Hope in the End Times." The album contains three DVD
disks, and they in turn contain all six of the
presentations that were made at the conference. Dr. Ed Hindson
the Dean of Liberty University School of Religion kicked off
the conference by presenting an overview entitled, "The
Believers Exciting Future." He was followed by Dr. Tommy Ice,
the Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center who spoke on
"The Promise of the Rapture." Next was Pastor Glenn Meredith
of the Brookhaven Church in McKinney, Texas who presented
an inspiring sermon about "The Promise of Rewards."
Evangelist Don Perkins the Founder and Spokesman for
According to Prophecy Ministries in San Diego,
California spoke on "The Promises of the Millennium."
Dr. Andy Woods a Houston area Pastor and the President of
the Chafer Theological Seminary presented a
fascinating study of "The Promises of the Eternal
State." The last presentation on the album was one that I
made regarding the questions: "Is There Any Hope for
America?" It can be yours for a gift of $25 or more,
including the cost of shipping. To order a copy call
the number you see on the screen Monday thru Friday
between 8 AM and 5 PM Central Time, or order on-line at
>>Thank you for joining us on today's Christ in Prophecy, a
presentation of Lamb and Lion Ministries, a
non-denominational ministry dedicated to teaching the
fundamentals of biblical prophecy and proclaiming the
soon return of Jesus.
Don't be over smart with your presents (Urdu hindi) - Duration: 0:53.For more videos Subscribe our channel
Chrissy Metz: 'You Don't Want To Know' How Jack Dies On 'This Is Us' | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
'Once A Teenager Realizes That You Don't Really Have Any Power Over Them, It's A Free For All' - Duration: 2:31.-------------------------------------------
DON'T TALK BACK OR LIE TO JUDGE MABLEAN, "CASE DISMISSED FOOLS"!! - Duration: 8:52.-------------------------------------------
Why 23 million Americans don't have fast internet - Duration: 7:16."I want to tell you my secret now..."
"I see..."
Do you want to know what Haley Joel Osment
says in The Sixth Sense?
What about this noise?
For many Americans,
slow internet or no internet is still a reality,
and the internet speed in Nashville, Tennessee,
might not be as fast in Nashville, Kansas.
Besides missing "Stranger Things,
having a slow connection
can mean increased health risks,
a limited education,
or having less money,
all of which, creates a divided country,
because the fact is:
all American internet is not equal.
In 2015, The FCC defined "broadband" as internet with
download speeds of at least 25 Megabits per second
and uploads of at least 3.
That basically means, a constant connection
capable of streaming videos,
sending messages,
and transferring data.
On multiple devices.
Overall, 10 percent of Americans don't have broadband.
But rural areas suffer most.
39 percent of rural Americans,
about 23 million people, don't have high-speed internet.
This map shows where broadband is available
and areas it has yet to reach.
In places where broadband adoption is higher,
so is the number of people
who've earned a college degree.
Fewer people are unemployed,
and the rates of poverty are also lower.
Without fast internet,
rural Americans have a difficult time
accessing government services, like Medicare.
And as education moves online,
students struggle to complete assignments at home.
In a few rural districts,
superintendents have loaded school buses with wi-fi
and parked them overnight in neighborhoods
where kids need it to do their homework.
These communities would benefit from broadband,
so why don't they have it?
In cities, most broadband is "wireline",
which typically means it is delivered through
fiber optic cables that have been laid in the ground.
Laying cables is expensive,
but there's an incentive for providers:
high population density means hundreds of people
pay to access the same network.
In rural areas, that's not the case.
So large telecoms, like AT&T and Comcast,
don't prioritize extending cable lines
if they only reach a few people.
But there is an alternative,
and that's "wireless" broadband:
which is either beamed from a satellite, or relayed
from the nearest fixed wireless point by antennas.
In places like Appalachia or The Rocky Mountains,
a wireless system can be
an effective way to provide internet.
But its quality is not as reliable as wireline.
Outside of traditional providers, a few tech companies
are trying to create new wireless options
that could be used in rural areas around the world.
This video is from Project Loon:
Alphabet's internet-beaming balloon system
designed to connect people in remote areas
using wireless technology.
Like Loon, Facebook also has
its own wireless project:
a solar-powered drone called Aquila,
which Mark Zuckerberg hopes will help reach,
"half the world's population -- 4 billion people --
--[who] still can't access the internet."
And then, there's Microsoft,
which is focusing on rural broadband, here in America.
Their plan is to send wireless internet
using unlicensed television frequencies,
called "white spaces".
While these companies pursue futuristic projects
that focus on wireless,
a proven example for providing wireline connections,
in The US, lies in the opposite direction:
The Past.
In 1935, President Roosevelt created
The Rural Electrification Administration, or "REA",
to deliver electricity to rural America.
Before then, most Americans receiving electricity
got it from private companies.
But The REA changed that.
It loaned federal funding to electric cooperatives
that built power lines private companies wouldn't.
Within a few decades, most of America was electrified
and now some of those same co-ops
are providing internet.
But unlike electrification,
which relied almost entirely on co-ops,
there are many models for deploying broadband.
For example, the city of Cedar Falls, Iowa
built its own municipal network
and later used a portion of a federal grant
to extend the network to nearby rural communities.
"We are seizing the potential of the internet
and other technologies."
For the past two decades, presidents have been
allocating federal dollars for high-speed internet.
"We must bring the promise of broadband technology
to millions of Americans."
But rural broadband has been an evolving challenge.
"When you look at the speeds we're going to need
for all the apps and the videos,
and all the data,
new software that is constantly coming onto market.
We've got to keep pace.
We've got to be up to speed."
President Obama increased funding and enabled
municipal networks like the one in Cedar Falls,
which are prohibited in other states.
Now, President Trump is calling for
even more investment, while also
scaling back Obama's policies.
Standing near a tractor in June,
President Trump announced his new infrastructure plan.
"That is why I will be including a provision
in our infrastructure proposal --
$1 trillion dollar proposal,
you'll be seeing it very shortly
to promote and foster enhanced broadband access
for rural America, also!"
The speech drew a big applause in Iowa, but
but Trump's commitment may have been misleading.
Not only because the proposal has not arrived yet,
but, less than two months after his speech,
The FCC outlined priorities for the new administration,
Including a suggestion to set
a lower mobile broadband benchmark
of 10 Megabits per second.
That's roughly equivalent to 4G mobile phone coverage,
which most of America
already receives from major providers.
So if the broadband benchmark becomes 10,
nearly all of America would be covered
and the government could claim they've
fulfilled their promise to increase rural broadband.
But in reality, all they've done is redefined
what it means to offer high speed internet.
It would be a standard sufficient for social media
and other apps, but falls short of the
high speed service that can help schools,
businesses, and rural healthcare facilities.
On an international scale, it would signal that The FCC
is fine with connectivity slower than mobile speeds
in Kenya or Greece, both of which
rank higher than The United States.
Dropping the benchmark lowers the broadband goal,
but using electrification as a funding model
could help reach it where it is.
Expansion is expensive.
But history and research show that
providing equal internet for all Americans
is worth it.
DON VOSS DON SSHYOO JUAN CARLOS TIENE PORTAL Y ACEPTA CITA CON SIBONEY - Duration: 7:33.-------------------------------------------
Teen Says She Smokes 'Weed' Daily, 'But I Don't Consider It A Drug' - Duration: 2:16.-------------------------------------------
Don't Use Exercise Alone For Weight Loss - Duration: 3:14.Hi, Tash from here and I'm here to talk to you today
about something that drives me a little bit crazy
people using, trying to use exercise as a weight loss technique
and they do nothing about their diet
I see people making this mistake quite often
and, I want to run by you a few things
I want you to consider this if you are thinking about just using exercise to lose weight
Now, one kilogram of fat takes you to burn off 7700 calories
that's a lot of calories
now, my fitbit tracks my heart rate and calculates based on my heart rate
and my height and my weight how many calories I burn in an hour when I exercise
now say I did some really high intensity exercise, I might burn 500 calories
which is good, right?
but, I burn normally about 100 calories an hour
so we take off 100, so the net benefit is 400 calories per hour
which is still good, it's acceptable, except that what really happens here is
when you think about 400 calories
divided into 7700 and you get nearly 20 hours of high intensity exercise
I don't really want to do 20 hours of high intensity exercise to burn off 1 mere kilogram, do you?
nevermind that, I would have to do it for 3 weeks, every day
and, I would be exhausted
and I would probably sit on the couch and do nothing for the whole afternoon and probably have a nap...
and so any benefit I got from the exercise would possibly be negated
and then there is another problem
we start playing games with ourselves, mental games when we do things like this
we then think "I've exercised, I deserve a muffin, let's eat the muffin" or the doughnut or this other stuff
"I deserve it, I did that exercise, I was good. Right?"
If you are not trying to lose weight having that offset effect is probably fine, but
I can bet your bottom dollar that you are actually consuming more when you do eat
than what you burned during your exercise session
because, it doesn't quite work the way that you think it does and our bodies are not a back account
they are a chemistry lab
what goes out and in isn't always linear
and, although there is a guideline mathematical equation
it isn't quite exactly how it works all the time
so, by all means,
exercise for fitness, exercise for strength, mental well-being, agility, flexibility, all those things
but please, do not rely on it as a weight loss technique
until next week, bye :-)
BBB: Don't fall for job scams while looking for seasonal work - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Don't let back and neck pain take you away from activities you love - Duration: 5:30.-------------------------------------------
Being Entrepreneurial if You Don't Go to Advertising Portfolio School w/ Pam Fujimoto | We Are Next - Duration: 1:57.They're much more self-motivated than the average person in that situation.
Almost entrepreneur-like.
And they really have to just go at every opportunity.
I mean, anyone does, honestly.
This is not an easy profession to do well in, so I think this is not just advice for
people that don't go to a school.
You have to go into everything like your life depends on it.
Don't waste any moment of that internship, even if what you're being given straight out
of the gate is not something that is able to fully showcase your creativity.
Because every impression is an important one that you make.
I think that thing about being self-driven, so much of it is no matter what you can get
your hands on, whether it's in an internship, or with school, or outside of school on your
own, it's that proactiveness that says so much.
That you went out and found opportunities like you said to create something.
I'm not saying the quality of whatever you make doesn't matter, but it speaks so loudly.
It does, and honestly, if I see somebody that doesn't have the portfolio school training,
and is able to prove to me how much they've done on their own to be able to make up for
that, that person stands above someone that's gone to portfolio school and has the same
Because I know that there's qualities—especially if they can tell me some examples
or personal stories around how they've gotten to where they are, because that's very interesting
to me.
I understand what the classes are that you take, and the support you're given when you
going through a regular school.
But when you don't have that, you then all of a sudden become much more valuable to me
in terms of all those other traits that then will make you a successful employee.
Don't Have a Facebook life - Have a Real One - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
[NeWS]Don't Forget About These 5: Negated TD Adds Time; Momentum-Changing Flag - Duration: 3:16.Don't Forget About These 5: Negated TD Adds Time; Momentum-Changing Flag
– We won't forget the national anthem and pre-game festivities anytime soon Of course, we wont forget Dak's flip to the end zone or Dez Bryant dragging three guys for another score.
Or what about both of Brice Butler's amazing catches that turned the game around. No one will forget those plays, but they'll probably overlook these five that also played a big part in the Cowboys' 28-17 win Monday night.
Holding Leads to FG Miss – The Cardinals were completely dominating the early part of the game and appeared headed for a 14-0 lead before a crucial holding penalty on Jared Veldheer wiped out what would've been a second TD pass by Carson Palmer.
The Cards were pushed back to third-and-15 from the 20 and only picked up two yards on a quarterback scramble.
However, the drive became empty for the Cards, who saw Phil Dawson push a field goal attempt to the right, keeping the score 7-0.
Rookie Stops Big Play – Midway through the third quarter, the Cardinals had a chance for a big gain down the left sideline on a third-and-long.
As he did often, Carson Palmer went deep to Jaron Brown, who appeared to have a catch in his hands before rookie cornerback Jourdan Lewis caught up to slap the ball away at the last second.
The Cardinals were looking at another first down around the Cowboys' 30 but had to punt the ball away instead. Lewis was picked on a few times but seemed to win most of the time.
Williams Provides Field-Position Flip – While the Cowboys were looking to gain some momentum in the third quarter, they only got one first down, but it was a big one.
A 22-yard catch by Terrance Williams got the Cowboys out of a hole and pushed the ball to midfield. While the drive stalled, it allowed the Cowboys to pin the Cards back to the 7.
From there, the defense forced a punt and the Cowboys were able to play downhill on the next series and grab a 14-7 lead. It all started with a clutch diving grab by Williams.
Palmer's 3 Straight Misfires – The Cardinals were on the move to try and tie the score at 21. Palmer had just connected with Larry Fitzgerald on an amazing third-and-18 conversion that showed why the Cards receiver is a surefire Hall-of-Famer.
But with a first down at the Cowboys' 19 with 6:59 to play, the drive suddenly fizzled, thanks to a stingy Cowboys defense.
It was nothing flashy, but Palmer threw three straight incomplete passes, and the Cards had to settle for a field goal, keeping the Cowboys in front.
Negated TD Adds Time – As dramatic as it would've been for Brice Butler to have two touchdown catches in the fourth quarter, it worked out better for the Cowboys that the officials reversed his second score, calling him down by contact at the 22-yard line.
The 75-yard score to give the Cowboys a 21-14 lead was ruled a 53-yard catch with 6:20 to play. While the Cowboys still had to earn it, the offense scored in three plays to take the lead anyway.
Once Arizona got it back, there was only 4:57 to remaining. That extra time would've certainly helped the Cardinals late in the game when they were driving and trailing by two scores.
Bonus Play – Let's go ahead and add a sixth play just because it could've easily been forgotten, but didn't really have an impact on the outcome.
But don't forget DeMarcus Lawrence actually had another sack wiped out because of a holding penalty in coverage.
Lawrence finished the game with three sacks, and could've even picked up another half-sack and also had what could've been a fourth one negated by penalty. A three-sack game by D-Law was nearly a 4.5 sack game as well.
8.9. We Don't Have to Start from Scratch! - Duration: 4:30.Changing the world is hard.
It seems like an impossibly long, impossibly difficult slog, even to make things just a little bit better.
How many billions of people have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into good causes—
just so humanity can take one teeny tiny step forward?
Some of this is just the nature of creating real social change.
There are 7.5 billion people living in the world.
There are 320 million people living in the United States.
There are many, many obstacles preventing us from coming together.
There are many entrenched interests, and people who benefit from this unjust state of affairs,
who are willing to use their enormous resources to fight progress every step of the way.
I mean, don't have any illusions.
Making the world a better place is truly hard.
But often, we make it much, much harder than it should be.
And one of the best ways we can avoid falling into that trap is to realize that we don't have to start from scratch.
None of us is the first person to become upset by all the injustices in the world, or moved to do something to fix them.
There are countless organizations that already exist, that are already working on those good causes,
that have already started assembling the resources and the people power necessary to make the world a better place.
But instead of joining up with those already existing efforts, many of us try to start something from scratch.
We've been fed a steady diet of stories about our heroes and role models, coming out of nowhere,
experiencing a meteoric rise, and leading the way to a better world—and we try to duplicate what they did.
I'm not trying to stifle anybody's genius here.
But we tell ourselves those stories precisely because they're so rare.
They exist to inspire us—not for us to try to mechanically copy what they did.
It's extremely inefficient to keep reinventing the wheel, to keep starting new movements
and organizations when there are already so many existing ones.
Changing the world is hard enough, without having to constantly build up new organizations from scratch.
And as I observed in a previous video, all these organizations end up competing with each other
for the same pool of supporters and donors, which keeps us small and divided—
even though being numerous and coordinated is what we need most.
So don't fall into that trap!
If you want to make a difference, go right now to an already existing organization—
one with a big profile and a lot of resources—and donate your time or money to them.
No, they aren't perfect.
And yes, you'll have to be low on the totem pole at first.
But they've already done the hard work of building up the infrastructure to actually have a chance of affecting policy.
Even if you really are the next MLK or Gandhi, if you start your own organization from scratch,
it's going to take you a good 5 to 10 years, just to build it up to where these organizations already are.
So why make things harder than they need to be?
Get involved in these already existing movements and organizations.
They can really use your help.
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