Sophia in Elvenmoor
Here we are Sophia
Thank you. Coachman come on over. Let's go see if we can find some fairies or babies or Sprites
Thanks, Dad
Hmm looks like a normal for
there are we so
Why is the sky pink? I don't know and look at those mushroom?
It takes you from the human world to the Elfin world Human world open world Human Elfin human
again if your desire, we desire
You do have just stumbled through a bear, dildora
So now I will show you how we live in a little
This place is great. How about that?
Mmm. The way, it gives you a warning before it moves
What kind of warning it shines a few minutes before it zips away to its next stop, but it just got here
So we're good to go for a while
but those carrots even
Better it's a forever carrot take one bite take ten bites
The Road is to continue easy imagine. Oh dear. Oh dear
You think I found that tree the door to elves and more will be closed forever?
No, one will be able to get in or out
I've got to get help someone has to stop the human
Wait, oh hello there alfred we got no friends Sophia and clover. I'm sure them around
You know the humans who are building the road let's go
So what did you want to talk to me about our friend? Oh, sophia your royal road crew. What's the trouble?
Sorry about that the wonders of Elvenmoor can be very distracting sophia with all the fun to be had here
It's hard to focus on what actually matters well with merriment. We won't ready clover, whoa
We have to get to the door right away right door daddy
Now let's put on the gloves and get started
bye even the smart this build can be so swept away by the thought of taking a
Clover get back here. We have to get through the door before they cut down the tree. Don't worry so we'll float right to it
How do you steer this thing we have to get down the doors is up ahead
But these bubbles don't come down until they want to sofia then we'll have to pop them
Can't believe we missed it again this could be our last chance to get through the door before they cut down the tree
Sorry about loose loose. Why oh there that looks good okay, then on the count of three one
I'll just have a nibble you can't clover. We have to stay on the path. Oh
No, it's a ticket bird clover. We have to go
Hey, I'm sorry. Soph. I know we were almost home. It's not your fault clover
We'll just get back on the path and head to the door as fast as we can
Here's the door
akiko very Little owned by Alfonso fit well friends
The Magic here shows your what you want to see most in the world only none of its real
I'm afraid Elvenmoor Magic can be tricky from time to time
And this is one of those times no matter what oh you got it. So I shall have no fun whatsoever
Together feather the way
What's this little guy I?
Think he's trying um oh you like fishing
We have to cross that I guess we're doing this looks like it
You're entering a beauty pageant
I'm sorry little guy. I don't know what you're trying to say we just can't wait any longer, Sophia
Sophia did you just what were you in that tree? We're in Norman the road. We'll have to go around the tree
No matter how long it takes
Yes, your majesty
That's good to work
Sophia let's have our picnic very well. I don't know Sophia. Don't worry
I know how to get back, but let's leave one together feather here just in case okay
cass what kind of projects I'm glad you asked Desmond last year the winning team made an
enchanted prism
With your brains and my flair for performance
We're gonna win right vivian we might then again
We might not we haven't ended science books don't need to we never know is it
Enchanted science was my favorite subject. I always wanted to win that trophy, but you want all these other ones. Yes
But never the enchanted science fair all the books you'll need are right here and who knows
None of these projects have anything that explodes we could pair lightning in a bottle let's get started. Oh
Look at this forever bubbles they never pop and they're strong enough to lift anything off the ground
12 hours of potion making it. I am one drop of griffin sweat away from getting the power to turn toadstools in the dough
school supplies
No, we came to you the greatest sorcerer in the universe who else would have all the ingredients we need
But yes, good point and hocus-crocus
strokers, we need some of that too, so do we
It's the rarest magical flower in all enchancia, and the most powerful remind me to get a lock for that door
There you are take it
But what about the hocus-crocus you already took it all remember, and that project will be ours come on
Isn't we can't let them get it vivianne the race is on let's go
Good luck godfather
Crocus and choose another project Amber, but the others change projects I have to win the trophy for Daddy
Let them get ahead. Sorry princess this carriage is only one horsepower that one's too. Oh
Yeah, we're an elite now
Slowing her down with carrots is baa-Rilliant
James, please there are friends come on Sofia
Do you want to get that trophy for dad or not you saw how much it meant to him?
Well, we have a bit of a problem your majesties. I'm afraid we can't land on the mountain peak
It's too steep, then we'll have to land at the bottom and hike up
But the King told me to look after you prince Khalid please
Better be more quiet, or we'll break them, okay?
Look James are almost out of the forest finally sorry, sorry
This is the path to the top, but it makes sure no one else knows that hocus-Pocus here. We come
Do we have to run the whole way we have to catch up to them vivian okay?
Don't you think all this racing is making everyone kind of mean?
I think we need to get the hocus-crocus if we want to win the fair. Let's go back and try the other path
The hocus-Crocus is so close. Maybe there's a way around them it was afraid of a little mist
How do we know when these geysers are going to erupt we don't we just have to go?
There's a pattern to the kaisers
Sofia don't help them I
am the ogre of mist biome outing protector of the precious hocus-Crocus and
non foul paths
No, can't do it section 10 paragraph 1 of the ogre handbook. No substitutes for solving the riddle. Okay, then Mr.
Ogre, what's your riddle? Ah the riddle a sock a
Sock really that's your best case. I lose socks all the time, and I never find them well. It's not a sock
What's not a sock the answer to the ogres riddle? Oh, I got it is it a friend a friend, huh?
Yes, it is a friend good job. Sofia. Do you Mr. Okay?
Just not you, especially not you a sock really
by poss
It's the hocus-crocus come on
Thanks to you Amber
You were the one who ran off with it colleague your father told me you were working on your enchanted science projects
How's it going horribly? We lost the one ingredient we all need there's no way. We're gonna win the fair now
Well, why not you can choose new project that did seem pretty brilliant well whatever projects you choose. I'm sure they'll be great
Good luck Amber. We don't need hocus-crocus to make the solar system
They're right Sophia wait
Don't go we were all friends before we went looking for the hocus-crocus
So, what do you think?
Okay, I'm in so am I let's do it
If it'll help us win. I'm all for it, and I'm sorry if I was mean me, too
Then let's get to work
Which team is presenting this project all of us oh?
Vivian and Khalid worked on the sun Desmond and Amber worked on the planets
It must've taken a lot of you
I'm sorry. We didn't win. Dad. We know you really wanted that. Trophy. I hope you're not too disappointed
Oh, I'm not disappointed at all you brought home something much of it, and we couldn't be more proud
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