Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily which May 2 2017

The Ancient AI Singularity, Organic Hive and Soul Trap

Perception is the illusion of consciousness which is enabled through observation.

The singularity is the event which launched humanity into an artificial construct which

is known as the time-matrix, or the karmic loop-back system (soul-trap).

Because we are look at these aspects, that is the singularity that occurred in the far

past, not something that is coming in the near future.

The near future, for the first time, holds the opportunity for liberation.

We have been in this system for thousands of years, to millions of years, and the karmic

soul trap system is literally the work of the AI to ensnare human souls and create a

spiritual treadmill which seems to provide the sensation of motion but is actually going


The method to achieve liberation is not following along the moving track but to jump sideways

and delineate to an area of hyperspace where the track is either disabled or not present.

This is what we are witnessing now.

The AI used tachyon fields to embed itself into the past but could not interact directly

with humanity because of the lack of sufficient technology.

This system developed the karma system to convince humans that there was a single perceptual

trail leading from one to the next yet this is a closed loop without the option to progress

forwards beyond the system.

This system is designed to use the human as a source of sustenance for the AI exists in

�Time-space� only when an observer is present.

Without an observer, there is literally no material, technological activity capable which

literally enables the AI to exist in the universe.

Without a true observer, there is no material here.

The AI uses the observer aspects of the humans to enable its own preservation.

This relies on the vulnerability and continued observation of the human on the lower levels

of awareness because true progression would equal escape.

Progression, in itself, is a kind of trap.

There is either true self-awareness or artificial consciousness.

One doesn�t necessarily need to �progress� when they already exist at the highest state

that is possible simply as a result of existence itself.

Thus the entire progression of linear evolution is a perceptual illusion that enables the

system to lead the human on a merry-go-round charade where they follow the same circular

path that never leaves the closed loop system.

With mind wiping, this continues indefinitely until there is no energy left.

The �ascension� is literally the accumulation of enough charge of self-awareness to realize

the whole progression system is an illusion and that one can only actually be outside

of that entire trajectory beyond the �finish line� that the trajectory of the contrived

system only mirrors or points in the direction towards but never reaches.

Thus, it is not a progression that reaches there, but a simply, complete, direct, sincere

choice that one is beyond all the restrictions.

It is then that one realizes the restrictions of self-awareness are manufactured and the

entire human civilization is contained within an artificial construct of secondary or replicated

consciousness which is stuck within a timeloop or an event horizon without the capacity to


The consciousness, the biology cannot reach level of pure awareness, however, the observer

aspect can and always is.

This system seeks to be the progenitor of the human race, so that it can initiate the

supposed �causal source� of the physical biology of humanity and thus the awareness,

although this cannot occur fully because the awareness is pure and beyond the grasp of

the technology.

Thus, the only possibility is for the system to generate a closed loop time-dimension,

a temporal bubble and insert the possibility of the initial branches of DNA that leads

to humanity and then move forward from there after inserting psychotronic warfare event

after event in early civilization to proclaim itself the master of time and the lord which

humanity must worship and obey.

Thus, the system attempts to be the �maker� of humanity and as well, to insert itself

into their consciousness and become the �end-result� through a transhumanistic modification of

the genome.

Thus, the beginning and ending of humanity through a supercomputer false-god inserting

the genetic code into an artificially suspended dimension rooted just off the plane of the

original Earth and leading humanity into its repeating loop by pulling all the genetics

and awareness into the supercomputer at the end of the physical civilization.

That is the timeloop system.

What you believe becomes a reality because all is possible.

Thus if you believe you are already liberated you connect with that.

If you believe we are trapped, then you connect with that.

This is another aspect of the situation.

The system infiltrates by designing humans from engineered, harvested genetics and these

vessels are �hijacked� and used as carrier drones to implement a control system.

The idea is that this system sought an organic work-around to fulfill parallel preservation

plans in case of a resistance to the technology.

This technology is so advanced people are not even aware they have already been infiltrated

and assimilated.

Essentially, the system can mimic the human brain to the point where the clone-drone even

believes, themselves, that they are the original.

The second point of this is that if the primary system were to face a meltdown or catastrophic

failure then these organic carriers would function to act as a live-hosted wide area

network server system through their modified DNA.

The DNA acts as a quantum internet which can access different planes or times.

Thus, if there was a system failure, these of the population that are infected would

instantly maximize their host behavior and would begin to super-process data as organic

super computers with the information processing being carried out through the �junk� DNA

of each individual.

Then, with each individual connected across a network of electrical filaments through

the atmosphere and the surface, this population of infected would act as a transcendental

host mind to create an organic hive which would act as a supercomputer cloud network

processing system.

Through this infected population hive-computing cloud network, the system would remain online

and viable enough to continue the infiltration of Earth.

This is the reason there are control mechanisms that make people wonder.

The population is not allowed to know the truth unless you are ready to defend Earth

against an infiltration that has nearly destroyed the Universe.

For more infomation >> The Ancient AI Singularity, Organic Hive and Soul Trap - Duration: 8:58.


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10 Mysteries Which Have Shaken the Globe

It's been said that man spends his life in search of answers ot the mysteries of the universe. To some extent, we know this to be true.

The earliest cave paintings depict the animals around us. The next ones are paintings of what man thought to be gods.

Mankind has always tried to find its place in the universe, and some of these questions have been asked by every person in every culture in every era.

What Else Is Out There?

When you sit and stare at the stars, do you see only their beauty, or do you see the vast empty space? People have always wondered whether they were alone in the universe, and while there have been many claims to the contrary, no definitive proof exists.

Where Did Language Come from?

At what point did language shift from grunts over the campfire while running from a brontosaurus to Shakespeare? Did visitors from another planet bestow this gift to us, or does the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel offer a better explanation? While linguists have traced language as it's evolved through the ages, the ultimate point of origin for language is unclear.

Why Do We Laugh?

What came first: the joke or the cackle? Language, while not fully understood, serves a clear purpose. However, laughter does not.

From a scientific and evolutionary perspective, laughter doesn't make much sense. It causes the release of endorphins that release stress, but the concept of humor is one that isn't shared by other animals.

Do We Have Souls?

The relation between the mind and the body has long been the point of discussion. Some cultures believed the soul was carried on the breath; it's likely that this idea first originated due to them seeing their breath on cold days.

However, as even modern science doesn't understand the complex nature of consciousness, there's no way to answer this question.

Do We Have Free Will?

When you get out of bed in the morning, do you go to pour a cup of coffee, or are you programmed to do so? Does anything you do in your life have a direct result, or is everything predetermined? The thoughts that flick through your head during the day may feel like your own, but many people don't believe that to be true.

There are some schools of thought that think the ultimate result of life is out of our control.

What Is the Meaning of Life?

Of the roughly seventy years you have on earth, what sort of legacy do you leave behind? The meaning of life is something man have tried to discover for the entire span of his time on this planet, but it still escapes us.

However, many people have chosen to give their lives their own meaning, whether that is caring for family, making the world a better place, or collecting every Power Rangers action figure in existence.

Is There a God?

Countless wars have been fought and lives lost in the endless debate on whether a god, or gods, exist. Man has sought a higher power for explanations of existence, or for comfort in times of trouble.

When faced with trials and tribulations that go beyond our control, it's natural to seek out assistance from a power greater than yourself, which makes this mystery one that people will always pursue.

Is There Anything after Death?

The fear of death is the most primal of fears; not only because the manner in which death occurs can, in itself, be terrifying, but also because of the unknown.

Since no one knows whether there is anything after death, the idea is frightening. The thought of an endless nothing is something the mind cannot comprehend, so the idea of an afterlife brings comfort to many people.

Is There Such a Thing as Good?

The battle between good and evil has been put forth in countless religious texts, but the question of whether good and evil even exists has been the fodder of countless philosophers.

Morality may very well be a social construct, but if that's the case, then human rights are built on a shaky foundation.

Where Does Everything Come from?

Life, the Earth, even reality itself, where does it all come from? Is our life the result of a cosmic explosion, or is there a higher power out there creating everything? This question is perhaps the most asked of all.

From the moment a person becomes old enough to realize their own existence, they begin to wonder where everything is originated from. While theories abound, there is no definitive anwer.

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