what's up boys and welcome to this
segment right here on your boy a sheriff
I want to start up and say thank you
thank you thank you for yesterday's a
stream it was super late at night you
guys showed up you did not only showed
up people came on the livestream and
they donated I want to say special
thanks for Galaxy she's one of the
biggest backers of the channel I want to
say you know what I'm going to start
keeping a list of people that back up
this channel people that help contribute
toward the giveaways that we always do
here and we just gave away a $10 xbox
live gamer card so I just want to say
thank you to everybody I'm going to say
thank you stun Thank You galaxy Thank
You GTE nation you know what I'm going
to put your name from now on in the
description saying these people
contributed to the channel and these
people are some of the people that are
making me able to do the giveaways that
I do whether it's an xbox live gamer
code or PlayStation Network or a
straight stay pal payment and I want you
guys to know one thing I do want to do
another giveaway I do want to do that I
need your support though okay and we're
going to talk about it on this video
right here this video is all about
getting a yacht for free now I'm going
to get into it but before we get into it
I want to say something right here in
the beginning what is that scream say to
you guys we're always about being
positive in this place right the screen
says something that's like goes like
this I am my problem but also my
solution what does that mean that means
that I could sit and complain about a
lot of stuff but I'm also the solution
because I could walk away from
complaining and doing something about it
and you know what you guys you can start
doing something about it by dropping a
like right now in this video because we
all complain about stuff that happens in
the community that's fake but at the
same time I put in the work I put in a
lot of time in order to true prove to
you guys what is going on but sometimes
I don't see the support for it now I'm
not talking about everybody I'm talking
about the people that just come by the
channel and they don't really give me
that support check out the screenshot
that I show you right there this is my
last video and I'm really happy that
everybody comes on watches we had 3000
people plus what
in that video that vid you showed you
guys how to make money in no time but
look at the support I'm getting I'm
getting 143 likes on that video
including my own that's the sad part
about it I want to see more support than
that I want to see more support from
people that come here maybe say your
sheriff doesn't deserve that like for
maybe I forget to drop it drop it you
guys because you know what I go to extra
mile fool you all the time and we're
going to start with it right here this
is the message that I got on the video
that I just showed you and it's one of
you guys saying hey share a lot of the
videos appreciate what you do and I
really know that there's a lot of people
right here that appreciate the work and
hard effort that I put on this channel
and he says I have a request if you
could test this glitch I saw on another
youtubers Channel I want to know if it's
real or fake
now you guys I'm gonna flash how much
that glitch got on that youtubers
channel compared to the glitch that I
just showed you guys yesterday and we
are going to go ahead and test it so I
could answer the questions that you guys
have now of course he got a ton more
views than me alright believe it or not
he's got less subscribers than me but he
got way more views than me and at the
same time look at the amount of like
ratio that he got I'm dreaming of
getting to 500 like this dude did that
glitch which we're going to test and he
got a thousand 800 like truly that
statement that we showed in the
beginning that says I am my problem well
if you don't like a lot of lies around
you in the community why don't you
support somebody that goes the extra
mile and puts in the time in order to
show you if something is working or not
I really hope I can get everybody to
click a thumbs up on this video get it
out there for other gamers to see me
asking for a thumbs up is only to grow
this channel and get it out there to
more gamers ok let's get into this video
right here and I'll explain everything
to you guys the promise of this glitch
is that you can get a yacht for free how
much is a yacht you're looking at maybe
6 million dollars if you're going to get
one of the high-end yacht after you put
everything on it so the uploader we
never name anybody anymore because we
don't want to get anybody in trouble and
there's many of them by the way like if
you go on YouTube there's a lot of
people that put out this type of video
and they fool a lot of people and this
is bad because you're going to see
toward the end of it what happens here
the person tells you go online I
wouldn't an invite-only session and i
want to show you guys the money and that
i could sell an allergy and all that fun
stuff on the modded account alright we
don't mess around on the real account
here we appreciate gta5 so we don't mess
around with that so he tells you this
after you are in the online session he
doesn't show you that he that he's got a
yacht or not he never zooms out on the
map show you if he's got it or not I do
miles less you guys know I don't have a
yacht on this character but actually
this comes at a good time because the
yacht is discounted right so I'm like
alright since we got that question from
one of the subscribers the viewers let's
go ahead and try to answer it
so he gives you a DNS code and he tells
you good change your DNS code I'm going
to tell you guys this right now do not
mess around with the DNS it's one of
those things that you don't want to mess
around with in GTA 5 as I speak to you
right now when I go back to GTA 5 even
though I go back to the normal DNS
everybody keeps getting booted out of my
Lobby so that's the price I pay in order
to test stuff like this for you guys and
that's what I always say show
appreciation drop alike support the
channel leave a comment let other gamers
know if you see this type a glitch
somewhere what's what and that there's
somebody that tested it and the result
is there anyway let's go back into this
so I put the dns code now the first
thing that you that comes to mind is if
the dns code is not real obviously I'm
not going to go on GTA 5 online but it's
not the case actually when the Xbox
checks the DNS it says everything is ok
and it loads you into online now I'm
going to spare you guys the loading time
of course and we're going to go straight
into the game and once we're in there
I'm going to show you how much balance I
have in my bank account and also we're
going to customize the yacht and go for
it alright so here we go we're loaded
online this is the model accounts let me
let me stress that out I don't mess
around with the main account and we're
going to pull up the bank account
information right here I'm going to go
for the biggest yacht I mean if I'm
going to buy it I might as well just buy
Micke note of the amount of money that I
have with me in the bank because this
will you know reflect toward the end of
the video of course we're going to get
the biggest one we're going to put all
the stuff that we want honest and we you
know what I'm gonna call this thing the
NS RI how about that I think that's kind
of appropriate for this type of test at
the Otto's right there you know if it
does come for free am I going to say
stolen I'm just going to call it G NS
all right so we're going to order
everything after you order everything he
says click OK on the purchase now a lot
of the comments that should under his
video people told him what if we don't
have the money to get that yeah how are
we going to get it for free so there's a
lot of gamers that are frustrated
because they don't have the initial
amount to get the yacht your boy right
here is got the initial amount so we can
test it and I could you know hopefully
hopefully some of you guys would reach
out to these frustrated gamers and let
them know that you know if this is real
or not which we're getting to right here
so I ordered a yacht and then he tells
you you got to walk around for 10 to 15
seconds in the lobby that you're in now
let me draw your attention to something
that we used to do a while back and
that's near the los santos customs when
we used to drop all the money on a cart
and exit out of the los santos customs
we used to booked out of the game
instantly so the game doesn't register
that you spent the money on the car
right and then your friends would spend
in front of it so it doesn't despawn and
you go back to it from there well in
this case he tells you to circle around
for 15 seconds and this way the game
registers that you spent the money on
the yacht now my case I exit out of the
exactly exactly like you said and then
he tells you also go to your network and
go offline alright
go offline and then come back online
after that once you come back online
load into the lobby that you're going to
load into I want it to load into a
public Lobby just to make sure that
everything is ok and like I told you my
public lobby it dropped
everybody that was in it so be careful
messing around with the DNS now when we
go to the public lobby I get a message
right away and it says you can call your
captain and you can request a chopper
from him so I'm like oh that's a good
sign the yacht is here it registered
even though I'm back on normal DNS
I pull up the interaction menu and go
into the bank account to see how much
money I have and as you can see the
money is gone okay so the money is gone
this is what I was saying earlier some
of these gamers that save a ton of money
right and they're like oh my god I can
get a free yacht I didn't really want to
drop nine million dollars or eight
million dollars on it but I have some
savings happening on this account let me
just buy it right now since I'm not
going to lose any money guess what you
are going to lose money
now let me slash one final screen in
front of you guys again one more time
you guys see how many life he had on a
glitch that's a fig list this person
lied and 1800 people press that thumbs
up button I challenge each and every one
of you to come at this video next week
me taking the time me editing me trying
to raise awareness and say you guys this
is not real come back and see how many
lights are going to be on this video
this is something that I fight with
internally right I always tell you guys
you wake up every day you try to make a
difference but you wish and you hope
that the people that around you also
wanna make that difference and it's
something that I always struggle with
it's an internal struggle right like
when you think about it you don't think
to yourself sometimes your sheriff's
might think themselves you know what
maybe it's a good idea to just stay
quiet and maybe follow what these other
people are doing because that's going to
get you somewhere but you know what you
guys I reflect on it time and time again
and it's not worth it for me to be
exactly like these guys get the views
fool a lot of people ruin their day they
end up losing eight million nine million
dollars and at the end is just for me so
I can get a few views on YouTube that
really doesn't make a difference at the
end of the day having people around me
like the ones I mentioned in the
beginning stunt galaxy GTA nation Yanis
Ave and there's a ton of you guys right
Iceman mystic my son agent all these
people around me and being honest with
them is worth a lot more than a couple
of views on YouTube hopefully we get the
support one day and we skyrocket and
with that we can guys people to be on
the right path thank you everybody for
being here
the Sunday enjoy the rest of your
weekend and I'll hook up with you on the
next segment
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