Live Today With Passion - Jim Carrey :"You already know who you are and that
piece that piece that we're after lies
somewhere beyond personality your leave
for acceptance can make you invisible in
this world don't let anything stand in
the way of the light that shines through
this form risk being seen in all of your
glory I was just wondering what is what
would you consider to be the worst
investment you've ever made the worst
investment I ever made how long do you
have made some very bad ones but that
doesn't really bother me I am at you
bother the shareholders but that's
another question see you know you're
going to make you make mistakes in life
I mean there's no question about it you
don't want to make them on the big
decisions you know who you marry and
some things like that so there's no way
I'm going to make a lot of business and
investment decisions without making some
mistakes I may try to minimize them I
don't I don't dwell on them at all I
don't I don't look back that the biggest
mistakes are the ones that actually
don't show up they're the mistakes of
omission rather than commission we've
never lost that much money on any one
investment but it's the things that I
knew enough to do that I didn't do we
have we have missed profits of as much
as you know maybe 10 billion dollars in
things that I knew enough to do and I
didn't do now the fact they didn't by
Microsoft way back is not a forgone
opportunity because I didn't know enough
to make that decision but there have
been other investments where I did know
enough to make the decision and for one
reason or another I either didn't do it
at all or I did it on a small scale I
was sucking my thumb when I should have
been writing checks you know basically
and and and you know those don't show up
there's no place where it shows missed
opportunities but I've missed some big
ones the triumphs in life are partly
triose because you know that everything
isn't going to be a triumph and and and
I would never get too hung up on
mistakes I know a lot of people that
really agonize over them and it just
isn't worth it I mean tomorrow's another
day and you live it forward and just go
on to the next thing
so when people come up to me and say
Gary it's so hard I look at their
Instagram and they're not posting any of
their content with hashtags which is a
by accident way to pick up exposure in a
world where they have no money when you
have no money when I took over my dad's
business it did three million dollars a
year ten percent gross profit three
hundred thousand dollars before expenses
my first year marketing budget was
fourteen thousand dollars when you have
no money and I built that business from
a three to a sixty million dollar
business in five years I had to make
every penny perfect so I was right about
email marketing in ninety six and I was
right and because of that I had 91% open
rates when Google AdWords came out the
day it came out I paid five cents a
click for words before anybody bid me up
and I was super right and that worked it
was is that luck versus preparation and
do you ever get anything wrong what do
you do like it make them in hey I give
everything wrong it's just that I can't
recall it because once it's wrong I'm
moving on to the next thing
like dwell dwelling on what you stopped
on is the quickest way for the next
thing not to work right yeah so like so
I think I do everything I mean you know
this this is a fun thing to say some
people in the back know this I was a
breakout YouTube star in the first year
2006 I decided that the right strategy
was to leave YouTube completely and go
to viddler because Bigler offered me
equity in their company and I've left an
enormous amount of attention I deviated
from my intention thesis to do
short-term economics and equity in a
company and I lost I lost Wendy Rock
finally came in my life two years ago we
started to try to build up my youtube
for the first time I was sitting on
40,000 user followers in a world where I
could have had millions if I just stayed
the course so I make mistakes all the
I'm reorg you may know media every day
because it's based on a mistake I made
the prior year I just don't give up
about my mistakes everybody else cares
about your mistakes if you're worried
about your own mistakes you've already
lost you know and I never want to be
always right because then I can't grow I
can't learn so I have no desire to be
always right I need mistakes you know
right and luckily enough I'm not going
on this wooden piano here that like you
mistakes are never um crucial enough for
me to be like you know they're always
great learning experiences
in what you've done with your life thus
far is it giving you what you want is it
giving you what you want when you look
to want the future when you look at all
this going on out here is there some
place within yourself you say hey I know
I need to be out there in that arena I
know I can do more than what I've been
doing I know there's some great music
that I have within me that I haven't
brought out here yet
is that's something that you begin to
look at within yourself see I say if you
look at your life and if you're not
getting what you want
you owe it to yourself to do something
differently you know if you're on a job
85% they say of Americans go to jobs but
they're unhappy if you're doing
something eight hours a day that you
don't like it's not giving you what you
want is not giving you a strong feeling
of satisfaction and fulfillment you're
miserable you hate to go there you're
depressed just thinking about it
you think they thank God is Friday song
every week if that's what it is you owe
it to yourself to start strategically
working to change directions see but you
know what most people do most people
will is this change
most people will fight change as if
change would be worse than what they're
experiencing see they know this they're
familiar with this most people will not
challenge the unknown they won't guess
that obvious you did well see there are
certain things we've got to be in place
they got to see it all together in life
isn't like that that's not how you grow
so as you look at your life you're
saying I'm not getting what I want and
you begin to look towards the future
begin to know that whatever it takes for
you to create that you've got that in
you to process
you've got genius and you've got
goodness in you you've got creative misc
in you if you decide to take the
initiative to change the current quality
of your life I say to you that you will
find that the universe is on your side
that life is on your side not will it be
turbulent yes will it be easy no no will
you have some opposition yes will I make
a lot of mistakes yes
will I get work yes yes see a lot of
people won't try anything different like
because they don't want to get hurt let
me tell you something it's too much pain
to duck pain is everywhere you can hide
under here it will come where you are
it's everywhere Viktor Frankl calls it
unavoidable suffering you can't duck it
but most people spend their life not
wanting to deal with the pain of
rejection the pain of defeat the pain of
being disappointed the pain of losing
the pain of failure the pain of being
criticized the pain of not being liked
the please to pain the pain that's all
right life is propane it's everywhere
but guess what there's no game without
pain because it's the pain of regret
better experience if I had it to do over
dr. Howard Thurman one of the mentors of
dr. Martin Luther King jr. and Albert
Schweitzer and Mahatma Gandhi it's a
very brilliant writer he wrote some
things that really grabbed me he hero
deep is the hunger the voice of the
genuine the thin ring moment during the
time after receiving 238 radiation seed
implants I was reflecting on his words
and and these words kept me up that
night he said the ideal situation for a
man a woman to die is to have family
members praying with them as they cross
over he said but imagine if you will
being on your deathbed and standing
around your bed the ghosts of the dreams
the ideas the abilities the talents
given to you by life and that you for
whatever reason you never went after
that dream you never acted on those
ideas you never use those talents you
never use those gifts and there they are
standing around your bed looking at you
with large angry eyes then we came to
you and only you could have given us
life and now we must die with you
forever and the question is if you die
today what dreams what ideas what
talents what books what music what
leadership what voice will die with you
mouths Monroe great origins speaker said
the wealthiest place on the planet it's
not an affordance where there's oil in
the ground is not it South Africa
whether diamond IV that the wealthiest
place on the planet is the cemetery
because there you'll find greatness that
we've never seen there you'll find
talent in genius and potential never
actualize perhaps that's why Henry David
Thoreau wrote the words all God to reach
the point of death only to realize that
you've never
maybe that's why some unknown writer
wrote the words what if you live your
whole life only to discover that it was
wrong that it was wrong that you were
chosen to do something else and you
didn't do it repeat after me please live
full diam tea I want you to take some
notes of things and I want you to think
about your goals and dreams in the three
categories that I mentioned personal
professional and your social
contribution how many of you serious
about your goals and dreams raise your
hands please thank you very much how
many of you don't want to take your
dreams to your grave with you raise your
hands please
very good shake someone's hand on your
right and left look them in the eyes and
say get out of your head and step into
your greatness do that right now please
say get out of your head and step into
your greatness I want you to write this
down let us say together as you think
about your goals and dreams let us say
together it's possible together please
yes write that down so ladies and
gentlemen as an entrepreneur I've been
an entrepreneur for twenty years it's my
21st year I could have been speaking and
training for 34 years
but for 14 years I was living in my head
for 14 years I stopped myself for 14
years I used to go sleep zig Zigler that
I considered a number-one motivational
speaker on the planet Zig Ziglar and
Tony Robbins they're the best on the
planet Bob Procter they are the best on
the planet Jack Canfield Mark Victor
Hansen hee haw Beckett I would go and
see them and then I would leave in my
conversation with myself was my heart
would say I can do that and then my mind
would ask how how would you do that Les
Brown see when I was in fifth grade I
was identified as the MRO labeled
educable mentally retarded
back from a fifth grade to the fourth
grade I failed again when I was in the
eighth grade
I have no college training and a man
changed my life and I'll never forget
its name mr. Leroy Washington he's in
his 80s now and and he's blind from
glaucoma but he he gave me a different
vision of myself I was in his class
waiting on another student he came in
and said young man go to board work his
problem up for me I said Oh sir I can't
do that said why not I said I'm I'm not
one of you students said look at me yes
sir go to the board and work the problem
on anyhow I said sir I can't do that
even why if the sir because I'm a jerk
about mental rhetoric sir I'm in special
education and the students started
laughing they said that's Leslie
that's not Wesley he's BT Wesley it's
the smart when he said what does dinky
sample I said I'm I'm a dumb twin sir
and as the students laughed at me he
came from behind his desk he looked at
Ben he said don't you ever say that
someone's opinion of you does not have
to become your reality on one hand I was
humiliated but on the other hand I was
liberated because he looked at me with
the eyes of girder who say look at a man
the way that he is he only becomes words
but look at him as if you were what he
could be then it becomes what he should
be and so we developed a relationship
and one of the things that I can just
tell you as you think about your goals
and dreams all of us can say in the
spirit of integrity that it's possible
that if anybody at any point in time
live their dream then it's possible that
I can live mine
and what I did was I made a mistake I
looked at my goals and dreams and my
mind said how will you do that I went
from my heart to my mind and I stayed up
there for 14 years 14 years I can't
bring those 14 years like those years
are gone and I've made a mission in my
life to help people to stop putting it
off and four-cross pity
have you ever thought about something
you wanted to do
and use Procrustes you talk yourself out
of it raise your hand please there's a
proverb that says if there's no enemy
within the enemy outside can do us no
harm and so as you look at your goals
and dreams every day we must convince
ourselves we must sell ourselves on that
it's possible every seminar every
workshop every book that I've ever read
every speaker that I've ever heard it
interrupted what I was believing about
myself everything that you do everything
matters as you go through each day I
know now as I look back at age 63
looking at my life everything matters
t harv is right how you do anything is
how you do everything and I realize that
the choices I was making was based upon
how I saw myself let us say together
it's necessary write it down it's
necessary you look at your goals in your
dreams it's necessary the job but it's
strategy in a game plan to change the
story that you believe about yourself
and that's an ongoing process I
discovered and many people have that
what we do when we accomplish what we
produce as a result of the story we
believe about ourselves my favorite book
says begin our conform because we're
being transformed by the renewing of
your mind and so as I began to work on
myself I realized that I'm getting out
of one story and stepping into another
story as I've become aware of some
things there's still some things I'm not
aware of so I still I'm still growing
I'm still developing
unlike the ladies in law 8 what a
wannabe 8 what I'm going to be but thank
God I show 8 what I was but I realized
that that you have to work on yourself
at a regular basis and write this down
for mental mindset for mental mindset
and stamina because things is going to
happen to you
I don't believe I believe that the
reason that most people go to their
graves where their talents
and skills in in them is because of the
fact number one minute like me they
didn't know that they didn't know him
and thought they knew I thought I knew
myself and I really didn't know myself
as well as I thought I discovered that
sometimes people can take you to a place
within yourself that you can't go by
yourself the other reason is I was
afraid I never worked for major
corporation I want to speak for
corporations I was afraid I would I
would be exposed because I don't have a
college education
I felt inferior because of the fact that
I don't have a college education I
allowed a bad level of fear of failure
to stop me and because I never had an
experience in it I assumed that I could
not do it
I was paralyzing myself by believing and
assuming the limited part of myself as
opposed to believing that I had
something special you have something
special there's something you want to do
because you don't know how to do it
doesn't mean that you can't learn I like
something that I heard you don't have to
be great to get started but you have to
get started to be great with it off you
please leave and grow your wings on the
way down see the people that will live
their dreams the 2% that will do that
these are and write this down become a
risk-taker they're risk takers they
don't mind failing they don't mind
making mistakes they're willing to take
life on take life in the collar this God
said if you're not willing to risk you
can't grow and if you cannot grow you
cannot become your best and if you
cannot become your best you can't be
happy and if you can't be happy then
what else is there I like what Helen
Keller said she said life is short and
unpredictable eat the dessert further
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