Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily here May 30 2017



















For more infomation >> Here's a look at Memorial Day ceremonies at the World War II Museum - Duration: 1:12.


Why are we still here just to suffer every night i feel my leg my arm even my fingers - Duration: 0:18.

Why are we still here

just to suffer

every night i feel my leg

my arm

even my fingers


For more infomation >> Why are we still here just to suffer every night i feel my leg my arm even my fingers - Duration: 0:18.


Feel Invisible? Here's How To Get The Attention And Acknowledgement You Crave - Duration: 4:22.

hi I'm Corrina Gordon-Barnes here to help

you feel more peaceful and connected

with the ones you love today we're

looking at a very basic human yearning

to be seen that very basic hunger to be

appreciated and just to be visible so

whether it's with your partner or your mum

or your friend it can be really hard

when you feel like you're not being seen

when you feel like you're being taken

for granted and just not acknowledged and

appreciated so maybe you've had a new

haircut or you've got some new outfit or

you've done something that was really

hard for you or something that was

really brave and you just aren't getting

that acknowledgement you aren't being

seen you don't feel seen you feel

invisible and unacknowledged so what can

you do about this human hunger to be

seen when it seems that that hunger isn't

being fed well there was this moment

recently where I was getting into the

shower I walked into the bathroom

naked and about to get into the shower

and my wife Sam was at the sink doing

her teeth and she didn't say anything

didn't seem to notice me

and as I got into the shower I just

noticed my little heart was like I want

you to see me I just want to be seen I

want you to say you're beautiful and

what I have come to know with doing this

work that I share and I live every day

with myself is whatever I think that

someone else should be giving me or should

be doing for me is something that I can

give myself so as I stepped

into the shower and I realized that and

I noticed that I just truthfully went

inside turned inwardly brought my attention

back to myself and just said you're

beautiful and I really felt it and it

was complete and I felt seen and it felt

like nothing else was required like

everything that I had been hungry for I

had fed myself with in that moment so I

was completely happy in that moment with

myself and guess what then happens

the very moment after I felt that

sense of completion and just fullness

Sam turns to me and goes you're beautiful

and it was just I was delighted because

it was such a bonus it was so utterly

unnecessary to me being fed it's like

at the end of a meal when you had this

amazing meal you feel completely full in

a really satisfied complete way and they

come over with a complimentary

chocolates and you say like oh wow I

you don't need them I'm really full but

thank you that's wonderful I'll receive

them with gratitude maybe I'll have them

later so when you're noticing that

hunger that craving for attention and

appreciation picture it like this

there's a table in front of you and on

this table is all the food that you

could possibly want to eat all the

delicious satisfying food and you're

just sitting there waiting for someone

else to come along and feed you you

don't need to do that you can feed

yourself everything that you want to

feel seen and appreciated and

acknowledged you can feed yourself it's

there in front of you you don't have to

wait you don't have to try and get them

to give you that none of that is

necessary and if you notice some

resistance around this like I really want

them to come and feed me just ask yourself

really honestly if you had to choose

would you rather be dependent on someone

else coming to feed you and you're just

sitting there waiting or would you

rather feel empowered to feed yourself I

know what option I would rather choose

so my challenge to you this week if you

feel unappreciated is feed yourself

notice what you're hungry for and give

yourself the exact words and the exact

attention bring your attention back

from wherever else it is or the other

person bring it all fully back to

yourself and feed yourself meet your own

hunger I would love to know how you get

on with this challenge so drop me a line

and let me know and if you found this

video useful and you feel like others

would too please share this video with


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For more infomation >> Feel Invisible? Here's How To Get The Attention And Acknowledgement You Crave - Duration: 4:22.


(Black Sails) Jack Rackham || I Was Here - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> (Black Sails) Jack Rackham || I Was Here - Duration: 3:15.


Anime Trending "Here is the Top 10 Anime of the Week#7 ,video! " - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Anime Trending "Here is the Top 10 Anime of the Week#7 ,video! " - Duration: 3:47.


Eating Healthy in College| NO FRESHMAN 15 HERE! - Duration: 10:59.

Hey YouTube ,it's Mary welcome back to my

channel! Today I'm going to be doing a

requested video. This videos is all about

how to eat healthy in college or

basically how to avoid the "freshman 15"

everyone is dreading. So if you're new to

my channel, I literally just graduated

from university I want to say two weeks

ago! So I have a lot to share about

College! If you are a first year or you're

going to be a freshman, I have a whole

College playlist I already started it so

I will leave it in a card up (above) here so you

can check that out check out.

So let's get into this first off

I want to say know your body know your

needs before you go and try to do

everything that I'm telling you and

something happens and you're like oh

it's Mary's fault! No listen to your body

and know what you need. I don't want to

say that I'm a health freak or that like

I eat completely clean because

trust me, I don't but I managed to

somewhat keep my figure throughout the

throughout the past four years of

college. Basically because of these

things: Tip number one is finding balance!

So by that I mean like if you're going

to eat unhealthy, make sure you eat

something that's helping you pass that

food through your system so it's not

staying in your gut. For example, if you're

going to get a cheeseburger and french

fries, have a salad or have some greens ALSO!

Have something with fiber! Sometimes I'll

go for yogurt and bran and that will

help me kind of like pass along whatever

I've eaten and make sure that it's cleaning

of my system because the last thing you

want is food just in your gut. That is

the most uncomfortable feeling and it's

just not healthy. Tip number two: watch

your portions! So by this I mean watch

how much you eat because I know the way

the Rutgers dining halls are set up its

all-you-can-eat you swipe and you can

eat as much as you want there. Thi does not

mean literally eat everything. I know

I've been there and I still kind of did

this more recently where I wanted to

have a little bit of everything and I

guess there's nothing

wrong with that as long as you're not

taking a huge helping of everything.

But especially if you're not going to finish

it, like why are you wasting the food? You

know so watch your portions.

Eat as much as you know you can eat, as long

as you're not overeating you know. Like I

said everybody's body is

different just watch your

portions and that's also like throughout

the day too. I think I'm going to get

into that later on.

Okay so tip number three is replacing

your heavy carbs like pasta rice for

greens and vegetables I know this is not

going to sound appetizing to everybody

but trust me when your body starts

getting used to it it's like nothing for

example I love pasta but I know I can't

eat that every day even if it's whole

wheat whole grain I can't eat that

every day so if I had pasta yesterday I

will have greens or greens I will have

green beans or cauliflower broccoli and

let's say I already want something saucy

so I'll put the sauce on top of that

vegetable and put some salt on it and

it's like as long as I'm full that's all

it really matters and I'll still have

the protein that I wanted along with

the pasta you know so kind of just

learning to sub certain vegetables for

certain carbs because I don't know I

feel like especially for me the way I

eat I eat maybe one big meal a day and

sometimes I don't want that big meal to

be like super super calorie ridden so

I'll just sub it with a green or

vegetable. Tip number four is listen to

your body so especially with a new

schedule but it's nothing like high

school you're gonna need to really listen to

your body and feed it when it needs to

be fed especially you know if you have

an 8 am class and you don't normally eat

breakfast you're going to need your

brain to be working be able to function

to get through the day so you want to

listen to your body and bring snacks if

you need to if you don't have time to go

to the dining hall bring snacks

definitely I know some teachers some of

my professors don't care

if you eat but make sure it's also okay

with your professor. Whatever needs to be done

and make sure that you're like awake and

alive because you don't want to pass out

one day because you skip breakfast

also one really really really really

crucial thing it's going to sound like

crazy with everyone wants to sing with

their friends freshman year no one wants

to sit in the dining hall

if that means that you're skipping meals

that's crazy

make sure you eat, don't wait for other

people to eat and as a freshman you'll

most likely have like a ALOT of meal

swipes or the highest meal plan anyway

so you can always go to a dining hall

and eat with your friends but make sure

you're not starving yourself because you

want to eat with your friends that's

personally (to me) it's not a good reason to be

starving because people flake on you and

you don't want to be waiting the whole

day to eat you know your one meal and

your friends flake on you and you don't

want to sit the dining hall by yourself

nah I'm one of those people who sit in the

dining hall by themselves and I'm

completely fine I know everyone's not like

that but I'm saying if you don't want to

eat in the dining hall by yourself

see if you can grab something

at a cafe or if there's

like food places and your Student Center

try to grab something there and eat

while you're waiting for your friends so

you're not like you know starving at the

point of like fainting you know so

listen to your body and feed it when it

needs to be fed because your brain needs

to be working like you're still

adjusting to the schedule yes but um

don't starve yourself it's not worth it

trust me

number five stay away as much as you can

from sodas and juices I know everybody

except French people really love their

soda and that's gonna be impossible but

I mean I know a lot of schools are

trying to like put in more healthier

options you have free reign over your

life in college basically you could eat

whatever you want you're responsible for

yourself so me I took the initiative I

was you know before I even got to

college I was working on cutting out

soda because I so love soda but um and

juice and all that so to cut the amount

of sugar I'm taking in I have juice very

rarely do I have juice but if I have

juice I'll dilute it so that I at least

have a little bit of the taste of the

sugar but it's mostly water that I'm

drinking this is how I like my juices

how I'm used to it so that's just how I

drink it and that's just a healthy habit

I think to start when you're in college

number six watch out for late night

snacking this is gonna this is what I

think it's most people especially

because I know what record

first takeout was open until 12 a.m.

takeout was usually like the most

unhealthy food and it's like fried and

they serve it until like really late so

I'd say like you've been studying all

night and you rush to take out at like

12:00 a.m. and you're eating until they

a.m. so watch your portions then what

you're eating maybe don't eat the entire

meal I know it sounds a little gross

sometimes to be hearing up food the next

day well I think about all that stuff

that's going into your body and if

especially we're going to sleep right

after if you're eating later and you're

not letting like your body kind of like

use the energy it's just being stored in

your body so be mindful of how late

you're eating and also along with that

be mindful of if you start picking up

stress eating I know like especially

being a first-year it's going to be hard

adjusting to a lot of different things

but if you're going to stress eat make

sure you surround yourself in good food

like fruits and you know granola and all

that kind of stuff so that at least

you're stress-eating you're eating

healthy things and not like chips and

soda and candy candies my weakness you

guys candy is my weakness but if you're

going to stress eat make sure you're

surrounding yourself and you're allowing

yourself to eat healthy things if you

can my digestive system was cleaning

itself out so you know drinking lots of

water eating veggies eating fruit eating

fibrous fibrous um veggies and fruits

and making sure I'm eating bran if I'm

not eating those veggies and fruits

here's a truth I don't always work out

because I don't have time for it diet

plays a huge factor in to how you look

how you feel high performers of student

this last tip every school is different

some schools don't let you take food

I've a dining hall but Rutgers lets you

take I think it's like two or three

fruits so if that's what you need to get

you get you through the next hump of the

day definitely that's what I do I'll

take it two bananas or you know I

usually eat bananas I only like apples

like that I'll take a banana and I'll

make sure that I have that so you know


whay my classes were this past semester

I literally had classes from 12 to 3 and

then 3:30 to 6:00 and so look I wouldn't

really have time to eat lunch so I'd

have like fruit I bring my breakfast the

class of me I'd have fruit to get me

through like the middle half of the day

and then if I had time to get food

before my later class I would get food

so that like you know I have something

in my system because when you have a

jam-packed schedule and you're trying to

get your classes the last thing you want

is to be like hungry you know because

you're gonna be cranky and it's just not

going to be a good luck I hope these

tips are helpful to you I know that it's

not always easy to adjust to a new

environment and it's stressful but don't

let that be the reason why you pick up

bad habits College is where you

literally start to realize that you're

responsible for yourself on what you put

in your body yeah they're going to be

unhealthy foods around you but it's all

about self-control and you need to learn

kind of just to build those habits now

you start blowing my self-control now

you know you're definitely going to be

able to carry that on into your young

adulthood so those are my tips on how to

eat healthy in college basically how to

avoid the freshman 15 I hope this video

was helpful to you and if you have any

requests for any college videos I do

have a whole list of videos I plan on

putting out this summer before you know

school starts but if you have anything

specific make sure let me know in the

comment section I would love to do

requests on college because guys I just

graduated like my brain I have a lot I

want to share with you guys so if you

like this video make sure to let me know

by leaving me a big like we made a

comment let me know what you think

make sure subscribe if you haven't

already especially if you're interested

in checking out more of my college

videos I did already start a playlist

and I hope to be adding a lot more in

these coming weeks and yeah thanks so

much for watching and I'll see you in my

next video bye

For more infomation >> Eating Healthy in College| NO FRESHMAN 15 HERE! - Duration: 10:59.


BREAKING Georgia Just Forced All Food Stamp Recipients to Get a Job Here Are The Results - Duration: 12:36.

BREAKING: Georgia Just Forced All Food Stamp Recipients to Get a Job.

Here Are The Results.

A new law in Georgia requiring food stamp recipients to find work has led to a 62 percent

drop in enrollment.

Over 7,000 residence have withdrawn from food stamp benefits since the requirement was implemented.

The new rules require anyone who is able-bodied and child-free to work at least 20 hours a

week, be enrolled in a work training program, or volunteer at a state-approved non-profit

group (or charity).

Over 11,000 food stamp recipients were targeted in the second phase of the work requirement

roll out.

About 100,000 food stamp recipients are able bodied and without children across Georgia.

The program was originally launched in January 2016.

Three counties were selected as a trial for the changes, and administrators noticed a

60 percent drop in enrollment among the targeted groups.

The work requirements have now been spread to 21 additional counties, and the state plans

to extend the program across all of Georgia before the end of 2019.

"This is about protecting taxpayer dollars from abuse, and taking people off the cycle

of dependency," said State Representative Greg Morris.

The drop in enrollment, he claims, "shows how tax dollars are abused when it comes to


Georgia has seen a sharp decline in the number of able-bodied beneficiaries of food stamps

without children.

Over the last year, more than 20,000 able-bodied Georgians dropped out of the welfare program.

Liberals are objecting to the work-requirements, which they consider cruel.

Critics claim that the rule change will target the disabled, who are unable to hold meaningful


However, the work-requirement only targets those who are capable of holding a job.

Others argue that these changes could impact mothers.

"Mothers who had access to this program had fewer low weight babies.

Children who have received stamps are performing better in schools," explained Georgia poverty

advocate Jen Singeisen.

Again, however, liberals are missing the point that the laws do not target parents.

The real reason liberals oppose these policies is not because they target the disabled or

parents, but because they don't believe in the value of work.

A hard-working liberal is as rare a sight as any.

The program has been widely successful.

The sharp decline in enrollment tells us that many people have already been able to find

work after receiving a slight kick in the pants.

Do you think President Trump should use Georgia as an example?

Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want

to hear

YOUR voice!

For more infomation >> BREAKING Georgia Just Forced All Food Stamp Recipients to Get a Job Here Are The Results - Duration: 12:36.


20 Random YouTubers I LOVE | Favorite Non-Style YouTube Channels - Duration: 14:55.

Twenty random YouTubers I love. Now, you may be wondering, Antonio, okay, what does this

have to do with men style? Guys, it has a lot to do with men style and I'm going to

explain that here in a second.

So, one of the problems I see in our industry

is that so many people are close-minded, they stay within their lane and they're like, you

know what? I'm a suit kind of guy, I'm not going to going to learn anything from street

wear or, you know what? You're wrong, you can learn a lot from street wear. There are

so much going on in that industry and so much I learned from just looking at those guys

going out and checking out these other channels. Now, I'm not going to talk and a lot most

of the YouTubers I met weren't even in the fashion or style industry, but they were doing

things I'm like, wow, look at the way they're connecting with their audience, look at the

way that they're doing this. And you're going to be surprised who is on this list, but I

ask you to have an open mind. And in the comments after you've gone through

checked out some of these channels, I want to lay I want to hear from you which channel

was your favorite, which one did you subscribed to, hopefully quite a few of them because

I now know all of these content creators, I got to spend time with them personally,

I got to learn more about them and I have to say that all of them are amazing people.

First stop on this list, I've got Charlie over at Charisma on Command. I got to spend

a couple of days hanging out with Charlie. And, actually the year before we've exchanged

multiple e-mails, but when we got to spend time together, I realized how much I like

this guy. He is freaking awesome. I do recommend you check out. His videos, what's so great

about these and what I've learned from Charlie is that you can go really deep on an individual

and break out everything that makes them, you know, attractive, everything that makes

them energetic, everything that makes them a person that people want to be around. He

does this really well on his channel. Go check him out, a great guy.

Next stop, I've got Evan Carmichael over at And the one thing the

one word I took from Evan is impact. This guy is wickedly smart. He's one of the few

people out there that I can be having a conversation with and realize he's more intense than me

and he can turn the situation so that you find you're agreeing with him. Literally he

had me agreeing that I should probably be putting out one video a day.

Now, Evan has a very interesting past. He actually created the company when he was 18,

sold it when he was 21. The guy has just had great success and he puts out three videos

a day. He is all about motivation all about impact. Go check out Evan.

Next stop, I've got Chad and Melissa Maker over at Clean My Space. Melissa just put out

an amazing book. And she's the face of the company, but Chad is the guy right behind

her making things happen. If you have a house, if you have a cluttering issue, if you need

to get your car clean, they have the video for you and they make it so simple they make

it so easy. But, from Melissa and Chad, I learned exactly how she is such a go getter.

I talked with her the process of actually writing her book. And I was at a mastermind

with Melissa and Chad, so I knew both of them going there, but to meet them in person to

actually see their book to go through it with them and to see just simply how hard they

work to build up their channel and their business was really inspiring for me.

Scott over at Nerdsync, I've talked about him before. Scott is an amazing guy. And what

I love is he takes something that's so niche something many of us will view as nerdy, I'm

a nerd myself though, I love comics. And to see this guy going deep in on a subject, what

I've learned from Scott is that you have to put in the research and time. This guy has

built up a following simply because he puts in twenty to forty hours of research per video

he puts out there going in talking with people about certain things. This guy really does

put in the effort and definitely you want to check out his channel.

Now, this next two I'm going to cheat a bit because if you've been to any of my events,

you've watched my channel for a time, I've talked about these guys before and I've met

them in person. This was kind of my crew when I shoot up; Eric Bandholz over at Beardbrand

and Thomas Frank over at College Info Geek. These guys are phenomenal. And I've met them

in person before. And it was nice to show up to an event and have people there that

are looking out for you that as soon as you pull up to the hotel, they're there to greet

you with a drink that they're you just know that you've got them on speed dial, that these

are guys that actually are introducing you to other people. And that's the one thing

I learned from these guys is that friends take care of friends.

Next stop, I've got Steve Ramsey over at Woodworking for Mere Mortals. Go check out his channel

if you want to build a chair, you want to build a table, you want to just start to work

with wood to build whatever you want. This guy has step-by-step tutorials. He makes it

simple, he makes it easy. Now, we had met couple of other times at other events. This

was the first event I actually got to spend time talking with Steve, learned a bit more

about his business. Really smart guy and I love what he's doing.

Now, everyone I just mentioned I loosely knew before going to the conference. This next

group of YouTubers I had no idea what their channel was, who they were, but I went there

with an open mind and I learned a lot from them.

So, let me introduce you guys to Basho over at Basho and Friends. I love what this guy

is doing. As soon as he told me that, it was like, wow, why didn't I think of this? He

actually is using song and sound to help kids learn languages. He focuses on Spanish, French,

and Mandarin. So, if you've got kids and you want them to pick up these languages through

song, you want to go check out his channel. His channel is just getting started.

I know as a father of multilingual children, I'm thinking, oh, my gosh, you need to be

doing Russian, you need to be doing this in Ukrainian because my kids have so much they

need to learn in these languages and kids naturally learn through songs. So, seeing

this guy use basically take song that I've seen done many times but do it in a unique

way was pretty inspiring. Next stop, we've got Nancy over at Math BFF

and, yes, that stands for Math Best Friends Forever. But, don't be fooled, she's an MIT

grad, she's deadly smart, and I love what she's doing on her channel. Go check it out

because I am going to steal the way that she actually puts up a piece of glass and she

writes on it, she takes very complex ideas in mathematics and makes them applicable.

So, if you're in high school, if you're in college and you're having trouble with your

math, you want to go check out her channel. She hasn't posted for a while, but she's going

to be putting out new videos here soon. And I just love it when I see someone who is just

so specific like that, killing it on YouTube. And I talked to her about building up a business.

I think she's lot got a lot of potential, so maybe send her a message just give her

a thumbs up, but Nancy is killing it on YouTube. Next stop, I've got Jess over at Painless

Golf. It's a small channel, but I love how specific she was to who she's targeting for

her channel. I talk about this a lot in business, but when I saw her channel I'm like, this

is amazing. She's targeting a demographic who already spends money on a hobby that these

guys really want to be good at it and she's helping them improve their swing basically

improve their fitness through yoga and other means so that they basically have painless

golfing sessions. I'm like this is really smart. She's based out of Vegas and she is

just a go getter make things happen, so go support Jess over at Painless Golf.

Next stop, I've got April over at Coolirpa. And, April I apologize if I mispronounced

that. But, there's a funny story here because I spotted her there with her boyfriend and

I done a little bit of research before about what fashion and style channels are going

to be there. She was one of the only ones that I knew and I checked out her channel

beforehand. So, I went up and introduce myself and lo

and behold, she's like, Antonio? My uncle is a huge fan of your channel. So, what I

learned from this is like, wow, like I don't have to be popular necessarily with a certain

demographic or people, but if someone in their family knows of us, then they kind of like

share all the I was like, wow, that's really cool. But, she is doing amazing things in

the women's style space. Go check out her channel, great place for women's fashion.

Next stop, I've got Elle over at The Lindquist. And it's funny we had a number of friends

in common, so we found that every meal time we were sitting at the same table hanging

out with the same people. We introduced ourselves and I realized she's a great person, came

in from Canada. Now, she has a family blog where she documents and talks about like just

life as a mom and she's got two kids. Her husband, he's a veterinarian. And we started

talking and having some funny stories. I went and checked out her channel and this

is what I learned that you can be very open with your audience and they'll deeper embrace

you. This woman gave birth on her channel. I was like, holy cow. But, the way that she

went about it, it was a natural birth, no pain killers, I believe in water. And I'm

just thinking, you know, this is something that's going to connect being a father of

four and my wife having looked at very different I mean it's a big deal when you're about to

have a kid. So, she's sharing all these information, she's got a huge just this great relationship

with her audience and I can learn a lot from Elle and I did.

Next stop, I've got Grant Thomson over at the King of Random. Now, I have to admit,

I had no idea who this guy was. My son was a big fan and I was there with my 12-year

old son, so he's like, hey, that's Grant, we need to go talk to him. And, lo and behold,

I have a lot in common with this guy. Both of us had gone through burnout in our business,

both of us had been pilots. And we spent probably thirty minutes to an hour talking about business,

talking about systems. This guy has a huge channel, probably like eight or nine million

subs. He's known as the King of Random. So, go check out his channel. He is a great guy.

I highly recommend you check out his channel. Next stop is Taras over at Crazy Russian Hacker.

And, again, I didn't know who this guy was. My son knew who he was, so I take my son over

and we start speaking with him. It turns out, Taras is half Ukrainian. And what I learned

from Taras is to have energy. This guy hits the I'm watching his videos, he's so excited

about all these experiments he's doing. And my son got to speak with him in Russian and

they were talking and it was just really cool to see somebody this down to earth that has,

again, a really big channel I think like nine million subs.

Next stop, I've got the guys over at BossLevel8. So, these are movie critics who critique movie

critics. And it was just interesting to see two guys out there busting their butts working

hard doing something that they believe in that they think there's going to be an audience

for. They're maybe a little bit ahead of their time, but I think if you watch a few of their

videos you see theyre actually really funny. And so, I -- I was going in I saw Scott with

Nerdsync works with them as well. But, these guys I just thought it was a really unique

concept, they're very passionate about it, so definitely go check them out.

Next stop, I've got Bill and Melissa and Gracie over at the Mommy and Gracie Show. So, the

Mommy and Gracie Show, it's a great mommy blog. I'm going to link to it down on the

comments. But, for me the real highlight was meeting Bill. It turns out Melissa sends me

a message. She's like, Antonio I see you're going to be at ClamourCon and I need to tell

you my husband is a huge fan. It turns out he really is. He had all my pocket squares,

the guy is just really into style. And I was able to spend a lot of time just talking with

them engaging with them learning about, you know, about my channel from his viewpoint.

He took me for a ride in a Tesla, me and my son, that was really cool. I've never actually

ridden a Tesla before. And it was just really humbling to meet a gentleman that was that

much into my channel and has learned so much. And, Bill, thank you very much. I really appreciate

the time you spent with me. So, these next four individuals, these are

guys that can teach you how to build a YouTube channel. I know many of you guys reached to

me you're asking me, Antonio, how can I do what you're doing on YouTube for my business

or for my personal, you know, life. I want to get onto YouTube. Go check out these guys.

So, first stop I've got Tim Schmoyer over at Video Creators. People ask me all the time,

Antonio, how did you double the size of your channel in less than a year? My answer is

Tim Schmoyer. That's all I need to say because this guy knows YouTube. But, most importantly

he helps you go into the analytics, he helps examine your content and say, you know what?

If you made these tweaks, you made these adjustments, then you will start to get popped up in the

algorithm, you'll get more people watching your videos, you've got more subscribers,

and it turns into a snowball. The guy is a YouTube genius. And I really thank him for

helping me build up my channel in the last year. And, if you haven't seen Video Creators,

guys, go check it out. I'll link to it down in the description.

Now, next stop I've got Derral Eves and I probably couldn't be saying the same thing

about Derral Eves, but I don't know him as well personally and I didn't hire him as a

coach, I hired Tim. But, Derral Eves is the real deal. And I know that he likes to work

with really large companies, but his YouTube channel is chock-full of great information

when it comes to simply understanding what's going to trigger the algorithm, knowing how

to out thumbnails. So, Derral Eves, if you want to better understand and grow a channel

on YouTube is a guy you want to follow. Next stop, I've got Benji and Sean over at

Video Influencers. So, if you're looking to have influence, you want to have impact, you

want to improve your income on YouTube, you need to be following these guys. I didn't

really know them very well. I had met Sean one other time, but I never met Benji and

I got to do an interview with him, I got to spend time hanging out with these guys for

hours. They're the real deal and they've got other channels which you can check out, but

I'm going to send you over to Video Influencers because I know a lot of you guys, again, you

want to get that edge, you want to learn how you can better run your channel. Follow Sean

and Benji, these guys they they've built up other channels and they really are good people

trying to help others, you know, just grow on YouTube.

Roberto Blake. So, I had to thank this guy for spending a lot of time with me. It was

late in the evening and I just started talking with them. I actually didn't know who he was,

I had an idea of who Roberto Blake was, I heard his name, but all of a sudden he introduced

himself, I'm like, wait a minute, I know about your channel, I know about your information.

He is one of the nicest and also a very creative guys, so maybe you may not connect with some

of the other teachers out there when it comes to YouTube, you feel they're too strict or

they're geared towards corporate. Roberto Blake is your guy if you are more

creative, if you want to hear from a guy that's going to take a different angle on some of

the stuff that everyone else is talking about, but he can make it very simple to understand.

So, go check out his channel, I'll link to it down in the description.

All right. So, now it's your turn. I want to hear from you down in the comments what

channel did I just introduce you to that you are now addicted to? Which channel is going

to become your new favorite? Which channel was your favorite out of all the twenty I

just talked about? Let me know in the comments. And, please reach out to those creators. Send

them a nice message tell them that they're doing an awesome job. One thing I noticed

with creators especially those that don't have crazy views they don't have a whole lot

of subscribers is that they wonder if their work is actually good. If and so, when you

send them a message, you just validate that, hey, I love what you're doing here, this is

going to motivate me, it's going to motivate my wife, this is a great channel for my kids,

it makes it gives them the energy to keep going. I know it gave me the energy to keep

going when I was first starting my channel. And, you know, I apologize if I missed anyone

and I met you at ClamourCon. It was a great event.

Guys, that's it. Take care. I'll see you in the next video.

Now, be sure to sign up of e-mail notifications. That way you can watch my videos when they

first come out. Now, sometimes I offer exclusive deals that are time-sensitive, so make sure

that you never miss out on one by being part of the early notification squad.

For more infomation >> 20 Random YouTubers I LOVE | Favorite Non-Style YouTube Channels - Duration: 14:55.


IT'S A MIRACLE! 900,000 Bikers Headed To Washington D C – Here's The Magnificent Reason Why… - Duration: 12:36.


900,000 Bikers Headed To Washington D.C – Here's The Magnificent Reason Why…

Thousands of motorcyclists from across the nation have flooded Washington, D.C., Sunday

for the annual Memorial Day weekend tradition Rolling Thunder.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the demonstration meant "to educate, facilitate,

and never forget … service members that were abandoned after the Vietnam War" — a

yearly display of patriotism, freedom, and respect for the men and woman who defend our


According to some estimates, approximately 900,000 participants and spectators are expected

to be involved

this year's event.


do you think

about this

comment below.

For more infomation >> IT'S A MIRACLE! 900,000 Bikers Headed To Washington D C – Here's The Magnificent Reason Why… - Duration: 12:36.


krabby patty, here I come - Duration: 0:18.

Krabby Patty, here I come.


I hope I don't miss again.

Reunited, and it's gonna feel SO good.

Try me, bitch.

For more infomation >> krabby patty, here I come - Duration: 0:18.


CBC Here & Now NL Monday May 29 2017 - Duration: 1:02:36.

For more infomation >> CBC Here & Now NL Monday May 29 2017 - Duration: 1:02:36.


Here's My Canada: Many Attractions - Duration: 0:15.

I like Canada because there's a lot of

things to see.

I don't know what else to say.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Many Attractions - Duration: 0:15.


Chelsea - Diego Costa asked about Chelsea potentially signing goal machine: Here's his response - Duration: 2:26.

Diego Costa asked about Chelsea potentially signing goal machine: Here's his response

Everton striker Lukaku is hot property after scoring 25 Premier League goals in 37 appearances this season. Starsport understand Chelsea are battling Manchester United for the 24-year-old.

And Costa, who has been linked with a move to Atletico Madrid, believes Lukaku would add to the Chelsea squad.

When asked if Lukaku could join him at Chelsea, Costa told Het Nieuwsblad: "I do not know, that's a decision for the club. "Of course Lukaku is a very big player who has played an impressive season.

"I hope he will ever have the possibility to sign at Chelsea because Chelsea is a unique club.".

Chelsea manager Antonio Conte has put Lukaku ahead of Real Madrid's Alvaro Morata on his wanted list. The Italian has plans to strengthen his squad ahead of his side's return to the Champions League next term.

United counterpart Jose Mourinho needs to boost his attack following Zlatan Ibrahimovic's serious knee injury.

A United source told Starsport: "The manager has been forced into a rethink and has made it clear he wants Lukaku at United." Chelsea signed then 18-year-old Lukaku from Anderlecht in 2011 but he failed to make the grad despite impressive loan spells at West Brom and Everton.

The Toffees permanently signed him for a club-record £28m fee in 2014. .

For more infomation >> Chelsea - Diego Costa asked about Chelsea potentially signing goal machine: Here's his response - Duration: 2:26.


Here's my Canada: The Four Seasons - Duration: 0:13.

I like Canada because I get to play lots of sports

and games. Also, because there are lots of famous attractions.

We have four seasons, winter, spring, summer, and fall.

For more infomation >> Here's my Canada: The Four Seasons - Duration: 0:13.


Here's My Canada: Job Opportunities - Duration: 0:19.

What Canada means to me, is freedom. It's

a free country, you can go anywhere, you

can do what you want, and there's a lot

of job opportunities here, like

especially in Alberta. That's

what Canada means to me.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Job Opportunities - Duration: 0:19.


Here's My Canada: Fresh Food - Duration: 0:14.

It's great living in Canada because of

the fresh food you get, because in some

countries they don't have any food.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Fresh Food - Duration: 0:14.


Here's My Canada: Many Attractions - Duration: 0:08.

What I like about Canada

is that there are a lot of places to go.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Many Attractions - Duration: 0:08.


30 years of George Cameron Nash How he got here - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> 30 years of George Cameron Nash How he got here - Duration: 2:34.


Bryan Adams: Here I Am (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) - Duration: 4:45.

Here I am

This is me

There's no where else on earth I'd rather be

Here I am it's just me and you

Tonight we make our dreams come true

It's a new world

It's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day

It's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Here I am

Here we are

We've just begun

And after all this time our time has come

Ya here we are

Still going strong

Right here in the place where we belong

It's a new world

It's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day

It's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Here I am

Here I am

Here I am

This is me

There's no where else on earth I'd rather be

Here I am

It's just me and you

Tonight we make our dreams...

Come true

It's a new world

It's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day

It's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

It's a new world

It's a new start

It's alive with the beating of young hearts

It's a new day

It's a new plan

I've been waiting for you

Here I am

Here I am

(here I am) Right next to you

(here I am)

And suddenly the world is all brand new

Here I am (here I am)

(here I am)

I'm gonna stay (I'm gonna stay)

There's nothing standing in our way

Oh here I am

(here I am)

Here I am

This is me

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