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Les 5 endroits les plus ISOLÉS sur la planète - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Bizcocho de plátano y chocolate | Recetas robot cocina Chef Plus Induction Pro - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
【XSDD】 THE UGLIEST PUPPETS YOU SENT US ! - Duration: 4:40.-------------------------------------------
Lake Belton 2017--- See a GIANT 13 pound plus bass - Duration: 27:45.[Narrator] This week, it's stop number three
of one of the premiere team trails in the country.
The Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's.
And we're on Lake Belton.
A small reservoir in the heart of Texas.
With a big reputation.
- [Announcer] Look at that beautiful Belton Lake bass.
(electronic music)
- [Narrator] Belton Lake is a 2000 acre reservoir
on the Leon River in central Texas.
And like most hill country reservoirs,
holds a good population of largemouth bass.
But the lake is really known as
one the best smallmouth fisheries in the state.
- It's fishing good, it's fishing real good.
You can catch lots of fish out there, right now.
- This one in permits, it can be one in any direction.
Deep, shallow, it don't make any difference.
They're at all stages right now.
- [Narrator] We've got more than 200 teams on hand.
Each looking for a share of the 93,000 dollar total purse.
Including a brand new Stratos boat for first.
Also in play is the points race for the
prestigious Lucas Oil Team Of The Year.
Brandon Mire and Ben Matsubu have been on fire this season.
And as a result, they're sitting on top of the standings.
but we've got a big field and a tough fishery.
So we expect a shakeup by days end.
Checking the conditions on Belton,
the water temperatures in the mid sixties
and the bass are still shallow.
Getting on the water for the start of tournament coverage.
We'll kick things off with Glenn Neff and Tom Beckwith.
- Pre fishing was good, even though it was a little breezy
we had smallmouth,
are pretty prolific around here, they just jump everywhere.
The problem is,
they're not 14 inches most of them.
So for every five you might catch one that's 14 inches.
The largemouth, all of them,
three pounds, two and a half, three pounds.
We're hoping to get a bite or two like that this morning.
- He's down.
I don't know how good he's hooked.
Out from under the boat, there he is get him.
Crap, crap, crap.
Come on.
Out here.
Get behind me.
All right, I'm gon turn him, get him.
- Felt a lot bigger than he is.
Can you believe that?
Hit like a freight train.
13 and a quarter.
Have a nice day.
- [Narrator] We're just getting started here on Lake Belton,
stay with us, there's a lot more tournament coverage ahead.
Right here, on the Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's.
This portion of the Texas Team Trail presented
by Cabela's is brought to you by,
Cabela's, it's in your nature.
By Ranger Boats, still building legends one at a time.
And by Lucas Oil, it works.
Welcome back to the heart of central Texas and Belton Lake.
Stop number three in the 2017 season
of the Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's.
We'll get right back into tournament coverage
with the team of Charles Whited and Rickie Scott.
- That's the ugliest bait I've ever seen in my life.
- Which one?
- The one you're throwing.
That is ugly.
We weren't gonna do smallmouth, but now we are.
We got a good number.
And we got a lot of wind and a little bit of overcast,
so we're gonna try to catch some smallmouth.
And then we're gonna run up the river and put our heads down
and try to catch a couple kicker fish.
They got a full field, 225 boats right now.
It's gonna fish a little small.
We're just gonna,
hopefully try to get a couple key fish early.
- There's one.
- Goodun.
Hope for smallies, get largemouth.
Now we're four bites away.
Picked up a finesse worm, just trying to get a bite.
Fishing the stick up, like we've been doing up the river.
Caught one almost four,
you just gotta go jump fishing in Belton.
(electronic music)
- [Man] You want to make one more loop around this pocket?
- Yeah,
we'll go down and back again.
- [Narrator] Cliff Brown and Scott Meeds are local anglers.
They're throwing moving baits across a shallow point.
And it's beginning to pay off.
- That's a smallmouth, there.
Measure him.
- [Narrator] Statewide regulations require a minimum length
of 14 inches for both largemouth and smallmouth bass.
This one will keep and it's fish number one.
- [Scott] Keep?
- Yup.
Belton is known for their smallmouth population.
Matter of fact, biologists think it's one
of the best smallmouth lakes in the state.
there's some good ones in here.
- [Narrator] Back on Charles Whited and Rickie Scott.
- Net.
Oh my god.
- I'm gon just reel him on in.
Yeah, you ready?
Yeah, my boy.
- Do a little happy dance.
- That's a Belton four pounder.
- That's a stud.
That's why I bring Rick.
- [Narrator] Whited and Scott are off to a good start.
Coming up, tournament coverage continues from Belton Lake.
And the Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's.
And now, the Texas Team Trail Ram Facts.
Brought to you by Dodge Ram.
This portion of the Texas Team Trail presented
by Cabela's is brought to you by,
Stratos Boats, the right quality, the right performance,
all at the right price.
Evinrude, proven power, proven reliability.
By Ram Trucks, guts, glory, ram.
And by Mercury, go boldly.
Welcome back to Belton Lake and the third event in the 2017
season of the Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's.
Nestled in the hills, 60 miles north of Austin.
The area in and around Belton,
Killeen and Temple offer plenty of adventure
and recreation for the entire family.
- It's not just for the individual sportsman.
It's really designed for the family, as well.
You can come out and you can do
anything from water slides to,
the trails to boating to fishing to swimming.
And we've got a nice little beach here, too.
Great family location.
- [Narrator] This is the Trails second trip in the region
and the people could not be more accommodating.
- This is very, very big for the community, as well.
We look forward to of course number one,
the CVV, we're looking to promote
Killeen as a tourist destination,
promote central Texas as a tourist destination.
It's a huge draw for us and not only that,
having people come in, eat in our restaurants.
Visit our local hotels, just draw people to the community
and show them what we have to offer.
- [Narrator] For information on visiting the area,
please check out Destination Central Texas dot com.
Getting back to tournament coverage,
we'll check in with Phil Marks and Tim Reneau.
- The goal is to have three good ones by noon.
That would kind of put us ahead of the curve
which we feel like we've done.
It's 12:25 and we've got three that weigh nine pounds or so.
One good bite and another three
pounder give you a shot at this lake.
Fishing pressure just takes its toll.
When we're not doing anything,
out of the ordinary,
just fish with these little sticks and flipping them.
As you can see,
there's a boat up there doing the same thing.
It's just a matter of executing better than the next guy.
- [Narrator] Checking back with Cliff Brown and Scott Meeds.
- I don't know, just got crazy.
He was all the way up on that bank.
- Keeper.
- That's what we like to catch on Lake Belton.
Nice smallmouth.
Well if we can cull him today, that'd be nice.
He's been caught before.
- [Narrator] Moving on,
we'll check in with Lance Robelia and Russell Parrish.
It's midday, they're fishing shallow
and still working on a limit.
- We only got three right now,
two blacks and one little smallmouth.
It's a lot slower than it was yesterday.
Like I said, I don't know if it's because of overcasty,
conditions or just,
everybody out here practicing yesterday
and many teams as it is on this lake,
that's like, 11, 12,000 acres.
So the pressure may have gotten to it a little bit.
You have one on there?
Oh yeah, we need that one.
Oh yeah, that'll work.
- That wasn't the one that hit me.
- Good job.
Let's put this on the good side.
- I told you it'd be on the inside of that point.
- [Narrator] That fish will help.
But the clock is becoming a factor.
Stay with us, we'll be right back
with the final moments of tournament coverage.
And then we'll head to weigh in
from Belton Lake and stop number three,
of the 2017 Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's.
If you're in the market for a new boat,
we encourage you to check out the
Texas Team Trail network of boat dealers.
Support those that help support the Texas Team Trail.
This portion of the Texas Team Trail presented by Cabela's
is brought to you by,
Triton Boats, we take America fishing.
And by Arctic Ice, we put the cool in coolers.
And by Garmin, fight your fish, not your fish finder.
Welcome back to Belton Lake in central Texas.
It's been a challenging day for many
and the first wave of teams are headed back
to Live Oak Pavilion for weigh in.
There's more than 90,000 dollars up for grabs today.
And we're just about ready to give it all away.
But first, we'll get back out on the water
for the final moments of tournament competition.
- Net!
- [Narrator] This is the team
of Bryan Brown and Tommy Shugart.
- Nevermind.
- [Tommy] Was it a small one?
- Yeah, he's a small one.
Well, this morning me and Tommy, we ran up north.
Got up on a flat, lot of trees in the water.
My partner reached over and grabbed the jerk bait,
second cast and he put a three pounder in the live well.
- [Tommy] There's a bed right there.
Nothing on it, though.
- [Bryan] There's a bed right up here we found yesterday.
- We probably got about 13 or 14 pounds.
Something like that.
We've never fished this lake.
We really don't know if that's good, bad.
Only practiced on it one time.
And that was about probably a month ago.
But the conditions today were a lot favorable,
it was raining for the two days that I was there.
This has been a lot,
we've caught a lot more fish today than
we did with that high pressure yesterday.
- That black shaky head,
that's what we've been catching everything on.
Pretty much other than the jerk bait all day today.
In ultra clear water throwing a black bait.
Imagine that.
- [Narrator] Our final stop of the day
will be with the team of Steve Phillips and Clyde Glenn.
If it keeps, this will be fish number three.
- That may keep.
- Minnow scrub is hard to beat on this lake.
Probably gon give away a big secret,
but that Strike King minnow scrub.
Is the deal.
- [Steve] What color was that bud, I'm gon fix the chains.
- Hunting candy.
15, but she'll keep.
It's been pretty slow for us, really.
Had one fish probably 10 minutes ago.
Caught a goodun off into this little corner right here.
- It's been a tough bite all day today, guys.
It's been slow.
But the bites we have had have been pretty fair,
just not been many of them.
My partner here just stuck a seven pounder,
so that might have to be enough.
- [Narrator] Heading back to
the Belton Lake Outdoor Recreation Area,
weigh in is underway.
We've got a total purse worth 93,000 dollars up for grabs.
Regular payout will be down to 34th place.
And contingency payouts will reach down
to 57th place for qualifying anglers.
We'd like to thank Jersey Mike's for showing up
to provide free subs to the anglers and their families.
Good eats, guys.
And now, we'll head to the scales.
- This is three time, Bassmaster classic,
super six qualifier Jeff Reynolds.
His partner Johnny Thompson,
they've got a five bass limit.
For a total weight.
Nice job today,
gonna get you up there in about the top five.
If we can get them to settle down.
15 69, congratulations, Jeff.
Catch a whole bunch of them today?
- Yeah, we caught a lot of fish.
Caught a few sight fishing,
caught some on spook and some on swim jig.
- [Narrator] With only two events left in the season,
Jeff Reynolds and his partner are
in the hunt for the Lucas Oil Team Of The Year.
As are the team of Kyle Rowe and Ted Pate.
Rowe and Pate just weight a limit for 18 08 in fifth place.
And it was worth just over 3000 dollars.
Weighing just four fish, Steve Duncan
and Harlod Schlueter finished out in fourth.
Earning themselves 3,800 dollars for the day.
- 19 98, oh my goodness.
Come on up, Charles,
try not to break the scales, go easy on them.
Five bass limit.
Total weight and a new leader.
21, what's it gon settle in at?
21 36!
Congratulations, great job.
- We kind of junk fished.
Hit a bunch of spots and then finally we,
we caught one off the boat ramp and all the stickups.
And that's what we did the rest of the day.
Throwing flukes and sinkos and trick worms in the brush.
- How about that?
Nice fish, let's see what we can do here,
we're looking for 6 62 to take the lead.
And we did it, 7 40.
New leaders and new big bass leaders.
- [Narrator] Up next, it's the local team
of Matt Cannon and Jared Siegeler.
- This is a heavy sack of fish.
Set them in there real gently, try not to break the scales.
This is Matt Cannon and Jared Siegeler.
With five bass.
New leader, total weigh, 25 22.
Congratulations, look at that, folks.
- When he caught that last five pounder,
he said, "Lights out."
He said, "This thing's over."
And look, if you can do it somebody else can, too.
But he called it, he called it at that point.
That was pretty exciting,
when we put that last five pounder or six,
whatever it was in the boat.
We were stoked.
- [Interviewer] What was y'alls biggest one today?
- A seven and a half, right?
- Seven 53.
- Yeah, seven 53.
Wow, we got really pumped at that point.
It was good.
- I think we got a new big bass leader.
I think we got a new big bass leader.
- [Narrator] This is the team
of Kurt Luker and Lloyd Stuart.
- Set them in here, we're gonna get the total weight.
Five bass limit.
23 85, that's gonna put you in second place overall.
Let's pull that back, let the fish out.
Set it on the ground, let's grab that biggest bass.
Look at that, folks.
How about that for a Belton Lake beast?
Look at that, the eyes are bugging out, she's so big.
Wow, what a fish.
My goodness.
Okay, we definitely have a new big bass leader.
Let's see just how big this bass is.
Big bass weight.
13 97!
A share lonker!
Congratulations you guys.
Fish care team, make sure they isolate this fish.
We're gonna get this one turned
into the ShareLunker program.
- We put it in the net and it was three 28
and it had to weigh in at three 45.
I was like, "That was our fourth fish."
And we didn't weigh her or nothing.
We put her in the box and he's like, "Let's go."
I said, "Let me make one more cast up there, just a second."
And I threw back up there and caught a four pounder.
That was our fifth fish.
I talked him into four, five more casts and lost one.
And miss one.
It was something else.
- [Narrator] Anchored by a nearly 14 pound fish,
which is a new lake record, by the way.
Luker and Stuart finish out in second,
behind the 2017 Lake Belton champions.
Matt Cannon and Jared Siegeler.
- They are the proud owners
of a brand new Stratos 189 VLO with a 150 horsepower.
Valued at 332,395 dollars.
Your Texas Team Trail Belton Lake champions.
- [Narrator] And, before we wrap things up
and head back to the house,
let's check in on the Lucas Oil Team Of The Year standings.
With two events left,
Kyle Rower and Ted Pate have a
slim lead over Jeff Reynold and Johnny Thompson.
A big thanks to the people of Belton,
Temple and Killeen for their hospitality.
for visitors information on the region,
check out Destination Central Texas dot com.
For tournament schedules,
contingency information and registration,
please visit Texas Team Trail dot com.
Or check out the Texas Team Trail Facebook page.
This has been a Careco TV presentation.
Thanks for watching.
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What does Plus Ultra mean? - Duration: 2:26.Haha ha – it is me Owl-Might Here to bring you a special episode!
If know much about Spain or just watch my hero academy then I am sure you have heard
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The story goes that during the time of Hercules morocco and Spain were linked together to
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You all looks so…
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Piece of cake.
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