Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily what Jan 2 2017


Do you want to build a snowman?

*Extreme bacon-like sizzling sounds*

Okay, bye...

For more infomation >> What I Think of Frozen... - Duration: 0:28.


What's on the agenda when the Connecticut legislative session begins Wednesday - Duration: 2:03.












































































For more infomation >> What's on the agenda when the Connecticut legislative session begins Wednesday - Duration: 2:03.


CZAPEK GENÈVE The Return Of A Legendary Watch Brand | What's Haute - Duration: 3:42.

Czapek is the meeting of three men.

It was totally unexpected.

I put forward my passion

for watches and my desire

to create with my own hands.

And Harry and Xavier gave me

that possibility

to be able to commit with love and passion

to a product that, as we speak,

provokes in me with an indescribable emotion.

It's two years working

in the shadows to accomplish this.

So we decided that our product

would be of unparalleled quality and craftsmanship.

We really want to establish

a link between the past and the present.

So we took one of the old existing models of Czapek,

and we adapted it to modern tastes.

For more infomation >> CZAPEK GENÈVE The Return Of A Legendary Watch Brand | What's Haute - Duration: 3:42.


What's the deal with Jesus? A historical examination. - Duration: 20:40.

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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 Do you ever think it's strange that the disciples

of Jesus have names like Paul, John, Peter and Philip, Considering all twelve of them

were born in Israel? Of the most common names of people born in Israel, you might notice

that the names of the disciples are not among them. Why would the disciples all have names

derived from greek or roman origins, among others? If you know your religious history

you'll know that Jesus gave unto his disciples these names to replace their original hebrew

names. For example, Paul's name was originally Saul. Some sources may tell you that John

is originally a hebrew name but others say its origin is greek. In fact, one could argue

that all of the disciples names find their origin in greece. Greece being the birthplace

of one of the most well known ancient pagan religions, which was later altered and adapted

into Roman theism It is quite similar aside from changes to the names of the gods. This

also seems odd considering that Jesus preached for people to follow jewish religious law

as well as love the god of Israel, Yahweh. Why then would he take away their original

Israeli names derived from the hebraic language, The language in which the Torah of the Tanakh

was written? why is it that he chooses names originating from the Greek language though

he was aware that the greeks were pagans? Even more strange is the fact that Jesus himself

was not named "Jesus", he was named Yeshua(alternatively joshua) which is a hebrew name that most christians

today have probably never heard. Jesus, in fact, is the greek name Lesous which comes

from the latin Lesus. Remember now that The Old Testament is based entirely on the Hebrew

Bible (Tanakh) and The New Testament is written much, much later, supposedly by many of Jesus'

disciples, among others. The New Testament was written in Greek and this may be partially

due to the commonality of the language at the time and perhaps other reasons unknown

to me. The jews were sent into exile by the babylonians around 580 BC, shortly after they

were allowed back into Jerusalem to rebuild their temples and worship again. The babylonians

spoke the akkadian language, an evolution of ancient sumerian, by the way. The jews

were able to return from exile thanks to the leader of the persian empire ,Cyrus, and little

is known about what happens between that time and the birth of Jesus. Essentially though,

Cyrus' empire was the largest in the world, at the time, and he intended to conquer the

whole of mesopotamia. The jews were persecuted and/or kicked out by babylonians, who were

then overrun by the persian empire, which allowed the jews to return to their way of

life. I am certain then that the Holy Land was conquered by a Grecian named Alexander,

you may have heard of him, sometime near 200 BC.. Shortly after this the king of Syria,

Antiochus, declared war on judaism but was more or less defeated by a group of jewish

rebels Called the Maccabees. He was grecian, and spent much of his military career in opposition

to rome, more specifically than judaism or israel. However, his opposition to their faith

and its practices was political in nature as he had his own ideals to enforce. In this

case a rebel force of jews militarized and fought back, a religious army of sorts. So

Once again the followers of the jewish faith had regained their temples and the right to

practice their beliefs. It wasn't over yet, however, as Jerusalem was then conquered by

Rome around 60 BC. The roman senate then appointed Herod the Great as client King of the jews,

a title which I suppose he deserved as he took practicing the jewish faith to the extreme.

He Even executed many of his own family during his reign and he proves to truly be one of

the first great religious political generals. We cannot forget that he works for the progress

and proliferation of Roman ideals, religions and the expansion of roman territory. Let

us also not forget that during this time Rome was still religiously pagan, not monotheistic.

Their religion was intertwined with their government and their daily life and it all

served a purpose that lay well beneath the surface. Anyway, let's get to the birth of

Jesus. Just outside of the border of Jerusalem, in Palestine, Jesus is born. Rumors and things

of the like quickly begin stirring among magi and seers that a 'new king of the jews' was

born. They ascertained this from their own prophecy and belief, based upon their understanding

of the texts. Remember now, Herod has the title of king of the jews, though he holds

the title it suits the motive of his government. He is immediately incited to find this child

(king of the jews) and remove him from this world so that he may retain his title and

the influence it provies for him. Being the great politician that he is, Herod tells his

subordinates to report back to him once they have found the child so that he "May go and

worship him as well". Upon finding the child the men are met with dreams, or visions, warning

them not to return to Herod for he may have ill intent. At the same time Joseph, Jesus'

father has a similar experience where he dreamt that Herod wanted to kill his son. Utilizing

this information, he(Joseph) and the blessed mother flee to Egypt, which is not currently

loyal to rome. Soon Herod grows impatient and eventually gives out an order to slay

all children under the age of two years in Bethlehem and the surrounding areas. He only

knows to target this area because it is what the prophecy claimed would be the birthplace

of jesus. The children are all slain but there is still talk of the messiah, and he lives

on so it seems. unfortunately for Herod, he perishes from illness before he is able to

complete his assassination, so to speak. Upon leaving Egypt Joseph and his family move to

Nazareth as it is out of the Roman jurisdiction of which Herod's sons now have reign, as they

replaced their father after his death. Jesus grows up in Nazareth, where they speak jewish

aramaic ,by the way, and as he grows into adolescence his notoriety grows before him.

Mostly he is described as 'crazy = mad/insane' or 'zealous' as he repeatedly gets into conflicts

with his neighbors and other members of the community. Often times rebuking them for not

practicing what they preach, basically. Now prior to this time and during it, one of the

prominent figures of judaism and later christianity, as well as gnosticism, comes to play a significant

role in this story. A man who in his own right was very much at the forefront of the evolution

of the religion, a man who had many followers of his own by the time of Jesus' birth. He

is known as John, and later john the baptist. Prior to the birth of jesus, john was heading

up the major sects of gnosticism. The birth of jesus is taken a big sign to john and he

applies his efforts to eventually meeting the man and forming a relationship with him.

John is basically the origin of christian baptism, but at the time he likely practiced

jewish forms of the ritual. Such as ritual immersion, which provies spiritual purity

for those going to worship or perhaps interact with god or a deity. He takes it upon himself

to baptize Jesus' but only once Jesus convinces him, as John was looking to Jesus to perhaps

initiate this process or at least he looked at him as a superior. He performs the baptism

which results in a vision of the holy spirit descending down upon the messiah which then

results in John becoming a follower of Jesus. Sometime around here John is imprisoned by

Herod's son, also named Herod. An interesting note; John spoke out openly against the Tetrarch

because Herod had divorced his wife and unlawfully married his brothers wife (Yes, really). Herod's

sons ,truly following in the footsteps of their politician father, display a blatant

misuse of power and title as well as having no respect for even each other. Now get this;

Herod's brothers wife was named Herodius and she had a daughter prior to their marriage,

which was her second marriage. On Herod's birthday, this girl, his stepdaughter, danced

before the king and all of his honored guests which pleased Herod greatly especially as

he had become intoxicated. He tells her that he will grant her any one wish, anything she

desires, even half of his kingdom if she were to want it. The girl, unsure of what to request,

asks her mother what she should request of Herod. Let's jump back and remember John the

baptist speaking out against Herod's marriage to Herodius. This admittedly made her plan

more difficult as she sought to use her title for her own selfish ends (Much like the Herod's)

and bringing her integrity into question with the populace did not benefit her. So what

does herodius tell her daughter to request of the king/tetrarch? The head of John the

Baptist on a platter. Even king Herod was quite thrown by this request but for some

reason he decides to keep his word and it was indeed convenient since John was currently

in his dungeon, defenseless and without witnesses; Being that he was arrested earlier for his

insubordinate behavior. John is killed in the prison and Herod later explains this decision

by stating that he did it "lest the great influence John had over the people might put

it into his [John's] power and inclination to raise a rebellion, (for they seemed ready

to do any thing he should advise), I thought it best to put him to death." Now all of this

leads us into the reasons which Jesus was executed as well. Despite his conflicts and

whatever minor trouble Jesus caused, the crime that caused him to go to 'trial' was insubordination

or incitement of rebellion against the Roman Empire as well as blasphemous and heretical

behavior. What is the real truth though? I'll tell you what I believe. Jesus had on multiple

occasions, obstructed the tax process in which often times poor citizens would have to give

all they had to the emperor and the empire. He preached and gave sermons criticizing the

roman government and leadership for being cruel and idolizing money. Also, he was often

referred to as a king which no Caesar would have stood for happening right under their

nose, especially because any Caesar was king of kings with no equal. Pontius Pilate gets

much of the blame and it's true he did preside over the trial of Jesus, though the outcome

is unusual to say the least. He did not believe Jesus to be an enemy of the empire and so

he asked him "are you the king of the jews" to which Jesus replied "so you say" or something

very much along those lines. Basically stating that he is called that but he does not refer

to himself as such. However the chief 'prosecutor', if you will, took Jesus' answer to mean more

"it is as you say" which to him meant, yes I am. He launches countless aggressive accusations

at Jesus to which Jesus has no response, he stands silent. Pilate again interjects, seemingly

trying to mediate and asks Jesus why he does not respond to the charges. Jesus remains

silent.\par At this point Pilate is actually doing all

in his power to save Jesus and in a last attempt he brings up the tradition of Rome during

passover, which is to release a prisoner to complete freedom regardless of crimes. Pilate

calls for Barrabas, a murderer and all around scoundrel, to be brought forth. He then asks

the people, the crowd, whom they would prefer be released. Jesus or Barrabas, surely anticipating

them choosing Jesus. However this is not the case and they call for the murderers release.

Pontius then stands up and asks them "Why?! What crime has he done do deserve it?" to

which the chant of the crowd replies "crucify him!!". Why would they have made that choice...Well,

the people were greatly influenced by the jewish leaders and those men had grown more

and more frustrated and angry with Jesus for his blasphemes against their faith, though

he still preached kindness and jewish law he also taught radical ideas that were very

outside of the norm, causing general chaos in a faith and society that had remained as

it was for thousands of years prior. Like I said before, religion and politics went

hand it hand for Rome and because of this it was a victory for them on both ends to

execute Jesus. Could one say it was God's plan? Sure, but one must keep in consideration

that all of those texts about his plan and about Jesus' purpose were written long after

Jesus died. What can you take from all this, as it may seem like I was just telling you

bible stories? You can take the truth that is clear from the events as they are laid

out. that which had the greatest affect over all of these happenings was Roman and greek

governemnt and military, with religious and political influence. The names of the disciples,

the birth place of Jesus, allowing him to fit into the parameters of the prophecy, the

reason for Jesus' outlook and alteration of judaism, the imprisonment and murder of John

as well as the execution of Jesus, both of which were essentially innocent of any real

crime. Jesus', John and many of the disciples were guilty of one thing and one thing only.

Attempting to stand up to a corrupt and greedy government that refused to hold itself accountable

to the standards it held its people and the criticism of a religion that had been forced

under the rule of one such government and was therefore also corrupt. Let's jump forward

now to present time and day and realize how very similar our situation is currently. Even

in this last century there have been those like John and Jesus, who stood up as individuals

against this tyranny. However, they were silenced just as the others who did the same before

them. The only way for us to succeed in repairing our systems, our government and it's crutch

of religion and war is to do it in unison. All who are under the curtain of oppression,

persecution and wrongful guilt must stand together against this enemy, these enemies.

They cannot execute all the citizens who make up the population which they feed of off and

manipulate. It is the only way we can begin to undo the damage that has been done and

return things to the way they are rightfully meant to be. God's place in it, whether or

not he exists, is irrelevant. It is our duty as people of this nation and of this earth

to unite with all others who are victims of these three things. Politics, Military and

religion. We will unravel them with our unified strength and resolve and with the most important

weapon available to us. The truth, understanding, compassion and love for our fellow man. No

amount of bombs or priests or senators will do us any justice or provide us any release

from this. As you can see they did no such thing way back when, and they have never done

such a thing. We know how history has played out, and it has done so again and again. We

will end it now because we must. lest we be nailed to a cross to serve as an example while

evil men are given freedom without consequence.\par \par

\par }

For more infomation >> What's the deal with Jesus? A historical examination. - Duration: 20:40.


this what i got for christmas unboxing!!! - Duration: 2:16.

Levi belt

white Levi jeans

black Gap sweater

red white and black long high knee socks

black white and blue long high knee socks

dark blue old school vans

their not black

For more infomation >> this what i got for christmas unboxing!!! - Duration: 2:16.


What is a course? Learn Moodle 3.2 - Duration: 2:43.

What is a course?

A course, in Moodle, is

basically a space on the Moodle site

where one or more teachers can add

learning resources and activities for

their students.

What your course might look like as a

teacher will depend partly on the chosen

theme and settings of your administrator.

In the latest version of Moodle with the

latest Boost theme you can expect to see

a collapsible navigation drawer on the

left and a gear menu on the right.

The main content area here is where the

actual teaching and learning resources

will be added. In Sam's practice course

they are numbered topics which can be

renamed but if we look at a different

course, on a different Moodle site, you

can see that these are divided into

weekly sections and there are some

blocks on the right.

In another video we will look at the use

of these blocks in order to add learning

resources you need to have the editing

turned on and with the Boost theme you

do this by clicking the gear top right

and then clicking the link turn editing on.

This then displays an edit menu next

to each activity and resource for

editing the settings, hiding, duplicating

deleting, etc. There is an announcement

forum here and if I wish to move it into

a different section, I click the

crosshairs icon and I can move it by

dragging and dropping. If you aren't able

to move by dragging and dropping then

ask your administrator to check your

browser settings and the Moodle site


In order to add files documents or

activities for your students

you need to click the link Add an

activity or resource in the section

where you'd like them to appear.

It doesn't matter if you choose the

wrong section by mistake because it's

always possible to move them afterwards.

When you click Add an activity or

resource, this displays Moodle's activity chooser

which then allows you to choose

what you would like to add, and we'll

look at this in a separate video.

If you don't see the link Add an activity or

resource, ask your Moodle admin again to

check your settings.

In the next video we

look at how you can change the name and

layout of your Moodle course.

For more infomation >> What is a course? Learn Moodle 3.2 - Duration: 2:43.


What Is BHIM App? - How to Activate and Use Bhim app? - भीम अप्प काया है | कैसे उपयोग करें -? - Duration: 4:28.

Namaskar Doston I'm Shaik Gouse & You Are Watching Shaandaar Technicals

I will How To Use Bhim App

For more infomation >> What Is BHIM App? - How to Activate and Use Bhim app? - भीम अप्प काया है | कैसे उपयोग करें -? - Duration: 4:28.


What Learning Lad is All About - Duration: 1:14.

Hi this is Anil and Welcome to LearningLad.

Here in LearningLad, i make free video tutorials on computer programming languages, operating

system tips and tricks and also a lot of videos on how to tech topics.

Right now we have more than 300 videos on programming languages.

We make our videos simple and easy, arrange our tutorials in step by step manner so that

you can start from the basics and move on to the additional topics with ease.

In our programming video's, we write the code line by line and explain each step along with

the programs output, so that you can easily follow along by writing code in your computer

and learn by practise.

While watching our tutorials, if you guys get any doubt or if you guys have anything

to say, then you guys can put a comment and we will get back to you as early as possible.

We truly believe that everyone should get quality educational contents for free and

that's why all the tutorials made by us will be free for ever.

So subscribe and join us.

For more infomation >> What Learning Lad is All About - Duration: 1:14.


✅ Best diet plan ✅ What is the best way to lose weight for 2017 - Duration: 2:53.

best diet plan what to eat to lose weight weight loss recipes

losing weight tips diet plan to lose weight reduce belly fat

best weight loss

For more infomation >> ✅ Best diet plan ✅ What is the best way to lose weight for 2017 - Duration: 2:53.


The Year Of You Being You, Tour of Consciousness with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 4:13.

Hi everybody, this is Dr. Dain!

Welcome to this installment of the Tour of Consciousness.

What a great pleasure it is to be with you!

Do you see that beautiful Christmas tree?

Isn't it amazing? It's like 15 feet high and there it is...

Just wanted to show it to you, it'll be gone in the next couple of days.

First, happy New Year!

Wow, what a year it's been!

If you look back at you

at the beginning of last year, or the end of last year

or the beginning of this year...

Yeah, the beginning of this year, the end of last year.

Have you noticed any changes?

Have you noticed that a lot of things you've been asking for

are actually showing up?

One of things that I'd suggest you do is

go back and write some of those down,

some of the things you asked for that have shown up.

Because when you start to acknowledge that,

you acknowledge you have that capacity.

So what's the tool for today?

Well it's my invitation to You.

We've just started a year-long challenge.

What if 2017 is the year of You, actually being you.

So we created a Facebook group around this and there'll be lots of support,

there'll be lots of contribution from a lot of amazing people,

including Being You Facilitators from around the world

and other people that are involved in this movement

that desire to contribute to you.

So consider yourself invited to that, first of all.

There will be these different challenges, different questions that get asked,

different things that are like, "Hey if you want to do this..."

Now, if you're like me,

joining groups and that kind of thing, that's not really my thing,

especially with how busy I am.

The way this group works is a little bit different.

It's like: come in when you want, be inspired.

Post when you want, don't post if you don't want to.

Don't worry about it... Let this group be a contribution to you.

Just your energy and you being there will be a contribution to it

and to all of us who are part of it.

I'm definitely part of it too and I will be sneaking in there

as often as possible to harass people,

I mean to contribute to people and write posts and that sort of thing.

So please consider yourself invited!

The very first challenge, the first question I want to present to you is:

"What is it that you would like to ask for in 2017,

that you're not asking for, because you see no way of creating it?"

Were starting off big.

What is it you like to ask for,

that you're not asking for, because you see no way of creating it?

Now the actual question on the challenge isn't even

what would you like to ask for?

It's: "What is it you're not asking for in 2017,

because you see no way of creating it?"

I modified it just slightly for this because

there are lots of things you probably desire.

The thing that really limits us the most

is thinking that we've got to go from point A to point B to get it,

or that we have no way to get it,

we have no way to know how it's going to show up.

The way it shows up is actually the universe's job

and that can sound like: "Oh well, it's easy for you to say!"

Except, what you don't realize is everything I have in my life

has been based on that.

I've been using that awareness to actually create my life

and I invite you to do the same.

The "how" it shows up, is the universe's job.

Your job is to ask and be willing to receive.

Just start with this one question.

You don't have to figure it all out.

Don't figure any of it out, please don't try!

Just go:

"What is it I'm not asking for, because I see no way of creating it in 2017?"

And then... maybe ask for it.

I adore you! Thank you so much for being in the world.

What a gift you are and I hope you've gotten lots of notes of gratitude

over this holiday season, you certainly deserve them.

Let me add to that,

truly you, being you, is a gift to this world

and I am so grateful you are here.

Thank you for being as different as you are.

Thank you for being so willing to explore as you are.

Thank you for being as weird as you are, as wacky as you are

and just thank you for being!

May 2017 be the best year so far.

Happy New Year my beautiful friends!

I so look forward to being with you next time,

and go check out the Facebook group!


Tour Of Consciousness With Dr Dain Heer

Tools To Change Your Life From Access Consciousness

Sign Up Here:

For more infomation >> The Year Of You Being You, Tour of Consciousness with Dr Dain Heer - Duration: 4:13.


Who Was Hussein Amin Bicar's Google Doodle| What He Did Hussein Amin Bicars 104 Birthday Celebration - Duration: 2:08.

Today Search Engine Google is showing Hussein Amin Bicar's 104th Birthday

Hussein Amin Bicar was a renowned Egyptian painter,

musician, writer and art educator.

He taught and influenced many generations of art students at the Faculty

of Fine Arts in Cairo.

Bicar was known for his kindness, humanity and

passion for making art accessible to all.

As a young artist, Bicar mastered many techniques, styles and


As a more mature painter, he developed a style that

simplified and streamlined human figures and landscapes into

elegant and refined forms.

He drew upon historical Egyptian art traditions and

combined them with his knowledge of contemporary and modern art approaches.

The subjects of his paintings were often pulled from Egypt's

rural and agricultural cultures.

In addition to painting, Bicar also pursued work as

a writer and illustrator.He wrote and illustrated for

many newspapers, magazines and his own children's books.

In 1952 he was a founding illustrator for "Sinbad,"

the first Arabic children's magazine.

His work influenced many subsequent children'smagazines in the

Arabic-speaking world.

Bicar was also passionate about music.

He was a talented Bouzouki and Oud player, and played

traditional and classic music in several bands.Today's

Google Doodle pays homage to Bicar and his final painting:

a portrait of himself, playing the Bouzouki surrounded by

blank papers, canvas and his beloved cat.

For more infomation >> Who Was Hussein Amin Bicar's Google Doodle| What He Did Hussein Amin Bicars 104 Birthday Celebration - Duration: 2:08.


My Audience Is Too Small: What To Do? - Duration: 8:57.

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez from

I have a question today about niches.

My niche is too small.

That sounds like a personal problem to me.

I don't know if we're going to talk about your niche here, but, anyway, this is from—Let's


I don't have a name here, but he says, " Hi, John.

Your blog is great.

Your channel is getting better every time."

That's great.

"You've influenced my whole life in a positive way."


"My question."

Let's see.

He says, he has a TLDR version.

"My niche is super small, I'm afraid nobody would read my content on my blog because nobody


What should I do?"

I'll give a little more details here.

He says, "I'm a young developer and I'm planning to launch my blog about a really specialized

and deep topic as you always suggest."

I do suggest that.

"But I've got a serious problem: It's too small niche.


I mean there are several thousand people in the world who would be interested in reading

one blog post or maybe a series about it, but not a whole blog.

I did a comprehensive research on the Internet to find proven "WOW contents" in my niche

to get some help what people need, but there isn't such content yet.

No forums, no communities and no bloggers.

And another problem is that this topic is full of legal issues and questions so it's

not so sexy among people.

I ask you because you say there is no such thing as too small a niche.

I totally agree with you.

That's why I'm stuck now because I found some serious reasons why it wouldn't be a good

idea to start the blog.

I would really appreciate your advice."

A couple of things here.

First of all, maybe you don't need to do this.

You don't have to do this.

You could pick something else, right, but I think that's kind of a cop-out answer.

I think there's a lot of opportunity here.

See, it's just that if you pick a niche that's too small—I mean as long as there's money

in it, and I don't know what the niche is, but you said there's a lot of legal problems

in it, so I bet there's money in it.

If you only had a couple of thousand people and—well, first of all, is there really

only a couple thousand people?

Because there's a lot of fetishes out there on the internet that you would think only

have a couple thousand people and they have hundreds of thousands of people.

I mean I'm just saying.

People are weird.

They're strange like the world is large.

There is 5 billion people on this planet, right?

I think that's about how many, somewhere around there.

A lot of them are connected to the internet and that's only growing.

You might be wrong about how big your niche is, but let's say that you're not.

Let's say that you're not.


There's a couple of really good things here.

You got an opportunity here.

You're not going to be mass market.

You're not going to be the kind of like a high volume thing, right, like Simple Programmer,

I'm appealing to all kind of software developers or most of them who are interested in growing

themselves as a person and as a developer, which should be all of the developers but

surprisingly is not.

I've got kind of a mass market.

When I'm selling things, I'm selling things that like $99 price points, $300.

Maybe $500 and I'm selling to massive amount of people.

If you've got a very, very, very specialized niche, very, very small and maybe you've

only got a few thousand people in the world that care about this and there's no content,

there's no forums, there's no blogs, there's no communities.

People are searching for something, aren't they?

If you build a blog and you build the site specifically devoted to that very small thing,

those people are going to find you.

If you can figure out some kind of service—I don't know what your niche is.

Again, it depends.

It may not work, but, probably, if you're talking about something in the space that

I kind of got an idea that you might be talking about, you'll probably going to be able to

charge a lot of money.

Maybe instead of you doing the strategy that I'm doing where my prices are pretty much

around a thousand dollars and I've got a lot of people that I'm selling to and I'm selling

advertising and stuff like that and doing affiliate links.

Maybe your business model is that you only need like one client a month, but you're charging

them $25,000 for the service you provide or $10,000 or 5.

I don't know.

You got to know what your space is, but maybe you don't need that many leads and you can

serve that because you're the only one in that space and you're the only person that

they can turn to and you're the clear expert in this space, and it's a very, very specialized

expertise where people are usually willing to pay more money when it's that specialized.

Maybe you've got that opportunity there.

Like you said, if there's no communities, there's no forums, there's none of this stuff,

you could start building those things.

Even if it's a small group of people.

I mean a lot of people don't realize how many people 1000 people is or 2000 people is, right?

If you have—let's say you had 2000 people that were on your email list on this very,

very small niche, if you had 2000 people in a room—imagine 2000 people around you.

That's a lot of people.

It really is like it's surprisingly a lot.

To give you an idea, I think you can see in the video like—I did this video on UPW on

Tony Robbins, UPW event that I went to.

There was, I think, 5000 people in the SAP Stadium in San Jose.

You look around that room.

That's a lot like when I'm online and I've got 5000 subscribers on my YouTube or something

like that, I'm like, "Okay, that's not like a lot," but when you're in a room and you

see 5000 people, that's a lot.

A couple of thousand is enough and it's a lot.

There's actually this blog post.

I can't remember who wrote it.

I want to say Derek Sivers, but I'm not entirely sure.

It's called 1000 True Fans.

Check out that blog post.

It's a very famous blog post.

He basically says that, "You only need to have 1000 true fans.

If you have 1000 people that pay you $100 a year for some product or some service that

you're creating, that's $100,000 a year.

It's all you need.

If you're an artist, if you're a musician, if you're—whatever it is, if you're a software

developer with a very, very specialized niche, you only need 1000 true fans.

Can you get 1000 true fans?

Is there enough depth there?

Maybe in your space.

It's so small.

Maybe you only need 100, but you charge them $1000 a year or that you're able to sell $1000

worth of service to them and you're making $100,000.

There's a lot of ways to skin this cat to say, but there has to be money there.

If it's a very, very small niche and no one is paying for it or your audience is like

starving college students and something like that and it's very small, I can't imagine

that being the case, especially if there's a lot of legal issues with it then, yeah.

Then you have to give up.

If there's no money, you're not going to make any money.

See if you can charge a premium.

See if your audience is such that you might be able to charge $1000, $5000, $10,000.

There's niches where someone can charge $50,000 for a service.

I mean look a lot of enterprise software that sells to big enterprises.

I mean there's software to manage fleets of printers.

These are things where there's not a lot of potential customers there, but the customers

that do exist because it's so niche are willing to pay huge amount of money.

Take a look at that and maybe look at some examples that you can find.

A very high price tag software and see how big their actual audience is, and you'll get

an idea of that.

The beauty of that also is that if you do paid advertising, you can spend a lot of money

to acquire your customers.

Maybe you're not using SEO, right?

If you're selling a $99 product, paying like $5 a click on Google AdWords or something

like that is going to be really hard to make money because you're going to have to convert

a large number of those people.

When you sell something, you sell it for $10,000 and you pay $20 a click and it costs you $1000

to get a customer, you're making $9000 as profit.

You can actually spend a lot of money on advertising and make money and find your people.

That's how you can find your people if there's no community.

There's always ways, right?

There's always ways.

You just can't take one formula and apply it to everything.

You got to look at it at how it is, but I think a small, small niche is highly profitable

and a really good place to be.

Hope that helps you.

If it does, leave a comment below.

Let me know.

Even if you're not the question asker, if you think that will help you, if you've got

some other questions that you'd like to ask me about, you can email me at

and I'd love to answer your questions here on the videos.

Keep it short so that I can answer them efficiently.

If you like this video, go ahead and click that Subscribe button below and you'll get

all kinds of advice about software development, entrepreneurship, career, fitness, life, you

name it.

We pretty much talk about it here.

I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> My Audience Is Too Small: What To Do? - Duration: 8:57.


What if God is one of us - Just One Question - Song Poetry - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> What if God is one of us - Just One Question - Song Poetry - Duration: 1:24.


Tell me what to play - Duration: 33:24.

For more infomation >> Tell me what to play - Duration: 33:24.


"DC vs Marvel" | Gabriel Iglesias - I'm Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry - Duration: 5:23.

Aye, what's up everybody?

This is Gabriel Iglesias

We know who it is, we're on your channel

Well in case you didn't know

I'm just refreshing you and reminding you

Doesn't he normally wear Hawaiian shirts?

Not when it's freaking cold you guys

So that being said

Let me let you know right now about my new comedy special

Coming up very soon on Netflix called

I'm sorry for what I said when I was hungry

But he's always hungry

He's not sorry

You're probably right

Whatever the case, here's a sneak peek of

The new comedy special

I hope you guys check it out very soon

It's gonna be available on Netflix

It's uncut...

It's unrated...

And it's going to be ready for you

That's right people, Netflix

The people that brought you Narcos

You know, the show that kills a lot of Latinos

But it's entertaining

Yeah that one

So check this out you guys

Here's my new special

A clip of

I'm sorry for what I said when I was hungry

Available December twentieth

And if It's already past December twentieth then...

Just go back and watch it, its... It's okay

So my son has these two friends that come over

To the house all the time

One friend his name is Ken

Works a lot with computers

The other friend his name is Fabian

He wants to be a police officer

Both of these kids are really, really good

Now I keep calling everyone kids

Even though they're all 18

But to me, they're kids

I'm almost 40... I'm like ah, ya know?

Like some of the conversations that we have

Are very adult-like

And he other conversations I'm like...

What am I doing with my life?

For example at home...

At home when I'm hanging out

I usually just wear you know

Very similar to now except the Hawaiian shirt

I usually wear like a t-shirt that has

Like, either Star Wars or... Marvel Comics

Or Transformers on it or...


And I like wearing stuff like that around the house

One day, I'm wearing a t-shirt that has the Avengers on the front

And I walk into the living room

And my son's friend Fabian sees me

Wearing this shirt

And so he starts pointing

And I'm like what's up dude?

He goes

Pshhhh.... Weak

Scuse me?


And then he says DC's better

What did you say?

DC's better

I'm like DC's ok... You know Obama lives there

They pass laws. They got hotels, historic museums

It's not even a real state

I dunno why you're getting cray cray

He goes nah foo!

DC comics!

And I'm like hey man... I'm almost 40

I don't care

It's just a really cool shirt, I like it...

It fits!

No big deal

That's cause they are

I go, you need to relax

Their the best!

I go, you need to chill

And in my head I'm like, why am I having this conversation

I have better things to do with my time

Like trying to get my son on an elephant

The kid in me is like, why are they the best?

And then he points at the shirt again

Iron man sucks, Batman's number one

I go... Why?

Cause he is

I go, that's not an argument

First of all...

Batman's not the best superhero

I hate to break it to you...

He's not

I can hear people already getting ready to boo

They're like oh no fluffy, don't go there

Don't go there fluffy, don't do it

Yes, I'm going to do this... Watch this

Batman's not the best superhero

Batman is the creepiest superhero

Batman is the creepiest superhero that has ever lived

He even sounds creepy

I'm Batman

I'm Batman

You don't recognize that voice?

Want some candy?

Help me find my puppy

Hello! He only comes out at night

His face is always covered up

He's always waiting in alleys

And who does he talk to?

A guy named Joker, a guy named Riddler

His name is Batman

Joker Riddler Batman... Joker Riddler Batman

Those are Mexican gang member names

Can you imagine if that was Batman's real identity?

At night

I'm Batman

During the day...

I'm Batman

I said alright Fabian, Mister "Batman's the best"

Based on my t-shirt

My t-shirts says Marvel Comics

I said I see Thor, I see Captain America

I see Iron man

Who are some of the superheroes that DC Comics has

That makes them better than Marvel..? Go


You said that


That's a good one

Wonder Woman


Green Lantern

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...

I said, I know the other superheroes but...

Green Lantern?

What's his power?

He wears a ring, and the ring gives him power

I said, that's a fantasy

I don't know any man who wears a ring

Who has power

And if you're not clapping right now...

My point exactly!

You can't clap can you?

You can't!

You know why you can't clap?

Cause you're sitting next to kryptonite!

Well there you have it you guys

Hope you enjoyed the clip

And don't forget to subscribe to my channel

Somewhere around here there's a subscribe button

Every month they change it so I don't know

Where to point so you'll figure it out

And if you can't figure it out then

Yeah... you probably should be on the internet

I'll see you guys next time with more of

Whatever it is that I'm up to

There goes my ride you guys... I gotta go

For more infomation >> "DC vs Marvel" | Gabriel Iglesias - I'm Sorry For What I Said When I Was Hungry - Duration: 5:23.



I think I might just go Akali

Should I go Akali Jungle?

Nah, Actually Nah, Not do Akali Jungle

Lets do..

I have to have fun



Eee oe

Lets go

♪Music Build up♪

No Dude, dont do it dont fall for that

He just wants, he just wants your nudes guys, don't do it

Trust he scammed me before

Oh my gosh, You say Ferris is a..

Ferris isnt even a girl dude

What are you saying? Ferris is a boy

He has got a dog

Okay anyways, Thankyou GunBladeKnight, appreciate it

yo You think I should gank this guy?

Honestly, I think I could do it


♪I believe I can Fly♪


Ha Ha isnt it busted?

Oh Kill em

Help me


Can you do it?

Dangit dude, I could have played that so much better

I could have played that better

I should have just Q´d twice

I should have Q´d him twice dude


Your lack of strategy discusts me

Yo sit down buddy

And true damage

Weew, look at him go

Ninety percent slow

Got him coach, got him

Lets show off the mastery

Oh I dont have mastery

♪Tax-ation Music♪

We are helping out, Im gonna say this out loud

So people dont think im taxing

Im helping this guy push the lane

To deny our opponent, Twisted Fate, Mid


And also to keep him safe

From the danger of the enemy Jungler

That is why we helped him push that wave there

I know some people might mistake it for being a tax

But it indeed was not a tax

Oh what, I didnt get that?

Aww, Thank you

No probably not dude, I probably wont

I mean im boosted, Im washed up like a seashell dude

Im literally full-on seashell status

Right guys?, Right? in the chat

D´you agree?

You guys honestly agree with anything that insults me

Like if I ever said, Like

Like guys, am I

I´ve been playing this game for over five years now

You guys think im like atleast okay at this game?

Like, am I decent?

*Recording from Scrubs*

No, No, Everybody is going to say no

Everybody is going to be like, No your just trash Literally just go Kermit

Oh Im coming top

No way

Your not going anywhere buddy

You dont escape Camille

Thats it, you dont, You dont escape the camille

Ho Ho Hoo

Let me at them


How did I miss that?

Nice, good Ulti

Am I gonna die

No I need too run

Oe, We could fight, We could possibly fight . Oh im out, Im out

Never mind Im out dude

Be outta here

Wait can I kill him?

I wanna see If I can kill him

Wait maybe he´ll walk up the river

What? dude these Krugs have a mind of their own

Oh my Gosh Krugs

So annoying

Is this jungle trying to tilt everybody?

Is that what it is?, Is that Riots Job this season, to just tilt everyone

Its workin´

got 26 seconds for that



Oh whats up GP

Look at him, Look he is not even paying attention

Let me get an assist

Okay, I mean I´ll get the kill then

You good?, Oh you are not good

You died

I think I should just keep walking around

I´ll find someone eventually right?


There is my someone

There is my someone who accidentaly gold reset himself by killing Miss Fortune

Whats up my someone, How you doing my somebody?



I hit his barrel, I knew it was going to hit his barrel

I literally stopped attacking just to time the auto-attack on his barrel

There we go, Lets go

Oe this is tough dude, I cant fight that, No Im out

Oh, that might be me, Oh no he didnt

He didnt go for me

Wait if they follow me, If they

Oh my gosh this Karma is annoying dude


I couldnt believe they have all those summoners still up

Oh, here we go

Ha ha

Wait was that someone else?

Did I find someone else there, Oh that was twitch

Oh Karma, kill Karma

This is karma, Karma

Do you get, do you get it?

Ha Ha, do you get it?

Do you get my meme?


Karma Karma, Like we are chasing down karma

Oh Let her die

Ha, alright

skip skip skip skip

Okay lets go

Oe I got the bomb on me

Here we go

Where they at, where they at?

Let ´em know

Oe baby a triple

Where´s my penta, where´s my Baron, where´s my Kappa

Dude, what the heck are you ulting me for you bonobo

You could have used that Ulti to do Baron

Now, Ohh my kappa

Alright lets go

You better not thought, You better hope they dont...

Help me!


Carillo you bonobo!

Oh literally kerm-it Carillo, literally kermit

You are playing the perfect champion go..

You guys ever like wonder like

Oh whats it like in challenger, I wonder

Everybody is a troll

Thats w..

Thats what challenger is

The ´C´ is Challenger stands for..


With a ´C´

I know, Crazy


Oh My

This is gonna be a tough fight, team

But I can do it

Come On

Lets Go

Camille is gonna carry this one

Nice flash, LoL

Oh wait you dont got a flash, do you?

Get outta my jungle, Lets go!

You better not Ult me this time

Alright lets go

What was that timing on my part?, What the kappa timing

Alright we are chilling we are chilling

Yo Hai oh

Its Ohayou(¨Good Morning¨ Japanese)

Not Yo hai o, What the heck is Yo hai o

Your Japanese needs some work dude

Yo Whats yo twitch

or Should I say, Should I say...

Nevermind I cant curse

I dont wanna curse, You know what im saying

But you know what I was gonna say

Just assume

Look at that dude, Easy clean Ace

With an Okay Emoji I love it

GG end it

Na dude, make ´em, let ´em suffer team let ´em suffer

*Evil laugh*

TF, I dont think you understand that you dont have a zhonya

I dont think you understand that

Busted champion

Boosted champion




You sure you wanted to do that?

Watch this, watch this Jump

Long jump

Oe baby a triple, where is my Penta at?

Woo Legendary

No Ziliean, Im gonna kill myself now

Wait oh no no no no


You guys better win the game now

You wanna troll me

Alright you lose a Camille, You lost a Camille


Alright guys, streams over i guess, I mean i will talk to you guys later

You guys wanna troll me ha?

My team wants to troll me

Let ziliean ult when he is low hp

Alright dude, i´ll reconnect, Im kidding, just kappa

Wait im trying to reconnect and its not working



-20 LP

No let me back in, Let me back in!


Yo seriously I cant reconnect

I clicked it

Oh gosh


Oh No

I cant reconnect

I cant

Oh Should I re-login?

Oh Gosh im re-logging in, re-logging in

Game is still in progress, Let me connect!

It was a joke

Oh Sk.. Oh we won

*laughter of relief*

That was a prank dude, I was pranking

Come on, S+ on Camille

For more infomation >> WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE CHALLENGER?! LEGENDARY CAMILLE JUNGLE | TROLL TEAM | RAGE QUIT - Nightblue3 - Duration: 10:40.


walk up to the club like what up - Duration: 0:06.

this is fucking awesome


walk up to the club, like what up I got a

skinny penis

For more infomation >> walk up to the club like what up - Duration: 0:06.


Lost & in Danger, Ana Werner Sees An Angel. Find Out What Happens Next! - Duration: 28:31.

Is there a supernatural dimension?

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural.

My guest says that the veil between Heaven and Earth is

getting thinner.

That's why we're hearing of so many people having visitations

to Heaven, so many people seeing the invisible world,

seeing angels, so many people being able to understand the

invisible world.

And she says she can teach you to see into

this invisible realm.

Anyone interested?

Me, too.


You know, as I read the Tanakh, the Jewish Scriptures,

I see a term there called "seer" and it's always intrigued

me no end.

Ana, you are a New Covenant seer.

Explain what a seer is exactly.

Ana: So a seer, that term, it's not a wackado term.

It's been in the Bible, it's been there for all times.

But a seer is somebody that hears from the Lord,

they get wisdom from the Lord primarily through the gift of

sight and they prophesy or discern into

a situation with that gift.

Sid: Now you see things sometimes over people.

Give me an example of where you saw something over a person and

it resulted in them being helped.

Ana: Sure.

Often, because I work in healing ministry a lot,

so sometimes when I'm praying for someone or someone comes for

a prayer I will see an area of their body highlighted.

Like one time I was praying for this lady and I saw her shoulder

and it was highlighted in a different color.

It just looked purple.

And she did not actually ask me for a prayer for that.

But I said, "Hey, is your shoulder hurting?

What's going on with your shoulder?"

And she said, "Yes, it is hurting."

So I prayed for, our team and myself,

prayed for this lady.

And as we were praying I could see the presence of the Lord

come over her shoulder and I could see

a literal color change.

And I said, "Well what's going on now because

your shoulder looks better.

I'm healed.

God's on it.

What's going on?"

Sid: You have an unfair advantage over the devil.

That's pretty cool.

I like that.

Do you ever see words over people?

Ana: Yes.

So I will see words also where sometimes sickness gets locked

in our body because we've got hurt or wounds,

or other things.

Sid: Unforgiveness.

Ana: Unforgiveness, bitterness, things that we hold on to.

So sometimes I might see the word,

like "unforgiveness" or "bitterness" over someone and

I'll know that's the root, that's where the enemy has got

them, that's why sickness is on them.

So we'll go after that.

We'll pray together, is there something going on in your life

where you can't forgive somebody.

And through that then they get healed as I'll walk them through

that forgiving that person.

Then they receive healing.

Sid: When was the first time you could remember seeing in the

invisible world?

Ana: When I was five years old, I was playing in my room and an

angel walked in.

Sid: Were you afraid?

Ana: I wasn't.

Sid: Good.

Ana: Isn't that weird?

You would think stranger, danger,

I would be scared.

But it wasn't like.

It was like my best friend just walked in the room,

and he was really warm and friendly.

And we played together, and he told me his name was Timothy.

I asked him, "What's your name?"

Kids just ask whatever they want.

So I said, "What's your name?"

He said Timothy.

He told me he's my guardian angel and I asked him,

"Can I touch your wings?"

He said, "Sure."

So I got to touch his wings.

Sid: What does his wings feel like?

I've never touched an angel's wings.

Ana: It was really gentle, like soft,

but also very firm and strong.

Sid: Tell me about the next time you saw an angel.

Ana: I was a missionary in Brazil and I was working in the

drug trafficking slums, and I had gone with a bunch of my

friends went to our other friend's house that evening.

So I was very naïve, very ambitious,

but very naïve, and I thought, I'm going to go walk home

on my own.

And I hadn't been in the country very long,

and I didn't speak Portuguese at the time.

So I started walking.

I got completely lost.

Very quickly, I was lost.

It was very scary.

I'm not going to lie.

It was very scary because all around me I could

see drug traffickers.

Sid: You were in a bad area of town.

Ana: I was in bad area.

I was in a slum and I could see men carrying guns and there was

also children, little boys like seven years old carrying guns.

And they were approaching me.

It's like, you don't belong here,

and they were coming closer and closer,

and closer.

So little woman of faith that I am here,

I got down on my knees and I just started crying,

and I said, "God, I need your help.

I need your help.

I am so stupid and naïve to do this on my own,

and I am lost.

I need help and I need help now."

My life was really in danger.

And I heard the Lord's voice and he just said,

"Ana, look up."

So I looked up, looked down.

The blocks go like a zig-zag, and I looked down the block and

I saw an angel, and he was staring at the end of the block,

and waved, picked a flower and dropped it,

and then took off.

So it didn't take me a second to think what I was going to do.

I didn't have another option.

So I just went, I'm going to get that flower,

chase that angel.

So I ran to the end of the block,

picked up the flower and then looked down the next block,

and there he was at the very next block,

and he did the same thing.

So I ran to the next block, picked up the flower,

and this kept going on and on, and on.

It was like an hour and a half of just zig-zagging through,

until the very last flower he dropped was at my doorstep,

and I was back home.

Sid: And Ana told me she actually pressed one of the

flowers to always remember it, and you have it right there.

Ana: I did.

I brought it.

Sid: Can I see it?

Ana: Yes.

It even says the day I was lost and I followed an angel home.

I brought it.

Sid: Wow!

That is neat.

You'll always remember this and you'll always remember not to

walk in a country where you don't speak one word,

alone, in the drug traffic area.

When we come back, I want Ana to pray for you to have your eyes

opened to see angels.

Be right back.


We'll be right back to It's Supernatural!

We now return to It's Supernatural!


Sid: Ana, how did you start developing this seer gift?

Ana: So when I was 22 and I started seeing,

the Lord taught me some things to train in it.

I would be very intentional.

I'm very intentional every day to spend at least ten minutes a

day, and now it's more than that.

But at first, ten minutes a day, and to ask the Lord to encounter

me with just my senses, and I would pray always,

Lord, open my senses to experience you.

I would shut my eyes.

The Lord would start showing me a picture.

I would ask the Lord, show me a picture,

either the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit,

whoever, to encounter me.

Because sometimes the Lord would encounter me as God the Father

or sometimes Jesus, or sometimes Holy Spirit would come,

but encounter me.

And I would see a picture, whether it be just,

it started like footsteps.

I'd just see footsteps and that was it.

And then I'd say, and that was it, footsteps.

Okay, what do I do with that.

So I would write it down in my journal,

and then I'd say, okay God, take me back there.

The Lord would show me more.

Next time it would be like I would be walking following the

footsteps, and the next time I would feel the grass under my

feet, and then the next time I'd smell the grass.

So seers use all of their senses.

It's not just about sight.

We could taste, we can hear, and then every time I would ask for

more and more, and more, until it became going to Heaven and

I'd get to experience and walk in Heaven with the Lord,

and see things.

And I'd always ask, can I come back,

God, take me back.

Sid: I asked you on the telephone,

what was one of the most profound things that you

observed when you were in Heaven,

and you came right out with it: his eyes.

Tell me about that.

Ana: There is nothing like the Father's eyes.

He's taken me to Heaven and there's times where I've gotten

to just look right into his eyes and they're alive.

There's so much, it's so hard to describe what God's eyes are

like, but it's like the sovereignty and power,

and authority come through his eyes.

You could see fire, but at the same time,

they're warm and gentle, and full of so much love.

It's like he would look at me, and all in my impurities,

who am I, little Ana.

But he would just look at me and just the amount of love that

would come through those eyes, there's just nothing like it.

Sid: You pray for people often to be healed.

Tell me about this woman that you must have had tremendous

compassion for, 17 years of chronic pain and

a lot of other stuff.

What happened?

Ana: Recently, a lady came in to our healing rooms and she had 17

years of issues going on in her body,

pain and autoimmune system problems,

and chronic fatigue, and doctors just couldn't pinpoint it,

what was going on.

They'd run her through test after test.

So she comes in and she starts telling us her story,

and on her body, as a seer, I could see.

So on her body I could see little holes,

looked like little wounds, and I could see them oozing.

And so I said, "Would you mind if we could pray for any

emotional wounds.

I just feel that's where the enemy might have his hand.

He might be working over you, and that's why

maybe you're sick.

Is there anything going on?"

And then our team got a bunch of words they heard from the Lord

about certain things.

And as we prayed for those she got healed.

She got healed.

As she got healed emotionally, we could see sickness come off

of her.

But as we prayed, one by one, by one thing just melted off of

her, and she got healed.

It was amazing.

Sid: Now when you got to Heaven, many times you're taken to

specific rooms.

My producer said be sure to ask Ana about the mailer room.

What is that?

Ana: I love the mailer room.

One day God took me to Heaven and I walked into this room,

and I could see, as far as my eyes,

I could see shelves and I could see these little packages on the

shelves, and it was like as high up as I could see and as far as

I could see.

And I could see angels, and it was a busy room.

There's just angels bustling all about the room and

I could the Lord.

I could see Jesus right in the center of the room,

and I could see these angels go and look,

and take a package, and tuck it in there,

and then go [whoosh] down.

And they get their instructions from Jesus.

And then certain angels weren't moving though,

and like some of them were just standing still at the shelves

and waiting.

I asked Jesus, "What's going on here in this room?"

And he said, "These are my messengers and they're bringing

answers to my saint's prayers and these ones are waiting for

the prayers to be released."

So they're waiting for people to pray and they are just waiting

to bring that answer.

Sid: So it's a two-way relationship.

Ana: Yes.

Sid: The angels respond to us asking.

If we don't ask, we don't get.

Sounds like Scripture.

Ana: Yes.

It's my whole idea of that has been changed since that moment.

Sid: Okay, this is what I know.

There are some angels with packages from Heaven and they

want to deliver it to you.

You ask and you shall receive.

We'll be right back.


We'll be right back to It's Supernatural!

We now return to It's Supernatural!


Sid: So Ana, you're just minding your own business and you look

out, and you see floating in the air someone's spinal cord.

Explain that.

Ana: I was doing healing ministry and I saw this angel

one time, walking, carrying a spinal cord.

My dad is a chiropractor, so I know what a spinal

cord looks like.

And he had been carrying this spinal cord,

and I thought, I want to follow that angel.

So I said to my team, "Let's go follow that angel.

I think God is on something.

He's up to something."

So we followed the angel.

Went to this lady who was sitting there,

she was in a wheelchair, and we came to her and we said,

"Hey, we've got great news.

There is an angel here hold a spinal cord,

standing right behind you.

Can we pray for you?"

So we went, we laid hands on her,

she got healed.

Sid: How long had she suffered?

Ana: Like more than 20 years.

She had partial paralyzation in her body.

There was an auto accident that happened,

so she had to have a spinal, like it hit her neck,

so it had partially paralyzed the left side of her body.

And so as we prayed I could see the angels,

like it was almost like transposing,

I could see the spinal cord in his hand being placed over her

spinal cord.

And then I said, "Okay, let's have you test it out.

How do you feel?"

And she said, she looked at me kind of reluctantly,

like she's been, you got to be kidding me,

who are you to have me to do this stuff?

"Just try. Come on, let's just try."

She stood up and she's like, I've been healed!

I've been healed!

Woman: I'm healed!

I'm healed!

Thank you, Lord!

Sid: Speaking of being healed, is God telling you about anyone

being healed right now?

Speak it out.

Ana: Yes.

I just feel like that as I've been talking about spinal cords,

there's someone here who is listening to this,

who needs their back healed.

You've had an injury that's been ongoing for years.

You've probably gone to seek many help,

much help from different doctors,

and it just hasn't released.

And you've got, it's like a pinched nerve that just shoots

pain down your back.

And the Lord is healing you right now.

Even in this moment, the Lord is healing you and wants you

completely set free.

So in Jesus' name, I just declare healing for your spine,

from head to toe, that that pinched nerve will be completely

healed right now.

Thank you, Father.

Sid: And get up and bend over.

You'll walk right into your healing.

Now Ana, you had an image appear when you were preparing for this

television show.

Tell me about that image.

Ana: Yes.

So the Lord took me up to Heaven and I was seated with Jesus up

above in Heaven, and I could see myself with him.

And we looked down, and he said,

"Ana, extend your hand.

Extend your hand."

And so I said, okay.

So I reached my hand down and I could see people grabbing my

hand, and I would just pull them up with me.

I would just pull them up into Heaven.

And so that's what I love to do, is just train people,

and I'm excited for people to get these encounters, too.

Sid: I volunteer.

How about you, anyone at home do what I'm doing?

I mean, faith without corresponding action is dead.

Would you pray for me and for everyone else right now.

Ana: Yes.

In Jesus' name, I just, God, we just love you.

We love, this is all about you, God.

We want to encounter you.

We want intimacy with you, Jesus.

It's not about having a supernatural encounter just for

a crazy experience, but God, it's about getting to know you

and having intimacy with you.

So Father, right now, I just pray for just the ability to see

in the Spirit just to be released right now to everyone

in this room, to everyone that's watching this or hearing this

message, that you would be able to open,

God, you would open all of our senses that we could see you

with clarity, see your angels, see the heavenly things with

clarity, Father.

Come with your presence, God.

Sid: When she talks about the love of Jesus,

which she experienced in Heaven, people get healed.

Get ready.

Tell me about the love of Jesus from Heaven.

Ana: One day God, I had a real hard day with my daughter.

And I said, Lord, would you just take me to Heaven, please.

I need an encounter with you, God.

So he took me to a room and God, sometimes it's like the Lord

will go with me in a room and then other times he won't.

So this room, I stood outside the door and I was with God,

and I said, "Are you going in with me?"

And he said no.

And so I put my hand on the doorknob,

and when I put my hand on the doorknob,

the presence of God was so strong.

Sometimes I'm allowed to go in the rooms and sometimes I'm not,

and I can just see what's on the other side of the door,

and that was one of these encounters.

The power of God was so strong, I could not go in the room,

but I could see what was on the other side.

So he showed me, and I saw, I could see Jesus on the cross.

I don't have the theology to explain that.

I'm just telling you, Sid, what I saw.

I could see him on the cross and it was the most beautiful,

horrific sight I've ever seen because I could see him in his

broken state with all the blood, with all the wounds,

everything, his flesh torn back, I could see it.

I turned to God and I said, "I want to go in there.

I want to go in there with Jesus.

Why can't I go in?"

And he said, "Ana, you don't know my love."

And I got offended.

I said, "What do you mean, I don't know your love.

This is Christianity 101.

I know that you love me and I love you.

What do you mean?"

He said, "You don't know my love like that."

And I was undone by that.

At that point, I just let go and I just crumpled on the floor,

and I was just crying and crying,

and crying because it's like I just realized how much of the

Father's love I still had yet to really understand

and experience.

And then Jesus then, after some time I cried and cried,

and cried, Jesus came to me.

He came and it was like he was off the cross.

His body was healed in his glorified state.

He came and he picked me up, and he held me,

and he just rocked me back and forth,

you know, like you rock your children,

he just rocked me.

And he said, "Ana, you don't have to stay like this

any longer."

And then out of nowhere I started laughing.

I mean, it's like, why would I laugh.

I started laughing and he said, "There you go.

There you go.

In my presence there's fullness of joy."

And I felt the joy of the Lord just being released.

I mean, I felt so much joy in that moment and so much freedom.

And so that's the love of the Father.

That's the best.

Sid: I pray that you have experiential knowledge of Jesus,

that you have your own experience and experience the

pure undefiled, holy love of the Father.

Sid: Next week on It's Supernatural!

My guest, I'll tell you, anyone that thinks they have a problem,

you don't have a problem.

She was abused as a child, got into drugs,

ended up in prison.

Her life reads like the Book of Acts.

Why not?

She's normal, normal as defined by the Bible.

How many of you want to be drenched every day

in God's love?

Just two or three?

How many?



For more infomation >> Lost & in Danger, Ana Werner Sees An Angel. Find Out What Happens Next! - Duration: 28:31.


HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About This Time. - Duration: 3:51.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About

This Time.

For more infomation >> HUGE News: Washington Post Just Tried to Start 'New Cold War' - See What they LIED About This Time. - Duration: 3:51.


What is the 1000 degree knife? The origin of the hot knife memes and challenge explained - Duration: 5:22.

Hello Internet!

And welcome to Behind The Meme!

Where we take a look at the meaning and the origin of your favorite memes and trends!!

Today we have a look at the 1000 Degree knife.

Now This is a topic that has recently become relevant on Youtube within the last couple

of weeks.

I've had a handful of people request a video on the topic so thank you all so very much

for reaching out and letting me know what you wanted to see next.

Although this video hasn't had as many requests as some of my previous videos, I myself find

this whole thing to be very interesting and wanted to dive into its impact a bit more.

You guys wanted it!

Now you have it!

Here We GO!!!

So what in the hell is the 1000 degree knife?

Well it's a 1000 degree knife.

if you've spent any amount of time on Youtube lately, it more than likely tried to stuff

one of the 1000 degree knife videos down your throat via the youtube suggested videos.

Now some people love these videos, finding them satisfying, entertaining and sometimes


While other people really hate the videos and see them as mindless trash content that

only further displays some of the problems youtube has with it's algorithm.

Their problem with the algorithm is that it's unfair to have content like this come to the

top and be suggested to everybody, while other videos that have a lot more time and creativity

put into them have a harder time finding any audience at all.

So what's all the fuss about?

Well, The trend revolves around the Youtube Channel MrGear.

The videos that the channel uploads all follow the same theme.

A knife is heated until it reaches 1000 degrees, or until it is glowing red which means it's

pretty damn hot, after it's hot as hell it then cuts through various objects.

Always resulting in the same outcome which is oddly satisfying .

Now I can see why some people love these videos but I can also see why others are annoyed

that Youtube is pushing it so hard.

I know what you're thinking…just because youtube is pushing the videos people are mad?

It all sounds stupid and petty but the thing is…

Youtube is REALLY pushing the videos.Like pushing them so hard they may get a Hemorrhoid,

damn did I take it too far again?

My bad.

My bad!

Let me show you guys some mind blowing stats so you can better understand what Im talking


In this last month of the channel has gained nearly 2 million Subscribers!

That is ridiculous!

It takes most channels years to obtain even half that amount, and the views within that

time frame are crazy as well.

If you take a look at the stats of the channel you can see just how successful it's become.



Seriously, I always applaud others being able to become successful, the videos obviously

appeal to somebody.

And You know that old saying, "Don't hate the player hate the game" oh my bad I meant

to say "Don't hate the playa hate the game" I forgot that you have to say playa

with an a instead of er for it to make sense.

so that's kinda the scenario that we find ourselves in.

The game in which people are hating is the game of Youtube which can make or break your

channel by the way it's algorithm works and the videos it suggests to viewers.

And boy oh boy has Youtube been suggesting these videos to viewers.

Because of all the hype surrounding the genre of video other youtubers have began to parody

the videos in humorous ways.

Becoming a type of challenge in

the process.

Oh but the fun doesn't stop there.

Because the 1000 degree knife videos have been so widely spread and suggested to everybody

and their mother, brother, sister and pet poodle, it has naturally began to be used

within memes Both photo and video based.

The photo based memes often portray the knife as being an ultimate weapon that can defeat

nearly all challengers, much like it does in the Mr. Gear videos.

While the video based versions of the meme are…you know what?

Let's let the examples do the talking.

"I'd like a glowing 1000 degree knife, about this high."

"Ok coming right up"

"Are you a real villain?"

So there you have it!

The 1000 degree knife started off as a controversial genre of video that Youtube has been stuffing

down people's throats and has began to evolve into memes that parody the amazing powers

the knife seems to have.

But Hey!

That's The internet for you and on the internet Memes Are Keeeng!

Thank you all so very much for watching!

Make sure to subscribe so you can catch my next video and stay up to date on all your

favorite memes!

Who knows you may learn about a meme you never knew about before!

I'll catch you beautiful people next time!

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