★Top 10 Things NOOBIES DO (Or Don't Do) In Battlefield 1 [Battlefield 1: Tips] [G-Legend]★ - Duration: 6:11.you'll what is up guys my name is G-Legend
today we're going to be talking
about the top 10 things and newbs do or
don't do in battle field 1 another
thing is that if you do these i would
say five or more of these 10 things you
are a noob and that's exactly why you
should subscribe because i am carrying
the horrible disease of newbie itís in
the battle field 1 series i am a doctor
so with that being said if it interests
you then don't go anywhere guys because
we're just getting started
alright guys so let's get right into it
number 1 speaking only to one class and
refusing to use another class is are
noobs mistake okay
the maps are optimized for use of each
of the four classes in certain areas of
every map
you just have no you know you have to
know from experience just know your map
know your way around and know what kind
of weapon is best where and that just
comes with experience it which is
something that movies do not have so if
you stick to only one class and you
refuse to switch to the other three
you're making moves and steak man don't
do that don't do that okay don't do that
to yourself man
number two you don't take advantage of
the elite classes now come on man really
the only classes are there for you to
ok they're there for you to use and
they're there for your benefit
like I don't know dude I don't know how
can some of these guys just like totally
ignore the elite classes like come on i
go from all the way across the map
trying to get to the flamethrower and
somebody takes before me but i still try
people that are right next we're totally
ignore like no I like this or class i
don't know i like the sniper class
come on dude come on it's there for your
help your benefit you got to use it
number three you want to map like a
headless chicken right you can't be
doing that you need to play
strategically with your team don't be
playing this like if they were call of
duty a lot of us already know this so
I'm not going to get too in depth of it
but come on guys you gotta learn to be
strategic number for shooting at tanks
with your puny normal weapons
don't be dumb dude don't be dumb I I
mean I see these guys
shooting at the tanks with their freakin
SMGs like really dude you're not gonna
do anything to that tank ok that thing
is armored that thing is massive and you
have a puny little gun a lot of people
know that when you see a tank you don't
attack if you're not prepared to if you
have an SMG or a shotgun or whatever
you're using but it's not meant to take
out vehicles and you don't attack the
tank with that all right you hide behind
a rock you run away you do whatever it
is you need to do and hope that you're
not seen but the thing is that some
people are so affected by this newbie
itís that it messes up their head man
message their head in there better
better judgment alright so we got to get
this under control is why should
subscribe number five you aren't using
the class that you're using it for what
it's actually for your if you're a medic
you got to revive teammates alright
that's number one and also don't try
sniping people with your SMG okay
however that is do not do that okay I've
seen people try to shoot me with the
nphc trench on the mountains from across
the map man like if they're trying to
snap me where there's something man come
alright come on you can't snipe how did
you get an SMG confused with a sniper
dude how is that possible
this newbie ideas is taking a toll on
our population man this is hurting the
community number six flying the planes
like a freaking mosquito without
actually doing anything to help the team
alright even I've been guilty of this
I've been just flying around pretending
that I'm doing something but you know in
reality i wasn't really doing anything
alright i was fine around and that is
what people do they were just get on the
plane to fly around just because it's
fun or whatever and they look like
mosquitoes up in the air
don't do that please help your team in
some kind of way number seven trying to
revive down teammates in the heat of
battle not a good idea do don't do that
all right because you're just gonna get
shot you're not gonna help your teammate
he's if you if you do help them all
right let's just say you do helpful he's
just going to provide himself is gonna
get up and it's gonna be shot as well as
you you're both gonna be shot bomb
grenade tanked whatever and somebody is
going to be getting two kills against
your team like no no no don't do that if
you can't revive somebody do not go out
into the open and try to revive
miss you know you're going to get shot
in the process all right don't do that
that's stupid
that's dumb that's a newbie thing number
eight this is something that newbies do
not do they do not spot enemies if you
can do anything good for a team you have
to do that and so many noobs failed to
do this they failed to spot people all
right it can only do good for your team
I don't know what you thinking dude come
on what are you thinking remember night
not following are giving squad orders
all right it gives you and your squad an
extra incentive to do the objective and
it helps you coordinated attack against
the enemy since you can see how many
squats have been ordered to attack or
defend which objectives for each
objectives are I don't know why you
would not want to like order your squad
around or why you would not want to like
follow the order that a squad leader
gave you i don't understand like why are
you not trying to win the game like I
don't know dude I don't know anyway
number ten guys the last one you haven't
seen my weapon guides for the gun that
you're using and now yes this is like a
kind of a sales pitch though I'm not
gonna be selling you anything but
knowledge and it's going to be free you
need to know
bullet drop reload speed damage over
distance recoil that sort of thing and
I'll a all out for us
in this battlefield series that i have
on my channel you may want to check that
out click the top high on your screen to
go check that out but anyway guys I hope
you guys enjoyed don't forget to drop a
like and subscribe for more videos like
this and I'll catch you guys in the next
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Farming Simulator 17 KRONE FORTIMA V1500 Roundbaler - Duration: 2:44.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video i show you one more new mod from KRONE the FORTIMA V1500 Roundbaler.
I have not much to say about this baler It is fully functional, has elegant appearance...
the only thing I did not like It was that the wheels become dirty easily and cleaning very difficult.
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
"HAPPY NEW YEAR" - A Minecraft Skywars Montage - 60 Subs Special - Duration: 2:09. For more infomation >> "HAPPY NEW YEAR" - A Minecraft Skywars Montage - 60 Subs Special - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
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Double Redstone Piston Extender - Minecraft - Duration: 0:42.This is a tutorial on a double piston extender.
So now we need to get our items, a sticky piston, and then we need to get a redstone
repeater, some redstone, and a lever.
OK, so we need to have these sticky pistons pointing in the same direction, right next
to each other, we place a repeater to two ticks and we place another repeater to four
We put four redstone down in the same formation I have it.
Put a lever, flick it, it goes, flick it again, it comes back.
Woo Hoo!
COD BO3: ALL MY TAUNTS AND BLACK MARKET WEAPONS - Duration: 5:00.RUIN: get back to bootcamp.
RUIN: you ready to quit?
RUIN: flow like a butterfly, punch like a freaking jackhammer, *activates overdrive* *punching noises*
outrider: 1 shot, 1 kill. wont even hear it coming.
outrider: broke a sweat, good fighting with you.
outrider: you gonna come at me? YOU BETTER ******* BRING IT!
OUTRIDER: that the best you got? tss, embarasing
outrider: theres no escaping outrider overwatch. *shoots sparrow* *explosion*
*calls sat com* ive got an army at my back, whos got yours *talons shot 4th wall*
prophet: with these upgrades, you never stood a chance
prophet: upgrades step into the future, mate!
prophet: heh, like sticks and stones against tanks!
prophet: thoughtcha' had me, i was, always, one step, ahead!
battery: mess with the best, die like the rest.
battery: at least you fought like you got a pair!
battery: looks like your ***** could stand another kickin!
battery: drop some bombs out there! boom baby, boom!
battery: *while shooting the war machines* *GASP* AHAHAHAHAHAAAAA
SARAPH: the 54 immortals crush all our position!
saraph: ill win, and make it look easy! hmmph
saraph: you fought well.
saraph: i look forward to our next fight >=)
saraph: try it, theres no way youll win
saraph: detication, focus, discipline. practice more.
saraph: sat com, get me r.a.p.s support
saraph: you better run!
nomad: even if get a lucky shot, i will end you!
nomad: death will come when you least expect it.
nomad: of course it was a trap, should of trusted your gut!
reaper: full metal everything.
reaper: statistics indicate inferior tactical deploment
reaper: never send an organic to do a machines work *activates clones*
firebreak: step up if you want to get burnt
firebreak: another day, another victory!
firebreak: you were on fire! , and im being literal
firebreak: you kids cant compete!
firebreak: *flame noises* i brought music, lets get this party started!
firebreak: *hands combust in flames* when your this hot, theres no way to lose!
spectre: youve seen my work, it speaks for itself.
robot: *using sat radio or something* spectre: my blade always thirsts for more, *impales robot*
*showing my weapons from the blackmarket*
thx everyone 4 watching, like and subscribe!
Superpower 2. Announcement from the Latvian mapper - Duration: 8:11.Well, here we are went into the game
We go to the sandbox
This is sandbox menu
They we can Choose a country for which we will play
I Choose Latvia
Choosing what we control, and that the computer
Here we can choose political party
Here, the goal of victory
Now I click the pause
We in game
And can see with green army is my, but blue is alliance army
Click space we can see who owns army
Click mause 2 and click diplomatic relations. What kind of relationship we have with the countries
Here you can see all of everything connected with politics
In this window, we can choose a political ideology, change the capital and see when the elections are held in the country
Here everything related to foreign policy
Here we see how religion in the country, and many of their ban, allow or do officially. Also with languages
Here the laws of the country that can enable or disable
Here we see that the political parties can also allow or disallow
Here we can open or close the border for immigration and emigration also
Here we can see lope support us in the country
Here we can see how corruption in the country
Here, everything that is connected with the army
Here we can buy and order the number of infantry and vehicles, to explore and create weapons and also to train and deploy in the capital
Here you can explore the atomic weapons or missile defense
Here agents
Here everything related to the country's economy
Here the economy's health
Here, what and where funded
Everybody is here. about the resources and the taxes on it. The resource can allow and disallow
We can also increase the amount of resources
Here you can see income, expenses, balance and national debt
Thank you tomorrow start playing
The Kilgore College Rangerettes - A Cotton Bowl Tradition - Duration: 1:28.♪
>> The Rangerettes are the first dance drill team that ever performed on a football field.
They were created in 1940 by Ms. Gussie Nell Davis.
She was asked to think of something to help keep people in the stands during halftime and so she created a dance team in 1940. They're 77 years old.
It's first time -- it's your first time and then you do it and it's your last time.
So first time you are learning, the second time you are a teacher.
It's just been -- been doing that for 77 years.
And it's just been -- the traditions and the work ethic and everything have been passed down by the group.
>> It's really fun because the teams that are from up north don't really know who we are so we get to show them a little bit of Texas with drill team, and it's really fun for us to just share a little part of dance with them.
Just really love the experience of being rewarded for your hard work and just showing professionalism in everything you do and having the all-American girl image.
>> Yeah, it's amazing.
It's funny to see the little things that are different.
And I've always, like, grew up watching the Cotton Bowl and, you know, just Dallas in general, like the Cowboys and the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders and, like, being here and experiencing it firsthand.
Being in the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders locker room and just being on this field is an incredible experience.
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DAMN INTERRUPTIONS! | Battlefield 1 Multiplayer | Part 2 - Duration: 7:25.Yo yo yo Hello there people of the internet
Back again with another episode of team deathmatch Hope to not stink it up
Ya know, wanna do good this game Got no idea what's going on
Just gotta kill the other people, ya know?
That was terrible Lol
Don't know what to do Ok, gonna go back to being a medic
*depressed sigh* C'mon man you can get over there
Once again have no idea what's going on, just trying to pull all of this together
Drop some of that high quality health, ya know?
Ok Where they at tho?
Where they at?
Riperino bambino *humming musical tune*
Ok *sniffle*
Just gotta snipe as many people as possible 1 in 2, best kd ever!
Where are they dude?
Show yourselves!
Pretty pretty please!
For the Febreeze
Nice job, me.
That was horrible!
Ok, so, almost ready to deploy Gotta snip these boys, Boise, Idaho
Snip dem boys from Boise Idaho Yeah just hop over that barbed wire like a
*Remi* Hello?
Yo what's up Remi?
*Remi* Hey
I'm in a game right now and I'm recording
it, so Say hi to Youtube!
*Remi * Hey. alright, seeya
*Remi* Tell me when you're done recording
So that was my friend.
I'll record an episode of Battlefield with him soon, don't worry
Uh, yeah.
I know it's a bit boring, me by myself, but there's not exactly much I can say,
Don't worry.
It will be a lot more fun when I play with him
Riperino bambino
Let's see, any of my squadmates alive?
Nah They're all scrubs
I'm now the squad leader! Oh yeah!
Don't know what the hell I'm doing but whatever
3 in 4
Bottom of the table!
Back again, Remi?
You just wanna piss me off when I'm recording?
*Remi * No No?
Okay, whatever *EARRAPEWARNING*
Please, go kill yourself, please
*Remi* I'm done, sorry
*Remi* I'm actually sorry
*Remi* You should mute the Discord bot
Nah, I'm almost done
*Remi* You wanna play CS with us?
Nah, is it okay if we do some Battlefield 1?
*Remi *Can I just play a game of CS with Jacob and then play Battlefield?
Sure *Remi* Alright, seeya then
Thank you people of the internet for watching
me play Battlefield 1 Team Deathmatch, with, of course, some minor interruptions
Thank you for watching!
PACMAN IS IN ROBLOX?!?!? - Duration: 4:42.hi guys today I am playing pac-blox
let start!!!!!!!!!!
pac already got a power pellet I'm doomed....
I'm just walking around...
theres definitely not a pie shaped yellow guy after me right now...
HEY THERE HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!
why do I do this to myself...
the orange bunddle
I'm free
doo doo doo doot
'Museum kid' heading to the Smithsonian thanks to 'Make A Wish' - Duration: 1:07.HOPE HAS THE STORY.
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