Hey everyone, this is Orgil from Orgl Desgn
Today I'm gonna show you a design process of making soccer shoe poster design
I wanna show you how simple it is to make this kind of advertisement poster
and that you can do it too. Enjoy
How To Make Your WordPress Website Run Faster By Changing 1 Setting - Duration: 9:21.Welcome back to another video my name is Adam from WPCrafter.com where I make videos for
non-techies like me and I'm initially something in this video on how you can speed up your
WordPress website now it's going to be a little technical like the concept but implementing
it is going to be so easy just a few mouse clicks to know the technical side of his is
what powers your WordPress-based website is it on a web hosting account in their certain
services on that web hosting account to make it work you have something called MySQL for
the databases where your data is stored and you have Apache or something like that that's
being acting as your Web server there's couple other options there Apaches very common and
there's also something called PHP and in this video to show you how to change in the PHP
version to a current version and when you do this your websites going to be faster it's
good to be a lot snappier when you're in the backing of the website or the front-end of
the website now this is actually a big deal in there is that one of the goals of WordPress
the WordPress.org that the body that is controlling WordPress is they want everyone using PHP
seven they want every theme on PHP seven every plug-in on PHP seven and I'm in a show you
how to upgrade now if you go and get a new web hosting account chances are they're not
gonna put PHP seven on your web hosting account but most are going to give you the option
to choose which PHP version that your Ron she might be on version 5.5 or 5.6 I don't
know what happened to PHP six but anyways Ron PHP seven and were deep into it now the
reason why these Webhost aren't putting you on PHP seven is because not everything is
compatible with it and that is where can get a little dicey so for them to put you on the
lower version makes sense because it's going to reduce support requests and things like
that now any modern developed plug-in or theme it's going or to be compatible most likely
with PHP version 7 now if you're using some offshoot old plug-in from some scamming Internet
marketer and it was coded in 2014 there's a good chance that PHP seven is not gonna
work for you because you're not using plug-ins and themes developed by reliable developers
that are actually still in business so I'm in a show you how to first test your WordPress-based
website to see if the code on it will work with PHP seven there's a tool and then I'm
in a show you how to go into your web hosting account and change the PHP version so there's
this plug-in were going to use and is actually made by WP engine there one of the more premium
web hosts cohosting the cheapest hosting plan with them is $30 per month and I think that's
when you pay annually so they're not that the cheapest Webhost but they came out this
plug-in called PHP compatibility Checker now here's the thing I will when I look at this
I first looked at the reviews here and there's a couple one star reviews and when I read
them some developers of plug-ins and themes were saying it wasn't detecting that their
software was compatible when it is so that is one of the caveats but let's just go through
it together so I am in the back end of a WordPress site hear someone go to plug-ins at new have
never used this I recently updated to PHP seven my site not just on the run and gun
type of guy I'm just going to do it and deal with the consequences later that's not necessarily
a good practice but that's what I do more times than not so about what's nice is when
we change it to seven we can easily change it back to a lower version of something doesn't
work right so I would go ahead and click on install now and let's run it for the first
time and see hopefully it's instantaneous and it works pretty quick so let's see I'm
assuming it's going to be under tools there it is tools PHP compatibility and it work
and attested for version 7 and Dell it's only scan for what's active I'm pretty sure I don't
really have anything active so it's just scanned the 2016 theme of course it is let me scan
all plug-ins and themes because I have some other stuff in there and let's see what it
says now some people were complaining that there was false positives but then there was
a newer version of this plug-in that came out maybe two months ago and it was supposed
to deal with a lot of those problems okay now while it's running not sure lungs it takes
I never use this before I'm in a show you how to change your PHP version in your web
hosting account actually looks like it's almost done so I'm using InMotion hosting and when
you but this'll work with any Webhost now every Webhost is a little different this could
be some Webhost that don't want to give you the ability to change this I don't know why
but there are hosts like that in that case you're going to have to submit a support ticket
saying hey I want to go on PHP version 7 but in motion a hosting does give you the ability
and have a promotion with emotion they give all my viewers a 56% discount also throw Lincoln
down below to that but anyways going to click on cPanel LC panels that standard control
panel that most Webhost are using an enema to scroll down to where it says PHP configuration
it's right here in a minute click on that and it showing the all the versions that are
available to me and the version that I'm using right now so I can put version 7 and this
is RC right here that just means it's a release candidate I would not recommend that so I
would use this seven right here are some to go to version 7.0 and set of 7.1 go back and
take a look at that plug and see if it's done it still scanning but it's okay I'm going
implemented anyway soon as you do that and then you just click on updates and literally
now you are on the higher version of PHP and what's going to happen is your WordPress-based
websites can be a lot snappier I've noticed my site is a lot snappier in fact WordPress
is going to require Webhost to give you PHP seven by default if they want to be listed
on WordPress.org so many ways I don't know of this is going to finish by the end of this
video but I do know that sprite taken so long as have a bunch of themes on their I should've
maybe cleared out those themes but you get the point you can run your test now here's
the best part about it is because you're using cPanel and it's on some server of your own
you can easily come back here some didn't work right and you can just gulp down a version
now some of the caveats are if you're running non-WordPress non-WordPress apps on your hosting
account this upgrades the entire hosting accounts you just need to make sure that everything
you have is going to be okay on PHP version 7 maybe you can do this late on a Friday night
when you're going to have your least amount of traffic perhaps and then test everything
make sure works and then you're good to go but most of the reliable plug-ins and themes
they're all going to be compatible with version 7 of PHP chisels real random offshoot plug-ins
or themes that are really being supported or actively developed any more so anyways
this is one simple trick that you can do right now to make your WordPress website run faster
because you made it to the end of the video I have a free gift for you but before I talk
about that I want to ask you to do something for me if you can give this video a thumbs
up down below that would really help me out if you're not subscribed to the channel go
ahead and click on the unsubscribe button and become a subscriber and support this channel
and if you'd like you to notify you when I upload new videos there's little bell next
to that subscribe button you can click on that and set that up as well if you have any
questions or a comment about this video I'd love to answer it there's a comments section
down below all you have to do is put in your question or comment I respond to every single
one I made a course just for you and it's called the three steps to WordPress success
and I want to give this to you if you'd like to enroll in this course there's a button
right here off to the right you go ahead and click on that role as a student and that's
just my way of saying thank you for supporting me and making it to the end of this video
I make them just for you
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