Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily go! Jan 27 2017

hey guy welcome back

ima tell you how t o instaswap on the game mwr

now you will need claymores

once you got the claymores you want to got to your secondary and switch to your caymore then once your at your claymore press yy can you will be able to switch to your primary fast

just remember if you need to pause the video at anytime you can

like this

you can also do this with a RPG which is later on the video

cya and make sure you like and sub and ima let you all watch the rest

For more infomation >> how to instaswap on MWR - Duration: 3:44.


Drama Go Go Go (姐姐立正向前走) Ep 07 Eng Sub - Drama Chinese - Dramas-TV - Duration: 58:54.

For more infomation >> Drama Go Go Go (姐姐立正向前走) Ep 07 Eng Sub - Drama Chinese - Dramas-TV - Duration: 58:54.


טופ חמש עובדות על CS:GO - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> טופ חמש עובדות על CS:GO - Duration: 2:08.


Ordinary Saturday: dental clinic, Invisalign & Ginza shopping! - Duration: 8:06.

Good morning everyone! Or good day or evening,

depending on where you are now.

It's morning for me, it's Saturday today and

the weather is not really good today...

It's really really cool outside, that's why

I'm wearing this cozy pajama and

sleeping next to my oil heater...

But I till have to go outside today, because

I have a dentist appointment. I have to

start getting ready. So let's get to it!

I usually start my days off with something

light like yogurt, fruits, sandwiches...

or natto!

Yeah, you heard me! Natto!

If you don't know what natto is, it is the most

disgustingly stinky food you can find

in Japan and 90% of foreigners hate it.

But I love it!

What about you? Have you ever tried natto before?

Did you like it? Let me know in the comments!

And the second essential thing

to my breakfast is coffee. I'm using

Nescafe Dolce Gust, which is super tiny

in size - perfect for my small kitchen - and makes all

kinds of drinks!

The day is so muc better if you actually start it with coffee!

About today's plan. If you read my blog,

you probably know that last year I started Invisalign

for my teeth alignment. I might talk about

Invisalign in my next video and i think I'm

going to do that in Russian because i

feel that there is already a lot of

information about Invisalign in English

so, I might as well do that in Russian.

So my appointment today with the dentist

is not just to check up my teeth, it's

to check if I'm progressing nicely with

the Invisalign and if not then i might need

some adjustments. The clinic is located

in Ginza which is another famous

area for shopping so I thought might as well

do some shopping!

So there's not much time left, so let's just

speed it up and let's get ready as soon as we can

and let's go out!

Ok, so my teeth story in really really short.

I've always been somewhat uncomfortable

with my teeth alignment, not being able

to smile openly but I knew I could never

commit to wearing braces! NO WAY!

So one day I accidently found a

video on youtube where someone was

sharing their Invisalign experience and

that really peaked my interest.

I immediately did some research if it was

actually available in Japan and that's

how i found this clinic!

Basically Invisalign is transparent aligners that

push your teeth gradually into the right

position. Every few days you change your

invisalign to the next one and

step-by-step you're getting closer to

your goal! And the best thing is that you

can remove them whenever you want to eat

or brush your teeth or whatever and then put

them back on and people have no idea

that you're actually wearing some aligners!

So this is what my teeth look

now! I'm currently on step 26 or


So yeah, still far from perfect but it's

something, right? And I can already see a

lot of progress!

I'm finished for today with the dentist. They had to make one gap between two of my teeth

but that's according to the plan.

For now we're done and i'm still in Ginza so I'm

gonna go do some shopping! So let's do it!

Alright so now that we're done with our

epic teeth quest

let's go do some shopping! Recently it's

been so cold in Tokyo and Japanese

apartments are usually equipped with only

air conditioners, which yes you can use

as heaters, but they dry the hell out of

the air and they eat so much electricity,

you will HATE your bill at the end of the month.

Interestingly, I've noticed that Japanese

people don't really try to warm their

rooms because it's MUDA!

Instead, they try to bear with the cold by

putting on some clothes and warming

themselves locally with things like hot

drinks, containers filled with hot water

and kotatsu. Aaanyway, so today i wanted to

go to Nitori, a shop that sells

everything home related to see some nice

warm and fuzzy blankets because mine is

not thick enough for me recently. But I

guess it's my thing now... going somewhere but

not actually getting there......

NOOoo000.... Nitori is closed! DAMN IT....

Luckily for me, there's always PLAZA

to save the day

PLAZA is one of my favorite shops in Tokyo!

They sell a variety of imported

and Japanese goods and if I had the time

I think i could spend hours there browsing

their makeup and hair products, sweets,

stationary and home goods. It's so hard to

walk away without buying anything there!

The only thing that PLAZA and any other

similar shops in Japan don't have is dry

shampoo. I'm sorry, but you're just not

going to find it anywhere here! Somehow

the whole concept of dry shampoo as an

essential everyday hair product is not

very widespread in Japan. In fact, when

you say dry shampoo, the only thing that

comes to a Japanese person's mind is

probably a hospital dry shampoo for

seriously injured or ill people who can't

take showers and wash their hair...

It's so sad because in reality dry shampoos have

stepped so far away from that!

Please! Can somebody start selling them

in Japan already???

So anyway I really tried hard not to buy

something on that day but unfortunately

I still did! And I actually wanted to

show you guys, once i got home, what I

bought, but then I thought that's probably going

to be boring anyway so i decided to skip

that part. But if you feel like it's

something that you might be interested in,

let me know in the comments and maybe we

can do some shopping hauls together!

Hey guys! We're back from Ginza!

I'm just gonna go and do some editing and

then I'll probably just be chillin for

the rest of the day because feeling kind

of tired

I guess from the work week.. So that's it for

today! I hope you enjoyed it!

And if you did,

please give it a thumbs up, subscribe if

you haven't yet and I'll see you soon in my

next video! Bye! Thank you~~~

For more infomation >> Ordinary Saturday: dental clinic, Invisalign & Ginza shopping! - Duration: 8:06.


U.S. government scientists go 'rogue' in defiance of Trump January 26, 2017 - Duration: 4:41.

U.S. government scientists go 'rogue' in defiance of Trump

Employees from more than a dozen U.S. government agencies have established a network of unofficial

"rogue" Twitter feeds in defiance of what they see as attempts by President Donald Trump

to muzzle federal climate change research and other science.

Seizing on Trump's favorite mode of discourse, scientists at the Environmental Protection

Agency, NASA and other bureaus have privately launched Twitter accounts - borrowing names

and logos of their agencies - to protest restrictions they view as censorship and provide unfettered

platforms for information the new administration has curtailed.

"Can't wait for President Trump to call us FAKE NEWS," one anonymous National Park Service

employee posted on the newly opened Twitter account @AltNatParkService.

"You can take our official twitter, but you'll never take our free time!"

MORE FROM REUTERS * Trump may reinstate CIA 'black sites': U.S.

officials * Commentary: Cisco pays fantastical price

to capture unicorn

The @RogueNASA account displayed an introductory disclaimer describing it as "The unofficial

'Resistance' team of NASA.

Not an official NASA account."

It beckoned readers to follow its feed "for science and climate news and facts.


The swift proliferation of such tweets by government rank-and-file followed internal

directives several agencies involved in environmental issues have received since Trump's inauguration

requiring them to curb their dissemination of information to the public.

Last week, Interior Department staff were told to stop posting on Twitter after an employee

re-tweeted posts about relatively low attendance at Trump's swearing-in, and about how material

on climate change and civil rights had disappeared from the official White House website.

Employees at the EPA and the departments of Interior, Agriculture and Health and Human

Services have since confirmed seeing notices from the new administration either instructing

them to remove web pages or limit how they communicate to the public, including through

social media.

The restrictions have reinforced concerns that Trump, a climate change skeptic, is out

to squelch federally backed research showing that emissions from fossil fuel combustion

and other human activities are contributing to global warming.

The resistance movement gained steam on Tuesday when a series of climate change-related tweets

were posted to the official Twitter account of Badlands National Park in South Dakota,

administered under the Interior Department, but were soon deleted.

A Park Service official later said those tweets came from a former employee no longer authorized

to use the official account and that the agency was being encouraged to use Twitter to post

public safety and park information only, and to avoid national policy issues.

Within hours, unofficial "resistance" or "rogue" Twitter accounts began sprouting up, emblazoned

with the government logos of the agencies where they worked, the list growing to at

least 14 such sites by Wednesday afternoon.

An account dubbed @ungaggedEPA invited followers to visit its feeds of "ungagged news, links,

tips and conversation that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is unable to tell you,"

adding that it was "Not directly affiliated with @EPA."

U.S. environmental employees were soon joined by similar "alternative" Twitter accounts

originating from various science and health agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration,

the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the

National Weather Service.

Many of their messages carried Twitter hashtags #resist or #resistance.

An unofficial Badlands National Park account called @BadHombreNPS also emerged (a reference

to one of Trump's more memorable campaign remarks about Mexican immigrants) to post

material that had been scrubbed from the official site earlier.

Because the Twitter feeds were set up and posted to anonymously as private accounts,

they are beyond the control of the government.

For more infomation >> U.S. government scientists go 'rogue' in defiance of Trump January 26, 2017 - Duration: 4:41.


Tea with Tempus Episode 4: A Tempus Horror Story ft. Medusa Repulsa - Duration: 7:43.

welcome ladies and gentlemen to another

episode of Tea with Tempus! Hi guys today

I have a very special guest I have the

most legendary scare queen on the scene

so please welcome the one the only: Medusa Repulsa

welcome to my show Tea with Tempus

Medusa's style is very, um

horror-esque. I thought I was a pagaent Queen

just I love her shows so much and have

her on my show

usually my style is very kind like alt

queen / trash Queen and today I'm going

to get turned into a monster for the

first time and i'm very excited so let's

do this! Do you glue your eyebrows down all the time now?

I usually do part of them. I do a Courtney act

I'm a Satanist though like theological yeah

'cause I don't worship Satan as a deity or anything but

sit with them is really just kind of

exaggerated it is a yeah it really take

advantage of artificial like I'm always

posting and Satan like quotes and

fitness and ironic famously Satanist and

actually should take me like the thing

like most about theological certain it

will get the difference between certain

is completely different

but I wish I was the kind of person when

I'm going back to school in the

mountains / and not even though people

spread like a fucking the offer like

this is happy with so I i forgot to

introduce you as a member of the

National League Diana's but last my last

episode and show i have poly who's a

member at naturally Diana's this is

reduces also one of the members with

Holly Tyler explained quite well and she

couldn't explain was I sucking the moles

i was still fun and

hey I don't have fun by a makeup company

how to make a new particle segment is

the way that this is the winter to

examine this is the will be living

forever like the age of 14 and 16 inches

and the system going to 20 people there

i don't want to give the actual like the

Holy Bible in there

yeah i know a lot of people it was cut

off but ya gotta get I suppose that the

ball is yeah drag queens can't be

offensive what can they made that we

have a spot at both of the hole

this is the finished look so yeah I want

to say a massive massive thank you to

meet you sir for coming and turning me

into a complete and ferocious monster

i'm loving it

okay good because like it only goes

enjoyed watching this fun making process

and this episode of tv with tempest if

you did please give it a massive thumbs

up and and i'm going to post links to

reduce those twitter facebook and and

absolutely Diana was just good group

she's a part of and so go subscribe to

them and if you haven't already please

subscribe to me as well

halloween two up to all day and all your

help and I usually will and then shall

we keep them perform rituals with their

entry list with yeah i'm sure you guys

will see Medusa again at some point

download down the road and also go to

shows because she's so talented and a

little thanks for watching this episode

of Tia tempest tune in next week for

another episode

For more infomation >> Tea with Tempus Episode 4: A Tempus Horror Story ft. Medusa Repulsa - Duration: 7:43.


Milla Jovovich - Let You Go (#ZICOMILLA) [Subtitulado en Español] - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Milla Jovovich - Let You Go (#ZICOMILLA) [Subtitulado en Español] - Duration: 3:41.


Nekketsu Saikyo Go Saurer - Episode 41 - Survival! The Dinosaur Age [Unchecked] - Duration: 23:29.

NOTICE This is an incomplete subtitle. Please do not redistribute. - WARNING - HIGH FREQUENCY FLASHING Be sure to watch in a bright room as it really can irritate your eyes.

Ultimate Eruption Go Saurer (Nekketsu Saikyō Gōzaurā)

♪ An ordinary morning is ♩

♪ disappearing in the distance ♩

♪ Don't turn away your eyes ♩

♪ and run ♩

♪ You are the one ♩

♪ who can do something ♩

♪ that will make everyone's spirit dance ♩

♪ You are crying, but ♩

♪ I'll give you ♩

♪ lots of courage ♩

♪ Look! ♩

♪ Ultimate Eruption Go Saurer ♩

♪ It's the energy of us all working together ♩

♪ Ultimate Eruption Go Saurer ♩

♪ Let's depart to the skies to the far away time and space ♩

Survival! The Dinosaur Age

Is that Youji's Gran Tops?

Who the heck is that?

Up for a fight?!

You bastard!

Wait, Kenichi! It might be friendly!

Would a friend attack us?!

But it does look like Gran Tops!

Then what should I do?!

Kenichi, get away for now!

Please do so. We'll gather the info later on.

Got it!

Saurer Bomber!

I guess it's safe for now...

But what's going on?

I got Magna Tyranno off me, but...

...where are everybody?

Kinta, respond! Youji!

It's no good. Communications isn't working at all.

Probably because of the Mechanized Empire.

I wonder if Youji's safe.


Get a grip!

Youji and Kinta are going to be fine.

Yeah, yeah! They must be worried about us!

Kinta might be taking a nap!

And Youji might be solving workbooks!

You're right. Youji might be worried about his study even in a time like this.

That's a good part of him!

Well, what should we do from now on?

Professor, you told you were going to gather info...

There are too many mystery.

What was that robot that just looked like Gran Tops?

What happened to Eldran?

Hey, I'm hungry.

Aren't you hungry, guys?

Now he has talked about that, me too.

What about the space food we brought when we went to the Moon?

We already ate all of them long time ago!

Then that's it! We're going to find food!

Find from where?

Of course, from outside!

It's hot here...

This era has higher temperature compared to the present age.

This flower looks pretty!

This is a flowering dogwood!

Can I eat this?

That's not written on this book.

I'm going to eat.

Stop! It might be poisonous!

But I'm starving!

Forget it, Mabo.

Let's go for hunting!

What are you going to hunt?

Something we can eat!

And what is that something we can eat?

Look around! It's full of dinosaurs!

We're going to get them and eat!

What? We're gonna eat them?

How poor!

It can't be helped! We're gonna die instead if we don't eat them!

Hey, let's go, Goro!

Get Saurer Side!

You must be starved, Mabo! Let's go find something to eat!

I'll go, I'll go!

Be careful, everyone!

Mr. Nakajima, take care of the girls!

Don't overdo it!

Maybe they'll become the prey themselves instead.

Anyway, aren't all of you doing your best?

First, we went to the Moon, and we were on the mechanized Earth.

And now, the primitive age.

I'm already tired.

You've gone through all the troubles, too.

You should take some rest!

No, but...

Don't worry, leave the rest to us!

Then let me take a short rest.

Call me if anything happens!

Our chance!

Hey, where are you going?

Toilet, of course!

It's inside Go Saurer!

No! There's not enough water inside.

Oh, was that so?

Then me too!

Let's try something smaller!

But it's going to be tasty if we eat it!

Let's get it!

-Stop, Mabo! -We're gonna be eaten, instead!

My food is walking away!

Let me go! I'm going to catch it and eat it!

My heart almost stopped working...

It looked tasty...

Again, that's way too big!

What's wrong, everyone?

Did you get something?

I got this.

What a big dragonfly!

Is that edible?

It is, it is! It's edible!

Forget it! This is not for eating, but a bait!


Will that help you get anything at all?

You just watch!

There should be some giant fish in this age!

That makes sense, but...

Hey, did you get one yet?

Do you think I could?

I wonder what will he get.

Hey, a Pteranodon!

It looks just like Mach Ptera!

That's it!

I can't take this anymore! I'm going to look for something by myself!

It's too dangerous to go by yourself!

Whatever! I'm going!

Well then, I'll go with you.

We'll find something tasty!

Then, see you later!

Get something!

Hey, Bon, does there even exist any fish?

That's impossible! I'm going to get something big!

Food... food...

Is there any good food?

Hey, what's that?

Oh, it's a nest of some kind!

There are some eggs!

Whose eggs are these?

It doesn't matter! If it's an egg, then it's edible!

No! We gotta take the egg!




Mabo, give the egg back!

No, no, no!

Help me!

It's here!


Don't haste! The timing is crucial!

Don't let it go, Bon!

B- B- B-



Go take my ball!

Give up your ball!

Can't we go any faster?!

No! It's too heavy!

Subtitle by Subdivers Check by Mattman

Ultimate Eruption Go Saurer

What? So you're saying that you're back without anything?

It can't be helped! We were in hurry!

What? No food?

I knew you had a big mouth and that was about it.

Hey, we were almost eaten by a dinosaur!


Hey, everyone!

I found something to eat!

-An egg! -It's so big!

How did you get one?

Mabo took one from a dinosaur's nest.


-It looks safe to eat! -It should be good enough.

Mabo can be really determined!

I looked at you again!

We should asked Kenichi's team to get firewoods instead, if we knew this was gonna happen!

I'll go get tomorrow's food, too!

I'm going too!

Me too! I can't stand this!

I'm going to fish something big!

That's the spirit!

Let's go!

Achieve something!

Hey, what about the fire?

Oh, right. We need fire.

Professor, what about fire?

Fire, eh?

Let's try frictional heat!

Frictional heat?

Will this even work?

It should. We're now making a more efficient device, so please deal with it for now!

I can't wait anymore! I'm starved to death!

Hold on, Mabo!

Oh, you've all came back!

Do you feel good now, teacher?

Yeah, it's all better after a good sleep.

Hm? What are you doing?

We're trying to make a fire.

Fire? Well, for that, I have a lighter.

Lighter? That's great!

Great! It's on.

Boiled eggs! Boiled eggs!


A baby dinosaur!

No way!

Hey, it looks cute!

Let's make a roasted dinosaur!

What are you saying?! You're gonna eat someone this cute?!

It looks good!

-No way! -That's cruel! -Not allowed!

That's right. I'm not going to forgive anyone who tries to eat you, so don't worry!

It's eating Eri!

E- Eri?

Let her go, you brat!

It's too tough...

Hey, Mabo! Stop!

But I took the egg!

You aren't eating this kid!

Then what are we gonna eat?

Grass, I guess...

No, no, no!

Help me!


Get these off us!


Oh, Kenichi, that's a lot!

A- a lot?!

That was good!

Good for you.

It was pretty tasty.

I don't like this age.

I guess Kinta and Youji are hungry, too.

Don't worry. There's a kitchen class in Magna Saurer.

That must be good...

Sugar... Salt... Pepper... Condiments aren't enough to make a dish!

I'm hungry...

What is it?

There's nothing that seems to be edible around here...

Where are the dinosaurs going?

What's up with the dinosaurs?

Let's go, too!

Well then! Everyone, get onto Go Saurer!

Let's go!

Wait! You're going to take this guy inside?!

But we can't just leave someone who has just born here!

Think about me! It almost ate me!

It's too dangerous!

I'll make it stay put in the power room!

You help too, Mabo!

I won't care even if whatever happens!

Where are the dinosaurs heading to?

Is there something in front of them?

That's some number of dinosaurs gathering!

What's that?

The dinosaurs...

Were they moving to fight the mechanized beasts?

Take this!

You guys can stay put!

Shield Beam!

How's that?!

There's no end to them!

Counterattack, Kenichi!

We are not enough to do counterattack!

What is it?

Magna Tyranno? Is it Kinta?

-Kinta! -Kinta!

Are everyone on Go Saurer?

What are you saying, Kinta?

You seem to be real!

What do you mean by real?

I was attacked by a robot that just looked like Go Saurer!

You too?!

Then you guys, too?!

The mechanized beasts...

They combined!

I- it's big!

Watch out, Kenichi!

Erupting Transformation!





Erupting Evolution! Gran Saurer!

Here I go!

Big Lancer!

Ultimate Eruption Gran Saurer!

I'm finally with everyone!

You've appeared at the right moment, Youji!

Are they roaring towards that tower?

Let's go find out! There might be the enemy that was troubling Eldran.

Got it!

How dare the Mechanized Empire make those things?!

Hey, there's something!

T- that must be...

Isn't that Gilturbo?

No doubt about it! That's Gilturbo!

Why is he at this age?

But why is there his neck only?

What happened here, Professor?

Eldran, you seem to finally have lost the control of yourself after losing so much!

I never expected you to enter the sanctuary of the Mechanized Empire.

Or, do you want to know what was going on?

About how did I get the exact same power that you have?

Who is that guy?

He must be from the Mechanized Empire!

He's probably assuming that we're Eldran.

Eldran! In order to take you down,

the great Lord Machine God has granted me a power!

It is a data box about you.

J- just a moment!

Could that mean...

I have gained the exact same power with you!


That's Go Saurer!

-Isn't that Magna Saurer?! -Gran Saurer's there, too!

Eldran, it's time to finish this!

W- what's going on?

I don't get it at all!

Anyway one thing that's sure is that he's our enemy!

Let's go, everyone!

King Go Saurer! Super Erupting Fusion!

♪ Jumping over a raging violent wind ♩

♪ Met at last! Burning even more! ♩

♪ With the courage, be frantic! ♩

♪ The hope always shines on us ♩

♪ We'll protect everything, believing in the tomorrow ♩

♪ Cut off the roving space and time ♩

♪ King Go Saurer! ♩

♪ Activate the sparkling power ♩

♪ It's rising up ♩

♪ To protect the love and the dream ♩

♪ King Go Saurer! ♩

♪ Now advance! Ready go! ♩

♪ Ultimate Eruption King Go Saurer! ♩

King Go Saurer

Dark Go Saurer! Super Steel Fusion!

Can that guy combine too?!

Is it as strong as ours?

That's impossible! That's nothing more than a fake!

King Blade!

You'll see, Eldran!

Eldran! I, Atom King, will take your life!

The Earth will be a property of the Mechanized Empire!

Iron discipline to the whole universe!

King Go Saurer was so easily blown off...

Prepare yourself!

Preview for Next Episode

Preview for Next Episode The strongest enemy ever. The name is Dark Go Saurer.

The strongest enemy ever. The name is Dark Go Saurer.

It troubled Eldran and wasted King Go Saurer!

What?! A giant army of mechanizing meteorites are falling!

Are they planning to exterminate dinosaurs?!

That will not happen! We will stop that no matter what!

Next time on Ultimate Eruption Go Saurer! Go Saurer of Light and Dark!

Everyone gather and move out!

♪ no need to be uneasy ♩

♪ no need to hesitate ♩

♪ do only what you like ♩

♪ this or that, as you wish, ♩

♪ you'll be able to do so ♩

♪ on a bicycle ♩

♪ through a wind ♩

♪ let's run to the end ♩

♪ more important than studying is ♩

♪ promised time! ♩

♪ everything is ♩

♪ for you ♩

♪ little by little, shining eyes ♩

♪ reflecting the good day ♩

♪ even when they are blinking ♩

♪ little by little, the time flies by ♩

♪ catch the new day ♩

♪ it's something adults cannot understand ♩

♪ that's what it is ♩

For more infomation >> Nekketsu Saikyo Go Saurer - Episode 41 - Survival! The Dinosaur Age [Unchecked] - Duration: 23:29.


ЛУЧШИЕ ИГРЫ ДЛЯ iOS 2016 | Afterpulse, CSR Racing, Pokemon Go | ТОП5 - Duration: 4:25.

For more infomation >> ЛУЧШИЕ ИГРЫ ДЛЯ iOS 2016 | Afterpulse, CSR Racing, Pokemon Go | ТОП5 - Duration: 4:25.


Go Go Empowered Ranger. Run Run Super V smartphone app gameplay [KM+Gaming S01E25] - Duration: 6:36.

Hey everybody! Welcome back to

Kid Matters plus TV

and today

we're playing Run Run super five

I'm going to play as the red one, yeah.

Oh, double jump.


How did I do that?

Oh, I have a sword, watch out for me

whoa, what?



Santa Jet


my jet [unkown]

Please, Stop!



Get all the coins


He has a plane and she has an Eagle!



next form play

Oh no!



Oh against them!


Rocket bows


Oh don't worry. Yeah!

We defeated him!

I was like, what?

we didn't defeat him???

But anyways...

that was going to take a long effort


what's happening?

He got up

has a death bomb, or whatever that was...

...and then he pulled the robot apart.

and then the...the...


Red Ranger...

dropped into the water.

and then...

he swam to safety


the guy in the background was

Ha ha Ha HA

but I'm playing the next round

They're going like...




I should have double jumped

Get back up. Get back up again

Get back up. Get back up again

Ooooh my...

Bang Bang


Wooo. argh

Oh no

and we killed him


there we go

there we go



Oh, when we jump on their heads...

Oh no, we couldn't stay alive

And run!






Another win, for Red Ranger!!

The blue guy has a lion, that can fly!

Oh I don't have louie [stuffed lion]

The health guy...

the green guy is the health guy

and the...

and the yellow guy I forgot.

next plan(?)


so red ranger does punches.

left to right

and then the...

and then she does


and then blue does sword

and then green does health

and yellow does sword

no no, not sword, shield.


shield. Oh!

okay, now we're going to do a sword in a moment


He had no attack, so I got him.

why is he closing his eyes?


shield. NO


OH rockets




Did it!

That's going to be it, guys.

so if you like this video...

Please subscribe!

and yeah...BYE!

For more infomation >> Go Go Empowered Ranger. Run Run Super V smartphone app gameplay [KM+Gaming S01E25] - Duration: 6:36.


RESIDENT EVIL 7 Intro - Go Tell Aunt Rhody Full HD - Duration: 0:28.

Go Tell Aunt Rhody

Go Tell Aunt Rhody

Go Tell Aunt Rhody


Everybody Is


For more infomation >> RESIDENT EVIL 7 Intro - Go Tell Aunt Rhody Full HD - Duration: 0:28.


Let it go reversed - Duration: 3:45.

Lego name

Without the venthole


There's no sleep


Viola's Best friends:

Skau Lea


Them words, ninja

I'm confident

Working it

Hannah's dark elf

Forgets the Armour now




A lazy sap

Acne was her name


VCR making out with

grab a sing-soft gnome

My brother thought

optimism was fleeing around,

They lost him


By the woods near me

dooms hero for water

i get no sleep


Skau Lea

This is Skau Lea!

Now he makes the fine loin


workin' it

I am sadly losing phenomena

For more infomation >> Let it go reversed - Duration: 3:45.


Wheels on the bus go round and round Robocar Poli School Bus Playmobil Nursery Rhymes for children - Duration: 10:01.

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round - Round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

All through the town

The Doors on The Bus go open and shut,

open and shut | open and shut

The doors on The Bus go open and shut,

All through the town

The Wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,

swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

The Wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,

All through the town

The Horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep

beep, beep, beep

The Horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep

All through the town

The Driver on the bus says "move on back"

move on back | move on back

The Driver on the bus says "move on back"

All through the town

The baby on the bus say "OA OA OA"


The baby on the bus say "OA OA OA"

All through the town

The mommy on the bus say "shh shh shh"

shh shh shh shh shh shh

The mommy on the bus say "shh shh shh"

All through the town

The friend on the bus say "How are you"

How are you How are you

The friend on the bus say "How are you"

All through the town

For more infomation >> Wheels on the bus go round and round Robocar Poli School Bus Playmobil Nursery Rhymes for children - Duration: 10:01.


Sophia Loren - Mambo Italiano Lyrics(English/Ukrainian) - Duration: 3:07.

Sophia Loren "Mambo Italiano"

A boy went back to Napoli,

because he missed the scenery,

the native dancers and the charming songs.

But wait a minute, something's wrong.

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano!

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano!

Go, go, Joe, you mixed up Sigiliano.

All you Calabrese

do the mambo like crazy.

Hey Mambo! Don't wanna tarantella

Hey Mambo! No more-a moozzarella

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano!

Try an enchilada with a fish-a-barcalada.

Hey goombah!

I love-a how you dance rumba.

But take-a some advice paisano,

learn how to mambo.

If you're gonna be a square,

you're never gonna go nowhere.

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano!

Hey Mambo, hey Mambo Italiano!

Go, go, Joe, shake-a like a Gioviano.

Hello quesadicha,

you getta happy in the feets-a when you

Mambo Italiano!

Shake-a baby, shake-a,

'cause I love-a when you take-a me.

Hey Jagool!

You don't-a have to go to school,

just make a little beef flambino.

It's-a like-a vino.

Kid you're good-lookin',

but you don't know what's-a cookin' till you

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Shake-a baby, shake-a,

'cause I love it when you take-a me

by the pizzeria down-a where I'm gonna be-a.

Don't ya tell your mama.

Mama's gonna tell-a papa.

There's-a nothin' to it.

Come on baby let's-a do it!

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano!

Hey Mambo, Mambo Italiano!

Go, go, Joe, you mixed up Sigiliano.

It's-a so delish-a,

everybody gonna preshi-ada.

Mambo Italiano!

For more infomation >> Sophia Loren - Mambo Italiano Lyrics(English/Ukrainian) - Duration: 3:07.


Watch Matthew McConaughey Go Bowling at Cheap Lanes in Burbank| Splash News TV - Duration: 0:58.

All strikes, all strikes, all strikes…

[Like alright, alright, alright.]

Check out Matthew McConaughey bowling at Pickwick Bowling lanes in Burbank, Calif.

The actor was dressed down, rocking a beard and reportedly bowling with a buddy in a pretty

deserted location.

You'll notice that McConaughey's bowling pal looks a bit younger, which might be why

they chose to label the game Jr. and Sr. due to the age difference…

But as you can see, the score is pretty much equal.

In fact, McConaughey looks like he's thrown a few gutter balls this round…

But at just $6.25 dollars per game, and $4.75 for that snazzy blue shoe rental, he isn't

losing any Gold over a lousy score.

The A-lister just appears to be like any other average Joe who likes to knock down some pins


For more infomation >> Watch Matthew McConaughey Go Bowling at Cheap Lanes in Burbank| Splash News TV - Duration: 0:58.


What a Way to Go! 1964 HD COLOR - Shirley MacLaine, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin - Duration: 1:50:56.


That settles my back taxes for '59 and '60.

- That does it. - Gougers, all of you.

- Gougers! - Don't tell it to me. I make 60 bucks a week here.

- Go ahead, lady. I can wait. - Oh, thank you.

Is this where you give the money in?

Excuse me. Is this where you give the money in?

Let me see your form, miss.

I mean, did you make out a form? I mean, where are your papers?

Oh. This is the only paper that I thought was necessary.

Oh, I can't take your check without the regular 1040 form.

It's to be sure it's the correct amount according to your return.

Well, this isn't according to any return. It's just money.

I wanna give it to the government.

Well, this is very irregular.

First of all, this is the Department of Internal Revenue and...

Oh, I get it.

April fool. Next!

- No, please. - Next!

And... And I went to see the head clerk...

and then the assistant to the Secretary of Treasury...

and then the Secretary of Treasury...


but when I insisted on seeing the president...

they insisted I come to see you!

Dr. Svenson...

do you think I'm crazy too?

The... The name is "Steffanson"...

Victor Steffanson...

and, um... and we never use that word around here.

Now, Mrs. Benson, you just take one of these and try to relax. Here.

You know, Mrs...

Aaah! Pink!

Pink. They're pink pills!

- My husband was pink! I can't take a pink pill! - Ju-Just crunch it.

Crunch it right down. Th-That's right. That's right.

Uh, Mrs. Benson...

You are obviously the victim of some inner disturbance...

in which, well, for the want of a better word...

your guilts have led you to a state of fantasy...

in which, um, "A,"

you are burdened with some fantastic wealth...

and... and "B," you are eager to rid yourself of it...

as in the ancient ritual of exorcising some dybbuk or, uh, evil spirit.

- Now, now, now, now. Now, this is normal.

Excuse me.

Yes. Please don't... What?

Oh, yes. Put him on, please.

Oh, hello, Fred. Uh-huh. You investigated. And?

F- Fred. Th-The check is good?

Uh-huh. Yes.

Uh-huh. Thank you, Fred.

I have the strangest tingling sensation in my...

my toes.

Are you all right?


- Uh, w-what happened? - Well, "A," you fainted and "B," I poured water on you.

I'm terribly sorry, but I didn't know what else to do.

No, it-it's all right. You did the right thing.

Um, do you faint often?

Oh, just once in a while.

It's the shock of realization whenever I've been dead wrong about something.

The fainting is, um, running away, as it were...

from the reality that I'm not...

I'm not infallible.

Y- You see, it's been the pattern of my life...

from the time I was a...

Wait a minute. What is this?

Who's doing what to who... or whom?

Mrs. Benson, you are a young woman...

who is apparently worth in the neighborhood of... $200 million!

And for some incredible reason, you wanna give it to the government!

Y- You don't need a psychiatrist. You need your head examined.

- Now, out of my office! Out! - No, Dr. Steffanson.

- Out of my office! - You said something a minute ago...

that was very understanding and true.

I never heard it expressed before. But I want your help.

- Mrs... - Oh, please!

Ah, yes.

Yes, the oath I took forbids me to turn away from a cry for help.

S- Sit down, Mrs. Benson.

Oh! It was what you said about my wanting to get rid of my money...

like exorcising some evil spirit.

- Ah, yes. - Dr. Steffanson.

- Mm-hmm? - I think I may be some kind of a witch.

Oh-ho-ho. Come, come now, Mrs. Benson.

This is the 19th centur... er, uh, 20th century.

No! Really! Every man whose life I touch withers.

Really? Uh, Mrs...

Mrs. Benson, please, just turn over and... and try to relax.

Go right ahead.

Well, I was born Louisa May Foster...

in the small town of Crawleyville, Ohio.

Oh, I can't understand it. I never wanted money.

All I ever wanted was to lead a simple life...

with one man to love and to love me.

A simple life somewhere in a little cottage...

that's all I ever wanted ever since I was a little girl with my mother and father.

Oh, your mother. What was your mother like?

Mother? Well...

Mother kept Daddy and me clean, neat as a pin, and took us to church every Sunday.

So now I say unto you, love thy neighbor as thyself.

'Tis better to give than to receive.

Money is the root of all evil.

Mother even had embroidered these very sentiments...

on samplers for our living room at home.

But we were poor, and Mother found it hard to live up to these ideas.

Good day, Mrs. Jenkins.

Sherman, did you see Emily Jenkins?

That slob smothered in a mink cape.

I hate her guts!

Look what I've got.

Her husband was a shipping clerk 15 years ago, same as you.

Now look at him. Look at you. Where's your drive? Where's your ambition?

That's what counts in this world... Success! Money!

Success! Money! President of the Nice Fellows Club!

Money! Success! Get to the top!

Money! Success! Money! Money, money, money!

As the years went by...

I saw my dear, sweet Daddy dwindle away under this...

till you practically didn't know he was there.

I began to understand what Mother really meant by those samplers.

You play your cards right and we'll have more money than we need.

But, Mother, money isn't everything!

I know Leonard Crawley owns Crawley's Emporium...

and three quarters of the property in Crawleyville...

but I'm not gonna marry him just because he's the richest man in town.

He's a sneak and a bore and a drag...

and, oh, he's been with every girl there is...

and besides, I don't love him!

- There's no such thing as love! - He's a snob!

He's ashamed of you and where we live.

Why, he won't even walk in this house when he comes to call for me.

I wouldn't come in here either, if I didn't have to.

Louisa, you turned out real beautiful.

You have something to sell. Take a mother's advice. Sell it now!

- There's Leonard. You better hurry. - No, I'm not going!

How dare you turn down a man like Leonard Crawley!

I tell you he has money. You go and get it!

Leonard was waiting.

I thought over everything he had to offer.

The Crawley home, the Crawley stables...

Crawley's department store...

but then there was Leonard himself.

Leonard Crawley was, um...

Hmm. How shall I say it?

Well, that's not fair, I guess.

He was just Leonard Crawley, son of wealth.

Put 'er right down next to mine, baby.

- Gee, I wish I'd said that. - Aw, you can use it anytime you want.

Just give credit to Crawley.

That's more than Crawley ever did for anyone else in this town.

Oh, by the way, you better let your mom know...

that the payment's due on her refrigerator.

Don't let her get the idea that 'cause we're getting married...

I'm gonna let her off the hook.

Oh, no, no. By the way, she couldn't be your real mother.

She must've been left on your front doorstep...

one stormy night in a cage.

Why are you so intent on marrying me...

when it's perfectly obvious I'm indifferent to you...

and all of the so-called advantages you have to offer?

That's just it, baby. You're the only girl in town...

who doesn't throw herself in front of me in the mud and scream, "Take me."

You know, you suggest good breeding.

Heaven knows where you got it from.

But, uh, also you'll produce me an heir...

and, uh, then my mother will stop nagging me...

about carrying on the Crawley tradition.

- Any better reason than that for getting married, huh?

- Hmm? - How about love?

Love? Well, let me put it this way, honey.

I'm very rich and you're very poor.

And sooner or later, you're gonna come around.

Mm. You know the indifference I felt?


Well, it's beginning to change.

- It's beginning to blossom into complete contempt.

What'd I tell you, honey?

I told you you were gonna come around sooner or later.

I gotta pick up the 6:00 town news from my store manager.

Mm. The Crawley gestapo.

Ohhh, yes.

Huh? Oh, that eyesore.

The only spot in town we don't own.

But it's just a matter of time before old Hopper will come around.

Just like you, baby.

Good afternoon, Mr. Crawley, Miss Foster. Nice weather we're having.

- All right. Make it fast, Driscoll. - Yes, sir.

Mrs. Willoughby was five minutes late getting back from the doctor's today.

- Oh. Five dollars fine off her salary. - Yes, sir.

Hopper sent back the answer to your latest bid on his property.

It's still "no." He says he doesn't want to make money.

He just wants to keep his little place as it is.

Edgar Hopper.

I haven't run into him since high school.

Hmm. I wonder how many days I'd get for manslaughter.

In Crawleyville, they wouldn't even fine you, sir.

- Hi, Lenny. - Edgar, you better watch where you're going.

Yeah, you're right, Lenny. I was looking at the sun.

- Aren't you angry? - Why should I be angry? It was my fault.

- Then maybe we could fight. - There's no sense in doing that, Lenny.

You'd kick the heck out of me... all that football and golf and tennis and everything.

You're a real winner, Lenny.

What are you, an orthodox coward?

No, Lenny, I just believe in passive resistance.

Oh. A Mahatma Hopper, I presume.

No, as a matter of fact, Gandhi and I both got it from this guy... Henry Thoreau.

You're all covered with mud, Edgar!

Oh. I mean, Mr. Hopper.

Louisa... Louisa Foster, isn't it?

- Mm-hmm. - Hey, I haven't seen you since Mrs. Pritchard's class.

Hey, you've grown... or maybe I shrunk.

He wouldn't be covered with all this mud...

if he'd let the town pave that piece of road...

in front of his property like anybody else.

It costs too much, Lenny.

For what you Crawleys charge for a bag of cement, this town oughta be paved with gold.

Thanks, Lenny. Hey, I gotta be going.

- I don't wanna keep those trout waiting. - See you.

Uh, don't grow any more, Miss Foster.

You're just right now. Good-bye.


- Oh! - Hello. Imagine finding you here.

I just happened to be swimming by.

Well, you scared the fish away.

You could pull me in. I am full grown... you said so yourself.

- Thank you. - Sit down.

Here. Put this on.

Thanks. Did you catch any?

Well, yeah. Three, including you.

I'll cook them for you.

My clothes are right down there.

Do you have anything to cook them in?

Well, my baronial estate's right over there.

- Is that where you live? - Yeah. I...

It's kind of on the simple side. I know.

Simple. Yes.

"Oh, our lives are frittered away by detail.

Simplify, simplify."

What did you say?

- "Our lives are frittered away... - "by detail.

Simplify, simplify."

A girl who can quote Thoreau!

Oh, I couldn't quote him before I went to the library this morning.

I'd never even heard of him before yesterday.

Wh... Uh, you mean you didn't swim by my boat just by accident?



What is the future Mrs. Leonard Crawley doing here anyway?

Well, now, whatever gave you that idea about me?

Well, I don't know. Everybody in town takes it for granted.

You are engaged to him, aren't you?

Well, he takes it for granted.

Tsk. Ohhh.

But, Edgar...

as far back as I can remember...

in grammar school, in Mrs. Pritchard's class...

you know, when I sat in front of you?

I wished that I had had long pigtails so you could stick them in the inkwell.

Did you really?

I'm not gonna marry Leonard Crawley.

Of course, he'll never understand anyone turning him down.

Especially for you.

Louisa! You...

You mean you'd take this...

instead of all that?

But, Louisa, I've got... nothing.

I'll... I'll always have nothing.

- I'll always be nothing. - Edgar, that's what I want... nothing.

To quote me and not Thoreau...

I love you.

Oh, Louisa.

I'll make you happy. I'll never work hard.

I'll never make good. I swear it!

It's true, Mother. I've married Edgar Hopper.

Whereas Mother received the news of my marriage to Edgar...

with ill-disguised displeasure...

Leonard took the news in his stride.

For a while, Edgar and I led an idyllic life.

He went off to the store a couple of hours a week...

but the rest of the time belonged to us.

As I look back on it, I see our life together as a wonderful old silent movie.

Oh, I'll have this leak fixed in no time.

Well, that ol' water tank always gave a lot of trouble.

I'm going down to the store one of these days...

and get some chicken wire and fix these springs.

- You can do almost anything with chicken wire. - I sure do love chicken wire.

- Leonard. - If you're thinking of running something up for dinner...

I'd be pleased to stay.

- Hello, Leonard. - Hi. Hi.

If it isn't the happy Hoppers at home. I've been all over the world.

This is the first chance I've had to come over and see you lovebirds.

You know, I saw the Taj Mahal by moonlight, Louisa?

- Hmm. - Oh, but I envy you... here.

- What's that, uh, camera for? - Oh. I'm doing a documentary.

Slum conditions in, uh, Crawleyville.

- Ahhh. - Oh, come now, Leonard.

You needn't be such a sore loser.

Well, you gave me up for all this, and I can understand it, you know?

A nice roof under your feet, rain a-face at night...

all the grass you can eat.

Hey, Leonard, get outta here before I twist your head off like a turnip.

Well, is this the voice of passive resistance speaking?

No, just get out of here.

Oh! Oh, Louisa, you all right?

- Ohhh! - Oh!

Well, another innovation for modern living, huh?

Instant shower for milady.

- Well, well. - I'm afraid I'm not a bit handy, Edgar.

Oh, no, but you are handy.

I could use you at the store doing odd jobs...

and I'd pay you and you could be earning a living.

- My wife doesn't have to work! I'm sorry. - Aaah!


Uh, let me...

Ed. Seriously, Ed. Why don't you come down this afternoon...

and sell me that piece of property of yours?

Uh, someone could do something with it...

not you, of course, but, uh, someone.

- I said to get outta here. Get outta here! - All right, all right.

I will. I'm gettin' out. Sorry to have barged in on you kids like this...

but I'll send a Christmas basket.

What's the matter, darling?

Oh, nothing. I... think I'll go down to the store...

for a little while this afternoon.

But you were there just 10 days ago!

Well, it's got that chicken wire I want...

and, uh, some nails.

You know, it's end of summer.

People come home from vacation. Somebody might want something.

Uh, well, I'll be back.

But he never really did come back...

not the Edgar Hopper I knew.

When he hadn't returned by the next day, I hurried into town.

Hop, hop into Hopper's. The lowest prices in town.

Unlimited credit. This is the biggest sale in the history of our county.

Don't crawl to Crawley's, folks. Hop, hop to Hopper's.

I guarantee you 10% off because we've no air conditioning.

This is it, folks. Right here on Main Street.

Hop, hop to Hopper's. We undersell everybody.

Come right in, folks. Instant credit.

If we haven't got it, we'll get it for you, folks.

Don't crawl to Crawley's. Hop, hop to Hopper's.

So all you shop... Louisa.

- What is all this? - Hopper's Taj Mahal, honey, and it's all for you.

Listen, Louisa, when that snake rattled into our house, something snapped.

But where have you been? Why didn't you come home?

There you were, mending the roof... my wife!

Hop, hop, hop, you shoppers. Hop to Hopper's.

Honey, I wanna get you things... dresses and things for the house...

- a house! - But I like our house.

What is it that makes a family...

go to the same store over and over and no place else?

Well, I don't know. Free eats, free toys for the kiddies.

That's it! We'll stuff'em and then we'll sell 'em.

- Hop, hop, hop, you shoppers! Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's!

Come on, honey. Let me show you around.

Hey, you kids. Get up on there and keep with the "Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's."

- Eddie, this is wonderful. - Oh, thanks, folks.

- Terrific. - Thanks for coming.

- There's more bargains than that. Okay. - We'll be back, Eddie.

- Some buys, Eddie. - Edgar, uh...

- Congratulations, Eddie. - Oh, thanks. The prices are low, the goods are right...

so come to Hopper's from morn till night.

- We'll be back. - No kidding. We're open till 10:00 every night.

- How's it going there, folks? Those are all on sale. - Oh, great.

- Edgar, when will we ever see each other? - Huh?

Honey, as soon as this thing gets going, we'll have more time together than ever.

But we had all our time together before.

- What about Thoreau? - Thoreau?

You don't want to "keep pace" like all the others. You heard "a different drummer," remember?

Oh, yeah. I hear a different drummer, all right.

And the music I hear says, "Hop, hop, Eddie.

Hop, hop."

Well, it looks like we've got him at last, Driscoll.

Have we? The people seem to be eating it up.

Anybody'll run to look at a freak.

I figure I give him three months and he'll hop, hop himself right into oblivion.

<i><i>Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's <i><i>

<i> Hop, hop, hop, hop to Hopper's <i>

<i> Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's, Hop <i><i>

For-Forgive me, sir, but we really must advertise.

We must, huh? You're fired!

- Merry Christmas and a hop, hop, "hoppy" new year!

Merry Christmas...

and a hop, hop, "hoppy" new year!

- I really bought a lot of stuff. - I think you bought out the store.

And it's no trouble at all, Mrs. Freeman. No trouble.

If you can't leave Hopper's, Hopper's leaves with you.

Hey, Ned, you drop Mrs. Freeman off on your way home, okay?

Okay, boss.

Oh, thank you, Edgar, and Merry Christmas.

- Edgar. - Be right with you, lady. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Freeman!


Oh, hi, honey! Excuse me. I gotta get back.

But, Edgar, aren't you coming home soon?

Ooh, I'm sorry, Louisa. We're staying open till midnight tonight.

- What's the matter? - Nothing.

I'm just a little lonely, that's all.

What? In that big beautiful new house, lonely?

I'm the only one who's ever in it.

Edgar, it's Christmas.

But, yes, and Christmas is business... big business.

You're working entirely too hard, darling.

Honey, by this time next year, we'll be so rich we can take a real vacation.

- Italy? - Italy.

- Merry Christmas! - Besides, what's the matter with work?

- A little hard work never killed anybody. - Merry Christmas...

- Hi there. - And a hop, hop, "hoppy" new year.

Edgar's hard work included hitting out...

with every modern sales device known to man...

- And Crawleyville was his captive audience.

We were millionaires overnight.

Darling, I've checked the hotels in Rome...

and I have the reservations for our vacation.

I'm sorry, honey. That'll have to wait till next year.

- Next year? - Yes, next year.

In the meantime, get yourself a couple of art books...

and a box of spaghetti.

Oh! You liar! You cheat!

- You deceived me! - Deceived you?

What, you think I got a blond tootsie on the side or something?

Oh! I just wish you had!

At least then I'd know you were relaxing!


Oh! You don't even have any feelings anymore.

When we got married, you promised for better or for worse...

that you'd never make good, that you'd always be nothing!

Well, look at us! We're so rich we never even see each other anymore.

Edgar! You're "frittering away your life in detail. Simplify, simplify."

Simplify schmimmplify! A little hard work never killed anybody.

Edgar was bewitched like the sorcerer's apprentice.

- He couldn't stop. - Get me 300,000 feet of rust-proof chicken wire.

What is with our order...

on the Mother Goose atomic disintegrator kit?

No, make 'em think they can't live without doorknobs that light up in the dark. Think big!

Our musical mop which plays "Let Me Call You Sweetheart, I'm in Love with You,"

is a marketing failure.

Get something happier like "Star and Stripes Forever" to guarantee musical mop-up.

So it is just a simple equation!

Service quotient "X" plus condensation-atmospheric quotient "Y"...

plus smile-and-affability quotient "X"...

show in the last three months a sales gain line...

that has hop, hop, hopped right off the lousy board!

In short, boys, we are becoming, by the figures...

the big, bigger, biggest!

Uh, "In re yours of the 23rd, I am impatiently awaiting your order."

Uh, "Hastily yours, Edgar Hopper."

"There can be no delays. If you insist on delaying, you can always be replaced.

Hastily yours, Edgar Hopper."

"Since your delivery service has not been quick enough...

"we are terminating our agreement with you.

Hastily yours, Edgar Hopper."

"I'd like all those folders rushed out to the entire mailing list by Monday.

Hastily yours, Edgar Hopper."

"Order canceled. We asked you for goods, you gave us promises.

Hastily yours," uh, "Edgar Hopper."

"All the displays in all the branch stores must be changed daily and rotated.

Hastily yours, Edgar Hopper."

"That is my final word on the subject. Hastily yours, Edgar Hopper."

"I've got to have 10,000 bedsprings at once.

"Hostilely yours, Edgar Haper... Heaver... " uh, "Hop... "

Uh, uh, "Hastily yours, the hop head,"

uh, "Hastily yours, the Boss."

All right. I'd like that all in triplicate right away.

Mr. Hopper, no one can work like this. The pace, it's too fast.

W- We're not machines. We're human beings.

There is no place here for anyone who cannot keep up with the pace of modern living.

You are fired.

Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's. Hop, hop, hop to Hopper's.

Yes? It happened!

Get me my house, quick!

You just closed the deal? My wife! Hurry!

Leonard Crawley just handed over the keys.

Louisa. Louisa! Louisa!

- Hello. - Louisa, it happened.

- What's happened? - The next time you walk down Main Street...

there won't be any Crawley's there.

It's gonna say "Hopper's." Louisa, I did it!

I wiped him out! He's through in this town!

I guess that's what you wanted, isn't it?

Oh, I got what I wanted. And I got money, wealth, success, position.

And next year, this town is gonna be called Hopperville.

And how'd I get all these things? Through work.

Just good hard work.

Which all goes to prove...

that a little hard work never killed anybody.

"And outside of the bequest...

"of one roll of chicken wire to Leonard Crawley...

"I bequeath my entire fortune and worldly goods...

to my wife, Louisa May Foster Hopper."

Edgar had left me approximately $2 million...

in cash and securities.

And as Thoreau probably never said, that's a lot of lettuce.

But, uh, my dear...

you... you mustn't think that this, in any way, makes you a witch.

Oh, of course, it is tragic that Edgar died...

but one swallow doesn't make a summer.

Your, uh, behavior sounds exemplary to say the least, the very least.

Oh, why did Edgar change that way?

Oh, normal. Quite normal.

You see, he was the, uh... the weakest of the tribe...

who had somehow won the prize... you...

without really having had to fight for you.

Uh, latent feelings of inadequacy lay dormant...

until he was triggered by Leonard parading before you in his rich, many-colored feathers.

Edgar, naturally, felt impelled to get even more feathers...

and driven by this ego drive, he smothered in his own, uh, feathers.

It happens every day, you know.

Tell me, um, what happened to the other feather...

or, uh, fellow, this, uh, Leonard?

I never heard from him again.

- Dr. Steffanson... Aaah! Aaah! - Oh!

Oh! Oh! Louisa!

I'm sorry. Just relax! Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

There. Now, please, please, ju-just relax.

- Mm. Yes. - Try to relax.

Uh, y-you were saying about, uh, Leonard. Leonard.

W- Where did Leonard go?

Uh, well...

he just walked away like a plucked chicken.

Uh-huh. Normal. Quite... Quite normal.

Yeah. Well, I...

I put all the money in the bank and...

- I gave the house to Mama. - Uh-huh.

Then I took a small allowance for myself and I got out of Crawleyville.


I took a trip to Europe alone, to Paris.

I wanted to forget...

and I was determined never to marry again.

The bus tours were thrilling and exhausting.

Place de la, uh...

des jardins de...


- "Est-ce que... " - I ain't got all day, lady. Where do you wanna go?

- Oh. You speak English. - All of us foreigners do. It's compulsory.

You American?

Nah, lady, I'm a Russian spy for the C.I.A.

Well, what'll it be, huh...

go to the American ghetto at the bar at the Georges Cinq...

or go visit some of your phony friends...

learning about life at Les Deux Magots?

Well, frankly, I'd like to do either, but, uh, I don't know anybody here.


Oh. Well.

Uh, well, I think I'd like to see some more pictures.

I've just been through the Louvre, and that was wonderful.

The Louvre. Now, what is that? It's the garbage pail of the arts.

Et vous! Allez, allez!


Well, uh, how about the show at the Galeries Lafayette?

That's a department store, lady...

but I'd rather hang up one of their face towels than some of that other junk.

Listen, I'm sure you're an expert taxi driver...

and I don't mean to belittle your profession...

but why should I listen to your opinion on art?

Because I happen to be one of five people today...

who could definitely be called an artist.

Maybe six, including Frieda.

- Who's Frieda? - A chimpanzee on my block.

Oh, that's great. That's great.

I mean, you see a technique like that, it just wipes you out.

- I go ape! - Uh, what is it?

What is it? Innocence!

Van Gogh had it, but, uh, then he had to chop his ear off...

in order to free himself.

- Free himself from what? - Intellectual hang-up.

You know, if we could all do that, go back to a life like that...

uncluttered, unhung...


- Oh. - Well, Frieda had the best teacher in the world, you know.

- Rene Carrere there. - Ohhh.

I'm very happy to meet you, Mr. Carrere. I'm Louisa May Hopper.

You don't look anything like the Emile Desjardins it said you are in your cab.

The name is Larry Flint.

I just take Emile's cab out for him once a year... the day his wife has a baby.

Frieda is finished now.

It's a masterpiece!

Boy! Look at the line!

And the color and the sweep and the texture.


A testament to the human spirit!

Total primitive articulation!

- Mwah! - Does Frieda's work sell?

Sell? You think Frieda cares whether her work sells?

You think I care whether my work sells?

Typical American yardstick... the eternal buck! That's why I left the place.

Well, Mr. Flint, I was only asking. Um...

Aaah! What's that?

She's at it again.

Aaah! Well, is someone being murdered? Aaah!

Are we going to the police?

Hey, Larry. She shot three already!

Hey, Polly, you're working again.

Yeah. For weeks I thought I couldn't paint again...

and now, suddenly, it's all come back!

One of the greats.

Ugh! That picture makes me sick!

Well, thank you. Thank you very much.

Good. Feel sick. It should make you feel sick.

It's destruction, pure and simple.

That's what today is all about. That technique is her way of expressing it.

Ugh! Aaah!

What was I doing in Paris 4,500 miles away from home?

It was fate. I had come to meet Larry Flint...

an unspoiled, dedicated artist...

searching in his own troubled way for the simple life.

Suddenly, I knew I wanted to share that life.

Well, I never did go back to the Ritz.

I'll never forget the wedding.

Frieda made a lovely bridesmaid.

As a matter of fact, she caught the bridal bouquet and ate it.

For a while, Larry and I led an idyllic life.

As I look back on it, it all seems like one of those wickedly romantic French movies.

To your health, Louisa!

- Louisa! - Louisa!

The rest of the time, I kept house.

Ah, la vie de Bohème!

Le sacrifice d'amour.

- This week's dinner. - Oh, darling!


- How did you... - Opus 752.

But, darling, that's one of your most beautiful paintings.

Well, we can see it anytime we go to the butcher shop.

Monsieur Blanchard has got it hanging right over the tripe and the sweetbreads.

- But I've told you so many times, in the United States in a bank... - Won't touch it... not a nickel!

Money corrupts. Art erupts.

Oh, that's a beautiful saying.

It's immortal. I just made it up.

Hey, uh, say, listen, why don't you bring some of that downstairs for me?

Will you? I got some erupting to do.

Darling, your soup's on.


Darling, must you make so much noise when you paint?

Ain't no other way, honey.

Tools of my trade, like I told you.

See, the sound, the sonic vibrations, they go in there.

And then that gets transmitted to that photoelectric cell...

which gives those dynamic impulses to the brushes and the arms...

and it's a fusion of the mechanized world and a human soul.

It's the only affirmative statement being made in the world of art today.

I- I'm sorry. I forgot.

It's a terrible thing, being so dumb.

Well, you're really not so dumb, honey...

'cause, to tell the truth, I don't understand it myself.

I left the machine on.



I know this probably sounds stupid to you...

but what if we take a record...

and we put it on and we play it through the, uh... the...

- Sonic palette. - The sonic palette.

Silly kid. Go ahead.

Mendelssohn's "Spring Song"...

that's my favorite.


Larry. Oh, I like the ones you make with your own noises.

They're the real you.

Yeah, but, uh, I hate to waste a good canvas...

so I might try to pay a bill with it.

Maybe the butcher won't know the difference...

between a real Larry Flint and a Mendelssohn.

Hey, Louisa. Hey! Guess what.

- What, darling? - I didn't leave it at the butcher's.

I was there showing it to him, and there was this customer there buying pig's knuckles.

So, um, he looks at the picture and then he puts on his glasses and he gives me his card...

and he gives me 40,000 francs!

That's almost $200.

Oh. Why, that's wonderful, darling.

All from that silly little idea.

Yeah, well, I gotta go downstairs and get to work.

I'll be listening for all those dear funny little noises.

Aha! Das ist gute, Ludwig.

The show was a smashing success.

- Merci, madame. - Larry was famous and rich overnight.

In the middle of this excitement, I was filled with apprehension...

although I tried to conceal it.

- Congratulations, Master. - I am insufferably honored.

Frieda and I are very happy.

At last, painting which is music and music which is painting.

- How do you do it? - Oh, can anyone explain the workings of the inner man?

Actually, the act of creation might best be described as pure animal instinct.

If only Beethoven were alive to just hear this painting.

Ah, yes. Pauvre Ludwig. I think he'd be very pleased.

Your paintings make me want to kneel, pray and cry.

Well, in that case, Baroness, why don't you buy one...

then you can kneel and pray and cry at home.

Sensation, Master!

- Please. - Please. Please let me introduce you to all Paris.

Well, thank you very much, but me wife and I don't take much to the high places.

We'll just go back to our little garage and attic. I got work to do.

But, of course, we didn't go back to the old place.

We had a lovely house on Isle St. Louis.

But Larry was never there.

If he wasn't entertaining at the gallery...

he was at his studio just outside of Paris.

I was tired of being alone...

tired of wearing these ridiculous outfits Larry painted for me.

What kind of life was this?

I was just another canvas to him...

just another walking catalog.

Where was the simple life Larry and I had had...

that vie de Bohème?

He was obsessed with success.

I had to get him back. I couldn't let that happen to me a second time.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

What are you doing up there? Get down! Down!

What the...

Stop that right now! Stop that! Stop that!

Come on, now! Stop that!

Louisa, what are you doing here?

Darling, I haven't seen you in so long.

What do you mean? We had dinner together only last week. What do you want?

Uh, I have a surprise for you.




Look who's here!

- Well, how is Frieda? - Oh, painting better than ever.

Larry. Larry, we have missed you, Larry.

Oh, yes. I have missed you too.

Listen, Larry. We have a picnic.

Some bread and wine and cheese, and I thought we could all...

No, no, no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I'm working against a deadline.

This mural's for Neiman Marcus. That's a department store in Texas.

150 thou!

I've got to get it rolled up and on a jet by tomorrow.

What are you doing up there?

Aaargh! Oh, I never should have had these damn things made in Paris!

What are you doing? Where are you going? Get back in line here!

Stop that now!

- I'm terribly sorry, Rene. I'm sorry. - Stop that!

Get back there! Get back there!

Larry! Larry, what is the matter with you? What is the matter?

- Get back there! - Larry, why can't it be the way it used to be?

Larry, I never dreamed this could happen!

What is the matter with you, Larry?

What is the matter with you?

- Larry! - Rene, let's go.

150 thou! Ohhh!

What the...


- En Anglais, s'il vous plait. - Pardon, madame.

"I, Larry Flint, bequeath all my... "

What Larry Flint had left me in cash...

plus the sale of his remaining pictures...

brought me in the neighborhood of $4 million in American money.

It was an amount even Picasso wouldn't be ashamed of.

After several months of trying to lose myself in Paris...

I decided to leave.


I was here an hour early and you kept me sitting in that lounge...

and everyone said, "Well, don't worry. You'll hear the announcement."

We phoned for them to hold up for you, but I guess they didn't get the message, madame.

Believe me... Believe me, it's just...

All my luggage is on that plane!

Oh, I had my heart set on getting out of here tonight.

- But I can't possibly stay in Paris for another day. - Madame...

- You missed the last trolley back to town? - Oh, Mr. Anderson.

Should I have that plane brought back?

- No, no. I'll take it from here. - Thank you, Mr. Anderson.

Excuse me, Mr. Anderson. Overseas call, sir. San Francisco.

Okay. Excuse me. Hello? Uh-huh.

I recognized him immediately...

unbalding, glamorous Rod Anderson, Jr...

millionaire tycoon, up from riches...

inheriting 10 million from senior Anderson's maple syrup empire.

Unmarried, he seemed to have no trouble in getting what he wanted...

- in business or in pleasure. - Uh-huh. Yeah. Buy it. Thank you.

Well, Mrs. Flint, where would you like to go?

I was sorry to read of your loss. I saw you at one of your late husband's openings.

I didn't buy anything, though. I don't like his paintings.

Well, I don't like your airplanes. Where are you going?

New York, Miami, Irkutsk... anyplace you'd like to go.

I just flew in from New York this evening for some party.

I stayed about a half an hour, and I'd had it. I don't like parties.

So, you just put on your Superman suit and fly away home.

That's right. And there it is... or don't you accept hitches from strange men?

Oh, I know who you are, Mr. Anderson.

I just don't know if I'll be very good company.

I just got... I don't have much small talk.

- I haven't any time for small talk either. - Excuse me, Mr. Anderson.

- Overseas call. Hong Kong calling. - Excuse me. Uh-huh.

Yeah. Uh-huh. All right. Sell it. Thank you.

- Well, where shall it be? - New York.

New York it is.

What was I getting into? What was on that plane?

I looked at the name of it. "Melissa."

Naturally it would be named after a woman.

I'd heard enough about those dissolute playboys.

What are you doing after the orgy?

The, uh, plane is ready.

- Pretty name, "Melissa." - Someone I knew a long time ago.

- Good evening, Mr. Anderson. - Good evening, Mark.

Mark, this is Mrs. Flint. She'll be flying back with us. What sort of weather have we?

- It's clear, sir, all the way through to New York. - Excellent.

- Good evening, Willard. - Good evening, Mr. Anderson.

- Willard, this is Mrs. Flint. - How do you do?

- Mrs. Flint will be flying back with us. - Yes, sir.

Her bags left on the 11:19.

You have them picked up at Idlewild and delivered to...

- Uh, the Montclair Hotel? - Is that your favorite?

- Well, I've never, uh, been in New York. Only for a few hours en route. - Mm-hmm.

- You better make that my suite at the St. Regis, Willard. - Very good, sir.

It's reserved for visiting executives.

I camp about 10 blocks further up the street on Fifth Avenue.

- And Willard, have the chef come 'round and take Mrs. Flint's order, will you? - Yes, sir.

You have anything you like. We have some rather fine wines aboard.

- I'll, uh, just have my usual. - Yes, sir.

- Whatever you have is all right with me. - Oh, really?

My usual is two soft-boiled eggs, gluten toast and a glass of yogurt.

And Willard, Mrs. Flint will have the, uh, crème Senegalese, steak Diane...

pomme soufflé, profiteroles with, uh, chocolate sauce, and break out a bottle of La Tache.

- Very good, sir. - And that'll be all, Willard. Thank you.

Now, let's step into the bar.

- I'll make you one of my very special martinis. - Oh, thank you, no.

I'll have a, uh... a scotch on the "rotch."

- Uh, on the rocks. - Oh. Very well.

I was raised on maple syrup, you know.

Cured me of drinking anything at all.

- Oh. Well, then I won't have... - No, no, no. You go right ahead. Drink up. It's good for you.

Telephone. Watkins in Chicago.

Excuse me.

You know, you really are rather beautiful...

but, uh, is that your hair?

Yeah. Hello.

Okay. You just sit tight. No, no. I think Prescott's bluffing anyway.

True, there was no orgy on board.

- He wasn't the Diamond Jim Brady of the jet set.

But he was arrogant, cold, sure of himself, ordering people around...

another object lesson in what money and power can do to a human being.

But for all of it, he really seemed to be a miserable and lonely man.

Why he never even smiled. Not once had a smile lit that stoney, sunless face.

- Well, a tycoon's work is never finished, is it?

- That's what you call yourself, isn't it? A tycoon? - Absolutely. Absolutely.

Every morning I get up and look at myself in the mirror, and I say, "Good morning, tycoon."

I, uh... I know you don't approve of me, Mrs. Flint...

but that need be of no concern to either one of us.

I'm going into my office now. I've got some work to do.

I promise not to interrupt by calling out points of passing interest or the weather conditions over Baffin Bay.

I'll see you in New York, and don't forget to fasten your seat belt.

What was wrong with my hat anyway?

- Okay, Mark. I'll take her. - Okay, sir.

I wondered who Melissa was.

Some forgotten Hollywood starlet, no doubt.

I was scared. I hated being alone during the takeoff.

It was so beautiful looking down...

the lights, the sky, the stars.

How I wished I had someone to share it with...

not this unsmiling, airborne cigar-store Indian.

Then, the fatal thing happened.

I'm glad you decided to join me.

Nice to have someone to share it with, isn't it?


Excuse me, sir. Telephone. Zurich.

Willard, tell the gentleman I just stepped out.

I never did get to the St. Regis.

We were married in New York in his fabulous penthouse.

Thank you, Timothy.


Yes. Mm-hmm.


I felt so safe at last.

Rod had all the wealth and success he wanted long before he met me.

I felt I couldn't possibly jinx his life.

- Uh-huh. As for the mysterious Melissa...

I decided never to question him about it.

I dismissed it from my life.

A little trinket from Harry Winston's.

As I look back on it now, our life together was like...

one of those glamorous Hollywood movies all about love and what'll she wear next.

Remind me to tell you later that I love you.

I'll remind you if you'll remind me.

- Louisa! - Hello, Doris.

- Now, Louisa, you look divine. - Oh, Chester, thank you.

- You remember Peter, don't you, darling? - Oh, but of course.

We met at El Morocco the other evening.

- You play beautifully. So nice of you to come. - Thank you.

- That's a beautiful dress. - Oh, I'm glad you like it.

It's my favorite... my very own favorite.

I wanna talk to you.

- What is it, dear? - You remind me to tell you later...

that I love you.

- Rod! - Nicky!


Louisa, darling, here is someone you simply must meet.

- Darling, now you know Nicky Cathcart... - Wonderful to meet you.

- Mrs. Cathcart. - How do you do?

- Louisa. - I do hope the two of you can come down to us for a shoot.

Mmm! Love to. We always get a bang out of a shoot.

Remind me... to tell you...





I'll remind you just as soon as I change my nightgown.

Lord Kensington, Lady Kensington...

may I present my wife, Louisa?

- How do you do? - So nice.

- Delighted. - How do you do?

We're so happy you could fly in for the evening.

- I hope the two of you can come down to the abbey this weekend. - Oh, we'd love to.

Oh, but darling, I haven't a thing to wear.

- I'm reminding you to remind me to tell you that I love you. - Thank you for reminding me.

I'm reminding you...

that you said to remind me to tell me that you love me.

Thank you for reminding me.

Thank you.

- I love you. - I love you.

- Why didn't he tell me before? - Hello, darling. I'm sorry I'm late.

Well you tell him that he's through. This is total disaster.

How could it possibly happen to me?

- What happened? - Louisa...

ever since we got married, I've been neglecting my business.

I've been so much in love with you that I've paid no attention to it at all. I've let it slide.

- Well, I've just been reading these business reports. - Are you faced with ruin?

I am three times as rich as I was the day we got married.

Oh, no!

Nobody triples the business of Anderson Enterprises but Rod Anderson.

Someone has been giving orders...

somewhere, somebody in my organization.

Why, that's absolute treachery.

Someone's been giving orders behind my back! Imagine that?

If I wanna lose a fortune, I'll lose a fortune.

If I wanna triple it, I'll triple it... no one else.

I'm gonna get to every one of my offices all over the world...

and I'm gonna find out who's been running things behind my back.

Triple it? How could he possibly triple it? Who can the guy be?

You spend years training employees, executives, to serve you faithfully...

and they stab you behind the back?

That's loyalty for you. Willard?

Willard, you make arrangements for trips to, uh, Sidney, Johannesburg...

Hong Kong and Bombay.

I'm looking for somebody, and I'm not coming back until I find them.

I knew there was no man to look for.

It was only me and my witch's curse.

Sleep was impossible. Next morning, Rod would go out of my life forever...

and meet his doom somewhere.

I was terrified. I tried to think of a way to save him.

"Melissa. Happy days on his uncle's farm."

The simple life.

- Moo. - Hmm?



Melissa. Mmm.

We had a simple, modest little farm...

two dozen leghorns for me to look after...

And a cow named Melissa... Melissa I... and a bull named Melrose.

Well, Ma, how do I look?

The neighbors all say I look real fine.

Wonderful, Pa. Real elegant.

Have one more nip of our local cider.

Well, it's my fourth, and I'm not a drinkin' man, but seein' as how it's welcomin' day...

- here's to ya. - Hey, thank ya.

Good day, Mr. Anderson. Good day, Mrs. Anderson.

- Have another drink. - No, I'm drivin'.

- We'll see you, Rod. - Come on. Get him up.

- Come on. Let's get him to the wagon. - Come on. Let's go.

No more.

I'm sure glad I listened to you.

This is our first day here, and already...

- I realize that this is what I always wanted to come back to.

And you made me do it.

Uh-oh. Feedin' time.

I'll go feed Melissa, and you milk the chickens, huh?

- I've been waitin' a lot of years for that. - Can't it wait till tomorrow?

That shows how much you know about farmin'. You don't milk her now, and she'll be...

Mooin' all night long.

Let's go.

Hello, Melissa, baby.

Oh, sw...

How're you doing, honey?

Just great, honey.

'Atsa girl, Melissa, baby. Mmm.

Whoa, baby. Whoa, Melissa. That's a girl.


Forgive me!

"And all the rest of my holdings, cash and securities... "

Several months after the funeral...

I had to listen to the grim business details.

Rod had sold out everything so quickly that his fortune was pitifully reduced.

It came to a mere $ 150 million.

I felt alone and lost, and I was determined to live alone for the rest of my life.

It was the only fair thing to do.

Isn't there any way of getting a cup of coffee here?

<i> Isn't there any way of gettin' a cup of coffee here <i>

What's your name, Miss?

Uh, Louisa May Hop...


Hop... Fli... Anderson.

<i> Isn't there any way of gettin' a cup of coffee here <i>

<i>Asked Louisa May Hop-Hop-Hop-Fli-Anderson <i>

<i> Pretty eyes, pretty hair And she asked so clear <i>

<i> Isn't there any way of gettin' a cup of coffee here <i><i>

Uh, Louisa May Hop-Hop-Hop-Fli-Anderson, huh?

That's a funny name.

It's just Anderson.

Uh, please stay, Miss Anderson.

I'll get you a cup of coffee.

Clancy must... must be out back somewhere. I'm in here all the time.

Say, uh...

I, uh... I hope you didn't think I was being fresh.

That's just part of my act, you know.

I get a list of the customers' names each night before the show...

and then I make up little rhymes using all their names.

It's one my specialties, that ad-lib stuff.



Danish? Serve the Danish.

And for a big finale, a napkin.

There's our Pinky. Always at it.

Pinky, ain't you ever off the floor?

Why, it's Herman Bodkin, I do declare...

and Ernie Wilkens who's with him there.

I said with a grin, "Ernie, your hair is gettin' thin,"

and Ernie answered, "Who wants fat hair?"

- Ah, it's true. I, uh, never seem to stop being on.

Oh, I liked it.

You performing around here?

Am I performing around here?


That's me... Pinky Benson.

- Can I get you anything else? - Mm-mm.

- It's on me. - No, thank you.

- What's doin'? - I got it, Clance.

Thank you.

Say, uh, if you're not busy later, would you like to watch my act?

I hadn't decided what to do later.

I even thought of staying in this town for a few days till I made up my mind.


Well, uh...

- Well, sure. I'll come. - Good.

Um, I gotta kinda rush over there right now.

It takes me two hours for my props and to put on my costume and makeup.

Oh. Really? How's it going?

Well, the management must love me. I've been playing there for 14 years.

See you later.

- Who ordered the well-done, green peas, succotash?

- Here. Over here. - Medium-well.

- Side of spinach. - Hey. I ordered the creamed spinach.

Ah, that's better for you. No cholesterol. Mashed potatoes, well-done.

- One rare, hashed brown! - I ordered French fries. Take it back!

- Ah, you always make such a fuss. - Ah, shut up!

I agree. But stuff yourself, honey. No man wants a fistful of bones.

- Okay! Okay! Here he is... for your dinner pleasure...

Jersey City's own uh-Pinky uh-Benson!

Well, good evening, friends and neighbors.

- Hey, who do we have here with us tonight? The Shimkins.

Rosie Shimkin was able to get a ringside table. She's wearing a rose in her hat.

- And with her is her husband, Matt. And that is that.

Dennis Horner is sittin'over there in the corner. Hiya, Dennis!

And Peggy Norton... Peggy Norton and her sister Min.

Chewin' on those bones like Rin Tin Tin.

So, welcome, all! Welcome, one.

Lend an ear and have some fun.

- <i> I think that you and I should get acquainted <i>

- <i> I'll just come up to you and ask your name <i> - What I say is live...

- <i> I'll tell you mine, and I'll say, Isn't the weather fine <i> - and leave me alone.

<i>And aren't you really glad so glad that you came <i>

<i>Then after you and I become acquainted <i>

<i> I'll ask you if you'd like to stay a while <i>

<i>You'll say you would You'll give me a smile <i>

<i> Oh, goody-good You'll make my evenin' worthwhile <i>

<i> Before our little rendezvous ends <i>

<i>We won't just be acquainted <i>

<i>We'll be the very very best of friends <i><i>

- I could see why the management loved him.

He didn't interfere one bit with the sale of food and liquor.

It was the worst act I'd ever seen.

Just looking at Pinky made me want to cry.

But he was so happy and untroubled.

And I feel at home here, as you can see.

And in all the 14 years, you've never wanted to play anywhere else?

- Oh, you mean, uh, the big time? - Mm-hmm.

Boy, why does everybody seem to think you have to wanna play the big time?

Why? You get to the top of the ladder...

you're a slave to your fans, you got no life of your own.

Then you gotta start worryin' about staying up there. Oh, no. Not for me.

I'm happy doing what I'm doing.

And you know what? I teach dancing to kids in the daytime.

- That's nice. - Yeah. My, uh... My wife wanted me to get ahead.

She wanted me to get an agent, press agent, publicity, audition, push, push, push.

- Your wife? - Yeah. I was married once. We were... We were a team.

She always wanted to be way up there, so I let her go.

- And today that woman is Greta Garbo.

Nah. She married a guy with a lotta dough and she left the business.

I don't blame her.

I don't blame her at all.

I was just a guy who wanted the simple kinda life.

<i>And that's the story of my life <i>

<i>As told to Louisa May Hop-Hop-Hop <i>

<i> Hop-Fli-Anderson Boom Boom, Be-Doom Be-Doom <i><i>


Louisa May Hop-Fli-Anderson Benson.

Yes. We were married... happily married.

And we lived on our lovely houseboat on the Hudson.

I told him I had a great deal of money somewhere...

but both of us forgot all about it.

Ho! <i> Good mornin', Mrs. Benson Good mornin' to you <i>

<i> Good mornin', Mrs. Benson How do you do <i>

<i> I'll give you just one kiss Then I'll stop <i>

<i> 'Cause I gotta give our little boat a mop, mop, mop <i><i>

As I look back on it now...

our life together was like a gay musical number...

from one of those big, Hollywood movie musicals.

<i> On our little houseboat <i>

<i> Built for two <i>

<i>Tiny little houseboat <i>

<i>Just for me <i>

<i>And you <i>

<i>All alone together <i>

<i> Only me <i>

<i>And yo-o-ou <i>

<i> My Darling <i>

- <i> On our houseboat on the Hudson Alone, alone together <i>

<i> Life is rosy on the Hudson in any brand of weather <i>

<i> Far from city streets and far from hills of heather <i>

<i> Lovin', singin', dancin' all of the time <i>

<i>Well, heigh-ho, let's go <i>

<i> Life is just a vaudeville show <i>

- <i> Sing and dance <i> - <i>Take a chance <i>

<i>All alone together <i>

<i> Only me <i>

- <i>And you <i> <i> On our houseboat on the Hudson, alone <i>

<i>Alone together, life is rosy on the Hudson in any brand of weather <i>

<i> Far from city streets and far from hills of heather <i>

<i> Lovin', singin', dancin' all of the time <i>

- <i> Lovin', singin', dancin' all of the time <i>

<i> On our houseboat on the Hudson, alone <i>

<i>Alone together, life is rosy on the Hudson in any brand of weather <i>

<i> Far from city streets and far from hills of heather <i>

<i> Lovin', singin', dancin' all of the <i>

<i>Time <i>

<i> Oh, anchors aweigh and hit the deck, Louisa <i>

<i> It's ship ahoy We're on the town with you <i>

<i>You follow the fleet and tars and spars, Louisa <i>

<i> For us you are the captain and the crew <i>

<i> Oh, how we love Louisa <i>

<i> She's sent from heaven up above <i>

<i>Just like the tower of Pisa <i>

<i>There's only one Louisa <i>

<i> L-O <i>

<i>V-E <i>

<i> Love <i><i>


Then it began to happen.

We were planning a birthday party for Pinky after the last show.

Well, I guess we got everything: The hot dogs, the rolls, and...

- Hey! Look at the clock. I gotta get made up. - Oh, you've got time.

No. I don't. I have less than two hours.

It takes you two hours to get out of that makeup. You'll be late for your party.

- Couldn't you just skip it? - Skip the performance?

No. Skip the makeup, I mean. Do it just as you are.

Oh, don't be silly, darling. The makeup's the whole act.

- Here's the bucket of lemonade, Pinky. - Thank you.

Thank you. Mr. Trentino, because of the party...

would it be all right if... if Pinky went on tonight without putting on all his stuff?

Sure! You don't wanna miss your own birthday party.

- Okay, honey? - Oh, uh...

I'll feel... I'll feel naked. I...

Well, leave out the verses too.

Leave out the verses?

Just this once.

Well, all right, on account of the party, but...

I feel funny. I...

I'm gonna lay an awful egg.

- And now for your enjoyment... - Who ordered the well-done...

- New Jersey's own ha-ha boy... - green peas, succotash?

- Uh-Pinky uh-Benson! - Let's get outta here.

Waiter, check!

Well, I...

- Frankie dropped him in the second...

- because I said, "Hey... " - It was the fifth.

- I was there. - Mr. Trentino, may we have some relish?

Sure. Help yourself.

- One rare, hashed brown. - I ordered French fries!

- <i> I think that you and I should get acquainted <i> - Who ordered the well-done?

<i> I'll just come up to you and ask your name <i>

<i> I'll tell you mine, I'll say isn't the weather fine <i>

- <i>And aren't you really glad so glad that you came <i>

- <i>Then after you and I become acquainted <i>

<i> I'll ask you if you'd like to stay <i>

- <i>A while <i> - Hey, doc.

- Who do you got... Sh! - <i>You'll say you would <i>

<i>You'll give me a smile <i>

<i>Aw, goody-good You'll make my evenin' worthwhile <i>

<i>And before our little rendezvous ends <i>

<i>We won't be just acquainted <i>

<i>We'll be the very very best of friends <i><i>

Bravo! Bravo!


<i> I think that you and I should get acquainted <i><i>

I've grown accustomed to this place.

What! Caesar!

- Cut. Print. - Magnificent, Pinky.

- Wonderful, Pinky. - Magnificent. I'll never direct a better actor.

- And to think they wanted to put that Welshman in the part.

Well, I was still near water...

sitting by our beautiful Hollywood pool alone.

I had done it again, and I had lost Pinky...

lost him to fame, fortune, his agents, publicity men, secretaries...

and his adoring fans.

How about my preview in Westwood last night, huh?

- What a gas. - Sure was, Pinky.

All those Pinky Benson fans screaming, yelling, crying...

Ah-ha. The little people. I love 'em. I love 'em.

And if the studio tries to cut one minute of that film...

I'm gonna burn that nuthouse to the ground.

Five and a half hours is not too long for a Pinky Benson fan.

Yes, Mr. Benson.

Now, about the premiere. Everybody on the ball. See?

Hi, Louisa.

Hi, Pinky. Going in for a dip?

No. I'm goin' to Brown Derby.

I got a business luncheon with these creeps.

- Ciao, baby. - Ain't you gonna change?

- What for? - You know you can't get in the Derby without a tie on.


And Pinky, after lunch you gotta tape a speech to send to Jersey City.

- Yeah, you told me. What's it for? - Pinky Benson Day.

Big ceremony in your honor.

Citizens are getting together to paint the front of the house you were born in in pink.


Gee. That's kinda sweet.

- I wonder who thought o' that? - I did.

Yeah? Well, here's an idea from me. What's the matter with this place?

The fans in the busses go by here every afternoon.

Let's let 'em know without a doubt which house is Pinky's house!

Yes. Yes, it is! Pinky Benson.

He's arriving in his famous, all-pink Rolls-Royce.

Oh, I've never seen anything like this.

I've covered the biggest of all premieres: Ben-Hur, Cleopatra.

But this, Flaming Lips... this is the biggest of them all.

All the greats in show business are here tonight...

the great and the near-great...

and all the little people...

Awaiting the premiere of Flaming Lips.

Mrs. Pinky Benson seems to be wearing a pink... all-pink chinchilla coat.

Now he's introducing Mrs. Pinky Benson to the crowd.

Oh, this is fabulous.

The crowd is roaring so much. I hope you can hear me, ladies and gentlemen.

I have never seen a premiere like this.

And now they're going into the theater, as Pinky Benson...

Tonight, in Flaming Lips, Pinky Benson proved...

that a comedy can run five and a half hours.

Earlier today, Pinky told us his next film will run seven and a half hours.

- Listen to that applause! - Oh, Pinky, baby, you were right.

- This is a gas! - This is the greatest thing you've ever done.

I don't ever want to direct another actor for the rest of my life.

Thank you, pal. Let's get rid of that creep. I'll direct the next one myself.

This picture is a cinch to do 50 million at the box office.

- Yeah. Too bad I only get half of that. - Yeah.

And the studio wants you to co-star with Frank, Marlon and Cary...

- in a remake of The Four Horsemen. - Well!

- Why should I carry those deadweights? I'll play all four. - We want Pinky!

- And he can do it too. - Let's get out of here. The mob is coming.

- Break it up. Break it up. Everybody outta the way. - We want Pinky! We want Pinky!

Mr. Benson, you was divine!

- Just divine! - And now, coming to our cameras, the co-star of Flaming Lips...

Miss Linda Putty... another Pinky Benson discovery.

Making new discoveries is the basis of our industry.

And now, coming to our microphone...

here she is, Mrs. Pinky Benson.

My wife has always been my inspiration.

Pinky, we'll never get out the front way.

- Why don't you just slip out the side way, darling? - Yes. I guess so. But I...

I hate to do this to them.

After all, I'm what they came to see.

- Yeah. We know. Come on. This way. - Let's go, Pinky. That's all.

We want Pinky! We want Pinky!

- The little people. I love 'em. Love 'em.

Ah, bless 'em. I can't let 'em down.

After all, I'm the stuff their dreams are made of.

I belong to them.

Hey, fellas. Fellas!

Look who's here. It's me. It's your Pinky!

Look! It's Pinky!

Pinky! Pinky!

Ah, yes, Miss Benson. I know. I know.

But it's "Willsville Time in Dixie," and we've gotta face the facts...

death wise, that is.

So I'm gonna give it to you short and sweet. You get all the moo. All of it.

But there's one catch.

"And so I order to be built the Pinky Benson Memorial Museum, dedicated to my fans...

"and within it will be preserved all my dancing shoes dipped in bronze...

"and a giant gold replica of my larynx.

"A permanent, pink light will burn before my statue...

"and in the 15,000-seat auditorium, my pictures will run 24 hours a day.

Everything else I bequeath to my wife, Louisa May Benson."

Pinky was right.

He did belong to his fans...


He was such a sweet man when I met him.

- And then came... - Well, that's all.

Why? Isn't that enough?

Oh, I was left with another $30 million...

and I flew right here to Washington and that brings us up to date.

And I'm gonna give that money away. The government's not gonna stop me either, and neither are you.

Please answer my question, Dr. Steffanson.

Am I a witch, or am I not?

Well, you haven't said anything for the last two husbands.

- Well, you're not even listening to me. - Uh, who? Uh, what?

- Well, you're an analyst! - Huh?

- Analyze! - Oh, that. Yes.

Uh, now, let me see. Um, you... you got married...

to four men for love, mm-hmm?

All of them were doomed to success and extinction.

There was Hopper, Flint, Anderson and... and Benson.

And one man... one man you hated. That was Leonard Crawley.

Well, that's a very strong emotion, hate.

Say, you... I think, for...

Wait a minute. What do you expect of me? Instant analysis?

Why-Why your case might take 24 hours a day for the next 50 years.

In other words, Louisa...

Would you marry me?

- Dr. Steffanson... - If it's simplicity you want, you should see my apartment.

I'm a dedicated man of science, and I'm so tired washing out my own socks.

What do you say, Louisa?

- Victor, I'm honored that you'd risk your life for me. - Thank you.

But it isn't fair. I simply don't love you.


But would you mail my check in for me anyway?

Oh, please don't feel so bad.

Maybe you helped me after all.

I said "yes" to four men and I said "no" to you. Isn't that progress?

Of a sorts, I guess.

You see, after listening to my accumulated life story...

you naturally assumed that I'd say "yes."

But you were wrong.

- Wrong? - Yes.

I was wrong.

I... I have the strangest... tingling sensation in my...

Dr. Stef... Victor, are you all right?

Wake up, Doctor! Oh, dear.

How do I get... I've got to... Oh!

- Oh, please help me. - Oh, excuse me. I, uh...

Would you please press that button and let this thing down?

Dr. Steffanson.

Ma'am, I... What? Louisa?

- Leonard Crawley! - Mm.

What happened to the doctor?

Uh, he fell off.

Well, he always does.

Dr. Steffanson.

Doctor? Doctor.

- Leonard. - Hmm?

- You're the custodian here. - What?

Now, look, Louisa, let's call a spade a spade.

- I'm the janitor here. - Oh, how awful!

Oh, no, no, no. I deserved it. You know... "poetic justice" it's called.

- But in a way, I ruined your life too. - Oh, no. You made it.

In fact, you know, when I lost everything, I just began to live.

And... And I'll always be grateful to you...

and your friend.

- Thoreau! - Mm-hmm. He said, "Simplify."

And you can't get much more simpler than bein' a janitor.

- Leonard. - Mm-hmm?

You're the only man in the world I ever really hated.

Hate's a very strong emotion, you know?

But I think the thing I hated most was that I knew...

that deep down, under that small-town emperor...

there was a human being that I wanted to know...

and you wouldn't let come out.

Leonard, lunch!

- Hey, Mom. - All right, honey. Now, you spread these around.

Jonathan, lunch!

Hey. Look, Mom. Look what I caught.

- Sharks! - Well. Wonderful. We'll have these for dinner.

Now, help your brother.

Geraldine, lunch, honey!

- Now, don't you drop this. - What do you think I am, a baby?

All right. All right. Help is on the way.

- Here's the chair, Mom. - Okay.

- All right, children. You can start your milk now. - Aren't we gonna wait for Daddy?

Nope. Daddy's finishing the plowing he started this morning.

- And the princess had four beautiful children:

Leonard and Jonathan and Geraldine and Butch.

And they all lived happily ever after.


It's oil! It's oil!

Louisa! Look! It's oil. It's oil! Look at it.

It... can't be happening. It can't be true.

It can't be happening!

But it is, Louisa. It's real.

Hey! Look at this. It's real! It's oil!

You bet it's real. And it's ours!

- Yours? - Yes, you idiot! It belongs to us.

You punched a hole in our pipeline.

- It's not ours? - No. It's ours!

My wonderful, wonderful failure.

For more infomation >> What a Way to Go! 1964 HD COLOR - Shirley MacLaine, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Dean Martin - Duration: 1:50:56.


Dwyane Wade And Jimmy Butler Go Off On Chicago Bulls Teammates After Embarrassing Loss To Hawks - Duration: 5:26.

The 2016-17 Chicago Bulls are going according to plan.

It's the layout just about everyone had in place for them exiting last summer's

offseason, though not

the blueprint the team's front office and ownership group had in mind when they weirdly

decided to outfit Jimmy Butler with star helpers Dwyane Wade and Rajon Rondo, alongside a cast

and crew of confidence-less helpers, under the leadership of second-year coach Fred Hoiberg.

The Bulls are 23-24 following Wednesday night's miserable defeat at home, ranked last amongst

playoff teams in the East.

The visiting Atlanta Hawks came back from a

10-point deficit in the final

three minutes of action in Chicago, downing the Bulls 119-114 after forward Nikola Mirotic's

potential game-winning 3-pointer spun untrue.

The team was about to make a move up the Eastern standings when everything fell apart in the

face of a Hawks squad that has already added to the Cleveland Cavaliers' sense of superiority

at the top of the Eastern bracket.

Wade and Butler accounted for 21 of the team's 31 points in the fourth quarter, and acted

as the only scorers save for two Robin Lopez points over the final eight minutes of the


Following the game, in what was clearly a calculated move from the Bulls' highest-paid

players and top scorers, Wade and Butler lit into something a bit bigger than the team's

play on a Wednesday in January.

From K.C. Johnson at the Chicago Tribune:

"I wish I could say that everyone in here is going to go home and not eat tonight.

I can't say that.

I don't know that they care enough," Wade said.

"Games are supposed to hurt.

You're not supposed to sleep.

You're not supposed to want to talk to anybody.

I don't know if that is in guys in this locker room.

Hopefully, they can prove me wrong.

But I will challenge them to see if losses like this hurt."

He went on, via Nick Friedell at ESPN:

"We can play bad, we can miss shots, but we're having too many of these lapses.

We're having too many of these losses.

This just can't be acceptable if you want to do something besides have an NBA jersey

on and make some money.

That's all we're doing around here.

"I'm 35 years old, man.

I've got three championships.

It shouldn't hurt me more than it hurts these young guys.

They have to want it.

If they don't want it, then we'll show up and play Friday.

Hopefully we win; if we don't, we [do it] again.

Keep it going until the season's over.

It has to change.

It has to hurt inside to lose games like this.

This s— should f—ing hurt."

Butler echoed Wade's thoughts.

Speaking in the same locker room, the All-Star started pointed out correctly that "m—–f—–s

just got to care if we win or lose," before chiding other teammates (without the temerity

or leadership strength needed to do it by name, much less behind closed doors) for daring

to take an open shot, what with Wade and Butler more than able and available to toss yet another

contested jumper up at the rim, often successfully:

For more infomation >> Dwyane Wade And Jimmy Butler Go Off On Chicago Bulls Teammates After Embarrassing Loss To Hawks - Duration: 5:26.


KALEO - Way Down We Go - Facing West cover - Duration: 3:34.

Oh father tell me

Do we get what we deserve

Oh we get what we deserve

and way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

and way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

and way down we go

way down we go

Oh you let your feet run wild

Time has come as we all oh, go down

Yeah but for the fall oh, my

Do you dare to look me right in the eyes?

'Cause they will run you down, down til the dark


Yeah and they will run you down, down til you fall

And they will run you down, down til you go


Yeah so you can't crawl no more

no more

And way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Say way down we go

'Cause they will run you down, down til you fall

Way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Oh Oh OhOohOH

OoHo Oh Oh Ohh



Oh Oh Oh OohOH

OoHo Oh Oh Ohh




oh Oh Oh OoHoH



Way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

Way down we go

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

way down we go

way down we go

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