Brandon Bowen Funny Vines & Facebook Videos Best Video Comic 2017
TOP 10 BEST GAMES OF 2016/2017!! (PUT SUBTITLES ON) - Duration: 3:55.i dont know what bloooody! happend
you can just see the apps sorry ill put audio in the next video HOPEFULLY!
sorry for no audio
Best Funny Super Bowl Doritos Commercial compilation - Duration: 10:19.Best Funny Super Bowl Doritos Commercial compilation
Main Neewan Mera Murshad Ucha By Ghulam Murtaza Fareedi_HD 2017 - Duration: 5:39.Naqabat SH Subscribe My Channel
THE BEST, Epic, Funny Videos, №51 - Duration: 5:41.Put Like and subscribe to the channel Please...
TOP 25 BEST Panzoid Intro Templates #5 + FREE Download (2017) - Duration: 4:33.LIKE! :)
LIKE! :)
Try Not To Laugh (Vine Edition) IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE #31 - Best Video Comic 2017 - Duration: 9:56.Try Not To Laugh (Vine Edition) IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE #31 - Best Video Comic 2017
Insane Twerking Compilation 2017 - Best Twerking Vines January 2017 - TwerkGirls - Duration: 12:16.Insane Twerking Compilation 2017 - Best Twerking Vines January 2017 - TwerkGirls
Best Prepositions lesson! On / In / At - Duration: 4:13.Today i'm AT Trafalgar Square
or I'm IN Trafalgar Square...
I'm ON Trafalgar Square?
Today we're doing prepositions
Hello, Aly!
Oh god! It's you again!
What are you doing?
I'm eating breakfast
Where are you eating breakfast?
ok fine ummm...
Oh goddammit i hate prepositions!
Look, can I just say "I'm home"?
Cool! Okay, with "AT"...
"I'm at home"?
"I'm at MY home"?
No! No! No! it's not necessary to say the possessive "MY" with "home"
So say "At MY HOUSE"
Go talk to Cartoon Aly. I'm done.
He's angry
Hello, Cartoon Aly!
Where are you?
Where am I? I'm HERE!
And where is "HERE"?
I don't know. At the coffee shop
Wait. IN the coffee shop?
Which one should I use? AT or IN?
Are you inside?
Then say IN the coffee shop!
Okay, but how about "AT the coffee shop"
What?! Why?! What's the difference?!
So... okay
So, okay, now I'm outside the coffee shop
But I'm still AT the coffee shop, right?
Cartoon Aly understands prepositions!
So, here. Now I'm ON the coffee shop, right?
You're on top of the coffee shop, so "ON"
And which city?
I'm AT London!
But but it's London!
You said it doesn't matter if it's inside or outside
It's the general area
I'm AT london!
Well, yes, but...
Why?! Why is English so weird!?
I'm sorry!
Okay, I think I get it now!
I'm not IN the coffee shop
Thank you
Click here to watch another video
and please subscribe
Not finished!
You can use both
Cool! Awesome! Next one, throw it at me!
Something that you don't have...
And I'm AT the party or I'm AT a party
But I'm not IN a party
That sounds weird
AWWW look at the dog!!
Okay so I'm AT Trafalgar Square
But also I'm IN Trafalgar Square
English is weird
Thanks for watching, if you want to see more
click here to subscribe
Or there's another video right here
But you don't have to watch that
Just if you want.
Watch it
Nat Geo: PHL Pink Beach Among World's Best - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Best Bull fighting in Thailand. - Duration: 24:47.-------------------------------------------
BEST WALLPAPER APP OF ALL TIME¦Tapet - Duration: 3:03.Hi dude,can I use your phone for some calls?
Yes,you can
Thanks I got it actually
You are using this wallpaper
Its been ages you have been using this sh*t
cause I like it
I know you like it but this is pretty much old
No reply
You 'll never change
What's up buddies?I am Chetany your Tech Buddy
and lets talk about the best wallpaper app
First,start play store and search for TAPET
and then install the app shown here
Tapet is an android application that generate
lots of wallpaper on its own
it doesn't require internet
it has built in patterns and colour you can choose from
through which you can create tons of wallpaper for your device
Best towable backhoe? - Duration: 6:33.Hi, you are watching review machines – the channel about most interesting machines for
work and fun.
Today our review is devoted to the newest model of towable backhoe from China which
has come to the market this year.
This backhoe is known under different names, they are being sold on Alibaba and distributed
to many countries.
Towable backhoes are rather popular machines because they are not very expensive, but can
work almost so efficiently as self-propelled excavators.
I'd like to remind you that we have already done a video about similar backhoe.
That model now is out of production, Chinese engineers allegedly improved the backhoe and
eliminated many drawbacks of the predecessor and then presented new model which we will
review today.
For the most part new backhoe is almost the same machine we saw in the previous review.
The construction is well known for us – the engine, oil pump and hydraulic system.
There are no any electronic devices and complicated parts, so the machine is very simple and we
hope reliable.
According to the factory this time they improved many small details and slightly changed the
Well it's ok, but what is interesting for us its how it works on the ground.
Now you can see how these machines are supplied from the factory.
You know it may be rather interesting to assemble the backhoe, it is like some kind of a lego
toy but for big boys.
But is strongly recommended to assemble the backhoe by at least three people.
In this way it takes about two hours to finish the work and prepare the backhoe for digging.
Ok, the backhoe is completely assembled and ready for work, lets get to know its specs.
There are several modifications of the machine.
We have a model with two hydraulic bearings and two mechanical ones which you have to
set manually.
Now lets have a look at the basics dimensions.
You see minimal size, maximum height, maximum length, unloading height, maximum width and
minimal width.
This backhoe is one of the most expensive backhoes which are available on Chinese market,
its price is about 5000 dollars.
But it is still less than many European and American analogs prices, so we will try find
out about the most important thing – about the quality of the machine and working efficiency.
Well lets look at the main parts of the backhoe.
Here we see Chinese petrol engine 13 hp, its copy of honda gx, but only time may show if
it is so reliable as Honda.
The machine is equipped with new oil pump, which is directly connected to the engine,
so we don't see here any belts which as you know are not very reliable.
Hydraulic bearings are very useful for work on a rough terrain and a roof can protect
you from the sun and rain.
Operator sit is not bad but unfortunately we don't see here any armrests and it slightly
There are two levers for the boom and two for bearing on a control panel.
Also here we see an ignition key.
No it is not a parking break as you can think, it is a throttle lever.
Some hydraulic hoses of the cylinders are made of steel, it is very good feature, but
unfortunately there are many usual rubber hoses which easily may be damaged during digging
There are two positions of the wheels, this one is used for the towing, and this position
is used for work.
Now you can see how operate the backhoe.
I should say the steering is very simple.
Two small levers control the bearings…and two other control the boom.
Well the control is really simple, but certainly it will take some time to get the hung of
At first time you are unlike to avoid wrong manipulations and jerks, but it is just a
matter of practice and soon you will be able to dig.
As any towable backhoe this machine can be towed by any vehicle, atv, loader and so on.
You can connect lights of the backhoe to vehicle socket and tow the backhoe at any roads.
At work you can move the backhoe by its boom.
Of course it may seem very awkward and slow way of moving.
But after some time of practice you will learn to move rather swiftly and turn around, besides
this method has an advantage – it doesn't depend on a ground condition.
In this way you can get any place you want.
Well that was very interesting but the main thing in our story – how this backhoe can
It high time to try!
We will conduct our test on a heavy soil with ruins of old foundation in it.
That is why we chose the narrowest bucket.
But backhoe managed to dig this soil without big efforts, so I think It is possible to
install wider bucket for this ground.
By the way the backhoe comes complete with three different buckets, leveler, and splinter
In this way the range of use of the machine is rather wide.
Well the only problem we met there was that the soil remained in the bucket and it was
difficult to unload it.
But it is a common problem for all the narrow buckets.
You may solve it by greasing inside a bucket with some diesel or kerosene fuel, it will
prevent soil from sticking.
And in conclusion I should say that I think this backhoe may be one of the best Chinese
machines of this kind.
But I can suggest it only on the ground of this test and certainly the main thing here
– how the backhoe will work in future.
At the first glance everything seems to be rather durable, but unfortunately you never
can be sure about the quality of Chinese metal.
I hope my review will be useful for you, thanks for watching, subscribe my channel, there
will be many more interesting materials!
#AbrahamHicks ~ What if your #Desire changes too fast ♦ Esther Hicks #LawofAttraction Best Videos - Duration: 14:40.-------------------------------------------
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troll liên minh : Ai mới thật sự là best Leesin 😍 Bubba Kush 😍 - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
Best Bull fighting in Thailand. - Duration: 43:36.Best Bull fighting in Thailand.
AURORA on being nominated for three Norwegian Grammy awards - Duration: 0:42.Aurora, congratulations on three nominations for the Norwegian Grammys!
Thank you so much!
How does it feel?
It's very nice. It's very nice to be recognised.
I never thought I'd be nominated for best music video. It was a big surprise.
It was very nice last year but I've never been so freaked out in my entire life.
I don't like standing on the red carpet. I had to do that last year.
I tried to get Sondre Justad to walk with me.
But then there were so many that wanted to talk to me, and suddenly I was by myself.
But it turned out OK!
THE BEST, Epic, Funny Videos, №49 - Duration: 4:26.Put Like and subscribe to the channel Please...
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