Video: See what's new at the Maryland State Fair - Duration: 1:24.-------------------------------------------
What will happen if all the oxygen disappears from the earth for just five seconds? - Duration: 3:43.What will happen if all the oxygen disappears from the earth, for just five seconds?
It's just five seconds! you might think.
You can hold your breath for about 15-17 seconds, on an average underwater, so what difference
will five seconds make?
You can survive it?
Oxygen is one of the basic necessities, without which, a substantial percentage of life, on
Earth, couldn't survive.
But, oxygen has a lot of major responsibilities, than just taking care of our breathing requirements.
Here's what you can look forward to, when oxygen is in absentia from this planet, for
just five seconds.
We all lather up with sunscreen, on the beach.
Yet, some amount of sunburn is expected.
But, if there were no oxygen, sunbathers, would end up with some serious tanning.
Ozone is molecular oxygen, and blocks the majority of UV light.
Without it, we are toast.
The daytime sky, would suddenly get a lot darker.
With fewer particles in the atmosphere, to scatter blue light, the sky would get a bit
less blue, and a bit more black.
Every machine, using an internal combustion engine, would suffer, as every internal combustion
engine would stall.
This means, every airplane taking off from a runway, would likely crash to the ground.
The planes in flight, could glide for some time.
Millions of people, all over the world, would be in grave danger.
All pieces of untreated metal, would instantly spot weld, to each other.
This is, one of the more interesting side effects.
The reason metals don't weld on contact is, they are coated in a layer of oxidation.
In vacuum conditions, metal welds, without any intermediate liquid phase.
Now, this is universal.
Everyone's inner ear would explode.
We would lose about 21% of the air pressure, in an instant.
This is a lot of stress on your delicate hearing faculties.
Every building, made out of concrete, would turn to dust.
Oxygen is an important binder in concrete structures, in the form of CO2, and without
it, the compounds do not hold their rigidity.
Imagine, the scale of mass destruction!
Every living cell, would explode in a haze of hydrogen gas.
Water is 88.8% oxygen; without it, the hydrogen turns into gaseous state, and expands in volume.
Not only that, the oceans would evaporate, and bleed into space.
Hydrogen gas, being the lightest, will rise to the upper troposphere, and slowly bleed
into space, through Atmospheric escape.
If oceans disappear, so will the vast life, it contains within.
Everything above ground, would immediately go into free fall.
As oxygen makes up about 45% of the Earth's crust and mantle, there is suddenly, a lot
less "stuff" beneath your feet, to hold everything up.
In conclusion, it would pretty much be an apocalypse situation.
Thus, hold dear the oxygen, we have, in a sea of pollutants, and earnestly try and care
for the dear trees, that keep it so.
What Does Low Blood Sugar Feel Like? - Duration: 7:20.Hello, I am Ty Mason of thediabetescouncil.com, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes.
Today I want to talk about what it feels like to have low blood sugar.
After you watch the video today, I invite you check out the description box for my new
This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes meal planning book you can find.
It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes, recipes for different goals such as 800-1800
calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal planning tips and tricks.
There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes for everyone!
You may think this is a weird question for a diabetes channel to tackle.
But a 2015 study by Chloe Eldridge found that "Current evidence shows hypoglycaemia is
considerably prevalent amongst people with type 2 diabetes, particularly for those on
insulin, yet still fairly common for other treatment regimens.
This highlights the subsequent need for educational interventions and individualisation of therapies
to reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia."
First let's define what we mean by hypoglycemia.
Hypoglycemia happens when the amount of blood glucose (sugar in the blood) drops to a level
that's too low to sustain normal functioning; in most people, this is defined as a blood-sugar
level below 70 mg/dl.
Left untreated, hypoglycemia can lead to a coma and even death.
It is very important that those with diabetes monitor sugar levels and treat hypoglycemia
when it is present and right away.
It happens more often than we think.
So what does it feel like to have hypoglycemia?
Let's look at the most common symptoms.
There are two classes of hypoglycemic symptoms - those due to lack of sugar in the brain
and those due to the adrenalin response of your body.
When blood sugar levels get too low, the body will signal for the adrenal glands to kick
This signals the liver for more sugar.
Symptoms from the adrenalin response: One of the first signs you might notice is
an insatiable hunger.
You've eaten but nothing you eat can seem to fill you up.
If you have this feeling and you just can't get enough to eat, check your blood sugar
If it is lower than 70, get 15 grams of fast acting carbs in your body.
This can come from a variety of sources: 4 ounces fruit juice
6 ounces regular soda (not diet) 4 or 5 saltine crackers
1 tablespoon of jelly or honey 8 pieces of hard candy
Inability to rest at night.
This could be due to nocturnal hypoglycemia.
Signs of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia are: Restlessness.
Making unusual noises.
Attempting to get out of bed or accidentally rolling out of bed.
You may wake up with a headache in the morning if your blood sugar was low during the night.
Sometimes a snack before bed can reduce the frequency and severity of these sleep disturbances.
Some people have a strong feeling of anxiety.
This is caused by that rush of adrenalin.
This overload of adrenalin can cause some very anxious moments and can also make you
feel panicked.
You may have uncontrollable sweating even if you aren't hot.
This can be one of the very first signs of hypoglycemia.
The central nervous system kicks in after the adrenalin has been pushed from the adrenal
glands and this causes the autonomic nervous system to issue a "sweat order" to the
Shakes and tremors.
Because of the adrenalin rush, the central nervous system starts to malfunction.
As a result, it releases chemicals that encourage glucose production and also produce the tremors.
Symptoms from lack of sugar in the brain: Fatigue can actually fall in both categories.
There is a fatigue that can set in after an adrenalin rush, but also a fatigue from the
lack of sugar in the brain.
Either can be very serious.
Emotional instability.
Mood swings and sudden emotional episodes not typical of your normal behavior are among
the neurological symptoms of hypoglycemia.
These could include irrational outbursts, random crying for no reason which may become
uncontrollable, extreme anger without cause, and a strong desire to be left alone.
Mild mood changes that may not be as severe, such as general irritability or becoming easily
annoyed, can also be a signal that your blood sugar may be dropping.
Dizziness and light-headedness.
If you experience these common symptoms of hypoglycemia, heed them and treat the hypoglycemia
Dropping blood sugar levels can result in fainting.
If you feel dizzy or light headed, sit or lie down immediately to avoid injuring yourself.
Because the brain is especially sensitive to a drop in sugar, you may experience a sense
of confusion and an inability to concentrate on one thing at a time.
Your mind seems to wander all over the place.
If your vision suddenly becomes blurry or you see double, a drop in blood sugar may
be to blame.
This is also a result of the brain's lack of sugar affecting the optic nerve.
Your sugar-starved brain may cause you to slur your words.
To others this may resemble someone who has been drinking.
But you may not even notice.
These lists are not exhaustive, but are the more common symptoms of hypoglycemia.
According to WebMD, Some people have no symptoms of low blood sugar.
The only symptom you may have is confusion.
Or you may become unconscious before anyone realizes you have low blood sugar.
You may have hypoglycemic unawareness if you: Cannot tell by your symptoms that your blood
sugar is low.
Have low blood sugar several times a week.
Have type 1 diabetes, or have had type 2 diabetes for a long time.
If you have hypoglycemic unawareness, test your blood sugar often, especially before
activities like driving a car.
Keep quick-sugar foods with you.
If you take insulin, carry a glucagon emergency kit.
You can also give friends and family instructions to treat low blood sugar.
I hope this has given you a full understanding of what hypoglycemia is and how it feels.
Don't forget to get my new ebook and please, subscribe to our channel for many more videos
like this one in the future.
Thanks for watching.
I am Ty Mason.
What Habitat for Humanity home in Cincinnati means for its new owner - Duration: 1:49.-------------------------------------------
"What Does Baylor Mean To You?" - Duration: 0:32."It's not just a school to me; it's home." "Home."
"Everyone's there to help you and to see you succeed."
"Challenging." "Challenging." "Like, 'I'm here. I can do this.'"
"Friends." "Friendship." "Relationships."
"There's people that know you, and people that are there for you around every corner."
"It's the shared experience."
"Rigorous." "Growth." "Transformative."
"Tradition." "Tradition."
"Faith." "Faith."
"I've loved every second of it."
"It's family." "It's home." "It's Baylor."
What does antecedent mean? - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Maroon 5 & SZA - What Lovers Do (VOSTFR) - Duration: 3:16.Say say say, hey hey now baby Oh mama don't play now baby
Say say say, hey hey now baby So let's get one thing straight now baby
Tell me tell me if you love me or not, love me or not, love me or not
I bet the house on you, am I lucky or not, lucky or not, lucky or not?
You gotta tell me if you love me or not, love me or not, love me or not
Been wishin' for you, am I lucky or not, lucky or not, lucky or not?
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
Say say say, hey hey now baby You gon' make me hit you with that lay down, baby
Say say say, hey hey now baby
You know what I need, you don't have to cave, now baby
Tell me, tell me if you love me or not, love me or not, love me or not
I bet the house on you, am I lucky or not, lucky or not, lucky or not?
You gotta tell me if you love me or not, love me or not, love me or not
Been wishin' for you am I lucky or not, lucky or not, lucky or not?
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
What lovers do What lovers do
What lovers do
Are we too grown for games?
Are we too grown to play around?
Young enough to chase But old enough to know better
Are we too grown for changin'?
Are we too grown to mess around?
Oh and I can't wait forever baby Both of us should know better
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
Ooooh, oooh Been wishin' for you
Ooh, ooh Try to do what lovers do (ooh)
What does Eid Mubarak mean and how should you reply to the greeting on Eid ul-Adha? - Duration: 3:18.What does Eid Mubarak mean and how should you reply to the greeting on Eid ul-Adha?
What does Eid Mubarak mean and how
should you reply to the greeting on Eid ul-Adha?
It is Eid ul-Adha and you will notice plenty of
people saying and 'Eid Mubarak' as a result.
Eid ul-Adha, which means 'Feast of the Sarifice' is in honour Ibrahim being willing
to sacrifice his son Ishmael to show submission to Allah.
As Ibrahim was about to do the deed upon Allah's command,
God replaced Ishmael with a sheep and he was saved.
The traditional greeting of 'Eid Mubarak' is used by Muslims during the holy festival
around the world and you will undoubtedly see it being sent around
social media at this time of year.
But what exactly does 'Eid Mubarak' mean?
'Eid' translates to English as 'celebration'
whilst 'Mubarak' means 'blessed' – so
together the phrase means 'blessed celebration'.
That is the literal translation but it can be
translated as 'have a blessed holiday' or simply 'Happy Eid'.
Is there a reply to 'Eid Mubarak'?
If someone says Eid Mubarak to you, it is
polite to respond by saying 'Khair
Mubarak', which wishes good will on the
person who greeted you.
You could also say 'JazakAllah Khair'
which means thank you, but literally
translates as 'May Allah reward you with goodness'
What to know about the city's backup evacuation plan - Duration: 1:22.-------------------------------------------
Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do | Reaction of Turkish People | Türklerin Tepkisi ! - Duration: 4:15.
Too scary...
You scared?
No, I mean it's not cool...
The girl is in shower...
...but no water
Good, I like it...
...but has too many rings
I don't like rings...
Ohh, perfect begining...
Ooh... I would become gay for her...
I don't like begining
I don't like zombie...
I hate snakes...
...they bife bro!
Iygh (be disgusted)...
There is a snake over there
It's too funny
The snake is your ex-buddy
I can't give her name...
Why does this woman always smash up cars in her videos
I mean in another video she is hitting with a stick
The car is not real
It is montage...
She crash the car...
My heart bleeds...
How could you do this...
How could you do this :D
She doesn't need to make up...
I like her anyway
I like her old styles much more than this...
She is trying to looks like Lady Gaga...
Country style was good...
I think they are robbing the bank...
Her clothes are really marginal
...that's why the video has been watched by millions.
The video is attractive...
She thinks that she rules the world...
Now I'm tweeting to Taylor
(Sister, you are so cute)...
I die for your whip...
I die for your whip...
The song rocks...
What is that bro?
Are they gays?
Are they lady boys?
...they are on
They are not men...
I am stronger than men
Yes, generally she has men problems in her videos...
The video is cool...
I don't like the men part...
It is really about slavey...
Taylor is upon all people...
I am againest slavery...
I listen her...
...but without her video clips
The melody is good...
...but I don't understand the lyrics so they are not important.
The song is really cool...
90 million in 3 days!..
She deserves!..
The video is really good and attractive...
The song is also good...
First class!.. Wonderful...
The dance of men...
Iyghh...(Nauseate) :D
It is disgusting...
I don't like it but is good (??!!!)
The girl was amazing but men are disgusting...
What is that. Are they fucking gay...
She is real and she is living in the world...
She gives me hope...
I produce endorphin...
I have no words to say.
I am speechless...
The begining is really attractive especially
The song is good ...
It deserves 90 million hits!
Only the men part is not proper...
Don't forget to subscribe channel Tepkimanya...
Channel Tepkimanya...
Don't forget to subscribe channel Tepkimanya...
Channel Tepk.....
Love gay people...
I don't say anything... Anymore...
Subscribe Channel Tepkimanya...
As I said I would become gay for her :D
Subscribe Tepkimanya...
What To Know Before Donating For Harvey Relief - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
What's Open Longevity - Duration: 1:39.I like to live. I love to live
I like everything about life
Every human
since he is human
should know the basics of medicine and biology
Death is a really a big problem
Aging is the main cause of death
Today we can already extend our lives
improve our health
Every biomarker has both advantages and disadvantages
Our most crucial goal is
to take steps towards radical life extension
and turn back aging
We aim to extend the length of a HEALTHY life
The difference between a scientific discovery
and a pill is 15 years
I feel like I don't have these 15 years
I'd like to know it before that
We worked out this format
healthcare professionals and researchers can express their opinions
have disputes
audience can ask them questions
We talk a lot about genetics and SNPs
mTOR pathway is one of main path of aging
I'm an ex scientist
I've understood that science can provide us with real instruments for life extension
New ideas and project are being born
...to create your personal medical big data inexpensively
It was difficult but very useful
We'll use our joint efforts to promote life extension
What Does High Blood Sugar Feel Like? - Duration: 6:51.Hello, I am Ty Mason of thediabetescouncil.com, researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes.
Today I will talk to you about what high blood sugar feels like.
After you watch the video today, I invite you check out the description box for my new
This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes meal planning book you can find.
It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes, recipes for different goals such as 800-1800
calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal planning tips and tricks.
There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes for everyone!
For those of you watching with diabetes, you probably know the answer to this question.
But I have been asked with those with diabetes this question before.
Hyperglycemia, high blood sugar or high blood glucose is the sign for all types of diabetes.
The body can no longer regulate the blood sugar in your blood for one of two reasons:
the pancreas is no longer making enough insulin 2.
the body's cells have become so resistant to insulin that the pancreas cannot keep up
Either way the result is that glucose is accumulating in the bloodstream rather than being moved
into the cells.
But what does this feel like?
How does your body react?
Let me first say that you may feel some or all of the symptoms we discuss today.
Hyperglycemia can affect different people in different ways, but there are some symptoms
that are common among MOST people with diabetes.
There are 3 most common and we will discuss those.
But there are others.
The most common signs of high blood sugar I call PolyCubed.
Polyuria == This is excessive urination.
You are constantly needing to run to the bathroom, like at least once an hour if not more often.
This is caused by a dual chain reaction.
The cells are pumping water into the bloodstream to try and dilute the glucose and bring it
back to normal, and the kidneys, unable to reabsorb this fluid during filtering, are
uncontrollably flushing water from the body.
The result is runaway urination.
Polydipsia is the result of polyuria.
It is excessive thirst.
This is a response to the dehydrating effects of polyuria; it's the body's attempt to
rehydrate itself.
According to Wil Dubois BS, AAS, CPT, the relationship between excessive urination and
excessive thirst is often misinterpreted by people experiencing high blood glucose, especially
before diabetes is diagnosed.
Many people assume that excessive urination is caused by the excessive thirst, and not
the other way around.
So they are quick to discount the excessive urination, thinking "Well, I've been drinking
a lot lately…"
Polyphagia is the final main symptom of high blood glucose level.
It is excessive hunger.
It is not so much caused by the high blood glucose level as it is a low insulin level.
the amount of insulin in the blood is insufficient to move glucose molecules from the bloodstream
into the cells, where they can be used as fuel for cellular processes.
If cells aren't able to gain access to glucose, they send out hunger signals and the brain's
hypothalamus triggers the sensation of hunger.
Those are the 3 main signs of high blood sugar.
Most everyone who has a blood sugar level above 150 will experience one or all of these
Usually at least 2 of them.
Another symptom you may feel is fatigue.
Your body is working so hard to regulate your blood sugar and your cells can't get the
fuel they need to work properly.
This will cause you to feel very tired.
You will want to rest constantly.
As the glucose levels rise in your blood stream, other symptoms are possible to appear.
One that is very common of others I have talked to is blurred vision.
Sometimes you see what I call "little snowmen" in your peripheral vision.
This is the beginning of diabetic retinopathy.
The tiny blood vessels in your eyes cannot carry the thicker blood causing oxygen levels
in the optic nerve to drop.
You may also experience one or more of the following after days of high blood glucose
levels: Rapid, deep breathing.
A fast heart rate and a weak pulse.
A strong, fruity breath odor.
Loss of appetite, belly pain, and/or vomiting.
Headache Unexplained, rapid weight loss
Tingling in hands and/or feet Scratches or sores that take a long time to
heal It is difficult to answer what each individual
will feel like when their blood sugar is high.
It really depends on the individual and how high the blood glucose level is.
Believe it or not, there are people who feel worse when their blood glucose levels are
They get used to how it feels to have elevated blood sugars and "normal" is not normal
to them.
If you experience any 2 of the PolyCubed symptoms and you have not been diagnosed with diabetes,
you should get to your health care provider as soon as possible and ask them to check
your blood glucose level.
If you have diabetes and you experience any of the other symptoms, you need to make sure
you keep a check on your blood sugar and if it remains high, see your health care provider
and ask for an A1C test, this can help tell you how long your levels have been high.
You may need to have your medication adjusted.
High blood sugar is not something to just dismiss.
It can have very serious consequences.
If you even suspect you have high blood sugar, contact your health care provider.
I hope you have found this video helpful.
Don't forget to get my new ebook and please, subscribe to our channel for many more videos
like this one in the future.
Thanks for watching.
I am Ty Mason.
Jisko Duao Me Manga Tu Hai Wahi Rehnuma || what's App Status 2017 By AJ - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Jab Se Tumhe Dekha Dil Ko Kahi Aaram Nahi || What's App Status 2017 By AJ - Duration: 0:27.-------------------------------------------
AMAZING! What Trump's Team Did To The President Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes! - Duration: 11:27.AMAZING! What Trump's Team Did To The President Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes!
Trump raised a lot of questions when he declared that he will not go to this year's White
House Correspondents dinner.
The Correspondents' dinner is basically fake prom night for the fake news media. They
get dressed up, walk the red carpet, and then listen to some mediocre, liberal comedian
bash Trump.
So, President Trump gave the media the ultimate "F U" when he announced he wasn't going.
However, Trump isn't the only one who won't be attending!
ABC News is reporting that Trump's entire White House Staff WILL NOT be attending the
dinner because they stand in "SOLIDARITY" with President Trump!
This is so good to hear. That President Trump's team stands
behind him. Well, Mr. President, we stand with you too.
What do
you think of this? Share
your opinion!
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