Brian Tracy: "There are four parts of visualization that you can learn and practice to
assure that you use this incredible power to its best advantage all the days
of your life now the first aspect of visualization is
called frequency this refers to the number of times that you visualize a
particular goal as achieved honor of yourself performing in an excellent way
in a particular event or circumstance circumstance repeat a clear mental
picture of your very best performance or result the more rapidly it will appear
as part of your reality the second element of visualization is the duration
of the mental image the length of time that you can hold the picture in your
mind each time you replay it when you deeply
relax you could often hold a mental picture of yourself performing at your
best for several seconds and then longer for several minutes the longer you can
hold your mental picture the more deeply it will be impressed into your
subconscious mind and the more rapidly it will express itself in your
subsequent performance the third element of visualization is vividness there
seems to be a direct relationship between how clearly you can see your
desired goal or result in your mind and how quickly it comes into your reality
this element of visualization is what explains the powers of the law of
attraction and the law of Correspondence the vividness of your desire directly
determines how quickly it materializes in the world around you now here's an
interesting point when you set a new goal for yourself your image or a
picture of this goal will usually be vague and fuzzy but the more often you
write it and review it and repeat it mentally the clearer it becomes for you
eventually it becomes crystal clear at that point the goal will suddenly appear
in your world exactly as you imagined it now the fourth element of visualization
is intensity the amount of emotion that you attach to your visual image in
reality this is the most important powerful part of the visualization
process sometimes if your emotion is intense enough and your visual image is
clear enough your goal will immediately come true
of course the elements of frequency duration vividness and intensity can
help you or hurt you like nature the power of visualization is neutral like a
two-edged sword you can cut in either direction it can either make you a
success or make you a failure visualization brings you whatever you
vividly and intensely imagine whether good or bad continually feed your mind
with clear exciting emotional pictures remember your imagination is your
preview of life's coming attractions so you know think about what's the Holy
Grail between somebody taking action or not it's one word certainty when
somebody is absolutely certain they you know the common word it believes right
but you know you can believe in a general level or you can believe a
certain when you're absolutely certain that if I do this it's gonna get that
result and that results gonna change my life you'll do it when you think it
absolutely is not gonna work you're never gonna do it the middle no-man's
land of maybe it'll work maybe it won't that's the piece that kills people right
so if it's a must for you you got to make it work right in our case right
that's an example there's none of us for you and you're not sure you don't know
what to do so I years ago I'd look around and say okay how do people get
themself to follow through they haven't been following through what's the
difference and I started interviewing hundreds of people literally and
eventually thousands cuz I had thousands of my event so I'd ask the group to give
me their feedback they came up with his model it's like the holy grail of belief
or the holy grail of Momentum's like the difference between what makes the rich
get richer and the poor get poorer right and the difference may all know is
mindset they're like how's that built so this is what I did I create a stupid
little fucking boxes and I'll scribble it here for it you think about the first
thing that determines whether you can do something or not and I put that in this
first box at the top here on the left side it's potential like what's the
potential of the MA like when you guys started you proved
something no one had done in history around the four-minute mile
right for godly knows how many centuries they're trying to run a four-minute mile
roger bannister does it how did he do it do you remember you did it in this
industry right you made a million bucks in a day no one had ever done that in
history right now if you did it a bunch of the guys are doing it the case it
became possible roger bannister didn't just go physically practice he made a
shift in his hat he practiced in his head because he could never achieve it
physically so he had a change of his head first so the result became certain
enough he believed it and that his body got him through after roger bannister in
that four-minute mile within two years 37 people ran a four-minute mile some
lazy and no one in history never done it now here's how it works the potential
for anybody getting your product is extraordinary they could do what you've
done is much more or less they can do whatever they want to do the potentials
there the markets proven that whether or not they happen the potential is a lot
to do with what action they take which is the question you came to me with
right like you know copy owns potential but they're not taking action and we all
know that the action that take is gonna determine the results they get that's
pre obvious so most people have a belief about what their real potential is no
matter what you tell them and that affects how much action they take and of
course that affects the result and then ironically that result reinforces their
belief and then that belief that's it so I'll give an example let's say a person
has unlimited potential we all agree but they take little action little results
why because they have to start with a problem with their belief they don't
believe it's really gonna happen for me maybe for Frank Kern's cuz it got the
cool hair and stuff or maybe it's for you because you're so driven but it's
not me maybe Tony Robbins because she's a freak out these big teeth whatever
their thought process is right they got this thing right but what happens is if
you believe that there's very little potential how much actually gonna take
nothing and when you take a little potential with a little action what kind
of results do you get lousy little results we need a little results what
does that do to your belief you go see I told you this was a waste of time
soldier this wouldn't work and then what happens you tap even less potential to
take even less actually even the worst results and your belief gets even weaker
and this sucker feeds on itself until you are in a downward spiral poisonous
it's poisonous and it's self-fulfilling now what if something could happen that
come along and fill you with a sense of absolute certainty not like I believe
but mean well you know and you guys this case mine as well we knew because we had
to we burned the boats there was no other option we had to find a way we
that we weren't gonna live that way we all did it in different ways and for
different reasons but in essence that was it
if you get yourself in a state of certainty that this is gonna work I'm
gonna find the way and if this is work I will make the way then you tap a lot
more potential than when you're certain your potential you take massive action
when you take massive action you really believe in something you get great
results well you get great results your brain goes see I told you I was a stud I
told you this thing would work out now you even stronger you have more
potential to take greater thought you better results that's how you went from
300 bucks in a week to twenty five hundred and five days to a hundred
thousand and a month to a million bucks in a day same thing with you and we get
momentum so where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer now some people
go out and they go well I'm gonna take a bunch of action all right I'm gonna open
this product gonna try it they'll say to you I even did it but it's like a
Salesman who goes and knocks on the door he knocks on 100 doors and says you know
his face says it because he doesn't believe it's gonna work
so his voice his body the execution is so weak maybe if he talks a hundred
people somebody's gonna buy out of pity who's gonna want his kids to starve
right but he's not gonna get the result so the core difference in people is how
do you produce certain day when the world isn't giving it to you you go out
and try and you're trying your case you're a hundred thousand a debt
nothing's working how do you keep yourself going the way you did it the
way I did it the way you're doing it we may not done it consciously is we didn't
change our potential that was there and it wasn't even taking more action taking
more action with a belief it's not gonna work it's not gonna change anything we
got results in our head that made us feel certain as if it had already
happened to or false for you true all right so give me an example some people
know I'm not just making this crap up well I mean just like when I had nothing
I already knew I was driving like Ferraris and Porsches and stuff because
I always wanted those cars I already knew I was going to have them it was
inevitable right I never - you know that was just my inevitable outcome but how
did you do that did you have a ritual did you think about it regularly was
one time you find about it or was it something you had an obsession towards I
had an obsession towards it I mean I used to go I weren't used to work in a
video store which is the last job I ever had in my life thank God and I used to
go to work almost every day and I used to bring two magazines with me to read
on my breaks entrepreneur magazine just to read about
business and everything else to read about what other people are doing look
for role models and I used to carry an auto trader with me and I used to look
at Porsches that were for sale yeah and people always used to ask me what are
you doing with that auto trader magazine I'm like well I'm just picking out the
Porsche that I'm gonna buy right when I'm what you probably got you a lot of
crap did people made fun of me yeah I actually had a boss at that job tell me
you know you really shouldn't do that to yourself John because it's it's very
very likely that that is never gonna happen that it's very likely that you
you're never going to have that car yeah that's that's the kind of belief he was
trying to put in my head and I was like no you don't realize that it's it's
inevitable that I will drive here it's sometime in the near future with that
car when I'm not working for you and drop movies off for you to put back on
the shelf and that actually happened and it was one of the most fulfilling days
of my entire life and the great thing was when I pulled up in this car I was
you know I was in my mid-20s yeah a car that most mid-2002 car was it it was a
Porsche 911 Turbo convertible in everything beautiful cars when I what
out yeah what I always drunk to have it but you know for a few years ago I was
circled the ads which was gonna buy when I finally got it and I pulled up at the
store you know I had all these people some people are still working at the $7
an hour job were there years after I left and I'll never forget this even the
boss and stuff and the reaction the people was like wow that is awesome is
that your dad's car and all I said to them was not exactly good thing I just
smiled and just left but it was you know I just it's the weirdest thing but I
just knew it was going to happen you knew it because I conditioned myself
you did you did oh we did yeah when I was in high school I was not a popular
kid but I was passionate and intense and I'll never forget some people to get
some particular girls gave me some crap in there guy too and I wrote in their
journals or their you know their annual yearbook at the at about you know some
day I said you treated me like hell someday I'll be rich
famous and you'll be an effin truck driver and you'll be sitting there I'll
be with my rig I'll be beat with this beautiful woman in my life rich and
you'll be watching me on television thinking you wish you would have treated
me better actually wrote this shit people's handles cuz I went to a
ten-year high school reunion but it's like I burn the bridges baby it's like
there this is how it's gonna be so I'll give you a perfect example of this you
know they did Studies many even done at this where they want to say how much
does the mind if that performance so take basketball I've worked a lot of NBA
players and turn them around and one of the problems many of them have is I'll
choke on the free-throw line you know while everybody knows in that
case if you normally shoot really well and now you're not
something's interference somes getting in front of your state some uncertainty
right obviously so they take a group and say we're gonna make them better how do
you make somebody better who's got this mental block so they take a group of
guys and they gonna do free throws and they do one group where they just
practice for six weeks totally intense practice and I forget the number of free
throws but they got to do this many he throws every day take a second group and
they have to not practice at all obvious and they take a third group and they
don't let them touch a basketball all they do is have them practice in their
mind but the key is it's not practice makes perfect
it's perfect practice makes perfect as corny as that sounds so these guys see
themselves making the shot every single time conditioning their mind and body
that it's perfect every time they're not interrupted by a reality that would
screw with them so at the end of six weeks they tally it up and now they give
him a test to see who has the highest free-throw percentage kind of success
what do you guess it's going to be the happiest person says obviously it's not
the guys that didn't practice but which one is it the mind or is it the ones
that actually practice assuming the mind yeah you would assume because it's true
right you intuitively know the truth that practicing is not enough it's
getting yourself so certain so many times that now why don't you go to do it
there's no hesitancy and you execute it's having that absolute certainty that
makes you tap your full potential take massive action get massive results be
reinforced anything stronger belief this is what makes somebody a star at
anything it's like Jack Nicklaus the golfer yes
visualized every shot and where it was going landing right where he wanted it
before he ever hit it every single time they just take a practice swing and they
kind of hope for the best and point in the right direction and hit it and some
of them if they've had some bad hits what are they really focusing on so I'll
show you a little stupid little physical technique for this so stand up for a
second he's gonna do the camera show so try this for a second so just put your
feet together and then put your right index finger straight out in front of
you like this okay and all I want you to do is what you just turn clockwise
comfortably as far as you normally turn just notice where you naturally stop go
ahead and turn clockwise people at home could do this too
keep your feet straight notice we stop come back around to me back around to
middle pretty good okay good yeah you're really good that's right drop your hand
now this is something really simple close your eyes and visualize just feel
I want you to imagine your finger coming back up again and this time see and feel
it coming up don't actually make it happen but feel like it's happening
imagine your mind that you're actually doing it you're seeing it you're feeling
it and then make it like a game will you turn twice as far this time like you're
a little kid you know somebody measures you and you go I'm taller come on
measure me this week that desire to do a little further and then in your mind do
it again your feet are straight together and in your mind fill your finger coming
up see it coming up and magic one three times as far this time
and then one more time bring your finger up and you're like an owl your feet are
straight and you turn all the way around and it comes all around to the front see
it and feel it and enjoy each time like it's a game like you can't wait to go
further and you know you do every time then when you can feel that it feels
good then open your eyes and now put your finger straight in front of you and
turn as far as you can comfortably and see what happens this time go take my
back I know this sounds camera Scott but you only up down alpha camera you can
ask yourself come back around did you go further this time yesterday a lot
shorter I think 50 percent further for you about the same yeah the average
person will go 25% further now here's the question we're superior God so did
you have the potential to turn as far as you did the second time the first time
yes why didn't you I didn't believe it I guess we have beliefs about stuff we
don't even know we have beliefs you have a unconscious belief but how far you can
turn comfortably the first time I did it when I pointed straight back yeah I
thought I was that probably shouldn't even go that far like it was gonna hurt
me or that I wasn't capable of going into I was like and how much for the Joe
this time and the camera knows it over there now here's the difference the
potential was there the first time and you took action and you got a result but
it was fifty percent less than what you did later on and the only difference is
they change your belief how do I change your belief we didn't work hard on your
potential we didn't take more action I got you to see the result in advance I
get to see it vividly two or three times that's all I'm going further in their
brain with oh I know what to do boom it went there isn't that what you did by
looking at your cars every single day and envisioning it isn't that what you
did when you created whatever the vision was there was 300 ollars 2500 dollars a
million bucks in a day that's what's missing for these people they're not
getting that execution is everything but it doesn't happen if you don't get the
psychology set of a state of total certainty and you can you just change
that fifty percent in three minutes with the visualization losing my balance my
eyes closed that I was kind of like lopsided so I got one good visualization
and watch the time I was like I sure hope I don't fall down on camera with my
eyes because so you don't have to be good at visualization you can still get
the improvement so I want you to get you know you ask the question what is that
difference in people this changes people's certainty people are uncertain
they're gonna succeed they want it but they're afraid the best way to deal with
the fear is get a big enough reason to makes you have to succeed or condition
yourself well you see it and feel it so often that you're certain that you just
do it if all it really takes that's awesome you know this worked I was
thinking this while you were talking about going to the city you were talking
about working in the video store and looking at the Porsches and stuff I used
to drive around in my car you know doing the cold calling and the credit card
machines and one way that would avoid cold calling the pain of like cold
calling and knocking on doors and everything will be to listen to your
stuff and listen to Jim Rohn stuff and I would just drive around no particular
doesn't just to listen to it and strangely I still like to drive around I
prefer to live that stuff in the car for some reason
because it's where you got imprinted yes it's like well drive up and down the
coast and check out the ocean yeah so drive around and I would envision myself
holding those types of seminars and teaching people that kind of stuff and
three weeks ago I was teaching a seminar in San Diego and I was talking about
beliefs and envisioning things and I had to stop now shared with the audience I
was like you're not gonna believe this but I actually used to envision this
very moment of me talking to you right now so it really really works it
definitely works makes a difference I'd say I'll tell you where I worked with
Andre Agassi in 1993 I think it was he'd been number one he dropped at 32nd in
the world and he was ready to literally ready to quit with no exaggeration his
father was managing I mean he was so angry with his life and he went through
some I think wrist surgery at the time and he's working on a swing and yeah he
was dating Brooke Shields at that point they weren't married and not his current
marriage obviously and so she said you gotta come see Tony's because I don't
even motivation because he's not motivation man he's strategy he'll show
you how to make that shift in your hands he comes I work with a guy and the
beginning is saying you know do your magic stuff oh yeah great thank you and
I said tell me tennis ball perfectly and I'm trying to get him in the zone to
remember that time like you vision where he was perfect at it it was of course I
have and I get a vision over and over again and finally he's in the zone he's
feeling that again right he's seeing it and he's feeling certain and the swing
is going perfect and I said how's that feel because it feels perfect I said but
are you thinking about the swing you're not thinking about the swing you're not
thinking about how to do it you just seen the result you want so vividly that
it's there so all he did was train him how to go on that stay and over and over
again he won the next weekend the second weekend he came in second within six
months it was number one in the world again and he gave me unbelievable credit
but all it was was conditioning the mind you did with tape so did I i we was
talking about this earlier Pam and I that I used to go when I was 17 years
old out of downtown Los Angeles this place called Knight Education k ni ght
like in the night I've saved up all my money work as a janitor and I'll get
these tapes and listen to these things over and over and over again I went
there for years and I didn't have enough money and I leveraged everything I had
but I knew I betrayed my mind it's the one thing I knew how to do man's name
was Mario I saw him in his 80s yeah obviously knows how my life turned out
and was very proud of the role he played and that
process you tell people the story this guy is the real thing he didn't just
start out this way this how Tony did it he listened his tapes he conditioned
himself right this is the real stuff he passed away a few years ago I'm calling
his house and he passed away and as his daughter was there and she wanted to
share with me that how I touched his life and so forth but the best thing was
I thought you know what I want to get those tapes I want to get that stuff
that condition you know I want to go back to that moment like you did of you
know that moment was visualizing non-living it and she said he left all
this and his will to you so I have all these tapes now then from the time when
I originally went through and like I'd go to sleep and these sleep tapes that
conditioned my mind to believe that I could succeed even want to sleeping or
to build energy in my body and anybody wants to succeed has got to know it
doesn't just happen you can buy a product but you also with that product
have got to condition yourself you gotta make it must hey you got to get a ritual
and if you do it whatever you used to dream about you thought was so huge
you'll just live it you'll live it like you live this yesterday like we're all
living the life that we envisioned because we had to and because we played
this game with our head we got the belief to be real by seeing it enough
times and feel it enough times to our brain believed it and it made it happen
which raised the potential which made us take more action which got us better
results which raised our beliefs again that's right rich get richer and the
poor get poorer so instead of bitching about it change it and decide change
like a self-fulfilling prophecy completely it's pretty easy to change
just that one simple exercise was amazing I'm still like holy crap
you know wonder what else I can do now but most people do most people do the
opposite of that right they get the product or they think about doing it
what are they envision it's not working yeah the excuse is this illusion it not
working soon as the envision timer Kaneko uncertain state so uncertain how
much potential a tap little if anything and so they send back your product I
mean listen the damn thing you know and guess what what does that do by the way
they make that it's another allows you result in their life I didn't even
follow through on that and they believe even less this process is the Holy Grail
it's for the whole game changes and anybody can do it and they can do it in
a few minutes and if they do in a few minutes each day then they get a
different life they do it a few minute one time their life changes for the day
it's we're defined by our rituals everybody's got rituals certain things
they do every day and what we have in common and
anybody that I know of who has a life that they're living that was once a
vision because we saw it again and again again even when it didn't work even when
you lost the hunter grant even when I'm working as a janitor there was something
we would not give up on if somebody watching wants to change their life they
got aside what they won't give up on and then put themself in the stay that
momentum by a couple little rituals and I think especially when it comes to
anything related to making money like making money products or promises or
courses people are so inundated with scams and all this garbage true garbage
that you know their natural thinking is that they're so skeptical it's like they
fall into the conditioning of well if anything's ever going to work that thing
has to prove it to me before I believe anything so when they go to approach the
thing to make more money with they're like well I'm starting at zero and this
thing has to prove to me that it has any potential at all before I believe that
it will don't you agree with that's the case unfortunately this case but here's
the truth when somebody says to me and my business even more because a lot of
people think I'm a motivator I hate that term that's never been what I've done I
do believe in energy and I'm passionate you know they see 10,000 people in Rome
Rock and they got all these motivating them I believe in peak state you get top
athlete you get in a concert and you get into state right the problem is to
defend themselves they don't be disappointed again they lower their
expectations so someone will say to me well I'm skeptical or I'm pessimistic
and my response to them is no man you're gutless
it takes no guts to be skeptical you don't have to have any capacity to be a
critic and now with the web you don't even have to own that you're the one
being the critic and burn somebody and you know anonymously right I said you
know what it takes guts to believe and if you think something's gonna do it for
you without you putting your guts on the line you might as well forget it right
now so this idea that I'm skeptical or they got to prove it to me it's the
biggest lie what that really is is your fear talking you're so scared of failing
you don't even want to get your hopes up and if you don't get your hopes up you
might say well what if we get their hopes up and somebody gets disappointed
how many disappointments that we experienced in our business goers and in
our lives the difference is some people take disappointment let it destroy them
other people take disappointment let it drive them and you get to choose are you
gonna turn this thing into why it didn't work and a bunch of store
excuses are you gonna take this thing that didn't work and figure out what are
you gonna do to make it work and it may not happen the first time the second
time the third time but the people that are relentless find the way and it's the
common denominator and all these guys that are kind of our friends our family
money masters you know knew many masters is they all did it with will nobody here
inherited this stuff everybody figured it out mm-hmm and keep figuring it out
and it's gonna keep changing and you say you know what you know 1% of 99% of the
money being made to be made by 1% of the people because only one percent of
people will condition their mind and condition their body and fall through
some daily rituals the rest will tell a story about why it didn't work I wasn't
their fault and you got two things in life you got results or you got a story
you know and too many people think that 1% is somehow entitled to it and they're
not which is you know it's just all in the head which can be changed with some
conditioning basic condition you just proved it yeah to us that's fun that's
why I made get the edge and personal powers because I understood that in the
very beginning I could originally was 30 days and years later people say hey you
know I've heard all the great results everything else man but you know I don't
have 30 days and I'd be behind the glass you know focus group watching these
people don't want to shake it like you don't thirty days to change your life
you know okay I'll make it seven days yeah just one because after seven days
you get momentum and you think about it when do people's lives change in a
moment it doesn't change in ten years your life me to suck for ten years but
there's one moment when your life changes the moment you decided you said
no more and I'm doing it and you kick yourself in the ass and you made
yourself go do something right when you finally said enough no more I quit or
let's begin or I love you there's a moment when somebody's life changes and
that can be gotten in a couple of days so people want to don't have to wait
until they've mastered everything they got to get started and do what's next
and just put themself in a state where they start making some progress
there it is I think that's the answer that can help solve that problem with a
lot of people they'll just pay attention to it and do it the bottom line is you
know all three of us and some of the people that we consider as family
they're part of this process we've all done well we don't need to do this stuff
we're able to do the stuff because underneath it all people can see in your
eyes Frank when you talk about $2,500 you made that day and the joy right are
you talking about not willing to settle you know and just I don't care
what they say tell me I'm gonna sit here and I should lower my expectations I'm
gonna be driving my car in here and they're gonna be delivering a video to
me there's something inside of every human being that will make it click then
I make it so that today is not like yesterday and tomorrow will be different
forever and that process is an emotional hook and what I hope is people watching
the stuff maybe something in here will piss him off enough or remind them of
something or say there is a plan and it isn't just luck and if I just get my big
enough why and I get a little system forget to conditioning myself and if I
start to feel overwhelmed and just do one next step and I keep learning and
keep moving forward I will get there that we accomplished
that out of this conversation then this conversation was kick-ass and fun not
just for us but it'll be something that will be really proud of a long time
whether it happens it not really has nothing to do with us but whether or not
people take it in as real and do something with it hope thank you
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