Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily song Sep 25 2017

New HR Song of Anjali Raghav 2017

For more infomation >> NEW HR Song || Anjali Raghav & Surya || Meri Jaan # Latest DJ Song 2017 - Duration: 2:23.


kisi se pyaar ho jaye l kaabil movie l bollywood song with lovely korean couple - Duration: 3:52.




For more infomation >> kisi se pyaar ho jaye l kaabil movie l bollywood song with lovely korean couple - Duration: 3:52.


Five little babies Jumping on the bed Nursery rhymes songs for children learn colors with Baby songs - Duration: 1:16.

Five little babies Jumping on the bed Nursery rhymes songs for children learn colors with Baby songs

Five little babies Jumping on the bed

Nursery rhymes songs for children

Nursery rhymes

songs for children

learn colors with

Baby songs

For more infomation >> Five little babies Jumping on the bed Nursery rhymes songs for children learn colors with Baby songs - Duration: 1:16.


≡MMD≡ Sukone Tei - Deep Blue Song [4KUHD60FPS][Wallpapers DL] - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> ≡MMD≡ Sukone Tei - Deep Blue Song [4KUHD60FPS][Wallpapers DL] - Duration: 4:01.


Phần trình diễn của Đông Nhi tại ASIA SONG FESTIVAL 2017 - Duration: 10:19.

For more infomation >> Phần trình diễn của Đông Nhi tại ASIA SONG FESTIVAL 2017 - Duration: 10:19.


EXCLUSIVE SONG PREVIEW!!// جربت اي موضة حواجب؟// I Tried A Crazy Brow Trend - Duration: 8:21.

Today, I'm doing a video that I honestly really don't want to do


because of how much I saw this trend on Instagram

I felt like trying it for a bit

I am never EVER going out with it

but I can put it on the internet, no problem

today I will be doing the squiggle brows

the girl who started this trend is called: Promise Tamang

she is a vlogger

and says that she tried the squiggle brows after seeing a picture of a model photoshopped with the brows on a cover of a magazine

so she wanted to try it out

wallahi if I was you

I wouldn't have tried it and I wouldn't have started this trend

I would just like to show you the different brow trends that have been made

after this sister started her trend

so we have the squiggle brows the classic

we have the braided brows

we have the tied/ponytail brows

we have feather brows

we have these cut brows

we have these triple brows, we have everything

so lets get started

so now I don't know how to do it so I came up with 2 ways

the first thing I'm going to do is that

I'm going to draw squiggles with a normal brow pencil

I'm home alone and I think I heard someone open the appartment's door

but no they're just my neighbors never mind

no look, I'll try drawing them with my brow kit that I normally use

and if doesn't turn out good

I'll do the other option which is this brow pencil

okay lets get started

now I'll be using this color, and ill look in the viewfinder

its okay I have another brush

ill look up at the viewfinder, so I'm sorry if you hate that

down or up, down or up, down or up

up okay

so we take the product with our brush


it went in my eye

you know the logo for pharmacies,

its like a glass with a snake around it

this is what my brows look like

wallahi it looks like a pharmacy's logo look

my friend is suppose to be coming over


maybe I can film her reaction to my brows

awya (yas in arabic)

I think I have to use

the pencil

honestly, I don't know if ill post this video

if its posted, just know that I love you so much

and I like to be (natural) myself with you guys

it actually harder than you think

ill meet my self in the street okay

what! Basma Hi

what! how are you I miss you crazy (ik that doesn't make sense but its like idiot but crazy.. IDK)

em.. there is something on...

there is something on your eyebrows

what is it, I don't know what you're saying

ya, I filled in my brows, they're filled in...

but I think you messed up a little

no girl, this is the trend, did you not see Instagram?

okay... ill see you next year yalla bye

did she not like it?

of course I failed at it, but

I would like yo tell you that I'M SO HAPPY


and now i'll try covering my entire brow with bb cream

it looked so nice

it went its own way

do you guys know that in the past, before I started filling in my brows

they looked like this

wallahi they were gray

equvilant to: why Promise(the girls name) in a sarcastic meaning

I tried covering it up as much as I can, but my brows are black so

I don't know what to do

now ill start all over by drawing with the pencil

now I failed in art class


okay it got too high

ill entertain you for a bit

I'll sing you a song

my cousin wrote, Toka

if you're watching this video...

guys these words are written and composed by Toka Walid

before I sing, I always have to do this

guys i'll translate the literal meaning of the lyrics

my wife married me

and gave birth to my son

I can't sing okay

my son calls me baba

and calls my dad grandpa

and the boy has little manners

I don't remember

I told you from the start, Boy!

to raise him up, raise him up

so that the boy becomes a doctor or engineer


and this was my look guys squiggle brows

I hope you liked it?

please make sure to subscribe

and follow me on Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook I made a page

and I'll see you in the next video inshallah


guys if you remember, I told you my friend Niera was coming over


ill see her reaction, my mom was out as well

I got her reaction but the lighting was slightly horrible

but we'll definitely get Niera's reaction for sure inshallah

so now guys Niera is here, she has arrived

this is Niera

go ahead take them off

what do I take off? Eyebrows or the paper?

no the paper

she's so disgusting

and this concludes the video, thank you!

my son, my son, my son, my son.....

a little more please

My Father! My Grandpa!

Help Me!

Help ME, I Went to Milk the Cow

I Went to Milk the Cow and suddenly the Donkey

Kicked My Mother

Future Star: Toka Walid. Song: My Wife Married Me

For more infomation >> EXCLUSIVE SONG PREVIEW!!// جربت اي موضة حواجب؟// I Tried A Crazy Brow Trend - Duration: 8:21.


Spanish civil war song "At the Gandesa Front" English lyrics - Duration: 2:29.

If you want to write to me, You know where I am posted:

If you want to write to me, You know where I am posted:

At the Gandesa front, In the first line of fire.

At the Gandesa front, In the first line of fire.

If you want to eat well, cheap and in a good manner,

If you want to eat well, cheap and in a good manner,

At the Gandesa front stands an inn where you are welcome.

At the Gandesa front stands an inn where you are welcome.

At the entrance of this inn There is a Moor Mohammed,

At the entrance of this inn There is a Moor Mohammed,

That greets you: «Come in, fellow! What do you wish to eat?»

That greets you: «Come in, fellow! What do you wish to eat?»

The first dish which they serve are grinded grenades,

The first dish which they serve are grinded grenades,

The second one are shrapnel shells, To refresh one's memory.

The second one are shrapnel shells, To refresh one's memory.

If you want to write to me, You know where I am posted:

If you want to write to me, You know where I am posted:

At the Gandesa front, In the first line of fire.

At the Gandesa front, In the first line of fire.

For more infomation >> Spanish civil war song "At the Gandesa Front" English lyrics - Duration: 2:29.


Camp Camp Song Song Piano Tutorial - Duration: 6:34.

Hey, my name's Alhena, and I got a bunch of requests

asking, uh, for a tutorial as to how to play the Camp Camp Song Song

Or at least the way I did it


Um, so, yeah. Here it is

[fumbles for a second]

The first. Whole stanza...

Half thing. Is pretty easy

First there


ah, it's all

just sustained

And it's just

D [plays D chord]

E [plays Em chord, which is the one you should play, not Emaj]

A [plays A chord]

D [plays D chord]

E minor [plays Em chord, doesn't fuck up a second time]

D [plays D chord]

B minor [plays Bm chord]


And then A [plays A chord]

And back to D [plays D chord]


And so to break it down into two separate sections,

The first part is just D [plays D chord], E [plays Em chord], A [plays A chord], D [plays D chord]


🎵There's a place I know that's tucked away🎵 [D chord]

🎵A place where you and I can stay🎵 [E chord]

🎵Where we can go to laugh and play🎵 [A chord]

🎵And have adventures every day🎵 [D chord]

And then the next section is, um

🎵I know it sounds hard to believe🎵 [Em chord]

🎵But guys and gals🎵[D chord]

🎵It's true🎵 [Bm chord]

🎵Camp Cambell is the place for me🎵 [A chord]

🎵And you🎵 [D chord]

And, yeah

That's it; that's the whole first stanza



Uhh, this is where the left hand comes in

I like to just

[A, B, C#]

So, that's like

A [plays A], B [plays B], C sharp [plays C#]

And then

Hit the D

And then

Immediately hit the D chord

And then just keep D chording in succession, like

[Hits D note, then D chord, then D note, then D chord, continues D chording in succession]

Like that


And it's the same chords for the fir... for like, the first half, so it's um

🎵We'll swim through lakes and🎵 [fucks up]

🎵We'll swim through lakes and climb up trees🎵 [D chord in succession]

🎵Catch fish, bugs, bears, and honeybees🎵 [Em chord in succession]

🎵There's endless possibilities🎵[A chord in succession]

And no, that's not hyperbole [D chord]

But instead of

Uh, but this time instead of immediately going to the E minor chord,

Stay on the D chord


Ehhh, and then slowly progress

Ah, to the E chord [plays Em chord]

Then to the G chord [plays G chord]

And then to the A chord [plays A chord]

So that's


🎵Our motto's campe🎵[D chord in succession]

🎵Diem, and that🎵[Em chord in succession]

🎵Means I'm telling🎵 [G chord in succession, but slowing]

🎵Yoo-oo-ou🎵 [A chord, sustained]

And so

In total, that makes

[A, B, C#] 🎵We'll swim through lakes and climb up trees🎵 [D chord in succession]

🎵Catch fish, bugs, bears, and honeybees🎵 [Em chord in succession]

🎵There's endless possibilities🎵 [A chord in succession]

And no, that's not hyperbole! [D chord]

🎵Our motto's 'campe🎵 [D chord in succession]

🎵Diem', and that🎵 [Em chord in succession]

🎵Means I'm telling🎵 [G chord in succession, getting slower]

🎵Yoo-oo-ou🎵 [A chord, sustained]

And then this next part is just

D [plays Dm chord]

Is D [plays Dmaj chord]

E minor [plays Em chord]

G [plays G chord]

And A [plays A chord]

Just. Over and over and over again.

Uhm, so

But there's also the left hand part, which is kind of different

So, remember at the beginning of the stanza when you go, [plays A, B, C#]?

It's the opposite of that, so um

So it's [plays D, C#, B, A, D, C#, B, A]

It's D [plays D], C# [plays C#], B [plays B], A [plays A], so

[fumbles some more]

And between every note, you play a D chord [plays D chord], so it'll be

[D, D chord, C#, D chord, B, D chord, A, D chord twice]

And you do a full cycle of this, uh, that thing twice

And then you move up to the E chord [I mean E minor chord]

And then it'll go E [plays E], D [plays D], C# [plays C#], B [plays B]

[Plays E, Em chord, D, Em chord, C#, Em chord, B, Em chord twice]


And then you move up to the G chord

Where's it's G [plays G], F sharp [plays F#], E [plays E], D [plays D]

For [Plays G, G chord, F#, G chord, E, G chord, D, G chord twice]

And then when you get to the A chord [plays A chord], ah

You only have- you only do it once, so, uh

You- It's A [plays A], G [plays G], F sharp [plays F#], E [plays E]

But only once, so

[Plays A, A chord, G, A chord, F#, A chord, E, A chord]

And then you immediately go back down to the D, and you go

And you

Go back to your original bouncy thing [D chord in succession]

Then E [Em chord in succession]

And then G [G chord in succession]

And A [A chord in succession]

And then back down to D [D chord, sustained]


Yeah, that was

Kind of a lot, but it's

It's uh


It's, uh, there's

🎵Archery, hiking, search and rescue, biking🎵 [D chord going down]

🎵Horseback, training that'll save you from a heart attack🎵 [D chord going down]

🎵Scuba diving, miming, keeping up with rhyming🎵 [Em chord going down]

🎵Football, limbo, science stunting🎵 [Em going down]

🎵Pre-cal, spaceships, treasure hunting🎵 [G chord going down]

🎵Bomb defusal, no refusal🎵 [G chord going down]

🎵Fantasies, circus trapeze🎵 [A chord going down]

🎵And fights and ghosts🎵 [D chord in succession]

🎵And paints and snakes🎵 [Em chord in succession]

🎵And knives and chess🎵 [G chord in succession]

🎵And dance and weights🎵 [A chord in succession, getting slower]

🎵It's Camp Camp🎵 [D chord, sustained]



That is the whole song


Yeah, thank you for watching

And enjoying it, and I hope this was helpful at all


Also, just so you know, people might find the whole [plays D, C#, B, A twice, E, D, C# B twice]

thing, uh, a little bit, like, confusing

Uh, especially during that whole fast part

But I find that it helps to associate


A word, or like- or like a li'l phrase, with every finger, so like

🎵Archery, hiking, search and rescue, biking🎵 [plays D, C#, B, A in time with lyrics]

And so I've associated those with like the first four, and so on and so forth until

You know


The hard part about that is just like, keeping the chords going



So, thank you



And also

There is a link


To the original tumblr post

Where I first pos- uhhhh

Where I posted the Camp Camp Song Song

If you have a tumblr

And you liked that

Maybe you could do me favour and, like, reblog that

Because then more people can see it, and more people like, will

Acknowledge my existence

And I'll be more motivated to produce more content


Thank you

For more infomation >> Camp Camp Song Song Piano Tutorial - Duration: 6:34.


Bangla New Song 2017 | তুমি কাঁদলেন ঐ আকাশের সূর্য উঠেনা | dukhi lalon | সিমনা মাল্টিমিডিয়া | 4K - Duration: 4:09.

Plaes Subscribe

For more infomation >> Bangla New Song 2017 | তুমি কাঁদলেন ঐ আকাশের সূর্য উঠেনা | dukhi lalon | সিমনা মাল্টিমিডিয়া | 4K - Duration: 4:09.


Talking Tom Cat- | Trippy Trippy-Funny Video Song | Composition Comedy - Moment - Duration: 2:23.

tom funny song

For more infomation >> Talking Tom Cat- | Trippy Trippy-Funny Video Song | Composition Comedy - Moment - Duration: 2:23.


Sadke Sadke Jandiye Muthiyare - Punjabi Folk Song Neelam Sharma USP TV - Duration: 5:51.

Sadke sadke jandiye mutiyare ni

Kandda chubha tere paer bankiye naare ni

Ni arhiye kandda chubha tere paer bankiye naare ni

Kaun kadhe tera kandrha mutiyare ni

Kaun sahe teri peerh bankiye naare ni

Ni arhiye kaun sahe teri peerh bankiye naare ni

Bhabo kadhe mera kandrha sipahiya ve

Veer sahe meri peerh, main teri mehram na

Ve arheya veer sahe meri peerh, main teri mehram na oye

Khuhe te pani bharendiye mutiyare ni

Pani da ghutt peya bankiye naare ni oye

Ni arhiye pani da ghutt peya bankiye naare ni oye

Apna bhariya na diyan sipahiya ve

Lajj payi bhar pii, te main teri mehram na oye

Ve arheya lajj payi bhar pii, te main teri mehram na oye

Gharha je tera bhann deyan mutiyare ni

Lajj karan tottey chaar, bankiye naare ni

Ni arhiye lajj karan tottey chaar, bankiye naare ni oye

Gharha bhajjeh ghumiaran da sapahiya ve

Lajj pathey di dor, main teri mehram na

Ve arheya lajj pathey di dor, main teri mehram na oye

Vade vailey di tor ni sun nimorhiye

Aayion shaman paa ni bholiye nimorhiye

Ni arhiye aayion shaman paa ni bholiye nimorhiye oye

Uccha lammha gabru ni sun sasorhiye

Baithe jhagrha paa ni bholiye sasorhiye

Ni arhiye baithe jhagrha paa ni bholiye sasorhiye oye

Oh tan mera putt lage ni sun nimorhiye

Tera lagda ii kaunt ni bholiye nimorhiye

Ni arhiye tera lagda ii kaunt ni bholiye nimorhiye oye

Bhar katora dudh da ni sun nimorhiye

Jaa ke kaunt manah, ni bholiye nimorhiye

Ni arhiye jaa ke kaunt manah, ni bholiye nimorhiye oye

Tera aanda na peya mutiyare ni

Khuhi waali gall suna bankiye naare ni

Ni arhiye khuhi waali gall suna bankiye naare ni oye

Chhoti hundi nu chhadd gayo sipahiya ve

Hun hoyi mutiyar main teri mehram hoyi

Ve arheya hun hoyi mutiyar main teri mehram hoyi oye

Sau gunah mainu rabb bakhshe sipahiya ve

Ik bakhsheinga tu, te main teri mehram hoyi

Ve arheya ik bakhsheinga tu, te main teri mehram hoyi

Ve arheya ik bakhsheinga tu, te main teri mehram hoyi

Ve arheya ik bakhsheinga tu, te main teri mehram hoyi

For more infomation >> Sadke Sadke Jandiye Muthiyare - Punjabi Folk Song Neelam Sharma USP TV - Duration: 5:51.


The Red Army Choir (1948) - Song about Frunze (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.

We will never forget about the campaigns

Of the legendary glorious years,

We will never forget the Civil War years,

We will never forget the erstwhile victories.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went into battle for the native land.

The steppe was trembling underfoot,

Day and night there was fighting,

To storm strongholds of Whites in the Crimea

Frunze was leading his regiments.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went into battle for the native land.

Under the formidable Turkish bulwark

Frunze furiously attacked the enemy.

With the unprecedented crossing of Sivash,

The Bolsheviks entered the Crimea.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went into battle for the native land.

We will never forget the erstwhile campaigns,

We will never forget the victories days.

Glory of Frunze in the memory of the peoples

Will live like an eternal song.

By Lenin and Stalin

We were inspired to fight.

We were sweeping away our enemies, descending like a storm,

We went in the battle for the native land.

For more infomation >> The Red Army Choir (1948) - Song about Frunze (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:10.


Bad baby monster | Superhero war spiderman | Johny Johny Yes Papa Song | movies for Children - Duration: 3:16.

Bad baby monster | Superhero war spiderman | Johny Johny Yes Papa Song | movies

For more infomation >> Bad baby monster | Superhero war spiderman | Johny Johny Yes Papa Song | movies for Children - Duration: 3:16.


Karenni NEW Song 2017 - (Come Back To Me) By Sar Day Htoo - Duration: 3:41.


For more infomation >> Karenni NEW Song 2017 - (Come Back To Me) By Sar Day Htoo - Duration: 3:41.


|Song Cover Sunday| - Bat Country - Duration: 5:25.

Why hello everyone!

I'm your lovely host Innocent and welcome to Song Cover Sunday.

We all know why we're here.

We're gonna sing some songs and I'm gonna try to not feel bad about myself.


He who makes a beast out of himself, Gets rid of the pain of being a man.


Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay

I tried to drive all through the night The heat stroke ridden weather, the barren

empty sights No oasis here to see

The sand is singing deathless words to me Can't you help me?

As I'm startin' to burn (All alone)

Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction

My confidence is leaving me on my own (All alone)

No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention

As I adjust to my new sights

The rarely tired lights will take me to new heights

My hand is on the trigger I'm ready to ignite Tomorrow might not make it but everything's all right

Mental friction follow me Show me what it's like to be set free

Can't you help me?

As I'm startin' to burn (All alone)

Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction

My confidence is leaving me on my own (All alone) No one can save me and you know I don't want

the attention. So sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear

Now take a trip with me But don't be surprised when things aren't

what they seem

Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my

will to stay These eyes won't see the same, after I flip today


Sometimes I don't know why we'd rather live than die

We look up towards the sky for answers to our lives

We may get some solutions but most just pass us by

Don't want your absolution cause I can't make it right

I'll make a beast out of myself

Gets rid of all the pain of being a man

Can't you help me?

As I'm startin' to burn (All alone)

Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction

My confidence is leaving me on my own (All alone) No one can save me and you know I don't want

the attention So sorry you're not here I've been sane too long my vision's so unclear

Now take a trip with me But don't be surprised when things aren't

what they seem I've known it from the start

All these good ideas will tear your brain apart

Scared but you can follow me I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die

For more infomation >> |Song Cover Sunday| - Bat Country - Duration: 5:25.


Myanmar NEW Song 2017 - မရြာနဲ႔ဦးမိုး MV - Duration: 5:15.


For more infomation >> Myanmar NEW Song 2017 - မရြာနဲ႔ဦးမိုး MV - Duration: 5:15.


Bad baby eating CANDY&CHIPS Johny Johny yes papa nursery rhymes song for kids by learn colors 노래 - Duration: 11:17.

Johny Johny Yes Papa

Nursery Rhymes for kids

Learn colors for kids

Are You Sleeping song

Johny Johny Yes Papa song

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