News Bangla 360
Honda CR-V 1.6D Lifestyle Navigatie/Xenon/Camera - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Branded Lifestyle Photography by Flourish Collaborative - Duration: 1:31.Business should bring you joy, right?
We found that so many people that we knew
it wasn't bringing them joy. They were
so bogged down with, "Ok I need content.
I need content." That's where we said ok,
let's combine these forces of a professional
photographer with brand strategy and
provide a service to these small business
owners who want to look legitimate online.
They feel confident in the aesthetic they're putting out.
It's in line with the type of people they
want to be attracting online.
People get really confused and they think
that a brand equals a logo. It's the same
way they think brand photography equals
headshots. And both of those statements
aren't true because it goes so much
deeper than that.
There are some preemptive questions
and some discovery work that we do
on our end as brand strategists for the client
to make sure that, when it comes to
creative direction, we have all of the
foundations and all of the backstory.
We go as far as asking what your song
would be if your brand was a song.
We really want to know who you are
before we start to represent you.
It's not about what you do, it's about
why you do it, right? And so, it's making
sure that we're deciding on that WHY,
and really digging deep into that discovery
work, and then translating that through imagery.
I love getting those texts or emails
from past clients being like, "Oh my gosh,
wow, my Instagram engagement has just
gone through the roof because people are
scrolling through and they get what I'm
about, finally." And you're just not going
to get that until you invest the time into
brand strategy and professional photography,
and in this case combined.
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