Geopolitical crisis in North Korea
Redefining Asia in the 21st Century - Identifying its true issues and challenges
Filmed with the participation of the people of Paris from July 28th to August 21st 2017.
Geocreative analysis based on "Paekche's principle - The Great Secret of Asia"
Bayemy Biyick (c) 2014. Available in English and French
Our aim, we should remember it, was to propose solutions to this North Korean crisis...
... so that these countries emerge from the historiographical fiction created by the Chinese////
"It is the correct method for investigating the Nature...
... to know all that exist, every mystery, all the secrets."
Everything important is said in this formula. So, "it is the correct method of investigation ..."
Thereby, mathematics is a method and it makes it possible to know everything that exists.
I insist on the words "everything" and "exist".
So, when you have this mathematics in your possession, you can access everything////
The direct consequence of this return to life and to daylight of these deceased ancestors... the collapse of the fictitious world, the historiographical fiction which...
... was created by China and in which are enclosed in 2017 these states of China,...
... Japan and the two Koreas.
That is, they are in a fictitious world and they cannot get out of it, ...
... because that fictitious world is now confronted with reality, that of the Universe.
That is why we are caught up in these contradictions that are leading us to war.
In order to solve this problem, we must get out of this world of fabricated ideas, ...
... that is to say official History, in order to come back to the reality,...
... that is to say, exactly whatever nobody wants to talk about////
What about Japan and China? Well...
What about Japan and China? Well... Japan and China... China and Japan !
These two countries are the only explanation, the line of tension,...
... the line of very high tension that justifies all the conflicts that exist in this region of the Northeast Asia.
This relation is the explanation of everything.
And as long as we do not address whatever divides, separates, or opposes the Chinese... the Japanese, the Japanese to the Chinese, ...
... we will not emerge from the crises in the Northeast Asia///
We must simply return to what happened in the 7th century.
In the region, there is a focal point that should not be forgotten. Between 658 and 660 AD,...
... the kingdom of Kudara was destroyed and they were the ancestors of the Japanese.
And the culprits are well known, it is the Tang China dynasty along with its successors.
All these states have only one reason to live: to take revenge by destroying one another.
That is the destiny in which these two states are locked up, and they cannot get out of it////
... which explains and reinforces the idea that it is very important in the 21st century to come back to this issue.
Because as long as we have not talked about it, I do not even mention a settlement,...
... but as long as these people have not talked about it, they will remain in this fiction,...
... this historical fiction without ever being able to leave it except through violence.
Given the weapons and other means available today,...
... this violence will simply end with the mass destruction of the whole region////
... on the other hand, other peoples, other nations (and that is what we are doing now)...
... could help both the Japanese and the Chinese to come back to this past...
... and end it using diplomatic ways and means. And it's the role to be played by ...////
... the Imperial family in the 21st century has no power.
There has been no spiritual power in Japan since the 7th century, because...
... they murdered their own ancestors, those who were ... those who received from...,
... I mean from the Creative Energy of the Universe...
... (I do not say "God" because in Africa this term is not used).
It was these founding ancestors who received the power...
... that helped to create Kudara with the magnificence and power that we know.
But since these ancestors were killed, there is no spiritual power left.
This is why Japan has been waging war for 15 centuries to survive.
Thus for national security reasons, and above all,...
... in order to renew the link with the ancestors...
... the Imperial family must reclaim this spiritual power.
And they will regain that spiritual power ... in Africa!
The Japanese Imperial family must return to Africa.
How? Why? To do what? They do know all about it !...////
... if this is not done, well, the two Koreas will remain separated...
... and may change their name because this name...
... "Korea" is misleading about these two peoples ...////
... this could be settled,... this can be settled!
And then the advantages, the master cards available to the two countries for strengthening ties...
... in a significant way is simply to follow the theory of the "Paekche's principle" that I have developed.
It rectifies the ... fictitious history that was created by China
... and which opposes the ancestors of the Japanese to those of the North Koreans.
All that is wrong...////
.... in having as father of the family, Kim Il Sung, and the people playing the role of his children.
The mother of Kim Il Sung being the mother of such a family that is a nation-family.
Thereby, North Korea is a family state-like Confucian state, as I define it,...
... where the name "father" (in Korean, they say "aboji", "father")...
... reserved for Kim Il Sung, his successors and sons (Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un) make sense.
This is not propaganda. This corresponds to the real nature of the regime.
It is those who label the regime as "communist" who just do not understand why...
... there is such a relationship between the leaders and the people.
Thanks to our of geocreativity masterclass, we understand this much better.
South Korea, from the point of view of my theory,...
... is a family-friendly Confucian state. You understand why ...////
... today's Koreans who in their daily life...
... (because I have lived with them for almost 20 years in France) have...
... have an unspeakable disregard for the black race, and for Africans in particular, should know that...
... they owe everything to Africa. And this statement is not mine.
It is that of their ancestor, their King Sejong the Great...
... whose gigantic statue has pride of place in downtown Seoul////
... well, in the article I mentioned a "technological object".
One form of this technological object is what...
... the Koreans today call "Hangul", or Korean alphabet.
This "Korean" alphabet is a derivative of this technological object.
In fact, it is its simplest form. But it is not an alphabet.
Thereby, when the Koreans say they have "invented"...
... an alphabet, I know that they are liying////
Well... Japan-South Korea! This is the less simple relationship of the whole region,...
... the most emotional, the one that conveys anything justifying this geocreativity masterclass...
... that started a bunch of minutes ago.
Now, in this relationship we find bad faith, incompetence, and...
... the irrational expression and exploitation of people's emotions.
Such peculiarities marking this relationship mean that...
... science and knowledge are usually left on the margins of every issue.
The door is then open to a systematic use of propaganda////
..., we have to go back to it.
Secondly, we must scientifically study the process of colonization in Korea.
I am talking about the "process". It should not be only about...
... citing the number of deaths, wounded persons, the number of Korean prostitutes in Japanese camps.
That is sensationalism! It is not scientific work.
We must study the colonial system, and that is not done.
And if done, the information is not public.
Thus, it is just as if nothing had not never been done.
It is essential to take an interest in colonization. And what is colonization?
Colonization is the process of appropriation of any country's wealth. It's no more complicated.
We have to be interested in that. And in the case of Korea colonization it is all about...
... about... the possession of the land. We must study the possession of the land...////
... Yes, then ... did a scientific experiment take place in Korea...
... on behalf of the Japanese to carry out this colonization?
I would say "yes"! Now, was this experience voluntary, or not? Planned or not?
I think that it does not matter because I found the traces of a construction,...
... a logical construction with results.
This is what I am going to propose and enable the deconstruction of this sort of...
... nonsensical issue between South Korea and Japan.
Well, this is a task for my geocreativity technique.
So, from this tangible case, we will have a much finer vision of what is happening////
... all this happens in this way, because we are aware of everything but the crux of the matter.
And that is what I will provide to the public: the essential facts.
By using the methods of science, the possibilities offered by science.
That is to say a rational approach to facts.
Without passion, without sentimentalism,...
... with the maximum of precision.
Now, here is the Korean version of this issue of the "women of comfort",...
... the official version validated by their scientists.
So, the Koreans say: "About 200,000 women were forcibly prostituted ...",
... (please do note "forcibly"), "... in the Japanese camps."
The Japanese version, the official Japanese response...
... to the Koreans states: "These women have prostituted themselves of their own free will."
... (please do note, "of their own free will").
So, the Koreans say, "By force."
The Japanese say, "No. Of their own free will. "
Now, there's no doubt about it. There have been Korean women prostitutes in the Japanese camps.
The dissent, the point of disagreement, is on the issue of consent.
As one would say in law, okay? The consent...
Had these women consented to this dramatic situation that everybody...
... is lamenting now among the Japanese, the Koreans and the whole world?
Did they give their consent?
This is typically a legal issue. We must also consider the conditions for the formation of this consent, don't we?
That is to say, were these women aware of what they were doing?
Had they measured the consequence of their personal situation?
Did they do it for fun? Had they been...
That is it! We have to ask ourselves about all aspects of this situation, individually and for those 200,000 women.
When it comes to law and judicial proceedings, the procedure follows this way.
So I am going to deal with this legal issue,...
... but from a scientific, historical, and ... psychological point of view.
To do this, I will tackle the general cultural context of the time in Korea.
The following comes from the analysis of the colonial period and the historical events,...
... originating from the Korean side and the Japanese side.
I have not consulted the archives of the Koreans or the Japanese in order...
... to reach the conclusions that you will hear.
Or rather to construct this analysis and reach the conclusions that you will hear.
It is simply the scientific approach, a scientific work...
... that respects the standards of such an exercise.
So I will be able to identify ... enough elements in order to...
... explain both Japanese and Korean positions as they are expressed.
Well, thank you and be very attentive////
... So, there is then a serious power struggle between, on the one hand,...
... the alliance of the young and the rural Confucian aristocracy,...
... and on the other hand the Japanese colonial forces.
And this confrontation, this struggle between the two sides culminated...
... with the demonstration for independence of March 1st 1919.
In fact, it was not a demonstration for independence at the outset.
What happened is that the king was dead, the king of korea was dead////
... and it is the transformation of society (the Japanese do not expect that to happened),...
... it is this huge transformation of (Korean) society, this major upheaval ... this reversal ...
... this mixture of generations and social... of the elite and of the people...
... that will therefore organize a rebellion against the occupation by Japan.
Because the Japanese, at one point, will want to attack the symbols of the nobility...
... to which the new population also aspires...////
... so this self-denial on the part of the Koreans in order to...
... to become someone else is simply a sign of perdition. And this will open the door to everything!
From then on, the Japanese colonial government...
... can get practically everything it wants from the Korean people.
And I think you will soon realize that...////
… uumm, well, from this point as you have understood, the Korean society is powerless.
So, the Koreans only keep up with what is going on...
... and live their lives on a daily basis.
In 1943, Koiso was able to impose conscription with no consequence on Korean youth.
Conscription, you know what that means: it's enlistment in the army. Period.
From here, we have to review the situation.
Since 1919, a generation has passed.
Let us do the analysis over the long term.
From 1919 to 1940, it's about one generation.
And, I had spoken about 1919 as the moment of this great ... gigantic... anti-Japanese demonstration.
From 1919, you add 20 years to arrive at 1939. We are about in 1940.
A generation has passed. That is to say the youth who enroll in the army...
... are the children of those who organized this huge anti-Japanese demonstration...
Did you get it? ...
The country has totally changed! It is not even the same country from the technical point of view.
It is not the same country anymore, the mentalities have been totally neutralized and, ...
... and... I was going to say without violence.
Because I did not speak to you of any anti-Japanese demonstration, there was... Nothing! Nothing... like that.
Everything happens in a way ... like that, subtly in the minds of people...////
The Koreans now behave like the Japanese ! ////
Well, you better understood in what context were those "comfort women"...
... women who were prostitutes in the Japanese military camps during the war.
You understand in what emotional, cultural, political, and pressure situation was the Korean people.
But also the Japanese people in Japan, and even...
... the Japanese leaders in Korea...
... and the Korean leaders in Korea.
For me, all these people are at the same level.
They are in a system of which they are prisoners and from which they cannot escape.
You understood that there has never been a matter of judging any of the parties involved, but of understanding.
And science provides us the instruments to be able to dissect the situation,...
... understand how things have been set up, along with various mechanisms.
And from this understanding,...
... we must put all these schemes in mind...
... so that the drama does not happen again in the future.
That is what is at stake.
Such schemes should not reproduce.
Because if we do not understand how it all came into being and developed,...
... well, it is going to happen again.////
... 3rd and last point: the Asian historiography is unified.
There is no longer any contradiction between the history of Japan,...
... the history of China, that of the two Koreas.
We can have, we can write a single story for all these people.
First and the foremost, we can solve all the mysteries,...
... all the enigmas that mark the history of these different countries.
Why is this possible? Because I found the common factor to these nations,...
... the missing link in the history of Asia. That is to say...////
Now, for the European, African and American peoples,...
... there will be direct and damaging consequences...
... if this war takes place.
Because Japan, for example,...
... monopolistically controls entire branches of advanced industries.
This is the case of fine chemicals sector with components to be found everywhere,...
... in all consumer goods such as computers, sneakers, and even ice creams.
Western economies, workers and consumers have all reasons
... to support these countries' diplomatic efforts.
Therefore, it is desirable that the solutions I propose be taken into account.
For Africa, it will be even more serious since...
... it is Africa that will pay the price of this war. Just as always !
Through the financial tools of the International Monetary Fund...
... African people who will be obliged to bear the cost of this war.
There will be armed conflicts in Africa that will lead to the displacement of populations by millions...
... so that the belligerents (those countries that wage war in Asia)...
... can draw the mineral resources they need to manufacture weapons.
Those specific natural resources are located in Africa.
So there will be a humanitarian tragedy in Africa if ever the war takes place.////
///... ... it would not be surprising that there is a reversal of situation, and that Japan finds itself isolated!
Well... Isolated ... Maybe the United States will stay next to Japan.
This is what I hope for Japan. But I have doubts, because the United States is weakened.
Militarily, they lost in Syria. This is unquestionable.
And then, socially it is a country that is divided.
How could a socially divided country, which is several thousand kilometers from the theater of operations...
... and which is not in a strong military position,...
... engage in this conflict which will be the worst since at least the second World War?
So, we all invite the belligerents to make their way back to the problems of the past,...
... to the antiquity that has opposed their ancestors and...
... to discuss it in the widest and most open way possible in order to find solutions.
And the "Paekche's Principle" has clearly revealed possibilities of solutions.
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