Hi, I'm eksmad.
In my last video I PREDICTED
a POSSIBLE release date for the Pyro Update.
Please don't shoot me if I'm wrong in the end.
This time I want to tell you the one and only major problem the pyro update has
AND how Valve could easily solve it,
even benefiting from the problem.
The facts, first:
Only a few people at Valve are actually
working as programmers inside
the TF2 team at the moment.
For the Pyro Update and for TF2 in general.
By this time the Pyro Update has three given names:
"Pyro Update",
"Jungle Update"
and "Campaign 3".
That's the one and only major self-made problem:
It's too damn big.
Don't get me wrong,
everybody loves big updates, right?
But what if I told you
we could have three big updates
every four to six months
instead of only one big in a year?
They are putting a ridiculous amount of time
into one update.
And after it's come out…
…what's next?
After two weeks the attention is back to normal.
But TF2 NEEDS attention,
Overwatch always gets attention
because of all the new stuff.
So: More updates mean more attention for the game,
thus new players!
For the next big thing we will again wait a very long time
if there will actually be a next big update after this one.
If the one big Pyro update isn't going to be profitable enough
in Valve's eyes
the future of TF2 "updates"
will be unfortunately cases only,
I guess.
So this is what I would do:
Split the Pyro update into three ones.
There should be the "Pyro" Update:
Give him three new weapons and
the Volcano Fragment is shit.
This update should also include balancing
between all the classes Valve
announced a few months ago.
the "Jungle Update"
it should give us at least one new jungle map
and new cases with jungle themed cosmetic items
again with balancing the
well, balancing changes from last time.
The third one will be of course
"Campaign 3":
You can select missions to complete
to get the all new weapon reskins you truely want.
Yet again with balancing the balancing changes
from the balancing changes.
You can't just try to balance the game once in two years.
So: These three updates should be happening
in september
January/February 2018
and May/June 2018
I don't know the exact order but
this time frames would give us players fresh content every few months
so we don't get bored again
because we played "Meet your match" for over a year without anything happening besides…
…cosmetic cases.
And as I said, the game would get a lot of attention
not for one update in a year,
but for at least three pretty big updates in a year.
More attention means more new players
and more possible money for Valve.
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