Let's see a game of Go Professional as an example,
with some light comment.
They have played a fuseki diagonally and both players
They have played in komoku point 4-3
black shimari ago, closing the corner, and white
ogeima, also closing that corner
this is joseki
and now target changes facing this corner
one of the hardest things assimilate beginners is when
tenuki play, this play is tenuki, leaves
a battlefield and goes somewhere else, it is sometimes difficult when you change
front, and go to another area of the board,
very important if you do not play this,
White would push this way
and it is building a large Moyo in the center
therefore, this move is very important
He has delivered this black stone that is here cut to change to build this
wall that goes well with these two stones for territory here
this extension is also very important since playing for this target zone
It would be building a lot of territory, here or here
thus extending black, it expands its territory and prevents possible build white territory here
very important this move prevents this from black that would
pressing on this rock and facilitating the construction of a Moyo on this side
very important
enters this zone black white white influence
white extends, while delimiting territory attacks this stone
and black could jump but extends here although a short extension but
It is pressing on these stones
It is turn white and jumps once again if turn black
this play is very strong presses on those stones and builds territory
It is now blank which is pressing on these two stones, black has to
do something, jump here
this move is well thought out, If short black, white stretches, is
threatening to play here or here, and if play below
Now there are many cuts, it is very well thought
It is turn black and play here
une black
White plays again and tenuki plays on this side
this is very open, this influence would allow for a
blank entry here, therefore It is also urgent to close this area
White continues to attack this group not has no basis to make eyes still
It has reached the number 50 and move neither players still has
eaten a stone
On the contrary, when a beginner plays tend to eat stones go
at the first opportunity, in this game professional see how yet
They have eaten a single stone
this move is an attempt to invasion in this area, there are currently only
black stones
black defends this territory with this move
this move makes territory and press on these four stones
we see that both players have unstable group
these black stones have not yet eyes and these white stones
not yet have eyes, this move does points and press,
black has to do something with these stones, jump here while escaping presses on these stones
the bank also has to do something
jump here also
After this move which forms a bamboo knot, the seven white stones
plays are surrounded on both sides and again strengthens the black corner territory
In short, in this area of the board
Black has gained some advantage, compensation white
this group does not have eyes or basis for them, therefore plays here
to make a space in which to live
short white here
black has to live on the corner
or capture these two stones
White plays here trying to take advantage the aji of these two stones are
in principle lost but are still on the board and have their value
If white got to play here, threatened to leave
and then play here ... therefore it is turn black and will
directly to capture these stones
thanks to this white stone is He is entering what would be black territory
white connects and enters the zone black. It is threatening to cut ...
is turn black and black plays tenuki, this area is going to the board to ensure life
of this group, after this move white here has closed one
possible connection, it must be ensured a place to live
black believes this is alive and It makes this extension is very large
this point is also desired white, dots are made and thus
It makes black points and prevents you white spots, is a very big move
black connect otherwise White had played here, capturing
those stones and giving atari, connects
atari is giving this stone, and not by the stone, but because you have to
keep within this area ... This problem is not the stone but
It has closed the whole area
white black defends and defends here
closing this territory and and further preventing from
pressing this group has a space for small eyes
spreads and threatens to move
white blocks
White defends cutting
the answer to this move should be this, black and white defends defends
but before playing this white, Surprisingly, invades here
White has to make a triangle empty since if black plays here
short cut here and there is no problem for these
stones, escape and this would be lost, therefore
White has to make an empty triangle,
black tries to hunt these stones
It's like saying black was white:
"You've gone and were not supposed to have entered"
try out white, black blocks, white atari
black advocates, and now has double atari, he decides to save this black and white taken here
saving their stones since connecting with this group
This is very important to connect with those stones that have been isolated
it can not play because black gives atari and then capture the stone, so
this play is very good,
white jump here
black round here
white close
White makes a move probing to see which responds black
black connect this way
It is designing a territory around here that engulfs these two black stones
black Hane, try out
this play network game, geta in Japanese, these two stones
they no longer have escape
short black
connects here, very important because if not, this move threatens to engulf these stones
if you connected here short here and if connected here short here
therefore very important to play here
This is also very important since this move
It ends sente, black has to defend here, because if not there would be a
White connection, if you play here, and reduces the corner points, so this move
It is very large because it prevents this from white
the black has skillfully connected to these stones to enter this area
protecting and black enters this cut
Notice how he does not play atari, it is another trend beginners
go to the atari, professionals play so simply and atari
would strengthen white, these two stones more are still missing, and we must
defend this court, therefore, is is omitted and this play, it comes down to it
same but more favorable for black
you have to play this, since white is threatening to cut, if you play here are cut there and no cut here,
So black by defending in this way,
this move is bamboo knot
also liaises with these stones
black eyes has to do
since there are no eyes yet, so playing here
and this move is mandatory
for black, to live this group
black has to live in the corner, with this move
this is still a nice maneuver where sacrifices two white stones to close
solidly, solidly connect their stones
White sacrificed again this stone to close at sente
After this move, White is threatened play here, it will capture one of these two groups
well well well either, therefore you have to defend black
If I played here, short white and is a very ko
important if you win white the corner would therefore
black plays up, leaving no options to ko,
It is threatening to cut
white defends
He sacrificed these two black stones to end the sequence in sente
and now plays here
black has to do the second eye, forced
the game is ending, are typical movements of yose, Endgame
plays with black sente, White has to defend
white defends
has calculated that black is more important to defend these two stones that no
take here, and now defends white
at this time the game is finished
Now the points are covered dame, which are neutral,
no play now has value
it does not matter who put
now dead stones are removed
adding the prisoners and those They were captured during the game
Black has 10 white stones their power and white has 15 stones
black in his possession, with those stones put ... free intersections are filled
the player who lost
and now the territories are ordered to counting easier, for example we can
complete this ... White has 123 1 2 3 4 5 6 March 18 and 10, 28 points
and the black has 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 April 36, black 36 and white 28, more Komi, which was
five points and a half, would be thirty three and a half, therefore the difference is
two points and a half, Black won the starting by half points
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