Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily go! Sep 3 2017

Let's see a game of Go Professional as an example,

with some light comment.

They have played a fuseki diagonally and both players

They have played in komoku point 4-3

black shimari ago, closing the corner, and white

ogeima, also closing that corner

this is joseki

and now target changes facing this corner

one of the hardest things assimilate beginners is when

tenuki play, this play is tenuki, leaves

a battlefield and goes somewhere else, it is sometimes difficult when you change

front, and go to another area of ​​the board,

very important if you do not play this,

White would push this way

and it is building a large Moyo in the center

therefore, this move is very important

He has delivered this black stone that is here cut to change to build this

wall that goes well with these two stones for territory here

this extension is also very important since playing for this target zone

It would be building a lot of territory, here or here

thus extending black, it expands its territory and prevents possible build white territory here

very important this move prevents this from black that would

pressing on this rock and facilitating the construction of a Moyo on this side

very important

enters this zone black white white influence

white extends, while delimiting territory attacks this stone

and black could jump but extends here although a short extension but

It is pressing on these stones

It is turn white and jumps once again if turn black

this play is very strong presses on those stones and builds territory

It is now blank which is pressing on these two stones, black has to

do something, jump here

this move is well thought out, If short black, white stretches, is

threatening to play here or here, and if play below

Now there are many cuts, it is very well thought

It is turn black and play here

une black

White plays again and tenuki plays on this side

this is very open, this influence would allow for a

blank entry here, therefore It is also urgent to close this area

White continues to attack this group not has no basis to make eyes still

It has reached the number 50 and move neither players still has

eaten a stone

On the contrary, when a beginner plays tend to eat stones go

at the first opportunity, in this game professional see how yet

They have eaten a single stone

this move is an attempt to invasion in this area, there are currently only

black stones

black defends this territory with this move

this move makes territory and press on these four stones

we see that both players have unstable group

these black stones have not yet eyes and these white stones

not yet have eyes, this move does points and press,

black has to do something with these stones, jump here while escaping presses on these stones

the bank also has to do something

jump here also

After this move which forms a bamboo knot, the seven white stones

plays are surrounded on both sides and again strengthens the black corner territory

In short, in this area of ​​the board

Black has gained some advantage, compensation white

this group does not have eyes or basis for them, therefore plays here

to make a space in which to live

short white here

black has to live on the corner

or capture these two stones

White plays here trying to take advantage the aji of these two stones are

in principle lost but are still on the board and have their value

If white got to play here, threatened to leave

and then play here ... therefore it is turn black and will

directly to capture these stones

thanks to this white stone is He is entering what would be black territory

white connects and enters the zone black. It is threatening to cut ...

is turn black and black plays tenuki, this area is going to the board to ensure life

of this group, after this move white here has closed one

possible connection, it must be ensured a place to live

black believes this is alive and It makes this extension is very large

this point is also desired white, dots are made and thus

It makes black points and prevents you white spots, is a very big move

black connect otherwise White had played here, capturing

those stones and giving atari, connects

atari is giving this stone, and not by the stone, but because you have to

keep within this area ... This problem is not the stone but

It has closed the whole area

white black defends and defends here

closing this territory and and further preventing from

pressing this group has a space for small eyes

spreads and threatens to move

white blocks

White defends cutting

the answer to this move should be this, black and white defends defends

but before playing this white, Surprisingly, invades here

White has to make a triangle empty since if black plays here

short cut here and there is no problem for these

stones, escape and this would be lost, therefore

White has to make an empty triangle,

black tries to hunt these stones

It's like saying black was white:

"You've gone and were not supposed to have entered"

try out white, black blocks, white atari

black advocates, and now has double atari, he decides to save this black and white taken here

saving their stones since connecting with this group

This is very important to connect with those stones that have been isolated

it can not play because black gives atari and then capture the stone, so

this play is very good,

white jump here

black round here

white close

White makes a move probing to see which responds black

black connect this way

It is designing a territory around here that engulfs these two black stones

black Hane, try out

this play network game, geta in Japanese, these two stones

they no longer have escape

short black



connects here, very important because if not, this move threatens to engulf these stones

if you connected here short here and if connected here short here

therefore very important to play here

This is also very important since this move

It ends sente, black has to defend here, because if not there would be a

White connection, if you play here, and reduces the corner points, so this move

It is very large because it prevents this from white

the black has skillfully connected to these stones to enter this area

protecting and black enters this cut

Notice how he does not play atari, it is another trend beginners

go to the atari, professionals play so simply and atari

would strengthen white, these two stones more are still missing, and we must

defend this court, therefore, is is omitted and this play, it comes down to it

same but more favorable for black

you have to play this, since white is threatening to cut, if you play here are cut there and no cut here,

So black by defending in this way,

this move is bamboo knot

also liaises with these stones

black eyes has to do

since there are no eyes yet, so playing here

and this move is mandatory

for black, to live this group

black has to live in the corner, with this move

this is still a nice maneuver where sacrifices two white stones to close

solidly, solidly connect their stones

White sacrificed again this stone to close at sente

After this move, White is threatened play here, it will capture one of these two groups

well well well either, therefore you have to defend black

If I played here, short white and is a very ko

important if you win white the corner would therefore

black plays up, leaving no options to ko,

It is threatening to cut

white defends

He sacrificed these two black stones to end the sequence in sente

and now plays here

black has to do the second eye, forced


the game is ending, are typical movements of yose, Endgame

plays with black sente, White has to defend


white defends

has calculated that black is more important to defend these two stones that no

take here, and now defends white

at this time the game is finished

Now the points are covered dame, which are neutral,

no play now has value

it does not matter who put

now dead stones are removed

adding the prisoners and those They were captured during the game

Black has 10 white stones their power and white has 15 stones

black in his possession, with those stones put ... free intersections are filled

the player who lost

and now the territories are ordered to counting easier, for example we can

complete this ... White has 123 1 2 3 4 5 6 March 18 and 10, 28 points

and the black has 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 April 36, black 36 and white 28, more Komi, which was

five points and a half, would be thirty three and a half, therefore the difference is

two points and a half, Black won the starting by half points

For more infomation >> Professionals Go Commented for beginners - Duration: 37:58.


Strategic concepts of Go: Aji (2 of 8) - Duration: 29:08.

Aji literally means flavor, taste, the sense of food that can be tested

and that is good or bad.

One of the characteristics of taste is enduring.

In the go, the term refers to a aji condition, which can be good or bad, that

remains, enduring, relative to a group of stones, which offers potential

for the future game.

It is a latent potential, and usually should not be used immediately because

this results keshi aji, aji removal.

It should be noted how the game unfolds so that at the right time, the aji

it can be used to best effect.

This is a sequence in which Joseki White delivers the corner stones in return

influence and leaves a aji at these two points and east.

At first glance it may seem that the benefit of black is much better than the influence

white exterior, but seeing in detail will

the aji who have left white on the corner has a great effect.

First, here are two points forced atari where black should answer capturing

stones also is possible that white make use of these stones with this move

This is a very big loss for black therefore, when White plays tsuke,

In this way, black, probably captured two stones, and white play here, so that

all influence remains to white.

In this position, the aji left by the dead stones in the corner, should not be used

immediately, because it is not yet possible White know if you are interested close by here,

or play tsuke, this way and close by this side, if you close with black tsuke should

take, and now white close on this side, but let black can go out the side.

And if you play around here, now this move not works, so much black can play there.

Another example of aji we see a joseki fairly typical.

Black plays here, white san san, and now White can respond in two ways,

You can answer here, generating a type aji, or you can simply answer here,

It is generating other aji.

If you play here ... if the Sicho works, white has the opportunity to play two movements

this side of the board.

If not, black should play here, and that leaves aji stone for the future.

If white plays here, black here, and is one aji through this area, so that white

You have the ability to connect via KO with the corner stones in the future,

If white plays at this point, and black responds elsewhere, this is very favorable ko

for white, is a very favorable ko to White, therefore, in this position,

this stone can be said to have easy connection to the corner.

If white, in this case, instead of playing this, or rather to play this, play here, this

Keshi would aji, black responds this way, and there is no aji for the future.

Another example of aji is when you invade san san, a typical joseki ...

for the future is this point as a possible cut.

The cut should not be played at this time, since white can be captured.

If the shicho does not work for black, suppose there is a stone here, no matter,

You can play first here, atari, and obviously can not be avoided ... therefore, cut

is premature, is aji, so that any stone approaching from this point,

Now, this is a problem, black should waste time defending, but cutting is aji Keshi

Another case of aji we see also in joseki, it is this.

Black plays above.

White extends, black can protect, and this is left as well.

Blando plays elsewhere, and this movement forces play white as well, and

at the beginning of the game is aji Keshi, because it destroys chances of playing for example

like or, in case there is a stone here in the future, for example there, destroys

chances to play in this area, and strengthens white, is now much safer,

this movement is aji Keshi.

One of the virtues that teaches the concept of aji is patience.

One must know how to bide his time.

Po course there is always the possibility that the adversary plays to eliminate

their own bad aji, this risk means that often get ahead of using us too soon

Aji, however, we must not forget that the elimination of evil aji requires a movement

Extra by our opponent, which is a time wasting, therefore,

If due to aji, you can earn a while, this is already sufficient compensation.

This game gives us a good example of aji.

The game's played in 1970, Sakata Eio, 9 dan, playing with black, and Kai Ho Rih,

with white, then Honinbo Meijin.

We will not analyze in detail the game, but we will see the strategic aspect

we are interested in the concept of aji

So far the fuseki, now turn white and should consider entering

the upper right corner.

This sequence is joseki and Black plays this point if the base and trying to leave space

to form eyes to white; in response to this short white run at this point,

it will be what will produce the aji, that will allow us to explain this concept

strategic in this game.

Instead of playing here, black could have busy this point, ensuring this area,

preventing the formation of aji, but would have allowed White to play this way, steadying

its group and out without any problems toward the center.

This would have been rather poor for Black.

Continuing the game.

At this time the target group has gotten out to the center, although it has no basis for

eye formation in compensation has these two stones, which will provide aji

Continuing the game.

After White has managed to live in this area, black plays this movement

which it is a direct attack on this target group without base.

This move is to win two more freedoms since it is a forced movement.

If black does not answer this would be a problem.

With this sequence the target gets out his group, connects with this side and black

or so it has managed to influence this area,

It is a balanced and peaceful outcome for both parties.

If at this time, instead of playing here try and seize white aji of those stones,

encroaching on san san, would, I could go something like this, and now plays black

on this side putting on serious difficulties to the target group, ie this time

It is still early to take advantage of the aji of these three stones.

And in this situation the last play of black closes the corner and feels

that the three stones no longer useful and aji has been destroyed; certainly,

if white try to exploit the aji currently they fail, we can see,

for example an entry in san san.

You have to play this by connecting with these stones,

and here black should play this, if he plays on this side,

White plays in this way and get a ko.

This variant with a ko for white is not good for black, black should avoid this sequence,

therefore, does not play this but enters here,

White, now playing here ...

Again black should avoid this ko, cover.

White plays here in order to win freedom for your group, black here ...

And black must play at this point, because if you do not, if you play any tenuki

Elsewhere, White manages to make two eyes in this way.

Black must connect, you is not worth this, since atari, can not connect, you have to play here,

and after this, white lives.

So black should play here,

white here, and white.

It is true that Black has no eyes, white has got one eye, has won freedoms,

but this wall is very fragile and not black you will have no difficulty in leaving for

the center toward this side, and gain more freedoms, winning therefore the semeai, white die,

ie that the use of aji was premature.

Continuing the game.

After this sequence, the black will attack this group, which remains without

establish insecure.

After this sequence, Black has gotten some territory on this side,

but white has been strong here, of so that the aji of these three stones comes

running with the sequence we've seen before.

Black here, you can not play here because We have seen that came a ko, this is a must.

Now the white van to the top the board looking for a ko.

After this cut all the black group is in danger, it depends on this ko.

Now black can not play here, as in the sequence we've seen before, since

Semai would lose the black, you should play here.

If when white plays here, instead of this, black plays as in the sequence

we have seen before, in this way, the game continues ...

Gaining freedom for the white group, black should play this as we have seen before,

otherwise white manages to make an eye.

And now the Semai is favorable for white, because black can not get an eye

and white does have an eye on this side; he Semai is favorable for white, therefore

black dies.

The game continues.

Thanks to these white stones aji got to live in the corner.

The game continued, eventually won by a colon and white medium.

We'll see in another video.

For more infomation >> Strategic concepts of Go: Aji (2 of 8) - Duration: 29:08.


Anikdote & Culture Code - Don't Let It Go (BASS BOOSTED) + LYRICS - Duration: 3:05.

Where are you going, going so fast tonight?

Have you ever stood beside the road to smell the roads of life?

Take a breath now, don't hold it in too long

'Cause you might end up missing out on life's short little song

She saying, ooh, you've got one life to live

She's signing, ooh, you've got one life to live, don't let it go

Ooh, you've got one life to live

She's signing, ooh, you've got one life to live, don't let it go

Ooh, you've got one life to live, don't let it go

You've got one life to live, don't let it go

Can you let go, let go of it all tonight?

Or will turn to push on through and ignore the words inside?

Take a breath now, don't hold it in too long

'Cause you might end up missing out on life's short little song

She saying, ooh, you've got one life to live

She's signing, ooh, you've got one life to live, don't let it go

Ooh, you've got one life to live

She's signing, ooh, you've got one life to live, don't let it go

Ooh, don't let it go

Ooh, one life to live, you've got one life to live, don't let it go

Thanks for watching!

Lyrics made by Frugon

For more infomation >> Anikdote & Culture Code - Don't Let It Go (BASS BOOSTED) + LYRICS - Duration: 3:05.


[MV] RAINZ 레인즈 - Let it go, let it be - Hospital Ship 병원선 OST Part .1 - Duration: 4:20.

I wanna Let it glow let it be let it go

I'm gonna give you my heart, however it flows

The wind blows on me again today

Because I want someone again

I say that I like being alone and free

But my eyes and my ears only look for you

Just like that, you came close into my heart

Like putting together a puzzle

The future is coming, as if it's calling out to you and me

Time will tell everything

Who are you, standing in front of me?

You always live in my heart, making me smile

I have no choice

Oh you are only, you're my everything

I used to turn and look at yesterday but I changed

I'm trying to look for something

The happiest day of my life

I'll make myself like putting together a puzzle

Fate is coming, as if it's calling out to you and me

Time will tell everything

I wanna Let it glow let it be let it go

I'm gonna give you my heart, however it flows

The wind blows on me again today

Because I want someone again

Like passing time, dreams get lost

But I wish this moment would last

Don't hesitate and follow me

If I'm with you, I can go anywhere

However it flows, however I want, you are there

So I won't hide my heart, because it's always with you

You make me smile, even after time, I'll make you smile

I wanna let it go, I only have you, you are only one

I hear your echo that calls out to me

I turn around but I can't see her so I call out to her

I want to see her as soon as possible, please appear in my dreams

I want to give you my fate and time and be with you, let it go

I wanna Let it glow let it be let it go

I'm gonna give you my heart, however it flows

The wind blows on me again today

Because I want someone again

For more infomation >> [MV] RAINZ 레인즈 - Let it go, let it be - Hospital Ship 병원선 OST Part .1 - Duration: 4:20.


How to Pronounce 🌊 BEACH in English Properly 😅 - Duration: 1:50.

Hey, how's it going have you gone to the beach this summer if you have and you want to tell people about it make


That you are pronouncing this word

Correctly if you're telling people about how much you love

Beaches, please please please be sure that you make the long e sound

Beaches repeat after me

Beaches now this is one of the most dangerous words to mispronounce you

Definitely will get people giggling at you if you don't say it correctly if you

mispronounce this word and make a short I

Then it comes out sounding like a very offensive word to describe a woman, and we don't want that

Because we love beaches and we love women so we don't want to confuse anyone do we?

so repeat after me with feeling repeat out loud or

Very softly if you're in a public place


Very nice now if you liked this quick tip you should definitely watch my top

10 most dangerous words to mispronounce in English by clicking right over there up there actually and

If you are new here make sure to subscribe to go natural English by clicking right over there

so you can get a little notification every time I upload an

Awesome English learning video for you

Also, if you didn't know it I wrote a book for you called the English fluency formula. It's an e-book. It's digital

You can download it by clicking right over there. Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you again soon bye for now

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce 🌊 BEACH in English Properly 😅 - Duration: 1:50.


Jim Rohn - Go Hunt Your Dream (Jim Rohn Motivation) - Duration: 12:36.

JIM ROHN► now let me give you a little simple formula for goal-setting okay we take

two two-and-a-half hours on the weekend for the whole ten-year plan we don't

have time for that tonight but let me get you started with a little simple

formula mr. chef gave me and maybe this will be helpful first of all I've

divided goals into two parts first is long-range long-range goals that's your

dreams your dreams for the next 3 5 10 20 30 40 years actually the rest of your

life your dreams you've got to keep dreaming Ronald Reagan presidents said

to the joint session of Congress a few weeks ago the Republic is a dream and if

we don't keep dreaming we will lose the Republic your better future is a dream

for yourself and for your family where do you want to go what do you want to do

what do you want to be what do you want to see you've got to dream dreams

there's a Bible phrase that says without dreams and visions people perish you've

got to have something to go for that inspires the heart and the soul dreams

from the children of Sanchez it says take the crumbs from starving soldiers

they won't die take the bread from hungry children they will cry but

without dreams we all will die you've got to dream don't lose your dreams for

yourself for your future for your family the dreams of love and enterprise and

travel and doing things becoming something unique on your journey here

don't lose your dreams do some dreaming that's long-range goals you've got to

have those so that's number one here's the second part of goals short-range

short-range goals that's your goals for tomorrow this week this month this year

the immediate future we call these confidence builders because if you set

up something short-range go for it get it last latch onto it work hard

accomplish it that starts building your strong feelings to go for your dreams

now I've divided goals into three categories here they are number one is

economic that's your goals for money income business profits production

economics make sure you've got your economics well-planned economics plays a

major role in everybody's life economics is major which means it ought to be

meticulously well planned for tomorrow this week this month this year long

range what if you ask somebody tomorrow if you could see their meticulously well

planned list of economic goals what would they probably say they say

you some kind of a nut you must be weird

hey I found out what success is success is doing what the failures won't do

make sure you've got your economics well-planned it'll put you in the top 5%

one of the key little subjects we talk about on the weekend is the 7

fundamentals for wealth and happiness and that's one of them well-planned

economics it's a fundamental if you want to do well join the top 5% anybody in

this room can join the top 5% if you will now here's the second category of

goals things make a list of the things you want and on my list of things now I

put everything little things as well as major things it doesn't matter how small

it is it goes on my list I used to just put major things cars homes I don't do

that anymore I now load my list with everything

everything and the reason is part of the fun of having a list is checking it off

that's it boy at the end of the day if you can go got it got it got it got it

got it got it whatever it is right you get into the habit so load up your list

the things you want now when you check off something major celebrate that's an

important point to make celebrate your achievements live it up have a party

when you reach something you've worked for for a while see we all grow from two

experiences one is called the pain of losing the other one is called the joy

of winning we need both of them amplify them as much as you can which also means

make losing painful if you set up something fool around didn't get it put

it on yourself on the other side if you did get it congratulate yourself self

congratulations is a sign of maturity seeking congratulations is a sign of

immaturity but hey winning and losing see that's

what it's all about that's the name of the game now some people lead such

mediocre lives at the end of the day they don't know whether they're winning

or losing they got no clue guys just going through

the day with his fingers crossed there's a better way okay here's the third

category of goals personal development but those goals together personal

development goals that's your goals to be stronger more decisive be a speaker

be a leader learn a language all kinds of skills okay the whole weekend seminar

was designed to improve all your skills so that you walk away more skillful and

that's what you want the personal development skills that's what attracts

that's what brings good things to your life the person you've become more

skillful now this is quite a package to work on economics things personal

development for tomorrow this week this month this year long range okay that'll

get you started now here's the simple formula for setting goals it goes like

this a work on your goals that's step one work on them and I put the word work

there deliberately setting goals is playing hard work I don't want the kids

you haven't come here tonight to kid each other it's work I know it's work

that's why a lot of people just let it slide it's work many people work hard on

their job but they don't work hard on their future they just let that slide

and the work involved is making plans I know most people don't I understand that

but don't let that be you guy says well yeah you work where I work but the time

you struggle home it's late you've got to eat a bite of supper watch a little

TV get to bed you can't sit up half the night plan plan plan and the guys be

good worker hard workers sincere but you've got to be better than sincere

working hard you've got to be better than a good worker

you've got to be a good planner somebody once wisely said the people who fail to

plan are planning to fail well sit so work on your goals here's step two write

your goals down that's so important I teach my staff around the world

put your goals in your journal because one of the major people you want to

study is yourself

say here's the list of goals I put together three weeks ago

here's the list of goals I put together two years ago here's some of the changes

I made rearrange me of my priorities I scratched these off I put these on I've

gotten these study your accomplishments study what your desires are put them on

paper write them down here's another reason for writing your goals down it

shows you're serious about doing better and to do better you got to get serious

you don't have to be grim but you must be serious everybody hopes things will

get better everybody hopes poor people hope that ought to tell you something

it means the future does not get better by hope it gets better by plan I used to

have the affliction called passive hope it's an affliction it's bad

probably what's even worse than that is happy hope now that is really bad that's

bad happy hope the guy is 50 and he's broke

and he's still smiling see that's not good

so get serious about your goals put them on paper write them down there's all

kinds his goals her goals their goals business goals financial goals financial

independence goals family goals I mean there's so many things to work on on

this but if you don't get busy and work on it sure enough the time will pass and

sure enough five years from now you will wind up where you don't want to be

wearing what you don't want to wear driving what you don't want to drive

being what you don't want to be now is the time to fix it now here's the third

step to your goals check the size of your goals and the kinds of goals how

big they are what kind they are affects you and here's one of the important

phrases of the evening your goals are affecting you whatever they are your

goals affect your handshake your goals affect your attitude personality your

goals affect the way you walk the way you talk the way you dress all day long

we're being affected by our goals now some people have goals but they have

such lousy goal the effect is bad I asked a guy one time

what are your goals for this month the guy said look if I could just scrape up

enough money to pay these lousy bills that was these goal I'm not saying it

isn't a goal it's a goal but it's such a lousy goal the effect is bad you don't

jump out of bed on Monday morning and say oh boy another chance to go out and

scrape up the money to pay my lousy bills so you don't do that usually you

say oh not another Monday

and some people have so given up on life they have joined the thank God it's

Friday club how sad surely those are the same people when

life is over for them we'll say thank God it's over


For more infomation >> Jim Rohn - Go Hunt Your Dream (Jim Rohn Motivation) - Duration: 12:36.


A380 Emirates [Right of weight] B737 Go Around [ATC: one Go Around is enough] - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> A380 Emirates [Right of weight] B737 Go Around [ATC: one Go Around is enough] - Duration: 10:42.


GeT_RiGhT is INSANE!! (400 IQ) - Dreamhack Malmö Quarters Best Moments CS:GO - Duration: 10:18.


For more infomation >> GeT_RiGhT is INSANE!! (400 IQ) - Dreamhack Malmö Quarters Best Moments CS:GO - Duration: 10:18.


Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anil Kapoor go out for a FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER with the Fanney Khan team - Duration: 0:57.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anil Kapoor go out for a Friday night dinner with the Fanney Khan team

For more infomation >> Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Anil Kapoor go out for a FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER with the Fanney Khan team - Duration: 0:57.


Brady and Mayweather Go Full Mean Girls! | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:11.








































































For more infomation >> Brady and Mayweather Go Full Mean Girls! | TMZ TV - Duration: 2:11.


What it's like to go to college in US? - Duration: 14:59.

Study abroad is becoming more and more popular, especially going to US and Europe 出国留学越来越受欢迎,尤其是去美国和欧洲

but it is also a very very big decision 但它也是一个非常非常大的决定

So today I wanted to invite Kelly to share her experience studying US 所以,今天我想邀请Kelly来分享她在美国的留学经历

She started college in China 她一开始在中国读大学

but very quickly she made up her mind to move to US 但很快她打定主意要搬到美国

and she finished her college at Brown 她在布朗大学完成了大学的学业

Now she's working at a startup in California, having a wonderful California life 现在,她在加州工作,过着美妙的加利福尼亚生活

Today I'm really looking forward to learn Kelly's experience 我今天很期待听到Kelly的经历

Welcome, Kelly! 欢迎你,Kelly!

Hi, everyone! 嗨,大家好!

Thank you for joining us! 谢谢你加入我们!

Looking back it's pretty much of a crazy decision 回首过去,这几乎是一个疯狂的决定

At that time when I was 19, I was enrolled in Tsinghua University in Beijing 在那个时候,我才19,就读于北京清华大学

I was kind of an adventurer seeking personality 我是那种冒险家精神的人

and when I was freshman year there, I wondered what life could be like if I went study abroad 当我大一的时候,我就想如果我出国留学,人生可能会是什么样的

now that I'm already in one of the best schools in China 既然现在我已经在中国最好的学校之一了

The one really pulled the trigger for me was that I met some exchange students from Colombia in Tsinghua 让我真正下定决心的是我在清华遇到的一些来自哥伦比亚大学的交换学生

We became really good friends 我们成了非常要好的朋友

They were talking about all the options they have in US, their experiences 他们谈论在美国拥有的各种选择和他们的经验

They just have such interesting personalities and experiences that I want to have myself, too 他们身上有我自己很想拥有的性格和经验

So I just went ahead 所以我就冲(到美国)啦

So you started your adventure 所以你就开始了你的冒险

I know! And it changed my life completely afterwards 是啊!它完全改变了我之后的人生

Brown is a very special place. I'd say I really love the four years experience 布朗是一个非常特别的地方。我真的很爱这四年的生活

The favorite part is really the people and the resources that's there that allowed me to create the experience I want 最喜欢的部分是人,还有那些资源能让我做我想做的事情

The people are so different from Tsinghua (美国布朗的)人和清华很不同

They're all great student and very talented and driven, but they're so diverse 他们都是好学生,非常有才华和也很有干劲,但他们是如此不同

You have like this guy from Europe doing his own computer science animation plus ballroom dancing 像来自欧洲的一个同学,做自己的计算机科技动画,但又会跳交际舞

and there will be some other like hard-working American students 也会有一些其他非常努力读书的美国学生

ready to go to med school and studying just as hard as my friends in Tsinghua 准备去医学院,会和我在清华的朋友一样努力读书

They will be studying Friday night when everybody else is partying 他们周五晚上,在别人都在聚会派对的时候,也在学习

There's a huge diverse student body (布朗)有一个庞大多元的学生团体

and there are also great professors who will support you 并且还有支持你的教授

I remember freshman year first semester 我记得大一第一学期

There was once I bought a cheap ticket to go to China 我买了张便宜的机票回中国

Two days before that, I was walking on the street and ran to one of the professors I just went to her one class 临走前两天,我走在大街上,遇到了我上过一次课的的教授

We somehow recognized each other and she asked me "Hey Kelly, what are you gonna do for winter break?" 我们正好认出了对方,她问我:"嘿Kelly,你寒假打算干什么?"

I'm like "Oh, I'm gonna take the 6 a.m. flight" 我说"哦,我要去坐早上6点的飞机"

She's like "Okay, so where are you gonna stay before that?" 她说"哦,你上飞机之前去哪儿?"

I was like "Oh I will just go there at 2 a.m. and sleep through the night, and then you know take the plane" 我当时说"哦,我就准备凌晨2点过去,在那里睡上一觉,然后坐飞机"

She's like "No, no, no, that's not okay! You're gonna come my place, stay with me. I'll cook you dinner." 她就说"不,不,不,那是不行的!你可以来我家,住我这儿。我给你做晚饭。"

And she did! 她真的这么做了!

and I woke up at 4, she drove me all the way to the airport at 5 a.m. 我4点醒来,她就凌晨5点开车带我一路到机场

It's so nice! 真的很好!

Oh my god, she's so nice! You are so lucky! 天哪,她真是太好了!你真幸运!

Also I think the opportunity at Brown is amazing 此外,我认为布朗提供的机会是很不错的

They really encourage you to do anything you want, from student groups to academic life 他们真的鼓励你做任何你想做的事情,从学生团体到学术生活

They set a very low minimal requirement bar for curriculum 他们设置的必修课程要求非常低

Brown is like we believe you're smart enough to choose whatever you want 布朗相信你有足够的智慧选择任何你想要的

so we end up having people study crazy things like quantum physics to music 所以大家最终学习了各种疯狂的东西,从量子物理到音乐

They give you the opportunity to do internships and fund you if your pay is not enough 他们给你机会做实习,如果你的收入不够的话,他们还会资助你

like below $3000 for a summer, they actually give you stipend 比如夏天(你如果挣)少于三千美金,他们会给您津贴

so that you can make up for what you aren't getting paid 这样就可以弥补你没有得到的报酬

Wow, they're really taking care of you guys 哇,他们真的很照顾你们啊

I know, yeah! 我知道,是啊!

I think it just make me into the better... 我认为它只是让我成为更好的...

I'm still me 我还是我

but into a better, stronger, many more opinionated, more strong personality 但成为了一个更好,更强,更有看法,更有个性的我

Because looking back, I felt like I've always been a little bit adventure seeking and experience seeking 回过头看,我觉得我一直是寻求冒险和经历的人

That's why I did a lot of great things in Tsinghua first year as well 所以我会在清华的第一年干了很多事情

like volunteering; I started ballroom dancing, there I met a lot of interesting people 像志愿服务, 我开始跳交际舞,在那里我遇到了很多有趣的人

and Brown just gave me a bigger stage to explore who I could be 布朗给了我一个更大的舞台去探索我能够成为什么样的人

I think there's more choices and come with it as a confusion as well 我认为(美国)有更多的选择,但也随之而带来困惑

so you need to be at much more self-aware and be comfortable to making decisions for yourself 所以你要有更多的自我意识,并且能为自己做决定

In Tsinghua, it's like a great school but it doesn't give you the feeling that "Hey, you have so many choices" 清华是一个很好的学校,但它不会给你很多选择的感觉

It's pretty much like here are the three paths you can go 一般就是给你三条出路

You can go abroad, or you can go to grad school in China, or find a job 你可以去国外,或者在国内读研究生,或者找工作

and that's like the three things that everybody knows and probably they'll pick 这是大家都知道也会选择的三件事情

and then you just go through the curriculum that's very much designed with very little choice 然后你就去(根据这三个目的之一)上课,选择很少

it's kind of homogeneous that you live and hang out mostly with your classmates that's from the same department 它是一种同质性,你基本就和同专业的同学相处

so you kind of study, work, eat, everything together 你们一起学习,工作,吃饭,什么事情都一起

This reminds me of my college life 这让我想起我的大学生活

Yeah, you can relate to that. 是的,你能体会

It's kind of cute though 这还是挺可爱的

and then in US, especially at Brown, I think it's a very individualistic culture 在美国,尤其是在布朗,这里是一个非常个人主义的文化

so you're encouraged to be as unique and special as possible 他们鼓励你尽可能地独特

and be very good at whatever you do 并且不管做什么都要做到很好

The campus philosophy is that come to school, we will provide whatever resources we can 校园的理念就是,你来学校,我们将尽可能提供一切资源

but then it's interesting. It's a double-edged sword 但这很有趣。这是一把双刃剑

First year, I loved it so much 第一年,我非常喜欢这一点

I took five classes from five different Departments every single semester 我每个学期在五个不同的部门上课

and basically explored everything I could do 探索一切我能探索的

sign up for different student groups, different activities, talks, everything 报名参加不同的学生群体,活动,讲座,什么都参加

but sophomore year, I was so confused after I tried everything 但大二的时候,在什么都试过之后,我很迷茫

I'm like "So, what I really like?" 我就想 "我到底喜欢什么呢?"

I was so stressed... 我感到压力很大...

Everybody at Brown sort of go through the sophomore year lump 每个人都会布朗大二的时候有这样一个经历

where we were like stressed about making a decision 我们对作决定感到压力很大

because you feel like all your life just need to narrow down 因为你觉得自己的生活需要缩小

Do you have to pick your major at the beginning or your sophomore year? 你是在大一还是大二的时候选专业?

Sophomore year 大二

That's kind of why everyone is getting confused, trying to find where they should go 这就是解释了为什么每个人都感到困惑,试图决定他们应该去哪来

Sounds like flexibility, autonomy is a great thing 看来灵活性、自主性是一个很好的事情

but over-flexibility could make you stressful wandering around 但过度的灵活性也会让你困惑不知道做什么好

I would say there's more good things than bad things 我会说还是好处比坏处多

I would say there's stuff that's more challenging for people 应该说有更具挑战性的事情

For example, you are thrown into a completely diverse, independent environment 例如,你被扔到一个完全不同的,独立的环境

where people expect you to be adult and just make up your mind 人们期望你作为一个成人,能够自己做任何决定

whereas I think when you're brought up in China, you're encouraged to obey orders and be like the norm 但当你在中国长大的时候,我们鼓励你要遵守规定、遵循常态

Well, what if there's no norm, right? 那要是没有规范怎么办?

A lot of people just get confused 很多人就会感到困惑

What about language barrier? 有没有语言障碍?

Did you have problems with language? 你有遇到过语言问题吗?

Yes, I would say my verbal was actually okay 是的,我觉得我的口头英语还可以

because I was very outgoing and I went to a lot of student groups, as I said, freshman year 因为我很外向,大一时候会去很多学生活动

so this really pushed my comfort zone to at least speak 这就把我推了出去,要至少说话

and as long as you use your body language, people get you, right? 只要你用肢体语言,大家一般都能理解你

So actually the hardest part, which I thought wouldn't be, which is the writing part 实际上,最难的部分,我原本并没有想到,是写作部分

Because when you grow up in China, you actually write 因为你在中国长大,其实一直锻炼书写

and I thought I liked my writing 我觉得我挺喜欢自己的写作的

It was completely fine 完全没问题

But I realized it was so bad that I could barely pass my classes 但我意识(我的书写)糟糕到我差点过不了考试

Oh really?! That's surprising! 真的吗?!这有点令人惊讶!

Is it because you have to read a lot of academic essay and write your opinion in a more professional way? 是不是因为你必须阅读大量的学术文章,并以更专业的方式写你的看法?

Sort of 有点

I will give you an example 我给你举个例子

My first really big challenge in English is in writing for my first semester social psychology class 我的第一个大挑战是我第一个学期的社会心理课

I love that class and I always get A's in problem set 我喜欢这个课。我总是得到习题考试的A

so like choose from ABCD 就像ABCD之类的选择题

As long as you get the concept, you can do it 只要你知道概念,你就可以做好

but then half of the class score is based on writing 但课程一半的分数是基于书写

and the writing is so hard because it challenges your critical thinking 而写作是这么难,因为它挑战你的批判性思维

What they ask you is that 他们问你

okay, we learned, for example, this chapter 好吧,比如我们学了这个章节

now they give you three articles from the best, most authoritative psychology magazine 现在他们给你三篇最好的、最权威的心理学杂志的文章

and they ask you to write an article to criticize the author's point 他们要求你写一篇文章来批评作者的观点

Now imagine how hard it is for someone who never studied psychology before 想象一下,对于一个从未学过心理学的人,这有多难

and have to criticize some authorities 必须去批判权威

There's nothing wrong with this guy! 这个作者什么都没有错啊!

I believe you probably also made a lot a lot of efforts in your four years in college 我相信你肯定在四年的大学里做了很多很多的努力

to eventually be successful and also find a job 最终获得成功,也找到了一份工作

find an amazing job - You were at McKinsey, right? Right after graduate 找到了非常棒的工作,你毕业后去了麦肯锡,对吧?

I will say be prepared and be bold 我会说做好准备,勇往直前

Prepared means that, just the context I said, it's a very different environment 准备意味着,就像我刚刚说的,这是一个非常不同的环境

so you really need to stand on your own foot, be aware of who you are 所以你真的需要自己立足,要知道你是谁

what are the things you want to get out of the curriculum and the experience 你想从课程和体验中得到什么

and then be bold is now that you know what you want, go! Don't be afraid! 然后勇往直前,既然你知道自己想要什么,那就去吧!不要害怕!

Everything is open to you 一切都向你敞开

That's kind of how US campus and even the society is structured 这是美国校园甚至整个社会的结构

Just go get it! 勇往直前去赢得(你想要的)

I heard (that) the bigger thing in application is the essay 我听说申请中比较重要的是申请文

A lot of peers in China use the agencies to write their essays 中国的很多学生使用中介来写申请文

What happens is that everybody has a similar template and style of writing 所以每个人都有类似的写作模板和样式

which is unfortunate 这是不幸的

It's a cookie-cutter thing 这是一个千篇一律的东西

Everybody looks the same 每个人看起来都一样

Yeah, even the template, the styling point is so similar 是啊,连模板、提点是都很相像

so I guess just be thoughtful with what you're writing and then present the best version of yourself 所以要好好想想你到底想表达什么,然后表现自己最好的方面

so when I did it, I also used an (agency) 所以,我当时也用了中介

but they're slightly different that they are run by Americans 但他们略有不同,他们由美国人经营

so their style is that you write for yourself 所以他们的风格是,你写你自己

because this is a great time for you to think about what you want for college 因为这是一个想想你在大学想要什么的好时候

and we can edit for you so that it's a better story 我们可以帮你编辑,讲一个更好的故事

Yes! 是!

Because we start pretty late 因为我们(一天)开始的很晚

All the students just goes to bed late and get up late 所有的学生都睡得晚,起得晚

I guess go to bed late - you're always hungry so you go for night food, right? 你睡得晚了就会饿,那你就会吃夜宵

And the night food options are basically pizza, burger, fried chicken 而夜宵的选择基本就是比萨,汉堡,炸鸡

However, it's very easy for students from China to get a high GPA, especially on maths and engineering courses 但是,中国学生会比较容易得到高的GPA,特别是数学和工程学课程

I think depends on what you take 我觉得取决于你上什么课

It's a No and Yes 可以是,也可以不是

Chinese students usually have very high scores 中国学生通常具有非常高的分数

partially because what we pick, and partially because we're so risk-averse 一部分是因为我们挑选的课,规避风险

usually focus on science, STEM classes (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) 通常会选科学,技术,工程和数学

and partially because we are very good students 一部分是因为我们的确是好学生

In America, there's a joke called "Asian fail" 在美国,有一个笑话叫"亚洲定义的失败"

meaning if you get anything that's A minus, then it's an "Asian fail" 意思是如果你得到了比A低的分数,这是一个"亚洲定义的失败"

Yes and No, depend on what classes 是也不是,要看什么课

You definitely need to study very very hard 你肯定是要好好学习的

because I don't think the school is that intense during the semester 我不认为学校在学期中很累

so everybody's strategy in general is do as much that's "not school" during the school period 所以大家一般的策略是在学期中尽可能"不学无术"

and then towards the final, the last two weeks, everybody's double down, Red Bull, 5-hour energy 然后学期末最后两个星期,大家都会特别努力,红牛、5小时能量(都加上来了)

Sounds like my life in college 听起来像我的大学生活

I agree 我同意

I was in a co-ed frat - amazing life 我在一个男女混住的兄弟姐妹会,超有意思的生活

I highly recommend people to at least try it and see if that's a lifestyle they would like or not 我强烈建议人们至少试一下,看看自己喜不喜欢这个生活方式

It's like a beautiful house located in the center of the campus 通常是坐落在校园中心的一个漂亮的房子

It just kind of is a cool crowd of the campus, they kind of attract together 一般是一群很有意思的人聚在一起

We went through really crazy interview process, like three rounds 我们经历了一些疯狂的面试,有三轮

To get into the sorority? 为了进入兄弟姐妹会?

Yeah, to get into it. It's called, I think, "Rush" 是啊,就为了进入,一般叫"Rush"

What do they do as a sorority together? 兄弟姐妹会一般一起做什么呢?

There are two types and the different schools run it differently 有两种类型,不同的学校有不同的运行模式

For Brown, it's like you live in the house and you belong to this house 在布朗,你就住在这个房子里,是这个群体的一部分

It's both a residence and a community 既是一个宿舍也是一个社区

and for different school, for example, Princeton, called "eating club", so you only eat there 其他学校,例如普林斯顿,有被称为"吃饭俱乐部"的,你只是在那里吃饭

I think the first type is more fun 我认为第一种类型更有趣

because when you eat and live together 因为你一起吃吃喝喝,住在一起的时候

there is much more chances to form a great bonding, or drama, or story 有更多的机会培养感情,还有很多闹剧和故事

For more infomation >> What it's like to go to college in US? - Duration: 14:59.


Pokemon GO - Capturando a Raikou... y un glitch curioso (42932 PC) [CC] - Duration: 6:38.

For more infomation >> Pokemon GO - Capturando a Raikou... y un glitch curioso (42932 PC) [CC] - Duration: 6:38.


《CS:GO》ROG Masters 台港澳資格賽四強賽:港隊難敵主場之利 - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> 《CS:GO》ROG Masters 台港澳資格賽四強賽:港隊難敵主場之利 - Duration: 9:14.


Go Bo Gyeol Talks About Challenges Of Playing A Villain On "Queen For 7 Days" - Duration: 2:28.

Go Bo Gyeol Talks About Challenges Of Playing A Villain On "Queen For 7 Days"

Actress Go Bo Gyeol, who played one of the villains on KBS's "Queen for 7 Days," spoke about her role in the drama. She played Yoon Myeong Hye, whose one-sided love for Lee Yeok (Yeon Woo Jin) blinds her.

She laughed as she said, "I've never had such mean things said about me in my life before. [My character] is mean even when I look at her." Go Bo Gyeol added, "The way she did it was wrong.

She had good intentions and a great cause for Joseon, but the way she chose to do everything was so extreme. However, because there was a cause, it wasn't uncomfortable to act that out or anything like that.

I got into character, so I definitely saw that Myeong Hye would have made those choices.".

Her character never received love back from the one she loves. Because of this jealousy, her character put Lee Yeok in danger at points and tried to create friction between Lee Yeok and his lover.

About this, Go Bo Gyeol said, "I had those thoughts for real as well. I felt depressed and lonely.

Myeong Hye acted alone a lot, and she also loved alone as well. But I didn't very hard to try to put those emotions aside, because that was what Myeong Hye was feeling.

I wanted to live as Myeong Hye until the end of the drama.".

She shared, "I realized that being the villain isn't easy. I also learned that love is important. I realized that being loved is a very fortunate and happy thing, and how precious having friends is.".

Watch "Queen for 7 Days" on Rakuten Viki!.

For more infomation >> Go Bo Gyeol Talks About Challenges Of Playing A Villain On "Queen For 7 Days" - Duration: 2:28.


Go Bo Gyeol Talks About Challenges Of Playing A Villain On "Queen For 7 Days" - Duration: 1:56.

Go Bo Gyeol Talks About Challenges Of Playing A Villain On "Queen For 7 Days"

Actress , who played one of the villains on KBSs , spoke about her role in the drama. She played Yoon Myeong Hye, whose one-sided love for Lee Yeok () blinds her. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250.


She laughed as she said, Ive never had such mean things said about me in my life before. [My character] is mean even when I look at her. Go Bo Gyeol added, The way she did it was wrong.

She had good intentions and a great cause for Joseon, but the way she chose to do everything was so extreme. However, because there was a cause, it wasnt uncomfortable to act that out or anything like that.

I got into character, so I definitely saw that Myeong Hye would have made those choices..

Her character never received love back from the one she loves. Because of this jealousy, her character put Lee Yeok in danger at points and tried to create friction between Lee Yeok and his lover.

About this, Go Bo Gyeol said, I had those thoughts for real as well. I felt depressed and lonely.

Myeong Hye acted alone a lot, and she also loved alone as well. But I didnt very hard to try to put those emotions aside, because that was what Myeong Hye was feeling.

I wanted to live as Myeong Hye until the end of the drama..

She shared, I realized that being the villain isnt easy. I also learned that love is important. I realized that being loved is a very fortunate and happy thing, and how precious having friends is.. Watch Queen for 7 Days on !.

For more infomation >> Go Bo Gyeol Talks About Challenges Of Playing A Villain On "Queen For 7 Days" - Duration: 1:56.


Lets go for fishing with our best friend Spidy || The funny joker is in the role of a mechanic - Duration: 12:38.

Lets go for fishing with our best friend Spidy || The funny joker is in the role of a mechanic

Lets go for fishing with our best friend Spidy || The funny joker is in the role of a mechanic

Lets go for fishing with our best friend Spidy || The funny joker is in the role of a mechanic

For more infomation >> Lets go for fishing with our best friend Spidy || The funny joker is in the role of a mechanic - Duration: 12:38.


Madness the movie: Biopic awaits go-ahead from anxious band members - Duration: 2:39.

Madness the movie: Biopic awaits go-ahead from anxious band members

BIOPIC: Madness are being lined-up for a movie. The ska band fronted by Suggs became one of the UK's biggest-selling groups in the 1980s. They have had 30 top-40 singles, including their best-seller Baggy Trousers.

Now the Oscar-winning team behind the 2015 Amy Winehouse film and last year's Oasis: Supersonic are set to make a similar documentary about them.

MADNESS: The ska band is fronted by Suggs. Dan "Woody" Woodgate But some of the band are anxious about taking part.

Speaking backstage at the band's House of Common festival, drummer Dan "Woody" Woodgate said: "A warts-and-all film about a band that are still together might be a little awkward.

"It's easy to slag each other off when you're not together, isn't it? "I'm neither for or against the film at this moment in time, I've got a severe fence stuck up my bum, very uncomfortable.".

MOVIE: Madness is one of the UKs biggest-selling groups in the 1980s.

Describing the early days of their 40-year career, Woody recalled: "We were like a family, we all had each others' backs. It was us against the world, but also against the music industry.

"It was a constant battle and the only people you had were band members, kind of a 'Don't trust anyone' attitude, and experiencing life on the road with all the ups and downs.".

Asked if they'd been tempted by any financial offers yet, Woody, said: "It's not about money, never about money." After a career spanning five decades Woody insists there's more to come.

He added: "There's still life in the dog yet and there are some people that think, maybe it's a little premature to be doing a film when our career hasn't even ended.".

LEGENDS: They have had 30 top-40 singles, including their best-seller Baggy Trousers. Madness are currently touring new album Can't Touch Us Now, before headlining Butlin's House of Fun Weekender at Minehead in November.

The band let scores of firefighters, nurses, police and teachers into their Clapham Common festival for free on Bank Holiday Monday. Woody said: "It's a nod of appreciation to the people who are not normally acknowledged.

We'd just like to say thank you because they really do the most amazing job.

"It must be tough to find the money to go and see a concert these days on the wages they've got, and they've done so much for us, so we said, 'Here, have a freebie'.".

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