Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily femely Sep 25 2017























For more infomation >> When Santa's AWAY, the ELVES will... | Family Feud - Duration: 0:56.


Love quotes | Short and Inspirational Family Quotes with Images - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Love quotes | Short and Inspirational Family Quotes with Images - Duration: 2:18.


Pittsburghers With Family In Puerto Rico Coming To Grips With Hurricane Maria Damage - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Pittsburghers With Family In Puerto Rico Coming To Grips With Hurricane Maria Damage - Duration: 2:01.


Best Okinawa Family Resort | Okinawa Grand Mer Resort Hotel Review - Duration: 9:11.

For more infomation >> Best Okinawa Family Resort | Okinawa Grand Mer Resort Hotel Review - Duration: 9:11.


Learn Colors With Rhymes For Kids | Learn English | Humpty Dumpty | Finger Family | Kids Video - Duration: 6:32.

Poor Humpty Dumpty he is always falling down

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king's horses and all the king's men

Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

He followed her to school one day School one day, school one day

He followed her to school one day Which was against the rule

It made the children laugh and play Laugh and play, laugh and play

It made the children laugh and play To see a lamb at school

So the teacher turned it out Turned it out, turned it out

And so the teacher turned it out But still he lingered near

And waited patiently about, Patiently about, patiently about,

And waited patiently about Till Mary did appear

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" Love Mary so? Love Mary so?

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" The eager children cry

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." Loves the lamb, you know, loves the lamb, you know

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." The teacher did reply

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb

Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went Mary went, Mary went

Everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish. swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish,swish, all through the town!

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. beep, beep beep, beep, beep, beep.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. all through the town!

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa. waa waa waa,waa waa waa.

The babies on the bus go waa waa waa, all through the town!

The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh. shh shh shh, shh shh shh.

The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh, all through the town!

The wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town!

For more infomation >> Learn Colors With Rhymes For Kids | Learn English | Humpty Dumpty | Finger Family | Kids Video - Duration: 6:32.


Harris Jayaraj Family Photos With His Wife, Son & Daughter - Duration: 3:58.

Harris Jayaraj Family Photos with Wife, Son and Daughter

His Son and Daughter

With his Wife, Son and Daughter

For more infomation >> Harris Jayaraj Family Photos With His Wife, Son & Daughter - Duration: 3:58.


[Family Farm Seaside] Sneak Peek of a New Version 4.5 - Duration: 0:25.

New features coming soon!

New Activities More activities coming soon in the Activity Stage!

Free Rainbow Rain for level-up Level up and use a free Rainbow Rain to make fruit and crops grow instantly!

Upgrader Summary Check the status of all of your Upgraders at once!

Tree Nursery Improvements Now trees will grow in the Tree Nursery automatically! Find out about new Tree Nursery skins and more!

Super Decorations Upgrade your decorations for better looks and better Cleaning Boxes!

For more infomation >> [Family Farm Seaside] Sneak Peek of a New Version 4.5 - Duration: 0:25.


NH residents worry about family members in Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> NH residents worry about family members in Puerto Rico - Duration: 1:26.


Phyto Family CBD Review: Granddaddy Purple & Banana Kush -BrittanySmokesWeed - Duration: 14:56.

hey what's up guys things come back for another video so I'm really excited

because I have some CBD products here to review for you guys and I know a lot of

you guys have been asking me about CBD and where to get it to what are the

effects is it good for you just like so many questions about CBD so

I'm super excited that I actually have some products here to try out three guys

and let you guys know how they are and everything so I'm gonna show you guys

what I have and I'll let you guys know how is as far as like the taste effects

all that stuff so let's do it I'm really excited alright guys here we

are at my unboxing view I did open this box earlier to take out my address and

all that stuff but I have not used any of these products and really excited to

try them out here with you guys for the first time these products did come from

Fido family the links will be in the description if you guys are interested

in checking out the website all that stuff and all of their products are also

tested for metals and contaminants and all that stuff that is another concern

that I had just about buying CBD online and that's one of the benefits from

ordering from this company so we'll just go in here see we have

see what this is this looks like a sample of a another CVD product that I

will try out later we're gonna try to focus on the lead Abbeville concentrates

in this video and I believe that's what we have here so just open up the package

I do start to smell these CBD products and it is a familiar smell oh my gosh so

the first thing I have here is this CBD slab it is in 99% isolate 500 milligrams

I really like how the lids have like the name of everything on it that's pretty

cool no have to keep track of it

we also have this high terpene isolate this one is strain-specific granddaddy

purp I'm really excited about this because I cannot find granddaddy purple

for like the love of anything around me so I'm pretty excited to get this hi

terpene isolate and try that out of this granddaddy purple and it looks pretty

much the same as the other one just really crystally it's a really strong

smelling CBD smell the last one we have is banana Kush this is another high

terpene isolate 500 milligrams hybrid I believe this is an indica dominant

strain this one does have a little bit of a stronger smell I pretty sure I can

smell bananas herpe know little bits possibly definitely has a different

smell versus the granddaddy purples so that's really excited I'm really excited

I think I'm gonna try this at first I'm really excited to try these out so let's

head back to the view where you guys can see everything and I'm gonna try these

out for you guys our guys were back and I'm super excited to try these out I'm

definitely gonna have to try I was the banana crush first I'm really

caught off by the color of it though I've never had just CBD isolate before

so we're even TG Eisley I've never had it nicely so really excited to try it

out the smell is really kind of like sweet you guys I've ever had any type of

CBD you guys know the CBD smell this smell is it's kind of just a little bit

sweeter it does smell kind of fruity I want to say but enough talking with a

smell let's try to taste let's get into it and see what it tastes like

break super easy with my dog or it smells really nice I just

a pretty small size down here just see me started I think I'm just gonna go for

a medium-high temperature for this first one

the taste is pretty good I think I'm just gonna go for a little bit higher

temperature I think it had a little bit cold melting a little bit but taste was

really good and it was just a really smooth hit I'm gonna try another one

a little bit of high temperature do you have a slightly bigger dab here this

time that one was really good I think I'm just gonna stick to the higher

temperature ones for me personally just most - dabs I answer and you feel a lot

more relaxed I wasn't really expecting to feel too much from just to Dobbs but

again it's been a while since I've had like any type of CBD concentrates or

just CBD in general so it does taste CBD and just like a lot of terpenes it's

really flavorful I really think you get more of a taste after you have a few

dabs of it but it's really relaxed you know I really like it the smell is

absolutely amazing that I think that might be one of my favorite things about

this is just the smell so good I'm actually gonna have one more this one

and then I'm gonna move on to the other ones

as you guys saw that was a pretty big dad I didn't cough it's really smooth

and just it's really nice but we're gonna go ahead and wrap up this one and

I'm just trying to feel extremely relaxed and just a lot more at ease with

myself as you guys know CBDs awesome at treating anxiety and PTSD and lots of

other just health problems it's really good for pain I personally like it to

just slow my brain down whenever I'm thinking too much or whenever I'm having

a bad day CBT is usually really helpful and I'm really excited to get back into

it we're gonna go ahead and try this granddaddy purple right now I'm really

exciting about this one this one has sort of a deeper smell I feel like I can

I can smell grapes a little bit it smells really good

really flavorful just a nice beautiful slab of isolate and we're just gonna get

another decent sized dog from this one I'm so ready to try this granddaddy

purple you guys have no idea how excited I am so let's get started

that one definitely has a different taste versus the pedantic push it does

taste a little bit grapey it's really flavorful I cannot believe how much

flavors actually in this CD it's really good as you guys know flavors something

I absolutely love when it comes to concentrates that's why I really been

into like sugar and just like types of concentrates that leave that flavor in

there and terpenes and it's just it's really nice I just think it's a part of

like the entire healing process like the aromatherapy and just being able to

smell and taste and feel your medicine just like feel that it's working so that

might be just me I don't know if but personally sensory things take a lot of

importance in my medicine so that's something that I really appreciate about

this as you guys can see I do have some coffee here I personally just like to

have a little pick-me-up whenever I'm having CBD products because they can be

very relaxing and it kind of just helps me personally balance things out but I'm

gonna have another dab of this Grandaddy purple it's really good guys I wish I

could share it with you guys

so flavorful I just I love it I really wasn't expecting it to be as flavorful

but by the name hi terpene it's really Heights routine I can really taste it

it's really good and I guess before I get into this last

isolate I will answer the big question I know all of you are wondering and that

is am i high from the CBD the answer is no I'm not high it's not like dabbing

like THC but I do feel really relaxed and just kind of more at ease I do have

problems with like muscle spasms and stuff like that that's kind of not

really a problem right now and I'm just able to relax and focus a little bit

more so that's one of the benefits of CBD that I am personally experiencing

right now just from a few dabs I have about five taps so um yeah this one does

have the least amount of smell but I'm still really excited to try it and this

one does have the consistency I want to see like a shatter versus a crumble

texture like the other ones this is a little bit more hard to get through it's

kind of like shattered but we'll see how it burns I'm pretty excited try to spin

out as well so

I'm actually really surprised that this one has as much flavor as it does

because it doesn't really smell too much to me but the flavors really intense it

does taste a lot like traditional CBDs pretty shocking but not really when you

think about it because it is CBD just in a concentrated form kind of have like

this cherry like deep terpene taste it's really hard to describe but if you guys

have ever had CBD you guys know exactly what I'm talking about this one's really

good this is probably my favorite I like texture wise I just love the way it

melts hid on my rig it was really nice I'm gonna try another one at this one

you guys know my overall opinions in thoughts about this CBD

alright guys so I personally really like these concentrates I feel really relaxed

and just kind of in a good state like mentally so I think this was a success

one of the things I really enjoy is that they are incredibly smooth

I've had other concentrates that just weren't very smooth on my throat or

anything but these are really good I did like the texture a lot and the flavor

and the smell was just awesome like I said links are gonna be in the

description if you guys went try these out but other than that I have to rate

these like 9 out of 10 just because of everything that was right and I really

can't find anything wrong so yeah I'm gonna have to recommend it I'm really

excited to be getting back into CBD and using that again because I have been

having troubles following the sleep insane asleep so CBDs probably one of

the best things that I can they give for anxiety and insomnia and stuff like that

so I'm really excited about that and yeah I think that's really it for

this review guys this was again by phyto family all these concentrates came from

them so check out their website check out their CBD products if you are

interested in all that stuff so that's really it for this video guys I'm gonna

go and get going with the rest of my day I hope you guys are doing well thank you

guys so much for watching all the way until the end of this video and yeah I'm

gonna go stay educated stay medicated and I will see you guys later bye

For more infomation >> Phyto Family CBD Review: Granddaddy Purple & Banana Kush -BrittanySmokesWeed - Duration: 14:56.


Family of 11, Irish Musicans -Incredible Illinois - Duration: 14:19.

deep-dish Pizza Chicago's famous deep-dish pizza come on Dad! FAMOUS!

Hi! We're the Kjar Kids. Our parents are crazy they want to take us on a year-long trip

They call it empathy expedition

We're traveling the states to discover what makes us United

50 States in 52 Weeks.

Music [The National Parks]

We're at the train station, getting ready to go to Chicago City.... Dad this is our train.

This is our train, we need to get on.

Fun, I got sick-ish... but it was fun. I call it train sick.

It was crowded and sweaty

So far my favorite about Chicago has been....Well, this park is fun

My favorite thing about Chicago so far...Probably the train ride. I can't wait for the pizza

deep-dish pizza Chicago's famous deep-dish pizza come on Dad! FAMOUS!

How is the Chicago deep dish, Ace-a-roonie? This is the best Pizza I have ever had...

So Far.... this is this is the best cheese bread I've ever had!

waiting for the music to start... they're

having music here?

Yeah! There are speakers everywhere

Chicago was really busy

my favorite part about it was probably the water fountain... So, it was this big

walls covered like glass panels and projectors have guys faces on them

there's a big hole in the middle as what was that for

and then the face of the wall it went like a puckering position like

then water would shoot out

we also saw our friends in Chicago and they got bought us tickets for the air show!

In order to demonstrate the dirty slow speed handling characteristics of

the Boeing f-18 commander Bernanke's called for the extension of the landing

gear tail looks by the four Dimond pilots. As they execute a maneuver

performed by no other demonstration team in the world today! Ladies and

gentlemen the Blue Angel diamond dirty loop!

The air show was so cool because we were right on the beach.

I saw like, the whole beach was loaded with people. The airplanes were I'm not

kidding 30- 40 feet above us and at one point I got super scared because one of

us was right behind us this is so loud I literally like Duck and Cover

I didn't know that airplanes could really fly that low.

The People we shadowed were Irish Catholics and they had 10 children? 11 children

Irish Music

My name is Patrick Severance.

My name is Ava Severance

John Severance




Justin Patrick Severance


David Severance

I'm Kathy Severance and I am the mother of these 11 beautiful children

this is the last... This is the first. They have been a great great blessing

I love folk music and I think it's a family that plays together it can really

bond together in my opinions

I went to a cafe and some kids came in and played

Irish music they were two sets of siblings a boy and a girl and a boy and

a girl and I just fell in love with the music and thought that this would be

great if my kids did this too so I took my kids to an Irish concert and put them

in the front row and asked them if they love the music afterwards and they said

"oh my gosh oh that was so great!' and then what they didn't know is I had already

set up lessons for them so I was just kind of had a choreographing the whole thing.

Irish music as a tradition, and it's really passed on by people coming

together and playing together, right? So our kids actually have been very lucky

to inherit the Chicago Irish music tradition and now they're my kids are

teaching a whole young set of kids. Every Wednesday there's like 40 kids here

playing Irish music and our kids and their friends are teaching them so.

going to Ireland has really influenced just so much of the way that we think or the way

that we treat people really live. We love Irish people they're very personable

they're very conversational and they're witty.

The culture of Ireland is very kind of like cosy and indoor.

It seems that places with bad weather usually

have really good culture because they're forced to spend time with each other or

be indoors and like think of fun things to do or spend their time well.

When these kids are learning they were learning from people from Ireland people

in their 40s, 50s, 60s. They would go to bars and they would they would learn

with like hippies and commies and people smoking cigarettes music is very

neutral so and it and it's enjoyable it's it lifts the spirits and so people

from any background can come together to enjoy music together especially whenever

people are jumping around and dancing.

well we have an Irish drum called Bodhran is actually originally from India

but it came to Ireland and so the Irish invented their own style of playing and

you use a stick in one hand and the Indian style you played just with your

hand. But, in the Irish style you hold the stick like this and you play on the drum

we make a stick with a bunch of skewer so they hit it together a lot and make

kind of a just a different type of sound. I don't actually play this but Justin

plays it.

Concertinas have a more... the way that the type of reads that they tend to have are

different than the bigger accordions. The way it works these buttons when I press

the button you can see this little valve open. So, each of these buttons there's 15

on each side if you press or push with one key and

you reverse and you pull it's a different note so you have all of these

keys and then if you push or if you pull they're even different beyond that- so.

sounds like this

Ireland is one of my favorite places in the world. I went there three times in

2006, in 2008, in 2012 so all three were to compete in the World Championships of

Irish music.

We formed a band and the spring of 2012 we competed and at the end of May in

2012 and we won the Midwest competition for Irish bands.

We played in Chicago we won and we advanced of Ireland competition.

When we're in these competitions we have a

name for a band in 2008 we were Ashlund Cule and then in 2012 we were

Ceoltóirí gcoillte which means musicians of the woods

and a lot of other groups had that word Ceoltóirí and their names as well and

because it means musicians naturally it's gonna be in a lot of people's names

so we, [laughing] when they were announcing the places third place... We're just hearing

all these kind of Irish names flying around and after they had announced

third place and second place we had kind of accepted that we hadn't won and so we

are almost a little bit checked-out so we almost weren't exactly paying

attention when they announced the first place winner and so it goes over this

speaker "In first place Ceoltóirí gcoillte and there was dead silence in the whole

room we didn't recognize our name we didn't recognize for a few moments that

that was us,,,

And so, there's about five seconds of dead silence in the room and

then one of the guys Jer Willis in our band he just goes "Oh my gosh, THAT'S US!" and then

everyone erupted the whole... we all jumped up screaming and celebrating and

everyone else was cheering.

Like, every piano is the same scale, right? There's different instruments that are

in different scales but in every country and every walk of life in every age some

people young some people old can they play the same instrument, right? And so

there that's something that we all can agree on, right?

You have these young kids

playing with old kids young people playing together from different

political persuasions. Right? Different countries and everybody can play what

they call the common session tunes they can all get together and create friendships.

Just tell me about it... No!

You, like, did an Irish Jig or something.

yeah just downstairs for one second. All the kids wanted me to do an Irish

dance just as a new one... What did it look like?

come on show me the Irish Jig. No!

Everybody knows you did it already! No!

For more infomation >> Family of 11, Irish Musicans -Incredible Illinois - Duration: 14:19.


Family speaks out after Port Charlotte deadly crash arrest - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Family speaks out after Port Charlotte deadly crash arrest - Duration: 2:49.


Family Remember Woman Killed In Church Shooting - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Family Remember Woman Killed In Church Shooting - Duration: 2:10.


HOW TO SAVE MONEY with DIY HAIRCUT for MEN | The Postmodern Family EP#7 - Duration: 7:07.

This is the after-haircut result.

We're going to make a how to video on

cutting your husband's hair.

I have cut Felipe's hair since we met.

So we are going to start with lubricating the clippers

with clipper oil

it's like machine oil, and just pop it on

the blades and give it a little buzz,

make sure it's nice and lubricated.

And now we're going to start with

number zero which means nothing on the clippers

and just go across the back of the neck

in a nice straight line

getting rid of those tiny little hairs.

I really like to fade in from nothing from zero

and then we're going to go on a 1/2 level,

so up the blade to a half and now you're going

to go up the middle of Felipe's ears.

so the middle of the ears

this is now a number 1, but I'm on the 1/2 size

so technically it's a 1 and 1/2

and we're also going to do the sideburns

in the front, a little bit over the ear

going across the back

and you can take a little bit more space

it's about an inch, I would say, up to the

top of the ears.

As you can see my line isn't so straight anymore

which is on purpose.

I'm taking off more.

Now we're going to get rid of that--what you might

be able to see a line there--and by just

bringing the blade down to zero, but with

number 1 clipper on and we're just

going to hide that line, or that sudden difference

Here's the 1 and 1/2.

and now we're going from above Felipe's ears

another inch or so, and you're going to go all

the way around the back of the head as well

with this number 1 and 1/2

I need to make sure I do all the sideburns,

and so I'm going to put my number one back on again

and just do both sides as well as the ear,

around the ear

making sure they're nice and even.

Okay now we're moving on to the number 2,

Number 2, and we're going to go up

now another half an inch or so

all the way around the back

take more liberty on going a little higher

at the back of the head.

And now here's the number 3

and we are now just trying to even out

the length from the number 2

with the top of the hair which is usually much longer

so we're just going to even it out,

we don't want to push against the head entirely here.

Now it's time for our scissors.

Go ahead and snip around the ear,

make sure that those are nice and short

that usually the clippers don't get them all the way.

And then we're going to imagine Felipe's head

is the globe and there are

longitudinal and latitude lines so we're

going to cut along the latitude first.

So as you can see I'm brushing his hair back

and there are basically

latitude lines that we're going to cut

and I'm just cutting about a half centimeter to

a centimeter every time we go through

his head so we're just trying to make it

really even

and also evening out the fade from

the sides of the head to the top.

Now we're going to go across the

longitudinal lines.

So we do this criss-cross pattern

to help make sure all

the hairs are even.

we're nearing the end now...

right there you go...

a little look at what it is.

I started cutting your hair when we were just dating, right?

Why did we do that?

To save money.

How did you trust me with your hair?

I think I said, oh I'm going to go get a haircut

and you said, oh I could cut your hair I used to cut my

brother's hair and this and that, and uh

I'm not picky or particular about how my hair is done

so you just started doing it

so you were okay with the risk?

I took the risk--yeah

Yes it's been like eight and a half or

so years that you've been cutting my hair

yea, and we've done different hairstyles

well yeah so I used to get just a buzz crew cut.

This is the longest I'll wear it.

I'v never worn it longer than this--

you've had it slightly longer than this when we were

living in Baltimore.

We've only had one mishap though.

I think where the plastic clip fell off

and you kept cutting

yes yes accidentally, you know, like

number zero on like this part of his head.

That was the only that mishap that we've had

and it's been ...

In the U.S., you know, a haircut cost $15, over here it's

probably the same £15 around there

so it's a lot of savings--£5 maybe, if you're a regular

yea, and you know I get a haircuy--

I'm supposed to really be getting a haircut

every two weeks but you know schedule

gets in the way and everything and we

sometimes go three weeks sometimes even

four weeks and I look a disaster, but

she doesn't care.

I don't care, I don't think people notice.

They do, I do.

So if you like my haircut

leave a comment.

If you don't like my haircut,

also leave a comment, but either way,

leave a comment.

If you are interested in watching some more of our

videos about how we--how married life is,

how living in the UK is, feel free to subscribe and

you'll get some notifications hopefully.

If you guys have any questions on how I

cut his hair, feel free let me know, but

just to remind you: I am NOT a professional,

I never took any classes or lessons or anything

so what I do is just what I do

and it may be wrong but it's worked this long

and that's why I continue doing it

and it saves us money anyway.

So that was our DIY haircut at home.

See ya!

For more infomation >> HOW TO SAVE MONEY with DIY HAIRCUT for MEN | The Postmodern Family EP#7 - Duration: 7:07.


Bad Kids Zombie superhero war Finger Family Johny Johny Yes Papa movie For Kids - Duration: 3:26.

Bad Kids Zombie superhero war Finger Family Johny Johny Yes Papa movie For Kids

For more infomation >> Bad Kids Zombie superhero war Finger Family Johny Johny Yes Papa movie For Kids - Duration: 3:26.


[APHetalia MMD] - Normal British Family - Duration: 0:12.

well we adopted two disabled children you see one of them is a rolling punch

line and the other is American I'm trying to watch America's Got Talent

Britain's got talent too dear

For more infomation >> [APHetalia MMD] - Normal British Family - Duration: 0:12.


Bailey's PRINCESS MAKEOVER at Disneyland's Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique! - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Bailey's PRINCESS MAKEOVER at Disneyland's Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique! - Duration: 4:33.


USA Swimmers go for GOLD! | Celebrity Family Feud - Duration: 4:33.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-You ready? -I'm ready.

All right, 20 seconds on the clock, please.

We asked 100 men.

If you became a male gigolo, how much would you charge?


Name something a boxer might do to lose weight

right before a fight.

Uh, sauna.

Fill in the blank -- for the love of blank.


Name something a dog might have a favorite one of.


Name something people put on breakfast cereal.

Uh, su-gar.

[ Bell rings ]

Here we go. Here we go. That was good.

That was good. -Let's go.

Let's go.

We asked 100 men.

If you became a male gigolo, how much would you charge?

You said...

That's high.

-I don't know. -Survey said...


-Yeah. -There we go.

Name something a boxer might do to lose weight

right before a fight.

You said...

Survey said...

What? That's what they actually do.

-That's, like, number one. -That's what they do.

Fill in the blank -- for the love of blank.

You said...

Survey said...

[ Applause ] -Yes, yes.

Name something a dog might have a favorite one of.

You said...

Survey said...

Oh, yeah.

-Yeah, Nate! -Way to go, Nathan.

Name something people put on breakfast cereal.

You said...

That's what I put on it.

Yeah, buddy, I love that more than anything.

Survey said...

Come on.


That's pretty good.

[ Cheers and applause ]

All right.



I'm here.

Steve: All right, Allison.

Nathan got you a little bit better than halfway there.

He got 109.

-Nice. You did great. -You need 91.

All right, let's remind everybody of Nathan's answers.

25 seconds on the clock, please.

Come on, Allison, let's do it.

We asked 100 men.

If you became a male gigolo, how much would you charge?


Name something a boxer might do to lose weight

right before a fight.

Go in a spa.

[ Buzzer ] -Try again.

Don't eat.

Fill in the blank -- for the love of blank.


Name something a dog might have a favorite one of.


[ Buzzer ] -Name something peo-- Try again.


Name something people put on breakfast cereal.


[ Bell rings ]

[ Applause ]

Yes, yes, yes!

[ Cheers and applause ]

All right, Allison, let's go.

We asked 100 men. If you became -- [ Chuckles ]

[ Laughter ]


Thank God I'm not a male.

If you became a male gigolo, how much would you charge?

You said...

That's right. 50 bucks.

Here it is. Take it or leave it.

Survey said...

Come on.

It's okay. It's okay. We're good. We're good.

Number-one answer -- $1,000.

[ Audience groans ]


Always think it's way more than it is.

[ Laughter ]

91 points away.

Name something a boxer might do to lose weight

right before a fight. You said...

Survey said...

[ Cheers and applause ]

Diet and fast was the number-one answer.

There it is.

Fill in the blank -- for the love of blank.

You said...

Survey said...

[ Cheers and applause ]

God. -We got it.

God was the number-one answer.

We're 11 points away.

Name something a dog might have a favorite one of.

You said...

He cares for no one else. Survey said...


Oh, yeah. Oh, we got it.

We got it. We're good.

Toy -- Toy and ball was number one.

We need seven points.

Name something people put on breakfast cereal.

You said...

Sounds intelligent. Survey said...

[ Cheers and applause ]


Milk -- Milk was the number-one answer.

That's $25,000 for the U.S. Swimming Foundation.

I'd like to thank the U.S. gymnastics and swim teams

for coming on "Celebrity Family Feud."

I'm Steve Harvey. We'll see you next time, folks.

For more infomation >> USA Swimmers go for GOLD! | Celebrity Family Feud - Duration: 4:33.


Driving the Mercedes-AMG GT Family (GT, GT C & GT-R) - Duration: 14:25.

You can see a yellow and a gray AMG GT behind me, and there's a blue convertible.

And here's a flat dark gray Edition 50.

If time allows it, we're going to drive all AMG GTs.

That's not bad. We're starting with this V8 biturbo.

We'll try to find the differences, because they all have a V8 biturbo with different hp.

All have the same 4.0 V8 biturbo.

I wonder if there are enough differences between the cars

to warrant 4 models within the range, if you know what I mean.

Enough talking, we're going to drive.

We're starting with one of the best in the range.

It may not be smart to start with the most powerful road-going version, because the others will be less.

Maybe not; we'll see. This is the GTC.

Apart from the GTR we'll drive on a track, this is the most powerful road-going version.

It has 549 hp and 680 Nm (502 lb ft) torque.

It does 0-100 kph (62 mph) in 3.7 seconds and the top speed is 317 kph (197 mph).

The coupe isn't officially available in the Netherlands at the moment, so we don't have a price yet.

The convertible is 224,000-225,000 euros.

The price difference will probably be 10,000-15,000 euros. You can do the math.

This is a beast. Incredible. It launches.

The sound is bizarre. It pops and bangs.

The Sport Plus mode isn't healthy. I put it in Comfort so I can talk to you.

The handling... It feels smaller than you'd expect from a GT.

It doesn't have the handling of a Lotus Elise, but it's on a 911 level.

It's focussed and direct without being very stiff.

The satnav lady wants to say something. I can get used to this car.

Let's go to the track to drive a GTR. That's even cooler.

After that we'll drive the less powerful units.

We're at the Bilster Berg track, where we're going to do a lap with the GTR.

That's the green one, but here's also a GT3 AMG.

There are similarities between these cars, especially the vertical slats in the grille.

This used to be exclusive for the Mercedes race cars, but the GTR and GTC have it too now.

I see the GTS and normal GT have it too, so it became a thing for the AMG GT after the facelift.

What's there to see on the new GTR?

First, it's wider to give more room to the wider wheels. The rear is 20 inch and 19 inch up front.

The only AMG GT with 19 inch rear and front wheels is the standard GT. The rest has 20 inch rear wheels.

The front has shutters and such that can move to change the airflow to the engine.

More air to the engine because the V8 needs much of it for the extra power.

This car has the optional carbon ceramic brakes.

This blade is different for the GTR. It has extra aero things. A piano-black trim.

A wider ass and a big diffuser with a center exhaust.

Finally, this spoiler.

The other AMG GTs have a small spoiler flush with the car, but the GTR has this spoiler.

It is adjustable with hex bolts to optimize it for your Nordschleife lap times.

Did I forget something?

Probably, but it doesn't matter. Let's drive it.

Did you steal the car? - I stole the car.

We have to wait until we're allowed to drive because it started to rain. They don't want to install rain tires.

That's lame. - I installed cameras, so have fun.

Thank you.

That man explains how a car works. There are 2 pedals. It's an automatic transmission.

Left is brake, right is accelerate. You have to steer the car yourself, okay?

Don't touch these buttons.

Just follow me and pay attention. Yes? Good luck. See you later.

This is a very bumpy section of the track.

You feel the car work. A GTR did a laptime of 7m10s on the Nordschleife.

That's very fast. It's thanks to active aerodynamics.

A panel on the bottom opens to decrease lift on the front axle.

And it guides extra air to the diffuser.

The AMG GTR has 155 kg (342 lb) more downforce than the normal AMG GTs.

Weight has been saved on the front fenders. They're made of carbon to make the car even lighter.

This thing really launches.

Bilster Berg is a tricky track. Very technical and bumpy in some sections.

There's much elevation.

It's really cool, though.

It's an impressive machine. I didn't expect it to be so focussed and track ready.

It has something very crude, in the way the engine works, but it's so right. It's really...

It's a really cool machine.

Kudos for the suspension engineers. Bilster Berg is a tricky track.

There are some very bumpy sections, but it kept its wheels on the ground.

You feel the suspension work, but you can keep going without trouble. Well done. I'm impressed.

I have a frog in my throat. I'm that impressed. - Want a cola, Casper?

I'm going to drink a cola to cool down. I have to cool down.

You kept it shiny side up. Well done. Thank you.

This is important too. Michelin Pilot Sport Cups 2, developed for this car.

They should last up to 50% longer on track than a normal AMG GT.

They were nice and sticky. I'm hot, I want cola. - Don't you have to test when they're worn out?

When they're worn out? The man didn't allow me to drift. That's lame.

Or you would've tested it. - I would certainly have tested it.

For science, but I wasn't allowed to drift.

After all the violence on track I get to calm down in the least powerful AMG GT.

Here it is; the AMG GT.

This base model AMG GT with 469 hp and 620 Nm (457 lb ft) torque isn't slow.

It launches too. 0-100 kph (62 mph) takes 4 seconds and the top speed is 304 kph (189 mph).

That's lower than the GTC and GTR, but who cares. This is still a beast.

I like it's clean. The outside isn't frilly. It has nice and straight lines.

It's not widened and no extra air scoops or spoilers.

The design is very pure. I think it's a pretty car.

Some purists will like that you can order this car without a variable suspension.

It'll have a standard suspension without different modes.

Less is more. This is...

It costs 159,000 euros and a bit.

That's 70,000 euros less than a GTR.

You're doing 0-100 kph (62 mph) 0.4 seconds slower.

As if you'll notice, especially in the Netherlands. I think this car is cool.

I wonder if I'd pay the extra money for the top of the range.

I'd know if I visit the track a lot, but as a daily driver or touring in the weekend, this is a nice machine.

Let's see. Martijn, do you know what button opens the roof? Yes, the roof opens.

We could choose one more car.

We didn't choose the GTS to complete the engine line-up, but we wanted to drive a convertible.

The weather isn't great.

Let's listen to the V8 roar before going back to the GTC spec.

That's not bad, right?

I think it's dry enough. I hope it stays that way. See you later, Martijn.

I think it's raining too much. Let's close the roof. - You can do that while driving.

While driving. I don't know the max speed, but we're doing 40 kph (25 mph) in a residential area.

Quiet and dry. Wonderful.

This is the convertible. Sorry, the roadster.

It has something. It's nice you can hear the exhaust sound even better,

if it weren't for the bad weather at the moment.

I have to keep the top closed because it's raining too much.

We did drive it open for a bit and it sounds great.

When the car is in Sport Plus or Race, it opens the exhaust and produces engineered crackles.

Those bangs... You can fully enjoy the sound. For the rest the car is the same as the coupe.

It handles the same, basically just as stiff; you don't feel much difference.

It's just nice. Whatever you want. I'd choose a coupe because I don't really like driving convertibles,

but I get why you'd choose the roadster. You do want to hear something.

Back at the airport.

We drove the last leg with the GTC, the convertible.

The weather isn't great, but we did drive it top down. Great.

You want me to have a conclusion for the AMG GT.

The GTR was very impressive. Really cool, but the standard AMG GT feels less assisted.

It's a purer driver's car. I think the clean look is pretty.

The GTC is cool, but I think it doesn't need the extra wide ass.

What do I think about the car?

I'm a Porsche fanboy, but if I had the money...

Mercedes made me reconsider.

If you know me, you know this is a huge compliment for Mercedes.

Subtitles - Maru's Text Support

For more infomation >> Driving the Mercedes-AMG GT Family (GT, GT C & GT-R) - Duration: 14:25.


Here's the REAL REASON Ken liked Barbie... | Celebrity Family Feud - Duration: 0:29.

Shannon, here's your chance. Fill in the blank.

It was distressing for Barbie

to discover that Ken only liked her for her what?

We've conferred. We're gymnasts. We're going with flexibility.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Flexi-- [ Laughs ]


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