Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily Family Sep 1 2017

Since before the dawn of human civilization, the dog has walked with man on his journey.

He's been a coworker, he's been a friend, and he's been family.

Today, his role tends to be more of the latter and while all breeds of dogs are friendly

with socialization, these breeds excel at being loving.

Let's get to know them.

Hi, I'm Leroy and I'm Rosie and this is Animal Facts.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.

Let us know about your doggy in the comments below.


English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is agreeable and kind, resolute and courageous with a dignified demeanor.

In other words, the English Bulldog is one of the most friendly of all breeds, despite

his gloomy mug.

Bulldog puppies are frisky, but an adult is quiet and rather composed, spending much of

the day snoring on the sofa if given his choice.

But he definitely needs some exercise to stay fit.

He may be friendly with strangers, or he may stand politely reserved.

He does have a bit of a stubborn streak, though.

His tenacity and resolve mean that it's sometimes difficult to change his mind once he decides

to do something, which also landed him on our Naughtiest Dogs list.



This next dog doesn't spend nearly as much time on the couch.

A happy-go-lucky dog that naturally enjoys the company of other dogs and humans, the

Beagle has lived in human families for hundreds of years and makes a wonderful family pet.

The Beagle is known for his lighthearted personality and following his nose, which can lead him

to a bit of mischief and maybe even meet new friends.

But his wanderlust can lead him places he should not be, so outside, he must not be

left unattended.

One more thing..... the Beagle is a chowhound, so keep your trash cans out of reach and never

set your plate of food down where he can get to it.


Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a compact little dog known for his beautiful double coat and friendly


Carrying himself with a proud bearing, yet possessing a happy, sweet-natured temperament,

the Shih Tzu is less demanding and less yappy than most other toy breeds.

While this dog is a bit high maintenance and will require regular grooming, he doesn't

require much more exercise than the play he gets running around your living room.

The Shih Tzu doesn't tend to get into much trouble, and even when his stubborn streak

gets the best of him, he's easy to forgive.



If you enjoy larger dogs, the Boxer is a great choice as far as friendly breeds go.

He might look intimidating, but he's more likely to give you kisses than anything!

He's extremely friendly and loves just about everyone that's willing to pet or play with


The Boxer reacts to strangers with a joyous greeting accompanied by enthusiastic jumping

and tail-stump wiggling.

The Boxer is fine with other family pets, including the family cat.

He's known to be quite fond of children.



Wait, you said you wanted a big dog?

This one can definitely fill an empty spot in your heart.

The kindly Newfoundland is good-natured with everyone, especially children, though they

should be as well-behaved as he is.

He is very sociable and needs more companionship than many other breeds.

Newfoundlands don't do well when left alone for long periods.

He does need a lot of exercise, and he loves to romp and pulling a cart or carrying a backpack

gives him a purpose in life.

And he loves to swim.


Boston Terrier

Nicknamed "the American Gentleman" because of his tuxedo-like coloring, gentle disposition,

intelligence and suitability as a house pet, the Boston Terrier was bred as a companion


He's easy to train and will happily remain at his owner's side throughout the day.

In general, the Boston Terrier is an altogether dapper and charming little dog.

Playing games and chasing balls are two of his passions.

Because he was bred to be a pet, this breed is often a great choice for first-time dog



Irish Setter

The elegant Irish Setter has been described as rollicking, happy-go-lucky, clownish, impulsive,

and flighty

The Irish Setter has an outgoing, clown-like personality, making him a friendly favorite

with families.

He is high energy, though, and thrives on exercise and athletic activities.

The sociable Irish Setter gets along well with everyone, including other pets.

Indeed, he requires a good deal of companionship and doesn't thrive if left alone too much.



An exceptionally smart and active dog that excels in obedience training, the Poodle has

a friendly nature and outgoing personality.

With three sizes to choose from, standard, toy and miniature, you can find the right

size pet for your home and lifestyle.

He is a "thinking" dog who pays rapt attention to his owner, learns quickly, and responds

eagerly to positive training methods.

Plus he gets along with other family pets, including the cat.


Labrador Retriever

Because of his easygoing nature and trainability, millions of Americans choose to own a lab

as a companion in the home.

One of the best dogs for children of all ages, the Labrador Retriever is kindly, good-natured,

and takes most things in stride.

The Labrador Retriever matures slowly, remaining a spirited teenager for several years, which

sounds fun . . . but does require patience and training to manage.

He's been one of the most popular dog breeds in America, the UK, Australia for quite some

time along with ...


Golden Retriever

The Golden is one of the most popular breeds for families of all ages and for good reason.

He's an extremely social dog and is a great choice for those looking for a dog that will

be friendly with family, friends, and even strangers.

This steady-tempered, dependable dog has a sweet and gentle heart.

He is the quintessential family companion.

Give your Golden two brisk walks each day, play fetch games, and take him out for a good

run once a week, and he is adaptable to almost any lifestyle.

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And as always catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Friendliest Dog Breeds ❤ Family Friendly Dogs 101 - Duration: 7:57.


Axe, Steve... AXE!!! | Family Feud - Duration: 0:35.














For more infomation >> Axe, Steve... AXE!!! | Family Feud - Duration: 0:35.


ᴴᴰ Wrong Heads Spiderman Frozen Elsa Ladybug Sofia Finger Family Song And Learn Colors - Duration: 11:55.

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰ Wrong Heads Spiderman Frozen Elsa Ladybug Sofia Finger Family Song And Learn Colors - Duration: 11:55.


3 month wrap up- Family of 6 plan to visit 50 states in 52 weeks. Can we do this? - Duration: 11:09.

[Laughing] Maybe I won't put that in...

... NO... Yeah, that's weird.

HI! We're the Kjar Kids...

Our parents are crazy they want to take us on a year-long trip. They call it empathy expedition

We're traveling the state's discover. What makes us United. 50 states in 52 weeks.

[Music: The National Parks]

Matt's laughing because I have this sweater on you know that when I'm supposed to get rid of a couple videos ago

I couldn't do it... to attached.

After that many years

Like an old friend.

We just had a

Crazy amazing experience and and so that will be coming up in an upcoming

upcoming video

But we wanted to just talk about the past three months

We don't normally it's not normally us like it's normally the kids, but we just wanted to tell you

How crazy cool this

past three months a been... and how crazy awful

Let's get real.

There have been some awful moments.

No, it's been, I think for sure this whole trip has been like it's been

Harder than we expected it to be and it's been

More rewarding than we expected it to be and it's been like more growth

Inducing that we expected it to be but just lots of expectations kind of shot of the water in every direction.

Which is how life goes because when you expect something you have...

Like emotions attached to it or something and it doesn't end up that way, right?


So today we just we just spent and this actually won't be in a video because

they wouldn't let us videotape any of it. So we'll just tell you about it. We just spent

an evening with

Two thousand... do you think there were two thousand?

Two Thousand Amish people

at a fundraiser.

A fish fry

fundraiser for one of the schools

Here locally

Yep, yeah, our friend back home, she grew up in the community here in Shipshewana

Indiana in Northeastern, Indiana and

When she knew that we were coming up here. She sent us this amazing list of all these places

we should go is very detailed exactly you know which highways to turn on because there's lots of little country roads and and

She told us exactly which bakery to go to exactly which

Which cousin of hers would be willing to let us come in spend some time with her and just she was super

accommodating and super friendly to let us... yeah to let us... super kind to let us come and

visit her family members and they were

Super. I'm just super kind and hospitable to us her cousin

Suzy she has a little shop where she sells

Fabric and

Buttons that she sells to the amish community that they come and buy for to make their clothing this and so we went and visited

Her and saw her for a little shop, and then she took us for a ride in their buggy

And we got to spend time with her

She's amish. I don't think you said...

Her cousin is Amish.

Our friend back home is not amish, but her dad grew up amish

And so that's why she has so many times to the amish community, but um so it was just super fun. Her kids

were just really friendly and they were they were fascinated by our kids and our kids are fascinated by them.

They wanted to see the RV and see inside and see our kids

you know

Technology and and our kids wanted to see their barn and their chickens.Our kids saw that they were running around barefoot

And immediately took off their shoes were like "We're IN!"

On the farm barefoot too.

So susie and her husband to have they have ten kids and their oldest son

So they have two daughters who were older

But they're their oldest son has autism and so this fundraiser this evening was to raise funds for his

special needs school or special needs

Community I guess it would be.

Yeah, it's like post high school. So it's not really a school anymore. It's their workshop

I think they call it.

yeah and

That's something that I don't know. I don't know why I didn't think about that

I mean the special needs are in every community, so I

You know being amish doesn't preclude you from from having somebody who has autism or somebody who has down syndrome...

Or or any other special needs

And and it was amazing to see how this community

Came together and they had an auction and a fish fry. So everything was based on donations

They didn't have a cost to get into the event or a cost for

the food, and it was all you can eat. Our kids filled up on broasted chicken and fish and potatoes and

all sorts of amish foods and then, and pie and fruit and then and then there was an auction and

We were standing next to a little amish lady who, who was kind of chuckling to herself because they were auctioning off whoopie pies

this Big

I don't know cookie jar... Full of Whoopie pies homemade whoopie pies and

The auctioneer is like okay? Who's Gonna. Give me $100

I'm gonna be $100 and she's like well those have

Got to be some really good cookies because I think that they end up auctioning for a hundred and fifteen dollars

For a little thing of whoopie pies, and she looked at it. She said obviously these aren't

115 Dollars worth of Whoopie pies, they're it's much more

Donation for the Community, but last year they raised


$50,000 and this year's turnout was much bigger than they were expecting so hopefully though they're hoping to pay the school off or another school

The workshop off this year so that they can yeah, just be debt free in their...


But the thing that has been so cool about this is that there have been little

Experiences like this that we just keep looking at each other and looking at our kids and say

"Do you guys realize how cool this is that we get to do this?"

No, it's and it's not that we get to do it. It's just them we've been super

Super Lucky, and I guess you could say blessed like to just to have friends like reach out to us and say hey

I know someone you know and that's always been the best way to get to know people and to also just to find the best

Restaurants and to find the best places to go we research and research in our books and find stuff

But then always it ends up being like the best places the hole-in-the-wall

Places the neat people you know they're willing to let you come to their fish fry

And you know and come and hang out in their barn their children and stuff are our friends of friends

You know friends of family and so we're super thankful and grateful to and all of you who have who have

Given us suggestions and who have reached out and said hey

I know someone who's there let me call them and see if they'd be willing to let you come in

You know just be a fly on the wall, and they're in their home or their community for you know for a few hours

Keep them coming, please that would be so helpful if you have other suggestions

so we are

Headed Toward the East Coast will be along the East Coast throughout

The fall and then hopefully down to the Florida and do the Southern states in the winter, so that's kind of our plan

but if you have

Haven't caught all our videos which

Who knows you probably haven't but or maybe you have.

but either way, you can catch the time that we

That we got to ride in a hot-Air balloon here

you can catch the time that we got to

Hang out with a native American family here. You can catch the time that we

Got to hang out with the family who lives in an old fire station here

oh the time that we got to hang out with a

Family that has a bluegrass show here branson in Branson. Yeah the time that we got thing out with

I don't know if you should do this... you'll miss someone....


Those are just a few

There are many many more

and they're more coming like

Like the family the hockey family that we got hang out with that's a video. That's coming

Or there's a family coming up in Ohio that had triplets and then adopted 14

Special-needs children from from Europe so we haven't met them yet, but oh yeah mind blown just hearing about them

Or the the Irish Catholic family in in Chicago who plays Irish music and

and played that, and we hung out with them, so

Many many more awesome videos, well I like them anyway any many more videos coming

But thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting us and America is amazing. It's an amazing place

That's the thing that I keep coming back to is there are so many

fantastic people and and so many cool things to see and so I'm

Glad that we get to see them and to share a little bit of what we see with you

Yep, America is amazing for sure

I mean

we always thought we loved our country and we still do but it's it's bigger than we thought and

Like our love for America is bigger than we thought our sense of duty like to come back home

Someday wherever home is going to be for us next and and really like contribute, so we can continue

just the legacy that America is you know that just the amazing people that contribute and have joy and

Just have fulfilling lives in beautiful communities

We just want to be a part of that, and you're part of the amazing thing that is America, so it's yeah, we're lucky

You're super lucky yep, thanks for watching

we uh... yeah, we let you into our bedroom for just a few minutes.



For more infomation >> 3 month wrap up- Family of 6 plan to visit 50 states in 52 weeks. Can we do this? - Duration: 11:09.


Family of Dana Papaj speaks out - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Family of Dana Papaj speaks out - Duration: 2:22.


Man Whose Family Impacted By Harvey Fills Up With Tears After Stranger Offers To Help - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Man Whose Family Impacted By Harvey Fills Up With Tears After Stranger Offers To Help - Duration: 0:45.


Superman Batman Spidergirl & Superheroes vs Balloons Finger Family Learning Colors For Kids - Duration: 2:26.

Superman Batman Spidergirl & Superheroes

Learning Colors For Kids

Finger Family

For more infomation >> Superman Batman Spidergirl & Superheroes vs Balloons Finger Family Learning Colors For Kids - Duration: 2:26.


Dead teen's family seeks millions from Michigan trooper - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Dead teen's family seeks millions from Michigan trooper - Duration: 1:09.


ᴴᴰWrong Mouth Masha Bears Moana Maui Finger Family Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> ᴴᴰWrong Mouth Masha Bears Moana Maui Finger Family Learn Colors For Kids - Duration: 10:36.


Japan Family In Law , 31 - Duration: 10:43.

Japan Family In Law , 31

For more infomation >> Japan Family In Law , 31 - Duration: 10:43.


James Woods Takes Off Kid Gloves, Knocks Out Entire Clinton Family With 1 Lethal Shot - Duration: 12:54.

James Woods Takes Off Kid Gloves, Knocks Out Entire Clinton Family With 1 Lethal Shot

Chelsea Clinton broke the silence about the controversy regarding the Confederate statues

that liberals are desperately trying to remove.

She took it to Twitter to compare the statues to "Lucifer."

Clinton wrote "The story of Lucifer-who rebelled against God-is part of many Christians'


I've never been in a church with a Lucifer statue."


She invoked controversy by comparing the Confederate statues to "Lucifer."

It appears that she was trying to associate Lucifer's rebellion with Confederates rebellion.

According to her, this is why Confederate statues should be removed.

Lucifer is a part of the Christianity, he's not celebrated in any church, Clinton noted.

Or in other words, although Confederacy is a part of the American tradition, it doesn't

mean that it should be praised with statues.

However, Twitter users didn't appreciate the comparison.


Horror author Anne Rice also responded: "Excellent point, Chelsea: really a fine point.

No, no statues of Lucifer.

No statues of Judas either."

"I doubt you've ever been in a church, period," wrote one person.

"But you left church when you were 6 because you supported abortion, remember?" wrote


"Are you kidding you and your Mom are Satan worshipers please don't talk about Christ

or a house will drop on you.

CLINTON=CRIME FAMILY #MAGA" replied another.

One person said that Clinton has her facts wrong: "Wait most of the cathedrals in New

York have at least one depiction of Lucifer.

Just saying your brilliant though."

Actor James Woods is one of the few conservatives in Hollywood who aren't afraid to stand

up for their believes.

He is among those who responded to Clinton after her Lucifer comparison on social media.

His response is the most brutal.

He wrote: "Check out the #rapist statue of your Dad.

Trust me, he was Lucifer to the women he abused."

Wow, apply cold water on burned area, Chelsea!

Woods said that because former President Bill Clinton was accused of sexual harassment including

rape by numerous women.

His statue is located in South Dakota.

Recently, one of his victims, Juanita Broaddrick said she wants the statue to be removed.

Other women also called for destroying

the statue.

For more infomation >> James Woods Takes Off Kid Gloves, Knocks Out Entire Clinton Family With 1 Lethal Shot - Duration: 12:54.


Family heirlooms disappear amid crime spree - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Family heirlooms disappear amid crime spree - Duration: 1:57.


Slain deputy remembered as a family man who changed lives - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Slain deputy remembered as a family man who changed lives - Duration: 2:17.


Colors Learn Pou Pencil Finger Family Songs for kids learning video - Duration: 2:21.

Colors Learn Pou Pencil Finger Family Songs for kids learning video

For more infomation >> Colors Learn Pou Pencil Finger Family Songs for kids learning video - Duration: 2:21.


Community comes through for Chesapeake family in need - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> Community comes through for Chesapeake family in need - Duration: 0:32.


Bad Baby Victoria vs Crybaby Annabelle Eats Cockroach Toy Freaks Family - Duration: 1:40.

Bad Baby Victoria vs Crybaby Annabelle Eats Cockroach Toy Freaks Family

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Victoria vs Crybaby Annabelle Eats Cockroach Toy Freaks Family - Duration: 1:40.


Wrong Heads Spiderman Frozen Elsa Ladybug Sofia Finger Family Song And Learn Colors - Duration: 11:55.

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