Finally, here's the video that we know, we will get a lot of hate because we know this fandom loves Malec, right?
We love Malec. - We also love Malec.
Me too. When it's written in pages in that thing called book.
With context.
But it's about time we talk about why we don't like Malec on the tv show.
That's why we owe you guys an explanation, because we know how much you like them.
We're not just being haters like most of you are saying. - We're not.
Maybe a little. - No.
No, we're not being haters. - We're haters about other things.
We're haters about many other things.
And right now, that's not the case.
Can I start? - Yes.
Okay, I will start by talking about Magnus because he's my favorite character,
so I do pay attention to him a lot.
And this is something that I complain about all the time.
Like I said on our last review, Magnus doesn't have any resourcefulness.
And he's too serious. Too willing to help.
He's like, the shadowhunters' slave. And that annoys me.
That's something we were talking about, he doens't have his own character development.
Yeah. - He only develops when there's Alec.
He's that character that's attached to others.
Maia has more development than Magnus. - Exactly.
And that's the first step for you to get attached to a couple.
You need to get attached to them as individuals.
Not only as a couple.
Because when they like each other, and they're together, you're like:
"Wow, two people with amazing personalities together. I want this."
Yeah, that's something you want to ship. You want them together.
It's the same thing in real life.
Couples only exist from the sum of two individuals.
If that couple exists, why do they exist?
The point is, Magnus only exists when there's Malec.
Magnus doesn't exist in his apartment, with his
own problems or having his own personality.
He only exists when shadowhunters needs him,
when Alec is needy or Alec needs something. - Or when he's drinking with Dot.
Or when he's acting like a bohemian.
And we only have a few glimpses of him with Catarina and sometimes with Dot.
Something to show that he has a life outside of that. - Like a background.
Malec is working more towards Alec as an individual.
Even when they showed Magnus' past, it was still a Malec moment.
Magnus is really Alec's little bitch.
It's not something you ship it.
Now, I have a complaint about Alec.
Lots of people are gonna think that this is absurd.
I've seen people saying that because there were some complaints about
Alec not having the struggle he had with his own sexuality like he did in the books.
It was easier for him to accept it.
So that mischaracterized his character from the books, a little bit.
Some people were complaining about that.
I agree. - It's valid.
It's 2017, people don't need to make a big deal ou of it.
I have nothing against couples that meet each other
and everything is amazing. In fact that's how it is in real life.
But I think that for them to have a good development,
something that makes you want to seem them getting together,
they need to have some kind of trouble on one side or the other.
And everything could go wrong.
There were nothing on Alec's side. He just looked at Magnus and was like,
"Oh I'm gay, I like him and that's it. Let's be together."
That was it, there were nothing more. - "Here at my wedding, in front of everyone."
With him being a shadowhunter, Magnus being a downworlder,
and with Alec coming from a very conservative family,
everything could go wrong. - But it didn't.
- That's where I, the person that you hate, come in.
Because we always do this. So yes, I will compared it to the books.
Just so you know, book Alec only kissed Magnus
for the first time in front of other people, on the 3rd book.
In the middle of a war. - It took 3 books.
At the end of the war, actually. He was like,
"Holy shit, I went through hell and back, [little does he know]
so I will allow myself this luxury." - Yeah.
"I will give myself to my own happiness and I won't care about anyone else."
"Because I don't know if I will survive."
That was a part of the struggle that he
mention it, that Alec didn't have on the show.
In the show the characters are older and the show is a different world.
But he should've had another personality because...
He figure it out everything overnight. He figured it out that he was gay,
he was engaged to a woman he didn't know,
the guy he flirted with, a little bit, stopped his wedding
and then he gave himself to love in front of everyone.
There was a huge fast forward there.
It's important for every tv show to have this kind of development.
Something cool that we had on the books, it's that
you read the books and you know they're together but
Alec kept it a secret. - Even from the people who were close to him.
He was embarassed when Jace and Clary talked about Magnus in front of him.
The best scene ever from city of ashes is when
everyone is at Luke's house and Alec shows up with a hickey
and then he tells them that he fell on his neck, on the stairs.
But actually, it was Magnus.
[nothing important or related to the show or books]
That's when he had the fearless rune, right? - Yeah, and he almost tells his family
because of that rune.
Oh, this scene is cool, it shoud've been on the show.
This will probably make things worse but I think people are mixing things up.
I'm not talking about every fan but fans in general,
they still don't know the difference between a character and an actor.
The actors are a good match? You may think so,
I think they're good individually, as Magnus and as Alec.
But together, they have no chemistry. - Yeah, they don't.
That's my opinion. If you watch the show and you enjoy it, you think
it's beautiful and you ship show Magnus with show Alec, congrats.
I think they only look at each other, exchange some simple lines,
give each other a peck on the lips and then the plot is over.
Yeah, we're telling you guys our reasons... - So, yeah, I am a show Magnus hater. Yes I am.
Back to the subject, it's lacking development.
They got together and that's it. They're together.
[not important or related, again]
And it's not only lacking development on their story as a couple.
But on the scenes as well.
He goes to Magnus, and says: "Oh, this happened, I'm sorry." and then kisses him.
"I'm sorry, kisses him, says I love you and cut."
Yeah. It's like Artur said on the last review,
that last scene had the best development of them.
Because they argued, and talked... - And there were more than one line.
Fights don't usually end with one line, a kiss and that's it.
And if it does, I'm sorry, but I think your relationship sucks.
That's my opinion, so don't hate on Pandemonium, hate on me.
I think that if it were a soap opera or another show you wouldn't like those characters.
We end up liking their interaction because we like those characters.
Not the story they're telling us.
Now I wanna add more topics that... - We're adding more fuel to the fire!
That's not within the scope of actors or characters.
Bad script? - No, that's not it.
Putting the script and the lack of interaction aside,
there's something that often happens on tv shows,
and that is, putting a lgbt couple just for people to ship it.
Just so people can enjoy the show.
The famous: - Token.
I mean, it's not exactly queerbaiting because queerbait is
when it's implied that there's something more when it doesn't.
In shadowhunters it does. - But we can't understand.
[it was a joke that only works in portuguese]
And it's sad, it's really sad. Because we're living in
a time where we should have more representation.
And good representation on tv shows.
Any show can make any mistake about representation
or put any lgbt character that people would still like it.
Just because they're lgbt. That's it. That makes me so mad.
We need something that really represents us.
Not just something that they want to sell it
just because there's a lgbt couple.
It's like, lgbt people exist just to be lgbt.
I don't think it should be a couple for representation.
It should be a couple because it exists. - Because it exists, yeah.
Because it's something real and not because
"Oh my God, we need a lgbt couple."
No. Everyone knows a lgbt couple. Because it's normal.
And if you don't think it's normal, that's another issue.
Then you have no reason to watch this channel.
Unsubscribe, we won't miss you.
The point is, it's not because we need to have representation,
It's because it's normal.
It's like dealing with people who breathes oxygen. Everyone does.
Not that everyone is gay but gay people exist.
And that's why we really like... Again, going into the book subject...
People keep calling Cassandra names, saying that she's homophobic.
- It doesn't make sense. - Things that doesn't make any sense.
Because she knows how to develop lgbt couples. - There's gay, lesbian, trans...
If you're familiar with the art of reading, I mean, if you're literate,
you would know that in one of the last books they introduced a transsexual character.
Because it's not about representation, it's because it exists.
Therefore, I will represent the reality.
It ends up being a representation anyway. But it's not a token.
Going back to what Artur said, before they create a show, they're like,
"Guys, we need a lgbt couple because every show have a lgbt couple."
They're adapting a book and on the books,
it took them 3 books to get together.
So why they got together on the 8th episode?
Because they need to have a lgbt couple. That's it.
"It's not developed? Screw it. There's no chemistry? Screw that too.
We need to have it and we will put it. It's done."
It's like Clary and Jace, they fought, they stumbled and they're still not together.
There's a lot of development. - That's how it should be.
They should stumble, leave, stay, kiss etc. They would still be together but...
People would like it better, I would like it better if it was like:
"Oh they're going to kiss..." and then they don't and they both go to opposite sides.
And we're like: "Kiss each other, goddamnit" - Yeah, have doubts, leave...
We don't want them to just kiss.
We want scenes to be natural.
Not to mention that there's plenty of other cases,
it's also a matter of script, if it's allowed or if the channel allows it, I mean...
If it's a channel that allows these things
because some channels doesn't accept it.
So I won't go on right now into this matter
of what is and what's not allowed...
But treat it with naturality and...
- It's not natural. - It doesn't feel natural.
If you think it feels natural we understand but our opinion is different.
The point is, you need to force yourself to be impartial.
Really think it through, take a look at the context of the development
and everything that happens with Malec on the show.
And put that on a straight couple. Would you ship it?
No, because it would seem robotic. Like they were forced to be together
without knowing each other. They flirted like two times
and then Magnus were already crashing his wedding.
This is not real, it's not human. - And their fights...
Malec was... - Malec, they're one character.
Malec was... pissed off for god knows how many episodes until
the end of the season because Alec didn't tell him about the sword.
If they had any real chemistry, they wouldn't need to have that fight.
Malec... Magnus would look at Alec and he would be like,
"Okay, I understand, you know? These are big issues."
They're one character.
Magnus would see and realize that it's about bigger issues,
he didn't kept the secret because he was being selfish.
Magnus is really old, you think he wouldn't understand?
- "It has nothing to do with me."
He wasn't hiding it because he wanted the downworld
to get destroyed. He wanted to protect them, actually.
He didn't want to cause trouble. - We always base our opinions,
partially, mostly me, on things we saw on the
books. But we know that's two different types of media.
And we know the idea is different, but the problem is, within
that idea that the show tries to deliver to us, is still flawed.
It's not about the difference between the tv show and the books.
No. - Okay, we know is different. But within this here, is still wrong.
My memory sucks, I almost don't remember things
that happened in the books, especially with Malec,
so impartially speaking, on the show, it's bad.
Honestly, we're not being haters. - It's our opinion.
We accept the fact that some people are passionate about them.
That live because of it.
I wanna talk about that now. I don't like soccer.
But the reason why I don't like it is the fans not the sport itself.
[ not important ]
Malec fans, let's get into this topic. They're not impartial.
They like the fact that there's a f... Sorry, that there's a lgbt couple on the show.
And they're like, "Oh that's good. That's beautiful,
they're the best couple ever and the best kiss of the year." Guys, no.
And we can't say shit about it. - Instead of following them blindly,
reach out to the writers, ask them to put more thought into the couple.
Make them more realistic. - Don't let them be just the "lgbt couple."
It's because you like them that you should reach out to them.
You're not an activist if you support Malec but
don't support other types of couples on the show.
Because there's no lesbian couple. There's no other sexuality. - Bisexuality.
We have Magnus but he's with Alec, he's in a homosexual relationship.
So, if you support a gay relationship but doesn't
give a damn about lesbian representation or bisexual representation etc
You're not doing anything, you're being a fetishist. - Exactly.
Let's not be fetishists. If you want to pretend to be an activist, do it right.
This is like, the only thing we're asking.
And it's okay if you like them, that's great, just try to understand that there's
issues, so don't be a pain in the ass when people are saying bad things about them,
just because you think your couple is sacred and no one can touch it... Guys, please.
Some people don't want to see it. People are talking
about it and instead of trying to see what's wrong
or what they're doing, no, they point fingers.
"You're homophobic." I'm sorry but I think it's impossible for me to be homophobic.
Even Cassie, the writer of a book... - That has tons of representation.
that in 2007... - It was 10 years ago!
In 2007, there were no books with lgbt characters
that had that power of telling people about their life.
It's true. - And Alec does that.
Alec had that struggle.
[ talking about harry potter ]
The author of a book that in 2007 had decided to put a gay character
as a main, dealing with his sexuality and having relationships...
And being a normal person at the same time. - Is accused of homophobia, biphobia...
- No. No. By people who thinks that she can't criticize because she's straight.
There were moments when the fans were bothering me but
then it crossed a line when I saw people calling her names.
The author who created these characters.
This couple only exists because the author wrote it. And she did a very good job.
A topic for another video is the difference between
the brazilian fandom and the international fandom.
Show fandom and book fandom.
Which is absurd.
Like I was saying, it's about impartiality.
We as Cassandra fans, we read, we go after it
so we can know what's happening and why people
are saying these things about her.
We want to know, we want to understand.
But there's no explanation. - There's no arguments to defend their accusation.
They just keep saying she's homophobic.
[ off topic and not important ]
[ just talking about how Cassandra is always releasing books and tales on tumblr ]
If you're one of those people who believes that Cassie is any type of "phobic."
Try to explain it to us. Honestly, we really want to understand. - And don't be rude.
And don't call us homophobic because there's no way. - We like to read arguments.
If you didn't like anything we said about show Malec...
- The "don't subscribe" button is right there.
[ not important, talking about subscribers ]
I mean, we didn't attacked anyone, we didn't attacked anything.
Stop apologizing, f*ck them.
We gave you arguments, so please give us arguments as well.
Keep in mind that this is our opinion. We're not asking you to agree with it.
It's our opinion, from our research and experience.
Some people say things like:
Oh, I don't like your opinion so I'll destroy your channel."
No, If you don't like our opinion, we're inviting you to make your own channel...
With a different opinion. - You can even send it to us, we'll promote it.
Let's invite someone who's a super [show] Malec shipper?
to come here and have a discussion with us live? - Let's do it.
Make a video with lots of arguments and
we will post your version on our channel.
We're asking for a video response. - Or just a comment below.
We will post it.
We like different opinions. - I'm gonna be like,
"But first, name, age and sexuality?"
[ not important]
That's it, guys. We really wanna know your opinion.
Whether you agree or not, tell us why.
[ not really important ]
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