In this second video of a two-part series about "what not to do when you go
in job interviews," we're going to talk about the second five things that we see
people do all the time that are big mistakes and they don't even realize or
setting them back now if you haven't seen the first video in this series go
down to the video description I'll put a link right there you can click and watch
the first five and then come back and watch this video now the first thing
that we see people do all the time that's not appropriate is dress
well this attire that Kendall is wearing may be cute for the happy hour after on
a Friday it's not appropriate for an interview even if you think you look
good maybe you think it's a flattering look you're giving off poor
communication showing that you don't understand the social standards around a
corporation or the company or business you're going to work for so no matter
how sexy or cute you thinks it looks you thinks it looks dress appropriately for
the interview even if it doesn't show off your best attributes wear something
that would be accepted whether you're interviewing for Apple or for Microsoft
or for Google something that's universally accepted don't take any
chances and wear anything that may have a little flair you may think it shows a
little personality if it's a bit of jewelry maybe but overall as far as
riskiness I would suggest you be very conservative and not take any chances if
you have to ask yourself is this appropriate more than likely it's not
very good point very good if they're big you need to go asking your friend eight
is this okay for it don't wear it well put now how would you describe your
previous employer there are the reason why I'm looking for a new job
it was terrible the whole environment with the company was just awful mark
wore the same shirt three days in a week Jeffrey was so annoying he has a squeaky
voice and he was so bossy I'm just sick of it I'm ready for something now
so common we hear responses like this but you need to be very careful about
never criticizing a previous employer we all probably have a little beef and
that's probably one of the reasons that we're leaving the current situation but
never bring that up spin that in a positive light everyone knows that HR
the interviewing managers hiring managers they know there was problem but
if you bring that up now it's indicative of what you're going to bring up after
you leave the next company it's not flattering and it shows that you're
focusing on the wrong things it shows that you're a victim this
company is this this company is this rather than I really appreciate the
opportunity gave me it was two years I grew a lot I met a lot of issues people
had some challenging situations and overall is a good experience comes
across so much better this is not your time to show why you're leaving or make
them a punching bag of showing why you're so much better than the company
that doesn't fly we can intuitively think that's a positive but it's not so
keep things on the up-and-up when you're talking about the previous company so I
know it can be a bit of a sign of parking did you get a spot okay yeah I
found a garage down the street pulled in there paid ten dollars for the spot with
nice so you should never ever bring a drink to a job interview one it shows
that you're socially unaware of how it looks other people and two it makes it
look so casual if this job interview is your next step after Starbucks and then
how important does that with you it to me would look like your latte is more
important than this next job exactly what if you're a client facing or a
customer forward person what are you going to show up with looking at a
potential prospect if you bring a drink to your interview it just gives off all
around a lot of people like what everyone's drinking coffee the person is
interviewing me is drinking a coffee it's not about that it's about showing
that you know how to operate in a professional environment very important
that's a good they don't mind you drinking they will offer you a drink in
the inner Yeah right much different when they do
that but I would still encourage you not to take it just because as you saw it
the example starting off when you're taking a drink and it's slowing down the
cadence or messing up the rhythm of the interaction if you take it maybe just
sit it there maybe it's water if your voice gets dry and it's actually a
functional asset to you you can do it but if it's a coca-cola or just a coffee
I would suggest not doing it just because like I said it's more of a
hindrance and a positive you're taking a lot more risk than the reward of getting
a little bit more caffeine in your system at the time so a lot of social
awkwardness that can come from taking a set absolutely well put yeah now this
fourth one may be a little bit counterintuitive you because I know what
interview people are asking you to talk a lot but don't think that you're the
star of the show this still holds through the social premise still holds
true that people are most interested in talking about themselves I know it
sounds strange but bear with me for a second so people are asking interview
questions if you can create a little rapport by putting it back on the
interview by asking a question by sounding interested in something that
they ask it can be very powerful because what are most applicants doing well I
grew up in Iowa and I went out to grad school and so and so you could be like I
want to figure at grad school San Diego is thinking about going to Illinois
where did you go to college now with something into a conversation it's
separating you from the other applicants as more of a real person as opposed to a
resume that went to this and this and this and this so don't be afraid to ask
them questions and not talk as much keep things short and sweet don't think this
is your time to pick up the mic and talk for 30 minutes just because they're
listening to you people still get bored these HR these interviewing people
interview probably multiple people a day so if you can keep it interesting
they're going to remember you more fondly so try to keep your answers
interesting short and snappy and if possible circle around ask them for
their input or ask them for their experience to their life experience to
engage them a little bit just like you would in good quality social interaction
so this last one is some of the biggest mistakes we see people making interviews
and it can also be one of the most impressive moves you do energy okay and
I'm not knowing and that's about the company if you do your
research on the company you're interviewing with they don't set you
apart so many other people that are applying so many times people come in
and they don't know what the company's purposes or how they make money but if
you do two things if you look at the company's mission statement and how they
make money and apply that to all your answers you will really really make an
impactful presence within an interview absolutely it's impressive to show and
the funny thing is like those two examples are so good because you can
deduce so much just from that doesn't matter if you're in a function that
doesn't bring in money leader your customer support or you're in client
retention they still are focused on how the client makes money so just having
that understanding gives you a good understanding of the entire operation a
lot of these things we've been going through hinge on having a strong social
awareness we you're talking to people being able to come across well kind of
read people and be sure that you're presenting yourself in the first light
if that's something you struggle with you're trying to improve in you can
touch or click right up here to download the social invincibility checklist I put
together for free it goes through five different things that most people don't
see is going on in social interaction I call it the charisma matrix because I
feel like there's an entire social matrix out there that most people don't
see and by going through this checklist you're going to be able to actually see
those things to use them to your advantage to bob-and-weave when you see
these things coming that most people can't see so you can touch a click up
here or go to charisma matrix comm forge /s I as in social invincibility
checklist and download yours to get the ball roll and now I'd like to encourage
you to check out another video like this or if you didn't get a chance to
download your free social invincibility checklist boom click right here and get
it completely free or if you haven't subscribed to the channel click here
I'll throw you on the list and I will talk to you next Thursday
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