Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 9, 2017

Youtube daily Best Sep 3 2017

Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you the 10 best knee

strengthening exercises. We're gonna go through all the muscles around the knee

to get them stronger, so let's get started.

So these top 10 exercises are my favorite exercises.

They're the ones that I found worked best for me, they work best for my

patients, there's no scientific research behind it, it's just the ones that

through all my years have found work the best for people. So we're gonna start off

first with bridging, now bridging helps strengthen a lot of things including the

hip muscles, but those muscles that come down and cross the knee especially the

hamstring muscles, so a bridge really works those hamstrings that helps get

them stronger, and that's really important in the knee because it helps

bend that knee or do that flexion, so let's take a look at that exercise. For

bridging, bring both knees up and put your feet flat on the ground, you can put

your arms by your side, and then lift your bottom up off the ground just to

about level, so you don't want to arch your back, and you don't want it sagging,

just bring it up level and then slowly come back down.

Number two is a clamshell exercise. Clamshells are one of my favorites

because they really work the glutes here, the glute med on the side, the IT band

area, all these stabilizer muscles here in the hip that help us walk properly,

and so even though it's up in the hip, it really makes a difference down in the knee

because if we're not walking properly, it can cause a lot of pain and weakness in

the knee, so make sure you're doing the clamshells correctly because if you're

not in a good position, you're not really working the muscles that you want to, so

let's take a look at my exercise. For the clamshell in side lying, lie on your

side with the side you want to exercise up on top, make sure your hips are

perpendicular to the ground, so you don't want to roll back, stay up top then with

your knees bent, bring that leg up just like you're opening up like a clamshell.

Number three is a seated hip flexion exercise. Hip flexion is really important

because it works those hip flexors the psoas muscles up in here, and again even

though it really works the hip, that has a lot to do with the knee as well, it

helps strengthen the knee because if our hips are working properly, our knees are

working properly, and it some things going on here and it's weak, it can

affect our knee as well, so those are important to do knee strengthening and

general type exercises even though it's called hip flexors, so let's take a look

at that exercise. For seated hip flexion, make sure your back is nice and straight

when you're doing the exercise, just bring your knees straight upwards.

Number four is a seated long arc quad. We call it LAQ sometimes. For the long arc

quad, it's working your quad muscle and again the quad muscle is so important to

the knee because it helps extend or straighten out that knee, so a lot of

times after an injury or a surgery this quad muscle isn't working at all,

sometimes it won't even activate, so it's really important to keep this muscle

strong and work that to make the whole knee stronger because it has so much to

do with the strength of the knee and the tracking of the kneecap, so let's take a

look at that exercise. For seated knee extension, just bring one foot up and

squeeze that quad muscle as tight as you can, then slowly come back down.

Number five, squats at a chair. So squats are like the perfect exercise for the

legs, the knees, the hips, all those muscles there, your quads, your

hamstrings, your glutes, any kind of squat is great. I like to start off with a

squat at a chair just because if you can't go all the way down, you can just

sit down in the chair, but squats are super important to do them correctly

because if you don't do them correctly, you're not working the muscles how

you're supposed to, and sometimes then you're putting too much pressure on your

knees or other areas so make sure you're doing them correctly by watching this

video. For squats with a chair, use the chair as a target, step just a little bit

away from the chair because you're going to stick your bottom back and bring your

chest forward so your knees don't go in front of your toes, so squat back just

touch the chair and come back up.

Number six, lunges. So lunges are just about as cool as the squats in the sense

of working all the muscles in the knee and the legs and the hips. It's the same

kind of thing, it works those quads, it works those hamstrings, it's a great way

to strengthen those muscles, you can do modified ones just like you can do

modified squats and slowly work your way down, so it's a great exercise overall to

help strengthen the knee, the hips, the ankles, all the above, so let's take a

look at that exercise. For lunges, you're going to put one foot out in front of

you, try and keep both feet pointed forward, sometimes people will turn it

out a little bit, but try and keep them forward, you want your upper body to stay

nice and straight, not leaning forward, and just go straight down, keeping the

knee behind your toes, and then coming back up.

Number seven, step ups. I really like step ups especially when you slow down the

step, when we're going up and down stairs, normally we usually go pretty fast, we

use momentum. A lot of times, we can't tell something's weak because we're just

going and help using gravity to go down, using momentum to go up, when you really

break down a step up and you go slow and you go controlled, it works those muscles,

again those hamstrings, those quads, those calf muscles all the muscles have to

work together to help get you up in a smooth control motion, so when you slow

it down it's a really great exercise for the knees. So let's take a look at that.

For step ups, make sure your step is nice and sturdy and use a cane or railing for

balance if you need it, make sure you control your step up, and control it

coming back down.

Number eight a single leg stance. So I think sometimes people forget about

balance a little bit as a strengthening exercise, but it's really important

because it works those smaller finer muscles not only in our ankles, not only

our hips, but in our knee as well, so if we don't have good balance, that's

usually a sign that our muscles are weak, so strengthening those muscles by doing

balance exercises are very important, so let's take a look at that one. For single

leg balance, stand next to something sturdy just in case you need a little

assistance. Stand on one foot and then just balance, if you can go down to one

finger do that, and then if you can go not holding on at all.

Number nine is going to be a four-way hip exercise. So I'm cheating a little

bit because I'm I'm balling up four exercises into one, so it's going to be a

hip flexion, hip extension, hip abduction, and hip adduction. So see that's a lot to

say sometimes I even mess up, but again that it's hip exercises, but it's really

important for the knee as well, most of those muscles that attach the hip come

down and attach and sometimes even cross the knee, so it's equally important to do

those exercises to help make the knee strong as well, so let's take a look at

those. Here are you're standing 4-way hip exercises with a chair. For standing hip

flexion, using a chair for assistance keep your upper body nice and upright,

pull up your toes to lock out your knee, and keep your legs straight the whole

time, kick out just a little bit and then

slowly come back in.

For standing hip extension, use a chair for balance, keep your upper body nice

and upright, lock out your knee by pulling up your toes to keep it straight,

and kick back just a little bit, but try not to arch your back, keep everything

nice and straight.

For standing hip abduction, hold on to a chair for balance, keep your upper body

upright, pull up your toes to lock out your knee,

and lead with your heel just kicking out a little bit.

For standing hip adduction, hold on to a chair for balance, keep your upper body

nice and upright, pull up your toes to lock out your knee, and cross your leg

over the other. Number 10 the last exercise is going to be a heel raise. So

just standing up and doing heel raises where you're bringing your heels off the

ground really helps work those calf muscles, and those calf muscles are very

important in the knee and our ankles and how we walk and just movement in general,

so having those calf muscles nice and strong really helps our knee be nice and

strong as well, so let's take a look at that one. For heel raises, use something

sturdy for balance and put your feet about shoulder width apart, then bring

your heels up as high as you can and then slowly come back down.

So those were your top 10 best knee exercises. If you have any questions, leave in

the comment section, if you'd like to help support my channel click up here,

and if you'd like to subscribe make sure you do that by clicking down here, and

remember be safe (strengthen those knees), have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> 10 Best Knee Pain Strengthening Exercises – Ask Doctor Jo - Duration: 11:12.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part67 - Duration: 14:47.


the amulet Mantha

It looks like every kid in the kingdom is here. They are palaces

No, he's the moment you have all been waiting for who will sing the enchancian anthem at this Year's harvest festival


Sophia you have much to do and the festival is tomorrow, so we must get started right now

friend Sophia oh

I'm so happy for you

Sophia as am I perhaps Amber can offer you tips for your big performance you know hi dear

And if you singing anthem even half as well as I did they'll give you a standing ovation

Which is just like clapping except they stand up when they do it wow?

Now it is time for your interviews me see and you stop being a princess was a big deal

Do you think we should go there was so much going on and I couldn't get away until now. It's okay. How was it?

Unbelievable, they gave me this one-of-a-kind hat that was made just for me

I mean, I know I'm already a princess, but now I feel really special oh

Nice for you Princess Sofia over here

My sinew and I'll see you tomorrow at the festival then I mean you'll see me on stage

Princess Sofia welcome to your first rehearsal

Let me try that again

Are you okay Princess Sofia?

Yo congratulations

Princess, haha something's wrong. I keep doing that every time again

You should probably see a sorcerer. Yeah, like Mr.. Ceedric. Yeah, I guess you'll have to do okay. I better go now

Clover I'm not going to turn into a frog

Sofia I've been looking everywhere for you, it's time to pick out your dress for the harvest festival, but Baileywick

I have to do it. What was the house nothing?

What are you doing here? I thought I'd come help you pick your dress. That's really nice of you

I know so which one do you?

Take this one. No, let's get away from that

Time to water the begonias once these bubbling potions mix a pouring rain will come quick


Need your help. I'm supposed to sing tomorrow, but I've been croaking like event so I am cursed how by who well?

By your precious amulet no doubt my amulet

power is granted a blessing or


You my dear must have done a very bad deed

well, I

Can certainly take a look? Oh, sorry you know such spell I'm afraid I will need your amulet

It's the only way, but I'm only looking out for you my dear princess

I mean

I wouldn't want you to walk out on stage of the harvest festival

In front of all those people waiting to hear you sing and how do you get all crude arms fixing it for her?

I will use it myself to take over this oh

It'll be ours


Any ideas yet not yet, but so much has happened since I was picked to sing at the festival

Sofia wake up. I have an idea. We got a hop back

Topic I know right

Princess Sofia excited for your big day today. Good luck

Everyone congratulated me. Did you thank them yes clover?

Just joking and the newspaper reporters interviewed me here and the townspeople gave me a bunch of gifts here

And did you thank them? I must have done something

Experienced ever everyone wanted to interview me and give me gifts

Oh, and did I tell you about the standing ovations. I got hMM

Bragging to ruby and jade I was going on and on about all the great things that were happening to me

And they wanted to sing behind them too. I bet they already felt bad the curse will go away. It's worth a shot

Can I talk to you? Are you sure you have time?

I'm sure there are lots more interviews and gifts to get hey, that's not nice. It's okay

I deserve it of course, so we're still friends

Why do you think we're here sofia? We weren't going to miss you singing the anthem?

Thank you

Oh, just the princess I was looking for

Can't well. I'll be right over there by the stage if you change your mind, but time is running out

Tick-tock Tick-tock

What are you doing here princess, Sofia? Well the only person who can undo the curse is you I?

Was afraid you'd say that I've got a tale to tell

About a beast I knew who fell deep under a spell

That he couldn't undo

Of what well think about what you could do to make your friends happy


Think I know what to do

Well, I see you've discovered this only one way out of your predicament

Yes, wish me Luck Mr.. Ceedric

You really want us to sing a really really good do thank you Sophia dragons




Just one of the princes

The whole Kingdom so few used to pretend to race using our old mop as our flying horse. Can we go any faster?

I don't want to miss anything


You didn't even make the team last year this year will be different

Derby practice at school tomorrow Hmm. Maybe I will

Time to flock hey Amber

Sophia the bleachers are this way Sophia

How is school?

Okay, I went to try out for the flying derby team that sounds like fun if you want to ride those flying fleabags and I

Don't know why you would makes me dizzy. Just thinking about it

But if you really want to do it, then I say go for it. There's a first time I'm going to train for the team

Sophia I already told you princesses don't do that. Well. There's a first time for everything amber

I think it's a one they'll be too busy laughing to say anything. They'll say what a great brother

You are james, and you'll get in some extra practice

But she doesn't even have riding clothes can I have a horse please?

Well, there's only one horse left and nobody wants him I do you do

Of course you do

Hi, there, Minimus. Mm-hmm. I'm sophia

Will you be my horse in the flying derby? Oh?

Oh, you don't want to ride me princess if only you spoke easy. I have short legs small wings

I don't fly fast I worry about everything I

Think you're perfect just the tryout race he's at the end of the week right here on our

Derby cars only the first two riders to cross the finish line make the team so let's pack

Let me help you


All you have to do is flick the reins to take off hold them the way you want to go. That's it. Yep

It's easy, okay here. We go minimus

hangout for the team

You got to stay on your horse first

I knew you were a bad racer james, but you're a worse teacher guess flying derby isn't a prudent now. This is how you steal

Mber is that your sister up there?

All right

It's time he tried the last hurdle

It's the toughest part of the course right before the finish line we go under the gate and through the steep

You'll get it next time. I hope so

Sophia are you okay?

My mother had a saying the early bird gets the worm

What does Sophia need a worm for she doesn't mir hey? What robbins trouble?

Okay, minimus. We can do it this time. That's what you said the last four times well

It's all my fault yes. It's back where you belong with the other princesses

Have to do that. Oh, we wouldn't miss it for the world

It's just that I'm thinking about not going why I still can't make it to the last steep is what you think

Today are you ready Sophia Sophia Mom?

James, where are there so many people here?

They want to know if her princess can be around and going back to the stable you bet great idea minimus

We are going to do great. I know it

Is the first two riders to cross the finish line earn their place on Royal preps flying derby team?

there without further ado


Here comes Princess Sofia she's making

See ya princess. That's not right

Hugo, you can do it

how did she

Come on, Sofia we go

Sorry job minimus. We won. We actually won way does that mean they'll expect us to win the next race and the one after that

with the official team jerseys

Thank you, sir gilliam Brilliant. We made the team mom. Oh, I knew you could

This thing anything can be if we try hard enough

That's what they gave you for winning. Oh, no, you need a real prize. I know

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part67 - Duration: 14:47.


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For more infomation >> Discover Nibiru Planet X News update 4st September 2017 Best compilation Coming to Earth - Duration: 1:18:14.


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For more infomation >> The Best Android Tablet? Samsung Tab S3 Unboxing & Initial Impressions - Duration: 5:29.


Best Personal Injury Attorney San Antonio ($1.25 Million Dollar Settlement) • Trevino Injury Law - Duration: 15:49.

- This accident involves Jackie Galindo.

My client was operating a Toyota Tundra.

She was traveling on 1604 westbound in the Bandera area

when traffic in front of her was coming to a stop.

She brought her vehicle, she was trying to bring

her vehicle to a stop when she was rear ended

by a young man driving a Dodge Ram dually.

The young man said that the accident was 100%

Ms. Galindo's fault.

His version of how the accident occurred was

there was two lanes westbound on 1604.

Ms. Galindo was in the right lane,

and he was traveling in the left lane.

And Ms. Galindo passed him, cut him off,

and then slammed on his breaks.

That was the version that the young man told,

and as a result of him saying, of his description

of how that accident occurred, the defense lawyers

put very little value on Ms. Galindo's case.

- The first offer that was offered to me

I can't exactly pinpoint the amount,

I just know that it wasn't something that

I was going to settle for.

I was determined that there was no way

I was going to settle for that amount.

Mr. Trevino had sent me a text message saying

this is what we're looking at, and I cannot recall

my exact response, but I know that it was I don't think so.

- In order to determine what actually and what factually

happened, we conducted a significant investigation.

We deposed the officers who investigated the accident.

We hired an automotive mechanical engineer

to investigate the accident.

- My husband was already outside of the truck

yelling in pain.

It took me a little while because I had trouble breathing.

My adrenaline kicked in, I didn't know what was going on.

I actually went across 1604 to check on the gentleman

that was in front of me because I thought I had hit him,

but it was actually that he hit me and hit him also.

From there I'm actually being forced to go

into the ambulance by the officers because I

couldn't comprehend what type of accident I had been in

and how hard I had been hit.

- As a result of the accident, Ms. Galindo

sustained multiple herniated discs in both her

cervical spine as well as her lumbar spine.

As a result of the injuries, as a result of her neck

and low back pain, she underwent approximately

two years of pain management treatment,

which included seven ESI epidural steroid injections

in both her neck, as well as in her lumbar spine.

The MRIs were positive for herniated disks

in her cervical as well as her lumbar spine.

- I had to change everything about me.

I hd to change how I did everything.

I had to find different ways of washing clothes,

how I load it, how I bent, how I picked up.

When I had to pull clothes out of the washer

or actually do the dryer, I had to sit on the floor

pulling everything out with the basket next to me,

then pick it up, then go sit down.

I couldn't be bent over for a period of time

and just get up like nothing.

At times I couldn't use my right arm,

so I had to teach my left arm to become more dominant

and strengthen it up.

I actually had to go back to work financially to help out

on my part because I lost thousands of dollars a month

on what I brought home, so you know the fear

of not being able to pay off my cards

when I got paid on certain houses,

I had a very outstanding record with eight credit cards.

That's how good of the money I was making,

and then my husband had to drop his credit cards

and other things that he was paying in order

to keep us going and surviving.

My church thankfully has a food bank provided there,

being a member, or actually being their cook for 10 years

provided me with food every week if I needed it.

- Our expert determined that the Dodge Ram

was equipped with an air bag control module,

which is very similar to a black box.

People hear of a black box used in airplanes,

it retains data after certain, after collisions,

after impacts, and based upon the air bag module,

we were able to determine the speed that the vehicle

was traveling, that the Dodge Ram was traveling.

And the facts indicated and the air bag module indicated

that prior to the accident, five seconds prior

to the accident, the Dodge Ram was traveling

approximately 65 miles per hour.

Now why that fact was important was because

at this stretch of 1604 the speed limit

is 55 miles per hour.

The information contained in there also indicated

that at approximately 0.5 seconds before the accident

was the first time that the driver of the Dodge Ram

actually put his foot on the physical break.

And that the Dodge Ram was traveling at approximately

47 miles per hour at impact.

Based on these facts, we were able to determine

that the version that the driver of the Dodge Ram

was telling the officers and telling his attorneys

and wanting everybody to believe was factually inaccurate

and it was psychically impossible for his version

to be accurate with the data that was collected

from the air bag module.

With that information, with that data,

we were able to establish the liability 100%

on the driver of the Dodge Ram and move on to

assessing what Ms. Galindo's injuries were.

- Mr. Trevino also knew I had a financial situation

because of this accident that happened,

and never ever once disputed helping me.

- The insurance company was relying on the version

that the defendant told them.

They were relying on the fact that it was

Ms. Galindo's fault, and once we were able to establish

that it was in fact the defendant's fault,

that the defendant wasn't paying proper attention

and was speeding, was traveling too fast for the conditions

on that highway, that facilitated the settlement.

- I believe it's fair.

You know there's a lot of things that they had to do.

There's a lot of investigating that they had to do,

stuff that I wouldn't have been able to do on my own.

I don't think I would have even tried to do it

on my own because I wouldn't know where to begin.

And they have the right to subpoena,

they have the right to pull what they want to pull,

what the need to pull, what they need for the

investigations for proof.

As an individual themselves might not have that right

because we're nobody.

You know we don't have the records or the authorities

to pull anything.

I'm sorry, but I just got a sharp pain.

No it's my nerve.

My husband has the cream in the car.

Um, do you need me to start over?

- [Man] No, that is important.

- Okay.

I actually got a new medication that

it's a lidocaine prilocaine prescribed,

and these nerves get really really bad when I,

it's a certain position that I put my head,

like talking like this, it starts to burn,

and the cream just kills the nerves, like yes, yes.

So I just haven't gotten into the habit

of how to place my head when I'm in a conversation

that I can be relaxed and not so you know tensed up, yeah.

- After conservative treatment failed Ms. Galido,

she was recommended to have both a cervical

and lumbar surgery.

She had both, she actually had two cervical fusions,

and one lumbar disk surgery.

To date, her total medical are over $400,000.

She is still in daily discomfort, has limitations

placed upon her, even after the surgeries,

she's limited as to what she can do

with her cervical and lumbar spine.

She's limited to the amount of weight she can lift,

she's limited with the range of motion that she can

move her head both to the left and to the right,

up and down, and keep in mind the insurance carrier

offered her $20,000 when this case initiated.

My client's damages go beyond the repair of a vehicle.

It goes beyond the past medical bills.

I have taken into consideration the effect

that these injuries are going to have on my clients

for the rest of their lives, not just up until

the day of the settlement.

So in cases like this what I do is I hire an expert,

board certified life care planner.

And what that life care planner's purpose is,

and what he does is he provides a physical examination

to my client, like he did in this case to Ms. Galindo.

He looks at all of the medical records.

He looks at the timeline of the treatment

from the date of the accident up until the day

of his appointment, and he determines,

well first what he does is he makes a diagnosis

and determines the extent of the injuries

as it relates to the accident.

And then he determines what medical treatment

those injuries are going to need.

Not from the time of the accident to the date

of the settlement, before the rest of my client's life.

As in this case, we retained a board certified

pain management doctor, who is also a life care planner.

And what he did was he examined Ms. Galindo,

a physical examination on Ms. Galindo,

examined all of her medical records,

examined the timeline from the time of the accident

to the time of his physical examination,

and created a report.

And what that report does is it draws out what her

medical necessities are going to be

for the rest of her life, and based upon that report,

it was determined that Ms. Galindo's medical needs

in the future were going to exceed a half a million dollars.

Unfortunately, accidents like these have a significant

impact on people's lives, not just the property damage,

replacing the vehicle, not just the medical bills

that occurred up to the time of the settlement,

not just the medical bills that

will be incurred in the future.

Additionally it affects one's ability to work.

It affects one's ability to earn income.

- So the money, the check I received today

will actually be used to buy the stuff that

I have lost in the accident,

to pay off debt that I've incurred

because of the accident,

to put away in case I can't afford

to make my co-payments later.

As far as right now, I still have a whole year to heal.

I don't know how I'm going to end up.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to go back

to the same type of job I used to do.

So this is money I'm going to have to put away

and put it away wisely.

- What we do in that instance is

we hire a vocational expert.

The vocational expert will do a physical examination

of the client and review her medical records

and determine if any vocational limitations

should be placed.

What that means is she determines, the expert

will determine whether or not the plaintiff can work

and to what extent they can work,

and what limitations they'll have

on their working abilities.

We take that report, we take the vocational expert's report

and we give it to our economic expert.

And what he does is he says okay, now that we know

what those limitations are, he places a number

on those limitations so that we make sure

that our client is compensated, not just for

the medical expenses incurred in the past,

not just for the medical expenses that'll be incurred

in the future, and not just for the pain and suffering

incurred in the past, not just for the pain and suffering

that's going to be incurred in the future,

but also for the lost income and also for the lost earning

capacity that that individual will sustain in the future.

I'm unable to put Ms. Galindo back in the same

physical condition she was before the accident.

The doctors did the best they could to treat

the injuries sustained in the accident,

and she's going to have a lifetime of discomfort

and pain as a result of the injuries sustained.

My job is to seek maximum compensation for Ms. Galindo.

I can't put her back physically in the condition she was,

but what I can do is seek compensation

for the injuries sustained.

So we've been battling the insurance carrier

for approximately three years now on Ms. Galindo's case.

And as a result of the work done and as a result

of the injuries Ms. Galindo sustained,

we were able to resolve the case for $1.25 million.

In the end we were able to retrieve a settlement

in the amount of $1.25 million in favor of Ms. Galindo.

After attorney's fees and expenses, Ms. Galindo

received over $660,000.

- I do recommend Trevino Injury Law to anyone

needing and searching for an attorney

that has been in an accident.

He's comforting, he's always there for you.

And if there's answers that you need,

that you need him to answer and he doesn't have,

he will find the answers for you.

And he does respond as soon as he can.

- Trevino Injury Law accepts clients based

on a contingency fee basis, which means the client

pays us nothing out of pocket.

We incur all the expenses, we pay for all litigation,

we pay for hiring all the experts,

we incur all the risk, and if the case loses,

we get paid nothing and we eat whatever

is invested in the case.

However, when the case settles, we get paid

a percentage of what we collect from the insurance company.

This allows individuals with limited resources

to battle insurance companies with unlimited resources.

I hope you never need a personal injury attorney,

but if you do, Trevino Injury Law is here for you.

Contact us at 255-3088.

(calming music)

For more infomation >> Best Personal Injury Attorney San Antonio ($1.25 Million Dollar Settlement) • Trevino Injury Law - Duration: 15:49.


how to track location of mobile number - Best Android Apps - mobile location hack - Duration: 3:28.

how to track location of mobile number

For more infomation >> how to track location of mobile number - Best Android Apps - mobile location hack - Duration: 3:28.



The water is slow

Oh this is the Cafe-Restaurant

So wonderful

Look that view

- That's the best part?

I think you get an orgasm now!

Hello! Today we went on Marathonas Lake

We went in the best greek tavern here

named Argentina Tavern

where you'll eat

the best beef chunck

in bbq

in all over Athens

and I think in all over Greece

It's something I've never eater before

It was so juicy

so fluffy

so delicious

we also order tzatziki and potatoes, they were all great

You have to visit it

I'm rating it 9.9/10 for its kind

- Wow

- I was expected to rate it up to 9

I didn't rate it in 10 because nothing is excellent

You have to visit it

Many people think that it's a little bit expensive

and some people who wrote a review in tripadvisor

but I think that it's not so expensive for its food

Meat costs 38euros per kg

I think you may hear the sound now

Despite its price, it's worth it. They bring you a whole beef chunck without a bone

and you eat until you die.

You have visit it also in Winter

Search Argentina Tavern now

and visit it

Τhen we went on Fragma Cafe

you can enjoy all the view of the lake

It's a wonderful cafe - restaurant

you also have to visit it

It's also not expensive as they say

as I read in some reviews

It's worth to visit it!


That's all

Now we going back to home

For those who wil come from Athens

We you'll drive up to 40 - 50 minutes to Marathonas

I'm sure we will come back again here

to make a tour all over the lake

We didn't have time to do it today

but we will visit Marathonas next time

I'm glad you were here today with us

please comment me below

what would you like to see

If you have questions , I didn't answer

and we will meet again in my next video!

Like and share! Don't forget it!



For more infomation >> Η ΚΑΛΥΤΕΡΗ ΜΟΣΧΑΡΙΣΙΑ ΜΠΡΙΖΟΛΑ ΠΟΥ ΕΧΩ ΦΑΕΙ | THE BEST GREEK MEAT | Greek VLOG #11 - Duration: 7:04.


New Nail Art 2017 ♥ Top 36 Nail Art Compilation ♥ The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas Part 29 - Duration: 10:08.

Thank you for watching!

Hope you have a great time

Please like, share and subscribe for more!!!

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 ♥ Top 36 Nail Art Compilation ♥ The Best Nail Art Designs & Ideas Part 29 - Duration: 10:08.





For more infomation >> 9 BEST FOODS TO FEED YOUR PENIS - Duration: 3:08.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part69 - Duration: 15:38.



Welcome to enchancia

Thank you for coming presenting his majesty king magnus of rudest m and his royal sorcerer greylock

The grounds and I am Baileywick at your service

And I'm sofia Princess Sofia of course what an honor?

I must admit Baileywick. I'ma allow me

It may bring you good luck

You're going to need it from the kingdom of Zu Moria

I haven't seen you since the big school reunion. I see your hair grew back, okay?

Slick well your majesty and if there is ever anything more I can do for you during our state

I would be delighted to be of stir there will be a welcome luncheon then the adults will take part in the Royal croquet match

followed by the Jubilee cake presentation

Oh, we don't get cake we all get cake Jay Basara who ever waved a wand

I am just as great as you but nowhere near as fun

We'll just see greylock one Red Brick nothing


putting your majesty

Your majesty I'm so sorry let me clean it if you'll excuse me your majesties

Baileywick, are you all right? I've seen this sort of thing before you have

Indeed even the greatest stewards eventually grow too old for the job too old

You're not really thinking about quitting. Are you being a brick I have been doing this job a long time?

And I don't intend to I am ready to serve nice outfit, but it's missing one thing

Your very own pocket watch oh, Baileywick

Hmm pretty nice yes, but does it do anything would you like one?

You chose the perfect mallet for me slick well as always thank you your highness Baileywick

I think I need a heavier mallet for this one. Oh

Dear you seem to have stepped in some mud princess. I'll just clean up your shoes for you

Oh your majesty. I'm so so sorry

Are you sure you're feeling all right Baileywick there comes a point in every

Stewards life when it's finally time to hang up the watch and call it quits

As hard as that may be you can't do that. We need you. I'll give it one more try

This one looks good. Oh, it's a bang pop not too shabby eh HMM showoff

Do you win oh?

Oh yeah, watch this top that

Is it going to come back down I?

Don't know - bring out the cake and what a great tradition mob is after you

Do all that one's from me. It's a gift fit for a king

Why this is even better than last year statue of you?


humbly offer my resignation

No, well, I don't accept it. I won't accept it. You've just been working too hard

All you need is a little rest and pass and you can't leave us right in the middle of the jubilee

But that's why I'm leaving so I don't ruin the rest of us um if it helps I would be happy to

Hmm. That was a close call

Wait, I can do more

I'll carry things for you and then serve the meals

Whatever it takes just don't leave you are very kind princess Sofia by her now. I really must start packing

Hey, Sofia, you okay?

Sorry about that

when I had it I slipped when you had it you stumbled and

Baileywick didn't get clumsy until Slickwell gave him this pin you think the three quails in charge

You forgot oh

Have you want anything done right you have to do it yourself?

Well, whoever wears the pan of Clarkson Heimer shall be cursed with colossal clumsiness. Thank

You think thanks clover?

I hate this thing permanently

High-five me

right away your majesty

Time it was a cursed Magic pin making me clumsy

No, they've already left sofia look the boat is headed right for the rocks the Royal schooner is in trouble

Can you stop it? We'll do it together like the carousel to the dock

it's no use we must

And let's bring it back

We're fine. Thank you for saving us greylock. I couldn't have done it without my friend Cedric. Oh

Well done cedric. Thank you your majesty the pin

Your majesties I can explain

Please fetch the spare glasses from the crystal cabinet, and there's another jug of gooseberry cider in the galley

Yes, sir, right away princess, Sofia

You haven't heard the last of Slickwell

been a great friend to Baileywick


the new stained Glass window looks outstanding

BaileyWick can't wait to show it to queen Miranda. The Golden wind circus is in town can we go dad can we please please?

James, you know the rule

No, playing ball inside the castle there are too many things that could break like the new Stained-glass window

No, playing ball in the castle. I just want to show you one more trick, but dad said worried. It's as easy as one two


That if he found out, I broke a castle rule. He'll never let me go to the Circus. Oh

It doesn't matter whether we tell him he's going to see the window when he comes back

pretty pretty please

Maybe we should help him he really wants to go, but he broke my part of the window come on Amber

I do it for you

You're not even pushing is it enough? I'm not telling on you amber

I know, I'll keep them from coming in but hurry and cover up to hear it, but first

I want to show your mother her surprise for Daddy, please

Well, I suppose the surprise

Wow, you can't even see that. It's broken see. I told you problem solved

You so much and now some for my beloved parents number

Two actually Amber. I think it's time. We go to the throne er. My new Tiara pretty please


How can I say no well it's very simple really I say it to the children all the time oh

It's in my room. Come on. We can take the long way

It's all cracked

Now what do we do now? We tell dad and miss the circuit eejit can fix the window with Magic great idea

Let's go ask him

Hi, Kun. If I didn't have a thousand more important things to do you have a thousand things to do

Bah, but it is going to get me Sophia's precious


Sofia's amulet is nice and small and once I have the amulet

Of avalor I can use its magic to take

You'll see you'll see now just stand perfectly still don't move

I really hope this works me too at least the cracks not there anymore, but Mr.. Ceedric

Is this is just getting worse and worse?

With Tara no opal, Tiara no burn tear

We're happy to see all your Tiaras, but right now. It's time for your mother's surprise

Mr.. Ceedric is stuck in the window. We really have to tell Dad

I can't look boom dad look at the new ballet steps. I just learned and


Sorry don

Oh, it wasn't me your majesty. It was the church you were surprised. I had it made just for you

Oh Rollie that's so sweet

I guess I have to tell them I broke the window then you won't get to go to this view did this Sofia

I'm sorry, so are we this this seems, so unlike you and it seems a lot like you

Sofia could you escort her to her room please of course your majesty everyone?

Know shall we I love the circus. I wanted to make sure you got to go wow

Thanks, you better get going James or you'll be late

go on

Blame for him that was very kind of you, but a lie is a lie even if you're trying to help someone

It's too bad she broke the window. I hear the jesters are your favorite james. Yeah is something wrong

It's just amber were you playing the harp and showing us Tiaras to keep us from seeing the window, maybe

Yes, it's true. I think it's time. We all winner. I'm sorry me, too

Very sorry when one of you makes a mistake you need to tell us otherwise the problem can get worse a lot worse

Families need to be oh, what are we gonna do with the rest of the afternoon?

I could play songs for my beloved parents number three

Your majesties someone is at the door who would like to have my king my queen ah greetings

What brings you to the castle? We saw you leave the circus early were you unhappy with our show

Okay, hmm. What do you think Miranda? Well the children seem to have learned their lesson hMM?

Hmm sounds marvelous

but ragan

Isn't it lovely don't try it inside all right? All right?

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part69 - Duration: 15:38.


Best Third Party Addons For Kodi!!!Install Quantum Addon On Kodi 17.3 & 17.4 Krypton-2017 - Duration: 3:42.

Hello guys and welcome to "Teconz". In this video how to install the best

third-party video addon in your new kodi version 17.4 krypton, and then addon name is

"Quantum" and this quantum has lots of contents and the contents are

documentaries, kids, Live TV, movies, music and sports are also available.

So how to install this add-on in your new kodi ?.First of all you can go to your

kodi home then go to settings by click this gear icon, then go to "File manager"

here you can click to open this "Add source" option, so click to open it.

Here you can enter the following URL and the URL is

"" then click to "ok", and then you can enter

the media source name as "quantum" then click to "ok" and then you can see the

addon library is successfully created. Now you can go to your kodi home then go to

"Addons" then click to open this little drop box icon, so click to open it. Then

go to "install from zip file" and then you can locate that folder "quantum" then

click to open it, so finally you can select that zip file "repository.sanctuary"

version is 1.0.1 and wait for some time and then you can see the sanctuary

addon is installed successfully. Now you can go to "install from repository"

then locate "sanctuary" and then click to open it, then go to "Video addons".

Finally I get the quantum installation option, so here you can

click to install and the quantum addon is installed successfully. Now I try to

check this addon, if the addon works or not, so just go to your kodi home

then go to "Addons" and then you can select "Video addons"

then locate "Quantum" then click to open it.

It shows one notification, so here you can click to close. Finally my quantum

works very smoothly. Here I try to check if the movies are playing or not,

so just go to movies and here you can see it shows 4k, 3D and 1080p

movies are also available. So I try to watch 1080p movies

because my network is very slow and it shows "pandora 1080p". Now

try to open it but it does not shows any links, so how to fix this error? . You can

go to your "quantum" home and then you can go to "Addons" and here you can go to

"Pyramid" or you can choose any addons. Here you can select movie zone and

here you can watch new releases or people watching and 1080p

movies are also available. So this is the way you can easily install this

third-party quantum in your new kodi version 17.4 krypton. For more videos

you can subscribe my channel "Teconz" and thanks for watching...

For more infomation >> Best Third Party Addons For Kodi!!!Install Quantum Addon On Kodi 17.3 & 17.4 Krypton-2017 - Duration: 3:42.


HOW TO MAKE DIY PEN HOLDER || Best out of Cardboard !!! - Duration: 7:16.




For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE DIY PEN HOLDER || Best out of Cardboard !!! - Duration: 7:16.


Best Mahabharat Star Jalsha Dhrupady মহাভারতে ধ্রুপদী অর্জুন বিবাহ ৩৫ Full HD - Duration: 6:21.

Best Mahabharat Star Jalsha Dhrupady মহাভারতে ধ্রুপদী অর্জুন বিবাহ ৩৫ Full HD

For more infomation >> Best Mahabharat Star Jalsha Dhrupady মহাভারতে ধ্রুপদী অর্জুন বিবাহ ৩৫ Full HD - Duration: 6:21.





Best Of Jean Ferrat - Les plus belles chansons de Jean Ferrat - Duration: 1:09:44.

Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Best Of Jean Ferrat - Les plus belles chansons de Jean Ferrat - Duration: 1:09:44.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part70 - Duration: 16:03.


the curse of Princess ID

Into town 20 witches Tirana with all the bridges can you count how many pots the richest of the witches got?

What - I spent a lot of time with Rex you take him for walks James

You don't play hopscotch with him or try having conversations with him? I mean does she really think she can talk okay. Tell me

Perfect do that one she really can't talk to animals

Can you count how many I'm always talking to them no?

I don't mean regular talking to animals like oh aren't you cute yes, you are

I mean, you can't lie to me

Please Sofia, huh, okay, you're right

Okay, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else. I mean anyone else like what?

Sisters shouldn't keep secrets from each other Sofia I know but whatever it is

You can trust me wait did daddy know I could do all that when he gave it to you

No, you are the only one. I've told your secret's safe with me

Thanks Amber

So can I have a turn you are not being a very good sharer?

I don't suppose you could spare a taste or two or three

Hello, Amber. I really need to talk to you. It's the best. It's the best, and I want one just like it

I'm sorry, it's one of a kind

Just like you okay, then I want an amulet that is even more special than one of a kind don't I know it

I'm sorry Amber. I have to go, but I didn't get what I wanted yet. We'll talk more later. I promise

It's not fair neither. Just have the kitchen prepare a picnic basket for two and

I'll take it from there even more delightful

That's fine with me

So, what do you say?

Cherie Amber, I'd love to have a sleepover great

beans and tell ghost story

Do you have a nine yep? There you go?

And look at that

sweet dreams

Yes, like you know why he doesn't yes, I should

Which I totally deserve, and then I'll give it right back

I can't wait to get a princess to appear for me now

Good and who are you my sweet Little awestruck darling Princess Amber?

Oh, hey, love your gown. It's so beautiful and

I can't wait to learn absolutely everything about you and your

Blindingly colorful kingdom would you like a tour of the castle? I thought you're never happening?

Rollie this is lovely. I did it all by myself

Well, I carried it up here all by myself


Good morning, princess rise and shine. It's breakfast time

You can't hear me

Amber, but will you help me catch one? I want to get a closer look I will but first I need to find Amber

Oh decorations

You did take my amulet lavender irradiance you two may be the most perfect pair of princesses

I've ever met please join us Princess Sofia. I am certain princess when you're in real trouble


I just asked for one and it gave me the greatest princess ever but that's not how the amulet works

It only summons princess is when you really need help. You don't have to get so upset

I'd say out of my way if I were you

That is how I will take over your kingdom

What habit what am I doing here? You don't remember?

Oh, he won't remember anything that happened since he woke up this morning

And if any of you try and stop me again, and now an evil princess is going to take over our kingdom

This is the worst thing you've ever done

How was I supposed to know me your amulet summon an evil princess power is granted a blessing or curse?

You stole the amulet for me, so accursed you by bringing princess. Ivy here. This is

Herman curse

This is impossible

Mr.. Cedric

We need your help you wouldn't be here if you didn't would you first of all there is no need to worry

The amulet of avalor is virtually indestructible

Who's ever bring the elder dragon? He is the oldest of the talking dragons who live atop the blazing palisades?

Choking me for starters

Right if you want to stop princess

Idu dear girl must find a way to bring a meal it to you the curse will be broken now

What indeed but how am I supposed to get the amulet from princess Ivy?

She's probably halfway to the blazing palisades by now, and you're the only one who can get us out. Oh

I'm afraid she's right. Oh, all right. I'll do it, but I'm going to need help

It's okay. We can take one of the old coaches come on


Sophia there you want. Oh, but who's Gonna drive it cedric. Can you fly a coach?

I am a sorcerer, Nortis chauffeur, then. How are we going to get there? Oh?

We can use that instructions great


the Shine princess

No fee. I don't know why anyone would want to paint me. I'm not very tall my mane needs a trim

I've been hitting the oat bag pretty hard lately


I must be having a good main day. Now. Let's move on to our next art project

building your very own

Class for Show-And-tell and because this is such a big project

You're going to pair you up because working with others makes everything more fun

guard and Amber perfect James and Zandar

Heyyo, and hugo

june and Rupert and finally Sophie

Hi, I don't think well. I guess we have to work on the project somewhere great

Today, okay, sure I gotta go bye

I've heard that her parents are gnomes, and she lives in a cave will glow-in-the-dark bats

I heard she has a pet dragon really


Are you guys working on your dream castle yep? We're not sure what we're gonna make debt, but whatever it is

It's gonna be really really thin dire. Need me right guys. Nope. We're good

Okay, guess I'm ready to go then

wolf says maybe in a strange

Hmm. Why do they say that I don't know no one really knows her well

Have you tried talking to her Mm-hmm, but she barely said a word hmM

She knows an escape plan what you need is some backup princess. I'll go with you


Little you are

Just don't let the Backson no scratch clover behind the ears

Wow, this is definitely, not a cave

What was that dear? I said you have a lovely home. Oh, thank you

Vivian why don't you show Sofia your room?

Clover you can relax now no cave. No bats. No nose. I don't think any of those stories are true, okay?

She's adorable

Thanks. I'm sorry if I was acting a little nervous before I was well. I yeah, that's okay

I understand so should we get to work on our dream castle. Yes great idea

We can work in my room come on

I'm cool, and I'm really excited to meet you

Sparky, what's with the flame-throwing? Oh, sorry. I breathe fire

Wait, did you say picnic isn't with food?

Let's see if I could put anything in the world in our castle. I'd choose a Sorcerers workshop for short there

This is my music room wow

It's my favorite spot in the castle. Oh, really

Now I'll sing if you play we can sing about all the things we'd put in our dream castle. Well, I guess I could


Vivian you're really fun to work with. Oh, thanks. Have never ever heard anyone say that before that's just because they don't know you I

Think I better get going but I'm glad I came over today, and I'm really glad we're partners me, too

See you at school tomorrow

Wow seems like crackle really likes you yeah

What if stanford Drawbridge weave giant seahorses that you can ride across the castle moat?

No, your mates show them what you're really like you mean

Talk to them. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Really you can do it

Why is it 50 and run off?

She's just shy, but trust me you'd like her once you got to know her if you say so sofia shall we eat lunch ladies


I'm worried about Vivian she ran away from me at lunch, and I couldn't find her all day. You're clover. You're her friend

She breathes fire. You're her friend Fire. I

Could see why come in come in tell you?

What's all this?

I've been planning it since the mini hole mm. Nice Smoky flavor. I like it you do

Over here you have a visitor


What happened to you today? I wanted to talk to the other girls Sofia

And I was going to do the talking we both are it's part of the assignment

How about I do the show part and you do the toe?

Vivian you're going to have to start talking to people sooner or later I please

I'm sorry

We've got roasted carrots and toasted almonds - I am so glad you made me come back here princess cause fire-breathing

Not so bad

I have an idea well sing about our dream castle instead of talking then you weren't nervous anymore true

- do it together a friend may be all you need?

Thank you. Thank you so much. What a lovely presentation

Now it's James and Sanders turn of the cannon boom. That's it

Thank you James and zandar. It's a very nice cannon. I mean you're gonna be great

I hope you're right sofia because there are a lot of people watching hey pretend

It's just you and me in your music room. Just the two of our castle. We would float

With the dolphins in the moat, we'd paint all the towers blue now. I hand it out to you

And that's our dream castle

Better let's go to a playdate right away ah we should have made the cannon bigger you, okay?

I am I really am

Thanks, Sofia

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part70 - Duration: 16:03.


Teachers Day Pop Up Card | Best Teachers Day Greeting Card | Amazing Teachers Day Card Ideas - Duration: 7:56.

Teachers Day Pop Up Card | Best Teachers Day Greeting Card | Amazing Teachers Day Card Ideas | Pop Up Cards

For more infomation >> Teachers Day Pop Up Card | Best Teachers Day Greeting Card | Amazing Teachers Day Card Ideas - Duration: 7:56.


Meep City Racing Best Way to win - Duration: 3:28.

Welcome back Youtube Today we are showing off meep city racing i couldnt make a video earlier because reasons unknown ENJOY:D

Come on people load!!!!!!



YEAH BOI!!!!!!!!! 1st place in da hood bois

yo i just saw an elephant did you see it


ok lets keep this powerup because its dam op and its an auto hit so...

Oh btw if you cant read it fast enough go to the bottom right corner of the video and click the gear icon and change the video speed to .75 or something

XD random stop


ima lap dis kid up a head


lezz go back in first



IM in third place ;(

oh no i lost


All I do is win win win no matter what Got money on my mind I can never get enough And every time I step up in the buildin' Everybody hands go up And they stay there And they say yeah And they stay there Up down, up down, up down 'Cause all I do is win win win And if you goin' in put your hands in the air Make 'em stay there

For more infomation >> Meep City Racing Best Way to win - Duration: 3:28.


How to choose the best social media platform for business - Stephanie Scott | Brighton West Video - Duration: 1:46.

- Are you wondering what

the perfect social platform is for your business?

I'm Brighton West

and I'm here at the eWomen Conference in Dallas, Texas,

and I asked Stephanie Scott from Social Factor,

"What is the best platform for a business?"

- Typically at Social Factor, we think about that

in terms of business-to-business

versus business-to-consumer first.

Oftentimes, if you're a B2B business,

a platform like LinkedIn,

where you're reaching business professionals

makes more sense.

Whereas for business-to-consumer,

oftentimes, something like Facebook or Instagram

is a great place to be.

Facebook just reached two billion active users.

So really, you can reach any type of person there,

but Facebook is kind of low-hanging fruit.

Also, you have to answer the question,

"Who is your target audience?"

"Who is your customer?" Right?

These platforms tend to have different demographics.

So, for instance, a platform like Pinterest

is more female than male.

A platform like Instagram or Snapchat

is really popular among millennials

and even Generation Z.

So figure out who your target audience is

and then choose a social media platform

where you can reach them.

The other thing is

thinking about whether your business lends itself

to highly visual content or not.

So for instance, if you're a restaurant,

if you're a retail boutique,

it might make sense to be on a platform

that's more visual like Instagram or Pinterest.

If your business does not lend itself to a visual presence,

maybe you're an insurance agency or a dentist,

it may not make sense to be on a platform

that's most exclusively visual like Instagram.

- If you'd like to know more

about social media marketing

and hear more from Social Factor,

I've got their website down below in the comments.

And if you'd like to get more information

about using YouTube for your marketing,

then be sure to click the "Subscribe" button now.

For more infomation >> How to choose the best social media platform for business - Stephanie Scott | Brighton West Video - Duration: 1:46.


Sadhguru: TRANSFORM YOURSELF (Best Motivational Video 2017) - Duration: 13:28.


to create fear you have to use excessive

imagination do not be in fear you don't

have to do anything

fear is happening because of the

excessive imagination things that are

not happened you're creating what may

happen in your mind happens in thousand

different formats and most probably it

never happens the things that you feared

take hundred things that you have feared

probably 99 of them never happened isn't


yes so you're here your fear is always

about that which does not exist you

cannot fight well you cannot overcome

that which does not exist we can

overcome something with that exists you

cannot overcome that which does not


you just have to give up the effort

everything that ever happened to you

darkness and light happened with the new

pain and pleasure happened within you

joy and misery happened within you have

you ever experienced anything outside of

yourself no so what I am asking you is

what happens within you who should

determine how it should happen

definitely you should determine what

should happen within this isn't it

so if you determine what's happening

within this your whole experience of

life will be determined by you nobody

else but you isn't it the events around

you may not be determined by you but how

your experience of life is on this

planet is 100% determined by you if you

take charge of this if you leave it

loose just about anybody will

determinate effort has to be incisive in


it should be focused calibrated believe

you make effort it's foolish effort

isn't it just labor is not going to get

you somewhere right kind of action the

right timing right place all this is

important isn't

so for all these things to happen you

need perception and intelligence so

that's all you must do in your life

constantly looking for ways to enhance

your perception and your intelligence a

rest will anyway happen


this is one thing that unfortunately

humanity is not doing they're trying to

become capable of something do not try

to become capable of something just

enhance your perception and intelligence

if you you should just observe if

everybody makes an little effort

everybody take a little time for this

piece of life okay not for your family

not for your career not for something

else something else just for this piece

of life give it little time because this

is the most important piece of life in

your life isn't it even if you're in

love with somebody still this is the

most important piece of life isn't it so

pay some attention to this how does it

happen why have you taken it for granted

believe me you're not going to be here

forever I'll bless you with a long life

but you're going to fall that one day

you are living with an idea that you are

immortal when I say you're immortal

you're not actually thinking you're

immortal but you are not conscious of

your morality mortality if you are not

conscious of your mortality somewhere

you think you're immortal isn't it how

many moments in a day are you conscious

that you're mortal if you were conscious

would you have time to crib would you

have time to fight with somebody would

you have time to do some rubbish with

your life if you knew if you are

conscious that you're mortal you will do

nothing other than what is absolutely

needed for you and everybody around you

this one thing if you do if you just

remind yourself you don't think this is

a negative thing death is not a negative

thing it's the only thing which is added

value to your life if you just become

conscious of this one thing

that always your conscious that I'm

mortal you don't have to think I will

die today we don't intend we want to

live as far as possible just you know

one day I will die if you just conscious

of this one thing you will naturally

become spiritual every day every moment

if you remind yourself this is a brief

life and motto one day I will end if you

want to know the value of life just know

that it's a brief happening loosen up

your life a little bit laugh a little

more involve yourself with people around

you do things that you think is not so

important don't do things which are very

important do simple things very

important you do simple things very

important things you're doing in your

life you will become dead serious

seriousness has come essentially because

of your self-importance you hold

yourself as an important person it does

not matter what the whole world says

about you it does not matter how

significant the work you're doing you

must understand that tomorrow morning

the world will go on fine without you

whoever you may be isn't it so if you

constantly remind yourself of this

you'll have no reason to be serious we

are completely committed to one

dimension of our intelligence which we

call as the intellect which is just the

thought process thought can only happen

with the data that you have gathered

through five senses which is very

limited one thing another thing is the

nature of data that the senses gathered

are only useful for survival process the

very nature of how you see things how

you hear smell and taste and touch life

is only relevant for survival process if

you wanting to know the life itself then

these instruments of perception are no

good even what is light and darkness is

a debate between you and another

creature which sees darkness as light


if you sit within an owl and start an

argument as to which is light and which

is darkness it's an endless argument

nature is opened up our sense perception

as it is necessary for our survival

accordingly it is opened up sense

perceptions for different creatures as

it is necessary for their survival but

if survival is all you're seeking this

is good enough the five senses but once

you have come as a human being

somehow survival is not good enough if

your stomach is empty there's only one

issue about food but once the stomach

becomes full you have a hundred issues

going on so the nature of the human

being is such no matter what you do you

want to be something more than what you

are right now and if that's something

more happens something more something

more it's an endless pursuit so

somewhere a human being is seeking a

limitless expansion but trying to do it

with physical means the very nature of

physicality is a defined boundary if

there is no defined boundary there is no

possibility of physical happening in the

universe but now a human being is

longing for the boundless that - in

installments and through physical means

through the boundary you're trying to

become boundless the desire is fantastic

the method is hopeless

because the moment you identify yourself

with something your intellects work is

just to protect that identity if you

whatever the identities of nation or

family or gender or race religion

whatever the moment you identify

yourself with something your intellect

will only function around that to

protect that so it is a certain type of

prejudice the moment you are identified

so the only thing I did with my life is

and never identified myself with

anything and life just exploded within

me in ways that thought seems so puny

that I do not indulge in thought most of

the time pleasantness is the choice

isn't it so why is it so much

unpleasantness is happening in human

experience because we never took charge

of the inner dimension we believe by

fixing the outside everything is gonna

be okay in the last hundred hundred

fifty years with the advent of science

and modern technology we have fixed too

many things on the outside if you fix

anymore there won't be a planet left yes

definitely this has brought much

convenience and comfort to our lives in

every way we are the most comfortable

generation ever but we cannot say we are

the most joyful generation on the planet

we are the most loving generation on the

planet we are the most blissed-out

generation the plant definitely not we

are complaining complaining like crazy

about everything like never before

this is because we fix the outside

comfort and conveniences happen

well-being is not happened

if your interior tea was handled by you

consciously you would definitely keep

this in a blissful state so is bliss the

goal of life no bliss is a necessary

condition for life to flower to its full

potential otherwise it will remain

constrained you're paying too much

attention to everything around you not

enough attention to this farm but the

quality of your life is essentially

determined by how you carried this one

yes or no this moment what kind of

clothes you're wearing what kind of car

you parked outside what kind of home you

live in does not determine the quality

of your life this moment how joyful are

you feeling within yourself determines

the quality of your life isn't it so

nothing has been done about it

you think it'll happen in consequence

and you're sitting impossible goals for

your happiness if I have to be happy my

wife should be like this my husband

should be like that my children should

be like this the world should become

some other way well these are impossible

conditions you're setting for your

happiness and peacefulness now that you

have compromised yourself to peace why

I'm saying compromise yourself to pc's

because a lot of people have given up

aspirations for being ecstatic or

blissful if I'm just peaceful it's

enough even the so-called spiritual

leaders are going about and saying peace

is the highest goal in your life peace

is not the highest goal in your life if

you want to enjoy your lunch today

you must be peaceful if you're not even

peaceful there is nothing in your life

that you can do in a worthwhile way to

be peaceful essentially means this that

you're not messing your mind

to be peaceful means that your system is

at ease you know how to conduct your


you know how to conduct your emotions

your body and your energies you are

peaceful it is not a rocket technology

it is the most basic thing see it has

nothing to do with the external activity

that you're doing it's got something to

do with the internal systems as to how

they're functioning essentially it means

either neither your body now your mind

or your chemistry nor your emotions nor

energy or taking instructions from you

they're doing their own thing once your

machine is not in your control being

post peaceful is impossible peace is not

the highest goal in your life it is the

most fundamental requirement don't ever

set peace as the highest goal if you do

that your only rest in peace you must

see to be peaceful is the first thing in

your life isn't it if you want to do

anything sensibly in your life if you

want to conduct any situation in your

life sensibly to be peaceful and happy

is fundamental



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