Hey everybody it's Doctor Jo, and today I'm going to show you the 10 best knee
strengthening exercises. We're gonna go through all the muscles around the knee
to get them stronger, so let's get started.
So these top 10 exercises are my favorite exercises.
They're the ones that I found worked best for me, they work best for my
patients, there's no scientific research behind it, it's just the ones that
through all my years have found work the best for people. So we're gonna start off
first with bridging, now bridging helps strengthen a lot of things including the
hip muscles, but those muscles that come down and cross the knee especially the
hamstring muscles, so a bridge really works those hamstrings that helps get
them stronger, and that's really important in the knee because it helps
bend that knee or do that flexion, so let's take a look at that exercise. For
bridging, bring both knees up and put your feet flat on the ground, you can put
your arms by your side, and then lift your bottom up off the ground just to
about level, so you don't want to arch your back, and you don't want it sagging,
just bring it up level and then slowly come back down.
Number two is a clamshell exercise. Clamshells are one of my favorites
because they really work the glutes here, the glute med on the side, the IT band
area, all these stabilizer muscles here in the hip that help us walk properly,
and so even though it's up in the hip, it really makes a difference down in the knee
because if we're not walking properly, it can cause a lot of pain and weakness in
the knee, so make sure you're doing the clamshells correctly because if you're
not in a good position, you're not really working the muscles that you want to, so
let's take a look at my exercise. For the clamshell in side lying, lie on your
side with the side you want to exercise up on top, make sure your hips are
perpendicular to the ground, so you don't want to roll back, stay up top then with
your knees bent, bring that leg up just like you're opening up like a clamshell.
Number three is a seated hip flexion exercise. Hip flexion is really important
because it works those hip flexors the psoas muscles up in here, and again even
though it really works the hip, that has a lot to do with the knee as well, it
helps strengthen the knee because if our hips are working properly, our knees are
working properly, and it some things going on here and it's weak, it can
affect our knee as well, so those are important to do knee strengthening and
general type exercises even though it's called hip flexors, so let's take a look
at that exercise. For seated hip flexion, make sure your back is nice and straight
when you're doing the exercise, just bring your knees straight upwards.
Number four is a seated long arc quad. We call it LAQ sometimes. For the long arc
quad, it's working your quad muscle and again the quad muscle is so important to
the knee because it helps extend or straighten out that knee, so a lot of
times after an injury or a surgery this quad muscle isn't working at all,
sometimes it won't even activate, so it's really important to keep this muscle
strong and work that to make the whole knee stronger because it has so much to
do with the strength of the knee and the tracking of the kneecap, so let's take a
look at that exercise. For seated knee extension, just bring one foot up and
squeeze that quad muscle as tight as you can, then slowly come back down.
Number five, squats at a chair. So squats are like the perfect exercise for the
legs, the knees, the hips, all those muscles there, your quads, your
hamstrings, your glutes, any kind of squat is great. I like to start off with a
squat at a chair just because if you can't go all the way down, you can just
sit down in the chair, but squats are super important to do them correctly
because if you don't do them correctly, you're not working the muscles how
you're supposed to, and sometimes then you're putting too much pressure on your
knees or other areas so make sure you're doing them correctly by watching this
video. For squats with a chair, use the chair as a target, step just a little bit
away from the chair because you're going to stick your bottom back and bring your
chest forward so your knees don't go in front of your toes, so squat back just
touch the chair and come back up.
Number six, lunges. So lunges are just about as cool as the squats in the sense
of working all the muscles in the knee and the legs and the hips. It's the same
kind of thing, it works those quads, it works those hamstrings, it's a great way
to strengthen those muscles, you can do modified ones just like you can do
modified squats and slowly work your way down, so it's a great exercise overall to
help strengthen the knee, the hips, the ankles, all the above, so let's take a
look at that exercise. For lunges, you're going to put one foot out in front of
you, try and keep both feet pointed forward, sometimes people will turn it
out a little bit, but try and keep them forward, you want your upper body to stay
nice and straight, not leaning forward, and just go straight down, keeping the
knee behind your toes, and then coming back up.
Number seven, step ups. I really like step ups especially when you slow down the
step, when we're going up and down stairs, normally we usually go pretty fast, we
use momentum. A lot of times, we can't tell something's weak because we're just
going and help using gravity to go down, using momentum to go up, when you really
break down a step up and you go slow and you go controlled, it works those muscles,
again those hamstrings, those quads, those calf muscles all the muscles have to
work together to help get you up in a smooth control motion, so when you slow
it down it's a really great exercise for the knees. So let's take a look at that.
For step ups, make sure your step is nice and sturdy and use a cane or railing for
balance if you need it, make sure you control your step up, and control it
coming back down.
Number eight a single leg stance. So I think sometimes people forget about
balance a little bit as a strengthening exercise, but it's really important
because it works those smaller finer muscles not only in our ankles, not only
our hips, but in our knee as well, so if we don't have good balance, that's
usually a sign that our muscles are weak, so strengthening those muscles by doing
balance exercises are very important, so let's take a look at that one. For single
leg balance, stand next to something sturdy just in case you need a little
assistance. Stand on one foot and then just balance, if you can go down to one
finger do that, and then if you can go not holding on at all.
Number nine is going to be a four-way hip exercise. So I'm cheating a little
bit because I'm I'm balling up four exercises into one, so it's going to be a
hip flexion, hip extension, hip abduction, and hip adduction. So see that's a lot to
say sometimes I even mess up, but again that it's hip exercises, but it's really
important for the knee as well, most of those muscles that attach the hip come
down and attach and sometimes even cross the knee, so it's equally important to do
those exercises to help make the knee strong as well, so let's take a look at
those. Here are you're standing 4-way hip exercises with a chair. For standing hip
flexion, using a chair for assistance keep your upper body nice and upright,
pull up your toes to lock out your knee, and keep your legs straight the whole
time, kick out just a little bit and then
slowly come back in.
For standing hip extension, use a chair for balance, keep your upper body nice
and upright, lock out your knee by pulling up your toes to keep it straight,
and kick back just a little bit, but try not to arch your back, keep everything
nice and straight.
For standing hip abduction, hold on to a chair for balance, keep your upper body
upright, pull up your toes to lock out your knee,
and lead with your heel just kicking out a little bit.
For standing hip adduction, hold on to a chair for balance, keep your upper body
nice and upright, pull up your toes to lock out your knee, and cross your leg
over the other. Number 10 the last exercise is going to be a heel raise. So
just standing up and doing heel raises where you're bringing your heels off the
ground really helps work those calf muscles, and those calf muscles are very
important in the knee and our ankles and how we walk and just movement in general,
so having those calf muscles nice and strong really helps our knee be nice and
strong as well, so let's take a look at that one. For heel raises, use something
sturdy for balance and put your feet about shoulder width apart, then bring
your heels up as high as you can and then slowly come back down.
So those were your top 10 best knee exercises. If you have any questions, leave in
the comment section, if you'd like to help support my channel click up here,
and if you'd like to subscribe make sure you do that by clicking down here, and
remember be safe (strengthen those knees), have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.
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