Welcome to the straight razor edge Friday special! Hey Eric here with Adventures
In Wet Shaving and welcome back if this is your first time here and you're
interested in learning how to a straight razor shave go ahead and hit that
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videos that way you won't miss a thing in tonight's show we're doing best how
to shave with a straight razor tutorial for beginners
all right you tuber the discussion room asked maybe you can add beginner videos
for teenagers who are starting to shave and then youtuber Kypros said that's a
great idea adding a newbie how-to video now the first thing we're going to do is
I fold up my towels in certain ways and this is just kind of out of habit but it
also serves as a good way to function to clean off the razor there's stuff like
that so this one I fold in thirds and now this one I fold in thirds as well
okay and then I'm gonna lay that here this one here and next we're going to
look at a very important part of this which is beard mapping so you know my
beard I kind of let it grow out a little bit so it'd be easier to see you know
here it pretty much straight down right here it kind of looks like this right
and the way you can tell this is you just rub your finger over it
one way and then go the other way and you can find out which way it's growing
all right and then here you can see what's going on with that pretty much
straight down then over here the same kind of thing is what's going on with
this cheek right but this is maybe a little bit more just back towards the
back part of that jaw and then you know the chin you know
you can see how this is pretty much straight down here and then this section
straight a little bit here going out then my neck if you look see it is kind
of hooking by hacking across this way here and on this side it's a little
different angle right but still the same kind of thing in my jawline is more or
less going that way right through here pretty much straight down till you get
down here and it's very important to know this that way you'll know how to
deal with your beard and what's going on with it alright so now we have that and
the next thing I would say is you need a good self so now what I'm going to be
using tonight is double trouble and this is praying mintus and this is Whitman
Thal as well this is a marvelous like gardenia
peppermint it's just very fresh and with that menthol it it's nice during the
summer it really is and this is by the way a hundred percent vegan soap as well
so if that matters to you there you go now for a brush you don't have to spend
a lot of money on a good brush okay what I did is I got this Omega 10000 98 this
is for brush it's a big honking brush but it's good it's really good so I
would say that would be a great place to start
okay now for a good lather though this brush that you get no matter what it is
I don't care what kind of hair okay maybe synthetics different I've just
never used them so I don't know but now for this brush and any natural hair
brush they do have to be soaking in water
just like any other hair that way they won't be brittle okay
in silk it but suddenly soak it from about here down
don't ever soak the not that that's not good that will mess up that brush pretty
quick and you break in that brush you're not
going to get a really good lather till you've used it for a while and really
broken it in okay now razors we have you know you you're
probably or using a cartridge razor you might be using a de razor all right
and then for the razors we're gonna be looking at tonight okay this is a Parker
and this is a SRB so this is a Shea back this takes half of a double-edged blade
and what I've got in there right now is a sharp blade okay and now these you
just swap out the blades you never have to strap them and they're on sharp and
they're like machine sharp so now in my opinion the shavette because they are
machine sharp they're one of the kind of cons on that is they are a little bit
more aggressive okay and I would say in my personal opinion that straight razors
believe it or not are milder just because of the machine finish one
display alright now the next razor up is my tiaras are and this is a 69 this is a
six eight blade alright this is new old stock and it is quarter hollow just
brilliant brilliant razor I'm going to say out
the late 1960s early 1970s but now this would be a good size to start out with a
6/8 alright because it's really maneuverable alright now next up this is
my Z Y grand slam okay now this is a Chinese razor real wood scales metal
spacer it is hollow ground and that's probably a half hollow and this guy is
inexpensive and you can actually get it straight from China that in it would be
shave ready all right at least to a certain degree all right
and now this one this is a thirteen sixteenths plank
so now if I was to compare these two so you could look at it right you see the
difference okay now the next step from here would
be something like this now this is my weight in butcher for
gentlemen juice now this is out of probably 1840 to 1860 it is a wedge and
this is a 15 16 smiling Blake just a beautiful shaver but now it is larger
and let's just look at that again with that same six eighths blade okay and you
get a really good idea right of the difference here that blade is a lot
bigger than this one I personally like big blades but for a beginner the six
eighths is probably a good choice or the thirteen sixteen I think would be
a fair fair choice alright now next up we are going to you know we we've now
mapped or beard we talked about some razors now I'm going to shave with
everything but the cartridge razor in the de alright because you already have
those if you're shaving now next pre-shave now what I always do is I take
a shower before I shave and you know if you can't take a shower what I would do
is I just washed that beard off really good and you know make sure you keep it
wet because what happens is your hair in your beard is going to have the same
tick tensile strength dry as copper wire alright but if you can keep it
moisturized then you're in great shape now the other thing you could do is add
some kind of a pre-shave cream all right I'm not going to tonight and you may or
may not need to all want to for that matter now what I normally do though is
I've got the brush Sookie right and then I also had the puck blooming and what
that means is it's under water and that was hot water when I started now I'm
going to pour that water uh-huh okay and we're gonna put that on as appreciate
because it works and you're you're trying to hydrate that beard and that's
what really matters so go ahead and hydrate that beard with
that bloom water
all right there we go now I'm gonna just clean those hands off yeah we are going
to get most up water out of that brush okay next I am going to load up this
brush and what I do is I just swirl it around okay and you swirl it around
until you get enough on there and by enough I mean whatever you think is
enough and then add some more okay it's just better better to have more all
right now tell me how you doing it is Friday
you know we are right on the weekend all how wonderful and hopefully you're doing
well having good shaves maybe even great
shades right that would be awesome all right and now here look at this okay
that is excellent that is more than enough all right
and now what I always do because I make
normally more of a mess than this okay so I just go ahead and clean up the
inside I clean out around the outside and then I take that as well and just
put it on - wall it's not going to hurt anything and the more soap you have the
better in my opinion next there it is in that beautiful we're
gonna get our lather on all right and now you could Bowl lather
I personally face a lather I just for me I like the face feel okay and that's
also why I use bore brush it is a little stiffer and I can really work this into
the those whiskers and for me it it really helps
okay and now look at that look at that
all right so again fantastic so this is vegan soap but if I didn't tell you you
probably wouldn't know all right and look at that look at that beautiful
Sheen I don't know if it's coming across on camera as well as it is here in
person but there you go now next up what we're going to do I'm going to start
with the 6/8 all right and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna shave
but now when you're beginning okay I want you to section your face off okay
and just do little bits of it at a time all right
so important stretch so I'm going to do that and see how that stretches and then
I'm like I'm gonna lay that blade like this flat and then I'm going to cock it
up like that right where there is about the same
width as the spine off my skin so we're gonna go flat
then we're gonna cock it up like that see and now you just I want you to go
straight down with it
all right now that's it day one day one I just want you to do
that and look at that I mean cleared out those whiskers no big
deal done and you're done okay next what I would do to clean it up is you only
put this part of the razor into the water from like here down okay
never never put the pin or the pivot in the water don't get the handles in the
water because water is our enemy all right so I do that and then I wipe it
off on that towel good to go all right next I want you to do that for five days
in a row okay when you're shaving four or five shades that's what I want you to
do all right and that'll be good for you next if you really want to go with a
shavette and be able to change the blades you don't want to worry about
strapping or any of that okay then and what I do with my blades as I strop them
all forty to sixty times 40 60 laps okay and that's that's what I do now with
this you wouldn't have to okay so see with this what I do you I do basically
the same thing you go flat and then cock it up now you could get away with more
with this but I'm telling you don't if you do that's going to be a bad habit if
you transition from this into a straight razor so what I do is I keep that same
like spine with
and see I got little hollows here so I just pop out my chief and try to flatten
everything out all right so there's that one and now this would be fine if you
want to go that way however I think it's more aggressive actually than a straight
razor simply because it's a machine edge all right so now let's go ahead and move
on I'm going to now be using now that actually what we just did that would be
week two okay that's all you do week two and you do
that with both both of those would be with your dominant hand now what I'm
going to do is using this zy grand-slam which is now bigger right here then the
straight razor otherwise isn't sit it is bigger now what I'm going to do with
this one is I am going to switch hands I'm gonna be using my left hand my
non-dominant hand yeah you know for me I gotta kind of clean off some speed bumps
and if you have them you should do it too all right
and now we're gonna do the exactly the same thing with this but with our left
hand now what I normally do is I have two fingers in the front of the handle
two in the back all right and my thumb on the bottom that seems to work the
best for me now I have seen people do that and I've seen people do something
like that all right but middle-of-the-road good for me two
fingers in the front to the back thumb down here alright and that gives me the
most control so now again we're going to stretch we're going to pull that up
sitting and I'm going to pop out that cheek
all right and then we'll move over so I can see what I'm doing
all right now from there we can take this in we can this this would be this
this part in this part could be you know week one week two definitely week one
week two this could be part of week two but since it's your other hand you may
want to actually go to week three on that alright now again I just cleaned
off this blade and I only got it wet from here from here down I didn't get
the hinge pin none of this wet the handles not wet
alright because water is our enemy now we're going to I'm going to go with the
grain with this one as well
and I want you to look at this spine
that's actually even either equal to or less than the spine width okay now what
we're going to do from here okay is that is now week 1 week 2 week 3 and week 4
you are getting really comfortable at this point okay
now yes you know you're doing this right doing week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 and
then if you have a de raiser you're gonna finish off with that because
that's what you're used to right or if you have a multi-blade cartridge razor
you're going to finish off with that because you're used to that do that okay
you don't do your whole face you can work into it now this my waving butcher
okay and remember it's bigger right so it is much bigger than this because this
is six eighths this is a 15 16 all right now for my neck I am going to go across
the grain mainly all right that's what I'm going to do I'm going to leave all
of this for last because this is more intricate alright your cheeks your neck
should be a little bit easier now for me I look up and you'll notice I blow my
cheeks out and or I'll smile whatever works best for me and you should do what
it works best for you okay so let's get to it
here we go we're gonna lay that blade down there on that neck right and now
here with this this blade the spine could almost be touching your neck or
even touching it alright because you don't want a whole
lot of angle
okay so you can either do that which is going up or and it depends on how your
hair growth or what you could do is really more of what I normally do which
is I will stretch and hold that and then I will be taking the first pass going
down okay because that's it's still on my neck going to be across the gray but
that works pretty well for me okay and then I will be going like this
and see this ways with the grain this Way's a cross the grain
and now no this is fine and how much room there is now this is going to be
straight down
this is sideways
all right and now what we're doing with this is this section in here whatever is
easy is going to be now that next week okay and then we'll finish off with
whatever we're used to shaving with and again I just got from here wet down
didn't get the hinge pin wet didn't get the handle wet all of that still good
okay now let's switch back to the thirteen sixteenths and this is the Cy
Grand Slam now this is brilliant because these are really inexpensive and it'd be
a good starter razor okay now I'm going to stretch pull that up and see how
that's right at my jawline and then I pull it up and it's over my jawline okay
like that
all right and now there you go that is pretty much set all right now we will do
my mustache area next and what I normally do is I would start with this
with my dominant hand
like that alright and then take it from there I'd switch hands and do the other
alright now here's the trick all of this is steps so you're going to section off
your face to get the best shave based on how your hair grows
okay and now for me you know this this would probably be enough for me to go to
work is just a single past shave now here I'm going to work on that section
right there okay because it's straight and then I got some scars here down in
the groove and then we're going to switch it up
all right now for me looks like I maybe hit a little bump there for me I got
another one there what I'm gonna do is on that chin just because you know it I
really got our hook here I'm gonna go across but now you have to figure out
how it works best for you
all right there we go now I get that razor cleaned off and now normally what
I would do it just set it down like that and now I'm going to wash this off and
we're gonna see how we did you know you know that is yeah that's a passable
shake okay so I could go to work like this now if you are a teenager and young
definitely that's probably enough okay and yeah you have quite the beard
you'll probably have to do more than that
all right but now here's the trick that would be enough for you know the first
pass and if you need to do some cleanup go with the de right go with the de go
with the multi-blade cartridge clean it up and then just keep getting used to it
all right so don't rush it practice practice
practice all right that is the key and switch
hands switch hands that's good too because you'll be able to get to areas
of your face with each hand in different positions then you could if you just
used one hand all right hey thank you so much I really appreciate you for
stopping by for this shape click right up here to see a complete straight razor
shave from pre-shave to push a the whole routine and you can see past two and my
half past as well all right again thank you for stopping by really appreciate
you click right over here to see my latest video click down here a video
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this video with your friends have a great shave and a good day and I will
see you next time on adventures in wet shaving
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