welcome to TTI today we are listing some
amazing superheroes gadgets and
technology that actually exists
guys this is LIKE a real opportunity to
become a superhero number one Iron Man's
high-tech suit we all know that Tony
Stark has a red-colored advanced sci-fi
exoskeleton suit which is so cool that
we wish we could have it ourselves but
right now in this century a Japanese
electronics firm is selling a four meter
mechanical suit known as Kurata on
Amazon that can be controlled by your
iPhone or by stepping foot inside the
device as it has 30 motors to maneuver
itself around another suit designed by
the US Army features a high pressure
hydraulic system to enhance a soldier's
strength agility and endurance it's
called the tactical assault light
operator suit or Talos
it effectively gives its where our super
powers such as superhuman strength and a
way of deflecting bullets
number two spider-man climbing
technology we all know how much Peter
Parker changed after he was bitten by
that radioactive spider all of a sudden
he could climb on walls and shoot webs
climbing on skyscrapers is not so easy
for us
that spider bite might even be starting
to sound appealing by this point but
before you get carried away I should
tell you that scientists from Stanford
University have come up with a climbing
system inspired by gecko that actually
enables humans to scale vertical glass
like spider-man
here this person whose weight is 70
kilograms crawled up using sticky
attachments on his feet and hands the
gloves used the same molecular force
that allows a gecko lizard to walk on
ceilings number 3 telescopic lens a
recently unveiled a range of contact
lenses was designed to give wearers
telescopic vision just like comic book
heroes they were designed to restore the
sight of people suffering from
age-related macular degeneration or
blindness it kind of looks like the
eyeball from the Terminator robot which
can help zoom in on faraway objects to
spy on them
number 4 mind controller do you want to
control objects with your mind just like
Professor X in x-men would you believe
me if I told you it's already possible
to control objects with the mind
a company called Emotiv adapted a $499
gaming headset that lets wearers control
on-screen and physical objects with
their brain as a part of a racing game a
driver is wired up to the
electroencephalography headset and the
device is trained to read their unique
brain patterns, never feel power like this before
number 5 Wolverine
super healing powers in the x-men films
Wolverine has mutant powers which allows
him to heal himself even when he's shot
or it thrown from a building the
electrx concept involves implanting
tiny devices into patient's bodies that
use electric impulses to monitor and fix
vital organs each implant would be so
small it could be injected into patients
using a needle to target nerve endings
if it's spots an organ which is infected
injured or failing it would stimulate
the nerves needed to get the affected
organ back to functioning properly this
program is being sponsored by DARPA my
friends I thank you for watching which
superpower would you love to have in
real life let me know in the comments
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