Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily which May 27 2017

welcome to TTI today we are listing some

amazing superheroes gadgets and

technology that actually exists

guys this is LIKE a real opportunity to

become a superhero number one Iron Man's

high-tech suit we all know that Tony

Stark has a red-colored advanced sci-fi

exoskeleton suit which is so cool that

we wish we could have it ourselves but

right now in this century a Japanese

electronics firm is selling a four meter

mechanical suit known as Kurata on

Amazon that can be controlled by your

iPhone or by stepping foot inside the

device as it has 30 motors to maneuver

itself around another suit designed by

the US Army features a high pressure

hydraulic system to enhance a soldier's

strength agility and endurance it's

called the tactical assault light

operator suit or Talos

it effectively gives its where our super

powers such as superhuman strength and a

way of deflecting bullets

number two spider-man climbing

technology we all know how much Peter

Parker changed after he was bitten by

that radioactive spider all of a sudden

he could climb on walls and shoot webs

climbing on skyscrapers is not so easy

for us

that spider bite might even be starting

to sound appealing by this point but

before you get carried away I should

tell you that scientists from Stanford

University have come up with a climbing

system inspired by gecko that actually

enables humans to scale vertical glass

like spider-man

here this person whose weight is 70

kilograms crawled up using sticky

attachments on his feet and hands the

gloves used the same molecular force

that allows a gecko lizard to walk on

ceilings number 3 telescopic lens a

recently unveiled a range of contact

lenses was designed to give wearers

telescopic vision just like comic book

heroes they were designed to restore the

sight of people suffering from

age-related macular degeneration or

blindness it kind of looks like the

eyeball from the Terminator robot which

can help zoom in on faraway objects to

spy on them

number 4 mind controller do you want to

control objects with your mind just like

Professor X in x-men would you believe

me if I told you it's already possible

to control objects with the mind

a company called Emotiv adapted a $499

gaming headset that lets wearers control

on-screen and physical objects with

their brain as a part of a racing game a

driver is wired up to the

electroencephalography headset and the

device is trained to read their unique

brain patterns, never feel power like this before

number 5 Wolverine

super healing powers in the x-men films

Wolverine has mutant powers which allows

him to heal himself even when he's shot

or it thrown from a building the

electrx concept involves implanting

tiny devices into patient's bodies that

use electric impulses to monitor and fix

vital organs each implant would be so

small it could be injected into patients

using a needle to target nerve endings

if it's spots an organ which is infected

injured or failing it would stimulate

the nerves needed to get the affected

organ back to functioning properly this

program is being sponsored by DARPA my

friends I thank you for watching which

superpower would you love to have in

real life let me know in the comments

For more infomation >> 5 Superhero's Gadgets Which Actually Exist ! - Duration: 5:35.


How Do I Know Which Lawyer to Trust With My Social Security Disability Claim? - Duration: 4:47.

Hello, my name is Corey Luedeman

and I'm a Social Security Disability

attorney at RSH Legal.

Let's talk today about choosing

the right lawyer for your disability claim.

You have many different choices

when it comes to an attorney,

and determining which lawyer is the best

lawyer for your disability case

can feel like an overwhelming task.

There are a few ways that you can

narrow down your list.

Let's talk about the wrong way to pick

a disability attorney, because there are

wrong ways to do things

such as picking a lawyer.

The absolute wrong way to pick

a disability attorney is a quick decision

based on convenience.

One of the most common reasons

people pick a certain lawyer is because

that lawyer's office isn't too far from

their home.

Disability Law is a very specialized field,

and it's unlikely that the best

Social Security attorney will be just

down the street.

Rather than picking the nearest attorney,

you should focus your search on the

most qualified attorney for your

disability claim.

In particular, I'd say you should

have someone you feel comfortable with.

You need to decide if you would like

a national disability law firm to

represent you, or a local small

law firm.

There are large national law firms

that specialize in Social Security

Disability claims.

Hundreds of applicants hire these firms

to handle their cases each year.

The trouble with large firms is that

you can quickly become a case number

or a Social Security number

to an attorney instead of a person.

A smaller law firm is more likely to know

your name and the details of your case.

If having a relationship with your attorney

is important to you,

you may want to consider hiring

a smaller law firm to handle your claim.

In order to increase your chances of

finding an attorney that is qualified

and will represent you well,

we recommend following a few steps.

First, ask your local Social Security office

for a list of attorneys that work on

disability cases.

They should be able to tell you

which local attorneys have experience

with Social Security cases.

They may not be able to recommend

only one, or tell you which one

is the best, however they can

give you a list.

Number two: do an Internet search.

Searching for the term

"Iowa Social Security Disability attorney"

is a good way to narrow down attorneys

that are local to your state.

But be careful.

Make sure that they are local to

your state and near you.

Make a list of these attorneys

and visit their websites if they have them.

If they have written information

on Social Security Law, download it from

their site, or call them and ask for it

to come to you through the mail.

Number three - speak to family

and friends who have had disability

attorneys in the past,

or have one right now.

One of the best ways to find

a Social Security Disability attorney

is through word of mouth.

If an attorney does a good job

for someone, they are likely

to spread that attorney's name to others

who need it.

On the other side of the coin,

if a disability lawyer - or any lawyer

for that matter - does a bad job

for a client, their name is

likely to be spread around as well

- just not in a good way.

A large part of our disability cases

come from former clients referring

their friends, neighbors, and co-workers

to our firm.

We consider it a great honor

each time someone refers

a case to our office.

Number four - meet with each attorney

on your list in person, if at all possible.

Once you have assembled your list

of attorneys, you should call

each office and schedule an

appointment for a face-to-face meeting

with each attorney.

It is important that you feel comfortable

with the lawyer you decide to hire.

If you're not comfortable with

your attorney, you may not tell them

everything they need to know about

your conditions. That information can be

very critical in a case.

Choosing an attorney for your

disability claim can be a very personal

decision. This blog should have

given you some tips on how

to make that decision a little bit easier.

If you still have questions,

please feel free to call our office

at 1-800-433-0283,

or download our free Law Guide

to Social Security Disability Claims.

For more infomation >> How Do I Know Which Lawyer to Trust With My Social Security Disability Claim? - Duration: 4:47.


All Time Low Takes Fuse's "Which Pop-Punk Band Are You?" Quiz - Duration: 3:26.

We're one of the bands in this category right?

So it's "which classic not-pop-punk band are you?"

Pick a pop punk festival.

Snowcore, Taste of Chaos, Warped Tour, The Fest.

I guess for us it would be Warped Tour.

I don't even know what those, well I guess Taste of Chaos.

Pick a state.

Uh, California, New Jersey, New York, or Florida.

Let's go with California. Because we had a song about it.

I'd say New Jersey though.

I would say New Jersey or New York.

Yeah, I agree.

Well, not gonna get us, but I'm just saying.

Pick a store at the mall.

Pac Sun, Hot Topic, Zumiez, or Journeys.

Hot Topic.

What's your favorite pop punk record label:

Fueled By Ramen, Lookout!, Fat Wreck, Kung Fu?

Fueled By Ramen!

Pick and old school pop punk band.

Buzzcocks, The Jam, Bad Religion, or Descendents?

We're going with Bad Religion.


What sport sounds the most appealing to you?

Skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, what are sports?



How do we do this?

[talking over each other]

I've never skateboarded.

You used to skate! You had a skateboard.

I sucked.

If you could only listen to one Green Day single

for the rest of your life, would it be

American Idiot, Basket Case, Good Riddance, or Minority?

I think Basket Case.

Pick a pop punk era.

Late 70s, late 80s, mid 90s, 00's duh.

There was pop punk in the late 70s?

2000s, duh.

What pop punk band was in the late 70s?

How do you feel about your hometown?

It's the worst, I'm always trying to get out of this town,

suburbia is hell, it's fine.

It's fine!

I like Baltimore!

Are you on team Taking Back Sunday or Brand New?

What are you talking about?

Taking Back Sunday, obviously, Brand New, I love both bands.

I love both of them so this one is tough

but I gotta go with Brand New.

But there's an option "I love both bands!"

Ok, both.

Which word would your friends use to describe you?

Vivacious, talented, charismatic, punk.


Certainly not talented.

Let's go charismatic.

If you could trade vocal chords with any of these performers-

is that a thing?- who would it be?

Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie, Luke Hemmings, Katy Perry.

Katy Perry.

I agree.

Although they're all great singers.

Of the following, which pop punk stereotype do you fully embody?

I love pizza,

I've been rocking fringe bands since '03,

skinny jeans all day every day,

I fall in love with folks who're just not that into me.

Is there an all of the above for this?

Skinny jeans, right? Gotta be.

I'd say skinny jeans.

We're still wearing skinny jeans.

[record scratch]

We're Paramore?

We are Paramore!

We're not all All Time Low?! That is how we find out?

We're Paramore.

I knew it. I always knew it.

I've been waking up every day thinking I'm someone else

so this makes sense.

I'm having a bit of an identity crisis right now.

Like Alex said on that little note, trust your gut.

I'm trying to think about what we did wrong.

It was the California one.

We're not from California!

I know-

They're from Tennessee!

It's not about where you're from,

it's about where your songs are about, probably.

We got songs about New Jersey!

All the hits!

You can't change 'em now.

He's trying to change 'em.

I don't think we were an option.

Has anyone done it and gotten us?

Late 70s pop punk.

It's all Paramore.

Jack's not letting this one go.

You cannot escape it.

Just let it go buddy, it's time to stop.

I always knew we were Paramore.

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