I want to tell you guys a story six
years ago we were invited to go to a
picnic at my husband's work and I was
super excited I was excited for the
opportunity to one get out and talk to
other adults I was a stay-at-home mom at
the time he only had a Emel she was about
a year and a half years all around there
and I was excited to be able to go spend
some time with other people I was
excited for the opportunity to go and
meet some of the people that my husband
works with get a tour of where he's
actually at when he goes to work during
the day I've never really seen his
office before so I was really excited
for the opportunity to do that and I was
just excited just excited about life
right so I remember we went to this
picnic and when we were having a great
time I got to walk around and look around tour and see where he was working
and meet some of the people that he was
working with being able to connect
faces with actual people that's kind of
fun right when you can go oh that's who
you're talking about
and Emel looked absolutely adorable as
anyone and a half-year-old would look I
had her desk out looking absolutely cute
and one of the fun things that they had
at this picnic was a photographer and
the photographer stopped us as we were
walking and offered to take our family
photo and I remember so clearly seeing
the excitement on my husband's face when
the photographer wanted to take our
photo and for me I had like the internal
dread going on like oh I really don't
want to get our picture taken because
let's me lay the scene out for you
this is six years ago I was overweight
by like 80 something pounds incredibly
uncomfortable in my skin stiff sickness
took place around this time of year and
I was wearing blue jeans to the event
because there was no way you were going
to get me in short on my blood work was
showing that I was pretty diabetic I was
really struggling with my PCOS and
basically if there was a camera I tried
to avoid it at all cost I did not want
my picture taken now we had a ton of
pictures of my daughter I mean come on
it was our first child you get a little
camera happy right with your first get
tons of pictures of her tons
pictures of my husband with our daughter
the occasional picture with me when
maybe my husband would catch me unaware
or situation would arrive where somebody
would take a picture but not a lot so
we're at this event and the photographer
comes up and he wants to take a picture
of our family yeah and my husband is
just you know he's excited about giving
a family photo I'm hurting it but I'm
saying okay let's go ahead and get it
Amell looks absolutely adorable let's
get this picture taken so the guy takes
the picture we go on and just kind of do
our own thing enjoying the rest of our
time at this event now as we're leaving
the event the photographer's there and
he he's got his stuff set up so he can
just print everything off and he hands
us the pictures as we're leaving and so
I've got this picture and it's been a
nice little envelope when we get in the
car and I'm like kind of half excited
half dreading opening this picture to
take a look at it and my husband's
driving the caramels in the backseat and
I open it up and I just remember the
feeling of who is that you know looking
at this picture of myself I didn't
recognize myself I mean I I knew that I
was overweight I stepped on the scale so
I knew that I had weight to leave I knew
that I was not sitting comfortably in my
clothes I dreaded going shopping
any time I walked into a store I hated
it because I knew that I needed at least
a size 20 if the paint's were going to
go on and so I dreaded that I knew that
something was out of control because I
had the blood work that showed that I
was pre-diabetic and I knew because my P
cos cos symptoms were out of control but
it wasn't until I actually saw the photo
that it really clicked for me how out of
control I had become how much anger I
had and how uncomfortable it really
truly felt until I saw that photo and I
had that aha moment of holy cow who is
she and I've got to do something that
was my big aha
now I've shared this story before with
other people and you know it's really
easy to gloss over
aha moment to the getting to the now but
here's here's the truth as I was through
a sighting that it was time to make a
change that I needed to do something
right I failed a lot I quit a lot along
my journey so what you see now there was
a lot of quitting that took place so you
know I get this picture I've got this
big aha moment I gotta do something so
I'm like loosing my head I've got this I
got this and then life happened
something would happen that would throw
me off course and derail me completely
and I quit and then I come back to this
aha feeling and then I'd you know keep
going feel that okay I got this I got
this I got this
so I finally got to the point where I
put multiple times multiple times before
you know I was able to finally stay on
track and what was it that finally made
you say I am tired of quitting I'm tired
of starting over all the time what were
the tricks that helps me get to the
point where I stayed on track so I
wanted to share with you guys some tips
these are things that I had used that
made the world of difference for me on
being able to go and I'm done quitting
I'm done I don't want to start over
anymore I want to stay on track and I
hear this all the time from the ladies
that I work with and from other people
going how do you stay motivated how do
you stay on track so I want to give you
guys some tips and some tricks that I
personally know work because I use them
myself to keep me on track and to keep
me from quitting and starting and
quitting and starting with quitting and
starting but first I want to give you
guys a bonus a bonus one all right and
the first bonus is don't die it simple
as that don't die
and the reason why I say don't die it is
because I don't like the words dying it
I really don't it's got the word die in
it that's never a good thing right
it's got the word die in it and the
thing about diets that why they don't
work and why there's so many different
diets out there is because usually you
deprive yourself of something and then
you have you know you go really well you
go really and then life happens and
something happens and you get thrown off
the wagon and you cave in
ever was that you were depriving
yourself up and then the guilt sets in
and then you're completely off the wagon
and then it's like a circle then you get
motivated again and then you jump back
on and that twice they don't diet
instead as you're thinking about making
healthier choices in your life
whether you know you're just trying to
get your nutrition on track or getting
your workouts on track or whatever don't
think of it as I'm being punished
because that's what diets feel like to
me anybody else that's what a diet feels
like I don't want to feel like I'm being
punished instead this is the bonus tip
think of it as a lifestyle it's not that
I can't have something it's I'm choosing
not to have something because it doesn't
it doesn't fit in with my goals and if I
choose to have something that's my
freedom of my choice but it doesn't take
me off my path all right so I'm going to
jump into these three tips and as I'm
going through and you're listening to
this and whether you're listening to it
live or maybe you've caught the
recording of it please if this is
something that you feel like other
people would benefit from hearing please
share this I'd really appreciate it if
you shared it with other people because
I know you probably know somebody who
could benefit so all right so the first
one the first trick is it's all in
mindset saw in mindset how often do you
talk to yourself negatively you know
usually when people start out on a
fitness and health journey they go in
with the attitude of well I'm gonna try
or I'm going to do my best but you know
those give you out when you go in with
that mindset and the brain it is a
powerful powerful thing right so you've
got to change your mindset and I know
for me when you know I had a big
remember I had that big aha moment when
I saw that soda the big I've got to do
something every single time I quit is
because I went into the mindset well I'm
gonna do my best
well guess what achieve myself and out
gave themselves and out so just simply
changing the way and reframing it in
your brain with I can do this
and I will do this it's amazing how
that is when you keep saying that and
giving yourself those affirmations every
single day I can I will I can I will I
can I will alright so the second tip is
to make small changes um I used to be a
big all-or-nothing girl
big this is all or nothing girl so when
I first started I was like okay big soda
addiction big soda addiction um so I'm
just an all soda out and that will do
the trick
and then I have a really big sweet tooth
scope all dessert is off the table and I
need to start running immediately and
I've got to do this right now
and this and this and this and it you
know set me up for failure
it set me up for failure because I have
this mindset of I've got to do all or
nothing and there's no in-between and
you've got a really shift it goes back
to the same trick number one shifting
your mindset of going it's not all or
nothing small progress small changes so
for example um maybe you have a soda
addiction well you know maybe you work
on cutting back slowly
maybe you drink five sodas a day and you
work on getting down to three and then
you work on getting down to two and then
you work on getting down to none right
and then you've got something to
celebrate like well I went from hmm you
know all these sodas and now look at me
I can celebrate the progress that I'm
making and then you check that one off
and then you go okay I want to get into
running right um whatever it is so for
me it was writing I wanted to get into
running so instead of going well I'm
gonna go full speed ahead and I'm going
to run five miles no I went in with you
know I had to change it and go okay
small progress I'm going to get the
couch to 5k program out and I'm going to
rock that and that way I have something
to celebrate and it's manageable and
it's something that I can really give
okay so that was trick number two so the
third one is yes you may have some
pickle that's right see my kids my kids
this is real life dad my kids are in
background um so where was I was on tip
number three right well tip number three
make yourself accountable on whether
that me
telling the people in your house are
actually getting an accountability
partner or getting into some type of
accountability group it's amazing when
you have somebody else that's depending
on you that is holding your hand and
you're holding their hand and you're
holding each other responsible how much
more successful you will be you know
when I first started out and I mean I've
got this 80 pounds to lose I'm
you're the first person I went to with
my mama my mom and I said you know what
I need accountability I need somebody to
hold my hand and will you do that for me
and my mom stepped right up to plate and
said yes because she herself had this
week that she wanted to lose and
together we were able to work together
just a minute I will be done I'm on a
live video okay just a minute really
so getting an accountability partner so
I'd love to hear from you guys if you're
watching this live comment right now do
you have somebody that hold you
accountable do you think that that would
be beneficial who is it feel free to tag
them if you're watching this later maybe
you catch the broadcast later I do still
check the comments and I love to hear
from you the comment about your
accountability partner so those are just
three simple tricks that you can do to
help get you from stopping and starting
and stopping and starting and if you
miss the bonus tip that was at the
beginning when this video is done make
sure you go back it will upload and
rewatch the beginning where you can
catch the story at the front and here's
what that bonus tip is all right so real
quick I would love to hear from you guys
um where these tips helpful is there
something that you've been doing that
you have found this giving you great
success also is there a topic that you
would like to hear me talk about is
there something that you would like to
pick my brain on comment below again if
you're watching this live you can
comment now if you're catching this
I do go back and read your comments and
I'd love to hear what you would like me
to talk about and my kids are asking for
pickles so I guess I'm going to get off
and go get them some pickle all right
bye guys
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