Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily what May 28 2017

You may be asking "What's SoToSendoCadu"

but the correct question is

"Who is just being Cadu?"

Yes, I'm just being Cadu

that means all content I post on this channel

is what I believe that shows my personality

reflects who I am

would be hard calling "SóTôSendoCadu" if I wasn't doing that, right?

I post rhythm games gameplays, I post vlogs

tutorials, unfunny jokes

don't worry, you'll get used to Cadu Virus within time

welcome to my channel

and don't mind exploring and subscribing to it

and discovering what makes me Cadu

I think I'm done

that's it, it's enough

For more infomation >> What SoToSendoCadu is (and welcome to this channel :D ) - Duration: 0:48.


WATCH Federal Prosecutor Found Dead, You'll Never Guess What He Was Investigating - Duration: 14:24.

WATCH Federal Prosecutor Found Dead, You'll Never Guess What He Was Investigating

A reputable Miami prosecutor, Beranton J Whisenant Jr., likely never thought his life was in


Yet, the man's body just washed up on a Hollywood, Florida beach.

Whisenant had been investigating DNC voter fraud.

This husband and father of three was only 37.

He leaves behind a devastated family and community.

Also, he wasn't just investigating the DNC voter fraud.

He was also in charge of a few cases of other crimes, those which the liberals love to pretend

don't exist: passport and visa fraud.

This man was no friend to those in the deep state, who would rather their crimes go overlooked.

Many Democrats, who rely on illegal voters and even voter fraud, would have ample reason

to want Beranton Whisenant out of the way.

The mainstream media is already doing their part to cover-up any potential wrong-doing

in this case.

The Miami Herald has suggested that if the death was a crime or "retaliatory" than

authorities would be more aggressive.

For their part, police have simply stated that Whisenant seems to have suffered some

kind of head trauma, possibly a gun shot.

They are still looking into the matter.

There is no reason to think authorities are not being aggressive in their pursuit of this


Why can't the media just let the police do their job?

Why can't the media just stay out of the way in general and report the FACTS like they're

supposed to?

Any American death deserves a full investigation from authorities.

There is no reason to dismiss the possibility that Whisenant was murdered.

If he was murdered, the media is just enabling a serious criminal.

We patriots prefer to support authorities in their investigation.

No one can deny that the body of a prosecutor washing up on a beach, with head trauma, is

a serious matter that deserves our full attention.

Whisenant matters to us, and he matters to his community.

Benjamin Greenberg, Acting US Attorney, said that Whisenant "was a great lawyer and wonderful

colleague, and we will miss him deeply.

Our thoughts are with Beranton's family and friends."

Learning the circumstances of his death should be a top priority, not swept under the rug.

Do you think Whisenaut's death may have been foul play, maybe even from the DNC?

Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want

to hear

YOUR voice!

For more infomation >> WATCH Federal Prosecutor Found Dead, You'll Never Guess What He Was Investigating - Duration: 14:24.


5 Food Habits to Improve Your Memory | What to Eat to Improve Memory - Duration: 2:02.

Welcome to Health Wisdom.

In this video, you will learn about the things you need to do to improve your memory.

Our brain requires healthy nutrients to work in top condition and therefore we need to

eat lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and whole grains to remain active and alert.

Some of the things you need to do to boost your memory power are:


Include Vegetables and Fruits Vegetables and fruits are an excellent source

of antioxidants and are memory boosters and helps in protecting the brain cells from getting



Increase the Intake of Omega-3

According to some studies omega-3 is quite beneficial for the brain health.

Some of the food items which are rich in Omega-3 content are salmon, sardines, flaxseed, kidney

beans, broccoli, spinach, soybeans, walnuts, etc.


Reduce the Intake of Saturated Fat Food items that are high in saturated fats

such as whole milk, butter, red meat and cheese etc. can increase the risk of dementia and

lead to memory loss and concentration problems.


Drink Green Tea Green tea is a good source of polyphenols,

which is a powerful antioxidant and brain enhancer.

It protects against the free radicals which are known to cause damage to the brain cells.

Green tea also helps in improving memory and can slow down the brain's aging process.


Reduce the Consumption of Alcohol Taking excessive alcohol can kill the brain

cells and therefore you should reduce its intake.

According to some research if you drink alcohol in moderation it can actually help in improving

the memory and cognitive abilities.

Thanks for watching this video, if you enjoyed this video, please do not forget to like and

subscribe to our channel.

In this channel you will get information about various health related topics.

Wishing you good health in your life, bye.

For more infomation >> 5 Food Habits to Improve Your Memory | What to Eat to Improve Memory - Duration: 2:02.


What Pushes A Man Away From A Woman - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> What Pushes A Man Away From A Woman - Duration: 2:31.


Selena Gomez reveals what 13 Reasons | selena gomez new song | selena quintanilla - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez reveals what 13 Reasons | selena gomez new song | selena quintanilla - Duration: 1:21.


What does rhyming slang mean? - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> What does rhyming slang mean? - Duration: 0:38.


Top 7 Affordable Analytics Tools What Your Startup's Growth 100% - Duration: 3:36.

Below [R7] cost effective, and affordable analytics tools that can help you monitor optimize and grow your startup

number one

[Clerestory] Data as the name Implies

Clerestory Data will tell the story of your brand with the help of various data sources

Dotted combines external data from your industry as well as internal data from your business [to] deliver

specialized predictive analytics it also provides collaborators

storyboards perfect for remote startups that communicate on the cloud

Number [2] size despite having a freemium pricing model [feist] is an all-in-one

Analytics dashboard that lets you monitor every single facet of your startup

It's the closest you can get to Enterprise Grade business intelligence platform

Without spending a single dime and it also has a smooth learning curve for startups with smaller teams

You can simply choose pre-built widgets to pull data from different sources and into a single location

number [3] geckoboard keep in mind that analysis without focus may turn into paralysis

Data Board makes sure the data you Gather directly benefits key pieces of business Growth D its sales

Digital marketing or customer support it utilizes data visualizations to help you keep [track] of Key performance

Indicators [or] kpis more importantly Data is shared in real time through Live TV

Dashboards to keep everyone in your team on the same page

number 4 Google analytics

: google analytics is a flexible and scalable analytics platform that focuses on the performance of [your] website

It provides an in-depth overview that covers metrics that matter including

audience demographics traffic acquisition channels and bounce rate for individual landing pages

By understanding this data. You can focus on optimizing your content and user experience for maximum conversions

number 5 male Spis

: email services offer the best way to gain a direct line [to] your customers

regardless of Which Email provider you use mails


the performance of your email marketing

Campaigns [in] addition to relevant kpis such as click-through rates open rates and recipient geolocation

You'll find out more about the actual email reading time of your readers the data visibility you gain with the platform is

Substantial which is why it prides itself as the Google analytics for emails?

number six Buffer

Colon buffer is a free

Comprehensive social media management platform that's equipped with Built-in analytics for all of your social Media

Content it comes with an [easy-to-use] visual interface to help you turn metrics into actions in just a few clicks

number seven mint while it is positioned as personal finance app mint is capable enough to meet the

Extended needs of small businesses it links directly to your bank accounts and payment services

[so] it doesn't depend on manual data input unlike most budget management platforms available in the market this

Time-saving feature is a huge deal for small startups that are already undermanned

Thanks for watching Don t forget to subscribe

For more infomation >> Top 7 Affordable Analytics Tools What Your Startup's Growth 100% - Duration: 3:36.


WATCH Kurt Russell PUNISHES Celebrities Who Get Political And Assume Americans Care What They Think - Duration: 14:24.

WATCH Kurt Russell PUNISHES Celebrities Who Get Political And Assume Americans Care What

They Think

The Trump phenomena if anything has demonstrated like never before the bridled mindset of progressive

dogma that permeates the celebrity community, especially within Hollywood, the destructive

cult-like conviction of those within the motion picture industry is ironic when one considers

Hollywood's fabled history of tolerance and acceptability, which no longer exists.

However if you're lucky enough to be one of those few "critical thinking" independent

marquee celebrities like Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson, Tom Selleck, Jon Voight or Kurt Russell

then you've achieved something few within the entertainment industry achieve, the ability

to be a free-thinker without fear of being "blacklisted" for your beliefs.

That rare commodity was recently on display in an interview by actor Kurt Russell about

not being a liberal in la, la land.

"This is a business that's heavily promulgated by people who have a politically liberal bent

. . . I don't begrudge them that.

I'm a libertarian; frankly, I think my liberalness goes far beyond theirs in a lot of ways.

But yeah, we think differently, and maybe that's cut me out of some things.

I don't care.

People know I get along great with all kinds of directors, all kinds of actors.

And I tell you, you hire me, I will show up, 24/7, and I will give you 100%.

I will help you fix whatever problems come up.

You hire me, I'm your boy.

It's just; it's all about the work.

And when that's done, I am done!"

However it isn't always that simple even for someone like Russell, who was invited

to appear on "The View"

Where he apparently took Whoopi and her liberal co-hosts to task saying: "The last thing

I like to watch is entertainers or actors get political."

He then gave them a lesson on the Second Amendment, and how important it is to preserve those


No doubt there are other perhaps less famous actors, that keep their political beliefs

to themselves, for fear of being ostracized, however as long as there are brave individuals

like Eastwood, Gibson, Selleck, and Voight willing to stand up regardless of the outcome,

those of us in Middle America will continue supporting them at the box office!


SHARE this on Facebook if you agree with Russell that Hollywood losers like Meryl Streep need


For more infomation >> WATCH Kurt Russell PUNISHES Celebrities Who Get Political And Assume Americans Care What They Think - Duration: 14:24.


What I Eat Thats HEATHY |🥒 Vegan Friendly | The Worlds Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe! 🥒 - Duration: 6:58.

Yeah, this is the pizza song

the pizza, pizza, pizza song,

this is the song of a pizza, all of a pizza

pizza, pizza, pizza. This is the pizza song.

Hey y'all. What's going on.

Today I'm going to be showing you how to make

my cauliflower very veganish pizza

it is really, really great and healthy for you

so let's get right into it and oh

these are all the ingredients you're going to need let's go.

Alright, so first we're going to be cutting up our

cauliflower make sure you get a big

sharp knife and just start chopping that

bad boy down nice and crunchy make sure

you wash your cauliflower before you

know if some person you know if anyone's

watching this and don't know how to cook

and know didn't know that you have to

clean your veggies before you wash them

yes you have to wash them girl. Next

we're going to take it and place them

into the blender. This is a Ninja blender

it's like one of the older versions, I

had it for a long, long time just going

to set it low and just going to not

really blend it into liquid I'm just

going to blend it until it makes it

really choppy almost like confetti looking.

This is how it should look,

it should look like little sprinkles, little thick sprinkles.

I'm quite sure you can do the same thing

with a cheese grater but I don't have

one of those I just had my little

blender and I can chop up my vegetables

like that next I'm going to take my

cauliflower and place it into my pan and

this is what while I'm placing I'm

placing it to a plant instead of

straining it because I don't I'm not

doing all that that's a lot of work what

I'm going to do is try to dry out the

moisture in my pan I seen a great recipe

on Pinterest and they said you can do it

like this so this is how I decided to do

it okay so next what I'm doing here is

just sprinkle a little bit of onion

powder onto my cauliflower and you're

just going to take your wooden spoon and

just keep mixing away make sure when you

cook it you're not overdoing it you're

not trying to make it brown you're just

cooking the dryness out of to make it a

little drier

now I'm going to take a half a cup of

Parmesan cheese just put that into the

bowl also I did one egg and I mix it

into the mixture also just only one egg

to your mixture don't put two just only

one because you don't want it to get that

liquidy again you want it to all stay

nice and dry so you're trying to cook it

it don't be too you know to moisty next

we're going to take my cauliflower and

place it onto my baking sheet and my

pizza pan here comes the fun part you're

going to have to take your time and

patience to flatten out your cauliflower

you can shape this is the fun part

because you can shape it into a pretty

little heart to a circle a square

whatever you like one of your kids

whatever you and your kids might like

and make it into a fun little project

but just yet just keep pressing it down

to a nice little flat circle and keep

your edges not too thick but kind of

thin so don't um so you can get a nice

crisp at the end go ahead and place it

into the oven for about 20 minutes or so

and set your oven on 400 now I'm just

showing you guys what it looks like

right here because I'm just showing you

how I'm gonna put it back in the oven

because I don't I wanted a little bit

more cooked than this I want it to be a

little bit more crispy on the edges so

I'm just going to place it back into the

oven for about 15 more minutes and this

is what it came out to look like if

you're seeing it on the edges looking

just like this a little crispy on em it

is perfect what for me at least

see how you can pick it up a little bit

nice and thick not breaking apart next

I'm taking my organic tomato sauce

I got this h-e-b if you're interested

down below with sauce this is, just comment down

below and I'll let you know. Just kind of

place a little bit because I almost made a

mess. Almost made a mess with my marinara sauce. I

love some tomato sauce just going to

place it into the middle and jump and

start spreading it all over make sure

you don't get it on the edge of the

pizza because that I messed it up just

make sure you try to keep it around the

perimeter at least after that I went

ahead and did my organic baby spinach

and arugula I feel like they gave me

more arugula than spinach in this

package so they got me but that's okay

I'm just going to go ahead and spread

that all over onto my lovely pizza next

we're going to go ahead with my tomato

and mushroom already went ahead and

slice these previously before I did this

video prepared to this video just go

ahead and chop everything on up place it

all these are arms sweet tomatoes they

are so delicious just going to go ahead

and place that all over place so much

mushrooms on top and you don't have to do

like I'm doing if you just place them

however you want to do it is just my way

on how I like to place on my pizza

I'm going to go ahead and spread my

mozzarella cheese. I love me a lot of

cheese, well not a whole lot of cheese on

my pizza but just enough to make it nice

and cheesy because you want to taste

like a pizza you want that nice melty

cheese all over and we'll go ahead and

add my Parmesan on, you can add as much as

you want to. I really love

Parmesan cheese on my pizza. I'm just

going to go ahead pop this bad boy back

into the oven put the degrees on 400

again and make sure I'm think I'm going

to leave it in for about 15 minutes just

make sure you keep eyeballing it well

this is it this side came out and now it

is time to taste it it came out really

really good.

Alright we going to let Jon taste the first piece.

You like it?! Yeah, it's pretty good.

I thought it wasn't gonna be not that great being

cauliflower but cauliflower but it's good.

Alright, Caress it's your turn.

Get you a bite of that piece of pie.

How do you like it?

I like it.

You know I can barely chew because of my wisdom tooth.

I like it. You know that sauce I like

sauce, especially the marinara sauce

and I got a full thing I make up on

my face but that's cuz I just did a

tutorial for you guys but yeah I like it

this pizza came out good. Thumbs up

thumbs up. It was awesome and pretty healthy.

Mmm yummy in my tummy. LOL. Byeeee! xo

Pizza crab is the pizza absolutely for you and me!

pizzas are you and meeeeee!

For more infomation >> What I Eat Thats HEATHY |🥒 Vegan Friendly | The Worlds Best Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe! 🥒 - Duration: 6:58.


Obama Attacks Presidenet Trump, Not Laughing When Pics Show What Happened At His House - Duration: 16:20.

Obama Attacks Presidenet Trump, Not Laughing When Pics Show What Happened At His House

Former President Barack Obama may perhaps go down in history as the most disrespectful

and arrogant leader America has ever had.

In fact, he proved just that when he recently started to attack President Donald Trump in

a public forum – but he wasn't laughing a few hours later when a few pictures leaked,

showing what just happened at his house.

As Mad World News reported yesterday, Obama joined German Chancellor Angela Merkel in

Berlin and threw a few digs in the direction of his successor.

At the time, Merkel was seen nodding as a smug Obama said to the crowd that "We can't

hide behind a wall."

Of course, Merkel got her own dose of karma a short while later as Trump looked her in

the face and got even.

Embarrassing her on the world's stage, Trump told everyone that Germany wasn't living

up to its end of the NATO agreement and is going to need to start paying their fair share.

Unfortunately for Obama, his instant justice would only come to be on account of his beloved

pastime of shooting himself in the foot.

As it turns out, he probably should have taken into consideration what was happening at his

own home at the exact time he was laying into Trump.

According to The Gateway Pundit, "back in Washington DC, workers are completing work

on Barack Obama's wall around his home."

Although they have been working on the wall for months now, they're just wrapping things

up at this time, The American Mirror reports.

n an extreme act of hypocrisy, Obama was telling the world that "walls" don't work and

really only destroy relations, yet he was surrounding himself with one at the same time.

At this point, I don't know if Obama just says what's popular or if he actually believes

his own words.

My guess is, he says whatever will score him the most points with the public and further

his agenda – and thankfully, for him at least, the liberals are about as dumb as they


Sadly, it's that exact kind of double standard that the U.S. has been faced with over the

past 8 years.

Although Obama said things like "America deserves more," the only person who actually

got more was him and his wealthy friends.

Now, we're seeing him say that "walls" don't do any good as he personally surrounds

himself with one in the name of security.

Of course, that's exactly what the right has been saying needs to be done across the

southern border as Mexican gangs continue to flood our streets with drugs and illegals

rape and kill innocent Americans.

However, when we say it out of genuine concern for the safety of American lives, we're


Thank God this man is no longer steering this country down the wrong path anymore.

If the world would just ignore the charisma and façade and see Obama for what he is,

they'd all be doing themselves a huge favor.

Heck, they may even save a few


in the process.

For more infomation >> Obama Attacks Presidenet Trump, Not Laughing When Pics Show What Happened At His House - Duration: 16:20.


What does cubic function mean? - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> What does cubic function mean? - Duration: 0:36.


What does jackoff mean? - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> What does jackoff mean? - Duration: 0:40.


What does Sumatran rhinoceros mean? - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> What does Sumatran rhinoceros mean? - Duration: 0:38.


What Iyanla Says Laura Govan's Custody Battle Is Really About | Iyanla: Fix My Life | OWN - Duration: 2:48.

Give up the fight, baby.

Give up the fight, and that's what

I'm here to show you how to do.

Give up the fight.

I'm afraid to lose my kids.

IYANLA: You're not going to lose your kids, baby.

I know, but--

IYANLA: No, you don't know.

No, you don't know because you keep

fighting to hold on to them, and like I told you yesterday,

let go.

You're not going to lose your kids.

He don't want them.

His fight is not with those kids, for those kids,

about those kids.

His fight is to take you down.

Right there.

Bring it up.

Take your time.

I don't care what it is. I'm going to be right here.


Yeah. I'm going to be right here.

I'm not going to leave you. I'm not going to leave you.

I'm not going to leave you.

You don't have to do it by yourself this time.

Yeah. Take your time.

Take your time. Take your time.

Take your time.

Don't rush yourself.

Don't rush yourself.


I'm so sad that I brought my children into this




I hurt for them.




I just want to be--

I want to do right. IYANLA: Yeah.

I want to do what's right.


And I'm so guilty about--

I feel so guilty about not letting go.



But baby, you didn't know how to let go.

Your mother demonstrated to you how to hold

on, how to stay and be quiet.

I feel so guilty about fighting back.


Because I don't want to anymore.

IYANLA: Yeah. Yeah.

Like, I just want it to be over.


What do you want to be over, baby?

The drama. IYANLA: Yeah.

The headlines.


The image.




Come on. Bring it up.

Speak it.

Speak it.

I want to start over.


You can't do it with the tools that brought you here.

You can't.

They're not going to work to go where you're going.

Look at me.

You are enough.

You are enough.

You are enough, without the lashes, or the accessories.

You are enough.

When you know that, you could sell donut holes on the corner.

You're going to be OK.

You are enough. Say it.

I am enough.

I am enough.

IYANLA: Say it.

I am enough,

For more infomation >> What Iyanla Says Laura Govan's Custody Battle Is Really About | Iyanla: Fix My Life | OWN - Duration: 2:48.


What Time Does The Indy 500 Start 2017 - Duration: 4:38.

What time is the Indy 500?

Schedule, start time, TV & live streaming.

Memorial Day Weekend means it is time for the premier race of the IndyCar calendar — the

Indy 500.

Scott Dixon is on the pole for the 2017 Indy 500, which is the 101st racing of IndyCar's

biggest event.

Dixon, the 2008 Indy winner, is also the odds-on favorite to win Sunday at Indianapolis Motor

Speedway after posting the fastest qualifying time since 1996.

Here's everything you need to know about the 2017 Indianapolis 500, including schedule,

start time, TV and live streaming info.

When is the 2017 Indy 500?

The Indy 500 is traditionally held on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.

This year the race falls on May 28.

What time is the Indy 500?

Engines will start at 12:14 p.m. ET and the green flag will drop at 12:19 p.m.

The race lasts 200 laps.

Indy 500 schedule 6:00am - Public Gates, Ticket Offices Open

9:00am - 500 Festival Princess Parade Laps 10:38am - Indianapolis 500 Winning Drivers

Laps 10:57am - Historic Race Car Laps

11:35am - Indianapolis 500 Driver Introductions 11:44am - Military March

11:46am - "God Bless America" performed by Angela Brown

11:48am - Military Address delivered by General Abrams

11:54am - Invocation delivered by Father Mike Welch

11:55am - Presentation of Colors 11:56am - "Taps"

11:56am - "America The Beautiful" 12:00pm - Veteran Salute

12:00pm - National Anthem performed by Bebe Rexha

12:12pm - "Back Home Again In Indiana" performed by Jim Cornelison

12:14pm - "Drivers Start Your Engines" 12:19pm - 101st Running of the Indy 500 (200

Laps) How to watch on TV or live stream the Indy


ABC will begin coverage of the Indy 500 at 11 a.m. ET, and the race broadcast will begin

shortly after noon.

ABC/ESPN will live stream the Indy 500 on the WatchESPN app and online at

Indy 500 radio information

More than 400 affiliate IMS Radio Network radio stations located throughout the U.S.

and Canada will broadcast live Indy 500 coverage beginning at 11 a.m.

Sunday with a pre-race show, followed by the race broadcast

at 12 p.m. Indianapolis 500 coverage also will be broadcast live on XM Satellite Radio

channel 209 and SIRIUS channel 214.

All IndyCar races can be listened to online at IndyCar Radio.

Indy 500 starting grid Here's the starting lineup for the 2017 Indy

500: Row 1: Scott Dixon, Ed Carpenter, Alexander

Rossi Row 2: Takuma Sato, Fernando Alonso, JR Hildebrand.

Row 3: Tony Kanaan, Marco Andretti, Will Power Row 4: Ryan Hunter-Reay, Ed Jones, Oriol Servia

Row 5: Mikhail Aleshin, Graham Rahal, Max Chilton

Row 6: Charlie Kimball, James Hinchcliffe, Juan Pablo Montoya

Row 7: Helio Castroneves, Jay Howard, Sage Karam

Row 8: Josef Newgarden, Simon Pagenaud, Carlos Munoz

Row 9: Gabby Chaves, Conor Daly, Jack Harvey Row 10: Pippa Mann, Simon Pigot, Buddy Lazier

Row 11: Sebastian Saavedra, Zach Veach, James Davison

For more infomation >> What Time Does The Indy 500 Start 2017 - Duration: 4:38.


Homem Ideal | For women, what is more important in a man? (Portugal) #PoreanoTV - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> Homem Ideal | For women, what is more important in a man? (Portugal) #PoreanoTV - Duration: 7:40.


What does in danger mean? - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> What does in danger mean? - Duration: 0:40.


What does geolocator mean? - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> What does geolocator mean? - Duration: 0:33.


So... what are some comics you need to catch up on? - Duration: 1:32.

Hi everyone. I'm Rincey and I am one of

the contributing editors over at book

riot and I'm back with this week's reader

question. This week's question is just

inspired by my own personal reading

lately. In last Wednesday's video,

I talked about comics that I had been

reading recently. And it is currently

Memorial Day weekend here in the United

States so it's nice and long so I'm

going to be spending some of that time

catching up on my comic books,

specifically superhero comic books.

So my question for you guys this week is what

are some superhero comics that you need

to catch up on? The ones that I am

reading, one of them is a series that I

basically just fallen behind on,

the other three are brand new to me.

But I'm very excited to read them cause

they've gotten really good reviews from

people, people really liked all of these.

So the one that I'm catching up on is Batgirl.

This is Cameron Stewart's run and I

believe that this is the last volume of

his run and then someone else took over

for him after this. So yeah, catching

up on this. And then the three that are

brand new to me are Patsy Walker aka

Hellcat volume 1, Mockingbird volume 1,

and then the vision vol 1 obviously.

Yeah, so I'm excited to try these out this

weekend and to see if any of them really

click with me and then I can continue on

with reading these series. So let me know

down below, you can also let me know if

you read any of these, but yeah let me

know if there are any series that you

have fallen behind on or that you've

been hearing a lot about that you've

been wanting to check out recently.

For more infomation >> So... what are some comics you need to catch up on? - Duration: 1:32.


ARTHUR | What Really Happened? | PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:47.

if you turn the light switch on and off,

the cable comes back on.

Okay, that didn't work.

Maybe we should try yelling at the TV.

It's Bionic Bunny!

I'll give you anything you want.

Carl, come over here.

I'll tell you what happens in the episode while we wait.

It all starts with this little girl on a farm.

Why, little Jo!

Your carrots are magnificent.

Pa said we planted enough vegetables

to feed the farm for a whole year!


I don't remember planting that.

It must be a weed.


Help me, Bionic Bunny!

This can only be the work of...

Dr. Sumac!

Don't worry, Little Jo.

I'll cut it off by its roots.

That's not how it happened.

The special starts on a farm,

but Little Jo is working for Dr. Sumac, remember?

You're thinking of the episode with Professor Kudzu.

He's the one with the little kid working for him.

No, I'm not!

Little Jo puts the plant in the garden

and then reports to Dr. Sumac in the corn maze.

Corn maze?

There's no corn maze.

George, is there a corn maze in the special?

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