Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily what May 2 2017

Meditation Kicks Depression�s Ass For Good

By Dreamcatcher

Depression is more than just a bummer. It�s a stone cold killer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) depression is now the leading cause

of disability in the world, affecting more than 350 million people worldwide. In fact,

1 in 20 people reported having an episode of depression the previous year in a recent

global WHO survey.

Even worse, depression is also the leading cause of suicide, which has now passed up

car accidents as the number one cause of accident related deaths in the United States, according

to the American Journal of Public Health.

Depression has also become a multi-billion dollar business for pharmaceutical companies

that produce antidepressant Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) like Zoloft and

Prozac, medications that supposedly correct a �chemical imbalance� of neurotransmitters

like serotonin in the brains of depressed people. We have all seen the ads.

But a 2008 study at Florida State University found that there was no real scientific evidence

to support the chemical imbalance story, no matter how widespread.

Instead, researchers found that the theory has been �misrepresented� to the public

by corporations and the media and furthermore that much of the perceived efficacy of SSRI

antidepressant medications is due to the placebo effect.

In spite of this and other similar findings, antidepressants continue to be the most prescribed

drugs in the country.

More than 30 million Americans take them even though their therapeutic value is dubious

and they are linked to a growing number of serious side effects � including, most recently,

birth defects in children of pregnant women who use them.

When it comes to the real cause of depression, many scientific studies have shown depressed

people actually have more asymmetry in their brain function than normal, especially between

the right and left frontal lobes; areas responsible for thought and emotional processing.

This asymmetry is even considered a marker, or a predictor, of depression in people and

is associated with depressive thought patterns like hopelessness.

And what causes this asymmetry? The answer is stress. Depression, like Post Traumatic

Stress Disorder (PTSD), is actually caused by brain damage from stress.

This explains why numerous aspects of modern life, including student loan debt, are linked

to depression � the higher the debt, the higher the levels of stress and depression.

This opens up a can of worms about how society is structured, but it also begs the question:

If stress causes depression, can calmness reverse it?

Meditation, the age-old technique of focusing on the present in order to dwell in a state

of tranquility � the ultimate stress buster.

Amazingly, a slew of recent studies have found that meditation does actually �shape�

the brain; it corrects damage from stress, enhances connectivity between the two lobes

and even promotes cell growth in key regions that are underdeveloped in depressed people,

like the hippocampus.

This means that meditators are changing the actual structure of their brains (see video

above), thereby rewiring their emotional reactions and thought patterns to a calmer baseline

on a physical level. This makes them more resilient to depression permanently.

Studies have shown conclusively that meditation is more effective than antidepressants in

preventing a relapse of depression, and a first-of-its-kind study last year found the

practice to be just as effective as one-on-one cognitive behavioral therapy.

But studies aside, the question remains: can meditation completely cure an illness that

is currently plaguing the entire world?

To find out, Reset�s Ocean Malandra contacted Spike Gillespie, author of the newly published

book: Sit. Stay. Heal. How Meditation Changed My Mind, Grew My Heart and Saved My Ass.

After suffering from depression off and on for much of her adult life, Spike decided

in December 2012 (in the midst of a particularly heavy relapse) to devote herself to meditating

every day for a year � an endeavor she also recorded online by posting daily on her blog

Meditation Kicks Ass.

Three years of daily practice later, Spike remains depression free.

A resident of Austin, Texas, she now teaches a simple non-sectarian meditation technique

based on observing the breath, bringing the mind back to the present and the breath when

it wanders.

Spike says that anyone with a desire to try can get started practicing meditation to reap

its benefits. Her story is an inspiration and a testament to the healing powers of our

own mind.

Reset: Let�s start at the beginning. I know you say you had bouts of depression since

your teenage years, but about what age was that? And when did you start practicing meditation?

Spike: I can only take an educated guess.

Based on the fact I started binge-drinking at fourteen, and also that adolescent body

chemistry changes began the year before, I�m thinking my depression started very early

in my teen years.

I want to clarify that I cannot remember any protracted bouts of being leveled by depression

in my early teens, but also remember this was in the �70s, before we had the sort

of common usage terms for depression, self-medication, and treatment.

Plus I come from a very blue-collar background where you aren�t �allowed� to be depressed

� you get your ass up and you go do what is expected of you.

My earliest recollection of meditation is these super mini-meditations � like a minute

long � we did in Taekwondo, which I studied for a couple of years in my mid-thirties.

That wet my appetite. I was on a road trip in the early aughts when I heard about a Vesak

Day celebration at a monastery outside of St. Louis.

I knew nothing of Vesak Day but was interested in learning about Buddhism. I went and heard

Thubten Ch�dr�n speak and meditated with a very welcoming community and that was the

start of it.

Reset: Did you feel benefit from your early practices? If so, how?

Spike: Memory is a funny thing. Again, I don�t have any keen memories of magical enlightenment.

And my practice now compared to the early days is a lot different and, I think, yields

more noticeable results.

But yes, I did benefit from early practices because for one thing, I think anyone who

sits will experience some benefit and also because the early sitting led to the sitting

I do now.

So it was foundation work, even if I had a hard time being consistent or sitting for

more than five minutes.

Those early sessions were, I think now, very much about learning what it means to set intent,

and over time my intent to dedicate myself to a serious practice took root.

Reset: Did you ever try anti-depressants? If so, what was the experience?

Spike: Yes. Very, very briefly I tried four or five different anti-depressants/ anti-anxiety

medications. The results were always, always disastrous. Prozac made me very speedy and

unable to concentrate and I lost a lot of weight.

I was also still a drinker then, which is a bad combination. Effexor I tried just once,

and immediately felt dizzy and a momentary fuzzy blindness and I wanted to puke.

Wellbutrin made me nuts. Zoloft gave me a horrific headache. It�s important to factor

in that while I believe my reactions were mostly physical, there was likely some psychosomatic

stuff at play.

Reset: In researching this article I found that a lot of Buddhists and meditation practitioners

are reluctant to say that meditation cures depression, although in my opinion that�s

exactly what the whole �End of Suffering Bit� in Buddhism is all about. What�s

your view?

Spike: I want to be careful here to speak only to my experience. And yes, in my experience,

I say with absolute certainty meditation cured my depression. Since I began a serious practice

at the end of 2012 I have not had a bout of depression.

That is astonishing. Well actually these days it�s not astonishing, it just is. But with

each year that passed � and I am well into my third year now � I was amazed. It�s

like those signs you see at train yards: �X Number of Days Since Our Last Accident.�

I�m going on a whole lot of days since I last fell into bed and could barely function

for weeks at a time.

I still have down days and last February my PTSD got triggered and I had a few very, very

hard days. But my practice saw me through that. I did not fall into the hole.

I cannot know the future, maybe one day depression will return. But it seems very unlikely to

me, barring some incredible external tragedy, that I will ever again suffer like I used


Because now, even days when I suffer, I have a crystal clear awareness of impermanence

and I know my suffering will soon ease. It always does.

Reset: Science shows that meditators do effectively re-shape their brains, leading to lasting

change. But in terms of the subjective experience, can you tell me what the biggest noticeable

differences were in terms of your thought process and emotional reactions after your

now almost three years of daily practice?

Spike: I like to joke with my friends and meditation students that the biggest change

is that I have a tremendous awareness now of how messy I am, that the meditation hasn�t

�cured� anything, simply made me extremely awake to my tics and traits and neuroses and

bad habits and how many bazillion miles away I am from even spotting the trailhead with

the sign that says, �Enlightenment This Way.�

The reality though, is that my awareness, and my awareness of my awareness, is a fantastic


So let�s say I am on Facebook � I have an extremely active wall and I am a very opinionated

person and people love to show up and argue with me sometimes. I am the absolute queen

of taking the bait.

I am a troll�s online dream date. I�m not just fascinated by the way certain people

feel a need to get in my face, but I�m fascinated by my sometimes non-equanimity in response.

I don�t always post a smartass reply � but often I do. Still, I have an awareness in

my heart and mind that I am feeling angry or irritated by an offhand remark of a stranger.

This in turn leads me to step back internally and say, �Hey, what�s all that about?

Why are you focusing so much energy on this stupid remark when that person already forgot

making it?�

When I use my awareness to examine my reactions, I can see:

�Hey, this is flashing you back to being bossed around as a kid by older sisters and

an angry dad. You are reacting to the past. This defensiveness is life long and it causes

you suffering. Pay attention. Work on that.�

In this way, I have become less impulsive, less fly-off-the-handle. This not only allows

me to be less of an asshole in the eyes of others (not that I�m super worried about

what they think, but what I mean is I don�t want to cause others to suffer), it also brings

me a growing calm that informs my life now. My definition of happiness is calmness.

Reset: I really like that definition; it�s the opposite of stress and depression. So

do you think meditation should be taught in school?

Spike: I like to say when I am king (because I will be a woman king) everyone is learning

martial arts and meditation. EVERYONE. It needn�t be rooted in religious practice.

Mindful breathing for everyone. This past summer I led a couple of meditation camps

for kids.

I was beside myself with joy at how many of them showed up and already knew what meditation

was. I think if we included meditation in the curriculum it would help across the board

� it would help with communication, concentration, compassion, all of it.

Reset: Beautiful. Ok, last question: What advice and resources would you share with

someone that is suffering from depression and wants to try meditation but is not sure

where to start?

Spike: I would say to a depressed person, �Look, I totally get it. Depression is such

a beast. You feel like you can�t even function so how are you going to meditate?

I suggest you just sit up � in a chair, in your bed if you can�t get out of bed,

or on a pillow on the floor if you want. Close your eyes.

Breathe in and breathe out and as you do just note to yourself silently I am breathing in,

I am breathing out. At first you might only be able to manage a few breaths or a minute.

That�s okay. You are not doing it wrong. You are trying, so you are doing it right.�

For more infomation >> What You Should Know About Shadow People - Duration: 7:02.


What does Mother's Day mean to you? - Duration: 0:46.

I think Mother's Day is sort of a,

it's a family day for me.

I think Mother's Day should be every day.

You always like, imagine

that it's going to be the biggest thing

in your life and it somehow is even

bigger than that.

When you see the kids mile and when they're having a great

time you remember what it's all about.

I always feel like it's a really nice day

to just have just really great family time.

You know usually do something

special for my mother it was just about

a day with her because we don't really

get those days that much.

These tiny moments of happiness that make life so

much fun.

For more infomation >> What does Mother's Day mean to you? - Duration: 0:46.


What Legacy are You Building? // Bayless Conley - Duration: 1:43.

Get ready to discover answers in the bible

with Bayless Conley

The only reason God gives for selecting Abraham is because

He knew Abraham would think and act generationally,

that he would take the things that he had learned from God and pass

them on to his children and to his children's children.

I believe it is that important with God.

And I would like you to just look in your Bible with me at Psalm 71 please.

We are going to just look at a few though there's many, many more, a few declarations

and prayers that deal with the generations.

Psalm 71 and verse 17.

Here's a prayer.

O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works.

Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your

strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.

What a poignant prayer!

"God, don't let me leave this planet before I download what I have, the strength that

I've learned from You, let me pass it on to the coming generations, God."

That was his prayer: "Don't let me die until I leave a legacy of what I have learned

and experienced from You, O God."

For more infomation >> What Legacy are You Building? // Bayless Conley - Duration: 1:43.


What If Moon Hits Earth At The Speed Of Light !!!!!!! - Duration: 3:37.






!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES DO COMMENT BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For more infomation >> What If Moon Hits Earth At The Speed Of Light !!!!!!! - Duration: 3:37.


The Ethics of Memory | BrownX on edX - Duration: 1:58.

Which of your memories are most important to keep?

If you could somehow erase the most painful ones, would you?

Is there a right way to remember those we have lost?

These are just some of the questions

that we ask in my classes at Brown, questions

around the ethics of memory.

The act of remembrance takes work.

It's effortful.

And many throughout history have committed their lives

to this work--

from Freud, who made memory a profession, to Proust,

who made it an art form.

In our own lives, we see monuments, mementos,

makeshift memorials--

all labors of memory.

We also inherit conflicts of memory

from the legacies of war, from the Holocaust, from slavery.

How we choose to remember informs

how we witness and respond to injustices of the present

and how we judge ourselves in relation to the past.

In this BrownX experience, we'll do the work of memory

together by making original projects inspired by literature

and our own experiences.

Together, let's create a global discussion

about what happens when personal and collective memory collide.

My name is Ravit Reichman, and I'm an Associate Professor

of English at Brown University.

Join me in exploring the ethics of memory.

For more infomation >> The Ethics of Memory | BrownX on edX - Duration: 1:58.


Truth vs. NEW$, Inc., 5/1 for May 4. Is Trump 'Toast'? - Duration: 1:38:25.

For more infomation >> Truth vs. NEW$, Inc., 5/1 for May 4. Is Trump 'Toast'? - Duration: 1:38:25.


Kids Without Any Toys - What Happens? + Minimalism Benefits - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Kids Without Any Toys - What Happens? + Minimalism Benefits - Duration: 7:12.


What John 4:35 means to me. Paul Hammond - Duration: 1:15.

So if John 4:35 says the fields are

white and ready for harvest, how do we

bring 4:35 alive? Well, in verse 34, Jesus

says he's committed to do the will of

his father and maybe that's where we

need to start; recognising that sharing

the Gospel of hope isn't just about our

choice, it's about the will of God for

our lives. And when we see that, the second

thing to do, is the start to do it;

by acts of kindness, by letting our light

shine, by being different. By salting our

conversations with words of faith, we

start to communicate something of what

we believe in. But as well, John 4:35

encourages us to seek other people be

brought into the field, to help with the

harvest. UCB is an unprecedented

opportunity. In a world where there are

so many negative messages, to communicate

a message of hope to our nation.

So if the fields are white and ready for

harvest, perhaps together we can bring

John 4:35 alive?

For more infomation >> What John 4:35 means to me. Paul Hammond - Duration: 1:15.


Electric Toothbrush vs Manual: What Is Best For Your Teeth? - Duration: 4:35.

hey guys it's Nora welcome to biteawaytv

your channel to create rotuines that

shape your life

and in this video we talk about electric

toothbrush versus manual what is best

for your teeth as a dental hygienist

I often get asked if an electric

toothbrush or a manual one is best for

cleaning the teeth in this video I'll

answer the question and offer some

effective strategies for cleaning your

teeth whichever brush you use

make sure you watch it till the end to

get the free bonus below

so which is best according to the

American Dental Association it's not the

brush that's important it's the brusher

you what I mean is that as long as you

brush your teeth effectively every day

then it really doesn't matter which

toothbrush you use comfort is key so as

we've all learned it's more about you

than about the brush you use do you feel

it's easier with an electric toothbrush

to get to hard-to-reach places

do you find it less of an effort or do

your teeth feel cleaner if so go for it

electric might be the way to go

consistency is important if you prefer

a good old manual toothbrush all that

matters is that you brush twice a day

every day for two minutes making sure to

focus on each tooth and not to forget

the ones at the back because that's

where food residue can hide out and turn

into harmful plaque and tartar just make

sure to brush gently with not too much

pressure the different brushing

techniques with an electric toothbrush

you simply have to flick and switch and

remember to clean from red to white

gums to teeth the movement should be

like a gentle wipe from your tongue to

your teeth doing it in this way

will help to prevent wedge defects and

to three sessions with the manual

toothbrush you power it with your own


however with both it's important not to

brush too hard because this can cause

damage to your gums and result in wedge

defects where the teeth appear longer

and that's not so beautiful with kids

use whatever works for you if an

electric toothbrush gets your kids to

brush their teeth properly every day then I'd

recommend using one because it's really

important to teach them to have a good

daily routine I know what I'm talking

about I'm a mother of three and

sometimes is so hard to get them brush

their teeth of course a manual

toothbrush with their favorite cartoon

character molded onto it can also work

wonders to get them to clean their teeth

well use the characters influence

to get a better result so good

dental hygiene doesn't end with

brushing alone as well as brushing twice

a day in the morning and before you go

to bed I know I repeat myself over and

over again it's vital for your oral

health to clean the spaces between the

teeth where food residue gets stuck if

you don't remove this residue plaque

will build up and eventually turn into

tartar this can then lead to gum disease

and stinky stinky bad breath in cavities

I recommend using interdental brushes

rather than floss because studies have

proven that they are way more effective

at cleaning the spaces between your

teeth let's geather it is up whether you use

a manual or electric brush to clean your

teeth the message from dental

professionals including moi is simply

to make sure you brush thoroughly every


last but not least did you know one in

four adults in the UK admit they don't

brush their teeth twice a day including

a third of man well I guess I don't need

to ask for interdental brushing right as


here is your bonus to make the daily

dental routine easy for you I made a

cheat sheet with the four simple steps

at a glance you can download for free

below thanks guys for watching so if you

liked this video hit the like button

below share it with your friends and be

sure to subscribe thanks for watching

again and I'll see you in the next video

bye take care

For more infomation >> Electric Toothbrush vs Manual: What Is Best For Your Teeth? - Duration: 4:35.


Learn colors for children with Superman and ball funny - What if Superman driver car taxi? - Duration: 2:10.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn colors for children with Superman and ball funny - What if Superman driver car taxi? - Duration: 2:10.


What John 4:35 means to me. Vicky Gibbens - Duration: 1:28.

We live in such a busy world don't we?

And so bringing John 4:35 alive to me,

is about remembering and stopping and

thinking about God's goodness and


You know his power and his deep, deep

love breaks into our lives each and

every day. A couple of months ago, we were

praying for a couple whose baby was

seriously ill and needed an operation

and it was touch-and-go. And friends told

friends and we began to pray

and that baby got healed, thanks to God's grace.

and a skilled medical team.

But how many more people need to know the power of

prayer in their own lives? Many to hear

unexpected answers? Every week, I go to

church and we as a community, we

celebrate, we worship and there's a

bereaved family that's just started to

come and they found the space in that

community to grieve and ask the tough

questions about why this kind of thing

happens. And learn more about Jesus.

Jesus isn't a VIP fast-track ticket to

Heaven. If we choose to follow him today,

he will change our lives right here,

right now. And so how many more people

need to know about Jesus to find the

light in their darkness? And you can be a

part of that. Together,

let's bring 4:35 Alive.

For more infomation >> What John 4:35 means to me. Vicky Gibbens - Duration: 1:28.


Learn Colors for children with Spiderman on truck funny - What if Spiderman driver Truck? - Duration: 2:07.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn Colors for children with Spiderman on truck funny - What if Spiderman driver Truck? - Duration: 2:07.


What are the Main Benefits of Amazon Kindle Reviews to an Author - Duration: 9:16.

In this lecture, we will be talking about why you need to care about AMAZON reviews,

and how they can benefit you.

So, this is a research carried out and there are stats we will be discussing.

I will highlight some of the key points in this article.

I will also include a text document with a link to this article in case you want to read

it yourself.

So the first statement is actually quite important; 61% of customers read online reviews before

making a purchase decision, and they are not essential for e-commerce sites.

So AMAZON is one of the biggest e-commerce sites, and this research has been carried

out over multiple e-commerce sites.

So one of them is obviously AMAZON being one of the biggest ones, and obviously, in each

site, this number might differ.

But in general, many people read online reviews and make purchasing decisions based on that

because, if another person was happy with a product, then the new customer is also more

likely to be satisfied with the product as well.

And if the reviews are specific they can explain what they liked and disliked about a specific

product, making the product more -- attractive for new potential customers.

So users' reviews are proven sales drivers and something the majority of customers will

want to see before deciding to make a purchase.

That is quite obvious because if they read them, over half of the people read the reviews.

That means they care about what other people wrote about a specific product, and therefore

they base their purchase choice based on that.

So here are more stats, and you can see according to Reevoo website -- with 50 or more reviews

a product can mean a 4.6% increase in conversion rates, and here again you can see 63% of customers

are more likely to make a purchase from a site which has user reviews.

So if you have reviews compared to a site that doesn't have reviews, you ultimately

stand out, and as I have shown you on previous lectures; the AMAZON website you can see,

even in the search, when a product has reviews and when a product does not have a review

-- that automatically doesn't look very good.

Products with more reviews or even some reviews compared to products without any reviews will

get more visitors, and they can read the description and the reviews, and then you can convert

them to sales.

So, let's move onward with the steps.

So here was the thing I was mentioning before; consumer reviews are significantly trusted

12 times more than descriptions.

So, most people describe their products as being the best.

It either has a solution to your life problems, but people trust the reviews more than you

description because they know the description is used to try and sell the product.

Whereas the reviews are less controlled, unknown people can write anything and therefore we

trust the reviews more from a consumer perspective.

Also, another important stat according to Reevoo reviews product an average of 18% uplift

in sales.

So, just by getting reviews, on average you can increase your profits for sales, which

then results in an increase in profits by 18%, so that is quite significant, that is

almost one fifth additional sales just by having some reviews.

So these are the most common -- benefits, and most things that people think of when

they talk about reviews.

However, there are more benefits than that, that you should consider and that is SEO benefits

and that stands for search engine optimization if you didn't know this.

So since a review is written with a description, search engines can understand the content,

because they will read those reviews as well.

That means that there will be some keywords in the review that they will rank for.

So, for example, let's say a book for time management.

A person will write about how it changed their weekly planning skills, and their weekly time

management, and for those specific keywords it will boost your rankings in search engines

such as GOOGLE, Bing, Yahoo.

So that is another crucial benefit because if you have more high rankings, people can

come to your product; not only from AMAZON website search engine but also from GOOGLE

and other places.

I am not sure with the AMAZON the exact algorithm, they don't quite disclose that, but I am pretty

sure that if you have more reviews compared to your competitors they can increase your

ranking in the AMAZON search as well.

Another great benefit is that you improve your rankings by having this: when people search for

product names plus review.

Because your product already has a review with it, that means your product qualifies

for this search and they are able to find your product easier on the search engines

as well.

So there are also other smaller benefits which I am not going to talk about because I feel

these were the main benefits, but I will put -- as I mentioned before, I will put a link

to this article in a text document so you can read this as well.

So to recap why you should care about AMAZON reviews is because you will boost the amount

of people going to your landing page because you have more reviews compared to your competitors.

You will improve your sales because people are reviewing the product, and potential customers;

they trust -- the reviews more than your description.

This also as a SEO benefit because -- on your page there are more keywords that search engines

can search or look through, and this means it will boost your rankings in sites like


Having more reviews will boost your rankings on AMAZON.

In future lectures we will be discussing a method which you can use to get the ball rolling,

so you can get the first initial reviews, and then you can boost your sales, then you

will start getting organic reviews, and then you don't need to put initial work into this

course anymore because you will keep getting more and more organic reviews.

So see you guys in the next lecture.

For more infomation >> What are the Main Benefits of Amazon Kindle Reviews to an Author - Duration: 9:16.


What Happens Before War? ANIMATION PROJECT - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> What Happens Before War? ANIMATION PROJECT - Duration: 7:38.


Dreamers 102 | What to Do While Waiting on God - Duration: 8:17.

Hey girls! Tiffany Dawn here and welcome

back to Tuesday Girl Talk! And this video

is going to be called Dreamers 102.

Turns out that dreamers 101, which I

posted a few months ago, was a favorite

for you girls, so I want to do a

follow-up. And I also want to do this

because several of you have written in

questions about waiting -- like, what do I

do while I'm single? How do I enjoy

Father-daughter time? But I think that

the answer to those questions is very

similar to the answer for all of life's

waiting seasons. Like there are always

seasons in life when we're waiting on

our dreams to come true, whether that's

getting out of school, getting the job

you've dreamed of, getting married, going

overseas as a missionary, or whatever

else. And what do you do when you're

waiting? So let's talk about that today.

And at the end of this video I'm going

to tell you a little sneak preview of

our trip to Europe, because we leave this

weekend! So stay to the end and check that out.

So the first thing I learned

about waiting is that comparison robs

your joy. So here's an example -- and this

one's actually something I've been

working through recently. I love this

YouTube channel, like I love spending

time with you girls and creating these

videos, and I was like, "Wow look at how

much it's growing and like look at this

community we're building and like I love

these girls!" And then I got distracted by

looking at somebody else's path. So I

started noticing that some other girls

were growing way faster than my channel

was and I started wondering, "What am I

doing wrong?" And I started comparing

where God had me to where God has them.

It started taking away all the joy I

felt about YouTube! I started feeling

discouraged and like I was just striving

to be somewhere else in my path that God

didn't have for me. And that happens in

all different seasons of waiting -- like in

singleness, it's so easy to look at

somebody else's path, as you see all

those notifications pop up on Facebook,

it's like, "Why is she getting engaged and

I'm not?" "Why does she have the awesome

boyfriend and I don't?" And it's so easy

to compare where God has

you to where God has that person. But

comparison will rob your joy -- the joy

that was meant for you in your season. It

reminds me of Proverbs 4:25, which

says, "Let your eyes look straight ahead.

Fix your gaze directly before you." Pay

attention to the path that God has you

on. Tip number two is do what God has put

in your hands to do. In every season of

life there's something He's put in front

of you, whether that's your homework and

your schoolwork, whether that's the job

that you have, whether that's serving in

your church. And it might not be what you

dreamed of doing down the road, but

there's always something. And

sometimes it seems so mundane and so

boring and meaningless! But those things

that God has for you to do, they're the

building blocks. Sometimes those things

specifically are going to create the

path that He wants to lead you on. Like

for instance I worked at a college for

several years and while I was working

there I was like, "God, why am I not on the

mission field? Like send me to China! Like

I'll go wherever!" But He kept me there,

and I was just faithful with what He would

put in my hands to do. And turns out

while he was at that college, I learned

how to use iMovie and how to shoot and

edit videos. It wasn't like I became

amazing at it, but I got the basic skills,

and I had no idea that someday I would

start a YouTube channel and need to know

that -- but God knew. And other times just

the fact that you're being faithful with

where God's put you, that is doing

something in your heart -- like that's

preparing your heart for where God wants

to take you. One time I was meeting with

the women's pastor at a church called

Gateway in Texas and she said as long as

you're doing what God has put in your

hands to do, you cannot miss your destiny.

And I love that! Like I think that's so

true. Just be faithful with what God has

given you to do right now. Tip number

three, celebrate where God has you. Find

the things that you enjoy about this

season and really latch onto those

things. So when I was single, one of the

things I latched onto was the idea of

Father-daughter time. I latched onto the

ministry I was able to do. I latched onto

the friendships I was able to make,

and just celebrated the gifts God had


And for me that helps me just enjoy it

the season of waiting so much more. Like

going back to my youtube channel, I was

able to kind of look past the comparison and

say, "Okay that's not where God has me

right now. God has them there and I will

celebrate with them where God has them,

but here's where He has me." And I love

where He has me! I love making these

videos, I love my girls -- and just

celebrating the gifts God has given me.

And it just fills me with so much joy!

And instead of feeling discouraged I

just feel like, "Yes let's do another

video!" You know? Which is good cuz the

past month I've been filming like crazy

amounts of videos so I'd have them all

filmed for while I was in Europe. But I

just loved it because it was like,

"Let's do some more!" -- because I was celebrating

where God had me. Number four, trust that

God's purpose and timing are perfect. We

don't always understand why things are

taking so long, but He knows what He's

doing, and at the end of the day, the

dream in your heart is just one building

block in His kingdom, and He knows how

it fits and where it fits and when He

wants to put it in place. Sometimes it's

because He's getting us ready; sometimes

it has nothing to do with us and it's

just the timing just isn't right yet in

His plan -- in His perfect plan. Just trust

Him that there's all this stuff you

don't see that's going on in the

background. But in the right time He will fulfill the dreams that He has put in

your heart in the way that He wants to.

And it reminds me of when Jesus said to

His disciples, "Right now you don't know

what I'm doing, but someday you will

understand." And I think this is tough

with singleness because it's so easy to

be like, "Well is there something wrong

with me? I need to like fix myself!

Like maybe God's getting my

husband ready..." and you just, you just

don't always know, and you really can't

figure it out. Like ask God, "Lord is there

something in my heart that's getting in

the way of me walking into the dreams

you have for me? Like are there issues

that you want to work through first?" And

be open to what He puts in your heart.

You can even ask people you trust, adults

that you trust, that same question. But at

the end of the day, if He doesn't put

something in your heart, then just trust

Him that He knows what He's doing even

when we don't." And lastly but most

importantly, number five, is fall more in

love with Jesus.

Because really the goal of every single

season in life is one in the same. The

main and primary goal of waiting is not

to learn something -- although that's one

goal. The main primary goal of getting

married is not to be married. The main

primary goal of doing ministry is not to

do ministry. Like the main goal of every

season is to come closer to God. And so

as long as you're coming closer to God,

you are not missing anything. And there's

something about the waiting seasons in

life that kind of pushes us closer to

God. So take advantage of that. Let it

push you straight into the arms of God!

Being single for most of my 20s kept me

on my knees. That discomfort kept me just

running to God. So use this waiting time

to push you closer to Him. Something I

like to pray is, "God give me a hunger and

a desire for you so that I don't want to

do anything or go anywhere or move out

of this waiting season unless if you are

leading me, because I just want to be

with you." So girls, what are you doing

while you're waiting, and what helps you

in the waiting?" Comment below -- I'd love to

hear! And now for our brief overview --

here's what's happening in May. So this

weekend my husband and I are going to

Europe for three weeks and I'm so

excited! I actually start shaking

sometimes if I think about it too much,

that's how excited I am! That's like

adrenaline pumping through my body! So

distracted with excitement right now.

And we're gonna go to Germany, France,

Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia,

Bosnia, Serbia, and Greece. You can check

out my Instagram -- I'm going to try to

post every day at least once, so you can

follow along. And my instagram is TiffanyDawnIQB.

So we will be gone for three

weeks and I've recorded videos for you

girls -- I have them all scheduled for the

whole month of May. That's how much

I love you all. And we've got some really

cool ones coming up -- like next week in

honor of Mother's Day, we're doing a

video called "Dear Daughter," which is

several moms sharing their advice. It's going

to be amazing. And then the week after

that we have a video about long-distance

relationships. I went and interviewed

four different couples and asked them some

other questions that you girls have

written in. And then we've got a whole

bunch of other awesome ones, like easy

summer makeup routines, and some meal

ideas, and other fun stuff. And on Friday

you get to come with me as I'm packing

my suitcase. I'm gonna try on some

different outfits that i'm thinking of

taking and you can kind of give me

feedback on which ones I should

definitely bring and which ones you're

like, "Meh, either way." Thank you for joining

me! Love you girls. Bye!

For more infomation >> Dreamers 102 | What to Do While Waiting on God - Duration: 8:17.


This Is What It's Like To Be An Empath - Duration: 4:31.

This Is What It�s Like To Be

An Empath

Imagine being forced to feel what everyone around you is feeling just by looking at them.


Empaths are people who are able to feel the emotions of those around them.


In some cases, empaths can also feel the physical pain of others just by looking at or being

near them.


In many cases, this is due to abnormal operation of mirror neurons, which are what give us



In some empaths, these mirror neurons act differently and cause mirror-touch synesthesia,

which causes a person to feel almost everything other people feel.


For example, some synesthetes have trouble eating around others, since they can feel

the sensation of other people�s chewing when they don�t have food in their own mouths.


Not all empaths are synesthetes, but many synesthetes are empaths.


Being an empath can be confusing or overwhelming, as it can be difficult to differentiate between

one�s own emotions and the emotions of others.


While being able to truly identify with others can be a gift, it can be hard to deal with

the negativity and sadness of others.


The heavy influx of emotions can lead to mental health issues like anxiety.


Or a loss of identity.


Or physical issues like exhaustion or pain.


Because of the risks, some empaths avoid close relationships.


Or large crowds.


Since empaths and mirror-touch synesthesia are fairly new definitions, many people don�t

know or understand what it all means.


So some empaths feel unable to properly describe their situation to others.


Some doctors recommend that empaths use visualization and meditation exercises to help cope.


But despite the downsides, being an empath can be a gift in helping others realize how

they really feel.

For more infomation >> This Is What It's Like To Be An Empath - Duration: 4:31.


UBC Real Estate Exam Questions What is Estate Pur Autre Vie - Duration: 1:05.

Hi there, I'm Chris Ackerman with

I want to share with you today, one of the more commonly asked questions

What is an estate pur autre vie?

This is an estate based on some else's life

When that person passes it means the interest is terminated.

An example of that would be

a widow and a widower get together.

The widow moves into the new husband or widower's home

and her house is left either vacant or she wants to collect rental income.

And when she were to pass then the house would go back to her estate.

In the meantime that person who is living in the rental property

is allowed to stay there until she passes. So, that's an estate pur autre vie.

For more infomation >> UBC Real Estate Exam Questions What is Estate Pur Autre Vie - Duration: 1:05.


EF Challenge 2017 | What does it mean to be a Global Citizen? | V. Aruna Mathangi - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> EF Challenge 2017 | What does it mean to be a Global Citizen? | V. Aruna Mathangi - Duration: 4:39.


What John 4:35 means to me. Aniva and Bithia Brown - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> What John 4:35 means to me. Aniva and Bithia Brown - Duration: 2:47.


What happens when jail guards go too far? - Duration: 7:08.














Drunk and unsteady - 125 pound

Scott Hudgins held up the sock

a Hamilton County corrections

officer ordered him to


"Oh, you Mother Fu----! Are

you serious? Oh, man! Hudgins

says he had never seen the

recorded beating he received

at the Justice Center 2 years

ago - until we showed it to


"They did that to me? They

did that to you. I'm a 100

pound guy, drunk. Them people

need to be fired." No one was

fired. The Nine On Your Side

I-Team discovered the Hudgins

incident as part of a 5 month

I-Team investigation of

discipline in the Hamilton

County Sheriff's Office. Our

investigation reviewed video

recordings of Use of Force

incidents....(SOT) audio clip

heard on computer

recordings of interviews with

witnesses, and an examination

of 2,000 documents including

personnel files, internal

affairs investigations and

disciplinary actions in the

Sheriff's office.The Sheriff's

Office disclosed that it had

disciplined 14 current

officers for violating the Use

of Force policy since Sheriff

Neil took office in 2013. 4 of

them were suspended. 3

officers received written

reprimands. 7 officers got

counseling letters, the lowest

level of discipline. Last

year - an internal

investigation determined

corrections officer Randall

Spence used "excessive force"

when he punched an inmate in

the face after he was already

under control. The bloodied

inmate said he received a

broken nose and busted tooth.

Spence received a counseling


"No one would tell me what

happened." In the case of

Scott Hudgins, officers

reported that he was verbally

abusive and threatened them,

and threw his sock at an

officer. An internal

investigation concluded the

officer who smacked him across

his face did not violate the

Use of Force policy. But, the

punch thrown by corrections

officer Sanford Speight was

"excessive force" because

Hudgins was already under

control when Speight hit him.

Speight was suspended for 15

days. The disciplinary action

filed in Speight's personnel

file 5 months later reported

that Hudgins was "not


"I was not injured? I was

knocked plum out." The

Internal Affairs Investigation

report also noted that Hudgins

wasn't hurt, even though a

medical report included in the

internal investigation

revealed Hudgins was cut and


"I think I got hurt pretty






shared our findings with Civil

Rights Attorney Al

Gerhardstein. He did not

represent anyone identified in

this story, but Gerhardstein

has represented clients in 3

federal lawsuits filed against

Sheriff Neil, and officers

involved in unrelated

incidents involving use of






also provided the records we

obtained from the Sheriff's

Office to Christine Cole, the

Vice-President and Executive

Director of the Crime and

Justice Institute in Boston -

and a nationally recognized

expert on law enforcement best



VIDEOTAPE..." That video -

recorded at the Justice Center

9 months ago - shows

corrections officer Jason Mize

pushing a 61-year old inmate

headfirst into a concrete

half-wall. An internal affairs

investigator described the

victim as "frail." Mize - on

the other hand - was praised

by supervisors for "looking

good in his uniform and for

being extremely fit." After

the inmate fell, Mize slammed

the cell door so hard it

didn't close, then he left the

inmate moaning on the floor of

the cell. Records show the

inmate was bleeding profusely

from his head and had a broken

hip. He was treated by a nurse

and taken to the hospital.



The internal investigation

determined Mize lied about the

incident and used excessive

force. Internal records show

Major Charmaign McGuffey - the

Commander of the Court and

Jail Services Division -

wanted Mize arrested and

fired. It was the 4th time the

Sheriff's Office determined

Mize had violated the policy

involving force. In 2008, the

Sheriff's Office determined

Mize was "too aggressive" when

he punched an inmate in the

face. Mize received a

counseling letter. Two months

later, he was laid off. Former

Sheriff Simon Leis recalled

Mize in March 2011. In 2012,

records show Mize violated Use

of Force policy again. A Lt.

mentioned Mize's "patterns

that were cause for concern,"

but Mize still received

another counseling letter. In

2013, after Neil became

sheriff, records show Mize hit

an inmate with 6-7 knee

strikes, including several to

his head, injuring the inmate.

Mize was suspended for 3 days.








Sheriff's Office referred the

2016 pushing incident to the

Hamilton County Prosecutor's

Office. But, prosecutors

declined to present the case

to a Grand Jury. Mize resigned

on February 25th.


"I wondered why my face hurt.

I wondered why my ribs hurt.

No one would tell me." For

victims of excessive force -

the most basic question is


20:20:15 "I did not do nothing

to deserve that. 20:19:30 "I

handed the sock to the man."






















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