Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily which Jan 2 2017

Do you want an apron or a kappougi?


Misato which one do you want?

Oh dear which one?

Which one shall I pick?

- Hello everyone this is Cathy Cat - And Misato.

Today's Japanese is...

DORE ga ii desu ka? DORE ga ii desu ka?

I often make mistakes with those!

- Yes you often mistake then. - I do!

That's why I would like you guys to not make the same mistakes!

You use DOTCHI when there are only two options.

Which one out of the two.

- Only two! - Yes, that's when you use dotchi.

But if you have 4 options...

You added fingers of your own now...

So when you have 4, you will use "DORE ga ii desu ka?"

One there are more than two items, you use DORE.

Do you have that in English too?

"Which one" is used a lot.

"Which one out of the two" or "Which one"

That's what makes DOTCHI and DORE different.

There are either only two or more than two.

So don't make the mistake that I did.

I think we should do some easy examples.

Ready, go: For example...

For example when you want to borrow an apron.

- Misato could you lend me an apron? - Sure.

I have an apron and a kappougi, which one do you want?

- What is an kappougi? - That's this one here.

A Kappougi?

It's a traditional Japanese apron that even covers your sleeves.

At Japanese restaurants some people might still wear these.


I am wearing white clothes and this covers it all so I'll take the kappougi.

- I think it will suit you. - Thank you.

- Let's wear these and make some food! - Sure.

For example when receiving some gifts.

Misato, say...

(DOTCHI ga ii?) Which one do you like more?

Pink and yellow are both cute but yellow stands for luck in money...

- Okay so here you go. - Really, thank you.

With that I am sure to receive more money!

- I will keep that one then. It says it's for... - Luck in Love

Oh my! Lucky!

For example when selecting a hat at a store.

- Excuse me... - Welcome.

(DORE ga ii desu ka?) Which one do you think is good?

If you want to match it with today's coordinate, it would have to be black.

- Then this one please! - Thank you.

When selecting a gift at a souvenir shop.

Could I please have one of those Cats there?

(DORE ga ii desu ka) Which one would you like?

- The green one! - Great, here you go.

- Thank you that's 200 Yen. - Thank you.

Take good care of her!

And that was...


Don't make the same mistake I did.

DOTCHI is if you have ONLY TWO things

DORE is used when you have more than two things.

Remember that and you're on the best way.

We have done more Japanese videos, be sure to check the videos

if you have time and thank you very much for watching.

Catch you here soon on Ask Japanese.

Bye bye!

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