Hello there everybody, my name is Manda
and today i'm filming a recent reads video.
So i'll be talking about books 14
through 18, which I read in 2016.
So this is the final wrap-up of books
that i read during 2016. I will be
doing a complete 2016 reading stats /
wrap-up video later, I'll probably film
that today as well, but i wanted to do
this wrap up because i hadn't done it
yet. I was holding off for as long as I
could to see if I would finish another
book so i could include it, but I didn't
so here we are filming the wrap-up finally.
Also apologies if you can hear the fan
in the background and the nice wind
effect we've got going on here, but it is
way too hot to have the fan off, so
we're just gonna have to put up with the
hair blowing. So let's just jump in and
talk about the last five books that i
read during 2016. So the 14th book that i read during
2016 with Simon Vs The Homosapiens
Agenda by Becky Abertalli. If you do not
know what Simon Vs The Homosapiens
Agenda is about, it is about a guy named
Simon and he's been emailing this guy
named Blue, and Blue and Simon go to the
same school but they don't know who each
other are, they've been emailing
each other anonymously. Some of these
emails or one of these emails that Simon
has sent falls into the wrong hands and
a whole bunch of events ensue that go on
in this book. One thing we do know for
sure is that Simon is falling hard for
Blue and we spend the whole world
according to know just who Blue is.
I ended up rating this book 4 out of 5 stars.
I found, i think at the beginning that
was just a little bit slow to get into,
but once we got through that initial
part it was very enjoyable. I certainly
loved reading the emails between Simon
and Blue, they were just adorable and
you're really rooting for Simon and Blue
because they seem like they're just
meant for each other, they were just
adorable. I spent like half the book
trying to figure out who Blue was and
much to my pleasure
it did not guess, because i really hate
when I'm able to, when you're able to
predict things in books so i was
pleasantly surprised that i did not find
out who Blue was until the very end.
And the cat's just open the blinds now
so now we have a new lighting situation
going on. The 15th thing that i read during
2016 was Harry Potter and the Cursed
Child by John Tiffany and Jack Thorne.
I'm sure all of you know what this is
about. This is of course the script for
the stage play that is going on in
London. I ended up only rating this
three out of five stars, it wasn't my
favorite thing that i've read, but I
could just imagine this being an amazing
stage play and I really, really hope that
it comes to Australia one day so I get
to experience it.
I believe i did do a video review on
this, so i will link that up here if you
would like to check it out. The 16t
thing that i read in 2016 was Throne of
Glass by Sarah J Maas. So this one again
i'm sure you all know it's all about
this is the first book in the Throne of
Glass series. I just read this for the
first time this year, I'm very much
behind the times when it comes to the
series. This one I only rated three out
of five stars.
I guess I went in expecting to love it,
because so many people do and say it's a
great series.
I just found it a little bit slow for my
liking i did enjoy the characters and
the world but it was really, really slow
and i was really bored through a lot of
the book, i just kept waiting for things
to happen so I could fly through it but
unfortunately for me it was just a
little bit slow. I do own the
rest of the series so I'm definitely
going to continue on. Just for now I'm
going to take a bit of a break because
yeah, it just wasn't my favorite thing
unfortunately. The 17th thing that i read
in 2016 was Heartless by Marissa Meyer, i
read this as part of the Pan
Macmillan Australia blog tour, so I definitely
have a review for this up, i will link that up
here if you're interested. A gain with
this though I only rated it three out of
five stars.
I definitely had a bad end to the year
when it comes to reading books, I just
didn't enjoy a lot of what i read. This
is of course the ARC edition so the
finished one doesn't look anything like
this, but if you don't know what this is
about this is that the story of the
Queen of Hearts, I guess you could say
her origin story. Tells the story of the
Queen of Hearts before she is what she's
in Alice in Wonderland, before she's mean
and evil.
I enjoyed that aspect of it, I liked
finding out how she became who she was
but again for the most part I just was
really bored by this book and I was
really unmotivated to pick it up, if I
didn't have to review it I probably
would have DNF'ed it because I
just wasn't enjoying it unfortunately.
And the 18th and final thing that i read
during 2016 was We Should All Be
Feminists By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
I gave this 5 out of 5 stars, I really
loved it it was so beautifully written
and it made me want to read all of
Chimamanda's books, but this really gives a
really great insight on what it's like
to be a woman in Nigeria, like obviously
I could never know what that's like but
this gives you a really good idea of
that experience and it has some really
really great ideas on feminism in
general and what it means and what it
should mean and yeah i definitely
recommend it to everybody, I think it is
something that everybody should read
(Talking to cat) you can do it, jump (Cat Meows) You can do it.
So those were the final five things that i read in 2016.
i think i just had a really bad reading
end to the year, with the exceptions of
We Should All Be Feminists and Simon Vs the
Homosapiens Agenda, I just was really
really slumpy which is why I didn't
reach my goal, but i will talk about that
more in my 2016 reading wrap up. But that was
it those were the five books that i read. Let me
know in the comments down below have you
read any of these books and what your
thoughts were on them. And yeah thank you
so much for watching please rate ,comment
and subscribe if you like my videos and
talk to you all again next one
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