Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily so Jan 1 2017

O hi


Ihve aids



For more infomation >> I literally got cancer so feel bad for me you jaywalking whore - Duration: 4:51.


Happy New Year 2017 in Myanmar - So Happy & Funny in Burmese - Duration: 11:01.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe for more videos.

For more infomation >> Happy New Year 2017 in Myanmar - So Happy & Funny in Burmese - Duration: 11:01.


Why is my visa case taking so long? Gen82 - Duration: 7:12.

This is Fred Wahl the VisaCoach

Todays topic is: Why is USCIS taking so long to process my case?

Visa Coach

Fast, Easy and Personal

I am Fred Wahl, the VisaCoach, I am known for the personal one-on-one relationship

that WE share, (thats you, me and your partner), as WE work together, as a TEAM, to

overcome the many challenges of immigration,

Don't risk your happiness, Don't go this course alone.

Alone, its too easy for you to make mistakes that cause tears, delays and expensive denials.

Do Pick up the Phone and speak with me directly, so that, you and I,can get

to know each other.

This is the free consultation I talk about later.

If we are compatible, thats the beginning of our beautiful relationship

to get you the immigration approvals you need.

This is what two of my clients Sam + Aysylu, had to say:

Aysylu comes from Russia and I helped her get her Fiance visa.,

We want to say thanks to Mr. Fred Wahl for a great job on filing our petition!

He helped us to avoid time loss with filling out boring forms,

possible mistakes and unnecessary stress.

It took only 5 months before the interview in a US consulate was

appointed, the interview lasted less than 5 minutes.

The result: K-1 visa is approved!

And this is with all our red flags!

He is very personal, professional, easy to communicate!

I highly recommend Fred Wahl for everyone who is

looking for approval of a visa!!

Sam + Aysylu (Fiance Visa from Russia)

Now, lets talk about delays in immigration case processing and answer the

question "Why is USCIS taking so long to process my case?."

The process to apply for fiance or spouse visa or adjustment of status requires

submitting applications to USCIS.

It can be very frustrating to wait for results.

It feels as if the wheels of U.S. immigration grind very very slowly.

Here are the top six reasons why your case might be delayed.

Number 1.

The office handling your case is busy.

The administrators of USCIS trys to balance the load of cases being processed by distributing

them among various service centers.

Regardless of this effort often some service centers get overwhelmed

and their output greatly slows.

This is especially true when there changes in requirements are made, or when fees increase

resulting in a greater than normal number applications arriving at the same time.

Number 2.

Problem with your mailing address.

USCIS snail mails hard copies of notices to you.

Should there be an error in how USCIS typed your address or any kind of delivery problem

by the post office your notice is returned to USCIS.

A hold on processing of your case immediately begins.

It is critical to make sure that USCIS gets a legible copy of your mailing address.

And once the process starts you track at the USCIS website the progress of your case to

notice if a missed delivery occurs so that you can quickly take action to advise USCIS

and correct the mailing problem.

Number 3.

Request for evidence(rfe).

If USCIS finds your application is missing some information processing will be halted

and a request for further Evidence sent to you.

It is critical to reply to the RFE as soon as possible and to monitor that USCIS has

received your response in order for the case to get back on track.

Number 4.

FBI Background Check

The FBI is tasked to run a background check on you.

If your name is common or there are a lot of files to be found regarding your history

then delays may occur.

Number 5.

Your file has been misplaced.

Sometimes your file gets lost.

Processing stops as the right person no longer has your case on his desk.

USCIS publishes what expected normal processing time should be for various cases.

Once your case has exceeded the policy guidelines then it's a good time to contact USCIS to

chase Your Case.

If it was lost this will help alert them to the problem and the case should get found


Number 6.

Your payment got lost.

Rare but still occasionally happens is that the payment you sent along with your application

somehow got separated from the application package.

To avoid this be sure to list petitioner and beneficiaries name and the type of application

on the check's memo field and preferably use your personal checking account so that you

can monitor when and if the check clears.

And if needed you will have proof that they did cash your check.

This was Fred Wahl, The VisaCoach

Please "like" or add your comments to this video.

Then go to and sign up for the VisaCoach monthly newsletter.

Each month it is full of tips and advice on immigration.

And its free of charge.

Finally, when you are ready to get started, call for your free consultation and speak

with me directly,

Before starting on your immigration adventure, before entering an arcane maze of rules, regulations

and procedures, before commiting yourself to a risky path that could

mean an end to your happiness, speak with the VisaCoach and ask for his Free Consultation.

He listens to you to learn the red flags and strengths of your case, your eligibility and


He will suggest which visa is right for you, the best strategy to get it, and how soon

your love could join you.

The friendly advice and wisdom he'll freely share with you, might make the difference

between approval and denial, and could save you months,

or years, of lonliness and separation.

For more infomation >> Why is my visa case taking so long? Gen82 - Duration: 7:12.


Waltz For Ariah OC PMV MAP -Complete - Duration: 3:43.


Icefelis Otsukimi and Sunset Cream

Swiftstar of Snowclan














Ignis Felis


Nemo TheEmo




Sky Drєαм Sραrкlє



Joia Skywing


A Lonely Youtube Otaku


For more infomation >> Waltz For Ariah OC PMV MAP -Complete - Duration: 3:43.


So you want to be a cop? Are you frickin' crazy?! - Duration: 5:07.

BACK RIGHT:So you wanna be a cop? Today I will be talking about that life changing decision.

Hello, I�m the Old Sarge and welcome to overseas contractor academy. Your ticket to

a 6 figure job as an oversas contractor. Run Bumper

BACK CENTRE: Now I spent 28 years of my life as a Police Officer and want to discuss the

pro�s and con�s of becoming a Police Officer or Corrections Officer. BACK LEFT:(1) The

first thing I ask anyone who tells me they want to be a cop is, �Are you out of your

freaking mind�. Becoming a Police Officer is a life changing decision.

MID RIGHT:First ask yourself if you are willing to give up all your friends. (2) I know this

sounds rough but it is usually the case. MID CENTRE:All those friends of yours that aren�t

police officers will no longer be as close as they once were. MID LEFT:You see (3) cops

normally hang around with other cops. Just a harsh reality. BACK RIGHT:You work long

hours..nights, weekends, and holidays. Those buddies of yours from this point in your life

will usually work Monday through Friday during the day. BACK CENTRE: They are off on the

weekends and probably get to enjoy those days off. BACK LEFT:You will not see a (4) weekend

or holiday off for many years. Oh Yea, and on your days off you will probably have court

standby or forced overtime. MID RIGHT: Then you will face something that every cop faces.

A friend or acquaintance who isn�t a cop will find out you are a cop (DONNIE BRASO

PIC). MID CENTRE:One evening while you off duty they will do something just to force

the issue. MID LEFT:When I was a rookie cop, I went out on a date with a young woman whom

I was really interested in. I picked her up and we had a nice dinner. MID RIGHT:We were

on our way to have a few drinks when she reached into her purse, (5) pulled out a joint, and

lit it. MID CENTRE:I was shocked but she just smiled and said, �So what are you gonna

do now officer?�.MID LEFT:I chastised her and immediately took her home. (6)You just

can�t fix stupid. BACK CENTRE:Now another consideration is your

social life. Because of the long hours and odd schedules it is really difficult to find

someone who is willing to endure this. BACK RIGHT:Many times you will meet someone who

says they are happy to accept this,(7) but overtime they become less and less willing

for you to miss special occasions. FRONT BAM ISH:If you get married that opens another

can of worms. BACK LEFT:Look around nearly every police department and (8) you will find

a slew of divorced cops. From my experience, more than 70% of the police officers I ever

met were divorced. MID RIGHT:Get used to negativity, you see

when most people deal with the police it is because it is the (9) worst day of their lives.

MID CENTRE:You deal with a robbery victim and it�s the worst day of their life. When

you arrest the suspect for that robbery it is the worst day of their life. MID LEFT:

Heck, (10)even if you stop a little old lady for driving too slow on the Interstate, you

have just made it the worst day of her life. MID RIGHT:Sad thing is that the person you

arrest (11) is usually out on bond prior to you finishing the paperwork. Continuing on

the idea of negativity. FRONT BAMISH:The press hates you and so does the public. MID LEFT:They

really want you there but just not at the same time that they are there.(12) If you

want to be liked, become a firefighter. BACK RIGHT:The last negative thing I will

say is this. (13) Always remember that anywhere you go there is at least one gun in the room.

BACK CENTRE:That is the one strapped to your hip. You are responsible for the gun and anything

that comes out of the barrel. It is a heavy burden.

MID LEFT:Now it is not all bad. (14) I really enjoyed my first few years as a cop. Usually

you make a decent wage and the work is less strenuous than swinging a sledgehammer all

day. MID CENTRE: You make enough to get by but never really get ahead. MID RIGHT:You

work with great people and make sure that the(15) public can sleep at night. You do

a lot of good and it is an honorable profession. BACK CENTRE:Ok, now for a shameless plug.

If you are considering a career, why not look into becoming an overseas contractor. BACK

LEFT:(16) You will make a whole lot more money and get the opportunity to see the world.

BACK CENTRE:A 6 figure salary that you can save close to 90% or more in some locations.

BACK LEFT:Why not work for a few years as a contractor? When you tire of it you will

have a (17)nice nestegg and gain some great experience. BACK CENTRE:You know where to

get that job, now it�s time to get to work. MID RIGHT:I hope you found all this information

helpful. And as always, please hit the like button and subscribe to our channel, and feel

free to leave comment. MID CENTRE:All comments are welcome and also leave any suggestions

for future videos. MID LEFT:If you are interested in more information on getting a 6 figure

job follow the links below to get the income you deserve. BACK-MID CENTRE:Thanks for watching,

see you again next time, we have plenty more videos to come.

For more infomation >> So you want to be a cop? Are you frickin' crazy?! - Duration: 5:07.


Good Morning 🌤 ☀️ ⏰ CHRIS REA - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Good Morning 🌤 ☀️ ⏰ CHRIS REA - Duration: 5:24.


This is Really Hurting Me | Jason Farone - Duration: 11:24.

let me just start by saying look if I

look like absolute shit tonight it's

because i have been crying on and off

for the past three hours

I just vacillating between full-blown

fits of rage and into just tears of

sadness I just I feel so defeated and

angry and alone and I could sit here you

know and say I do you know like some of

these youtubers don't even know why I'm making

this video I do it's because you're my

everything i have absolutely nothing I

have this is my whole world and you guys

are the most important part of it at

least at this point in my life and maybe

that's terribly unhealthy maybe it

doesn't matter how much success I have

doesn't matter you know YouTube could

blow up tomorrow I could have 10 million

subscribers or they could crush me down

to zero which by the way let me just

start out also by telling you the amount

of support i got for the last video

where I was like fuck youtube boy

they're pissed off they must be at noon

today they crushed another 50 of you so

you should probably see if you're still

subscribed to it because they've knocked

out another you know group of people

from my account since that video went up

which was the fastest growing video I've

made all year so thank you for that you

mean so much to me and let me just also

brief little side note say if you're

not following me on facebook please do

that right now friend me follow me

whatever the hell you have to do to stay

in touch with me on facebook because I'm

thinking this year things are going to

get really nasty on youtube and if it

goes the direction i'm thinking it's

going i'm might be in a Facebook

exclusive kind a guy so anyway just that

was just a side note make sure that

you're you know we're connected on there

all that I know is I am just so sick and

tired of my life being a big old sticky

dick you know it's like I just feel like

you just want you want to run away and

you have nowhere to go

that's that's how I feel like on a daily

basis I just I have nowhere to go I sit

here in this fucking prison called home

thinking of the next thing to do

I'm just I don't know I I don't know

I don't know anymore I have no one to

bounce things off of i have nobody to I

feel like a team of one

you know even my fuckin parents are

pissing me off my mother who had the

best relationship for my entire life

suddenly she gets a job she doesn't know

what the fuck to say anymore to me you

know it's like I need a little bit of

support i show yesterday showed the

video from the other day she's I don't

understand youtube that's real fucking

helpful like you need to understand the

inner workings of YouTube to know what I

needed to hear right now emotionally

what kind of supportive supportive

feedback i need and my father is no

better he chimes in once every three

years with a real fucking gem

I don't know why does he always look like you just

woke up guys on TV wear suits Jesus

Christ are you under a rock

I mean come on you don't have to be

tech-savvy to know what I need to hear

is your fucking son right now you know

again it goes back to I have nobody

I have no significant other I have I I

don't know a fucking pet in my life I

fired my managers I got rid of my agent

he sucks and if you're watching you were

a piece of shit wasted years with you

standing by your side so I have

absolutely no creative team anymore so I

sit here talking to you because you are

the only thing I have in my life and

like I started to say maybe

that's not healthy maybe i need maybe i

need more you know maybe my youtube

could blow up tomorrow and I could have

millions of subscribers and i still

wouldn't be happy because there is this

gaping void in my life where it's I just

I'm always feeling stagnant I don't have

a full life I think emotionally I need

to be more open i want a boyfriend i

want a dog

I want love I want all of the things

that just a fucking human deserves ya know

that's all that I want every time

someone gets close to me I push him away

and I think you know why it's because

deep down I don't up i think i'm a real

shit friend and a shitty boyfriend and

maybe it's just because I've never been

with the right person but I don't think

I'm very good long-term and I think in

order to save myself and others really

its I feel like sometimes when I push

people away it's actually a selfless act

I'm like all right this will annoy you a

little bit now but if I let you get

close you're actually gonna get hurt

so what would you rather have little

annoyance or some major pain and no one

deserves that

so I always just stop for loneliness but

the fucking sad clown routine ends this

year I am done I am done because you

know what am i working for what am i

working for if I can't actually ever

share it with anybody? do you know how bad i

would just like to sit here and hold

somebody or have them cuddle me and I

just never have it you know this

upcoming year you want to do more I want

to go big

I want to go big because clearly just

being smart and funny is not enough of

this stupid fucking world you have to

stimulate the shit out of people and go

huge and extreme and have you know crazy

big idea someone said I'm here you know

one of the comments kind of pissed me

off like one out of thousands of

comments of course that's the one I latch

onto right mess and they were like well

you know it's because you know you sit

here talking about nothing

you know what if you need

to be if you need to explain to you

what's actually going on here you

clearly don't know what social criticism

is it's it's the ability to make fun of

the minutiae of life if you can make

funny out of nothing

that is a lot more valuable than some

over edited you know extreme bullshit

video you know you don't make a show out

of that might I remind you one of the

biggest sitcoms and history was about

Seinfeld it was about nothing asshole so

don't tell me you're getting nothing

here what you're getting is me making

fun of daily life that a lot of us

relate to and if you don't believe me

look at some of the comments they get it

and if you don't get it

get the fuck out of here or just sit

back and let you to do it for you

sooner or later they'll knock you out

are probably knocked probably i'm

probably losing people as we speak but


as far as I'm concerned next year I'm

going to just continue to be me

I'm sorry that this is just such a this

is not a funny video this is not this is

me just emotionally vomiting because i

have no other outlet and i will i will

for the mass majority i will

go BIG!

I got some things plans because as

far as I'm concerned if I don't strike

news media attention or get arrested

next year I didn't go big enough which reminds

me I should probably start a kickstarter

for bail

anyhoo sometimes I look you know I look

at the people who find so much success

on here and I don't get it I don't

fucking get it

I mean I'm sorry this is not jealousy

talking this is pure fucking bewilderment

i don't understand the draw to

some of these people who have all these

goddamn views and shit

what what is so special about these

people ...they're not clever they're

not funny you know it is a lot of

witches we worship meretricious beauty

in this world and that's like the common

denominator between a lot of them like

alright so you're cute so that's

your fucking talent that's great that's

gonna last a while but you know what

it's fine I want to be more social

online i wanna i want to collaborate

more with people i'm going to upload

more i'm not going to make any promises

but it's going to be daily I don't

understand how these people do daily

videos i am far too moody I know myself

i am way to "SFX" to be able to

handle a schedule like everyday I can't

do that I'd scare the shit out of people

most days I don't even want to be around

me I certainly one wouldn't want to get

a video from me

hey just want to remind you what a

asshole i might be I don't need that

in my life and you guys deserve so much

better than that you know i feel like if

i might come on here i should make you

feel good that's my only purpose

I feel like on this entire planet the

only reason I'm here is to make people

feel better and if I'm not doing that

well shut up you know by the way any

youtubers right now that watch me that

like me I don't care if your subscriber

count is higher or lower than mine

I'm not like those pretentious pricks

who you know who you are

I've contacted a number of you and I

know that you just judge me by my

numbers and you're like oh he's not big

enough well you know what

someday when I have a show and you're

still sitting on the edge of your bed

doing challenge videos I'm going to take

pleasure in telling you to go straight

to hell (cough) and i wonder why no one

wants to collab...oh he's a prick you

know what sorry this is you know what

this is me this is how I feel if you

were a friend sitting here with me right

now this is exactly what i would say

this is exactly how I would talk show

you know what you don't like it

goodbye if you do like it I love you

the only thing that makes me proud right

now in my entire life

the only thing that I'm really proud of

is hearing the feedback from how much

I've helped so many of you I mean it

makes me feel great i had one can tell

me that he didn't kill himself because

of my videos if that doesn't move you

nothing will

and I think that's really important work

and I just want to keep doing that on a

bigger scale

that's all I really want and I just want

some goddamn recognition for it and I

don't think that's too much to ask

thank you

as always for your tremendous support

listening to me i am so sorry if this

bummed you out or angered you or

whatever I just I guess from now on you

can think of me as your anti social

media guy I'm sorry I just


kiss..... goodnight.

For more infomation >> This is Really Hurting Me | Jason Farone - Duration: 11:24.


Kylie im Porno-Geschäft? So reagiert Kims Sextape-Partner Ray J - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Kylie im Porno-Geschäft? So reagiert Kims Sextape-Partner Ray J - Duration: 0:40.


Blogger Michael Späth verrät: So tickt Justin Bieber wirklich! - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Blogger Michael Späth verrät: So tickt Justin Bieber wirklich! - Duration: 1:06.


Italian Cuisine: Italy Food Guide to Lombardy - Duration: 29:06.

Well good morning from Milano, Italia.

We are here in Italy.

It is our first day, so we have gone in search of the Italian breakfast.

Now we weren't entirely sure what an Italian breakfast looks like so we did a bit of research

and asked around and apparently it is just a coffee and anything sweet.

So that could be pastries, bread with jam, cake or cookies.

So we've sat down at a little cafe and we're going to have our first Italian breakfast.

So my beverage of choice today is the cappuccino because it is a very cold day.

And why not have some frothy coffee.

It's a cold day.

When is fifteen degrees considered cold?

Look at the way I'm dressed.

I'm cold okay?

Ooh, that is nice.

Excellent cappuccino.

Nice and rich and frothy?



Wanna try some?

So this breakfast reminds me a bit of breakfast in France and also in Argentina.

A sweet way to start the day and I have to say it is a quite a huge contrast and change

from what we were used to in England and Ireland where we were having full savory breakfasts.

With eggs and sausages and mushrooms.

Lower calories and a lot sweeter.

And this pastry here I've selected, I honestly don't really know what it is.

What made me select it was that I saw walnut bits.

And hey, I'm a huge fan of walnuts so I don't know what is inside.

It looks like it might be apple.

Let's find out.

I thought it was going to be prunes.


No, no no.

That is like pecan pie.

That's pecan filling inside.

Let's see the inside.

Oh wow!

That is so delicious.

Oh, it's like having pecan pie.

Pie for breakfast.

He's a happy boy.

And what do you have over there?

Well, this is the pastry I chose.

It is a little twisty one with chocolate chips.

That is really good.

It is very buttery and flaky.

And you just can't go wrong with chocolate chips this early in the morning.

I'm a fan.

So we're going to be here for a week in the Lombardy region and I can't wait to try as

much Italian food as possible.

It's one of my favorite cuisines.

And last but not least, price point?

Well, this delicious breakfast for two came to five Euros and that included two cappuccinos

and two pastries.

So not an expensive way to start the day.

Yeah, talk about value.


Okay guys, so I'm pretty excited about today.

We have left Bergamo behind and we're visiting a castle outside in the countryside.

It's called Castello di Malpaga and we are going to be taking a cooking class inside

a castle.

So I'm going to get ready to start cooking and Sam is going to give you a tour of the

castle so you can see what it looks like.

So this is a family owned castle.

It dates back to the 13th Century.

Let me give you a tour.

The first lesson of the day was to focus on dishes that take the longest to prepare, so

we got started with dessert- a delicious tiramisu with a modern twist!

Like that?

More aggressively.

Like that.

So I'm taking a quick break from the kitchen to tell you today's menu.

We are going to be preparing beef tartare as an entree, ravioli for the main course

and then tiramisu for dessert.

So it should be very tasty.

Let's get back to the kitchen and let's keep cooking.

For our main dish we prepared ravioli, and because this is Italy the dough had to be

made from scratch.

There were no shortcuts here and everyone was put to work kneading and then rolling

out the dough into thin layers.

What are we doing over here?

Rolling some pasta.

It requires a lot of muscle work.

More muscle than I have.

Preparing the stuffing was next.

We went with a vegetarian option, which was pumpkin.

Smashing pumpkins.

Like the bad.


So clever.

Once again, we took no shortcuts here.

Pumpkins were chopped, peeled, and then boiled, before being pressed into a paste that we

used as our filling.

The last dish of the day was beef tartare.

I skipped out since it's not to my taste, but I was told it was very tasty.

So we have now finished preparing our three course meal and we're going to go have lunch

inside the feast hall which has painted frescoes that are just beautiful.

So let's go in.

Buon appetito!

How is the food so far?

It is delicious because I prepared it myself.

I hardly did any work actually.

The truth comes out.

And now that lunch is over we get to play dress-up.

Let me lead you around my castle.

I am Queen of this kingdom.

Once we had eaten lunch, it was finally time to tour the castle - a very exciting prospect,

especially when you're dressed in Renaissance costumes.

We paraded around like kings and queens, and then explored the former home of Bartolomeo

Colleoni, who was captain-general of the Republic of Venice and earned quite the reputation

battling neighbouring city-states.

We're Kings and Queens from around the world.

And winter is coming.

Winter is coming.

So I had a lot of fun cooking, eating and playing king for a day in a castle but unfortunately

all good things come to an end and it is time for us to go back to Milan.

Well good evening from Milan.

It is our first full day here and it is now dinner time.

So we just found a local little restaurant and we're going to be trying a traditional

dish that is very popular in this city and in the Lombardy region.

We are going to have Risotto alla Milanese .

First impressions from Milan so far?

Ah, it's been great.

Especially the food.

And every time you go to a restaurant I'm looking at the menu and I'm like I want this,

I want this, I want this, I want this.

So I have a hard time deciding and I'm not even sure if we're going to get to cover everything

before we leave.

Well, tonight it is risotto.

First impressions of Italian food here in Milan?

It's been really good.

This bread I'm having right now is really good actually.

I'm already on my forth slice.

I'm a little worried because I may start to get full before the risotto actually arrives.

My Risotto alla Milanese has arrived.

And in case you're not too familiar with risotto it is basically a type of rice that is very

thick, very starchy and it absorbs a lot of liquids.

So this should be good.

It almost looks a little soupy and creamy.

And also my Risotto alla Milanese gets its color from saffron.

So saffron is a bit of a reddish orange color when it is dry but when you stick it and mix

it with the rice it turns it yellow.

So enough about that let's try it.



Do you like that?

Oh, wow!

That is so good.

And it is already cheesy.

I mean I know I added a lot of cheese but I think they had already melted some cheese

and mixed it in.

So yeah, very cheesy and very buttery.

You can never get too much cheese.

That is so good.

You're going to like this.


Is it heaven?

Seriously that is amazing.

Like risotto might be my new favorite Italian food.

It's that good.

It's so good.

It is that good.

And the thing I like about this one is that it is really plain.

Like I've had other types of risotto and there is a lot of things going on.

There is a lot of different ingredients but this is just really simple.

You've got your cheese, you've got your saffron.


Right now it is six twenty in the evening and we've basically got the restaurant to

ourselves and that is because locals would never go out to eat this early.

This is not even close to dinnertime.

I'm thinking more like eight, nine, ten maybe even eleven.

That is what time dinner is.

And we can see all of the empty chairs right behind you.

Judging by your plate I'm assuming you enjoyed it?

That is an empty plate and a happy boy.

And the price was also very reasonable coming in at seven Euros.

Great value, excellent meal.

So we've gone out for our first Italian Aperitivo.

Which is kind of like a pre-dinner drinking tradition.

Basically, you get yourself a cocktail for about 10 Euros and that gives you access to

this massive buffet of like pizzas, pastas, olives.

Anything you could possibly imagine.

And this is what comes before dinner.

So I have to admit I was expecting very simple food for the Aperitivo.

I thought maybe they would just give us some prosciutto cheese and olives.

You know, pretty cheap simple food.

But instead what we've found was this.

So I've got lasagna, I've got ravioli.

I have have stir-fried veggies.

And even french fries which are not Italian but I had to grab a few anyways since they

were available.

So how about you?

What did you get for the Aperitivo?

Give us a tour.

Well, basically I almost exactly the same as you.

The main difference being I got a huge slice of pizza and I think I got some more cold

cuts and cheese.

You know what?

All the pizza was gone when I went up there.

I think you took the last slice.

What can I say.

Alright, so I'm having a Bellini which is made with peach juice and something else.

But I can't tell you what that something else is because I just don't know my cocktails

very well.

It's good stuff right there.




And it appears you've gone for something a bit more tropical.

Yeah, how can you go wrong with a classic Piña colada.

Now this looks really thick.

I'm hoping that they put a lot of coconut and not too much pineapple juice.

That's a pretty decent blend.


Yeah, I really taste the coconut.

I like it.

So the savory part is over.

What have we got now?

Well, it was time for dessert so I went back for seconds and they had lots of different


And then this is really good.

I'm not entirely sure what it is but it tastes a bit like a vanilla pudding crossed with


I don't know my Italian desserts but I can tell you it is really good.

So I'm not going to share.

Okay, so final thoughts on your first Aperitivo experience.

How was it?

Well, considering we spent several nights in Milan I can't believe it took us to our

final night to actually go and try it.

We should have been doing this every night.

It's fantastic.

You get a really nice cocktail.

You get a nice spread of food and dessert too for 10 Euros.

It's fantastic value.

And what did you think of it?

Honestly, for me that was enough for dinner.

It was a lot of food.

I mean it is an open buffet so technically you can go up as many times as you want but

you don't want to be overdoing it.

Kind of like Vegas buffet style where you're just slapping the food on your plate until

you've got a big mountain.

That's not how it works over here.

But it was really good, really tasty food.

I would also recommend coming early.

Aperitivo is usually between six and ten PM.

We showed up at like six thirty and it was already quite packed so come early, get a

table and there will be more food options as well.

Good morning from Chiavenna.

It is a bit of a rainy morning but we are still very excited to be here and out exploring

because there is a festival taking place here.

Today is the day of the Bresaola and that means that we are celebrating a deli meat.

And there is lots of different stands that have been setup across the town.

So you can just wander around and sample some deli meats.

So we're going to be trying lots of food today.

It's very exciting.

And just to give you a bit of background information, Bresaola is kind of similar to prosciutto

but it is made from beef and it has very little fat.

So that is coming up in this video.

So this is a look at the map of Chiavenna and it shows where are the Bresaola tastings

are going to be taking place.

And there is fourteen different spots across the town, so I think we're going to be eating

quite a bit.

Want to try some?



That's really good.

Really tasty.

We are looking for more meat.

Carnivores today!

There is only bread available right now so everyone is waiting patiently while they slice

more Bresaola.

I've got some more Bresaola.

I think by the end of the day we're going to be suffering from meat sweats.

It's so good.

It's so good, I wish I knew how to describe this properly but it is just good.

You need to come to Italy and try it.

What else can I say.

This one here appears to be a bit of a darker meat than we've tried before.

And I'm pairing it with some bread.

One big bite.

Yeah, that's awesome.

More bresaola guys.

You know lunchtime is about an hour away and I feel like I'm just walking around town eating

my appetizer.

It's pretty nice.

First impressions so far?

So what I've been noticing as we've been wandering around is that there is a lot of different

stands open selling all kinds of different things.

As you can see behind me there is rugs being sold.

Oh, so it is not just about the food.


So the mood here is very happy, very jovial.

There are lots of different bands playing at every square around town.

I just feel bad for the puppies.

Some people are walking around with their dogs and they just look a little frightened

and startled.

Okay, and this meat appears to be a bit lighter than the last one I tried.

Again, I have the same dark bread.

It is so good I can see why they have a whole festival just based on meat.

So that is a wrap for us from the festival.

I don't think either of us has ever been to a festival that is centered around just one

particular food item.

But it was really cool, a little bit quirky and definitely one of the more interesting

things we did while in Italy.

But not for vegetarians.

Definitely not.

One of the pleasures of coming to Italy is indulging in the local ice cream known as


Here we've each got two cones.

I've got the waffle cone over here and Audrey's going to be trying the regular cone.

We've got different flavors and we can't wait to try a taste test now.

Okay, so I went for a medium sized cone with two scoops.

The first flavor is wild berries and the second one on top is a bit unusual.

It is pear and cheese.

I've never had cheese flavored ice cream before unless it was cheesecake.

So it should be interesting.


Okay, wild berries are really good.

One more lick.



So that is the pear and cheese.

It has real chunks of pear so it is very fruity.

It has a nice strong flavor.

And you also taste a hint of cheese.

I couldn't tell you what kind of cheese it is but it is coming through.

I'm very happy with the selection.

Now tell us about the flavors in your giant waffle cone.

Yeah, so I picked two as well.

This one over here is black cherry.


Is that good?

A bit of brain freeze.

I took too big of a bite.

Yeah, you can really taste the cherry.

It is very strong and over here is pistachio.

And pistachio is awesome.

It is one of my favorite ice cream flavors.

I think the only one I particularly like more is rum and raisin but they didn't have that.

So what would be the difference between gelato and regular ice cream that we're used to in

North America?

Okay, so there are a few key differences.

First up, gelato is churned at a slower rate so that means it gets less air and then it

has a thicker, denser quality.

And the second key difference is that gelato has a lower fat content which means the flavors

of the ice cream really come through.

So that is why I like gelato a lot better than ice cream.

So gelato is also served at a slightly higher temperature than ice cream meaning it melts

fast and that is why we're gobbling it down really quickly right now.


Yours is already melting.

It sure is.

And how about that price point for that delicious little treat we enjoyed?

Okay, so my medium sized cone was two fifty and Sam's was three fifty.

And those prices are in Euros.

And also a gelato is really easy to find in just about any city.

Just as we were walking down the street we came across maybe like four or five different

shops, so try it out the next time you're in Italy.

So it is lunchtime here in Milan and we figured why not have pizza when in Italy.

I've only had pizza once the whole time I've been here and it was time to try a few others.

So we've been walking around the city and we walked by this one shop and we saw they

had like these extra thick slices of pizza.

It almost looked like a focaccia bread with toppings.

So we went in there and grabbed two slices.

Tell us what did you get for yourself?

So I got the one that had salami and mozzarella.

And this reminds me a lot of the pizza I had in Buenos Aires in Argentina.

These massive thick slices that you would just go into a shop and order.

And I think this is going to be delicious.

Ooh, time for the first bite.

And I like that has already been pre-sliced into small little pieces for us.

Perfect for lunch at the park.

That's really good.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Gooey cheese?

Oh, yeah.

I don't even have anything to say.


What did you get on yours?

Okay, so mine has what I believe in mozzarella and some small tomatoes and basil leaves.

So it looks really good.

And I was asking the guy who served our pizza, you know, what kind of pizza is it?

What style is it?

And he called it pizza al trancio.

And I looked that up and it basically means pizza by the piece or pizza by the slice.

And as you can see it has already been pre-sliced into little portions, so it is perfect for

you know just getting it to go, having lunch at a park or eating it outdoors.

Yeah, we're having it in a park now as it just starts to rain.

So time to try this.

It looks wonderful.

Oh my goodness.


Is that good?

Oh, yeah.

So the dough, I mean it is really thick but it also has a bit of a fluffy quality to it

and that is like a thick layer of cheese as well.

Like that is a generous amount of cheese.

Check this out?

Look at all that cheese.

It kind of reminds me of Chicago Deep Dish style as well.

So the only other slice of pizza we've had in Milan so far was the super super thin slice

of pizza.

How does this over here compare?

Well, you can never go wrong with pizza as far as I'm concerned.

But if I had to choose, one of the two, I would go with the thicker pizza.

I just love the thick dough and the generous amount of cheese.

That is just unbelievable.

And you're getting more bang for your buck so it is more food technically.

Yeah, that is true.

And how much did those two slices of pizza cost?

Okay, so that was seven Euros total for the two slices.

So about three fifty each.

Not bad for such a giant slice of pizza, I'd say.

Good afternoon from the city of Bergamo.

Today we took a day trip from Milan, we rode the train for less than an hour and we arrived

at a completely new destination.

So we've been exploring the town of Bergamo and we also learned that there is a dessert

that is very popular in this city.

And that is what I have right here.

This right here is called Polenta e osei.

And Polenta is made from corn.

It is kind of like a finely ground corn or maze.

And it is usually served in savory dishes with like a tomato sauce or some type of other


Um, but it has been turned into a dessert here.

So we're having sweet Polenta.

And apparently the name means 'a bird' osei is meant to be bird in the local dialect.

So yeah, bird polenta.

That is what we're having today.

Time to take a bite.


Bird polenta.


It's supposed to be really sweet.

Is it?

I wonder if it is just polenta on the exterior because look at the inside.

It almost looks a little bit like cake.

So I wonder if it is just the yellow coating that is the polenta.

I'm not entirely sure.

And is it sweet?

Oh, very sweet.

Very sugary.

I mean you can see the granulated sugar on the outside.

Super sweet.

But yeah, it is a completely new dessert for me.

Want to give it a try?

And it is unique to here.

We later discovered that the reason it tasted so sweet is because we had a lost in translation

moment with our guide.

The dessert we tried bares the exact same name as a savory polenta dish with a bird

cooked inside.

The dessert was given this name because from the exterior it looks just like polenta but

when you bite in it is cake.

A little confusing but nevertheless tasty.

Your turn to give it a try.

Oh, he's making out with it.


That is some kind of sweet.

What do you think?

Some kind of sweet?

It is definitely tasty.


That is the kind of thing that I don't think I could eat this whole thing.

It is too sweet.

It is a little overpowering isn't it?

It is.

You know, I feel quite lucky to have had the opportunity to try this today because we got

a recommendation from a local upon arriving.

And we had no idea that this even existed.

Polenta as a dessert?


Who knew?

And now I think you should try whatever is on top there.

Do you think that is marzipan?

It's a kind of chocolate.

I don't know.

What is he doing?

Yeah, I think it is.


It's also really sweet.


I'm getting a bit of a sugar high right now.

Do you think you can finish all of that?

Is that like a challenge?


Does that mean challenge accepted?

Okay, try and describe this dessert for someone who has never had it before?

Yeah, it is quite unique.

So the outer layer here, you can see it is mostly granulated sugar and polenta.

That is probably the sweetest parts.

And inside it is kind of like a sponge cake with an icing filling.

And upon further research it looks like we've found a secret chocolate layer in the middle.

Okay, so this is the dessert that keeps on giving basically.

Yeah, basically.

So in terms of price point you can pick up this dessert at almost any pastry shop inside

the old town.

It costs three Euros and I found it so sweet that you can probably split it and share it

with two people.

For more infomation >> Italian Cuisine: Italy Food Guide to Lombardy - Duration: 29:06.


The Donald Trump #1 lie & slave name Nanakokochuchi #1897 - Duration: 3:40.

hello friends family and internet I am

thrilled to pieces you have chosen to

hang out at home with me today and

explore the universe so today I have a

story here that i just discovered I've

been super sleuthing around and I've

discovered a lie about Donald Trump

that's right there's the lie posted on

my facebook i hope you guys will join me


subscribe to me on youtube watch videos

watch them the whole way through and

like my videos and so here's the story

this just in Donald J Trump born and

raised in Djibouti south africa with the

slave name of Nanakokochuchi here's a

picture when Nanakokochuchi Donald Trump

was a slave boy in South Africa before

he tried skin bleaching which later in life

turned his skin the orange hue we see

today Nanakokochuchi Donald Trump was

raised in the south african orphanage up

until he escaped and ended up in Cuba

then floating to South Florida Miami and

hollowed out VW Bug mr. and mrs. Trump

hired a historical reconstructionist to

rewrite Nanakokochuchi Donald Trump's

past so he would not feel so out of


numerous your surgical treatments helped

construct the Nanakokochuchi donald we see

today when Nanakokochuchi decided to have


he was concerned about the genetics so

participated in a trial study of sperm

replacement therapy so his South African

heritage would be hidden away for ever

so there it is there it is and there I

am on Facebook and so yeah I wanted to

share that story with you guys you know

so the lie is out you know it's rigged

he's right Donald Trump pricked it he

rigged the whole thing and so his

history his past is fake he wrote

rewrote everything to benefit him and

created this big fat lie there he is

right there

yeah what do you guys think about that

that's what Donald Trump really looks


so in until he had of those plastic and

cosmetic surgeries and and then his

histories been rewritten and the whole

slew of other things to cover up lie

after lie after lie after lie

now who's the crooked one that's the

thing that I want to know that here's

the crooked one crooked Trump that's

what we've got going is a crooked Trump

and so yes everything that he put off on

Hillary he was deflecting because he was

telling you guys the story about himself

that's what it was so yeah so I want to

thank you guys for watching please

thumbs up this video subscribe subscribe

thank you for being my friend 2016 thank

you for being my friend 2017 and every

year after that subscribe let's get to a

million subscribers let's let's do

thousands and thousands of subscribers

every day and share this video let's get

10,000 likes on this video so we can get

the message out about Donald Trump and

how was such a crooked person that he is

and yes

yeah I think that's important that he's

crooked and thank you so much for


share this video with your friends and

i'll see you guys soon peace love and


there it is again

For more infomation >> The Donald Trump #1 lie & slave name Nanakokochuchi #1897 - Duration: 3:40.


How To Be So Pretty - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> How To Be So Pretty - Duration: 0:40.


We need to hang James so I win! /Town of Salem\ - Duration: 16:00.

these subtitles are for Werewing since you can't hear him.

Werwing: I am

Werewing: I was!

Werewing: I don't really talk loud.


Werewing: Yeah I did.

Werewing: I counted 2 times.

Werewing: You're out of luck. I'm mafioso!!!

Werewing: Yeah!

Werewing: YEP!

Werewing: here we go!

Werewing:I'm Jimmy Olsen, the mafioso

Werewing: awwwww :(

I asked him and neither of us remember what he said.

Werewing: yep!

Werwing: uhh Kobey bryent.

Werewing: He was the Framer.

werewing: He disconnected anyway.

Werewing: who are you going after?

Werewing: Oh I think I'm dead. Wait its not me.

Werewing: how would I know he attacked me?

Werewing: yeah but thats a bad thing to do.


Werewing: its bad for me since Im the mafia (mob)

Werewing: no.

(no clue what he said)

Werewing: might be lookout.

I yell like an idiot because I'm tired and bored and want James dead from Mob Mentality.

we go quiet for no reason

Werewing: only 4 people said guilty, 3 were mafia and then an executioner!

Werewing:I won't tell you.

Werewing: no.

Werewing: I'm not telling you.

Werewing: no but good guess.


untranslatable words from the mystical language of gibberish.

Werewing: I tried to kill presheen.

Werewing: he already knows.

Werewing: yes he is.

For more infomation >> We need to hang James so I win! /Town of Salem\ - Duration: 16:00.


DS DS 3 PURETECH 110 PK AUTOMAAT SO CHIC - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> DS DS 3 PURETECH 110 PK AUTOMAAT SO CHIC - Duration: 1:40.


2017 - Duration: 5:27.

Hello fellow YouTube dwellers it's ThatChickMaysa

And it's 2017

Although as I am filming this it is not 2017

But by the time I upload it it will be

So when you're watching it, it will be

So as I've been making intro videos for the past, 1 year

I know I haven't been making intro videos to the year very often

But I want to make it a thing

I made it last year, well "this year' technically

And I am going to make it this year and I am going to talk about

What I am going to show you guys in this year of my YouTube journey

Yes, you may know my YouTube journey is like a bumpy one

As of videos and things like that

Like the video schedule hasn't been good

And I always come up with excuses

And this year, a.k.a last year 2016

Wasn't my year

I really wanted to make it my year but I can't force that

And so much happened that I just

Couldn't dedicate it fully

That was an intense year

But I'm actually so glad that that year happened cause

I learnt so much from that year, for future reference

You're gonna have to know somehow

in life you're going to have to learn the hard way

And I learnt the hard way and I'm so glad for that because

When people tell you, it's different

But when you experience then you're going to know

Because everyone is different

in their situations, the way they deal with things and yeah

I just have so many cool video ideas that I've been wanting to do for a while

Planned for this year and I'm going to be filming them this year

And I hope you guys are going to be liking them this year

And yeah it's going to be so cool and I can't wait for you guys to see them

So what's going to happen to me this year

I am going into grade 11 in school and

I'm ecxit-not excited actually

I was going say excited but I ain't excited

I just I don't know to feel about that

So yeah I'm just like...

I'm looking forward to see what this year will bring

And how I will cope and how I will deal

And how life is going to be to me this year

Please be better

Hashtag MO that thing I talked about in my last year video

That's coming this year, I'm going to film that

Because I just thought of better ideas for it

if you don't know what it is

Click here and you can see the video and what I was talking about and my ideas

I don't know what to

classify my channel as, like I am not a beauty guru

but I do do beauty videos

And I am going to be doing other videos too

So please don't recognize me as a beauty guru

Or anything like that, I am not a full beauty guru

I can't do makeup for sh*t

And I'm going to doing like skits, beauty guru stuff, vlogs

So much, so much and I'm just so excited

things may come up, might mess up my channel a little bit, might put me off

But I am going to try to work through it

So if you want to know my uploading and filming schedule

I will be filming videos on a Sunday

And then

Working, like editing them. Like giving myself a week to edit cause things come up and

I can't just edit in one day cause something is bound happen

I'm going to be filming on a Sunday

Editing the whole week

Then posting on the following Sunday

And then filming on that Sunday

Vis Versa


Videos that are upcoming soon

An MO is going to be my next video from this I think

And after that I am going to do

What I think will be a look book for Hijabi's


You find them on the internet yeah

But I want to do summer in Australia like

Hot hot

Cause like I can't wear that here

I'm just so excited for YouTube this year

and just seeing where I go

with my channel and it's just really cool

and I hope you guys like my new intro by the way

It was by me

Also I think when I finish cleaning my room

I am going to be doing a room tour cause

I think I've been wanting to do one for a while but

I just don't think my room is up to the standards

That I would like to show it to the world yet, I want to like make it look great because

It has potential honestly it does

But I just don't take it to that potential

Okay I think I've been talking too much

It's just like we're having a chat

I don't feel like this is like a formal video

We're just talking to eachother

Well I'm just talking to a camera but

There's someone watching so I know I am talking to someone

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video

Get ready for 2017

By the way did you know that 2010

is as far from 2017 as 2024 is

As far from 2017

It's crazy right? Like 2024 seems like the future

But 2010 feels like just the other day

Well not really but like closer than you think, it's just weird, I don't know

I keep getting sidetracked

I hope you guys enjoy 2017

And I'm going to make the most of it

See you all in my next video, which will probably be a MO

For more infomation >> 2017 - Duration: 5:27.


CSGO - Surfing Gameplay For Fun - GAMEPLAY - Duration: 8:33.

Its taking so long ;-;

Why the hell is my knife a bayonet?

Derp, derp, derp derp derp derp


dem dramatic musics


okay I have a failure feeling

For more infomation >> CSGO - Surfing Gameplay For Fun - GAMEPLAY - Duration: 8:33.


How To Be So Lame It S Actually Cool - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> How To Be So Lame It S Actually Cool - Duration: 1:51.



For more infomation >> RESPECT EACH OTHER # HAPPYNEW YEAR 2017 #OMTELOLET OM :) | MINETEST - Duration: 7:10.


UFO Artificial Sinking Islands Cape Canaveral Google Earth Global Warming Environment #494 - Duration: 11:03.

and so but now we're getting down here

further where are we

we're at new new smyrna beach and so

things get really really congested in

here here's chicken island

we're still looking on google maps 00

here is another one ok good grief

see I just this is by big cove so i need

to mark i need to mark this on here so

this actually looks like more i don't

know i don't know what to call it so I

know it looks man made man made man made

man maybe man-made artificial islands

i'm not sure what to call it

so anyway we've got this strange thing

going on in here but maybe it's in a

flood zone now possibly a or is this an

old foundation of some city or something

it doesn't look like there's anybody

living out here it doesn't look


that's what I wonder like are these the

old roads or are they did they plant

something out there is there food out

there is this a fish farm

I don't know or is it future development

big cove so that is really really

interesting and yeah and so we even have

yeah that that's really really

interesting so so we can assume that the

water is rising oh here's another one

here's another one so i don't know if

the government would have bought this

back or if the see here all of this

looks like see how it kind of matches up

here so this looks like it could have

been a road at one time it looks

intentionally dugout right there but it

looks like it just looks like it was

part of a city at one time I'm going to

mark this one to a let's call it a UFO

or something I

UFO all well well i didn't type very

well U F O so yeah this is really

unusual so I'm thinking this this looks

like some sort of foundations or

planting or something from the past and

let's scoot on up here

ok there are some houses up here so so

there is still people who live back up

in here and so they may be

yeah it i'm wondering I it just has me

wondering and thinking that this is land

that's being reclaimed by the water

possibly so you know i'm not going to

say that everything is sinister there is

a lot through here though

look at this ok so this clearly some of

this does look like little unless it's

part of island building

I don't know you yeah that's the part

that there's a lot through here though

oyster bay or is it farming for oysters

maybe some sort of farming for food we

can't get down there Pegman won't go

down there so but clearly something was

alive little bunches of something was

alive there on time and all of these are


you know are they are roadways that are

covered now is that pavement that's

covered now with mud and dirt and you

see this right here this is all covered

there's no houses there anything like

that there is one house here

yeah and so there's a bridge

oh this is not a bridge dock so yeah so

okay and when i look at this and I

compare it to Mars even it looks all

muddy so I don't know how deep it is but

it just plain looks all muddy to me like

a big muddy mess and that kind of

reminds me of Mars and I guess that was

sort of my point

Oh Bethune beach Oh looky here we've got

another one

look at this

it's like okay I wasn't even intending

on looking for all these today and now

I'm finding them so that looks like

little foundations of something here

do you see that so this is foundations

of something from the past I need to

mark that one too and so so since they

keep saying that the water is supposed

to be rising and we're experiencing

global warming than to me it seems like

it's a waste to do all this island

building and Oh shipyard island oh look

at this

oh this is so interesting and but but

yeah that is really really interesting

to me

look at that it's like nature just

doesn't create stuff like that in those

patterns like that so all of this is

being dug out then and maybe that

creates flooding for over here I don't


and here is more on orange island

okay look at this and so so what I'm

thinking then is since we're shifting to

the east then these parts are being

reclaimed so i don't know if this would

be would have been artificial land at

one time I think this is more ruins and

I'm gonna mark that more ruins but then

but I want to go down I i need to get

down to the southern part of florida

because I missed all of this yesterday I

hope that's going into florida i think

that it probably is because they're so

so so much to look at that is so unusual

and see look at this right through here

but but you know the thing that I think

about though too is like I my hope would

be and I know that it's probably not

true is that the developers wouldn't

build all this in here and that there's

not island building artificial island

building going on but you know because

it's just seems like a waste of money

and so then this is my theory

oh here's another 1 all

through here there's all kinds of them

and so all kinds of that's unusual that

is really strange and so where is this

by now

ok so all I gotta do is this is by

titusville oh oh ok yeah and so here we

are now this one is really really

strange where we're in titusville and so

which is near cocoa beach and it gets

close to 0 what's it called Cape

Canaveral okay so now we've got all this

so we've got we've cut through here

wait a second we got to barrier islands

here so we got a barrier island here and

a barrier island here so this might be

for another this

ok so this is your cucumber island this

some of this might be for another video

possibly so we've got this big cut out

spot through in here and yeah I marked

some things that I thought were really

really strange-looking but now I didn't

see these yesterday because I just

didn't see them

Oh what is this is this

oh that's a bridge that looks like a

drawbridge possibly ok but then we've

got these little dashes through here

we've got dash dash dash dash dash dash

dash dash dash dash dash and it's almost

like a Braille dash dash dot dot dot

dot dot dot dot dot now I I can it

makes sense that nature might do that

some things but this is really strange

dot dot dot dot that doesn't make any sense

to me and then there's one right here

I mean it looks like sand bars it looks

like sand bars that have been put there

intelligently and you see them all along

here all along here so so it seems like

possibly island building might be going

on taking place artificial island

building could be taking place

so we're in Cape Canaveral here right now

and yeah Cape Canaveral and we've got

the same thing going on

oh this one part was strange because ok

i was looking right here and i was

thinking now is this a former road of

some sort or is that a dig out a dugout

of some sort so we've got something

right here and I just marked at former

former road because what else do you

call it and yeah so do we have

artificial island building going on here

is this a building underwater or is this

all waterways and sediment is being

dumped over here to build these

artificial islands

yes that's what I'm curious about

because we've got from here it's like

we've got a dotted line from here all

the way over to here and then down to

here we've got this big dotted line

going on and so that that would and so

yeah so and so look at this and so did

all of this stuff just fall into the

ocean or is this an unnatural barrier

and reef that was built hundreds of

years ago or did all this fall into the

ocean and they're trying to rebuild and

put land back in there again under the

guise of of all restoring the wetlands

and helping nature and the fish and so

but I mean but I know and I've seen it

at fort pierce florida as well that you

know they throw the stuff up on the

beach the sand the sediment back up on

the beach and the water just takes it

away again so it really seems like a

waste of money so if all of this this is

the ocean in here that's not a river

they call they do call these rivers but

it's not the Indian River it's the ocean

you know is what it is

look at that that's all along here to

see all this so we've gotten away from

were down at melbourne's and they've got

all these little dot dot dot dot dot dot

dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot

For more infomation >> UFO Artificial Sinking Islands Cape Canaveral Google Earth Global Warming Environment #494 - Duration: 11:03.


Huh I'm dum - Duration: 1:14.

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