Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Youtube daily make Jan 2 2017

How to make Coconut Snowballs in Minnie kitchen

Peace and Allahs mercy and blessings be upon you

Hello my friends

How to make Coconut Snowballs in Minnie kitchen

Ingredients :


Condensed milk

Grated coconut

Chocolate Chips


See you later :)

For more infomation >> How to make Coconut Snowballs in Minnie kitchen - Duration: 9:50.


how to make paper wallet without tape or glue (very easy) part 01 - Duration: 2:01.

now lets lern how to make a paper wallet

For this expirment you need only a copy

At first turn the middle page of the copy

take out middle page

I don't need to take out the page because i have already taken out the paper

Now open it

Now make it half

As you can see here I'm making half

Now here will be , as you can see here will be two parts. Now , take the end of two parts at the middle of the paper.

Now turn opposite of it.

Now I will show you how to make.

For more infomation >> how to make paper wallet without tape or glue (very easy) part 01 - Duration: 2:01.


Growtopia How To Make Rich me(Ep.01) LOL - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Growtopia How To Make Rich me(Ep.01) LOL - Duration: 1:12.


Picture Animation Effects - Duration: 22:41.

hello friends today we will see how to

apply some cool effects to the image and

present it effectively so we'll just go

through these effects first and then

we'll see how to do it

so this is one of the effect where these pictures will

travel in one direction

and after sometime it will get reversed

ok so first we will see how to do it

I have prepared another slide in which

I have just inserted some the same pictures you can

insert any picture you want so far as what we have to

we have to adjust the size so that

every picture is off same size will just

double click on it and select height as 2.5

the width will get adjusted automatically

all the pictures has to be

either in landscape mode or portrait mode

otherwise the size will differ

then we want to align them together

so what we'll do we'll just for temporary reason

temporarily we will include one square

ok then we will adjust these images in this square

again increase this square a little bit

this will look nice

ok so now all the pictures are aligned

so we'll just delete this square

now we want to add effects will click the first image go to

animation custom animation and we'll

select motion path of square

ok then what we will do we will adjust this

Square length

ok so we have to adjust it like

it should be alligned to the center of other


see this is the center of this picture

this is the center of this picture here we

need to shift a little bit upward

ok now you will keep it with previous

keep its speed medium let's see how it


ok it looks a little bit fast so what do

we will make it very slow ok this speed

seems good now after this we need to

apply the same effect to this one but we

will have to select Custom motion path

of freeform

ok then we will just click on its center

then drag it to the center of next

picture likewise

& to end it here we need to double


they should also should happen with

previous and speed should be very slow

sorry same effect to this one

then the last effect for this picture

remember to follow only one direction

while drawing the custom path

ok then what we need to do we need to

remove these smooth start smooth end

click on auto reverse so that the path

will get reversed automatically

now let's see

still the effect is looking a little bit

faster so we can customize these speeds

can click on the effect go to timing

instead of five seconds will select


let's see

now this looks a little bit nice than

the previous one you can adjust the

speed depending upon your dessire

but this effect looks nice on little bit

slow motion

ok, now

you will see another effect

its transition effect

ok so we'll see this effect now

what we need we need will copy these same

pictures to another slide we will remove

all these effects

ok and we need to adjust these pictures

just little bit zoom out.

Then we can just group them together

and we will add effect of fly in from left

select slow

we can decrease it's speed again will select

let's say 15 if you want to increase the

duration we can again copy this group

paste it

and again group them together

we will also apply some reflections

we need to apply it all group

ok we'll select the same group paste it

again and we will align it here

ok we need to apply the effect again has

we had a group it together fly-in with

previous from left 15 for this will

select the same if it like in but

instead of will select it from right

let's see

just a minute

ok so this is how you can apply this

effect to your pictures if you want you

can still decrease speed

ok we will see third effect

ok this is a very nice effect

ok so we'll see how to do it will select

this image

this effect then adjust it here then

we'll copy paste that image and we will

make it black and white

ok then you will select the color image

and select fade with previous very slow

then we can just write anything you want

welcome to clolourfull world

will select this text and we also select

fiade with previous speed very slow

let's see

Oh, one minute

you need to send it back


now you will see the fourth effect

this is very simple copy these slides only

we will remove these effects so we need

two pictures one of gray scale &

one of colorful

then select this color image to go to

motion path select up

will increase its length by holding the shift key

to let say here. Let see

So this is not covering a whole slide

so we will increase it little bit further let's see

ok you can still increase it little

bit margin

ok now it is covering whole slide

will aplly same effect to this

select it's motion path and we will

stretch it up a little bit further

we will select with previous let's see okay

if you want to make it slowly can select

the slow

ok now we will see the last effect

this is a opposite of a previous one

so what we want we will select these only

remove these effects

copy paste the coloured image

double click select crop

we will crop this center flower

adjust it's position

will draw one squared to match this

cropped image we will make its outline

black and select no fill

& adjust this square

ok we'll adjust the position of a flower

adjust position of this square

ok sorry then we will draw the lines

increase its width to match the width of a square

okay just copy-paste it

rotate this one by 90 degrees and

increase its length and copy/paste

ok now we want this

colored image to go backwards first we will

adjust its position right click select

send to back

then we'll select this grayscale image

apply fade with previous slow


will select this square

select it as appear after previous

and we'll select this line select fly in

from right with previous slow and

select this line select fly in and instead

of bottom select left and select this

line and select direction from bottom it

is bottom only with previous slow

select this line & select fly in from top

let see

ok that image is little bit misaligned


this rectangle we want to appear at


let's see okay i think speed of the last

one huh

this is not adjusted that is very fast

that's why it is not getting synchronize

ok now we will just see it in full screen mode

you can just align that picture again we'll

not do it

but you got a feeling of

how to apply these effects to your

pictures and make it more effective and

impress your audience so that's it my

friends if you liked my video do

subscribe to my channel and don't forget

to like my videos it will boost my

motivation to make such videos in

future so thank you guys

For more infomation >> Picture Animation Effects - Duration: 22:41.


how to make paper wallet without tape or glue (very easy) part 02 - Duration: 1:52.

Now make like this

Turn it backside

Now make it half.

It need to be joined at these two sides.

this and this

sorry this

Now take the tip of this paper and keep it inside.

Now fold it from the middle.

You can see our purse is ready.

See you can keep paper, sorry money here,here and also here

Now, this is one way to make wallet and save the money.

Now if you like this video like and don't forget to suscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> how to make paper wallet without tape or glue (very easy) part 02 - Duration: 1:52.


Low Calorie Strawberry Mousse Parfait | How to Make Strawberry Mousse Dessert - Duration: 4:24.

Hey everyone it's James from fun foods and today i'm

gonna show you how to make this

strawberry mousse dessert it's super

easy and it tastes delicious

so keep watching and I'll show you

step-by-step how to make this for our

strawberry mousse you just won't start

with a large bowl and of course 1 cup of

heavy cream this is heavy whipping cream

whisk that up until it's nice and fluffy

and right when it starts to thicken up a

little bit sprinkling some sugar 1

tablespoon of sugar

when it's nice and thick then it's ready

to set this aside and will come back to

it shortly

now i have a cup of strawberries here

that I've already cleaned and prepared i

am just going to pour into my blender

here and blend them up and make a

strawberry puree also have one

tablespoon of sugar i want to add to


it didn't take long and they pureed nicely

now we're coming back to our heavy cream

that we whipped up into this nice

whipping cream and i'm going to take my

pureed i just made from one cup of

strawberries and pour it in there now

just take it and fold it through you

don't overmix it but you just want to

fold it through nice and gently

and when you have this nice even

consistent color all the way through

then you're ready so I have a cup here

that has a piping bag in its folded in

there just to make it easier for me to

pour my contents into it so I'm not

sitting there trying to hold it and

everythings falling all over so I'm just gonna

pour my mousse in there

what i have here are these desert

glasses which are actually shot glasses

their 2 ounce shot glasses and they come

in different shapes and sizes and i'll

put a link in the description below in

case you want to get your hands on one

of those

yeah i like using them just because I

can take it to a party and then don't have to

worry about getting them again they can

just go get thrown out of the really

cheap so what I'm gonna do now is take

my strawberry mousse that we made and

put in a piping bag and I'm gonna fill

the bottom of this glass this desert

glass and I'm gonna feel about halfway

and stop and then after I fill it

I'm gonna take some strawberry puree

this is just some strawberry puree i pureed

up take some scoop out get a good amount

on there

you want a nice even layer

and then you on top it off with some

more strawberry mousse

and after you do that then I just have

some cool whip and i put in a piping bag

just to make it look more presentable

and I want to put a dab on there and we can

decorate it with a strawberry just like

that and that's how it looks and we do

that with the rest of these and now it's

not for the taste test which is always

the best time of every video I'm gonna

dig right in here and get a little bit

of pure a little bit of that moose

mmm this is good well thanks for

watching I hope you enjoyed watching you

make the strawberry mousse dessert

it is so delicious i hope you get a

chance to try for yourself and if you

enjoyed this video please hit that like

button also hit that big red subscribe

button if you're not already subscribe

to get new videos every week and be sure

to check out some other videos i have

also decided I think you may enjoy those

as well and for now i'll see you next


For more infomation >> Low Calorie Strawberry Mousse Parfait | How to Make Strawberry Mousse Dessert - Duration: 4:24.


How to Make Princess Belle Rainbow Dress Cake | Beauty and the Beast | Kids Cooking and Crafts Chef - Duration: 7:16.

Hey guys! Welcome to Kids Cooking and Crafts

I'm Princess Ava. Today we will be making a Belle Dress cake from

Beauty and the Beast. I love Beauty and the Beast! the new movie is coming out

in a few months. I'm so excited!

I got the idea from my doll and their doll house.

Want to come check it out......Okay

lets go!

I got big Belle and a mini Belle. So this is the living room

this is the dining room. this is a bedroom. this is a bedroom and this is the bathroom.

they have their own tiny Christmas tree.

Do you like the wall paper?

Lets take our bigger Belle and go make the cake!

Okay So I'm going to bling in all of the magical cakes

with my magical princess powers. Since I'm a princess.

Cakes! Doughnuts! and Sprinkles!

Oh wow! these came out floofy.

This one is blue. this is yellow

This is yellow

this is pink. no this is purple & this is pink.

Pssst! I actually make these ahead of time.

Lets Get Fancy!

I'm putting the frosting on so the cakes will stick together

Okay so I'm cutting it flat so I have a good surface so I can put the next cake on.

The blue is really good!

Then I'm gonna do the thing again!

Last One!

So I put the purple one on the top because it's more of a round.

Dresses are big and puffy so it makes it look like a dome.

A Dome!

Like my head.

It looks like a hamburger with extra cheese!

I love hamburgers. Did mention that I like to eat food food?

Now were gonna make Belle's poofy dress part!




I'm Done!

Now this is the trickiest part

You have to cut a hole to fit her legs

This is where it gets messy!

Belle! Quit reading that book and get over here!

Get it cause she reads a lot. hahahaha

Now we gotta take her shoes off

Oh! Her shoes are so pretty!

You ready to dive in?

Let's do this thing.

*fun music*

Now comes the fun part!

The pink. hahaha

Did I that I love pink?

And Food! that's why I got these pink doughnut earings.

I got em for Christmas from Santa.

There amazing.

*whispers* I love doing this!


I did it! YEA!

Now I'm gonna make the bottom of her dress really pretty.

I'm going to alternate yellow an pink

if you don't know what alternating means it's going like

Pink, yellow, pink, yellow like a pattern

Now for the little tiny pink ones.

All Done!

Now I'm gonna yellow and put like little dots up there.

Were Done!

She looks so beatiful!


Take a spin!

isn't she so beautiful?

So beautiful I want to eat her!

Okay so, this is one of the funnest parts

watch me cut it open and see all the rainbow colors.


look at all these rainbow colors!

That was also one the messier parts

Because I mean .... the cake broke. *giggle*

Alright now for the funnest part of all time!

Taste Test

You guys want a bite?

Mmmmmmm! that is soooo goood.

That was so

so good!


Thank you guys sooo much for hanging out with me today on Kids Cooking and Crafts

Making this homemade Beauty and the Beast rainbow Belle dress Cake.

Check our other cake videos. Here. Here. and Maybe here.

And don't forget to like. Subscribe and comment below!

If there is something that you want me to make

tell me in the comments below

And if you make a dress cake like one of ours, take a picture and send it to me!

Now I'm gonna call my friends and totally have them eat this cake with me.

Oh, Hi Kayla. Yea do you want to come over? and eat some cake?

yea let's do it!

For more infomation >> How to Make Princess Belle Rainbow Dress Cake | Beauty and the Beast | Kids Cooking and Crafts Chef - Duration: 7:16.


'Museum kid' heading to the Smithsonian thanks to 'Make A Wish' - Duration: 1:07.

























For more infomation >> 'Museum kid' heading to the Smithsonian thanks to 'Make A Wish' - Duration: 1:07.


How To Make A RC DIY CAR | Chevrolet Camaro - Duration: 5:17.

Use template file to change size or to edit

change color

Print the drawings on A4 size paper

Cut papers

Align papers on foam board (35*50*0.5cm)

Paste papers on foam board

Cut foam board into smaller parts

carefully cut the drawings

Using pencil draw bending, folding lines

Cut the edges of foam in Diagonal angle

Closer view for the edges

Use sand paper (600P) to smooth the edges

Smooth result

Use pointed head tool to engrave the foam at pencil lines

Bend and reshape the foam to match between top and side views

Use hot silicone to bind the sides together

Welded sides

Repeat welding by hot silicone for the other sides

Smooth the edges using sand paper

Add two foam sticks (0.5cm) on both sides

cut foam to make car bottom cap

Print the colored layout. or the desired design

cut the drawings

Paste the paper pieces on the car

End result

combine all of previous parts to make this steering

We will simply attach Servo motor to it

attach the steering to the bottom board

I want to use simple motor and link it to the gear

by using rubber band

but you can use motor reducer instead

I found this method is better than using reducer

it gives you faster drive, but you ill waste a lot of rubber bands

I used mini servo contents to attach rear lights to it

Remove the motor and solder your LEDs instead

in this way you can connect LEDs to Receiver

I'm using 2.4 GHz 3CH (Flysky) transmitter with receiver

Connect ESC with motor, battery and to CH2 on Receiver.

Connect Servo to CH1. Front LEDs to CH3. Rear LEDs with ESC on CH2 (Use Servo extension)

Rear lights should work as you move backward

For more infomation >> How To Make A RC DIY CAR | Chevrolet Camaro - Duration: 5:17.


Special BANGTAN BOMB 5 Let's make an autograph! [RO] - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Special BANGTAN BOMB 5 Let's make an autograph! [RO] - Duration: 4:21.



Click NEW

Width 7200px * Height 5400px

Unlock the background layer , and add guides for proper alignment

Select type tool, Change color to black

Go to character panel, Font size > 354pt

Decrease the size

Type "AND FORGET" and align it to left

Go to character panel and Line height > 130.01pt Font size > 147pt

Select type tool and type "ALL"

Select type tool and type "THE"

Select type tool and type "SAD"

Font size > 375 pt Align > center

Select type tool and type "MOMENTS"

Go to character panel ,align to center

Font size > 304pt

Change background color using paint bucket tool

Change color to #ffb400

Select the layers "HUG","SAD","MOMENTS"

Change color to #ffb0c8 (this color will be changed later)

Using custom shape tool draw the heart shape

Fill it with black

Use the polygon lasso tool to hide the hole,

and on a new layer

Fill it with the same color as the text color

Mask the type layer and its overlaying layer , with the 'heart; selection

Repeat the same process with the "MOMENTS" layer

Select "Layer 0" > Effects > Pattern Overlay

Change blend mode to overlay

Select gradient overlay

Select black to white

Check reverse

Change the white stop color

Create a new file

Width=100px Height =100px

Draw the full-size heart shape

Change color to black

Hide backgrond layer

Rasterize "Shape 1"

Edit > Define Brush Preset

Close that file

Create a New Layer

Open Brush Panel(F5)

Spacing = 331%

Check Shape dynamics

Size Jitter=100%

Minimum diameter = 43%

Angle jitter = 40%

Check Scattering



Count jitter =7%

Select layer "shape 1"

Make selection

Hide "shape 1"

Select brush tool

Draw (Color #FEAAAA)

Change Blend Mode to "Lighter Color"

Change Blend Mode to "Hard Light"


Change color of "HUG","SAD",& "MOMENTS" to WHITE

For more infomation >> How to make TYPOGRAPHIC POSTER -E2 - "HUG AND FORGET ALL SAD MOMENTS" - Duration: 19:13.


How to make your Pc/Laptop work superfine and lag free performance.. - Duration: 7:31.

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For more infomation >> How to make your Pc/Laptop work superfine and lag free performance.. - Duration: 7:31.



for this project you'll need a glass jar

that you can get at any thrift store

you'll need no carts or multi-purpose

labels scissors and a hole-punch you'll

need some clear tape some twine and

permanent marker as well as some colored

paper to start this project you'll

either need a note card or one of the

multi-purpose labels the labels tend to

leave a sticky residue on the glass so i

prefer the notecards cut your no card in

half or just make sure it's at least

skinnier than your clear piece of tape

then write 2017 on the note card with

your permanent marker then rip off a

piece of tape that will be long enough

to wrap around the entire glass jar make

sure you place the tape in the middle of

your notecard so there's a little bit of

tape on the top bottom and both sides

now attach it to your jar wherever you

want and then smooth down the tape to

make sure it's firmly secured all the

way around you can then set the jar

aside because we're going to work on the

paper that will hold our memories make

sure you have all different colors so

it's more festive you'll need to cut the

paper into strips you can make these as

small or big as you want i'm cutting

mine in approximately 2 by 3 inch

squares so that we have enough room to

write a long memory if I want then use a

hole-punch here you can see I've one

shaped in a heart and you're gonna punch

a hole in the corner of the paper you'll

probably want to cut out approximately

30 to 40 pieces of paper so you don't

have to refill them as often once you

have all of them punch with your hole

puncher you're going to take your twine

and run it through the hole you can

always refill these later

now you're going to attach this to your

jar the amount of twine that you'll need

really depends on you for me I cut an

extra long piece and wrapped around

multiple times because i really like the

look of all the twine sitting at the top

so I just kept wrapping it around about

five or six times once you get to the

end and you don't have anymore twine tie

it off and make a couple of knots but

don't do the not so tight that you can't

add more paper later on and that is

pretty much it so now you have your

memories are ready to go and all you

have to do now is write a memory so when

it's time

all you do is rip off one of your pieces

of paper and then write down your memory

i do encourage you to also include who

wrote the note and what the date was

then you just fold it up so you can see

what it says and drop it into your

memory jar then at the end of the year

you should have a ton of memories that

you'll be able to read on New Year's Eve

this is a really fun way to ring in the

New Year and look back on the previous


For more infomation >> HOW TO MAKE A NEW YEAR'S MEMORY JAR! | EASY DIY! - Duration: 3:10.


Want to Speak English in 2017? Stop Doing This... - Duration: 6:48.

Happy New Year! Hello! This is Jack from Welcome to the first

lesson of 2017. Now, we got back yesterday

after a two-day drive from Florida and as

you can see, it's not quite as sunny here.

It's not quite as warm, but it's not too

cold it's great to be back and I'm

really excited for 2017. Now, while I was

in Florida, I spent quite a lot of time

watching different things on YouTube, so

I make a lot of videos here on YouTube

but i also like to watch videos there

and I do this to learn new things I

follow people - I like to be entertained

as well and one person that I was

following is somebody who is an expert

in health and fitness. This person is

quite polarizing and that just means

that some people love him

some people hate him and one of the

things about him - and I'll leave a link

in the description to his channel - is

that he inherited quite a bit of money.

So, he lives in a huge house and he

drives a very fancy car - he's still very

young but a lot of people hate him for

that. You see the hate in the comments

and a lot of people what they do is they

say things like: well, it's easy for you

because you don't need to work you don't

need to have a job you have this big

house; you we're lucky. people say that the

only reason why he is in great shape -

because it's a fitness professional - the

only reason why he's in great shape is

because he can afford to do this, he can

afford to spend the day training. Now, I

find this fascinating because a lot of

people say similar things when it comes

to learning English.

I've seen some people say things like,

you know, you have to move to a foreign

country - you have to move to an

English-speaking country in order to get

a good level of English. And they'll take

examples of friends, you know, they know

somebody who moved to the UK and they

spent a lot of time there and they

learned English really quickly. And then,

in their head, they'll think, well,

I can't really learn English to a high

level because I'm not there - I'm not in an

English-speaking country and, therefore,

it's impossible for me to do this. And

this especially happens, in your head, if

you start comparing yourself to someone

else and the problem here is that people

want conditions to be perfect -

they want to wait until a perfect moment

before they actually commit to a big

goal. So, going back to the example of the

fitness expert, people were saying: oh,

well, it's easy for you.

The reason why you are in great shape

and the reason why you don't have

any fat on your body is because you have

all this time to dedicate to health and

fitness. And then in their mind they're

thinking: well I can't do this because I

don't have that opportunity. And for you,

as somebody who is learning English, you

can give yourself that excuse as well. You

can say: well, I'm not in an

English-speaking country -

I don't have the opportunity to practice

my English. I'm not in the right

environment to get practice and to get

exposure to English, and then, you don't

make the commitment to it because you

don't feel like you're in the right

situation in order to improve. But the

key is this:

it's making the most out of your

situation - it's having a look at your

daily routine, where you live,

the environment that you're surrounded

by, and then telling yourself to make the

most out of this. Because if you wait for

the perfect time - the perfect situation,

then you'll always be waiting, it will

never come. Those situations never come -

there's always a reason to not do

something. I'll give you an example from

my life now because I have lots of

commitments - I have two young children

and I have to look after them, you know, I

have to spend a lot of time with them

and, obviously, I enjoy doing this but

this affects my business and it could be

easy for me to look at other people who

are teaching English or other

entrepreneurs and say: well, it's okay for

them because they're single, they have

all this free time; they don't have

families to look after and, therefore, that's

why they are improving, that's why

they are where they are. But what I do is

I make the most out the situation. When I

have time to make a video, I'll make a

video - just like now. My son is upstairs,

he is napping,

my wife is watching TV, and it's a

perfect time for me just to come outside

and make this video for you. When it

comes to learning English or learning a

language or doing anything really

it's important to have a look at your

routine and make the most out of your


Yes, there are other people who have it

easier, other people who are better

conditions - in a better environment so

that they can make faster progress. But

you can only do what's right for your

life you can only do what you can do. And

instead of saying: okay, I'm gonna wait

until the summer when I have more time -

I'm gonna wait until, you know, next year

when I might have a better environment

in which to practice - the key is just to

get started today. To do what you can

today and do what you can

tomorrow. Take it a day at a time and

start making progress today. And one last

thing: when you see successful people -

when you see people who have achieved

something that you want to achieve,

instead of saying: oh, it's easy for them

because of this, try and learn from them.

Ask them how they have achieved what you

want to achieve and learn. This way you

can feel inspired, you can feel motivated

and get energy from their story instead

of feeling, like, helpless. Instead of

feeling like this isn't possible for you.

So, with all that in mind, if you are new

here please subscribe - I'm going to make

lots of new videos this year and if you

are new as well, check out the videos I

made in 2016.

Now, what I want you to do is this: it's

the first day of 2017 - it's January the

first, and I want you to leave a comment

below and tell me what you're going to

do this year in order to achieve your


This might be learning English, for most

of you it will be, but if it's something

else, you can use that as an example.

Tell me how you are going to achieve

your goals this year. Also be sure to

check out the description, I'll have lots

of different vocabulary for you from

this video so that you can learn the

words and phrases

that I have used. If you've enjoyed this

video give it a thumbs up, thank you for

being here -

see you next time!

For more infomation >> Want to Speak English in 2017? Stop Doing This... - Duration: 6:48.


Freebitco in Hack 2017 Jan Updated Roll Script || Make Free Money 😍😍😍 - Duration: 3:06.

now remember friend you have to come

only this site because I made my script

that it only support with my referral

remember that you have to go there and

it will like this let it complete

You can see here

you have to sign up then your email

address in your password

anything you can want then your wallet

if you don't have then i have a link

that you can create your address there

then you have to run a captcha that you

are not a what do anything to do a

little but then sign of that I have my

account and log in there you can see

to prove that I'm not a robot I got this done

now just login to go to your account

homepage you can see my bits so now you

have to use the script in Multiply BTC you

only go there then right click ok then

you can see inspect then a window will pop up

here you can see you then you have to go

to consume media and in console here in console

you have to click that stop button and pest my code

as I said we have to select all then pest

just enter that and to start creating

your BTC even see here

You can see here

As I said after running

it's for two-hour you can see here

is my total BTC

For more infomation >> Freebitco in Hack 2017 Jan Updated Roll Script || Make Free Money 😍😍😍 - Duration: 3:06.


How to Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet! - Duration: 3:02.

Today on Beloved Women

to reveal how the Gospel of Jesus Christ sets us free from, our past, our sin, our struggles,

the opinion of others, self doubt, and anything else preventing us from being great for Jesus

in 2017.

Thank you so much for tuning into Beloved Women where we encourage, uplift and equip

women in the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God's word.

For even more free resources from Beloved Women and to subscribe to our weekly devotion

I invite you to visit

Now enjoy today's video with me, Christina Patterson.

Hello Beloved!

And Welcome to 2017!

I know many of you are ready to start this year right.

You've set your goals, you've made your plans, you are convinced that 2017 is going

to be your best year yet!

And all I want to say to that is, You go girl!

I am here for you in the year of our Lord 2017.

This year with Beloved we have a lot of new, fun and exciting changes planned with you

in mind.

Next week we will continue with our Monday Bible Study videos, so if one of your goals

this year is to get into God's Word more, which I highly suggest, know this, you do

not have to do it alone.

I told you.

I am here for you Beloved.

Just join me here every Monday as we chat about God's truth and how to practically

live that out in our lives.

That being said, our next study starts next Monday and is titled "Already Free".

We are going to go through the book of Galatians to reveal how the Gospel of Jesus Christ sets

us free from, our past, our sin, our struggles, the opinion of others, self doubt, and anything

else preventing us from being great for Jesus in 2017.

Let me tell you.

We couldn't start 2017 off with a better study if we wanted too.

So be sure you are subscribed and also sign up for the Beloved Women email list to receive

exclusive offers, content and giveaways that I don't share anywhere else.

You can sign up at

In addition to our Monday videos I also hope to post more vlogs, collaborations with other

YouTubers and just some straight up girl talk, ok?

I'd also love to hear from you by answering some of your questions.

So if you would like to submit a question for a video you can do so at

and it just might be on the show.

And this fall we are hosting our first annual Beloved Women's conference!

I can not express to you how excited I am about this.

I'm not going to talk too much about it in this video, but please stay tuned because

I'll be sharing much more about the Beloved Women's conference in the weeks and months

to come.

I want to thank you for joining me on this Beloved journey of ours.

If you are ever inspired by something you read or see from Beloved please share with

a friend, not for me but because people are really hurting y'all and you just never

know who might need some Beloved encouragement today.

As Always, thank you so much for watching and until next time, be beautiful, be blessed

and Beloved!

I don't care what your portion looks like today Beloved.

I don't care how big or small it is, do not lose sight of where your provision comes from.

Do not lose sight of your provider.

Because as long as our God is enough we will always have, do, and be enough.

For more infomation >> How to Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet! - Duration: 3:02.


How to Make Home Made Guacamole! - Duration: 3:53.

How to Make Your Own Home Made Guacamole

Guacamole is a great plant based food with lots of healthy unsaturated fats.

Its quick and easy to add to any meal not just as a dip.

Most people go to the store to buy their Guacamole which is not good at all.

Many packaged store bought items have crap in them that is slowly turning us into a world

of sick, weak and fat people.

Im talking xenoestrogens that give men manboobs, hexane, pesticides, preservatives and worse.

Some companies are better than others but it is so easy to make your own guacamole at home

and control what goes in.

Guacamole is easy to make yourself.

What you will need is:


Avocados - organic is best if you can afford them and find them.

If not non organic avocados are not so bad.Most pesticides stay on the peel, just make sure you wash them well.

They usually blow out the really ripe avocados in the bargain bin and thats fine for making



Tomato sauce.

Did you make it yourself?

You should because almost all tinned food has BPA which will give you manboobs. Its highly estrogenic.

And most tomatoes are heavily sprayed with pesticides.


Onion - organic is best but again not mandatory.


cilantro - which is great for removing heavy metals from the body.


Garlic - a potent blood purifier and super healthy for your liver.

6 .Fresh lime juice.

Dont even ask if you can use the shit in the plastic containers.


A bit of cayenne to taste.

Spicy foods are great for the heart.

Take about 6-8 ripe avocados, or less - to taste. Remove the pit and put the flesh in the bowl.

Chop your onion, .5 to one onion works for me, add cilantro flakes or fresh cilantro

if you have it, tomato sauce preferably home made about a cup and a half, 2-4 cloves of

garlic and then a dash of cayenne.

Blend it all up using a stick blender.

This will keep in the fridge for a few days - freeze whatever you dont use. Watch guacamole as it is a bit high in calories if you are trying to lose weight but they are healthy fats

I add this as a sauce to vegetables or use as a dip for carrots - tastes great on anything even as a bread spread.

Home made guacamole - another healthy natural choice that will transform your life!

For more infomation >> How to Make Home Made Guacamole! - Duration: 3:53.



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