It's supposed to be an easy
ride today.
But we've gone off track,
being inexperienced townies.
We really did go the wrong
bloody way.
That was a hell of a hill.
Today's suppose to be an easy
day. It's far from an easy day.
I'm Kris Gethin.
I'm going to be training to
prepare for an Ironman.
Most people give themselves two
I'm giving myself six months.
And we're going to do it.
This is a bloody hard first
Well good day to you.
Welcome to another
daily video trainer.
Well, this won't be daily but
it will be a video trainer.
This time very much
different to what I've done in
the past.
This is a man of iron
video trainer.
Where I will be preparing
for an Ironman
while still bodybuilding.
Yeah. Smart move.
The awesome part about it is
that you can eat a lot.
So this is what I'm cooking
right now.
I'm making healthy tacos.
So the only thing that is
possibly, slightly unhealthy
is this right here taco shell.
But I'll tell you what,
I'm going to be burning off
plenty of those taco shells.
I don't know if you can see me
cause it is so friggin early
in the morning it's like 5:30
I'm going to be prepping for
this Ironman now.
Six months baby.
And we're headed straight to
the gym for our first workout
We need to target both these
worlds within muscle building,
and strength.
So we're going to be wanting
our cake and eat it with this
OK I'll go 35 this time.
Actually no, no, no. Doctors
orders. doctors orders,
I'd better stick to 25s.
I'll tell you what, I'm so
tempted to go a little bit
heavier but I don't want to
damage my shoulder.
Now what you'll notice on this
exercise, we're actually
locking out.
In other video series so you'll
see I normally perform a
three-quarter movement because
I'm trying to adapt constant
tension placed upon the muscle,
for muscle building purposes.
However, I'm using a more full
range of motion now because
when we go into the swim,
and we're going to do a front
crawl, we have to teach
ourselves to reach forward as
much as possible.
So we need to lock out these
joints, so as opposed to doing
my usual three-quarters,
I'm starting to lock out a lot
more on all these exercises.
So if you watch the other video
series, the eight week hardcore
trainer or some of the YouTube
channels, you may recognize
this beautiful woman here,
So she's going to be joining me
on this program because she is
competing in a sprint
And a half Ironman as well.
So if you are a female
following this program, there's
no reason why you can't do
exactly the same because
Sunshine's going to do that and
she's going to get a friggin
kick-ass results as well.
Again, push.
We're going to go straight into
the pole now.
As I explain to
Sunshine here, as I'll explain
to you guys as well,
don't think of this as being a
six month project,
think it as being a day.
You just gotta get through this
day. Don't be late.
Make sure you get all your reps
out. Make sure you get all your
sets in.
Make sure that you get all your
meals, in that you stay
hydrated, just for today.
If you are successful today and
you can go to bed and go,
I did absolutely fucking
everything that I could today
in order for me to be
successful tomorrow,
then you're going to get to the
end of this six months and
you're going to be successful
in your goal that you're trying
to reach.
This is going
to take a long time,
this is a bloody hard first
session. So I've just swam
once, one way using
my right arm,
then come back kicking, using
my left as my lead arm. I'm
absolutely shattered. This is
supposed to be the first day?
This is tough. It really
is. And you know, it's funny
cause swimming is one of those
things especially where you'll
be frustrated, you'll do 25
meters and feel exhausted and
you just think how on earth am
I ever going to do 2.4
miles of it.
And then it's just going to
start clicking and everything
is going to feel smoother and
you're going to be faster and
faster and faster.
All right. So based on
my results that we got,
is there anything from that,
that you've thought of, that
should be applied
this week in particular?
Well this week in particular,
especially for the riding,
what I want you to focus on is
sustained low power
I think one of the things that
comes up obviously again and
again is the
short distance sprint work
showed how much power you
have, it shows how much power
you can sustain over a short
period of time.
What's going to be absolutely
critical is learning how to
stay under that threshold and
learning how to stay well under
that threshold.
And it's basically saying,
it's like you know, a thousand
horse-power engine with a small
gas tank right now,
you know, let's,
let's use it as efficiently as
possible and keep the effort
level down so you don't
leverage it.
Okay so, I've got a question
for you a little bit off topic,
but this coming Saturday
or Sunday,
I believe it's Saturday,
there's a five-mile
Paddy's Day run,
a charity run,
that's going on here,
and I thought it'd be a good
idea to actually jump into that
as a bit of fun.
I think you can do the five
Let's use this as an
opportunity to practice your
running form, particularly when
fatigued. So what I'm going to
do is probably sends you
just a list of drills you can
do. They're going to be very
simple. It's going to be
basically chin up,
chest out,
hips under,
arms up.
Is there anything that you'd
want to add to anybody else
watching this,
you know, you're there in the
week, baby.
Is there anything that you'd
want to advise the viewer?
You know, everyone's got to
start somewhere, the beginning
part is so frustrating because
it's new. Not because you're
physically incapable of doing
it, but because it's new.
This is a program meant to take
you from where you are now,
to a full Ironman.
So, you know, look at it,
have faith in it,
you know, be proactive with
your feedback, but realize it's
going to be, it's going to be
frustrating there are going to
be ups and downs,
but you'll get there.
it may
look easy, you try it.
Fuck, that is tough.
1 minute feels more like five.
This is a wake-up call.
Alright workout is done.
Did the six fast cadence
sprints with the 2-minute rest
and now I'm just cooling down
Just walking it off.
Getting rid of built up,
bit of built up lactic acid.
You'll notice in this video
series I'll probably talk a
little bit faster. I've got
more energy.
My brain is functioning better
because I've got more fats
within this diet.
I can get away with a little
bit more. We can get away with
because we will be burning off
that many calories with our
workouts and with the cardio
sessions with the following
It doesn't mean you can go out
and eat burgers or fries or
pizza or gummy bears
or shit.
Every food,
every calorie,
every micronutrient,
or macronutrient I should say,
should have a purpose.
Make sure every single calorie
counts, don't just count the
calories buddy.
We started off with the
dumbbell rows here.
This is a great movement for
thickening up your lats and
your traps. But it's also good
for the swimming technique as
we're bringing our arms back.
That is the first time I've
done chins in God knows how
long. I can't remember the last
time I did it.
I tell you what that was three
times as hard as I thought it
would be.
Number one it's because we do
it at the end of the workout
when were at our weakest.
Number two is because I'm at,
close to, my heaviest at
220, 225 pounds.
And just weak as shit.
That was quite a shock.
It's a kick in the balls.
But it's good to do it like
this. It's going to be hard.
What's the fucking point of
doing it if it's easy?
Fuck! Do you feel that?
What we're doing is a warm-up
now to begin with.
It's supposed
to be a warm up, I've done
200 meters and I'm
absolutely bloody shattered
I'm at Sunshine's house now,
making my breakfast.
She's in the shower and she's
going to probably have a
I'm making mush
here this morning and I call it
my mass mush.
So it's a very lite breakfast
but it's got every
nutrient in it,
every calorie has a function.
And obviously we're trying to
improve our health,
not just our performance,
and our recovery during this
Well I've done two and
a half miles.
27 minutes.
I'm going to walk
this last half.
I'm too knackered to run
This is another wake-up
Good morning.
It is day,
what is it, day five,
six. Day six.
Today is a non-weight training
day, it's cardio.
So I won't say active rest day,
as I've done in
other video trainers, cause
it's far from a rest day.
So it is dark outside.
I've decided before
we do our 5-mile run this
morning, we're going to do
a 90-minute bike ride first.
So I'm just riding over to
Sunshine's place.
There's a loop that we're going
to do, and then we're pretty
much going to go straight to
the start line.
Thankfully it's lighter now.
So we can actually see what,
where we're going and people
can actually see us.
But what we're doing is just 90
minute, just very easy ride,
getting used to the saddle.
Getting used
to being on a bike for this
amount of time.
Even on an easy ride like this
I'm a little bit out of
slight change of scenery now.
We went off the beaten track.
And we've been hitting a few
climbs now.
Which should really prime
our legs for the run we got
Can't blame me I'm following
the navigator up front here.
Today's supposed to be an easy
day. It's far from an easy day.
There you go.
Make sure you map out
your route and check
out the difficulty level of it.
Before you embark on it.
There's no way you can stop
when you're starting up a hill.
No way you can stop, you can't
start again.
I feel like I need five gears
got a
banana on the floor, we've got
Re-Kaged on the floor. It looks
like snot.
We just need to calm down.
Were in a bit of a rush to get
to the run.
We got back in one hour and
26 minutes and now we've gotta
race our asses down to the
To the race.
We're at the start of the race.
we made be on time with 10
minutes to spare.
I should be stretching, but I'm
Cause I'm nervous.
Alright, we're at the halfway
Closing in on two and a half
The field is definitely spread
out now.
Just over two and a half mile
to go.
It's to hard
to hold you.
We are done.
We finished.
We did it in like 39 minutes,
Sunshine came past me like a
sprinter, I had nothing left to
even come anywhere near close.
Breakfast has come.
Sunshine got a first
place little ribbon over there.
Isn't that cute.
Sneaking out of
my purse right here. And then
we stuck around, and guess who
else got one?
Bloody surprise.I
got first place as well,
couldn't believe it.
They didn't expect a 225 pound
to get a
first place, did they, when
they passed me.
So this is
our victory breakfast.
Good evening.
It's probably about 9:30
now. I've been in bed for about
half an hour just reading.
It's time for me to switch off
now, so I just wanted to kinda
wrap up.
But, right now I'm just
submerging myself so much
into this triathlon
game, it's epic
proportions when it comes to
what a lot of these athletes do
and accomplish.
I'm just reading Triatholon
220 here,
and reading this,
and I've read so many of
these stories now, and I'm
reading another fantastic
story called Operation Ironman
by George Mahood.
I don't know if he actually
finished yet but he wrote a
book about it, so I'm assuming
he did. And obviously I want to
learn absolutely everything
just reading in this book right
now. He's shared,
you know, when you get gets the
aid stations he said you know
they'll hose you down if you
want. You know,
just to cool you down and I
know it's going to be hot in
Coeur d'Alene when I do my
And he said, do not do that,
do not accept that,
because if your trainers get
wet you can blister very easy
when you're running, and things
like that I would never thought
So it's important
for me to prepare because I've
never done this, I don't have
the experience I can't do
this and
not finish,
and say,
well, you know what, I should
have done this.
Then I would have finished.
I have to make sure this
happens, you know, so I'm doing
everything I can to make
every decision calculated
and remove myself of any
possible difficulties or
or road bumps.
Pardon the pun.
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