hi today I'm going to be talking about perseverance going until and never
giving up right now on the front eight good afternoon and thank you for joining
me today on the front my name is Mike Phillips as always if you'd like to
participate in the discussion if you're joining me on one of the video versions
just comment down below I would sure love to hear what you have to say or see
what you have to say I guess if you're tuning in on the podcast thank you so
much you can always check me out on Google Play and on iTunes so today's
theme is never give up and my inspiration is brought to you today by
Mr. Ruselis lovingly called Mr. Russ
he's our kickboxing coach and and my daughter does some some tumbling and
gymnastics with him at the gym and sometimes inspiration just happens as I
was considering my my conversation my talk today this is one of those things
that hit me this morning and kickboxing like a ton of bricks and I was like
there it is that's what I'm going to talk about is never giving up and I take
kickboxing on Wednesday so let me let me lay the the groundwork a little bit for
you if I may my wife and I together we take kickboxing on Wednesdays and mr.
Russ has us run drills both on the heavy bag and then off the heavy bag you're
doing calisthenics so you're a minute on the bag punch punch punch kick kick kick
elbows knees to hold the whole deal and then you're a minute off the bag
push-ups sit-ups calisthenics just working out breathing hard and and
getting getting your workout on there's not there's not a smooth way to talk
about it so you go for a minute on and then a minute off and so it occurred to
me this morning in business and in life often times a minute can go by so
quickly it's just a blink of an eye one minute just zips by and we often people
will take it for granted and we go wow it's just you know a minute we have you
know over more many minutes and in the day
the week the month a year and so forth and so sometimes those minutes can feel
just insignificant you know a minute adds up five minutes add up an hour and
that stuff goes by before you even realize and so the difference is during
a workout drill like this when you're doing the the bag for a minute and then
working out for a minute and in the bag for a minute and then calisthenics for a
minute and then the bag for a minute it that starts to that minute turns into an
absolute eternity you realize how long a minute actually is you are counting 60
seconds when you're doing a workout like this you're sweating breathing hard you
start to get in pain the shakes and if you want to know your your body's limits
just to constantly keep going for that minute and we do that for for 60 minutes
and in kickboxing and it's a lot of fun and it's worth it at the end of the day
you can leave feeling totally accomplished and invigorated and
thrilled and the fact that there is someone like mr. Russ in there that is
restless is just so he is such a good coach and a good leader and an
inspiration and a good man and so it's one of those things he Russ was
absolutely on fire this one in my opinion of course as we know I always
share my opinions here and so in my opinion he was just absolutely on fire
and this is where the impactful statement came in we're going and I
think I'm about my wife and I are about 15 20 minutes into class and it's just
starting to the point that heart rates up and sweating and starting to feel it
and I'm going on man okay here here we go that I'm in class and it's just about
that point you're you're ready to give in and Russ yells and I have my notes
here as always says don't give up never give up when you stop you only get good
at one thing and not given up so keep going so that struck a chord with me
this morning I was like there it is oh it came in and I thought man that is the
conversation I need to have because it's a conversation that that struck me
it was a conversation that then started to go in my heart and in my head and I
thought that that's my inspiration for the day so thank you Russ for that and
it's at the point that I'm just about ready to fall over and he says don't
give up that's the only thing you'll get good at if you stop and just let that
sink in for a minute so now what right you're hot you're sweating it's painful
you're shaking but that single simple statement that hit me that dot was my
moment this morning and it hit me hard it pushed me for the next 40 minutes
like I said we're only 15 20 minutes into class at that point it's like all
right here we go when you've got someone that is an amazing leader like that that
you know will step in behind you and cheerlead for you to me it pushes you
that much harder somebody that will that you know they can accomplish the test
you know that that that he's capable of doing that and and he's over there being
the cheerleader saying hey you got it right so as his life there are times
that you feel beaten low-energy maybe you weren't ready for the life lesson
that you just got served today and you may not even be ready for it you just go
oh my goodness man you just want to wipe the sweat from your brow and and throw
in the towel here's the thing though you've got to do
it persevere pursue go until that's when
you've got to never give up you just keep going and sometimes we're fortunate
to have someone like that a friend a family member a colleague like a Russ
that can whisper he just there are people like that that just whisper the
fire back in your ear and they just say never give up keep going you've got this
and so when they whisper that fire to you that is it's like a switch that it's
like okay I do got this I can pull this off and thank you for
believing in me sometimes you just need that extra little statement and
sometimes you have to be the fire sometimes it's got to be you you got to
be the fire for somebody else you got to be the fire for yourself you've got to
help you and you just got to whisper in your own ear keep going you got this
never give up yeah I've said it a lot today you know
why that's a theme so let me go back to the minute drills here for a second when
we're talking about the minute drills and the value of a minute and what goes
into a minute when when myself or my wife or many of the people in our class
are off the bag right that's when you're doing those calisthenics and the
push-ups right try doing push-ups for a minute man that's that that is a long
time to do push-ups in my opinion I've been titled to it those first 10
seconds you actually look like you know what you're doing you're going to carry
it through man hey I got this I can nail this for a minute then at least for
myself and I can only speak from my experience the next 20 seconds you
realize it's going to take real work you okay well and that that's not the only
minute there are other minutes coming up behind that one and that next 20 seconds
it's like whoa I got a this is the real deal I got to pace myself right then
with 30 seconds remaining now you're down to 30 seconds you start to lose
form you get hot you you sweat your heart rate is for sure up at that point
you start to question your attendance and participation at all and then
somebody else beat your coach be it Russ be it another participant in the class
whispers to you and says hey you got this right
that's what breathes life into you and get you going and you go you know what
there's only 30 seconds left I can make it through this I can pull it off and
then you make it down to that final ten seconds right that's final ten seconds
you become certain you make it in your head you go I got this
ten seconds left boom boom boom pushing it out right
whatever it and if you're on the bag choose your punching your punching and
sometimes that's like life you're kicking and screaming and punching and
claw and you got ten seconds left to go and the best part is usually at that
point there's others cheering you on even if it doesn't look how it intended
when you start it because you've lost total form at that point it never life
never looks how you intended when you start it we all get that vision we all
think about how we're going to do well hey I'm going to go knock this hour-long
class out well hey I'm going to knock out this next ten years and let me tell
you how business is going to look let me tell you how fired up I'm going to be
and by the time you get to the end of that year that five years 10 years 15
whatever let the timeframe is you look back it almost never looks how it was
intended your life is exactly the same as this workout session on a longer
larger grander scale it feels like a long ride but when you look back you
take a moment to breathe it all in and you look back and you go man
look at all of these minutes stacking up thank God I never gave up or you never
gave up so that is my message for today is I will tell you I'm telling you and
I'm going to include a video of my my ten-year-old son at the end because he's
been trying and trying and trying to get his Kip in about two weeks ago he pulled
it off and you can see the struggle you can see the push you can see that just
muscle up the key is at the point that he's got it it's because he never gave
up and so I would encourage you the same thing you have to try until you have to
persevere and I will tell you the thing if you're struggling to breathe that on
fire that on whisper into your own ear then find a mentor find a coach find
someone that will just like you and tell you hey you've got this never
give up so that's my time for today again Mike Phillips you can tune in and
please subscribe check it out at leave the team TV thank you so much for
joining me for a few minutes and again tune in every Wednesday and Sunday for
another episode of the front
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