Should one practice more than one martial art?
Generally speaking, teachers -not all of them- would have the tendency to say
that one should practice only one martial art.
I hear that often. And the opposite has also been heard.
To practice a martial art in a continuity seems absolutely essential to me.
To practice one for three years, another four years and another two years...
seems inefficient.
I would suggest practicing one martial art;
but, at the same time, also others that would -in parallel or in crossing- other martial arts that would be practiced too.
To practice one martial art for a long time, is, in the end, to obtain its correct technical mastery.
From this correct mastery,
we will be able to work on finer details
that are on the space and time, on the mental state, the states of consciousness...
To start over a martial art is to start over with the technique.
So we're in re-gress and not in pro-gress.
On the other hand, as long as this guideline is followed,
it's very profitable to go see something else, whether it works the same way, to verify the principles that are being followed;
to check if the principles of Budo are the same,
if the timings are the same, if the states of mind are the same.
It's something that I, personally, have done.
I told myself "Ah yes! Here in Aikido it works like this, and now in Judo…"
and the form did not matter because what interests us is to go beyond the form
- to transform oneself is the goal.
So I would suggest that one could practice different martial arts,
such as is the case for a number of students in our group, here in our dojo,
but [it is necessary] to keep a guideline, which becomes our reference,
which becomes our base, which becomes the way to establish the knowledge.
To conclude, if we think about the great masters… there we have anything and everything.
Some only practiced their martial art; and they had a lot of success;
others, that I met, practiced their martial art in a very recurrent manner -for 50, 60 years-
but went looking here and there for other ways to be in their Budo.
I believe that both are truly profitable.
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