Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily what May 27 2017

In today's discourse, we're commonly used to thinking of religion as a sui generis phenomenon,

a distinct cultural entity that can be defined on its own.

We're also used to understanding religion as a set of beliefs with essential elements like

a concept of God, a doctrine on eschatology, teachings written down as scripture,

prophet-like founding figures, sacred places, and ritual performances.

If the word religion is mentioned, things that immediately come up in our minds are such things as

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism, and so on.

We also tend to imagine religion as a certain realm of life

that somehow has a clear boundary separating itself from the non-religious one, or the secular,

and we therefore define reality in a binary way: that everything must be either religious or secular.

However, over the past few decades, scholars of religious studies, particularly those following the social constructivist trend,

have suggested that we should not take this common understanding of religion for granted as it is something recent.

It emerged no earlier than the 17th century, from the context of the Enlightenment in Europe,

and was later brought to the rest of the globe, thanks to the Western colonization.

In other words, today's common discourse of religion is a modern invention.

Among the books dealing with this topic are

The Meaning and End of Religion by Wilfred Cantwell Smith (1962),

Orientalism and Religion by Richard King (1999)

Formations of the Secular by a prominent anthropologist Talal Asad (2003),

The Invention of World Religions by Tomoko Masuzawa (2003),

and more recently Before Religion: A History of Modern Concept by Brent Nongbri (2013).

To understand the thesis of religion as a modern invention we can start from thinking of at least two things.

First, religion cannot be objectively defined.

It is hardly possible to offer a definition of religion that is both distinctive and comprehensive enough

to encompass all religious phenomena and is universally applicable across times and places.

If we define religion as a set of beliefs that must have a concept of the one true God,

we'd reduce it into monotheism and as such exclude, among others,

Theravada Buddhism, Confucianism, and many indigenous religions across the world.

If we oblige religion to have a scripture,

well, Vedas of Hinduism were just written down completely only in the 19th century,

and in the previous time they were mostly handed down orally and transferred quite exclusively among the Brahmins or the Hindu priests.

Most of the major religions' scriptures were just written down and canonized

in decades or even centuries after their respective founders passed away.

Most of the world religions' founders even didn't give their names to the movements they led

and it was their followers or sometimes outsiders

who gave a name and regarded their movement as a religion.

Jesus didn't invent Christianity; he reformed Judaism.

Siddhartha Gautama didn't invent Buddhism;

he was a Hindu reforming traditions practiced by Hindus of his time.

This idea is worthy of consideration while looking at cases of countries

where religion plays a defining role in the discourse of politics and law.

In some, like in my country, Indonesia, which according to the 2015 Pew Research

was ranked third among the countries whose citizens regard religion as very important for their lives,

there are still discussions of whether local beliefs and traditions can be considered religions

so that their followers can get the full benefit of citizenship

as their counterparts from followers of the world religions.

In some Western countries, defining religion has an impact on which is recognized to be religion

and as such has rights of religious freedom protection and receives funding from the state.

Therefore, every attempt in defining religion is always a political decision,

and that depends on those in power.

Defining religion creates a limit or a constraint that we need to be aware of:

how much can it be inclusive and exclusive enough;

how much a given definition religion is in favor

of some priviliged groups and not of the other groups.

This means that every definition of religion should always be open to change and negotiation,

because it is always politically contingent.

Second, religion of today's common discourse has undergone what the scholar Wilfred Cantwell Smith called

"reification" or the process of concretization of the abstract;

and it was an invention.

By looking at the history of the word "religion",

we'd know that the word itself carries a Western historical baggage.

The word "religion" originates from the Latin word "religare", which means "to bind",

which then evolved into the word religio, which means

"to be pious and obedient to one's social rules".

It was, in the beginning, a form of quality and as such,

according to Smith, whose work traces the history of the word in the ancient writings,

it had no plural form,

and is more proper to be translated as faith or religiousness,

which means being pious to God, and not religion as an institution.

The case by and large remained so until the advent of the Enlightenment era,

the so-called age of reason, in which people began trying to separate

reason and empirical science from myths and metaphysical beliefs.

It was that time when religion underwent reification:

from a quality into a thing called "religion",

which eventually have its plural, "religions".

A binary division of life then emerged:

on one hand we have religion that is seen as irrational and metaphysical,

which must be set aside and marginalized from political affairs,

and on the other we have the secular,

which is rational, empirical, and superior to religion.

In fact, these were among what modernity was meant in the beginning,

as it was defined against the primitive, the traditional, and the irrational.

Religion is then defined in a negative way:

religion is what the secular is not.

This discourse of religious-secular binary division was eventually

brought from the West to the East during the age of colonization.

The colonizers began identifying what are mythical or irrational in their colonies

and put them in the same box called "religion"

while using Christianity as the prototype.

As a result, they invented a name or adopt an already invented name

for a cultural tradition, while the practitioners of that tradition themselves didn't institutionally name

or even didn't care about the name of the tradition they're practicing.

It was in this era where Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Zoroastrainism,

and other religions with "ism", emerged.

Hindus didn't have a name for their "religion".

Even they didn't have a word that is exactly equivalent to the word "religion".

The closest term to the word is "dharma",

but it means more of a social duty rather than a set of beliefs.

"There were Hindus," said Smith, "but there was no Hinduism".

The word Hindu itself was invented, according to Smith,

by Muslims who invaded the land beyond the Indus river, hence Hindu.

Chinese people who practiced Confucianism didn't regard their beliefs and practices as religion.

In past East Asia, you can be a Shinto, a Confucian, and a Buddhist at the same time,

because people were not yet exposed to the religious-secular binary discourse.

So, many names were invented, and religion then had its plural form, religions.

In my country, Indonesia, the word religion translates as "agama",

while "agama" in its original Sanskrit language refers to the scripture.

There was an evolution from a name of scripture adopted

and given a new meaning referring to an institutionalized form of religion.

There is one special case, however, and that is Islam.

This case is addressed specifically in Smith's book,

because since birth Islam has already been conscious

of the existence of other ways of believing in and worshipping God.

There is a word in Islam that is usually translated as religion, and that is "din".

Nevertheless, Smith and other scholars of his like argue that

the word "din" is not fully equivalent to the word "religion".

While religion is meant to be something institutionalized and differentiated from the political and the secular,

"din" means many.

It could mean customs, judgment, and someone's way of life,

but there was no sense of a separation between the political and the private.

In other words, the religious-secular binary doesn't apply to the word "din".

So, in short, while talking about religion, we must be conscious

of the underlying paradigm behind a given definition of religion,

because religion cannot be defined on its own.

Even though this paradigm is one of the hotly debated topics in religious studies,

it is beneficial for helping us to be more aware

of what is commonly taken for granted while in fact it is a social construction.

This paradigm can also help us to be more critical in engaging with discourses related to religion,

such as religion and democracy,

religion and liberalism,

religion and human rights,

religion and nation-states,

religion and violence, religion and public life, and so on so forth.

Most importantly, the social constructivist perspective of religion can be

a lens to locate a given definition of religion in the context of a power relation:

who defines;

in service of whom;

what are nuances that fail to be captured,

and which group is given privilege over the other.

For more infomation >> What is Religion? - Duration: 8:38.


What is he saying?(29) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:46.

Hello everyone and welcome to ForB's English lesson video.

My name's Richard and today can you guess what I'm saying?

I'm going to say something three times quickly and I'd like you to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

What a shame!

What a shame!

What a shame!

Could you catch that?


Let's try that once more, but with some hints this time.

What a shame!

What a shame!

What a shame!

Could you guess?


Let's try that again.

This time a little slower.

What a shame!

What a shame!

What a shame!

Can you guess?


The answer is "What a shame!"

So if you put those words together "what a" sounds like "wadda", so the "t" sound has a "d" sound.

So "wadda", "wadda" shame.

What a shame!


So let's practice that together.

First slowly.

Then a little faster after that.

So please repeat after me.

What a shame!


Now a little faster.

What a shame!

Now a little bit faster than that.

What a shame!


Now let's try that three times quickly, so please repeat after me.

What a shame!

What a shame!

What a shame!


So now you know how to say "what a shame!", "what a shame!",

so the next time you feel sorry for something or you feel sorry for someone, you can say "what a shame!"

Alright, my name's Richard and thank you for watching today's video.

Remember to click like or share with your friends and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(29) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:46.


What y'all think about my Intro? - Duration: 0:15.






For more infomation >> What y'all think about my Intro? - Duration: 0:15.


WHAT DID THEY BUY|Taiwan Life Vlog #26 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> WHAT DID THEY BUY|Taiwan Life Vlog #26 - Duration: 3:18.


WHAT'S IN MY BAG: Ehlers-Danlos #ThisIsMyEDS [CC] - Duration: 7:53.

Hello, hello!

I've been wanting to do this for a long time, uh, it's the What's In My Bag tag..

I believe it's a tag.

Um, and although I was trying to keep the majority of my videos EDS related for EDS

Awareness Month, I decided a lot of the stuff that I carry with me IS EDS related.

So.. let's get started.

Okay so currently I'm using this simple black bag, it's not glamorous but it does

the job.

Um, and a big reason why I use it, why I chose it, is because it has these little hooks on

the ends and what I do is I wrap a little velcro strap to these hooks, that way I can

hang it on my wheelchair and I really like that.

In the big pocket I have my iPod and my really old, giant-- they're not that big, uh, headphones.

I don't keep any music on my phone really, all my music is on my old iPod 3rd generation.

The other thing I have in the big pocket is actually two wireless battery chargers, they

just got a lot of juice so I can recharge my phone.

I used it a lot while I'm out so these are really necessary.

In my middle pocket we got chapstick, lipstick, um, I've been ask about it before; my lipstick,

the one that I'm wearing right now and I always carry with me is from Miss A at

Doesn't really have a name on it but looks like this and says the number 11, so if that


My pill case!


Um, in my pill um, case I just carry around my sister's emergency medication for her

anxiety disorder, um, and I also carry for myself, Excedrin.

Um, you're not supposed to -- well, I'm not supposed to take them on a daily basis

but when my migraines get too high or I'm like passing out from my sleep disorder or

fatigue, whichever it is, I take an Excedrin, the caffeine in it really helps my migraines,

really helps my fatigue levels.

Again, I can't take it all the time but I carry it around with me just in case.

My wallet!

Inside my wallet I have my rainbow debit card, ha, my uh, Disney ID, my movie card, um, my

driver's license, two dollars in cash, and all my insurance cards.

I have my eye doctor insurance card, my car insurance card, and my health insurance card;

I keep them all with me all the time just in case anything ever happens.

And now the front pocket, in the front pocket I have a small pack of my business cards and

my Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome emergency alert card.

Um, this is multi-use, I use it sometimes when I go to see a new doctor and they usually

don't know what Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is so I hand them is-- I hand them this for some

quick reading.

This is also useful in case, God forbid, I'm out and I faint or I lose consciousness for

whatever reason, or there's some kind of violent emergency, again God forbid, um, this

has a lot of notes on how to handle my body uh, if I need to get sewn up, how to sew me

up because staples..

NOT good for people with EDS uh, you have to sew me back up in a very specific way,

uh, so… that's in the front pocket of my purse so everybody knows.

So that was just the first half uh, cuz that's just my small bag but my wheelchair has a

bag attached to the back and here's the stuff that I have in there.

So first thing I have in there is my cup holder, so I attach this to the arm of my wheelchair

and that way I don't have to carry drinks in between my knees when I go out.

As many of you know, I have a lot of struggles with my wrists and my fingers, um, and how

lax they can become and how painful they can become, so this is another attachment for

the arm of my wheelchair, um, where I just pop my phone in here and it holds it for me

so I don't have to hold and possibly cramp my hand holding it, and I just touch it there.

Oh! And obviously my phone is in my purse usually but right now it's charging.

Okay so though I wish I could carry all my braces and everything with me everywhere I

go, uh, that's not really possible, so I just carry a limited amount of supplies for


In case I hurt my-- one of my knees or my ankles, I have this bandage wrap, usually

the compression, if I tie it tight enough will help with pain and just kind of hold

it together, as well as this sports tape, again just a couple of pieces, I carry around

with me, uh, bandage wrap, sports tape, and I also carry around this lumbar and belly

belt, um, and these white parts, they will heat up on my lower abdomen and on my lower

back, um, in case I'm feeling pain in those areas.

And I don't carry this around with me all the time, this is more for home but until

I get one of those cool little wrist bands that can read my heart beat per minute all

the time, I have this thing, and it measures my oxygen intake and my heart beat per minute.

Oh! And one final thing!

I don't know how I nearly forgot it; is my foldable cane.


This I can keep either in the back of my wheelchair or in my purse because it's small enough,

um, and then just gotta be a little..


It becomes a cane, which before what I was doing-- before I had a foldable cane -- this

is a luxury!

Before I had a foldable cane I had just you know, my stiff full-length cane and I didn't

have anywhere to put it in the back, cuz I would try to hang it off my chair, it would

fall off, uh, I would hold it between my knees but that was not very comfortable.

Having a foldable cane allows me to put it away discreetly and then take it out whenever

I need it, so that's great.

It's also broken but I'll figure out a new foldable cane eventually, maybe an ergonomic one.

Alright and that's it for What's In My Bag...


EDS Style, the majority of it WAS related to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome!

Fun times.

Ugh, so let me know in the comments, was there anything in there that you found really curious?

Or you could probably relate, maybe you're a Spoonie too?

Um, and let me know what kind of curious things you have in your bag, and I will see you eventually,



For more infomation >> WHAT'S IN MY BAG: Ehlers-Danlos #ThisIsMyEDS [CC] - Duration: 7:53.


Anger Release – What If Anger Doesn't Flow? | 30 Day Video Challenge 26/30 - Duration: 8:35.

Hey, my happy shiny puppy!

This is Melody Fletcher, Author of Deliberate Receiving: Finally the Universe makes some

freakin' sense!

And this is day 26 of my 30 day video challenge.


Alright, so, today I want to talk about Anger.

I've talked a lot about anger, I've written a lot about anger, there's a big section in

my book about anger.

One of the most misunderstood emotions that there is.

So, I'm not going to try and recap everything that I've ever said except for, that it is

absolutely one of the most healing emotions that there is.

Anger is the emotion that pulls you out of powerlessness into empowerment.

The metaphor that I like to use is: When you're in, sort of, in a corner of a locked room

and you're in the fetal position and somebody is just beating the crap out of you and you're

feeling completely powerless, anger is the emotion that gets you to stand up and go "No


I'm going to go through you; I'm going to go around you.

Either way, I don't care.

This is not happening anymore."

It can be explosive; it can be, you know, it can feel like rage, it can be ugly, it

can be a violent.

Especially when it's, sort of, a suppressed anger.

So, if anger has been suppressed for a long time and it's a destructive anger release.

And I've talked a lot about how to let anger out in a constructive way and a lot of what

I talk about is geared towards giving yourself permission to let anger out even when it is


To not censor it because you're sort of... maybe, you know, what you really want to do

is beat the crap out of somebody and to allow yourself to see that happening.

Don't go do it; that's destructive.

But you can allow yourself to see it happening and not to censor, and that nothing is really

off limits.

But then I get questions from people saying "Well, you know what?

I'm at work, or whatever.

And I'm in a situation where I can't really get angry.

It's not appropriate for me to get angry.

And so, I notice that I'm being triggered, I notice that the anger is rising up.

I put a pin in it, I go home so that I can really sit there, like you taught me dear

Melody, and then there's no anger."

And so, here's something that I want to say about that.


Now first of all, no one ever said you have to force yourself to get angry.


So don't try to sit there and make yourself angry.

Let anger come when it comes.

However I totally recognize that, you know, a lot of times you're in the situation, you

get triggered, it's real volatile and then you go home and here's what I think is happening:

It isn't that you can't bring the anger up; it's that you're not recognizing it as anger.

Because to most people anger is this really destructive force, this sort of "Arrrggghhh!!",

you know.

And it's volatile and there's a lot of screaming and it's loud and it's, you know, it's satisfying

but it's also, it's violent, it sort of burst out of you.

And what I've come to realize is that anger sometimes is very, very quiet.

Particularly once you start sort of getting rid of some of that volatile anger.

And, not just then but sometimes, you know, it just doesn't feel explosive.

Sometimes it feels more like annoyance or, you know, it can't be accessed really physically

but it can be accessed more intellectually, and it doesn't mean it can't be accessed.

So, let me give you an example.

You might, you know, be angry about something, and your boss has said something to you at

work, and in that moment you really did want to punched him in the face.

But you couldn't sit and sort of imagine that, there was no time and you certainly couldn't

express it.

That would have been really destructive, so, you put a pin in it and you say "Ok, I'm going

to go home and deal with this."

So, you go home and when you're at home you try to bring up that same intensity of anger

but you can't.

But what you can do is maybe talk your way through it.

You know, "What is it that I'm so angry about?"

Now, this doesn't feel like anger.

(Soft tone) "What am I, what am I so angry about?

What bothered me so much about that?

Hmm" And then you want to say "Oh, I can't generate the anger."

It doesn't have to feel big and explosive.

Try it anyway.

Try to feel your way through it.

Just sit with it and ask the questions.

What was it that bothered you?


It's going to feel a lot more subtle which isn't as satisfying; I will admit that, as



But it can still be very, very, very productive.

I've had many, many anger releases in my life and some of them I was punching a couch cushion

for all it was worth and crying and screaming and beating the crap out of somebody in my


I had to actually physically let it out.

I have... back when I used to run, I would run them out sometimes.

I would just go running, and you know, after 10 minutes of running, angry running, the

anger would dissipate and I would get insights about it.

I've also had an anger release on a plane.

Nobody knew that I was having an anger release.

I closed my eyes, laid back and beat the ever living shit out of a whole group of people.

They were even fictitious people; it didn't matter.

I was dealing with something; I needed to let it out.

And then I've also had, sort of… these aren't… they don't look like anger releases, but they're

experiences where I'm talking to somebody who's holding the energy for me, or I'm journaling,

or I'm talking out loud to an imaginary person because sometimes it really helps me to hear

myself say things out loud, and I will talk my way through it.

"Why am I angry?

What bothered me?

You know what really bothered me is... you know what, that guy's kind of an asshole.

He's just, you know...

I don't deserve that.

I don't deserve to be treated like that.

I don't, (sigh) he's just so arrogant."

Now, this doesn't seem angry.

It seems more contemplative.


And so, one might say "Oh no; I'm not having an anger release."

Yeah you are, you're still connecting with it.

You're just not connecting with it in such a big, volatile way.

A lot of the work that I do with people is actually quite quiet and it's amazing how,

you know, some of the really more advanced techniques that I use with my coaching clients,

they don't feel the energy in a very volatile way at all.

They'll sit there and go "Oh well, aah, it's this, it's that."

And, you know, we're talking very quietly and then, (explosion sound) it'll be gone.

And they never had to go, "Arrrggghhh!!".

So, it is an individual thing but it isn't even an individual thing; it's an individual

in the moment thing.

Sometimes you're going to have a volatile "Arrrggghhh!!" anger release and sometimes

you're going to be sort of (soft tone) "Mmm, why am I pissed off?"


And it isn't going to be violent and it isn't going to be as volatile.

So, let both of those kinds of scenarios be valid for you.

And sometimes you're going to have to, you know, it's going to take 2 to 3 days to kind

of talk your way through it.

Sometimes anger looks like crying!


And sometimes it just feels like pressure.

And so, you know, don't get too hung up on the definition of it.

Allow yourself to go with whatever comes up.

Energy releasing doesn't have to be volatile and it doesn't have to be... it doesn't even

have to be uncomfortable, past the discomfort that we feel that looking at something that

maybe we haven't wanted to look at.


But when the release comes, usually you feel it.

It's not always like "Oh my God, thank you.

(Crying sound), Waa! (puking sound) It's not always like that!

(Laughing) It's... sometimes it's just, (sighing in relief) yeah.

Alright my puppy, I will see you tomorrow.

Until then; thank you for bringing your light to the world.


For more infomation >> Anger Release – What If Anger Doesn't Flow? | 30 Day Video Challenge 26/30 - Duration: 8:35.


BREAKING Look What Happened To Ivanka In Italy… This Is Terrible - News - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> BREAKING Look What Happened To Ivanka In Italy… This Is Terrible - News - Duration: 1:20.


【素材分享】甚麼是日付?What is 日付シート ? (中文字幕)| Life Journaling | Edith - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> 【素材分享】甚麼是日付?What is 日付シート ? (中文字幕)| Life Journaling | Edith - Duration: 5:22.


What the F%$K is the APPARATUS?!? - Duration: 6:08.

In my opinion this is big bullshit

No... this is art.

No this is bullshit.

Well... I don't think so...

I think he questions cinematic conventions...

and I think this is brave.

Sounds like bullshit to my ears.

Ok he's right, The man is right.

It's bullshit but it is also brave.

Well... I think... it's a kind of formal aesthetic experiment...

that tries to point at the unused possibilities of YouTube as a medium

Now you get it, right?

For more infomation >> What the F%$K is the APPARATUS?!? - Duration: 6:08.


What Is a Mortgage? - Growella Explains - Millennial Finance - Duration: 1:17.

I'm a homeowner and recently bought my

first house. Wow, are homes expensive!

I didn't have all that money just laying

around to buy a home with cash, so

instead I used a mortgage. A mortgage is

a loan you get for real estate and

they're just like other types of loans.

You borrow some amount of money, you get a

schedule for making the payments and

when you pay the loan off, that's it! No

more payments! The big difference between

mortgage loans and other loans, though, is

that with a mortgage you get to choose

how your loan is repaid. You can choose

whether your payback period is short or

long, whether your interest rate is

changed or fixed, and even whether you

want to pay closing costs or not.

Being able to customize your mortgage is

amazing! But, so long as we're telling the

truth here, I had so many choices that I

kind of felt overwhelmed. Enter my

mortgage lender -- who was awesome! She was

licensed and helpful and honest, and she

helped me to make sense of my options.

In the end, I picked a great mortgage that

fit within my budget and got a really

low rate in the process. I'm totally in

love with my house and I couldn't have

bought it without my mortgage.

For more infomation >> What Is a Mortgage? - Growella Explains - Millennial Finance - Duration: 1:17.


What anxiety feels like || Fathia Salma - Duration: 1:39.

Its 7:30 AM

I woke up with my heart beat thumping hard

Heaviness' surrounding my mind

Thinking something isn't quite right

I'm Breathing heavily, my neck starts to hurt and sweat starts to form on my palm.

It's 8:00 AM

My stomach feels like acid washing every inch of the limbs,

eating away my feeling of hunger.

"You're different, I tell you," said the voice behind my back.

Telling me everything that is wrong with me.


because that's the thing that kept bothering since I woke up and opened my eyes in the morning.

Its 12:00PM

My mind is on fire.

It's overwhelming.

it feels like you are trapped,

trapped in a room where there is no window to croll out.

Avoid people, i thought, be alone.

My body is exhausted, tired, yet my mind is racing

thinking, and going over every single detail that had happened in the day.

It's 10:00 PM

I can't sleep.

There's so many in my mind I could not explain.

It's in fact implausible to explain

It's like a car,

going with speed without the break that will cause a bigger problem,

and yes,

It would not stop.

And this is how anxiety feels like.

For more infomation >> What anxiety feels like || Fathia Salma - Duration: 1:39.


What's the Deal With This Week's 50-Foot Donald Trump Cover? - Duration: 1:00.

So, what's up with this week's Donald Trump cover?

Here's the deal.

We're gonna do this Donald Trump story...

And I was like, OK. Great. There's a lot of Donald Trump everywhere,

How can we make this, you know, groovy?

There was some talk of a storm cloud coming over the mountains of Vermont...

I was like, that's cool, but what else could it be?

And I thought, Donald Trump, 1950s monster movie poster.

Like, Godzilla! Comin' out of the water.

And then I thought, ooh, I remembered "The Attack of the 50-Foot Woman,"

Where she's just stomping the city and picking up a car.


City crush now!


So that's what I thought would be fun!

Everybody liked the idea.

And then I thought, who could draw it?

Harry Bliss, of course!

Because he's fabulous,

And he also really doesn't like Donald Trump.

Don't tell anybody!

So he agreed to do it,

Bingo, bango. There you go!

For more infomation >> What's the Deal With This Week's 50-Foot Donald Trump Cover? - Duration: 1:00.


What Monkey? (REMASTERD) - Duration: 0:09.

Obed: What Monkey?

Obed's Brother: Right There

Obed: Oh that Monkey?

Obed's Brother: Yeah man

For more infomation >> What Monkey? (REMASTERD) - Duration: 0:09.


What's Up Weekend: May 26th – May 28th, 2017 - Duration: 1:34.










































For more infomation >> What's Up Weekend: May 26th – May 28th, 2017 - Duration: 1:34.


DoA on what OWL can learn from LoL/CS:GO: $ support for teams & regular international tournaments. - Duration: 5:28.

How has Overwatch League incorporated the successful aspects of Riot, Valve, and the


Well you know a lot of the stuff with Overwatch League is still kind of being nailed down

and all that.

So I can't say a ton about it obviously yet.

But I think what Overwatch League will hopefully do is incorporate the support for teams that

Riot showed initially with the LCS.

Because I mean when the LCS first came out ,it was a great thing right.

I mean the support that teams got was was like nothing that had really been seen before

in a big esports league like that.

So you know credit to Riot Games.

I think they did a great job when when things started out with with LCS, and while you know

obviously things in my opinion haven't gone as great since then it really was a great


And I think it really was a good educating moment for a lot of other organizations that

wanted to be as big into esports Valve, honestly I'm not as familiar with with everything that

they've done.

You know I watched the International from time to time, and I have mixed thoughts about

the compendium.

I think it's great to get these players you know more money.

I think that's awesome.

At the same time, I don't know if it's wise to rely on the benevolence of the community

for your prize pool.

I feel like that's something that can go well for a while and then is really going to kind

of like come back to bite you later on.

I hope it never does for them.

I hope it always goes well.

But I have mixed feelings about that.

I think what Blizzard can take from CS:GO is the importance of having regular international

tournaments like one-offs and things like that.

And so that because you want to have...

Ongoing leagues are great but you also need to give these players downtime too right.

Which is something that I think Riot is kind of missing the boat on right now is that these

guys have like--it's like Spring split, into MSI, into Summer split, into Worlds, into

All-Stars, and like I know some of these players, and they just never get a break.

Like SKT, because they win everything.

You know good for them.

But that means also that they never really get a break.

And that's I don't think anyone should really have to live like that.

I think it's important to...

I think it's important for the quality of the games too that people are able to step

back from it and take some time off if they want to.

And if a team wants to be like "Yeah we're just not going to play this next event."

Then they can skip an international event or something like that.

So ideally a mix would be nice, where you can take a little bit of everything.

Because maybe one side goes too far into only one-off events and one side goes too far into

everything else.

So that's I guess we'll see what happens.

But that would be nice to have more balance in the scene.

What about pulling franchising system from NBA which so many people have said or begged

for from Riot or Valve, or other games.

Well I think this is a real evolution moment for esports where esports is an interesting

thing in that nobody owns the game of football, and nobody owns the game of baseball right?

So the entities that are involved in traditional sports are fundamentally different than esports

and it seems like in Overwatch League.

We will hopefully have a healthy balance of people in control.I would love to see fairly

equal input and influence from the developer because they made the game, from the broadcasters

because they're the ones making the game consumable as a product, and the teams because they're

the ones providing the players and the infrastructure to support those players.

So all three of those entities have very important vested interests in making Overwatch work.

None of them I think should have too much power right.

So everyone kind of needs to have a bit of say, so from what we've heard it sounds like

to me a Blizzard is going in the right direction where they want to involve the teams more

and they want to give them a bit more leeway I suppose.

And on the broadcasting side of things too that'll be nice as well because you do have

conflicts sometimes.

Like in Korea between what OGN has as a vision for their broadcast compared to what Riot

Games or Blizzard or Super Evil MegaCorp or whatever developer's game they're using has

for their product too.

And so if everyone can--this is like a very eutopic kind of idea I'm thinking of.

But if everyone can kind of work together and sit down, I think that'll make the best


And in my mind Overwatch is the thing that's moving the most in that direction right now.

Jack Nicholson once said "Why can't we all just get along.

Yeah exactly.

Yeah. in very lovable role.

For more infomation >> DoA on what OWL can learn from LoL/CS:GO: $ support for teams & regular international tournaments. - Duration: 5:28.


What nationality would JAPANESE PICK? Ask Japanese what country they would to be from - Duration: 5:58.

Same as her, I would choose Russia.

I want to be like Cathy. Just like you.

Oh, thank you!



Hey guys it's Cathy Cat, and today I'm gonna go and ask the girls and guys in Japan

What kind of country's person they would like to become if they could change.

What country they belong to, for a day.

What country, or what person, or what nationality, will they choose.

Let's go and ask Japanese!

If you wake up tomorrow and could be someone else,

which nationality would you like to be?



Because I can be a beauty.

When I hear Russian, they all seem to be beautiful

So I think if I can become a Russian I will be a beauty.

So you wake up tomorrow all shiny Russian,which kind do you want to be?

Beautiful, young lady?

White and porcelain like skin tone.

Skinny, blonde, and blue eyes?

-Yes, yes. -Someone like that.

I want to be a Spanish.


I was learning Spanish as my second language,

I like their food and the way they talk.

I think I admire Spain.

I want to try spanish dishes.

Same as her, I want to be a Russian.

Very white skin, tall, and slim, is the image that I have


Okay, why?

I think their makeup and fashion is very cute.

The Koreans.

If you became a Korean tomorrow, what will you do?

I will do makeup and dress up like a pretty Korean girl, and hang out.

German. They are so handsome.


I think they are very handsome, and I wish I can be that handsome.

What kind of German do you want to be? Sporty guy? or some others?

Sports is good, but I want to be model.

What kind of appearance would you like?

Blue eyes and white skin.

I want to be an English.

I think they have really good style.

Do you have any preferences in appearance? Like the hair colour and hair length.

Very long hair, and blonde is better.


I would like to have white skin, bright blond hair, and blue eyes.

Wow, clearly decided.

I want to be a beauty.

So if you woke up and became a Russain, German, or English,

what will you do then?

I will take a lot of selfie.

I want to go and meet my friends and show off.

Saying like "Look don't you think I am handsome?"

I want to walk in the street and catch everyone's eyes.

like "Look at my shiny hair."

Like "oh~"


Why English?

They have long nose and are very beautiful.

I want the hair colour to be blonde.

Like Cathy, I want to be like Cathy.

Thank you!



I think the city's landscape is so beautiful, If I can move there I would love to.

Then what do you want to look like?

Really white bright skin, and have light coloured eyes.

Light brown, I think it will be very lovely.

If you became one, what will you do then?

Wear shorts!

I will wear little shorts!

And hang out with it.

Why short pants?

Because foreigners have good styles!

I will wear shorts pants and simply fashion and go out.

I want to just remain Japanese.


Just, love!

I think I don't know much about other cultures, and it takes a long time to get along with them.

I think I can't change any more.

So you think even you changed your appearance, your heart will remain as a Japanese.

I think I will remain my Japanese heart and culture, will be surly using chopsticks, and eat rice.

I think?

I also would like to remain as Japanese.

Yeah, the culture's just so different.

If you wake up and you can become someone else, from which country would you like to be?



It's more international, and more free.

When I was in America, I see they don't have that kind of culture,

which tries to destroy someone who stands out in the crowed,

as matter of fact, when you express yourself, people will praise you

I really like that culture.

So I have admiration towards America.

If possible, what kind of appearance would you like?

I want to be blonde like you.

Foreign blonds always catch people's attention.

So I would like to be a natural blond and have blue eyes.

And then what would you do?

I want to have a morning coffee with style.

I guess I would look into the mirror all day

Like "Wow, awesome."

So these are all the questions! Thank you very much!

So, what foreigner do you want to be?

Many people say for example America and such,

interesting if you suddenly woke up.

I don't want to be a particular culture, I think I'd like to live one day in every culture's life.

And I ??????? definitely would like to wake up one day and just be a guy, for a day.

That'll be fun.

So that's relevant to the question, probably not.

So how about you, which foriegner would you like to be,

What country's person do you want to wake up.

But maybe Sweden. I would like to wake up Swedish and really tall and blonde.

And just wondering around the town, anyway, see you guys!


For more infomation >> What nationality would JAPANESE PICK? Ask Japanese what country they would to be from - Duration: 5:58.


What Do You Know About TURKEY / MERSIN The Pearl of Mediterranean - Duration: 1:19.

Think of a place that is defying time ...

full of mystery

every moment gives new excitement...

A city where nature dances with sea ,

hot sands bow to shade...

A city where colorful lives meet with colorful people....

Lands that still keep the mystery of history ,

human hand has not discovered yet...

The beaches where Cleopatranhas walked ,

Antonius has declared his love...

The ways where Caesar has breathed ,

the prphets have passed...

Still undiscovered dozens worth.....

Mystery of Mersin

Sail into new secrets.

For more infomation >> What Do You Know About TURKEY / MERSIN The Pearl of Mediterranean - Duration: 1:19.


Alphonso Williams - What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted (Abendschau - 2017-05-26) - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Alphonso Williams - What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted (Abendschau - 2017-05-26) - Duration: 3:17.


Hillary Stepped on Stage & Immediately Start Choking, Watch What Happened Next VIDEO - Duration: 10:08.

Hillary Stepped on Stage & Immediately Start Choking, Watch What Happened Next [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton struggled to speak shortly after beginning her speech at the Wellesley

College commencement ceremony Friday.


A college official rushed to deliver her a lozenge and water bottle as she choked on

her words.

She credited her croaky delivery to allergies rather than emotions, which drew cheers and

laughs from the crowd.

What do you think about this comment below.

LOOK Everyone Is Talking About Melania's Outfit In Sicily Today [PHOTOS]

It is the final day of Donald and Melania Trump's first official tour as President

and First Lady, and it looks like 47-year-old Melania is eager to go out with a sartorial


Having made a chic arrival in Sicily, where her husband is attending a G7 summit, on Thursday

evening wearing her third outfit of the day, Melania stepped out on Friday morning in the

coastal down of Catania, making a very stylish statement in a floral coat by Dolce & Gabanna,

which was covered with colorful 3-D flower embellishments – and came complete with

a matching purse by the Italian luxury label.

Ensuring that all eyes would be on the classy jacket, Melania opted to pair the quirky piece

with a simple beige dress and heels by the same designer, adding a pair of sunglasses

to protect her eyes against the bright sunshine.

Her brunette hair, meanwhile, was left loose around her shoulders.

While plenty of designers have refused to dress the First Lady over her husband's

politics, Dolce & Gabbana has repeatedly supported Melania, who wore a blazer from the Italian

label for her official White House portrait.

Stefano Gabbana, one half of the famed duo behind Dolce & Gabbana, took to his personal

Instagram on Friday morning to proudly share photos of Melania wearing the brand's exquisite

floral coat.

'US First Lady Melania Trump arrives for a visit at the Chierici Palace City Hall of

Catania on the sidelines of a G7 summit of the Heads of State and of Government in Taormina

[heart emoji] THANK YOU @flotus #melaniatrump,' he wrote.

The images see Melania beaming at the waiting cameras as she made her way out of an SUV

upon arrival at the Chierici Palace – where she and her fellow G7 spouses were set to

enjoy a tour.

Melania couldn't have looked happier as she made her way to join the rest of her group,

despite a lengthy few days that have seen her completing several official engagements,

while her husband President Trump has met with several world leaders.

Trump and Melania are staying at the Belmond Grand Hotel Timeo in Taormina Italy, and on

Thursday morning, she flew via helicopter to Catania.

Melania took to Twitter during her flight to share a photo of the stunning view below,

writing: 'On my way to a lunch & mtgs as part of #G7.

Taormina [to] Catania #Italy.'

Share this post if you are proud of First Lady Melania!

What do you think about Melania's outfit comment below.


Will You Support Him

Democrats are bringing out the big guns, firing feckless lawsuits against Republicans in the

hopes that something will stick.

Brad Podliska, a Major in the Air Force Reserve and former investigator on the Benghazi committee,

is suing committee chair Trey Gowdy for wrongful termination and discrimination.

According to the the suit, Podliska was fired because of his military service and for his

refusal to investigate Hillary Clinton.

He further alleges that Gowdy inappropriately defamed him publicly after the termination.

The Benghazi committee has denied the accusations and maintains that Podliska was terminated

for the mishandling of classified information.

Speaking on NBC News, Trey Gowdy dismissed the allegations, claiming that Podliska was


The committee's top investigator is a three-star general, which undermines any claims of discrimination.

However, Podliska's claim that this was military discrimination is crucial to the

case being heard.

Podliska is relying on The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act to

claim standing for the case.

Normally, House staffers are prevented from suing their employer to protect classified


Claiming military discrimination is Podliska's only avenue to court.

A lengthy court battle is the ultimate goal of the lawsuit.

Podliska and his liberal lawyers have requested a jury trial and are hoping a prolonged legal

battle would detract attention from Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton is, of course, central to the lawsuit, and possibly behind the spurious

court case.

Podliska claims that he was mistreated because he was not willing to advance a line of investigation

implicating Hillary Clinton, who was Secretary of State during the Benghazi assault.

The entire lawsuit stinks to high heaven of a distraction campaign orchestrated by the


Podliska could not prevent the Benghazi committee from investigating Clinton from the inside,

so he is hoping to derail the committee from the outside.

He is also demanding his former job back.

The lawsuit seems to have gone out of its way to target Trey Gowdy, who is a rising

star in the Republican Party.

The entire purpose of the lawsuit is to defame Trey Gowdy while insinuating that the Benghazi

investigation is an unfair witch hunt designed to attack Hillary Clinton.

We will not be fooled.

Do you think this is just a frivolous lawsuit?

Please share the story on Facebook and tell us what you think because we want to hear

YOUR voice!

ALERT Now We Know The 1 Powerful Order Trump Gave Staff Before Landing In Saudi Arabia

Trump is on his first world tour as our president.

Liberals quivered in fear as he made his first stop.

However, we patriots knew President Trump was going to do the right thing!

Before Trump's plane landed, the president gave one strict order to everyone on board.

My Right America featured a tweet by Steve Cortes, a Fox News reporter, that explained

this one order.

Trump said: "I catch ONE American bowing here, and you're on the next Saudi flight



Trump is on his first world tour as our president.

Liberals quivered in fear as he made his first stop.

However, we patriots knew President Trump was going to do the right thing!

Before Trump's plane landed, the president gave one strict order to everyone on board.

My Right America featured a tweet by Steve Cortes, a Fox News reporter, that explained

this one order.

Trump said: "I catch ONE American bowing here, and you're on the next Saudi flight



Watching President Trump come down from Air Force One was quite the sight to see.

Instead of bowing, as Obama did in 2009, Trump introduced himself to the Saudi Arabian King

with a powerful handshake.

(via The Daily Mail).

We were SO happy to see Trump greet the King in the proper AMERICAN way.

We should NEVER bow to world leaders.

Back when Obama did it, there was some controversy from the Right.

But instead of marching and burning down buildings the Right said, "Hey he shouldn't be doing


It makes us look bad and is against the OFFICIAL State Department policy."

That previous statement is what we would like to call a "factual argument" — liberals

should try it sometime.

The Left either denied the bow happened or said it was a simple misunderstanding.

Weird, because it should be one or the other.

Plus you cannot reasonably DENY the bow.

There is video evidence and pictures of former president Obama bowing down to the then-king.

It's as absurd as trying to deny that the sun rose from the East yesterday morning!

It should also be noted that Melania did not wear a headscarf on the Saudi Arabia visit


The president and first lady were there for business, not to kowtow to the world leader.

Obama did an excellent job at kissing up to ANYONE who could cause him controversy.

He would give OUR money openly to other countries — his bows were both physical and metaphorical.

You would have to admit that it is sickening, in the scheme of the world stage, to think

that when BIG discussions were happening Obama was sitting in the back seat with his arms

crossed so that he didn't "bother" anyone.

How did we ever survive eight years of an Obama presidency?

The best part of Trump's recent trip is the way the Left was SO sure that the Saudi

people would not be welcoming to the president.

Imagine their surprise when Trump arrived to find a red carpet and a country overflowing

with excitement to meet him.

Liberals have to be furious about being wrong so many times.

We'll never get tired of WINNING this big.

If the Left would quit being disrespectful roadblocks, they might find that there is

some common ground between them and our president.

Instead, they are choosing to stand in our president's way at every turn.

It's mind-boggling.

The Dems are going to discover that when you use that attitude with Trump, you are not

going to be pleased.

He is NOT Obama, and he will NOT be pushed around by ANYONE!

This trip to Saudi Arabia is concrete proof of that, and we couldn't be more proud.

Do YOU think that Trump did the right thing by shaking his hand instead of bowing?

Share this story on Facebook and let us know because we want to hear YOUR voice!

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