Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily want May 28 2017

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Over time, toxins and waste accumulate in your organism and in order to function properly

you need to cleanse your body occasionally. There are various detox methods and most commonly

the process of detoxification is through the skin or some of the vital organs.

Even though fruit juices are great for detoxification, soups are even more efficient.

Soups are incredibly powerful and will provide your body all necessary nutrients which and

in same time will improve the function of different organs such as the gut, liver and

skin. Soups will cleanse but also will improve the body's absorption of nutrients. Soups

are perfect combination of healthy ingredients and will strengthen your immune system and

thus efficiently will improve your overall health.

Soup cleanse lasts 3 days. To be more precise, the treatment starts with 1 phase that lasts

one day in the beginning and ends with 3 phases per day after period of 1 month. In order

to detoxify your organism you should consume 5-6 soups per a day.

It is important to highlight that the soups should be strictly vegetable or bone broths

as that is the only way to provide your body fiber and other essential nutrients.

By removing the toxins from your organism you will feel more energetic and flexible.

During the process of detoxification you should drink enough water and that is ½ of your

weight in ounces.

It is advisable to prepare the soups in advance and thus stay more organized during the treatment.

Below we have 3 suggestions for detox soups:

Broccoli detox soup


2 ½ cups of broccoli florets 3 celery stalks

1 cup of kale 1 onion

2 cups of bone or vegetable broth Lemon juice (from ½ a lemon)

A pinch of sea salt 2 tablespoons of collagen

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

In a pot add the coconut oil and put on heat to warm it up. Then, add the celery, onion

and broccoli and cook for 5 minutes. After that, add the broth and simmer the soup on

low heat for about 5 minutes. Finally stir until you get homogenous mixture.

Carrot and ginger detox soup


3 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger 2 onions

2 carrots 3 garlic cloves

A cup of coconut milk 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of plant protein Preparation:

In a pan add the carrots, ginger, broth and garlic and cook and the simmer the mixture

on low heat. Next step is to sauté the onions and add the coconut oil or ghee. Then, add

the onions in the pan and mix it with the previous mixture and add finally the coconut

milk and salt and stir well.

Red lentil detox soup


½ cup of red lentils 1 small onion

1 apple 2 sweet potatoes

2 carrots ½ teaspoon of cumin

½ teaspoon of paprika ¼ cup of coconut oil or ghee

1-inch piece of ginger 4 ½ cups bone broth

Coconut cream, salt and pepper to taste Preparation:

In a pan add the oil and warm up on medium heat. After that, add the carrots, apples,

onion and sweet potatoes and cook everything until the ingredients become soft. Next step

is to add the lentils, broth, cumin, ginger and paprika and boil the mixture for half

an hour. Finally, stir until you can homogenous mixture and simmer it again until the water

evaporates. By your choice you can season the soup and serve it with a topping (you

can use coconut cream).

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I Want to Meet YOU & New Bread Series! - Duration: 1:27.

Hi Bold Bakers!

As you can see from the title of this video, I want to meet you!

Bigger Bolder Baking is going on the road this summer, and the best thing about it is

you get to decide where I go!

All you have to do.

It's really simple.

Is go to TOURDEMAND.LIVE/GEMMA-STAFFORD or tap the link in the description box below

and demand the city that you're in.

Also, let me know what sweet treat is famous in your part of the world because hopefully

I'll get to taste that too.

Now there is no cost to enter, and I want to hear from everybody around the world.

I can't wait to hear from all my Bold Bakers but remember that all the requests have to

come through that link so tap on it.

Also, I have some great news that I'm really excited to tell you.

I have a new series coming your way.

It is called Crazy Dough Bread Series.

Now what is Crazy Dough Bread Series?

I show you how you can make one dough really simply and make it into so many different

breads from pizza to naan bread, pretzels, cinnamon rolls even Nutella Loaf.

It's absolutely amazing and I know you're going to love it.

It is going to air at 8:30am Pacific Time so check to see what time that is in your


I really hope you check out this series because I had a lot of fun making it.

Ok, I need you to do two things for me.

Demand your link by clicking the link in the description box below and come back next Sunday

for my new bread series.

Thank you as always for your great support being a part of this wonderful community and

I'll see you back here really soon for more Bigger Bolder Baking.

For more infomation >> I Want to Meet YOU & New Bread Series! - Duration: 1:27.


[MV] IU(아이유) _ Twenty-three(스물셋) Reaction ! - Duration: 5:06.

Eman: This is ehmm I.u

Eman: my...

Eman future wife ...

Lisa : i thought i was your future wife!

Eman: yea your my future wife and shes my future ex wife....

Gustavo: hehe..

Eman: yea?..

Gustavo: future ex wife?....

Gustavo: no into?

Lisa: did you just say ''fuck the intro''?

Gustavo: Like always


Lisa: i think there was something in her cake

Lisa: is that her ?

Eman: yea

*lisa lowkey hating on emans future ex wife* xD

Eman: ah alice in wonderland theme

Lisa shocked at the fact that it took eman so long to notice xD

Eman: i just noticed sorry

Eman lowkey scared making someone jealous x)

too late lisa's lowkey upset >.<

Gustavo: did you try to understand what was going on?

Gustavo: i think its about her not knowing what bday gift she wants

Gustavo: Or how her bday should be

For more infomation >> [MV] IU(아이유) _ Twenty-three(스물셋) Reaction ! - Duration: 5:06.


Do we want healthcare or health insurance? | Us News - Duration: 12:35.

Do we want healthcare or health insurance? | Us News

The nonpartisan analysts at the Congressional Budget Office have concluded that the House repeal and replace bill would strip healthcare coverage from 23 million Americans in 2026.

That legislation is bizarre as a work of health policy. Instead, it is better understood as a tax cut bill for the most affluent, paid for by removing federally-funded health coverage from the poorest and most defenseless.

But this cynical bill reflects an underlying policy divide between conservatives and progressives, which is whether the federal government should be in the business of promoting a functioning health coverage system, or health insurance markets. The differences are fundamental.

A functioning health coverage system means that every American has access to the full range of medical services necessary for the preservation of life and the promotion of good health, either at nominal cost or at prices commensurate with their incomes.

Because medical care is costly, and those costs rise with age, functioning systems require substantial tax-funded government involvement. But at the same time, privately-paid medical costs are greatly reduced.

Medicaid and Medicare are examples. Ignoring labels, this is the model followed in all other developed countries.

Functioning health insurance markets mean private competitive markets, where supply and demand shape both the nature of the products and the prices at which those products are sold. Pre-ACA major medical policies and the deregulation of insurance markets point in this direction.

Since the passage of the House bill, Americans in town halls across the country have come down squarely on the side that they want low-cost access to healthcare, whatever the label placed on it, not access to health insurance.

Their intuitions are absolutely right. Insurance is ill suited as the model for supporting the health of a country's citizens.

The fundamental role of insurance is to address the financial impact of 'adverse fortuities' through the law of large numbers – random bad outcomes, not correlated with each other, but that are susceptible of statistical modeling when viewed in the aggregate.

Your home or automobile insurance are examples. Insureds shed the financial risk of a very large but improbable loss, and substitute in return a much smaller but certain loss, in the form of insurance premiums.

From an insured's perspective, uncertain risks are shifted; from the perspective of the group, the risk has been pooled and made predictable.

When everyone in the pool faces certain or highly probable costs, true insurance simply cannot exist, because there is no risk shifting. This is why you can buy fire insurance for your home, but not lawn maintenance insurance.

Healthcare is closer to the lawn maintenance case. We all incur regular need for healthcare; delayed maintenance leads only to higher future costs, lost productivity and early death. In turn, all insurance faces two unique problems.

The first is adverse selection: Those who for reasons known to themselves, and not visible to the insurance company, are most in need of insurance will be the first in line to buy it, thereby skewing the aggregate risk profile of the insurance pool.

The other is moral hazard, whereby people with insurance may choose to behave in a riskier manner than those without (not changing the batteries in your smoke alarm, for example, because you know your home is fully insured).

Health insurance in particular is bedeviled by the first, which is what leads insurers to exclude preexisting conditions -- even those unknown to the insured at the time she first is insured.

Moral hazard is a bit more easily addressed, through deductibles and the like.

Health insurance in the form of "major medical" policies that contain very large deductibles and that focus on catastrophic care can more or less function as genuine insurance, subject to the fundamental problem of adverse selection, and with it, carve outs for preexisting conditions.

The problem is that they are simply unaffordable for many, and always will be, so long as healthcare itself is costly and probable -- few live to 90 or even 65 with no significant medical issues.

In response, conservative policymakers often suggest limited government subsidies (through tax credits), and "Health Savings Accounts," to offer taxpayers the ability to set aside income each year tax-free to deal with more predictable health maintenance issues.

But these are solutions that work only for more affluent Americans, because they alone can afford to fund those HSAs or pay the premiums in the first place. Many millions of working Americans simply cannot afford the most routine medical bills.

For example, a poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute looking at the economic situations of white working class Americans (as a proxy for Donald Trump's political base) found that one-third of those polled could not afford an unexpected $400 expense.

How does a Health Savings Account benefit them?.

The Affordable Care Act has been responsible for a dramatic decline in the number of personal bankruptcies and debt collection balances precisely because it removed healthcare-related financial crises for millions of Americans without large financial reserves of their own.

The interests of the country are served when the economy prospers, but almost two-thirds of our national income comes through our personal labor.

Rational economic policy thus points to government investment in human capital (through education), but also to maintaining the complex machines that are the drivers of economic growth – which is to say, our physical and emotional selves.

We know that greasy machinery must be maintained to stay in service, and of course the same is true of human machinery.

Meanwhile, pre-ACA experience showed that relying excessively on employer-provided healthcare stunts growth, by trapping employees with preexisting conditions from striking out on their own, or even from switching employers.

The country prospers when government makes healthcare universally available, and funds that through rational tax policy not tied to ones employer.

The only solution to adverse selection in health insurance markets is to throw everybody into the pool. The ACA did this through its mandate.

The House bill actually does this as well, in an even more draconian fashion, by threatening those who allow their health coverage to lapse even for a short time to be banished into 'high-risk pools,' which have been and always will be tremendously underfunded.

Everyone participates in Social Security, like it or not, and that is the obvious direction forward here too.

Most Americans today in fact are enrolled in some sort of government-assisted health coverage program, not true insurance. Medicare and Medicaid are the most obvious examples.

Even before the ACA, many (but not all) private employer-provided health programs also delivered reasonably-priced health services, through broad coverage and modest deductibles.

Surprisingly, these also have always been underwritten by the federal government, to the tune of almost $300 billion every year, through hidden tax subsidies. The remaining employer costs fall largely on the shoulders of employees, in the form of lower cash wages.

Medicare or Medicaid for all -- call it what you will -- divorced from ones employer offers all Americans the assurance of reasonable investment in their health.

What employers today spend on private health plans instead would be collected instead through the payroll tax system, thereby eliminating the distortions attendant on tying coverage to ones specific employer, and introducing more progressive funding of health services.

Private insurance and bespoke medicine can coexist along this for those who can afford it. Health insurance is a luxury item for a few; reasonably priced healthcare services are what most Americans actually want.

Kleinbard is The Ivadelle and Theodore Johnson Professor of Law and Business at the University of Southern Californias Gould School of Law, and a Fellow at The Century Foundation.

Kleinbard was one of four individuals honored as 2016 International Tax Person of the Year by the nonpartisan policy organization Tax Analysts.

He is the author of a book, "We Are Better Than This: How Government Should Spend Our Money," published by Oxford U. Press.

For more infomation >> Do we want healthcare or health insurance? | Us News - Duration: 12:35.


Anime「 AMV 」- Aku Mau/I want (Sad song) - Duration: 4:16.

Kau boleh acuhkan diriku. you can ignore me

Dan anggap ku tak ada. and pretend like i'm not there

Tapi takkan merubah perasaanku. but it will never change the feelings i have

Kepadamu. for you

Kuyakin pasti suatu saat. l'm sure that someday

Semua kan terjadi. everything will happen

Kau kan mencintaiku. that you will love me

Dan tak akan pernah. and will never

melepasku. let me go

Aku mau mendampingi dirimu. l want to be by your side

Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu. l want to love your lackings

Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu. I'll always be here to make you happy

Apapun terjadi. whatever happens

Kujanjikan aku ada. Promise me there

Kau boleh jauhi diriku. you may stay away from me

Namun kupercaya. but l believe

Kau kan mencintaiku. that you will love me

Dan tak akan pernah. and will never

melepasku. let me go

Aku mau mendampingi dirimu. l want to be by your side

Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu. l want to love your lackings

Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu. I'll always be here to make you happy

Apapun terjadi. whatever happens

Kujanjikan aku ada. Promise me there

Ohhh yaahh!!

Aku ada. I am here

Aku mau mendampingi dirimu. l want to be by your side

Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu. l want to love your lackings

Aku yang rela. i'd rather

terluka. hurt

Untukmu selalu. you always

Aku mau mendampingi dirimu. l want to be by your side

Aku mau cintai kekuranganmu. l want to love your lackings

Selalu bersedia bahagiakanmu. I'll always be here to make you happy

Apapun terjadi. whatever happens

Kujanjikan aku ada. Promise me there

For more infomation >> Anime「 AMV 」- Aku Mau/I want (Sad song) - Duration: 4:16.


Mesut Özil When I play for Germany, I want to be the first to Assist - Duration: 1:09.


For more infomation >> Mesut Özil When I play for Germany, I want to be the first to Assist - Duration: 1:09.


why Muhammad didn't want a man who didn't have sex with his wife to go down to his daughter - Duration: 0:31.

as for preventing men from going down the grave of Muhammad's daughter

the reason why Muhammad prevented men who had sex with their wives from going down the grave of his dead daughter

is that because the excess of the orgasm of one of those men , to the point that he had sex with his wife

therefore , the prophet Muhammad was afraid that if one of those men would go down the grave , he would remember having sex with his wife

and he would get amazed at what he saw in the grave and consequently he would disgusting things that men do with dead women in their graves

so , the messenger of Islam ( Muhammad ) wanted to make sure that a man who would go down the grave of his daughter , would not have sex with her

For more infomation >> why Muhammad didn't want a man who didn't have sex with his wife to go down to his daughter - Duration: 0:31.


Want my BIGGEST take-aways from Ray Higdon's Prospecting & Marketing Event? - Duration: 11:28.

come on oh can you hear me now better

better better better worse better work

yes No can you hear me we good

hi Sarah hi Susan can you hear me are we

going yay so good okay so much better so

if you science trinium let me know where

you're sitting in come I want to talk to

all of you and for those you jumping on

like you have no idea like the light

changing experience this weekend like

legit totally crazy

Sarah wish you're here Susan I wish you

were here Jack I wish you were here like

I just thought the battle was like oh

like crazy so anyhow so a couple of sync

ways yeah let me know where you're all

shooting and from Bob because I want to

know and look again so for those of you

don't know who I am my name is Luka

Killian and you're going to share this

out because they're like nuggets that

are going to be dropped like poodle

crazy and it's like so today Ray Higdon

spoke today and Robert Hollis was on the

stage I was just like to know like are

you kidding me

and then angel Fletcher was on the stage

she was amazing and who was the other

one I can't remember who she was I mean

just just Ross there's a rock there at

the restaurant right so one of the big

one of the biggies

what a big takeaways today was to always

play to win never play to keep from

losing right and if you played sports

like you know that it's always better to

be on the offense than it is to be on

the defense right you always want to

have the upper hand

yes diane hochman maximum was I couldn't

remember she was amazing as well like so

good I just I literally sat there like

jaw drops the entire day but one of the

big things that thrower that um start

breaking that startup day with was

always play to win and never to play to

keep from to keep from losing so so many

times in this business

what I just we're always scrambling or

scrambling or scrambling with rambling

to just not lose everything when really

we should just be playing away just kind

of sometimes you throw it all in Philae

gonna throw it over the wall he would

sit and keep going like that what you

got to do so only play win assume you're

going to win don't play with your back

up against the wall and scramble and try

to make all the pieces fit just keep

going keep going with the mindset that

you are going to vent so that was number

one and I was like hey guys for those of

you are tuning in right now please let

me know we're tuning in from share this

out this is like my airport recap so I'm

sitting here and yes I am having a glass

of wine if you have one then please


it's been a long day and mom and native

glass to watch okay okay okay another

big quote that was shared that I loved

was champions are rewarded in public

four years for what they doing champions

are rewarded in public for what they do

inside it for years I mean this is

another way of putting it like we all

know what like we'll see the grand

houses and the cars and the paychecks

and this and that like we all see that

we don't freeze I'm walking across

stages and all this crazy stuff right so

champions are rewarded in public we see

them walking across the stage and we see

all these great things but we don't know

what happened we don't know what they've

done for years upon years upon years

right we don't know so you need to

understand that these people put in the

work they put in the time they put in

the grind right they brinded it out and

they're doing what we're doing now and

we'll get there for you just again it

goes back to whole like compare itis

thing you can compare your chapter one

to somebody else's chapter 25 because

you don't know where they've been so

that was I mean that was great I love

that so I'm totally making something out

of that

like champions are rewarded in public

for what they do in private for you like

absolutely just crazy right and then

this is one the Robert Hollis drops and

I we all kind of sat there like moons

like when they said that we all

literally sat there you heard the whole

room be like boom that Spartans a little

bit right so Robert collet said there is

someone uglier than you someones dumber

than you doing more than you and making

more money than you like and we all

decide to really out like that first and

he said that somebody said that to him

and I was like oh wow

but it means trooper side a series

there's always somebody who's doing more

than you are legs you can't play this

woe is me game because there's only

somebody who's been through more than

you that is doing more than year like

you we find these excuses that we make

and we find these things of reasons of

why we can't do something like we need

to stop finding the reasons of why we

can't do something and use those reasons

to be that's why we can do something

stop making your challenge as a crutch

and may and use them as a gift right

we're given challenges and stop using

them as a crutch stuff uses thank you

very much Mike you just came for today

obviously so we didn't stop using our

challenges as a crutch start taking

about the gift and growing from them and

using them to connect with people that's

what we need to do we need to use your

challenges and say listen I know I've

been through this I've been through X Y

& Z right there I know I'm preaching

like you understand like I really got

there and I couldn't tell you I felt

like I was in a Southern Baptist Church

this weekend because every now and I was

like any man like literally hands went

up and I was like dropping an amen debt

like it was crazy like was it like

preaching fire and I was dropping amen

like they were singing going on they

were dancin you were like feigns I mean

not really but that's the kind of things

I was going on right now right I mean

just crazy crazy I mean I heard so much

stuff here that I have like notebooks

upon notebooks my iPad is filled with

stuff like absolutely absolutely crazy

but when Robert Hollis pulled out that

whole thing I'll repeat it again it's


but there is someone uglier - you dumber

than you doing more than you and making

more money than you I was like you were

like being I was like that's that's

meaning it's true but it's being great

but I mean if that's the way it is I'm

going to pull my notebook so maybe one

more and then I'm going to go there you

guys have to wait like this week's gonna

be insane insane same amount of drunk

knowledge I want to drop on you guys if

he's done right or this week this week

coming up here be prepared with some

with a notebook and 10 - Jeremy writing

and right and right now I'm gonna be

getting dropped all right here we go

there um bok-bok-bok Oh for all my

leaders out there right I we talked

about this yesterday with Lisa it was

like Lisa mustard and I did a bunch of

stuff did a bunch of stuff right we did

it we did a video together and there I

don't have to repeat that so for all my

leaders out there you're like share this

adjust it because like it is what it is

this is true this is a truth bomb coming

out but when there is it when there is

info that can be rewinding great point

your down line to the source stop being

the message and start being the

messenger if you are giving somebody

information that you could like rewind

and play back for somebody else then you

need to either a find a video that does

that or be create a video that does that

because you need to stop wasting your

time being the messenger stop mother

heading your entire downline and point

them to a video point them to a tool and

say figure it out

stopping hi Lilly I'm glad you made it

home of a it's all for today

and we met but you need to stop mother

Henning and if somebody asks you a

question if it's about information that

can be rewinded then you either need to

find a tool that explains that

information or you need to find a or

creative tool that explains that

information so that way you can send

them you can send them to it because

guess what that's people credible

duplications as a leader like your job

as a leader is to make your downlines

life easier and you are not replaceable

rightly you're not going to be people

capable so sending somebody to a tool

and saying here's the information work

through it

that's super capable yeah you're there

to help but you need to be able to help

believe you'll teach them how to help


right stop holding everybody can stop

like feeding them with a spoon the

answers like you need to do it so that's

my last tip of the day I love you guys

I'm going to eat because I think I'm

going to explain because I'm flying home

tonight but like I said be prepared for

like monster tips or monster stuff that

I learned it's going to be it's going to

be amazing

all right I love you guys share this out

I'll talk to you soon fight

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