come on oh can you hear me now better
better better better worse better work
yes No can you hear me we good
hi Sarah hi Susan can you hear me are we
going yay so good okay so much better so
if you science trinium let me know where
you're sitting in come I want to talk to
all of you and for those you jumping on
like you have no idea like the light
changing experience this weekend like
legit totally crazy
Sarah wish you're here Susan I wish you
were here Jack I wish you were here like
I just thought the battle was like oh
like crazy so anyhow so a couple of sync
ways yeah let me know where you're all
shooting and from Bob because I want to
know and look again so for those of you
don't know who I am my name is Luka
Killian and you're going to share this
out because they're like nuggets that
are going to be dropped like poodle
crazy and it's like so today Ray Higdon
spoke today and Robert Hollis was on the
stage I was just like to know like are
you kidding me
and then angel Fletcher was on the stage
she was amazing and who was the other
one I can't remember who she was I mean
just just Ross there's a rock there at
the restaurant right so one of the big
one of the biggies
what a big takeaways today was to always
play to win never play to keep from
losing right and if you played sports
like you know that it's always better to
be on the offense than it is to be on
the defense right you always want to
have the upper hand
yes diane hochman maximum was I couldn't
remember she was amazing as well like so
good I just I literally sat there like
jaw drops the entire day but one of the
big things that thrower that um start
breaking that startup day with was
always play to win and never to play to
keep from to keep from losing so so many
times in this business
what I just we're always scrambling or
scrambling or scrambling with rambling
to just not lose everything when really
we should just be playing away just kind
of sometimes you throw it all in Philae
gonna throw it over the wall he would
sit and keep going like that what you
got to do so only play win assume you're
going to win don't play with your back
up against the wall and scramble and try
to make all the pieces fit just keep
going keep going with the mindset that
you are going to vent so that was number
one and I was like hey guys for those of
you are tuning in right now please let
me know we're tuning in from share this
out this is like my airport recap so I'm
sitting here and yes I am having a glass
of wine if you have one then please
it's been a long day and mom and native
glass to watch okay okay okay another
big quote that was shared that I loved
was champions are rewarded in public
four years for what they doing champions
are rewarded in public for what they do
inside it for years I mean this is
another way of putting it like we all
know what like we'll see the grand
houses and the cars and the paychecks
and this and that like we all see that
we don't freeze I'm walking across
stages and all this crazy stuff right so
champions are rewarded in public we see
them walking across the stage and we see
all these great things but we don't know
what happened we don't know what they've
done for years upon years upon years
right we don't know so you need to
understand that these people put in the
work they put in the time they put in
the grind right they brinded it out and
they're doing what we're doing now and
we'll get there for you just again it
goes back to whole like compare itis
thing you can compare your chapter one
to somebody else's chapter 25 because
you don't know where they've been so
that was I mean that was great I love
that so I'm totally making something out
of that
like champions are rewarded in public
for what they do in private for you like
absolutely just crazy right and then
this is one the Robert Hollis drops and
I we all kind of sat there like moons
like when they said that we all
literally sat there you heard the whole
room be like boom that Spartans a little
bit right so Robert collet said there is
someone uglier than you someones dumber
than you doing more than you and making
more money than you like and we all
decide to really out like that first and
he said that somebody said that to him
and I was like oh wow
but it means trooper side a series
there's always somebody who's doing more
than you are legs you can't play this
woe is me game because there's only
somebody who's been through more than
you that is doing more than year like
you we find these excuses that we make
and we find these things of reasons of
why we can't do something like we need
to stop finding the reasons of why we
can't do something and use those reasons
to be that's why we can do something
stop making your challenge as a crutch
and may and use them as a gift right
we're given challenges and stop using
them as a crutch stuff uses thank you
very much Mike you just came for today
obviously so we didn't stop using our
challenges as a crutch start taking
about the gift and growing from them and
using them to connect with people that's
what we need to do we need to use your
challenges and say listen I know I've
been through this I've been through X Y
& Z right there I know I'm preaching
like you understand like I really got
there and I couldn't tell you I felt
like I was in a Southern Baptist Church
this weekend because every now and I was
like any man like literally hands went
up and I was like dropping an amen debt
like it was crazy like was it like
preaching fire and I was dropping amen
like they were singing going on they
were dancin you were like feigns I mean
not really but that's the kind of things
I was going on right now right I mean
just crazy crazy I mean I heard so much
stuff here that I have like notebooks
upon notebooks my iPad is filled with
stuff like absolutely absolutely crazy
but when Robert Hollis pulled out that
whole thing I'll repeat it again it's
but there is someone uglier - you dumber
than you doing more than you and making
more money than you I was like you were
like being I was like that's that's
meaning it's true but it's being great
but I mean if that's the way it is I'm
going to pull my notebook so maybe one
more and then I'm going to go there you
guys have to wait like this week's gonna
be insane insane same amount of drunk
knowledge I want to drop on you guys if
he's done right or this week this week
coming up here be prepared with some
with a notebook and 10 - Jeremy writing
and right and right now I'm gonna be
getting dropped all right here we go
there um bok-bok-bok Oh for all my
leaders out there right I we talked
about this yesterday with Lisa it was
like Lisa mustard and I did a bunch of
stuff did a bunch of stuff right we did
it we did a video together and there I
don't have to repeat that so for all my
leaders out there you're like share this
adjust it because like it is what it is
this is true this is a truth bomb coming
out but when there is it when there is
info that can be rewinding great point
your down line to the source stop being
the message and start being the
messenger if you are giving somebody
information that you could like rewind
and play back for somebody else then you
need to either a find a video that does
that or be create a video that does that
because you need to stop wasting your
time being the messenger stop mother
heading your entire downline and point
them to a video point them to a tool and
say figure it out
stopping hi Lilly I'm glad you made it
home of a it's all for today
and we met but you need to stop mother
Henning and if somebody asks you a
question if it's about information that
can be rewinded then you either need to
find a tool that explains that
information or you need to find a or
creative tool that explains that
information so that way you can send
them you can send them to it because
guess what that's people credible
duplications as a leader like your job
as a leader is to make your downlines
life easier and you are not replaceable
rightly you're not going to be people
capable so sending somebody to a tool
and saying here's the information work
through it
that's super capable yeah you're there
to help but you need to be able to help
believe you'll teach them how to help
right stop holding everybody can stop
like feeding them with a spoon the
answers like you need to do it so that's
my last tip of the day I love you guys
I'm going to eat because I think I'm
going to explain because I'm flying home
tonight but like I said be prepared for
like monster tips or monster stuff that
I learned it's going to be it's going to
be amazing
all right I love you guys share this out
I'll talk to you soon fight
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