hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and
welcome back to outlast to last episode
we got licked up and down by a thicker
neck I think it was Val I think that's
who it was um some cult lady but and we
found out that it's actually two colds
versus one another as opposed to just
one weird cult
I'll bandages give me day and I can use
V to hear somebody's clothes and we got
killed by the guy in the water and
that's when I basically gave up so oh
geez what happened okay so we're going
to see what I was going now on over
he'll give you day and I
I need to stop just going indoors like
that and actually start listening before
I walk in close what is that guy doing
is he going through the water too
he is he is well that's great so much
about so much for being stealthy
definitely don't want him to see me oh
there's more that's why don't see B you
don't see me you don't see me
okay so we get his walk right up in here
now whoa whoa I lied again uh-huh it's
whoa what and suddenly I was in a
classroom okay so that had to been like
another flashback type deal
so yeah yes good question fucking light
yet you think something like that oh oh
I don't know maybe you're dreaming or
maybe it is real this is crazy okay so
now we're in school Wow
Oh creepy I guess start over okay well
if you're going to wait for this to
record real quick this sure does bring
back memories
I would super bright out here
oh okay well I'm locked in the classroom
that's good
so that means there's something I'm
missing and find a key find some sort of
key maybe it's in the teacher's desk
probably no okay I can't go that way I'm
sorry I have to do this you should have
loved me you should have helped oh you
just forgive me I don't know what to do
I'm so so sorry Justin I remember this
when we
oh look and pack of a fourth-grade here
I thought this could get worse
uh yeah well it did because now you're
captured by bunch of crazy people is
jammed I can open this door though
responsibility repent what would Jesus
do okay so here we go to like a Catholic
school or something
respect somebody walking we can't go
into the hall okay well that's got a run
then hey batteries
if that battery wasn't a trap
super-creepy wasn't here can't go in
what yeah I think I'm losing my mind I
think that maybe what's going on here I
got to get out of here
Wow dude now we're in a snowy wasteland
that's good
it's so dark I'm just going to have to
freeze to death I guess
come on what this is a trip man I don't
even know what a think it's lost my
glasses again up here we go your hammock
the outside that's not a guilty didn't
thing no not yet
well they'll do it if they find you out
here come on all right thank you helping
me know person my name's Ethan what I
mean are you one of them and what side
are you want
I mean why ain't I trying to kill you
yeah that I've been unborn see too much
to keep the thing but you're not one of
those other ones the the heretics didn't
say squat and my wife got scoff and it
he cast out didn't complain what nah
my enemy Wow Wow baby she wouldn't was
by any crack tonight brilliant to the
job yeah wasn't I would do it either
buddy so I hear you that's pretty that's
pretty rough so I can see straight now
that's good
can i play your banjo I like the banjo
just run its funding minutes of stories
I'm here to talk my whole life you
probably noticed Jane Doe sorry your
daughter she was eight months pregnant
blonde hair cut like a poison yeah
what do you know Jane Doe - why we came
it's you all right tell this is okay Shh
all the stories I've totally forgot
about the new story we were working on
can I stay in your house
okay you can I fixed it well thank you
I hope you're not like all right you
select here I'll keep you safe
you risk of any reasons going through
right thanks Ethan you're a nice guy you
I guess I'll go sleep asleep now there
let's go to bed all right so nothing
suspicious about this Ethan guy at all I
don't know I don't know if I'd trust
anybody out here especially after
playing through the first one I don't I
don't know I really don't really trust
more Jessica dreams I'm scared too
this is a scary game oh my god
I cop it I'm in a hundred tasks I knew
where the odds are more practical media
helps all around me not questions even
now other whoa okay so I guess I could
Ethan you saying oh boy
oh geez fine you don't have much of a
choice this is twisted oh geez I hope
you find your job
yeah thanks for the help
Ethan so she gone
so can I go now I'm gonna try oh okay
the Moshe yeah he did I was wrong
that was so super wrong and the one guy
that could help me even though he's
eating super nasty food and it probably
is a lot like them crap no jump let's go
let's go let's go let's get anyway okay
so is that don't this is the way I'm
supposed to go then yeah okay let's go
now I have no idea what even chain I
don't have to hide from nothing
oh what's that that trees
I guess I'm going to go upstream good he
was all these cuts and my head being
busted open and being in this nasty
water and I'm going to catch an
infection okay
yeah well I'll see you later lady okay
so we read her out I don't know if we
had to go around the old dude dude let's
oh geez
well I'm dead Wow
instantly okay great what nice okay
there's got to be some way to get
through this then ah this way hey let me
over oh I can crouch I can go through
this way
perfect okay okay okay so this is a lot
like alright so this is a lot like the
demo how the demo was don't see anyone
I don't know where I'm supposed to be
going we're okay we're gonna make it
through the fields Oh No
oh that was him run run oh no you ain't
gonna catch me I'm just about the
fastest runner there is not even know
where I am and where I'm supposed to be
like I'm just walking in a big circle
we'll figure it out we'll figure it out
Hey bye no Ruud I got away from them
pretty quick how many are there oh yeah
hold down we're good they're not gonna
find me here I'm not I'm not in the
water I'm not in the water
ah hi no oh yeah they got me get out and
run get out and run just run ah it's
okay kill yourself fool
don't keep running no I just need to run
but they could run away faster than I
alright so oh yes okay so I don't know
where to go on this part so I'm going to
go ahead and finish the episode off here
um that was that was another episode
outlast - now we're stuck in like the
corn field type maze thing that I don't
have no idea of what's going on um
anyway I hope you guys enjoyed if you
guys did enjoy make sure you select that
like button underneath the video and
until next time I'll see you guys later
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