Today we go to do him some modifications to our robot mbot putting him a screen
led and progrmando some proofs with her.
If you do not know this robot leave you in the description and in a tarjetita the initial setting of east
robot sencillito so that you know it before seeing this video.
I call Me Rafael Cruz and this is Mundodron, begin!
you Know our new podcast?
I leave You in the description the chapter number 2.
Today we bring of uevo the robot mBot of Makeblocks to the channel, a robot that know that it loved me
by his possibilities in a previous video and that today want to add him one of the things
more interesting that came you in the edition mBot Plus, the one who comes with an endless of
Down in the description have the link of this product.
In concrete, the accessory that go him to add is the screen led, with which will be able to put
our texts, small drawings, games of lights... We go, this is the of always:
the imagination and our expertise programming by scratch in the application of Mblok will be
our only enemy.
The first that we have to know is that the current disposal of our mbot is not
suitable, so we go to have to change of place the sensor of vicinity.
we remove Him his screws and will be able to remove it easily.
we Leave the wire of connection for the moment, since it does not bother us for the moment.
Now cojemos the transparent signpost that came us in the box and remove the stickers
of protection. This will serve us for difuminar the lights leds that go him to install to the
robot and see it tudo much better.
Now already we can fit the signpost led behind this plate with some simple screws
that came in the pack.
Traqnuilos by the materials, remember you that all the tornillería and tools come
included in the package.
Once put as we will have to put up the sensor of vicinity.
we Use some nuts and screws and smart.
we Connect the wires, so much of the conectaor of vicinity in case you removed it and the one of the
new screen with the wire that see in screen.
we try It hide a poquito and , we, will connect the screen in the port 4.
Important, since afterwards to the hour to program it will have to know where this.
And smart, already have installed our signpost of lights led in the mbot, but... And that do
with this ? well, I teach you a small proof, although the his is to go trasteando with all
the options and sensors that have to combine them and do things a lot but fun.
The first that we have to do is to open the program mBlocks.
If you do not have it, I leave you in the description the official link to install it.
it Is simple, no you preocupeis.
Once opened connect the usb that venia in the package to the computer and afterwards to ours
robot by the port that see in screen.
Despues in the program go us up, and select the port where has connected
our robot and already would be connected.
Now we go to do a small proof.
Ours intention is that while presionamos a key of the computer go out a text in
the screen and when presionemos another as it go out another.
When despresionamos the key as it will have to turn off the screen.
As you see, it is really simple.
In events look for the option presionar and see that it leaves us the opcion to put a key.
we drag It twice to have two options.
And afterwards we will put him in the options of robots as what want that it show.
Once done this will have to say him to the robot that when the key no pressures
(that is to say, that was freed) as that turn off.
So we do the same that before but putting the opcion to free the key and leaving the
text vacio.
we give Him to the banderita to command the new program to the robot and already it tendriamos.
As you see, while presionamos the keys assigned works perfectly, borrandose
the text in each moment that free each key.
Of course this is only a proof and the options that has this are a lot of, being able to
program quite a lot of games if you throw him imagination.
And at all, I expect that it have liked you this small improvement to our robot using one of the
sensors that us venia in the pack of the mbot plus and see us in a new video!
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