Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily game May 3 2017

Kids Games Play Fun Animal Pet Care - Kitty Meow Meow My Cute Cat - Educational Games For Kids.

For more infomation >> Kids Games Play Fun Animal Pet Care - Kitty Meow Meow My Cute Cat - Educational Games For Kids - Duration: 8:19.


🎮 Kids Games Monkey Preschool - Baby Learn Colors Shapes Numbers | Fun Educational Games for Kids - Duration: 12:30.

Kids Games Monkey Preschool - Baby Learn Colors Shapes Numbers | Fun Educational Games for Kids.

For more infomation >> 🎮 Kids Games Monkey Preschool - Baby Learn Colors Shapes Numbers | Fun Educational Games for Kids - Duration: 12:30.


Battlefield 4 / Multiplayer Gameplay - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> Battlefield 4 / Multiplayer Gameplay - Duration: 5:14.


Evolve Stage 2 - Meteor Goliath Gameplay - Duration: 16:07.

For more infomation >> Evolve Stage 2 - Meteor Goliath Gameplay - Duration: 16:07.


first gaming video - Duration: 8:04.


For more infomation >> first gaming video - Duration: 8:04.


Game Station 2.0: Trailer de El Sorprendente Hombre Araña (Sub. español) - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Game Station 2.0: Trailer de El Sorprendente Hombre Araña (Sub. español) - Duration: 5:11.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Affliction Warlock OWNING in Gilneas Battleground! - Duration: 11:31.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Affliction Warlock OWNING in Gilneas Battleground!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - Affliction Warlock OWNING in Gilneas Battleground! - Duration: 11:31.


Patlu and Ghasitaram Puzzle Game - Motu Patlu in Hindi Puzzle For Kids - Duration: 2:01.

Patlu and Ghasitaram Puzzle Game - Motu Patlu in Hindi Puzzle For Kids

For more infomation >> Patlu and Ghasitaram Puzzle Game - Motu Patlu in Hindi Puzzle For Kids - Duration: 2:01.



For more infomation >> TOP 10 ACTION ADVENTURE GAMES FOR PC - Duration: 3:28.


[DOWNLOAD] Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005) SAVE 100 CARS IN GAME - Duration: 2:48.

Download save the film from the description below

Download save the film from the description below, if you want to know how to upload a file, scroll to the 1:54 movie

Click on the link and then charge him with clouds, then simply paste it into the appropriate folder in the game's documents

For more infomation >> [DOWNLOAD] Need For Speed Most Wanted (2005) SAVE 100 CARS IN GAME - Duration: 2:48.


Server Stream! [Phenomena] - Duration: 37:37.

For more infomation >> Server Stream! [Phenomena] - Duration: 37:37.


Rainbow Six Siege l Ipro - Duration: 12:08.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Six Siege l Ipro - Duration: 12:08.


Love Is Like A Game Of Super Mario - Duration: 3:18.

Love is like a game of super mario

It can seem like a never-ending quest

Super Mario is the epitome of perseverance.

Through endless sequels, Mario has continued to pursue his love interest, only to find

that what he was looking for isn't actually there.

You see, your quest for love will also be a long, winding road, one full of dead-ends,

missed opportunities, and Bowsers (but we'll save that for later).

Your first love may not be your last love.

Mario pursues his love interest only to find out that at the end of his destination, his

love isn't there.

And just like Mario, we often find out that those we pursue aren't the ones that will

stay, so we move on to the next castle.

The lesson here is that we'll find "the one" eventually, but it most certainly may not

be the first person you chase after.

Get yourself a wing man

Games are always easier and way more fun when you have a friend.

A good wingman will always let you be player 1 and let you take the lead, hence why Mario

is always in the spotlight.

Take a quick second to notice that Mario is red and Luigi is green and just like a rose

Luigi holds Mario up and keeps him grounded and so does your wingman.

You'll always need more money

Almost everything you do requires money and romance is definitely not an exception.

Mario may give himself a headache while collecting all these coins to pursue his significant

other, but it's necessary when pursuing a love interest.

After gaining a certain amount of coins, you may gain a new life but, here's the important

part - the money is never the end goal.

Love definitely gives you a run for your money, but you don't need to be doctor or a lawyer

or any other sterotypical cash cow, in fact, Mario is a plumber.

You just need to earn enough to go after what really matters.


Sometimes you have to face your past to get to your future

In Super Mario, there are enemies you encounter named Boo.

Just like the ghosts you've left behind in your past, whether they be your exes or insecurities,

Boo will come creeping behind.

You can't get rid of Boo, you just have to move past it.

This is an important lesson to learn, you have to face your fears to move foward.

The Journey:

You jump through obstacles and sometimes you'll feel like a star.

Things may be moving fast and you'll feel invincible, but, like anything great in life,

it's usually short-lived.

Othertimes you'll fall down and hurt yourself along the way.

If you get close enough to your love interest, sometimes you may encounter yourself a Bowser,

or in this case someone who's really close with them and it can range anywhere between

their parents to their best friend.

They may often show signs of being a prick but just know that once you get past their

shell they're soft and caring on the inside.

You can lose some friends along the way.

(You never finish the stage with Yoshi)

You may even change yourself in the process.

(Power Ups change forms)

If you've played Super Mario enough, you know that there are places in the game where

you can skip entire levels or take secret passage ways to get to the end faster but

those victories are short lived.

Just like in Super Mario, you don't want to rush into the endgame.

You want to enjoy your time and figure out all that you can.

You don't want to rush into a relationship just to find out that they're not who you

pictured them to be.

If you want to feel more complete, take the longer route.

There may be some bumps here and there but, know that eventually you'll finally meet your

significant other and it'll be worth it.

For more infomation >> Love Is Like A Game Of Super Mario - Duration: 3:18.


Motu Patlu Funny Moment Puzzle Game - Motu Patlu in Hindi Puzzle For Kids - Duration: 2:01.

Motu Patlu Funny Moment Puzzle Game - Motu Patlu in Hindi Puzzle For Kids

For more infomation >> Motu Patlu Funny Moment Puzzle Game - Motu Patlu in Hindi Puzzle For Kids - Duration: 2:01.


RED BALL 4 CARTOON GAME RED BALL VS. EVIL BLACK SQUARE #11 - educational cartoons games - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> RED BALL 4 CARTOON GAME RED BALL VS. EVIL BLACK SQUARE #11 - educational cartoons games - Duration: 10:22.


Doraemon Wii Game #29 | Xêkô ,Doremon, Nobita, Chaien thi bắt doremon mini | Doremon Tiếng Việt 2017 - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Doraemon Wii Game #29 | Xêkô ,Doremon, Nobita, Chaien thi bắt doremon mini | Doremon Tiếng Việt 2017 - Duration: 10:03.


DEATH DODO BOSS Jurassic World The Game Ep 202 HD Gameplay Walkthrough - Duration: 21:50.

DEATH DODO BOSS Jurassic World The Game Ep 202 HD Gameplay Walkthrough

the game let's jump right in and start

some awesome battles first of all the

VIP only event 5 battles for a legendary

pack let's get going ok so I'm going to

start with the kicked an eco lágrimas

Pterodactylus and micro pursuers get

this battle on the road ok so he's not

going to kill me one bit so I'll put one

in reserve when you attacked twice

not even close he is defenseless though

so I'm going to go ahead and take him


so deck of three down Fang you're out so

Mindy agus horas deck 2 he is also

defenseless and also attack at two

should take him out and put one in to

deserve and Don ego isn't now I didn't

know that's quick battle left tree along

has got three the test trees down I go

he is good food too

I got five and then battle is over

battle number one is in the bag

that was a nice simple 150 DNA jump

right into battle number two I will use

the Ichthyostega soprano Titan and


okay so he's not going to kill me with

two hits so I will put one in - and I

should put one everywhere

he attacked twice defenseless

kakoton will take him down wanna reserve

Down Goes prior Troodon okay so we got

the word soros he's got two and he did

do anything so I'm just going to put

four and reserved and this bells pretty

much over the attack three cooked me

down left himself defenseless

oh I only

I had to to take another four and

reserved one block fancy down in this

battles over everything it's over

already three a block one down I go he's

got one left

and I only need two to take them down -

I've got eat good not my sweet friend

it's curtains for you

thirteen thousand damage and you are out

fifty DNA jump right back into battle

number three and I will use the die more

food on cool asaurus and spine a raptor

so he's not going to kill me in two hits

I put one in reserve I don't think any

of the other gutsy kill me one bit okay

he did not do now I'm gonna attack three

ah he was blocking he totally tricked me

ah good move my friend good move my


okay so this guy's defends me but I'm

not going to take him down to two I'm

gonna put two in reserve which might be

a bad move okay he attacked me who that

was kind of stupid so he's got one left

and down he goes deck at three one

because he's got one left two and

reserve BAM is down it does go for the

attacked four down I go he's defenseless

so attacking two should take him down

one to go for reserve and this battles

pretty much been edge only thing that's

gonna stop me if it dies my computer or

something does Oh didn't do anything I'm

just gonna attack eight with this guy

not even gonna need that then we were

put on he's lost three but he is out six

thousand damage and down again fifty DNA

battle three is in the bag let's go for

battle number four okay Pterodactylus

raja stager and adobe this wreck was who

for it that bit overkill on my part but

hey better overkill than underkill I say

I say I say okay sue Jack of two to take

him down he's got one left

dude down again they get Sara tops cut -

he attack - killed me but he is deep in

flu - good - up I'm gonna need all three

to take this guy back Donnie go okay so

one more guys to go get tech to let me

out he's got more laughs

let's just find I only need to to take

them down and this battle is over he

didn't try blocking it's like Oh No oh

snap it's the indominus rex I give up

50 DNA and on to battle number five in

the legendary pack okay oh sorry Fred

suka Smithson's thesaurus and the spigot

they're cops and who I am

he's not he's not going to kill me in

one hit I will put one into reserve

pumpin all guys not going to kill me

with one here okay no because biggest

Saratov I don't know that's the best

move because this carnivores are going

to wipe me out

now just as much damage as I could and

go down

defenseless TAC one to take them down

put want to reserve one block normally I

would put two in reserved bot use my

strongest amphibian I don't want to lose

him right off the bat

okay so I will bring the Christie

suitcase back attack a four-block - but

oh he's got five them are you serious oh

that's not good man

that is not good at all it's got four

left you know some of that he's gonna

walk with I'm blocking I'm going to do

block a 3-1 Reserve I think it's gonna

tackle all yep get that sick okay so

you'd want to take him down

and I'm going to block it more I think

the next guys gonna attack if he doesn't

then I'm in trouble he attacks four I'm


Oh you get it who's not good attack for

a block - he's down awesome

legendary pack is mine and I'm not

sharing with anybody 500 ok 5,000 da and

the t-rex awesome I like to get the

t-rex here X's are always handy to get

while we're here let's check out the

back you likes see these guys are all

that's going to be tough well definitely

not something I'm going to be doing

today I got another one of these

Cenozoic creatures I had one the Andrew

Sarkis I had another Andrew circus with

I was recording to show you guys and my

recording software messed up so let's go

ahead watch this guy feed another freaky

and check it out just snaps the bird

neck he's carrying it in his mouth so

anyways let's go ahead and evolve this

guy see what it looks like ok let's get

that guy up to level 20 the parents

didn't really change ok so off for now

I'm just gonna leave it at that if you

poke him he does get angry and growls at

you this is looking like an angry dog

okay well that's the only one I have of

those I'll go ahead and collect my free

pack every six hours you get a free

mystery pack so make sure you collect

that especially at the beginning at the

beginning it will help you a lot and

then I have these revenue towers which

you get when you beat later levels and

you can set it up to collect cash from 6

to 8 dinos at a time so that's cool food

production you always want at maximum

upgrade I can't upgrade the DNA yet

here I'm going to jump in and catch some

dinos let me see there they are

okay I do get a rare here so I'll put

him into the first one because legendary

the t-rex is still going to take

probably 2 days 2 days almost 3 days to

hatch ok and I am getting close to level

75 I'm not sure if that's still capped

you guys know if it's still capped at 75

let me know if it's not

not let me know that also I've gotten to

up to 25 or 30 for the carnivores sooo

that's good I don't want to buy any of

those ortho Kansas and not interested

ah let's check out the news nothing

really good here and then usually pretty

much the last thing I do is check out

the trader make sure there's not any

good trades I could make sometimes you

do get some really good trades like this

one's not bad mm oil tea points for mm

DNA I mean that's pretty good

I'm gonna keep my VIP op points for now

coins I don't need coins not trading

cash try not to trade your cash or your

food I ran into situations where I

regretted doing either of those and guy

that's it's going to be a shorter

episode today I mean that's pretty much

it ah so I appreciate you guys watching

if you did enjoy it please click like

the thumbs up button under the video and

drop me a comment love reading your

comments I do read all my comments I'll

get back to you as soon as possible

thanks for viewing and being also

click the boxes below for a lot more fun

videos and if you want to see even more

go ahead and click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> DEATH DODO BOSS Jurassic World The Game Ep 202 HD Gameplay Walkthrough - Duration: 21:50.





For more infomation >> WARRIORS vs UTAH JAZZ ROUND 2 GAME 1 FULL HIGHLIGHTS REACTION!! - Duration: 10:34.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - OMG That Affliction DPS is CRAZY! - Duration: 12:47.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2 - OMG That Affliction DPS is CRAZY!

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